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Blackpill Male Rape - The Real Rape Culture + 5 out of 6 men should not be in Prison



commanded to be joyful
Apr 19, 2023


Reynhard Sinaga is a serial rapist
who was convicted of 159 sex offenses, including 136 rapes of young men


A lonely voice cries in the cyber steppe. For you, the gecko shall rise once more. Our anonymous thread requester wanted me to warn all you sub4 twinks. There has been a slew of articles about ethnics raping young men [2]-[3]-[4]-[5]. I advise you to carry a hammer. This is not unusual behavior for ethnic migrants, sexual abuse of boys is common in the middle east. In Afghanistan for example, it is known as "Bacha bazi [6]." Another user and residential rape expert, @veryrare has also confirmed to me that in his area of the middle east, sexual abuse of men is a problem.

The rapist under the title of this thread escaped the dragnet of justice for two whole years, in which he sodomized 100s of men. Why was he not caught sooner? Could there be systemic biases against men in our justice system? In this thread, I will lay out that rape culture does in fact exist, but only for men. As usual, I will give some historical background, as that's just something I am into. Let's go.

Lets go boys

Men - The Real Victims of Rape Culture​

Women like to go on about how it was legally permissible in the past to rape women. However, actual research uncovers the opposite. In many countries, like Wales, England, and India, there were or are still no legal ramifications for sexually assaulting a man [7]-[8]-[9]. And in cases where some laws have been drawn up, these deliberately define rape only in the "penetrative" sense, meaning, only anal, vaginal and oral sex are counted as rape [10].

Naturally, this completely excludes female on male rape - "forced to penetrate" rape from statistics, which may explain why the data seems so skewed in favor of women, with 90% of the victims being female, and 90% of the perpetrators being male. By the legal definitions of rape in most countries, all women but only only gay men can be rape victims.

This constitutes a real example of rape culture - a systemic bias that excludes men from being recognized as rape victims. Further, thanks to heroic figure and lit-erotica cunnisseur @WorthlessSlavicShit, we are also privy to studies of the fact that women do in fact rape [11]-[12]-[13]-[14]-[15]-[16]-[17]. Despite these insane numbers, there is almost no research on female perpetrators of sexual assault [18]. But for men, this inverses and there is almost no research into male victims of sexual assault, or as this study puts it [19]:

It is estimated that the help and support for male victims is over 20 years behind that of female victims. Furthermore, male victims have fewer resources and greater stigma with female sexual assault victims. Approximately 20–25% of female sexual assault incidents are reportedly reported in the United Kingdom (UK)]. For instances of AMSV, it is anticipated that this statistic is far lower. Prior to 1994, the United Kingdom’s legal definition of rape was restricted to instances of forceful or unconsented vaginal penetration, thus excluding male victims . Instances of forced or unconsented anal penetration fell under the legal definition of “buggery”, which was punishable by a significantly lighter fine.

There is also research that talks of equal numbers of men and women being victimized statistically when it comes to sexual violence [20]. The fact that male victims of sexual assault are not taken serious by legal authorities is also known [21]. I will finish the section with this quote from this study from 2021 [22]:

Yet male rape is rarely reported and frequently minimized, as will be shown by the 2010 CDC National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey as well as other sources in this paper which will show that male rape happens about as often as female rape, and possibly exceeds it. Evidence also shows that 80% of those who rape men are women. Reconsidering stereotypes of the rape of men is an important part of rethinking masculinity. Among these stereotypes is the assumption that male rape is rare, as well as assumptions about the experience of male rape victims. The goal of this paper is to show that male rape is a prevalent problem and that the victims endure the same emotional and psychological after-effects as female rape victims.

The under-reporting of female crime and over-reporting of male crime mentioned in the above studies is nothing new. Even in the 1600s, England was called the "paradise of women" for it's lenient stance on female criminality [23]. Yet again, we are left wondering how women can claim that their gender faced systemic oppression in the past.

Many of us are of course familiar with the "slap on the wrist" attitude modern courts have for female sex offenders who abuse minors [24], or even women who stab people in the chest [25]. However, some of us may be surprised to learn that this is nothing new. Even in the early 20th century, a women could get away with battering her husband, even multiple times, and publicly brag about it [26], exactly like this 2024 case of a woman battering her husband with a baseball bat and "dodging jail [27]."

In another historic example from 1906, the woman in question beat her husband with a horsewhip twice and boasted about it publicly [28]. In-fact, the excesses granted to women by the law were so grievous, that contemporary MRA's rose up and wrote whole tracts on the problem, such as the book "The Legal Subjection of Men" by Belfort Bax from 1908 [29]. Modern research also lines up with contemporary accounts of male victims being discriminated against in 19th century England [30].

Lots has been written on the myth of historic patriarchy and female historic oppression, even on this forum [31]-[32]-[33]-[34]-[35]-[36]. If anyone is curious, I suggest checking out the "Additional Reading/Watching" section at the bottom of the thread, where I will mention some well sourced books, websites and YouTube channels. The Reasons for why scientists and the public ignores all these historic and contemporary evidences of female violence and sexual aggression has been tackled in other threads, replies and articles [37]-[38]-[39]-[40].

Now, I want to end this section on another example of historic male oppression. I already showed that men had, and still have no legal protection from rape by women. Historically, it was even worse. Until the early 1900s, men could be legally kidnapped and sold, even in the western world. In the 1700s, the British government used "impressment" to staff its boats [41]. Essentially, a gang of hired thugs would wander the streets and just kidnap able bodied men, and force them to serve on the notoriously hellish British navy vessels. Sexual assault was not uncommon on these ships, especially against young cabinboys. Even Admiral Nelson supposedly sodomized his cabin boy.

Worse than this though, was another practice called "shanghaiing" or "crimping" which was only gradually phased out, until it's eventual abolishment in 1915 [42]. Essentially, people made money by kidnapping huge numbers of men and selling them as sailors, sometimes 100 men at a time. How did they accomplish this? Guys, it was literally P.Diddy shit. Read this story of how an infamous "crimper" called James Kelly roofied 100 men and sold them into slavery [43]:

In the early 1870s, Kelly was reported to have shanghaied 100 men for three understaffed ships in a single evening. Renting the paddle steamer Goliath, he announced that he was hosting a free booze cruise to celebrate his "birthday", and to say "thank you" to his fellow crimps and runners who had helped him through the years. After leaving port, his bartenders served opium-laced whiskey to his guests, who were then offloaded to the waiting ships. His greatest concern – returning from a well-publicized event with a boat devoid of revelers – was alleviated by a stroke of luck, when he learned that the Yankee Blade had struck a rock and was sinking. After rescuing everyone on board, he simply resumed the celebration, and those on the waterfront were none the wiser upon his return.

Another infamous crimper was Joseph Kelly. The reason I bring him up is because it says this on his article [44]:

"By his own account, he Shanghaied about 2,000 men and women during his 15-year career, beginning in 1879...Kelly was never arrested for crimping because it was not illegal at the time."

Again, men could literally be legally kidnapped and sold into slavery until the early 20th century. Yet women have the audacity to claim they were the sole victim group back then. Anyway, moving on.​

5/6 Male UK Prisoners would be free if they were Women​

@lifefuel may be interested in this, he has talked about this before. Basically, in the UK, three times more men than women get sentenced. But there are 20 times more men in prison than women. Something does not add up. Even after trying to account for factors such as men on average committing more violent acts than women, the bias does not disappear. Worse even, it turns out that women are not even less violent than men when it comes to crime LOL. I quote from the post [45] :

I wonder how many people know that the most common reason for a woman to be arrested is for violence?
Or that, combining violence and sexual offences, the proportion of men and women arrested is essentially the same (34.4% and 34.9%, ref.2 Table 3.03).

As it turns out, a huge number of imprisoned men, according to the author five out of six, would not be captive if judged by the same standards as women.
Just think about this, 5 out of 6 men would not be in prison if they were treated like women [46]-[47]. That's wiggity wack.​


This thread could have been a whole book. However, books have already been written on this subject, it's just that nobody gives a fuck, for precisely the reasons these books outline. Nobody cares about men. There is a clear, verifiable bias against male victims of rape, crime, and domestic violence. This bias skews public perception of men and makes the male gender out to be the perpetual aggressor, and women the perpetual victim. Reality contradicts this. Anyway. If you have read so far, HURRAY! You made it! Below, you find all my sources listed in order of appearance, and after that, additional reading material if I piqued your interest in this topic.​


[1] Wikipedia Article on Reynhard Sinaga
[2] 18 year old polish male raped by refugee
[3] London Teenage boy raped by refugee
[4] Migrant rapes 10 year old boy in swimming pool
[5] Illegal Migrant accused of raping 10 year old boy in Mississippi

[6] Wikipedia Article on Bachi Bazi - Sexual Abuse of boys in the middle east
[7] Male rape: survivors, support and the law in late twentieth-century England and Wales
[8] These men say women raped them - but the law doesn't agree
[9] India - BNS excludes sexual offense against men
[10] Reddit thread pointing out biased definition of rape in government report

[11] Thread: "Insane female on male rape figures in European study"
[12] Thread: "Two studies Women frequently participate in gang rapes as perpetrators, and in the US, there's a gang rape done just by women every 3 days"
[13] Thread: "Approximately 17% of heterosexual women have sexually coerced a man sometime during their lifetime."
[14] Thread: "Official EU survey from 2014 33% - of non-partner physical assaults on women include other women as perpetrators"
[15] Thread: "26%-30% of heterosexual men, gays and lesbians have raped someone, while heterosexual women probably don't understand how much they rape"

[16] Thread: "1.6% (South) and 7.1% (East) of the women reported using physical force, the threat of physical force, or a weapon to obtain sexual contact with a man"
[17] Thread: "In a small study of 10th grade South African adolescents, 40 percent of boys reported receiving gifts or money for sex (Frank et al., 2008)"
[18] Thread: "There's so little research into female-perpetrated sexual assaults that we still aren't sure what traits predict it."
[19] Male Victims of Sexual Assault: A Review of the Literature
[20] The sexual victimization of men in America: new data challenge old assumptions

[21] The male victim of sexual assault
[22] On the Sexual Assault of Men
[23] Study mentioning how England in the 1700s was considered "The Paradise of Women"
[24] Court releases Female Schoolteacher without punishment after she had sex with a 16 year old
[25] Fakenham woman is spared jail after stabbing man in chest

[26] Wife Brags To Judge About Beating Her Husband For Fifth Time During Trial 1900
[27] Woman doges Jail after battering husband with baseball bat
[28] Woman Horsewhips Husband and Boasts About It Newspaper in Second Incident of Man Whippings 1906
[29] Belfort Bax - "The Legal Subjection of Men"
[30] "A Shocking State of Domestic Unhappiness": Male Victims of Female Violence and the Courts in Late Nineteenth Century Stafford

[31] Sewers thread infodump on myth of historical female oppression
[32] Myth of Historic Wife Beating - Husbands were punished for wife beating AND being beaten by their wife
[33] Women initially fought tooth and nail to leave the workforce, not join it
[34] Women initially opposed female rights
[35] Domestic Violence against women was never allowed

[36] More evidence domestic violence was taboo historically
[37] Anti-Male Research bias exposed
[38] Research Paper on how Misandry, not Misogyny is rampant in Academia
[39] Reply in one of my threads where I summed up data which suggests women have very strong in-group bias compared to men
[40] Wikipedia article on the "women are wonderful" effect, an observable, cross cultural positive bias for women

[41] Wikipedia article on impressment
[42] Wikipedia article on "shanghaiing," also called "crimping"
[43] Wikipedia article on James Kelly, the notorious "crimper"
[44] Wikipedia article on Joseph Kelly, another famous crimper
[45] 5 in 6 Men? A Response to Ally Fogg

[46] More on the anti-male crime-sentencing disparity
[47] Sex Bias in Criminal Justice

Additional Reading/Watching​

Books (click for download):

- William Collins - The Empathy Gap, Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect
- Martin van Creveld - The Privileged Sex
- Belfort Bax - The Legal Subjection of Men
- Helen Gavin, Theresa Porter - Female Aggression
- David Thomas - Not Guilty, The Case in the Defense of Men


- greenpill.net - Marriage as Economic Slavery
- greenpill.net - The Sex War
- greenpill.net - Patriarchy D'oh
- r/MensRights subreddit - A compilation of evidence debunking feminist historical revisionism.
- r/MensRights subreddit - Women do not attempt suicide more
- mrachivist.com
- Josef Swetnam and pamphlets from the time of the Jacobean antifeminist controversy

YouTube Channels:

- A Shield for Men
- R.P. Mentor Tokyo Channel

Interesting threads on this forum:

- compilation of threads that are not in must-read but valuable IMO
- thread on female on male domestic violence in "tradiational patriarchial societies" by @WorthlessSlavicShit
- Victimized employees are seen as bullies despite exemplary performance, actual bullies get a pass
- if you are into dumpster diving, this sewers thread of mine has interesting stuff about debunking traditionalism

Other threads and replies by me:

- Masculinity is an actual social construct and more
- Females are Psychopaths
- Men don't initiate contact with women, women initiate contact with men
- Why Blackpilling Normies Always Fails and how most Incels are not Blackpilled
- Normies view Victim as Bully - The truth about "Just Punch The Bully in the Face"

- Normies support pedophiles if they are good looking, a case example
- Normie Moral Relativism Example #21321321 - Worshiping Rotting Corpses is Fine if its your "Culture"
- People don't Care about Drama and their actions Prove it + Media Representation of Men
- Thoughts on Narcissism, Child Abuse and Female Power
- Compilation of @Atavistic Autist threads on fallacies in CBT theory


@Seahorsecel - rapes people that deny male rape
@WorthlessSlavicShit - rape commando
@Chudpreet - member of the upper 100 rapers
@Cybersex is our hope - based slayer of tradcons
@veryrare - shia rape expert - "if her age is on the clock, she is ready for the cock"

@Sergeant Kelly - "Dont thank me, thank rape."
@Stupid Clown - DoA Volleyball Gentleman
@SmhChan - his eyes have seen too much, but his dick is still hard
@yeetbender.belgrade - once there was a spinning thing, and monkeys hung out there, and they were well hung as well
@Izayacel - Reaction :dafuckfeels: Analysis :bigbrain: Verdict :smonk:

@VideoGameCoper - Sierra Leone child soldier posting from nokia phone
@reveries - the ultimate warrior minus diabetes and roids
@DarkStar - Benson, Arizona
@AustrianMogger - half man, half weeb
@lazy_gamer_423 - the brawn of the operation
Proof that all thugs are secretly gay
Dnr because nigger didn't tag me of all people:feelsUgh:
I'll read it later. Looks like a superb post as usual.
man i wanna say something funny but they gon ban me
Here before moved to must read
the only rape jokes that are allowed is if it includes boys and men, even in cartoons there is male rape jokes, from a young age we are told if we get raped is nothing for than a joke.

When i brought up this fact and said this should be talked about more, feminist and leftist said boys dont have feelings and could not get raped, big reason i started to hate the left and feminists.

perfect example off actual rape culture
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Absolutely insane that sexual assault on men isn't taken seriously, yet it's taken so seriously for women. I'd argue that if a straight man got raped by a gay man, that it's so much more damaging than if a female got raped by a man, since a man getting raped by a man is so unnatural and frankly absolutely disturbing and unimaginably traumatic.

Even sexual assault on men done by women should be taken as seriously as male sexual assault on women. I'm sick of society letting women get away with everything, while men get punished merely for existing.

I remember back in 9th grade, a perfect example of gynocentrism that will always be memorable to me. It was a half day in school, which means that I was supposed to bring all my books for all the classes out of my locker. I forgot it was a half day, and only brought my morning books. When I got to class, I asked the teacher if I could go get my stuff. He said yes, but to hurry up, and when I came back, and handed in the homework, he deducted 20 points because I was "unprepared" for class. I literally came back with my stuff in 3 minutes after I left to go get it.

I hated that despite me being a straight A student that never missed a thing, he had no sympathy. But, here is the real ragefuel part.

A while later, a girl made the EXACT SAME MISTAKE AS ME, but when she asked to go get it, he calmly told her to go get it and didn't rush her. In my head there, I was beginning to realize how different women and men are treated. She came back with it, and he gave her a 100% on it. She wasn't even nearly as good of a student as me, but was forgiven just for being female.

I've seen many other examples of shit like this since then, but it's just ridiculous to what extent this applies to all areas of life, not just some stupid homework assignment.
This is why incels (especially short ones) should gymmax. There's going to be more of this shit happening in the future and society doesn't give a fuck.
There have been guys who've grabbed my ass in school and when I told the teachers. None of them did shit. If it happened to a foid, police would be involved.
Great post, read every word. I would like to add on.

https://web.archive.org/web/20160323160542/http://malesurvivor.org/myths.html (Scroll down to get to da good stuff)

One notion is that males are less traumatized by the abuse experience than females are; this includes the belief that males are less negatively affected. Studies show that the long-term effects are damaging for either sex and males may especially be more damaged by social stigma and disbelief of their victimization. It is noted by Eogan and Richardson that male victims tend to feel more intense anger than female victims, while both go through similar feelings of distress after the rape. Frazier (1993) studied 74 male and 1,380 female rape victims. She found that the depression and hostility are more profound on male victims immediately post-rape than on female victims.
The suicide rate for sexually abused males is 14 to 15 times higher than for other males. McDonald and Tijerino found in their research that some participants state that there were occasions on which they felt so bad that they engaged in self-harming behaviors, including suicide attempts, and/or had suicidal thoughts. There is also a study that shows that rape victims are 4.1 times more likely to contemplate suicide and 13 times more likely to attempt suicide than non-crime victims.
Completely destroys the "Men enjoy rape and it doesn't affect them" notion.

Male victims received more ancillary injuries and were more likely to be threatened with a weapon by the perpetrator. The symptoms and injuries most frequently noted are tension headaches, ulcers, nausea, colitis, abrasions to the throat, black eyes and broken bones. The study by Stermac and colleagues (2004) noted that 45% of male victims who went to a hospital sexual assault centre had some type of physical injury (25% soft tissue, 20% lacerations)

JFL at tradcons who think having 20% more upper body mass somehow makes you impervious to all physical attacks and harm.

Imo, circumcision is male child rape as well. Its potential " Benefits" are all pseudoscientific. In the past, circumcision was the mark of a slave.

Here are some sources for my claims:
https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/ (Read their pamphlet on the bottom right, kinda hidden but it has good data)
“Medicalized” circumcision in the
U.S. started in 1870 as an anti-mas-
turbation punishment for teenagers
invented by doctors, and has yet to be
proven as an effective health measure.
There is no valid diagnosis, no conserva-
tive treatment plan, no histology, no
pathology, and no urgent need for ampu-
tation of healthy, nerve-dense tissue.
At best it is cosmetic; at worst it is
a mutilation, and never therapeutic
for a neonate. Not a single medical
society worldwide recommends
it – not the AMA, not the AAP,
not ACOG, not RACP, not the
BMA, not ACS.
Only the U.S. cir-
cumcises infants
routinely for non-
religious reasons.
Debunks the whole "Butt... What about hygiene? :feelstastyman: larp."
❛What about
a hygiene benefit?

If we circumcise 100,000 boys
we allegedly prevent 900 transient, cur-
able UTIs (0.9 percent – many possibly
iatrogenic; some even diagnostic) and
one penile cancer case, in an 80-year-old
(American Cancer Society statistics).
We have also caused between 1,000
complications (one percent, AAP stats) or
5,000 to 7,000 complications (five to seven
percent, British urology stats) including
hundreds of permanent, sexually crip-
pling, botched circumcisions and at least
one death. The STD studies are murky
and inconclusive and do not suggest pro-
phylaxis worth even the immediate risk,
let alone the lifetime losses.
❛He had congenital
phimosis & adhesions

A neonate’s foreskin is natu-
rally attached to the glans
by a synechia, the balano-pre-
putial lamina. That membrane
is there for good reasons and we
should respect it the way we re-
spect the female hymen.
It is not an adhesion, nor re-
dundant, nor a birth defect. Its
function is to protect the sensi-
tive glans during infancy and it
will naturally separate as the
infant matures. The glans is a
mucoid internal organ, like an
eyeball. It should stay moist
and protected.
Many babies also DIE from failed circumcisions,

Contrary to popular belief: circumcision DOES NOT prevent HIV!

I remember reading that FGM also has some *potential* health benefits, can't link to that though. The only reason why circumcision is not criminalized is because of systemic and widespread misandry, justified by pseudoscientific rubbish.

There have been guys who've grabbed my ass in school and when I told the teachers. None of them did shit. If it happened to a foid, police would be involved.
I can relate. I was grabbed and touched frequently by one teacher when I was still in school. He wouldn't dare to lay hands on a female student, not ever.
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Never thought about it much the other way around ( Male Rape Victims being more Common ) but makes sence since the only rape victims that are Talked about are Woman ( Man cant be victims yet again kek :feelskek: :feelsclown: )

No doubt that some Attractive and High IQ Woman will abuse the shit out of this flaw " and has consecutive / consistent Sex with Minors that is Unpunished
There have been guys who've grabbed my ass in school and when I told the teachers. None of them did shit. If it happened to a foid, police would be involved.
There have been guys who've grabbed my ass in school and when I told the teachers. None of them did shit. If it happened to a foid, police would be involved.
If you fought back, you'd be suspended

This is why incels (especially short ones) should gymmax. There's going to be more of this shit happening in the future and society doesn't give a fuck.
Why would this increase in the future?
Excellent post. Great wealth of information. I was supposed that Britain fully allowed men to be enslaved. Absolutely disgusting
@Fat Link
Please read and pin
Dnr because nigger didn't tag me of all people:feelsUgh:
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

THE KING IS HERE :feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:

the only rape jokes that are allowed is if it includes boys and men, even in cartoons there is male rape jokes, from a young age we are told if we get raped is nothing for than a joke.

When i brought up this fact and said this should be talked about more, feminist and leftist said boys dont have feelings and could not get raped, big reason i started to hate the left and feminists.

perfect example off actual rape culture
@smegma producer
Absolutely correct. There is also giga anti-male propaganda in media, but I didn't want to bloat this thread even more. I put some links to shit on how men are portrait as evil and deserving of punishment in media here:

Absolutely insane that sexual assault on men isn't taken seriously, yet it's taken so seriously for women. I'd argue that if a straight man got raped by a gay man, that it's so much more damaging than if a female got raped by a man, since a man getting raped by a man is so unnatural and frankly absolutely disturbing and unimaginably traumatic.

Even sexual assault on men done by women should be taken as seriously as male sexual assault on women. I'm sick of society letting women get away with everything, while men get punished merely for existing.

I remember back in 9th grade, a perfect example of gynocentrism that will always be memorable to me. It was a half day in school, which means that I was supposed to bring all my books for all the classes out of my locker. I forgot it was a half day, and only brought my morning books. When I got to class, I asked the teacher if I could go get my stuff. He said yes, but to hurry up, and when I came back, and handed in the homework, he deducted 20 points because I was "unprepared" for class. I literally came back with my stuff in 3 minutes after I left to go get it.

I hated that despite me being a straight A student that never missed a thing, he had no sympathy. But, here is the real ragefuel part.

A while later, a girl made the EXACT SAME MISTAKE AS ME, but when she asked to go get it, he calmly told her to go get it and didn't rush her. In my head there, I was beginning to realize how different women and men are treated. She came back with it, and he gave her a 100% on it. She wasn't even nearly as good of a student as me, but was forgiven just for being female.

I've seen many other examples of shit like this since then, but it's just ridiculous to what extent this applies to all areas of life, not just some stupid homework assignment.
Interesting, I made exactly the same experience. I gave a correct reply to a female teacher, she reprimanded me hard. Then she asks a girl, and the girl said exactly what I said verbatim. Then the teacher began praising her super hard lmao. The same teacher openly told me she deducted points and gave me a lower grade, because she didn't like how I spelled a street name in a fictional story we had to write.
There is also research on teachers downgrading boys on average, so this is no just anecdotal.


More often than not, your intuition is right. When you feel that people are hostile towards you, they probably are. Therapists would gaslight you, but I say, trust your instincts. I almost went schizo trying to explain away my bullying and how shit I was treated, by telling myself over and over it was just in my head, just my personality.

There have been guys who've grabbed my ass in school and when I told the teachers. None of them did shit. If it happened to a foid, police would be involved.
I've been kissed by drunk guys in public, like, I was sitting out on bench early in the morning. I was doing a first aid course for my drivers license, and two drunk dudes came down the road and one of them kissed me and fucked with my backpack. If I told to someone else they wold just say I am gay. Another time, in the homeless shelter, this literal faggot was following me into the basement to the washing machine and dryer. I only wore a towel. Thank God another dude from shelter staff was there.
That gay dudes laptop was in the local WiFi unlocked, I went in it with my phone and it was full of gay porn. Fml.

Very excellent post, I will definetly be using some of this info when I argue with foids online. Also thx for tag haha. I also have a few articles showing that men are fucked in court. I made a tiktok on it while i was arguing with a foid

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@kisslesskiller/video/7414315207641566494?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7395397974367094314

NICE! :chad::chad::chad::bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain:
Absolutely insane that sexual assault on men isn't taken seriously, yet it's taken so seriously for women. I'd argue that if a straight man got raped by a gay man, that it's so much more damaging than if a female got raped by a man, since a man getting raped by a man is so unnatural and frankly absolutely disturbing and unimaginably traumatic.

Even sexual assault on men done by women should be taken as seriously as male sexual assault on women. I'm sick of society letting women get away with everything, while men get punished merely for existing.

I remember back in 9th grade, a perfect example of gynocentrism that will always be memorable to me. It was a half day in school, which means that I was supposed to bring all my books for all the classes out of my locker. I forgot it was a half day, and only brought my morning books. When I got to class, I asked the teacher if I could go get my stuff. He said yes, but to hurry up, and when I came back, and handed in the homework, he deducted 20 points because I was "unprepared" for class. I literally came back with my stuff in 3 minutes after I left to go get it.

I hated that despite me being a straight A student that never missed a thing, he had no sympathy. But, here is the real ragefuel part.

A while later, a girl made the EXACT SAME MISTAKE AS ME, but when she asked to go get it, he calmly told her to go get it and didn't rush her. In my head there, I was beginning to realize how different women and men are treated. She came back with it, and he gave her a 100% on it. She wasn't even nearly as good of a student as me, but was forgiven just for being female.

I've seen many other examples of shit like this since then, but it's just ridiculous to what extent this applies to all areas of life, not just some stupid homework assignment.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have been in this situation so many times in school
Interesting, I made exactly the same experience. I gave a correct reply to a female teacher, she reprimanded me hard. Then she asks a girl, and the girl said exactly what I said verbatim. Then the teacher began praising her super hard lmao. The same teacher openly told me she deducted points and gave me a lower grade, because she didn't like how I spelled a street name in a fictional story we had to write.
There is also research on teachers downgrading boys on average, so this is no just anecdotal.

It's just wild how openly gynocentric it all is. And barely anyone ever questions it.
More often than not, your intuition is right. When you feel that people are hostile towards you, they probably are. Therapists would gaslight you, but I say, trust your instincts. I almost went schizo trying to explain away my bullying and how shit I was treated, by telling myself over and over it was just in my head, just my personality.
Truth. Same goes for approach anxiety when it comes to women. That's your own brain and intuition telling you that women don't like you, and trying to talk to them isn't worth it. If you were desired by women, you wouldn't feel any fear approaching them. This is why the "just approach a bunch of foids" theory is nonsense. There's a reason you feel like you shouldn't approach them, and likewise, there are reasons why you feel you are being bullied and ostracized.
I've been kissed by drunk guys in public, like, I was sitting out on bench early in the morning. I was doing a first aid course for my drivers license, and two drunk dudes came down the road and one of them kissed me and fucked with my backpack. If I told to someone else they wold just say I am gay. Another time, in the homeless shelter, this literal faggot was following me into the basement to the washing machine and dryer. I only wore a towel. Thank God another dude from shelter staff was there.
That gay dudes laptop was in the local WiFi unlocked, I went in it with my phone and it was full of gay porn. Fml.
That is messed up
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have been in this situation so many times in school
Brutal. It's rotten af when that shit happens.
Great post, read every word. I would like to add on.

https://web.archive.org/web/20160323160542/http://malesurvivor.org/myths.html (Scroll down to get to da good stuff)

Completely destroys the "Men enjoy rape and it doesn't affect them" notion.

JFL at tradcons who think having 20% more upper body mass somehow makes you impervious to all physical attacks and harm.

Imo, circumcision is male child rape as well. Its potential " Benefits" are all pseudoscientific. In the past, circumcision was the mark of a slave.

Here are some sources for my claims:
https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/ (Read their pamphlet on the bottom right, kinda hidden but it has good data)
Debunks the whole "Butt... What about hygiene? :feelstastyman: larp."

Many babies also DIE from failed circumcisions,

Contrary to popular belief: circumcision DOES NOT prevent HIV!

I remember reading that FGM also has some *potential* health benefits, can't link to that though. The only reason why circumcision is not criminalized is because of systemic and widespread misandry, justified by pseudoscientific rubbish.

I can relate. I was grabbed and touched frequently by one teacher when I was still in school. He wouldn't dare to lay hands on a female student, not ever.
Most informative reply in thread :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:
You're getting a special response from the gecko!

:feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere: most perturbatory

JFL at tradcons who think having 20% more upper body mass somehow makes you impervious to all physical attacks and harm.
:lul::lul::lul: Tradcopers are fucking insane man. Like me, @Cybersex is our hope and @WorthlessSlavicShit have been talking about this for a while, these dudes can't let go of their fucking "golden age of patriarchy" mythology among other things. They constantly flip flop between victimizing men and claiming men are these powerful demigods that women depend on.

I watched two CityCrusher videos this year, and he said these dudes would rather join the military and get shot at, then to speak out against women. And that women depending on men being seen as "proof" of some sort of natural dominance of men is retarded, since it's the men submitting to the women. For example in that famous survival show with the men and women on the island. The women literally trash the mans camp in frustration, throw their firewood in the ocean and eat all their food, without contributing shit. And the men just excuse this by saying women are just more emotional JFLLLL.

Imagine a group of men tried that shit on another group of men, shit on them, threw their shit in the ocean, ate all their shit, and the victimized men just took it up the ass and made excuses for the attacker. Nobody would call that "masculine."

Imo, circumcision is male child rape as well. Its potential " Benefits" are all pseudoscientific. In the past, circumcision was the mark of a slave.
:feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere: interesting. It's funny how they go on about female genital mutilation but ignore this. It is completely unncessary. They also get paid a ton of money for each circumcision. And I heard they use the skins in beauty products. Also, I heard that traditionally, only the trip of the skin would be cut, symbolically. Cutting the whole thing only became jewish practise in the years after Jesus ressurection. Apparently, jews tried to fit in with the local romans by stretching their foreskin out, and some jewish leader said they have to cut the whole thing off from now on, to prevent jews from mixing with romans idk.

Also female genital mutilation is mostly done by women, men in these countries don't even support it. It's basically older women taking revenge on young attractive girls out of spit. Which is exactly what the greenpill.net article "the sex war" describes - women are the moral police. Early suffragettes were the ones who policed women on the beaches for wearing skimpy clothes, raised the age of consent and enforced sharia law in Islam.

Women are also the biggest single anti-porn group, which is we are seeing all these crackdowns on NSFW content now - patreon banned it, gumroad banned it, artstation banned it, pornhub deleted 80% of content few years ago etc. Tradcopers will celebrate this, not realizing its an attack on men. Women are ok with porn, as long as women profit. That's why they flip flop between prostitution and porn being exploitation of women and being "sex work" or whatever - they always make up new words for shit they are trying to de-stigmatize because they realize it benefits them. "Cheating" = "Affair/Entanglement." "Whore" - "Sex worker/Escort/Companion."


I can relate. I was grabbed and touched frequently by one teacher when I was still in school. He wouldn't dare to lay hands on a female student, not ever.
I've been harrassed by a gay dude when I was homeless, and another time this dude fapped in public when I was in the toilet and watched me. He later followed me outside into the hallway and then walked away. Kekfuel that there are little help services here for men, but tons of services for women.
Anyway, your reply was superb, good shit man :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
Kek, I’ve been arguing with people for years now that statistically there are probably more men than women getting raped thanks to prisons alone, they always reacted like I'm telling them that the sky is green.

On top of that I think that if you excluded goofy child molestation cases such as “teenage broad willingly met with older guy through app and sucked him off for money” (many such cases as we’ve already discussed) and left only “guy forced himself on kid” then statistically the amount of boys that got raped would be way bigger than girls.

Additionally – WingsOfRedeption got a lot of shit when he said on stream that rape is a lot worse for men than for women but he was 100% right, you can straight up die if something ruptures your anus, it is WAY worse for men, and yet it is male rape that is treated like complete meme meanwhile I’ve seen people reacting to news about woman getting raped with more vitriol than news about mass killings, but I have to yet find someone who would explain to me how is getting forcibly fucked in pussy worse than getting killed or even beaten up.

Thought for the day:
~Rape is the the Emperors currency, spend it well~ Cobson Rapemane, Rapemarine of the Rape Talons
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Posting on a soon to be must read thread.:feelsahh:
Reminds me of the time a teacher got caught over grading the girl's papers. I didn't know either student, they just switched names on the papers. English teacher grades the girls highly and the boy's low. Then the revealed it in the middle of class, playing it off as an accident. You could see it all over his face, but there was nothing he could do since "it was an accident." Rumor was they kept doing that and collected evidence. He was transferred to another school eventually.
Reminds me of the time a teacher got caught over grading the girl's papers. I didn't know either student, they just switched names on the papers. English teacher grades the girls highly and the boy's low. Then the revealed it in the middle of class, playing it off as an accident. You could see it all over his face, but there was nothing he could do since "it was an accident." Rumor was they kept doing that and collected evidence. He was transferred to another school eventually.
There is research on that, and you can also find more in the book "the empathy gap" which you can download at bottom of my OG post. Teachers intentionally downgrade boys.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/91qfu8/middle_school_teachers_favor_girls_when_they/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/3pm1ov/teachers_give_higher_marks_to_girls_teachers_are/
There is research on that, and you can also find more in the book "the empathy gap" which you can download at bottom of my OG post. Teachers intentionally downgrade boys.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/91qfu8/middle_school_teachers_favor_girls_when_they/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/3pm1ov/teachers_give_higher_marks_to_girls_teachers_are/

Oh I know they do. That little story is one of the reasons why.

What I'm really amazed by is how brazen it is. Then, even when people know that shit and admit it, it doesn't change anything in how they approach women generally or girls in education (or boys for that matter). That momentum is unassailable.
Oh I know they do. That little story is one of the reasons why.

What I'm really amazed by is how brazen it is. Then, even when people know that shit and admit it, it doesn't change anything in how they approach women generally or girls in education (or boys for that matter). That momentum is unassailable.
At least in my experience, in college, it's openly accepted by EVERYONE.
I was sexually abused almost every other day in school by a bunch of disgusting fucks. They would grab my dick and everybody would laugh like it was some kind of a joke. Of course, there were other ways they also bullied me. My self-respect was literally in the gutter. I think that ordeal and the resulting effects contributed well to my current unhinged nature. It was really after blackpill, I went into the 'no-fucks-given' mode.
Why would this increase in the future?
Cause many cuntries are importing rapefugees who think that rape and assault is normal. At least in most western countries.
I was sexually abused almost every other day in school by a bunch of disgusting fucks. They would grab my dick and everybody would laugh like it was some kind of a joke. Of course, there were other ways they also bullied me. My self-respect was literally in the gutter. I think that ordeal and the resulting effects contributed well to my current unhinged nature. It was really after blackpill, I went into the 'no-fucks-given' mode.
:dafuckfeels: :dafuckfeels: :dafuckfeels: what the actual fuck, IT will never touch this. I've only had some close encounters when homeless, had to evade this pedophile, then this gay dude was coming onto me, and another time this guy fapped in public behind on train station toilet and watched me while I was washing my hands. Despite this shit, we will never be seen as victims. I cant imagine what this shit did to your mind. I only know how I mentally coped with all the shit that happened, and it feels impossible to snap out of it.
:dafuckfeels: :dafuckfeels: :dafuckfeels: what the actual fuck, IT will never touch this. I've only had some close encounters when homeless, had to evade this pedophile, then this gay dude was coming onto me, and another time this guy fapped in public behind on train station toilet and watched me while I was washing my hands. Despite this shit, we will never be seen as victims. I cant imagine what this shit did to your mind. I only know how I mentally coped with all the shit that happened, and it feels impossible to snap out of it.
I have had many horrible/creepy experiences with faggots. It made me homophobic.
Saved, will have to read every word later, a banger thread after banger thread coming recently from you boyo:feelsokman:.
And the men just excuse this by saying women are just more emotional JFLLLL.
Interestingly enough you don’t dare saying toilets are more emotionals to attack or blame them but don’t you dare attacking them without considering they are more emotional than men.

Westoid normgroid schizofrenia hits again
Never thought about it much the other way around ( Male Rape Victims being more Common ) but makes sence since the only rape victims that are Talked about are Woman ( Man cant be victims yet again kek :feelskek: :feelsclown: )

No doubt that some Attractive and High IQ Woman will abuse the shit out of this flaw " and has consecutive / consistent Sex with Minors that is Unpunished
@Chudpreet - member of the upper 100 rapers
'Preciate the tag :feelskek:

An eye-opening thread as always. I think the general apathy towards male victims shows that women's moralfagging about rape is totally performative and self-serving. This thread reminded me of something I wrote earlier on this forum, which I'll drop below:
I think in the minds of 1st world white women, rape rates are merely something they can use to both justify their persecution complex and guilt-trip men into bending over backwards for them (more than they already naturally do). Even with the current demographic situations in 1st world nations, most white women are still *relatively* safe, since most live in neighborhoods without many ethnics and are generally much better off than 3rd world women. A decrease in the rape rate would just give them one less thing to cry about, and that would be awful for them, considering how much women love complaining
Despite their seemingly robust gender-based in-group preference, I'm not entirely convinced women even care about female rape victims. They just see the increasing rape rates in Western nations or incidents of foids being raped as something to use as a political tool in order to get soyciety to bend to their will easier. Rather than suggest or fight for actual solutions to the rape rates (like curbing/stopping the inflow of third world migrants), they'd rather use the boogeyman of "rape culture" to try and stop men from having porn, hentai, sexy foids in video games, sex robots (even though they're far from being out yet:feelskek:), or to bitch about age-gap relationships between fully grown younger women and fully-grown older men, claiming that these are incidents of "grooming." Women's apathy towards boy rape victims just adds more fuel to this theory – the only time they're willing to call attention to the rape of boys is when it's church pastors doing it, since highlighting any other incidents would be completely useless for their agenda-pushing. Screeching about rape is simply another way for women to perpetuate the gynocracy.

5/6 Male UK Prisoners would be free if they were Women​

@lifefuel may be interested in this, he has talked about this before. Basically, in the UK, three times more men than women get sentenced. But there are 20 times more men in prison than women. Something does not add up. Even after trying to account for factors such as men on average committing more violent acts than women, the bias does not disappear. Worse even, it turns out that women are not even less violent than men when it comes to crime LOL. I quote from the post [45] :

I wonder how many people know that the most common reason for a woman to be arrested is for violence?
Or that, combining violence and sexual offences, the proportion of men and women arrested is essentially the same (34.4% and 34.9%, ref.2 Table 3.03).

As it turns out, a huge number of imprisoned men, according to the author five out of six, would not be captive if judged by the same standards as women.
Just think about this, 5 out of 6 men would not be in prison if they were treated like women [46]-[47]. That's wiggity wack.​
This part right here is just fucking insane to read. And to think that as I write this, the UK is working on shutting down women's prisons, because "women don't belong in jail." :lul:
Clown world at its finest
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another incel classic
This is why incels (especially short ones) should gymmax. There's going to be more of this shit happening in the future and society doesn't give a fuck.
It should because collapse is inevitable and any hairless spineless monkey who says otherwise is the most organic of them all, I am the cmb
what the actual fuck, IT will never touch this. I've only had some close encounters when homeless, had to evade this pedophile, then this gay dude was coming onto me, and another time this guy fapped in public behind on train station toilet and watched me while I was washing my hands. Despite this shit, we will never be seen as victims.
Yeah! Nobody takes it seriously and because of the social shaming, us victims start to talk about it less and less. At some point you are so emotionally withdrawn and disenchanted because of how much you have to fight for scraps every day, you ask yourself, what's the point, anymore?
I cant imagine what this shit did to your mind. I only know how I mentally coped with all the shit that happened, and it feels impossible to snap out of it.
Yeah! Fucked me up really bad. It had a slow but compounding effect. I was exposed to some of the biggest degenerates at such an early age. I just didn't understand these pieces of shits. They were huge hetero porn addicts yet acted like fags around me. Because of that, it didn't really surprise me when I learned what goes on in prison showers.

It's a big issue in Curryland. I think it's pretty bad in college hostels from what I have heard. Thankfully, I never had to stay in one.
Only chads get raped by woman
How that ugly twink philipino managed to rape 100 men? Mostly kids or teenagers I suppose.

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