commanded to be joyful
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- Apr 19, 2023
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I will describe each thread in short, then link it and add the user.
1. Past behavior is the best predictor of female behavior -> women do not "learn" from getting pumped and dumped. Or rather, they don't care about it:
by @Lv99_BixNood
2. Majority of Women admit to lying about major things to their partners in life.
by @Edmund_Kemper
3. Women prefer men that other women like. More evidence for women's much higher in-group bias. This trend for women to be hive-minded robots has come up in multiple studies now. Here is a link of a recent reply with all that data in one post: LINK
by @Edmund_Kemper
4. Trope of "Men go for looks, women for personality" debunked:
by @Deleted member 22977
5. Juggernaut Law Proven + Existence of Femcels nuked. This study was posted in multiple threads in the past. I will put them here, with other studies to complete the picture:
by @iamsubhuman
by @Edmund_Kemper
by @Balding Subhuman
by @Balding Subhuman
6. Alpha-Fucks/Beta-Bux (AF/BB) - Women go for more aggressive, low-inhib men in the short term and for more docile men in the long term. Confirmed by countless street interviews with drunk girls, tinder experiments and so on. This study is important because the usual support study for AF/BB is based on ovulation cycles, which has been critiqued before. This one is not based on that hypothesis:
Also covers what @WorthlessSlavicShit has made a thread about here: Women deliberately go for violent men.
by @ShiiOfTheSPLC
7. Unattractive people are less aware of their looks than attractive people. Massive implications.
Use your brain. This means that chads know female nature and lookism more than normies. Hence some research shows chads harbor more "misogynisitic" attitudes than incels. It also implies women are 100% aware of their power level. The reason IMO is fundamental attribution error -> human accept compliments but auto-reject negative shit about themselves. People tend to overrate themselves. So when you experience positive shit, compliments for looks etc, you remember it. This means good looking men and women as a whole know their power. This goes against the redpill claims that "women are like dat scorpion in da tale yo, iz juz' mamma nature yo" - this removes responsibility from women. They know what they are doing and this study proves it.
by @autisticghost
by @Gymcelled
8. Most rapists are Chads (intersting for @WorthlessSlavicShit). This compliments point 7 above: Chad's are more misogyinstic than non-chads:
by @Edmund_Kemper
by @TheIncelPill
9. Over half of all worldwide women have sexted, even in countries that are "traditional" with "high gender inequality:"
Please think on that. Go outside, half. Every second woman you see, no matter where you go on the planet.
by @Lv99_BixNood
10. More AF/BB fuel. Unattractive men are not even considered worthy of female attention, regardless of personaleeteeee:
by @Gymcelled
11. Women take out their frustrations with chad on subhumans. Been looking for this one for ages:
by @Gymcelled
12. Women do not play "coy" when men show interest. If a woman makes you wait, she does not like you or is fucking with you. If she likes you = she will give sex instantly:
There is also a study on the wiki that says that the bigger the looks gap between foid and man, the longer she will make him wait for sex.
by @Gymcelled
13. General lookism confirmation study for on the go: Humans are lookist no matter what, even outside of sex and relationships:
by @ThisLifeKillsMe
14. Women fuck around while traveling. Just a few weeks ago I saw a foid on a subreddit casually say she doesn't use tinder at home, but "weirdly" is ok with it while traveling. You are predictable and this study shows it:
by @autisticghost
Oh, I found it
(click on the image to be taken to the actual reply):

15. Women are Chadsexual. Sexual desire explodes with Chad and women are not "less sexual" than men. Just burned out af from being whores. Basically gooner brainrot but with IRL sex:
by @Livid
16. AF/BB again: Women can tell which men are for "short-term" fun and which for "long-term comittment:"
by @Neetocel
17. Women only care about cat-calling and public harassment when the man is ugly:
by @Edmund_Kemper
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
18. Tradcope nuked again - 80% of women in the 50s-60s were whores and fucked before marriage.
by @Iranianoldcel
19. 40% of Rusian women loose their virginity before 15:
by @MisterMeme
20. More evidence for female in-group bias. Women are homophobic, but only towards men. Almost every girl will tell you they had a "girl-crush" at some point. The male equivalent simply does not exist. All women have lesbian tendencies - three studies:
by @Edmund_Kemper
by @Edmund_Kemper
by @Meus
21. Chads are the ones with standards, not incels. Again, women project their bad experiences with Chads on subhuman men. Hence we are accused of standards. The study on that can be found under point 11 in this thread:
Tbh this one is already in must-read, but I want to create a full picture for people readin this top to bottom.
by @Edmund_Kemper
22. Factual Proof for the "Orbiters" phenomenon. Yes, there is literally data on men orbiting women that don't give a fuck about them:
by @Edmund_Kemper
23. Pedo-Pill wrecked again. Attractive teens tend to fuck older people. Like I demonstrated in my thread here, people don't care about pedophilia/hebephilia, as long as the guy is good looking or it is a woman. Given attractive women don't fuck down looks-wise, it stands to reason they fuck older chads while being JB's:
by @Edmund_Kemper
24. Autism is not mental, it is physical and visible in the face. Also google "autism co-morbidities," "autism thin slice judgements," and "autism low muscle tone, thyroid, heart disease, life expectancy" etc, you get my point. This shit is not mental. Also go on the blackpill wiki, there are studies showing this extends to schizophrenia, depression and biplor disorder. People can accurately identify them from faces:
by @MaxZM98
25. Confirmation of Mommy-Pill: Men don't give a fuck about their dad. Motherhood influences men more, men seek to recreate motherhood with partners as adults:
by @Zhou Chang-Xing
26. Women support Censorship more than men:
by @Stupid Clown
27. Women rape as much as men.. Everyone please thank @WorthlessSlavicShit for all these great threads on this topic. His findings indicate that like half of society "rapes" someone at some point, but apparently it's fine. Probably only an issue when the guy is ugly:
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
28. Prison is not bad for sex-offenders, all this shit about pedos getting raped in prison is just a normie gore-fetish about killing ugly men. Please recall, normies are OK with pedos as long as they are female or good looking:
by @Shaktiman
29. Looks has a massive impact on how other MEN treat you:
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
30. More Proof that Pedo-Hunters, crime videos/channels, fantasies about what happens to pedos in prison and all that shit is just an from the sadistic pleasure people get from seeing subhuman men hurt:
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
I will end this at 30 threads and studies here, I am exhausted. There are many studies and good threads still burried on this forum. I encourage everyone to dig through old threads starting from 2017 onward. Great stuff.
I also made this thread for myself, because I remembered some of these threads from the past, but could not pull them up on command. Now they are all here, ready to be called upon.
1. Past behavior is the best predictor of female behavior -> women do not "learn" from getting pumped and dumped. Or rather, they don't care about it:
by @Lv99_BixNood

Study proves that once a whore always a whore
Experiencing sexual regret doesn't appear to result in less regrettable behavior in the future (psypost.org) In line with previous research, the results showed that women regretted having had casual sex significantly more than men did, while men regretted having missed opportunities for casual...

2. Majority of Women admit to lying about major things to their partners in life.
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] 96% of women have lied to their husband/boyfriend and 83% said they told big life changing lies

3. Women prefer men that other women like. More evidence for women's much higher in-group bias. This trend for women to be hive-minded robots has come up in multiple studies now. Here is a link of a recent reply with all that data in one post: LINK
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] Women are attracted to men who attract other women
https://www.businessinsider.com/women-are-more-attracted-to-men-when-other-women-like-them-2018-1 And yet women whine about other women hitting on their boyfriends or whine about being cheated on. Women are so damn primitive

4. Trope of "Men go for looks, women for personality" debunked:
by @Deleted member 22977

Men Aren't 'More Visual' Or More Easily Turned On Than Women Are, Study Finds
The bluepilled cope of foids being less visual and therefore, choosing men based on personality over looks is false. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.mindbodygreen.com/articles/men-not-more-visual-or-easily-aroused-than-women-research-shows The paper, just published in the Proceedings of the...

5. Juggernaut Law Proven + Existence of Femcels nuked. This study was posted in multiple threads in the past. I will put them here, with other studies to complete the picture:
by @iamsubhuman

Femcels do not exist, study proves it.
I'm not a highIQcel so I'll just post the study and you guys can read about it. How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? "For men, the results show that being unattractive decreases the likelihood of finding a partner, of finding a partner with a university degree, and...

[MULTIPLE STUDIES] Juggernaut law confirmed. Ugly women are more likely to be married and have more sex partners.
A study here shows that very unattractive women are more likely to be married by age 29 than unattractive or average women. Also, another study shows unattractive men were less likely to find a marriage partner than other men whereas this wasn't the case for unattractive women. In the study...

Unattractive women more likely to be married
The existence of femcels once again debunked (water wet) The analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) shows that very unattractive women were significantly more likely to be married at Age 29 than unattractive or average-looking women, and their spouses or...

Study says that women's looks don't matter when it comes to dating
https://reis.cis.es//REIS/PDF/REIS_159_07_ENGLISH1499424514902.pdf Even studies refute the existence of femcels. "Among women, physical attractiveness did not matter when it came to mating (Table 4). There were no statistically significant differences between them in terms of their...

6. Alpha-Fucks/Beta-Bux (AF/BB) - Women go for more aggressive, low-inhib men in the short term and for more docile men in the long term. Confirmed by countless street interviews with drunk girls, tinder experiments and so on. This study is important because the usual support study for AF/BB is based on ovulation cycles, which has been critiqued before. This one is not based on that hypothesis:
Also covers what @WorthlessSlavicShit has made a thread about here: Women deliberately go for violent men.
by @ShiiOfTheSPLC

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-019-0262-5#Sec12 It's hilarious because the results of this study are unequivocal proof of the dark triad pill so the :foidSoy: researchers have to cope mentally by mentioning in every other paragraph that the reason women are attracted to dark triad men...

7. Unattractive people are less aware of their looks than attractive people. Massive implications.
Use your brain. This means that chads know female nature and lookism more than normies. Hence some research shows chads harbor more "misogynisitic" attitudes than incels. It also implies women are 100% aware of their power level. The reason IMO is fundamental attribution error -> human accept compliments but auto-reject negative shit about themselves. People tend to overrate themselves. So when you experience positive shit, compliments for looks etc, you remember it. This means good looking men and women as a whole know their power. This goes against the redpill claims that "women are like dat scorpion in da tale yo, iz juz' mamma nature yo" - this removes responsibility from women. They know what they are doing and this study proves it.
by @autisticghost

vantablackpill study- "Unattractive people are unaware of their (un)attractiveness"
" Past research has shown that how people rate their physical attractiveness is only moderately correlated with how they are rated by others, suggesting that at least some people have little insight into their true level of attractiveness. The present research tests the hypothesis that...

[STUDY] Unattractive people are delusional and attractive people are more critical of attractiveness
A nice blackpill combo on the importance of looks is available in the introduction of the study, what a great way to start The physical attractiveness1 of a person has important implications for how this person is treated by others. Attractive people are more likely to receive help (Benson...

8. Most rapists are Chads (intersting for @WorthlessSlavicShit). This compliments point 7 above: Chad's are more misogyinstic than non-chads:
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] Most violence, misogyny, and hostility toward women is done by chads, NOT virgins. Yet virgins and sub5 men are blamed for it all.
Women are raped, or victims of domestic violence, and some men are misogynistic or are angry toward women. Bluepilled cucks think that most men who hate women are virgins who can't get laid and believe that chads/chick magnets respect women. Nope. Not at all. Very opposite actually. And many...

Contrary to popular belief, it is the sexually busy chads, not the sexually desperate and frustrated incels, who have the most misogynistic worldview.
View: https://twitter.com/DegenRolf/status/1705145323499229319 I like to consider us as "Failed Chads".

9. Over half of all worldwide women have sexted, even in countries that are "traditional" with "high gender inequality:"
Please think on that. Go outside, half. Every second woman you see, no matter where you go on the planet.
by @Lv99_BixNood

Study exposing majority of women in the world are whores
https://phys.org/news/2020-09-majority-women-sext-dating-apps.html Over half of all women (57.7 percent) reported having received or sent sexting messages, and this was consistent across all geographic areas. Researchers were surprised to learn that women in countries with higher gender...

10. More AF/BB fuel. Unattractive men are not even considered worthy of female attention, regardless of personaleeteeee:
by @Gymcelled

Study: Unattractive men are not "dating material" regardless of how great their personality is
Bluepillers can fuck off, there's no personality in the world that can make up for being unattractive. :blackpill: "Researchers at Eastern Connecticut State University looked at the mate preferences of 80 young women, aged 15 to 29, while also having 61 of their mothers weigh in. The...

11. Women take out their frustrations with chad on subhumans. Been looking for this one for ages:
by @Gymcelled

[STUDY] Women become more hateful towards unattractive men after having been rejected by Chad
There is this pic on @FACEandLMS stream right now. It's really brutal but it isn't just a random occurrence, it's a well known phenomenon tl;dr Chad fucks her, treats her like garbage (dumped) and she takes out her anger on a random low tier normie who did nothing wrong. This behavior has...

12. Women do not play "coy" when men show interest. If a woman makes you wait, she does not like you or is fucking with you. If she likes you = she will give sex instantly:
There is also a study on the wiki that says that the bigger the looks gap between foid and man, the longer she will make him wait for sex.
by @Gymcelled

Study debunks women playing "hard to get"
Redpill copers BTFO Sexual signaling is subject to manipulation, and miscommunication may occur because of biased interpretations of signals, or because of strategical downplaying of sexual interest (playing hard-to-get). [...] Results show no indication of women playing hard-to-get, or of...

13. General lookism confirmation study for on the go: Humans are lookist no matter what, even outside of sex and relationships:
by @ThisLifeKillsMe

☢️ Quote from study
The effects of facial attractiveness are robust and pandemic, extending beyond initial impressions of strangers to actual interactions with those whom people know and observe. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is strong agreement both within and across cultures about who is and who is not...

14. Women fuck around while traveling. Just a few weeks ago I saw a foid on a subreddit casually say she doesn't use tinder at home, but "weirdly" is ok with it while traveling. You are predictable and this study shows it:
by @autisticghost

Study: Women more likely to experiment, take sexual risks while traveling
The "I like to travel, teeheee", like many memes, is based in reality and cold hard fact. There's a reason why so many young, and even married, women love to 'travel" so much without their betabuxx cucks. They enjoy "girls' trips" becasue they can engage in infidelity and experiment with men...

Oh, I found it
15. Women are Chadsexual. Sexual desire explodes with Chad and women are not "less sexual" than men. Just burned out af from being whores. Basically gooner brainrot but with IRL sex:
by @Livid

Women are far more horny than men w/ Chad Partners, while prudes with low smv partners, Study confirms.
This study delves into the plasticity of female sexual desire. Basically the stereotype that women have a milder sex drive is only because most women have ugly low SMV partners. When a female has a high SMV/psl partner, all of a sudden her sex drive goes to hyper levels, often initiating and...

16. AF/BB again: Women can tell which men are for "short-term" fun and which for "long-term comittment:"
by @Neetocel

Women can predict a man’s interest in short-term uncommitted relationships just by looking at his face. Claims study.
https://www.psypost.org/2021/07/women-can-predict-a-mans-interest-in-short-term-uncommitted-relationships-just-by-looking-at-his-face-61444 Yet another ability added to the impressive female personality detector. Now you know guys, it is not that you are ugly, the personality detector just...

17. Women only care about cat-calling and public harassment when the man is ugly:
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] Women’s negative perception of catcalling has more to do with age gaps (agecuckoldry) than the catcalling itself.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225564287_Context_Effects_on_Women%27s_Perceptions_of_Stranger_Harassment This study shows that attractive harassers and young adult harassers are less scary and more enjoyable compared to unattractive harassers and 40+ year old adult harassers...

Study shows just how much women prefer being harassed by attractive young men.
I already posted this in other threads a few times, but this honestly deserves its own thread. View: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/csx7bi/results_mirror_the_sexual_harassment_literature/ Jfl at the sheer difference between fear and enjoyment percentages attractive...

18. Tradcope nuked again - 80% of women in the 50s-60s were whores and fucked before marriage.
by @Iranianoldcel

"Women were more innocent back in the 60's" . Study proves copers wrong
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1802108/ Data from the 2002 survey indicate that by age 20, 77% of respondents had had sex, 75% had had premarital sex, and 12% had married; by age 44, 95% of respondents (94% of women, 96% of men, and 97% of those who had ever had sex) had had...

19. 40% of Rusian women loose their virginity before 15:
by @MisterMeme

https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/05/27/40-percent-of-russian-girls-lose-virginity-before-reaching-age-of-consent-a35849 40 procent of russian woman lose their virginity before they are 15 and to make it even worse this statistic comes from 2014 Imagine how bad it's gotten now. And yet there...

20. More evidence for female in-group bias. Women are homophobic, but only towards men. Almost every girl will tell you they had a "girl-crush" at some point. The male equivalent simply does not exist. All women have lesbian tendencies - three studies:
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] Women have more homophobic dating preferences than men. But feminazis complain about men who watch lesbian porn without harassing lesbians
DISCLAIMER: THIS NOT ME CLAIMING TO BE ATTRACTED TO MEN DON'T CALL KNAJJD In one survey of 1,015 women ages 18-44 from Glamour, it found that 63% said they won't date a man who has had sex with another man, even if he is straight/bicurious or bisexual. Hypocritically, 47% of the women say...

[STUDY] Women are more physically attractive than men. Women find women better looking than men and LESS LIKELY THAN MEN to find men good-looking
It's true: women are more conventionally attractive than men. Stacies are far more common than chads. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/201101/women-are-more-beautiful-men https://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-07-29/evolution-makes-women-more-attractive/1371676...

No woman 'totally straight', study says
Gay women tend to be exclusively sexually attracted to women, while straight women are more likely to be aroused by both sexes, a study says. Researchers asked 345 women about their sexual preferences and compared these with their arousal levels when shown videos of attractive men and women...

21. Chads are the ones with standards, not incels. Again, women project their bad experiences with Chads on subhuman men. Hence we are accused of standards. The study on that can be found under point 11 in this thread:
Tbh this one is already in must-read, but I want to create a full picture for people readin this top to bottom.
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] Inexperienced men have lower standards than experienced men
You know how bluepilled cuckfags tell involuntary celibates to lower their standards and stop chasing women out of their league? Well, it turns out, that inexperienced men don't typically do that. they have lower physical standards. Link to study here. 110 volunteers with 47 male and 63 female...

22. Factual Proof for the "Orbiters" phenomenon. Yes, there is literally data on men orbiting women that don't give a fuck about them:
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] Orbiterpill: yes orbiters exist
Yes orbiters exist study shows: STUDY 1 finds that in opposite gender friendships, men are more likely than women to be attracted to the friend of the opposite gender and men are more likely to overestimate how romantically interested their opposite gender friend is in them. Read more below...

23. Pedo-Pill wrecked again. Attractive teens tend to fuck older people. Like I demonstrated in my thread here, people don't care about pedophilia/hebephilia, as long as the guy is good looking or it is a woman. Given attractive women don't fuck down looks-wise, it stands to reason they fuck older chads while being JB's:
by @Edmund_Kemper

[STUDY] Attractive teen guys/girls more likely to have sexual contact with people 5+ years older as a teen (and more likely to be robbed/assaulted)
https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2019.101652 Study shows that physically attractive teenage guys and teenage girls are more likely to be robbed and assaulted and are more likely to experience sexual contact with someone at least 5 years older during their teen years...

24. Autism is not mental, it is physical and visible in the face. Also google "autism co-morbidities," "autism thin slice judgements," and "autism low muscle tone, thyroid, heart disease, life expectancy" etc, you get my point. This shit is not mental. Also go on the blackpill wiki, there are studies showing this extends to schizophrenia, depression and biplor disorder. People can accurately identify them from faces:
by @MaxZM98

[STUDY] Autism makes you ugly.
as incels.is surveys have shown, autism is overrepresented in our community compared to the general population. anti-blackpillers might look at this and say “see? this is proof that it’s incels personality and their looks that makes them incel”. WRONG!! actually, it proves us right about...

25. Confirmation of Mommy-Pill: Men don't give a fuck about their dad. Motherhood influences men more, men seek to recreate motherhood with partners as adults:
by @Zhou Chang-Xing

Harvard cohort study reveals that relationships are the only thing that matter to men
After reading this article at the Men's Rights website WokeFather : https://www.wokefather.com/body/what-makes-men-happy-its-not-intelligence-success-or-money/ I followed the source ...

26. Women support Censorship more than men:
by @Stupid Clown

Study shows women support more censorship
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-antisocial-psychologist/202104/the-gender-gap-in-censorship-support In a 2019 study, 59% of women said protecting free speech was less important than promoting an inclusive society, while 71% of men felt opposite. Basically they ran a study and 59...

27. Women rape as much as men.. Everyone please thank @WorthlessSlavicShit for all these great threads on this topic. His findings indicate that like half of society "rapes" someone at some point, but apparently it's fine. Probably only an issue when the guy is ugly:
by @WorthlessSlavicShit

The most brutal rape study just dropped, Chads pretty much have mind control powers and women are the ones using physical force to rape
Title:feelsjuice:. Remember the two studies on rape tactics I've talked about a few times here, which show that the most common sexual coercion/rape tactics are seduction and emotional manipulation, and that it is those tactics that men are much more likely to use than women, while both genders...

[Two studies] Women frequently participate in gang rapes as perpetrators, and in the US, there's a gang rape done just by women every 3 days
This is something I've discovered some time ago, at first seeing it as just another random study I found before realizing just how crazy it actually was, and now, with the kind of stuff talked about on the internet: View: https://twitter.com/Cooperstreaming/status/1786682681197216119#m...

26%-30% of heterosexual men, gays and lesbians have raped someone, while heterosexual women probably don't understand how much they rape
So, this is something that I just discovered. (And no wonder, it was published just ten days ago.) You guys remember that metastudy/overview I've posted a few times, which looked at various studies of female-perpetrated sexual coercion/rape and found that, on average, 17% of heterosexual women...

Insane female-on-male rape figures in a European study
Jfl. Check this shit out brocels, because feminists and bluepillers sure as fuck won't. In this 2013 study, the researchers looked at the self-reported sexual offending and victimization of male and female students in 10 (well, 9 really, for some reason no women participated in the Austrian...

28. Prison is not bad for sex-offenders, all this shit about pedos getting raped in prison is just a normie gore-fetish about killing ugly men. Please recall, normies are OK with pedos as long as they are female or good looking:
by @Shaktiman

Do sex offenders and child molesters get beat up, raped or even killed in prison? The actual truth about sex offenders/child molesters in prison.
https://thingstotellmankind.blogspot.com/2020/10/do-sex-offenders-and-child-molesters.html Do sex offenders and child molesters get beat up, raped or even killed in prison? The actual truth about sex offenders/child molesters in prison. It's not always what you might think it is. In prison...

29. Looks has a massive impact on how other MEN treat you:
by @WorthlessSlavicShit

"Physical attractiveness alone predicted nearly two-thirds of the variance in how generously men were treated by other men."
Water, but still brutal. Basically, those guys thought that this article placed far too much emphasis on mating when talking about lookism and pretty privilege, so they commented on it with their own article pointing out just how much of an advantage lookism is even outside of just mating. It...

30. More Proof that Pedo-Hunters, crime videos/channels, fantasies about what happens to pedos in prison and all that shit is just an from the sadistic pleasure people get from seeing subhuman men hurt:
by @WorthlessSlavicShit
I will end this at 30 threads and studies here, I am exhausted. There are many studies and good threads still burried on this forum. I encourage everyone to dig through old threads starting from 2017 onward. Great stuff.
I also made this thread for myself, because I remembered some of these threads from the past, but could not pull them up on command. Now they are all here, ready to be called upon.
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