commanded to be joyful
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View: https://youtu.be/WQpC_5Ha7Ng
PDF from video is attached here:
TLDR - women know their privileges and power. Voting rights for women seemed to take that power from them, and make them equal to men (slaves).
So women actually fought to NOT get rights for a long time, and it was men that forced rights on women.
I wish I was joking.
Other information showing that women were never kept from working or having power:
From another paper, investigating female business-ownership in the 1800s:
Women could also vote long before what they tell us:
The next thing is that men have complained about the law favoring women for centuries. Long before "modern feminism."
See for example this whole book here from the 1800s:
Even in the 1930s women were responsible for 80% of customer spending:
View: https://www.scribd.com/document/229918209/86-of-Women-Felt-They-Already-Had-the-Right-to-Live-as-They-Pleased-in-1970-and-Did-Not-Support-the-Feminist-Movement
One of the first lawcodes ever included alimony/spousal support payments from husband to wife in case of divorce:
This is just the tip of the iceberg of course. The point is, human nature has never changed. People worshiped women at any time in history, they were never oppressed. Women are neotenous, so are children and other things humans instinctively protect and worship. Puppies, art, kittens and even fluffy clouds - they all have neotenous features.
Logically it follows that if neoteny is the criteria by which humans engage in these looks-biases, then there is no reason to believe these biases did not exist in the past.
People always treated women with privileges. The proof is always in the pudding. For instance, take a culture like the Aztecs that scarified children. The fact alone that they considered children to be a "higher quality sacrifice" shows you they were biased towards neoteny.
We also have quotes from ancient times, speaking of marital trouble. Like that famous one by the greek Hipponax, who wrote that a mans two best days are when he fuggs his wife on the wedding night and the day he buries her. This is cultural information coming from one of the most "misogynistic" cultures ever, according to historians. If they viewed women as disposable trash, how come they had marital trouble? This does not even make sense.
This is an endless topic and I am not about to make another 10000 word thread on this. Do you own research, I have given enough sources for you to start.
Before I end my thread, I will throw another bomb at tradcopers though:
- Islam only became anti-gay in the last 100 years after contact with the west.
- Islam before 1900s was fine with pedophilia and gay sex, so much so they made countless illustrations of men fucking each other.
I will not include pics, but you can easily find it online, under shit like "ottoman empire gay illustrations."
- In Islam the wife can work, earn her own money and keep it. Don't take it from me, listen to them say it:
View: https://youtu.be/JQaQo0du5h0
Humanity is martriarchial. We have an instinct to protect children so we keep reproducing.
We recognize kids by certian physical features which can be summed up under the term "neoteny."
Women, puppies, babies, kittens, anime characters etc share these features.
Hence they are regarded fondly.
I recently realized that it's not just walking around with a woman that makes you seem more trustworthy to strangers,
heck, even a puppy or kitten will do it.
Sometimes you even hear fathers talk about how they take their baby children out, because it attracts women.
So why would this be different in the past, or in another culture? Do humans not value their children in other cultures?
Does "the species" not prioritze it's own "survival" above all?
Again, if it is literally the human survival instinct that is tied to neoteny...
and neoteny is the cause of female worship, then why would it be different anywhere?
It is the strongest instinct there this.
Killing a neotenous creature is like comitting genocide on instinctual level to people.
Imagine the most valuable thing you have. Kill switch that instantly explodes your head, if you want.
You would tripple lock and seal that shit in 2 safes inside each other and then burry them 900km under the south pole.
That's what humans do with women.
This is why they can't fail. Humanity will not let them, because it mistakingly sees them as children, the key to the future, because women share traits with children.
And women deliberately enhance this bias by acting and looking more neotenous - make up, acting retarded and cute etc.
Do you see how it all connects? Look at my thread in must-read, "masculinity is a social construct" - Women are the only gender that deliberately undergoes huge pains to look more neotenous, while actively forcing the other gender to look less neotenous (scars on men, muscles, fighting).
Masculinity is down stream form female wants. Male behavior is based on female behavior:
As always, this is all merely descriptive information. I am merely shining a light on stuff. How you deal with it, the prescriptive part, is up to you.
That's all.
Have a Good Day.
@WorthlessSlavicShit (informationcel)
@Cybersex is our hope (sexes me XD)
@pisswolf (funny name kek)
@NearEnd (here you go, I made another post)
@reveries (slav commando)
View: https://youtu.be/WQpC_5Ha7Ng
PDF from video is attached here:

9.72 MB file on MEGA
TLDR - women know their privileges and power. Voting rights for women seemed to take that power from them, and make them equal to men (slaves).
So women actually fought to NOT get rights for a long time, and it was men that forced rights on women.
I wish I was joking.
Other information showing that women were never kept from working or having power:
- From the 13th to the 17th Century most brewers were women, a survey in 1228 found 80% of brewers in towns were female [75].
- The norm of most women working lasted until the industrial era. A study of 1,350 working-class households from early 19th Century Britain suggests that the husbands’ proportion of family earning was as low as 55 percent.
- Between 1787 to 1815 in families with unemployed children (!) wives earned 41 percent of household income. [28]
- In this same period 66% of married women had a recorded occupation. [29]
- In 1833 Britain, women made up 57% – the majority – of factory workers. [30] [31]
Marriage as economic slavery – GreenPill.net

- Extract from David Thomas' book, "Not Guilty - The Case in Defense of Men""The desire to free oneself from work was common to all classes and both sexes. Dr Joanna Bourke of Birkbeck College, London, has studied the diaries of 5,000 women who lived between 1860 and 1930.
During that period, the proportion of women in paid employment dropped from 75 per cent to 10 per cent. This was regarded as a huge step forward for womankind, an opinion shared by the women whose writings Dr Bourke researched.
Freed from mills and factories, they created a new power base for themselves at home. This was, claims Dr Bourke, "a deliberate choice. . . and a choice that gave great pleasure."" --
From another paper, investigating female business-ownership in the 1800s:
The comprehensive information provided in the trade directories allows the creation of an extensive database gathering data on over 30,000 female-owned businesses in the two industrialized cities,
Women could also vote long before what they tell us:

Women voted 75 years before they were legally allowed to in 1918
A new document has surfaced which shows British women, of all classes, voting in 1843, some 75 years before they received the parliamentary franchise in 1918. History professor, Sarah Richardson, explains what this discovery means and how it was possible.

The next thing is that men have complained about the law favoring women for centuries. Long before "modern feminism."
See for example this whole book here from the 1800s:
The Legal Subjection of Men - Wikisource, the free online library
Even in the 1930s women were responsible for 80% of customer spending:

Research Guides: Consumer Advertising During the Great Depression: A Resource Guide: Gender and Advertising
This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising.

86% of Women Felt They Already Had The Right To Live As They Pleased in 1970 and Did Not Support The Feminist Movement:
View: https://www.scribd.com/document/229918209/86-of-Women-Felt-They-Already-Had-the-Right-to-Live-as-They-Pleased-in-1970-and-Did-Not-Support-the-Feminist-Movement
One of the first lawcodes ever included alimony/spousal support payments from husband to wife in case of divorce:
The Code of Hammurabi (1754 BC) declares that a man must provide sustenance to a woman who has borne him children so that she can raise them:
137. If a man wish to separate from a woman who has borne him children, or from his wife who has borne him children: then he shall give that wife her dowry, and a part of the usufruct of field, garden, and property, so that she can rear her children. When she has brought up her children, a portion of all that is given to the children, equal as that of one son, shall be given to her. She may then marry the man of her heart.[3]
Alimony - Wikipedia
This is just the tip of the iceberg of course. The point is, human nature has never changed. People worshiped women at any time in history, they were never oppressed. Women are neotenous, so are children and other things humans instinctively protect and worship. Puppies, art, kittens and even fluffy clouds - they all have neotenous features.
Logically it follows that if neoteny is the criteria by which humans engage in these looks-biases, then there is no reason to believe these biases did not exist in the past.
People always treated women with privileges. The proof is always in the pudding. For instance, take a culture like the Aztecs that scarified children. The fact alone that they considered children to be a "higher quality sacrifice" shows you they were biased towards neoteny.
We also have quotes from ancient times, speaking of marital trouble. Like that famous one by the greek Hipponax, who wrote that a mans two best days are when he fuggs his wife on the wedding night and the day he buries her. This is cultural information coming from one of the most "misogynistic" cultures ever, according to historians. If they viewed women as disposable trash, how come they had marital trouble? This does not even make sense.
This is an endless topic and I am not about to make another 10000 word thread on this. Do you own research, I have given enough sources for you to start.
Before I end my thread, I will throw another bomb at tradcopers though:
- Islam only became anti-gay in the last 100 years after contact with the west.
Literature and art flourished as significant mediums for discussing gender and sexuality, with Ottoman poets openly exploring same-sex love in the arts until the 19th century, when Westernization led to the stigmatization of homosexuality, potentially influencing the censorship of certain literary scenes.

Gender and sexual minorities in the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
- Islam before 1900s was fine with pedophilia and gay sex, so much so they made countless illustrations of men fucking each other.
I will not include pics, but you can easily find it online, under shit like "ottoman empire gay illustrations."
- In Islam the wife can work, earn her own money and keep it. Don't take it from me, listen to them say it:
View: https://youtu.be/JQaQo0du5h0
Humanity is martriarchial. We have an instinct to protect children so we keep reproducing.
We recognize kids by certian physical features which can be summed up under the term "neoteny."
Women, puppies, babies, kittens, anime characters etc share these features.
Hence they are regarded fondly.
I recently realized that it's not just walking around with a woman that makes you seem more trustworthy to strangers,
heck, even a puppy or kitten will do it.
Sometimes you even hear fathers talk about how they take their baby children out, because it attracts women.
So why would this be different in the past, or in another culture? Do humans not value their children in other cultures?
Does "the species" not prioritze it's own "survival" above all?
Again, if it is literally the human survival instinct that is tied to neoteny...
and neoteny is the cause of female worship, then why would it be different anywhere?
It is the strongest instinct there this.
Killing a neotenous creature is like comitting genocide on instinctual level to people.
Imagine the most valuable thing you have. Kill switch that instantly explodes your head, if you want.
You would tripple lock and seal that shit in 2 safes inside each other and then burry them 900km under the south pole.
That's what humans do with women.
This is why they can't fail. Humanity will not let them, because it mistakingly sees them as children, the key to the future, because women share traits with children.
And women deliberately enhance this bias by acting and looking more neotenous - make up, acting retarded and cute etc.
Do you see how it all connects? Look at my thread in must-read, "masculinity is a social construct" - Women are the only gender that deliberately undergoes huge pains to look more neotenous, while actively forcing the other gender to look less neotenous (scars on men, muscles, fighting).
Masculinity is down stream form female wants. Male behavior is based on female behavior:
– New Scientist Magazine (London), February 14, 2001“Women chat happily, send sexually explicit signals and encourage the man’s attention, even if
they have absolutely no interest in him. This gives a woman time to assess a man, says [Karl
Grammer of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Urban Ethology in Vienna, who studied 45
male-female pairs of strangers in their teens and early twenties]… Importantly, the women also
seemed to control the encounter – what the women did had a direct effect on what the men did
next. ‘You can predict male behaviour from female behaviour but not the other way around,’
says Grammer”

143 KB file on MEGA
As always, this is all merely descriptive information. I am merely shining a light on stuff. How you deal with it, the prescriptive part, is up to you.
That's all.
Have a Good Day.
@WorthlessSlavicShit (informationcel)
@Cybersex is our hope (sexes me XD)
@pisswolf (funny name kek)
@NearEnd (here you go, I made another post)
@reveries (slav commando)
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