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Discussion Thoughts on Narcissism, Child Abuse and Female Power



commanded to be joyful (now on discord: coco01228)
Apr 19, 2023
Some chill music to set the mood for discussion:

Self-Harm is a form of narcissism. Same for shitting on yourself. It's tied to the assumption that you have value and somehow you are not living up to your inherent value, and therefore you have to self-destroy out of shame. It's like you think you are some sort of nobleman, samurai who has to commit harakiri because he failed to live up to Bushido.


If you really had no expectations for yourself, if you really thought you are worthless and incapable of anything, why would you beat yourself up? You can only blame yourself when you have expectations for yourself. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:

In reality you are just coping with falling short of your own standards, which you don't want to acknowledge you have. And these standards in turn probably are somehow related to getting validation from women, or rather, your mom.



More below.

Btw this is also a fascinating thing: Narcissism is ok in the right context. Often men are accused of being immature, self-obsessed etc. However, this goes away when the man is self-centered in a way that serves society/women.

Take male-hyperagency for example. Everything is about you as a man. Everything is you you you you. Everything is your fault, every mistake in your life is your fault.
You are a man so you have to be capable of anything, you are supposed to bend reality like you are the avatar.

View: https://giphy.com/gifs/aang-gif-avatar-GbUrFXadBryQ8

But this is clearly a form of extreme solipsism, narcissism, just with the gun turned on yourself, not other people. Making yourself the center of everything, like the strands of fate all coalesce in you as a single individual, is probably the most self-centered shit I have ever heard. Literally narc level of Kira from Death Note, but it's ok if you do it for women.


This male hyper-agency is a double edge sword, similar to just-world-fallacy.
When the life is shit, the man blames himself.
When the life is good, the man feels morally superior to extreme degree, for no reason.
So either way, it causes harm.

A good example of this is how the most common words in male suicide notes are "useless" and "worthless."

View: https://medium.com/invisible-illness/a-researcher-studied-the-most-common-last-words-of-suicidal-men-e3b5e5c19c9c

It would be much more humble and healthier to say you have no control over your life and things merely are what they are. But society wants men to be constantly fretting about, blaming themselves, beating themselves up for things way out of their grasp.

There is also an element of abuse here that is commonly seen in men raised by single-mothers.
They are raised to feel responsible for the mothers dysfunction. The mother blames them for her bad decisions, but frames it so the child perceives itself as the perpetrator.

"Oooh I wanted a house, now I cant get that anymore!" (cries) - the boy child will instinctively comfort his mother and say something like "mom, when im grown up im buying you a house!" and the mom will go "oh you are so silly! sniff sniff, you are a good boy, you know that?"

This is abuse. The example I gave can happen in different variations but inevitably, the abuser creates a trauma bond with the child. Children are dependent on their parents, so when the parents are in distress, the child tries to fix the parent by adjusting it's behavior. This can take the form of becoming a people-pleaser or developing introversion (getting out of the way of the parent to avoid causing it stress).


Even in intact families, this occurs. The mother vilifies the dad deliberately, thus creating an in-group between her and the children. She makes it so that to the child it seems like it's here and the children vs. the father.

The way this works is that the mother spoils the children on purpose, then the father tries to stop this and the mother vilifies the dad to the children later.
If you watch street-interview videos, the children always say they love mom more than dad.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVATtKo9UWA

This has nothing to do with the dad being a worse parent, it is simply comes down to mothers vilifying the father by keeping the children trapped in a shallow version of the "good cop - bad cop" routine, the father being the bad cop of course.

Another thing women do is deliberately upsetting the father and then having a fake crying breakdown and letting the kids comfort her.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mommit/comments/z0krc0/my_toddler_comforted_crying_me/

As you can see, people view this behavior as positive when women do it but negative if a man does it.
In the manosphere they used to call the resulting trauma bonding with the mother "the male mother need." :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
There used to be frequent discussion on how to overcome it, but I am not aware of any solutions. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman:

This last point is also really important.
Let's not forget that grown men are just grown up children.
The fathers in these families were also raised by mothers, who subjected them to the same trauma based mind control techniques I described. From a mothers perspective in a family, the father is just another child she is toying with.
Thus, we see the same emotional manipulation methods applied to the father and the kids.

Observing this in every family I have ever seen for my entire life, I do not understand on any level why a man would want to be in a relationship.
Sex is pleasurable and women are probably fun for a short while, but in the long run... I have never seen a man without damage from a female.
Either from their mom, divorce or some other way.
It's not a coincidence that women were described as a vice in the ancient world, often mentioned in the same breath as greed, alcohol and the like.

And I find more bitter than death The woman whose heart is snares and nets, Whose hands are fetters. He who pleases God shall escape from her, But the sinner shall be trapped by her.
Ecclesiastes 7:26

Picture: Saint Anthony, the father of monasticism, chilling in the desert with his pig fren:

St anthony hieronymus bosch1Pig 2Pig 3

(im eating bacon rn :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:)

Just like drugs, women are fun for a while, but then they start taking their toll, slowly eroding your entire being. And just like drugs, once you are stuck with them, it's hard to get rid of them. I have noticed that men that have been in relationships with women for a long time are always sucked dry.

There is little drive, motivation. No lifeblood. They often just say nothing while their "better half" (gynocratic term) verbally scourges them in front of the entire congregation. They have learned through harsh experience that the last word is a womans prerogative. You can not win, they don't argue to make a point, they argue to submit their lesser-thans (the bf or husband).


Even if you win the argument logically and you refuse to give in, she will either threaten to break up with you, start crying and say you abuse her, run to her female friends or mom, make you sleep on the couch, threaten divorce etc.

This is emotional manipulation and also demonstrates that, contrary to redpill belief, women actually do know exactly what they are doing. Redpillers often fall into the female-hypoagency trap in saying "you can not blame women, they don't know what they are doing. Getting mad at them is like getting mad at a shark for biting you."

Meanwhile, women's actions completely betray this notion, since women

- threaten self harm = they know they have value
- threaten to leave you = they know you can't get another woman easily = they know they have value
- constantly preface everything with: "as a woman," "as a mom," etc... again indicating they know that being a woman gives them special privilege
- say in arrest videos "you can not do this, I am a woman"


and so forth.
Women flex their power to threaten their children and partners into submission. Just like the beta-buxxer can be threatened with her leaving or withdrawing affections, so the children can be threatened with being deprived of their mothers presence or affections. This is why I said, there is principally no difference between a mother-son relationship and a wife-husband/bf-gf relationship.

An example of this: Women will take on responsibilities in the household to exert control. Then they complain that nobody is helping her with her responsibilities. But when the husband tries to help, she attacks him for it. This creates mental-conflict in the husband or boyfriend. He does not know what to do, so eventually he just becomes apathetic. This is why long-term husbands always seem so dead inside.

Even 100 years ago, early behaviorist scientists quickly discovered that exposing an animal to reward and punishment randomly just lead to the animal withdrawing and developing learned helplessness.


Another example of female manipulation that also overlaps with husbands/boyfriends being like children to women:
They micro-manage their partners life. For instance many here will have observed how their mom arranges doctors appointments for their father and other things, while their dad just goes along with it.

This also applies to the finances. Often the husband just hands over the money and does not even know how much is in the account.

example, timestamp 2:20:

View: https://youtu.be/AT3fsRCbT_s?t=142

The husbands wife took money from another woman that was going through a divorce. The other woman was trying to hide assets from her soon-to-be ex-husband.
This alone is a blackpill many mgtow guys talk about. Women plan their divorce ahead for years. They hide money from you etc. The video is a classic example.

If you want in-depth knowledge of the shit women do in preparation to dumping you, read this old Manosphere manual about protecting yourself against it:

These are not western phenomena btw. In SEA it has always been in the culture for the husband to hand over his salary while his wife just gives him an allowance.

As I always say, laws are build on human nature, not arbitrarily drawn up.
All cultures and societies function the same way fundamentally. You can go to asia and foids will literally say the same shit, word for word, that western bitches say.

Try it, translate some korean youtube comments for example. It's whack when you start seeing this.

It's just that sometimes provisions to deal with human nature stay cultural, conventional. And sometimes they are put into law.


Yes. Japanese banking law does not allow joint account! If the husband is the sole bread winner, then his salary goes straight to the wife's ...

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/1737fvn/is_it_common_for_us_vietnamese_guys_to_give_most/

In the west, this is no different, with women controlling 80% of customer purchases on average.
This means that between 40-50% of the money women spend comes from men.


So as we can see, the situation in Asia where women control all the finances of their husband is literally identical to what is happening in the west.
This is also not a new phenomenon, see this article about the 1930s:
"The proper study of mankind is man ... but the proper study of markets is woman."

Women were responsible for 75-85% of consumer spending in the 1930s.

So we can see that women control quite literally every aspect of men's lives since childhood. Husbands, boyfriends and sons are all identical to women.
When a man tries to escape the patronizing manipulation clap trap that women put him in, they threaten emotional torture or worse.

The sheer gall of redpillers to say that women are not aware that they have this power is insane. Consider this: Imagine you had 1000s of girls hitting on your online and IRL everyday since the age of 13. How would you not be aware of the power you hold?

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Many of us still have that really basic need to get female validation. All our actions and desires are informed by it. In our daydreams there is always a woman watching us while we play the hero. I wonder if this stems from the deliberate emotional neglect women practice on their infant sons, withdrawing and giving affection conditionally.

Think about everything I laid out so far and then put yourself in a womans shoes.
From a womans perspective, men are a joke.
A single nipple slip and a mans brain is wiped, clean slate, formatted to foid-file system, ready to be imprinted with her instructions.


Society is a cult, complete with trauma-bonding, initiation rituals, religious rites and so on.
It just does not seem like that to us because we take it all for granted since we grow up with it.
People rave against extremism, fascism, whatever. But all of us hold really extreme beliefs without even realizing it.

I already explained in my "psychopathy" thread how women use tactics like "love-bombing" to trap men in relationships. Another common female tactic is "DARVO" - "Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender."

Any study of common psychological manipulation methods will instantly make you think of your mom or other women in your life.
Men simply do not use these, they can't even do it because they have no leverage with other people.

This is a good book with little fluff, listing 30 very common methods:

(it's an epub file, so get an ebook reader like foliate, or a browser add-on to read it)

Another common info-sheet:


Btw never let anyone accuse of you being an extremist.
Everyone is an extremist.
Even saying you should not be an extremist is an extreme position.
"You should always take the middle way, the balanced position." - that is an absolute claim. "You should always do x."

Back to the topic of female manipulation. There is an old book called "the anatomy of female power."
The author breaks down female power into "cradle power," kitchen power" and so on. Basically how women control your entire life since birth, from cradle, to marriage, your household etc.

The book is great. There is one passage where he describes how he talked to a mother who was smothering her baby in kisses.
And she said, "it's good to start them early." (paraphrasing)
This is literally emotional manipulation. She is priming the infant to seek affection from her conditionally.
If mom does not give affection = pain = I did something wrong = find way to please mom.

page 33:
One evening, in a flat in London, a West Indian woman picked up a 15 month old boy and tried to teach him to kiss. When she first kissed him, the boy made a sour face, and tried to break free from her embrace. The woman, undeterred, kissed him a second time, and then a third time. After the fourth kiss, the boy began to stick out his tongue for more, grinning with delict, and tossing his arms excitedly in the air. After watching this for a while, 1 asked the woman:

‘Aren’t you starting him a bit early?’

‘Oh no!’ she replied. The sooner the better actually. After he gets to be thirty, you can’t gel him this way.’​

Also this is interesting, mothers force gender roles on kids more than dads.

I believe this is why women are more prone to believing into things like "gender is a social construct."
From the perspective of a mother that enforces gender roles on husband, boyfriend and her children her entire life, gender is indeed something she constructs.

This also jives well with my "masculinity is an actual social construct" thread, where I showed a study that explored why you can loose your "masculinity-card" but not your "woman-card." It's because masculinity is dependent on how women define it. Women can withdraw the man-card, but men can not withdraw it from other men.

In contrast, women just have inherent value in the eyes of society.
And since women are the only group in society with an inherent in-group preference, they effectively are society.

And so they can dictate what masculinity is, while maintaining that they as a group have inherent value (man's value is contingent on women validating him. That's why all anti-male insults are about how you cant serve women - small dick, virgin, etc).

Anyway this is too long already, I am just dumping some thoughts from my head and hope to get some discussion going.

I'm out.


Last edited:
Some chill music to set the mood for discussion:

Self-Harm is a form of narcissism. Same for shitting on yourself. It's tied to the assumption that you have value and somehow you are not living up to your inherent value, and therefore you have to self-destroy out of shame. It's like you think you are some sort of nobleman, samurai who has to commit harakiri because he failed to live up to Bushido.


If you really had no expectations for yourself, if you really thought you are worthless and incapable of anything, why would you beat yourself up? You can only blame yourself when you have expectations for yourself. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:

In reality you are just coping with falling short of your own standards, which you don't want to acknowledge you have. And these standards in turn probably are somehow related to getting validation from women, or rather, your mom.



More below.

Btw this is also a fascinating thing: Narcissism is ok in the right context. Often men are accused of being immature, self-obsessed etc. However, this goes away when the man is self-centered in a way that serves society/women.

Take male-hyperagency for example. Everything is about you as a man. Everything is you you you you. Everything is your fault, every mistake in your life is your fault.
You are a man so you have to be capable of anything, you are supposed to bend reality like you are the avatar.

View: https://giphy.com/gifs/aang-gif-avatar-GbUrFXadBryQ8

But this is clearly a form of extreme solipsism, narcissism, just with the gun turned on yourself, not other people. Making yourself the center of everything, like the strands of fate all coalesce in you as a single individual, is probably the most self-centered shit I have ever heard. Literally narc level of Kira from Death Note, but it's ok if you do it for women.


This male hyper-agency is a double edge sword, similar to just-world-fallacy.
When the life is shit, the man blames himself.
When the life is good, the man feels morally superior to extreme degree, for no reason.
So either way, it causes harm.

A good example of this is how the most common words in male suicide notes are "useless" and "worthless."

View: https://medium.com/invisible-illness/a-researcher-studied-the-most-common-last-words-of-suicidal-men-e3b5e5c19c9c

It would be much more humble and healthier to say you have no control over your life and things merely are what they are. But society wants men to be constantly fretting about, blaming themselves, beating themselves up for things way out of their grasp.

There is also an element of abuse here that is commonly seen in men raised by single-mothers.
They are raised to feel responsible for the mothers dysfunction. The mother blames them for her bad decisions, but frames it so the child perceives itself as the perpetrator.

"Oooh I wanted a house, now I cant get that anymore!" (cries) - the boy child will instinctively comfort his mother and say something like "mom, when im grown up im buying you a house!" and the mom will go "oh you are so silly! sniff sniff, you are a good boy, you know that?"

This is abuse. The example I gave can happen in different variations but inevitably, the abuser creates a trauma bond with the child. Children are dependent on their parents, so when the parents are in distress, the child tries to fix the parent by adjusting it's behavior. This can take the form of becoming a people-pleaser or developing introversion (getting out of the way of the parent to avoid causing it stress).


Even in intact families, this occurs. The mother vilifies the dad deliberately, thus creating an in-group between her and the children. She makes it so that to the child it seems like it's here and the children vs. the father.

The way this works is that the mother spoils the children on purpose, then the father tries to stop this and the mother vilifies the dad to the children later.
If you watch street-interview videos, the children always say they love mom more than dad.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVATtKo9UWA

This has nothing to do with the dad being a worse parent, it is simply comes down to mothers vilifying the father by keeping the children trapped in a shallow version of the "good cop - bad cop" routine, the father being the bad cop of course.

Another thing women do is deliberately upsetting the father and then having a fake crying breakdown and letting the kids comfort her.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mommit/comments/z0krc0/my_toddler_comforted_crying_me/

As you can see, people view this behavior as positive when women do it but negative if a man does it.
In the manosphere they used to call the resulting trauma bonding with the mother "the male mother need." :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
There used to be frequent discussion on how to overcome it, but I am not aware of any solutions. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman:

This last point is also really important.
Let's not forget that grown men are just grown up children.
The fathers in these families were also raised by mothers, who subjected them to the same trauma based mind control techniques I described. From a mothers perspective in a family, the father is just another child she is toying with.
Thus, we see the same emotional manipulation methods applied to the father and the kids.

Observing this in every family I have ever seen for my entire life, I do not understand on any level why a man would want to be in a relationship.
Sex is pleasurable and women are probably fun for a short while, but in the long run... I have never seen a man without damage from a female.
Either from their mom, divorce or some other way.
It's not a coincidence that women were described as a vice in the ancient world, often mentioned in the same breath as greed, alcohol and the like.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

Picture: Saint Anthony, the father of monasticism, chilling in the desert with his pig fren:

View attachment 1108331View attachment 1108332View attachment 1108333View attachment 1108334

(im eating bacon rn :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:)

Just like drugs, women are fun for a while, but then they start taking their toll, slowly eroding your entire being. And just like drugs, once you are stuck with them, it's hard to get rid of them. I have noticed that men that have been in relationships with women for a long time are always sucked dry.

There is little drive, motivation. No lifeblood. They often just say nothing while their better half verbally scourges them in front of the entire congregation. They have learned through harsh experience that the last word is a womans prerogative. You can not win, they don't argue to make a point, they argue to submit their lesser-thans (the bf or husband).


Even if you win the argument logically and you refuse to give in, she will either threaten to break up with you, start crying and say you abuse her, run to her female friends or mom, make you sleep on the couch, threaten divorce etc.

This is emotional manipulation and also demonstrates that, contrary to redpill belief, women actually do know exactly what they are doing. Redpillers often fall into the female-hypoagency trap in saying "you can not blame women, they don't know what they are doing. Getting mad at them is like getting mad at a shark for biting you."

Meanwhile, women's actions completely betray this notion, since women

- threaten self harm = they know they have value
- threaten to leave you = they know you can't get another woman easily = they know they have value
- constantly preface everything with: "as a woman," "as a mom," etc... again indicating they know that being a woman gives them special privilege
- say in arrest videos "you can not do this, I am a woman"


and so forth.
Women flex their power to threaten their children and partners into submission. Just like the beta-buxxer can be threatened with her leaving or withdrawing affections, so the children can be threatened with being deprived of their mothers presence or affections. This is why I said, there is principally no difference between a mother-son relationship and a wife-husband/bf-gf relationship.

An example of this: Women will take on responsibilities in the household to exert control. Then they complain that nobody is helping her with her responsibilities. But when the husband tries to help, she attacks him for it. This creates mental-conflict in the husband or boyfriend. He does not know what to do, so eventually he just becomes apathetic. This is why long-term husbands always seem so dead inside.

Even 100 years ago, early behaviorist scientists quickly discovered that exposing an animal to reward and punishment randomly just lead to the animal withdrawing and developing learned helplessness.


Another example of female manipulation that also overlaps with husbands/boyfriends being like children to women:
They micro-manage their partners life. For instance many here will have observed how their mom arranges doctors appointments for their father and other things, while their dad just goes along with it.

This also applies to the finances. Often the husband just hands over the money and does not even know how much is in the account.

example, timestamp 2:20:

View: https://youtu.be/AT3fsRCbT_s?t=142

The husbands wife took money from another woman that was going through a divorce. The other woman was trying to hide assets from her soon-to-be ex-husband.
This alone is a blackpill many mgtow guys talk about. Women plan their divorce ahead for years. They hide money from you etc. The video is a classic example.

If you want in-depth knowledge of the shit women do in preparation to dumping you, read this old Manosphere manual about protecting yourself against it:

These are not western phenomena btw. In SEA it has always been in the culture for the husband to hand over his salary while his wife just gives him an allowance.
As I always say, laws are build on human nature, not arbitrarily drawn up.
All cultures and societies function the same way fundamentally. You can go to asia and foids will literally say the same shit, word for word, that western bitches say.
Try it, translate some korean youtube comments for example. It's whack when you start seeing this.

It's just that sometimes provision to deal with human nature stay cultural, conventional. And sometimes they are put into law.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/1737fvn/is_it_common_for_us_vietnamese_guys_to_give_most/

In the west, this is no different, with women controlling 80% of customer purchases on average.T
This means that between 40-50% of the money women spend comes from men.

View attachment 1108349

So as we can see, the situation in Asia where women control all the finances of their husband is literally identical to what is happening in the west.
This is also not a new phenomenon, see this article about the 1930s:

So we can see that women control quite literally every aspect of men's lives since childhood. Husbands, boyfriends and sons are all identical to women.
When a man tries to escape the patronizing manipulation clap trap that women put him in, they threaten emotional torture or worse.

The sheer gall of redpillers to say that women are not aware that they have this power is insane. Consider this: Imagine you had 1000s of girls hitting on your online and IRL everyday since the age of 13. How would you not be aware of the power you hold?

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Many of us still have that really basic need to get female validation. All our actions and desires are informed by it. In our daydreams there is always a woman watching us while we play the hero. I wonder if this stems from the deliberate emotional neglect women practice on their infant sons, withdrawing and giving affection conditionally.

Think about everything I laid out so far and then put yourself in a womans shoes.
From a womans perspective, men are a joke.
A single nipple slip and a mans brain is wiped, clean slate, formatted to foid-file system, ready to be imprinted with her instructions.


Society is a cult, complete with trauma-bonding, initiation rituals, religious rites and so on.
It just does not seem like that to us because we take it all for granted since we grow up with it.
People rave against extremism, fascism, whatever. But all of us hold really extreme beliefs without even realizing it.

I already explained in my "psychopathy" thread how women use tactics like "love-bombing" to trap men in relationships. Another common female tactic is "DARVO" - "Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender."

Any study of common psychological manipulation methods will instantly make you think of your mom or other women in your life.
Men simply do not use these, they can't even do it because they have no leverage with other people.

This is a good book with little fluff, listing 30 very common methods:

(it's an epub file, so get an ebook reader like foliate, or a browser add-on to read it)

Another common info-sheet:


Btw never let anyone accuse of you being an extremist.
Everyone is an extremist.
Even saying you should not be an extremist is an extreme position.
"You should always take the middle way, the balanced position." - that is an absolute claim. "You should always do x."

Back to the topic of female manipulation. There is an old book called "the anatomy of female power."
The author breaks down female power into "cradle power," kitchen power" and so on. Basically how women control your entire life since birth, from cradle, to marriage, your household etc.

The book is great. There is one passage where he describes how he talked to a mother who was smothering her baby in kisses.
And she said, "it's good to start them early." (paraphrasing)
This is literally emotional manipulation. She is priming the infant to seek affection from her conditionally.
If mom does not give affection = pain = I did something wrong = find way to please mom.

page 33:

Also this is interesting, mothers force gender roles on kids more than dads.

I believe this is why women are more prone to believing into things like "gender is a social construct."
From the perspective of a mother that enforces gender roles on husband, boyfriend and her children her entire life, gender is indeed something she constructs.

This also jives well with my "masculinity is an actual social construct" thread, where I showed a study that explored why you can loose your "masculinity-card" but not your "woman-card." It's because masculinity is dependent on how women define it. Women can withdraw the man-card, but men can not withdraw it from other men.

In contrast, women just have inherent value in the eyes of society.
And since women are the only group in society with an inherent in-group preference, they effectively are society.

And so they can dictate what masculinity is, while maintaining that they as a group have inherent value (man's value is contingent on women validating him. That's why all anti-male insults are about how you cant serve women - small dick, virgin, etc).

Anyway this is too long already, I am just dumping some thoughts from my head and hope to get some discussion going.

I'm out.


my eyes hurt. must read tomorrow
The way this works is that the mother spoils the children on purpose, then the father tries to stop this and the mother vilifies the dad to the children later.
This has nothing to do with the dad being a worse parent, it is simply comes down to mothers vilifying the father by keeping the children trapped in a shallow version of the "good cop - bad cop" routine, the father being the bad cop of course.
happens even to betabux stepdads, woman tries to demonize man figure, turn the child against the father or stepfather. Happened to me.
Read every single word

Very high IQ post and all blackpill deniers like ITards and inkwells in denial should read this
happens even to betabux stepdads, woman tries to demonize man figure, turn the child against the father or stepfather.
Yep, from a womans perspective, all men are the same. Be they young boy-children or older men, husband, boyfriend - all men are the same and get treated the same. You are not her husband or boyfriend, you are just another blob to be manipulated.
That's why it literally makes no difference to a woman if you are the real dad, step-dad or whatever.
This is also related to why women are never committed in relationships.
The only one committed is the man, committed to a fantasy of what the woman next to him is.

Always remember this when you see a couple outside, only the man is in a relationship. She is not mentally in a relationship with him.
That's why guys always go, I don't understand, we were together for so long, I thought we had a thing going, and then she just left.
She was never there bro, she was never invested. The only one in a relationship was the dude.
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Some chill music to set the mood for discussion:

Self-Harm is a form of narcissism. Same for shitting on yourself. It's tied to the assumption that you have value and somehow you are not living up to your inherent value, and therefore you have to self-destroy out of shame. It's like you think you are some sort of nobleman, samurai who has to commit harakiri because he failed to live up to Bushido.


If you really had no expectations for yourself, if you really thought you are worthless and incapable of anything, why would you beat yourself up? You can only blame yourself when you have expectations for yourself. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:

In reality you are just coping with falling short of your own standards, which you don't want to acknowledge you have. And these standards in turn probably are somehow related to getting validation from women, or rather, your mom.



More below.

Btw this is also a fascinating thing: Narcissism is ok in the right context. Often men are accused of being immature, self-obsessed etc. However, this goes away when the man is self-centered in a way that serves society/women.

Take male-hyperagency for example. Everything is about you as a man. Everything is you you you you. Everything is your fault, every mistake in your life is your fault.
You are a man so you have to be capable of anything, you are supposed to bend reality like you are the avatar.

View: https://giphy.com/gifs/aang-gif-avatar-GbUrFXadBryQ8

But this is clearly a form of extreme solipsism, narcissism, just with the gun turned on yourself, not other people. Making yourself the center of everything, like the strands of fate all coalesce in you as a single individual, is probably the most self-centered shit I have ever heard. Literally narc level of Kira from Death Note, but it's ok if you do it for women.


This male hyper-agency is a double edge sword, similar to just-world-fallacy.
When the life is shit, the man blames himself.
When the life is good, the man feels morally superior to extreme degree, for no reason.
So either way, it causes harm.

A good example of this is how the most common words in male suicide notes are "useless" and "worthless."

View: https://medium.com/invisible-illness/a-researcher-studied-the-most-common-last-words-of-suicidal-men-e3b5e5c19c9c

It would be much more humble and healthier to say you have no control over your life and things merely are what they are. But society wants men to be constantly fretting about, blaming themselves, beating themselves up for things way out of their grasp.

There is also an element of abuse here that is commonly seen in men raised by single-mothers.
They are raised to feel responsible for the mothers dysfunction. The mother blames them for her bad decisions, but frames it so the child perceives itself as the perpetrator.

"Oooh I wanted a house, now I cant get that anymore!" (cries) - the boy child will instinctively comfort his mother and say something like "mom, when im grown up im buying you a house!" and the mom will go "oh you are so silly! sniff sniff, you are a good boy, you know that?"

This is abuse. The example I gave can happen in different variations but inevitably, the abuser creates a trauma bond with the child. Children are dependent on their parents, so when the parents are in distress, the child tries to fix the parent by adjusting it's behavior. This can take the form of becoming a people-pleaser or developing introversion (getting out of the way of the parent to avoid causing it stress).


Even in intact families, this occurs. The mother vilifies the dad deliberately, thus creating an in-group between her and the children. She makes it so that to the child it seems like it's here and the children vs. the father.

The way this works is that the mother spoils the children on purpose, then the father tries to stop this and the mother vilifies the dad to the children later.
If you watch street-interview videos, the children always say they love mom more than dad.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVATtKo9UWA

This has nothing to do with the dad being a worse parent, it is simply comes down to mothers vilifying the father by keeping the children trapped in a shallow version of the "good cop - bad cop" routine, the father being the bad cop of course.

Another thing women do is deliberately upsetting the father and then having a fake crying breakdown and letting the kids comfort her.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mommit/comments/z0krc0/my_toddler_comforted_crying_me/

As you can see, people view this behavior as positive when women do it but negative if a man does it.
In the manosphere they used to call the resulting trauma bonding with the mother "the male mother need." :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
There used to be frequent discussion on how to overcome it, but I am not aware of any solutions. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman:

This last point is also really important.
Let's not forget that grown men are just grown up children.
The fathers in these families were also raised by mothers, who subjected them to the same trauma based mind control techniques I described. From a mothers perspective in a family, the father is just another child she is toying with.
Thus, we see the same emotional manipulation methods applied to the father and the kids.

Observing this in every family I have ever seen for my entire life, I do not understand on any level why a man would want to be in a relationship.
Sex is pleasurable and women are probably fun for a short while, but in the long run... I have never seen a man without damage from a female.
Either from their mom, divorce or some other way.
It's not a coincidence that women were described as a vice in the ancient world, often mentioned in the same breath as greed, alcohol and the like.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

Picture: Saint Anthony, the father of monasticism, chilling in the desert with his pig fren:

View attachment 1108331View attachment 1108332View attachment 1108333View attachment 1108334

(im eating bacon rn :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:)

Just like drugs, women are fun for a while, but then they start taking their toll, slowly eroding your entire being. And just like drugs, once you are stuck with them, it's hard to get rid of them. I have noticed that men that have been in relationships with women for a long time are always sucked dry.

There is little drive, motivation. No lifeblood. They often just say nothing while their "better half" (gynocratic term) verbally scourges them in front of the entire congregation. They have learned through harsh experience that the last word is a womans prerogative. You can not win, they don't argue to make a point, they argue to submit their lesser-thans (the bf or husband).


Even if you win the argument logically and you refuse to give in, she will either threaten to break up with you, start crying and say you abuse her, run to her female friends or mom, make you sleep on the couch, threaten divorce etc.

This is emotional manipulation and also demonstrates that, contrary to redpill belief, women actually do know exactly what they are doing. Redpillers often fall into the female-hypoagency trap in saying "you can not blame women, they don't know what they are doing. Getting mad at them is like getting mad at a shark for biting you."

Meanwhile, women's actions completely betray this notion, since women

- threaten self harm = they know they have value
- threaten to leave you = they know you can't get another woman easily = they know they have value
- constantly preface everything with: "as a woman," "as a mom," etc... again indicating they know that being a woman gives them special privilege
- say in arrest videos "you can not do this, I am a woman"


and so forth.
Women flex their power to threaten their children and partners into submission. Just like the beta-buxxer can be threatened with her leaving or withdrawing affections, so the children can be threatened with being deprived of their mothers presence or affections. This is why I said, there is principally no difference between a mother-son relationship and a wife-husband/bf-gf relationship.

An example of this: Women will take on responsibilities in the household to exert control. Then they complain that nobody is helping her with her responsibilities. But when the husband tries to help, she attacks him for it. This creates mental-conflict in the husband or boyfriend. He does not know what to do, so eventually he just becomes apathetic. This is why long-term husbands always seem so dead inside.

Even 100 years ago, early behaviorist scientists quickly discovered that exposing an animal to reward and punishment randomly just lead to the animal withdrawing and developing learned helplessness.


Another example of female manipulation that also overlaps with husbands/boyfriends being like children to women:
They micro-manage their partners life. For instance many here will have observed how their mom arranges doctors appointments for their father and other things, while their dad just goes along with it.

This also applies to the finances. Often the husband just hands over the money and does not even know how much is in the account.

example, timestamp 2:20:

View: https://youtu.be/AT3fsRCbT_s?t=142

The husbands wife took money from another woman that was going through a divorce. The other woman was trying to hide assets from her soon-to-be ex-husband.
This alone is a blackpill many mgtow guys talk about. Women plan their divorce ahead for years. They hide money from you etc. The video is a classic example.

If you want in-depth knowledge of the shit women do in preparation to dumping you, read this old Manosphere manual about protecting yourself against it:

These are not western phenomena btw. In SEA it has always been in the culture for the husband to hand over his salary while his wife just gives him an allowance.

As I always say, laws are build on human nature, not arbitrarily drawn up.
All cultures and societies function the same way fundamentally. You can go to asia and foids will literally say the same shit, word for word, that western bitches say.

Try it, translate some korean youtube comments for example. It's whack when you start seeing this.

It's just that sometimes provisions to deal with human nature stay cultural, conventional. And sometimes they are put into law.

View attachment 1108758

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/1737fvn/is_it_common_for_us_vietnamese_guys_to_give_most/

In the west, this is no different, with women controlling 80% of customer purchases on average.
This means that between 40-50% of the money women spend comes from men.

View attachment 1108349

So as we can see, the situation in Asia where women control all the finances of their husband is literally identical to what is happening in the west.
This is also not a new phenomenon, see this article about the 1930s:

So we can see that women control quite literally every aspect of men's lives since childhood. Husbands, boyfriends and sons are all identical to women.
When a man tries to escape the patronizing manipulation clap trap that women put him in, they threaten emotional torture or worse.

The sheer gall of redpillers to say that women are not aware that they have this power is insane. Consider this: Imagine you had 1000s of girls hitting on your online and IRL everyday since the age of 13. How would you not be aware of the power you hold?

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Many of us still have that really basic need to get female validation. All our actions and desires are informed by it. In our daydreams there is always a woman watching us while we play the hero. I wonder if this stems from the deliberate emotional neglect women practice on their infant sons, withdrawing and giving affection conditionally.

Think about everything I laid out so far and then put yourself in a womans shoes.
From a womans perspective, men are a joke.
A single nipple slip and a mans brain is wiped, clean slate, formatted to foid-file system, ready to be imprinted with her instructions.


Society is a cult, complete with trauma-bonding, initiation rituals, religious rites and so on.
It just does not seem like that to us because we take it all for granted since we grow up with it.
People rave against extremism, fascism, whatever. But all of us hold really extreme beliefs without even realizing it.

I already explained in my "psychopathy" thread how women use tactics like "love-bombing" to trap men in relationships. Another common female tactic is "DARVO" - "Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender."

Any study of common psychological manipulation methods will instantly make you think of your mom or other women in your life.
Men simply do not use these, they can't even do it because they have no leverage with other people.

This is a good book with little fluff, listing 30 very common methods:

(it's an epub file, so get an ebook reader like foliate, or a browser add-on to read it)

Another common info-sheet:


Btw never let anyone accuse of you being an extremist.
Everyone is an extremist.
Even saying you should not be an extremist is an extreme position.
"You should always take the middle way, the balanced position." - that is an absolute claim. "You should always do x."

Back to the topic of female manipulation. There is an old book called "the anatomy of female power."
The author breaks down female power into "cradle power," kitchen power" and so on. Basically how women control your entire life since birth, from cradle, to marriage, your household etc.

The book is great. There is one passage where he describes how he talked to a mother who was smothering her baby in kisses.
And she said, "it's good to start them early." (paraphrasing)
This is literally emotional manipulation. She is priming the infant to seek affection from her conditionally.
If mom does not give affection = pain = I did something wrong = find way to please mom.

page 33:

Also this is interesting, mothers force gender roles on kids more than dads.

I believe this is why women are more prone to believing into things like "gender is a social construct."
From the perspective of a mother that enforces gender roles on husband, boyfriend and her children her entire life, gender is indeed something she constructs.

This also jives well with my "masculinity is an actual social construct" thread, where I showed a study that explored why you can loose your "masculinity-card" but not your "woman-card." It's because masculinity is dependent on how women define it. Women can withdraw the man-card, but men can not withdraw it from other men.

In contrast, women just have inherent value in the eyes of society.
And since women are the only group in society with an inherent in-group preference, they effectively are society.

And so they can dictate what masculinity is, while maintaining that they as a group have inherent value (man's value is contingent on women validating him. That's why all anti-male insults are about how you cant serve women - small dick, virgin, etc).

Anyway this is too long already, I am just dumping some thoughts from my head and hope to get some discussion going.

I'm out.


Sitting in my car rn & i’ll read this when i get home, if not tomorrow
There is little drive, motivation. No lifeblood. They often just say nothing while their "better half" (gynocratic term) verbally scourges them in front of the entire congregation. They have learned through harsh experience that the last word is a womans prerogative. You can not win, they don't argue to make a point, they argue to submit their lesser-thans (the bf or husband).
yeah i see this a lot in boomer couples especially with my grandparents my grandmother always degrades my grandfather, answers questions for him, acts like he is stupid etc

marriage just seems like pure misery to me its sad
In the west, this is no different, with women controlling 80% of customer purchases on average.
This means that between 40-50% of the money women spend comes from men.

ruling class, bourgeoisie must thank women, this system still runs thanks to women, how much money women spend on unnecessary crap, and they take it from men mostly.
yeah i see this a lot in boomer couples especially with my grandparents my grandmother always degrades my grandfather, answers questions for him, acts like he is stupid etc

marriage just seems like pure misery to me its sad
yes exactly, that's all I have seen too, every relationship between a buxxer and wife. Idk why anyone would want that.
I think most men are masochistic as fuck, to endure that abuse for so long like its normal.
They would rater get abused for decades than being alone without a foid kek. Incredible level of simping.
So as we can see, the situation in Asia where women control all the finances of their husband is literally identical to what is happening in the west.
This is also not a new phenomenon, see this article about the 1930s:
same was in eastern bloc countries, and still is in EE
ruling class, bourgeoisie must thank women, this system still runs thanks to women, how much money women spend on unnecessary crap, and they take it from men mostly.
women are the catalyst of the consumer economy and of the war economy as well I believe, since men are mostly motivated to join the military and wars through foids.
marriage just seems like pure misery to me its sad
it's often forced/imposed as well, when i was younger i've been told many times by family members when would you marry, you have to marry etc. Like 2-3 years ago i visited my mother's sister house, and she got a new husband at age of around 35-38 i don't remember really, but this dude said to me you have to marry lol, he works on a 3 jobs just to provide for 3 children from previous ethnic father, and they got new child after marriage.
it's often forced/imposed as well, when i was younger i've been told many times by family members when would you marry, you have to marry etc. Like 2-3 years ago i visited my mother's sister house, and she got a new husband at age of around 35-38 i don't remember really, but this dude said to me you have to marry lol, he works on a 3 jobs just to provide for 3 children from previous ethnic father, and they got new child after marriage.
:lul: :lul: :lul:
the level of simp lmfao
since men are mostly motivated to join the military and wars through foids.
in Russia, there is lots of cases when women started deliberately getting on their husbands' nerves so they signed a contract and went to war, they doing it to potentially get money if he dies, lots of cases when crippled veterans get abandoned and robbed by their wives and spouses. Female family members even have wars between each other to get that money for dead soldiers.
same was in eastern bloc countries, and still is in EE
super interesting thx for input! :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:

in Russia, there is lots of cases when women started deliberately getting on their husbands' nerves so they signed a contract and went to war, they doing it to potentially get money if he dies, lots of cases when crippled veterans get abandoned and robbed by their wives and spouses. Female family members even have wars between each other to get that money for dead soldiers.
LMFAO COLD AF JFL :lul::lul::lul:

also notice that usually men don't want to go war until women and children are threatened.
This is why governments always need an attack inside their own country to justify war and motivate the people to support war effort.
Something like 911, an attack on civilian population (women).
Or in ww1 the Lusitania, passenger ship that was supposedly sunk by german submarine. It was loaded with ammunition though. They used that to make american public join ww1.
Pearl harbor in ww2 too.
ntil women and children are threatened.
most war propaganda aimed at people's emotions says something along these lines "think of the women and children" "think of a child's tear"
most war propaganda aimed at people's emotions says something along these lines "think of the women and children" "think of a child's tear"

Women use that too - telling you how you have to get 9 more jobs and do more shit for her, "for the kids" and "stop being immature."
Meanwhile she NEETS at your expense, watches day time television and feeds the kids Popsicles.
What if I was raised in dysfunctional matriarchal family but never comforted my mom?
I hate the fact that women ( including mothers ) expect males to simp for them while don't questioning themselves if they are worth simping.
Like, giving birth is not enough. You need to invest emotionally in the child. Take care of him, nurture him, breastfeed him.
Raise him the right way.
But soyciety expects you to treat women like wonderful innocent angels without questioning if they deserve that treatment based on their actions.
What if I was raised in dysfunctional matriarchal family but never comforted my mom?
autism maybe. Some kids are overwhelmed and afraid of their dysfunctional parents and try to avoid them instead of trying to please them.

I hate the fact that women ( including mothers ) expect males to simp for them while don't questioning themselves if they are worth simping.
Like, giving birth is not enough. You need to invest emotionally in the child. Take care of him, nurture him, breastfeed him.
Raise him the right way.
But soyciety expects you to treat women like wonderful innocent angels without questioning if they deserve that treatment based on their actions.
meritocracy stops at female privilege. Apparently only men have to work on becoming better at anything.
Some chill music to set the mood for discussion:

Self-Harm is a form of narcissism. Same for shitting on yourself. It's tied to the assumption that you have value and somehow you are not living up to your inherent value, and therefore you have to self-destroy out of shame. It's like you think you are some sort of nobleman, samurai who has to commit harakiri because he failed to live up to Bushido.


If you really had no expectations for yourself, if you really thought you are worthless and incapable of anything, why would you beat yourself up? You can only blame yourself when you have expectations for yourself. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:

In reality you are just coping with falling short of your own standards, which you don't want to acknowledge you have. And these standards in turn probably are somehow related to getting validation from women, or rather, your mom.



More below.

Btw this is also a fascinating thing: Narcissism is ok in the right context. Often men are accused of being immature, self-obsessed etc. However, this goes away when the man is self-centered in a way that serves society/women.

Take male-hyperagency for example. Everything is about you as a man. Everything is you you you you. Everything is your fault, every mistake in your life is your fault.
You are a man so you have to be capable of anything, you are supposed to bend reality like you are the avatar.

View: https://giphy.com/gifs/aang-gif-avatar-GbUrFXadBryQ8

But this is clearly a form of extreme solipsism, narcissism, just with the gun turned on yourself, not other people. Making yourself the center of everything, like the strands of fate all coalesce in you as a single individual, is probably the most self-centered shit I have ever heard. Literally narc level of Kira from Death Note, but it's ok if you do it for women.


This male hyper-agency is a double edge sword, similar to just-world-fallacy.
When the life is shit, the man blames himself.
When the life is good, the man feels morally superior to extreme degree, for no reason.
So either way, it causes harm.

A good example of this is how the most common words in male suicide notes are "useless" and "worthless."

View: https://medium.com/invisible-illness/a-researcher-studied-the-most-common-last-words-of-suicidal-men-e3b5e5c19c9c

It would be much more humble and healthier to say you have no control over your life and things merely are what they are. But society wants men to be constantly fretting about, blaming themselves, beating themselves up for things way out of their grasp.

There is also an element of abuse here that is commonly seen in men raised by single-mothers.
They are raised to feel responsible for the mothers dysfunction. The mother blames them for her bad decisions, but frames it so the child perceives itself as the perpetrator.

"Oooh I wanted a house, now I cant get that anymore!" (cries) - the boy child will instinctively comfort his mother and say something like "mom, when im grown up im buying you a house!" and the mom will go "oh you are so silly! sniff sniff, you are a good boy, you know that?"

This is abuse. The example I gave can happen in different variations but inevitably, the abuser creates a trauma bond with the child. Children are dependent on their parents, so when the parents are in distress, the child tries to fix the parent by adjusting it's behavior. This can take the form of becoming a people-pleaser or developing introversion (getting out of the way of the parent to avoid causing it stress).


Even in intact families, this occurs. The mother vilifies the dad deliberately, thus creating an in-group between her and the children. She makes it so that to the child it seems like it's here and the children vs. the father.

The way this works is that the mother spoils the children on purpose, then the father tries to stop this and the mother vilifies the dad to the children later.
If you watch street-interview videos, the children always say they love mom more than dad.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVATtKo9UWA

This has nothing to do with the dad being a worse parent, it is simply comes down to mothers vilifying the father by keeping the children trapped in a shallow version of the "good cop - bad cop" routine, the father being the bad cop of course.

Another thing women do is deliberately upsetting the father and then having a fake crying breakdown and letting the kids comfort her.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mommit/comments/z0krc0/my_toddler_comforted_crying_me/

As you can see, people view this behavior as positive when women do it but negative if a man does it.
In the manosphere they used to call the resulting trauma bonding with the mother "the male mother need." :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
There used to be frequent discussion on how to overcome it, but I am not aware of any solutions. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman:

This last point is also really important.
Let's not forget that grown men are just grown up children.
The fathers in these families were also raised by mothers, who subjected them to the same trauma based mind control techniques I described. From a mothers perspective in a family, the father is just another child she is toying with.
Thus, we see the same emotional manipulation methods applied to the father and the kids.

Observing this in every family I have ever seen for my entire life, I do not understand on any level why a man would want to be in a relationship.
Sex is pleasurable and women are probably fun for a short while, but in the long run... I have never seen a man without damage from a female.
Either from their mom, divorce or some other way.
It's not a coincidence that women were described as a vice in the ancient world, often mentioned in the same breath as greed, alcohol and the like.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

Picture: Saint Anthony, the father of monasticism, chilling in the desert with his pig fren:

View attachment 1108331View attachment 1108332View attachment 1108333View attachment 1108334

(im eating bacon rn :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:)

Just like drugs, women are fun for a while, but then they start taking their toll, slowly eroding your entire being. And just like drugs, once you are stuck with them, it's hard to get rid of them. I have noticed that men that have been in relationships with women for a long time are always sucked dry.

There is little drive, motivation. No lifeblood. They often just say nothing while their "better half" (gynocratic term) verbally scourges them in front of the entire congregation. They have learned through harsh experience that the last word is a womans prerogative. You can not win, they don't argue to make a point, they argue to submit their lesser-thans (the bf or husband).


Even if you win the argument logically and you refuse to give in, she will either threaten to break up with you, start crying and say you abuse her, run to her female friends or mom, make you sleep on the couch, threaten divorce etc.

This is emotional manipulation and also demonstrates that, contrary to redpill belief, women actually do know exactly what they are doing. Redpillers often fall into the female-hypoagency trap in saying "you can not blame women, they don't know what they are doing. Getting mad at them is like getting mad at a shark for biting you."

Meanwhile, women's actions completely betray this notion, since women

- threaten self harm = they know they have value
- threaten to leave you = they know you can't get another woman easily = they know they have value
- constantly preface everything with: "as a woman," "as a mom," etc... again indicating they know that being a woman gives them special privilege
- say in arrest videos "you can not do this, I am a woman"


and so forth.
Women flex their power to threaten their children and partners into submission. Just like the beta-buxxer can be threatened with her leaving or withdrawing affections, so the children can be threatened with being deprived of their mothers presence or affections. This is why I said, there is principally no difference between a mother-son relationship and a wife-husband/bf-gf relationship.

An example of this: Women will take on responsibilities in the household to exert control. Then they complain that nobody is helping her with her responsibilities. But when the husband tries to help, she attacks him for it. This creates mental-conflict in the husband or boyfriend. He does not know what to do, so eventually he just becomes apathetic. This is why long-term husbands always seem so dead inside.

Even 100 years ago, early behaviorist scientists quickly discovered that exposing an animal to reward and punishment randomly just lead to the animal withdrawing and developing learned helplessness.


Another example of female manipulation that also overlaps with husbands/boyfriends being like children to women:
They micro-manage their partners life. For instance many here will have observed how their mom arranges doctors appointments for their father and other things, while their dad just goes along with it.

This also applies to the finances. Often the husband just hands over the money and does not even know how much is in the account.

example, timestamp 2:20:

View: https://youtu.be/AT3fsRCbT_s?t=142

The husbands wife took money from another woman that was going through a divorce. The other woman was trying to hide assets from her soon-to-be ex-husband.
This alone is a blackpill many mgtow guys talk about. Women plan their divorce ahead for years. They hide money from you etc. The video is a classic example.

If you want in-depth knowledge of the shit women do in preparation to dumping you, read this old Manosphere manual about protecting yourself against it:

These are not western phenomena btw. In SEA it has always been in the culture for the husband to hand over his salary while his wife just gives him an allowance.

As I always say, laws are build on human nature, not arbitrarily drawn up.
All cultures and societies function the same way fundamentally. You can go to asia and foids will literally say the same shit, word for word, that western bitches say.

Try it, translate some korean youtube comments for example. It's whack when you start seeing this.

It's just that sometimes provisions to deal with human nature stay cultural, conventional. And sometimes they are put into law.

View attachment 1108758

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/1737fvn/is_it_common_for_us_vietnamese_guys_to_give_most/

In the west, this is no different, with women controlling 80% of customer purchases on average.
This means that between 40-50% of the money women spend comes from men.

View attachment 1108349

So as we can see, the situation in Asia where women control all the finances of their husband is literally identical to what is happening in the west.
This is also not a new phenomenon, see this article about the 1930s:

So we can see that women control quite literally every aspect of men's lives since childhood. Husbands, boyfriends and sons are all identical to women.
When a man tries to escape the patronizing manipulation clap trap that women put him in, they threaten emotional torture or worse.

The sheer gall of redpillers to say that women are not aware that they have this power is insane. Consider this: Imagine you had 1000s of girls hitting on your online and IRL everyday since the age of 13. How would you not be aware of the power you hold?

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Many of us still have that really basic need to get female validation. All our actions and desires are informed by it. In our daydreams there is always a woman watching us while we play the hero. I wonder if this stems from the deliberate emotional neglect women practice on their infant sons, withdrawing and giving affection conditionally.

Think about everything I laid out so far and then put yourself in a womans shoes.
From a womans perspective, men are a joke.
A single nipple slip and a mans brain is wiped, clean slate, formatted to foid-file system, ready to be imprinted with her instructions.


Society is a cult, complete with trauma-bonding, initiation rituals, religious rites and so on.
It just does not seem like that to us because we take it all for granted since we grow up with it.
People rave against extremism, fascism, whatever. But all of us hold really extreme beliefs without even realizing it.

I already explained in my "psychopathy" thread how women use tactics like "love-bombing" to trap men in relationships. Another common female tactic is "DARVO" - "Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender."

Any study of common psychological manipulation methods will instantly make you think of your mom or other women in your life.
Men simply do not use these, they can't even do it because they have no leverage with other people.

This is a good book with little fluff, listing 30 very common methods:

(it's an epub file, so get an ebook reader like foliate, or a browser add-on to read it)

Another common info-sheet:


Btw never let anyone accuse of you being an extremist.
Everyone is an extremist.
Even saying you should not be an extremist is an extreme position.
"You should always take the middle way, the balanced position." - that is an absolute claim. "You should always do x."

Back to the topic of female manipulation. There is an old book called "the anatomy of female power."
The author breaks down female power into "cradle power," kitchen power" and so on. Basically how women control your entire life since birth, from cradle, to marriage, your household etc.

The book is great. There is one passage where he describes how he talked to a mother who was smothering her baby in kisses.
And she said, "it's good to start them early." (paraphrasing)
This is literally emotional manipulation. She is priming the infant to seek affection from her conditionally.
If mom does not give affection = pain = I did something wrong = find way to please mom.

page 33:

Also this is interesting, mothers force gender roles on kids more than dads.

I believe this is why women are more prone to believing into things like "gender is a social construct."
From the perspective of a mother that enforces gender roles on husband, boyfriend and her children her entire life, gender is indeed something she constructs.

This also jives well with my "masculinity is an actual social construct" thread, where I showed a study that explored why you can loose your "masculinity-card" but not your "woman-card." It's because masculinity is dependent on how women define it. Women can withdraw the man-card, but men can not withdraw it from other men.

In contrast, women just have inherent value in the eyes of society.
And since women are the only group in society with an inherent in-group preference, they effectively are society.

And so they can dictate what masculinity is, while maintaining that they as a group have inherent value (man's value is contingent on women validating him. That's why all anti-male insults are about how you cant serve women - small dick, virgin, etc).

Anyway this is too long already, I am just dumping some thoughts from my head and hope to get some discussion going.

I'm out.


You are the reasons why i joined here, Extremly high iq.
I feel a dumb nigger but i will read everything and Learn.
I also noticed that men in a discussion tend to concern is what they are saying is right or the decision they make is right for everybody.
Instead women concern on winning, and mosto of the time they make shittiy desicion but the important thing is winning to them.
Another banger thread by GeckoBus!
I don't believe you are low IQ for a second, these threads are always a fantastic read.

The main takeaway here is that there is no escaping feminine wiles. The only solution is AI wives or bust.

You know, now that I'm actually thinking about it, the female-male dichotomy in reality is much like a master-slave dynamic. Like you said, men are reliant on the social and sexual approval of females from birth. Something as universally 'pure' as a mother's love now has a whole new light shined on it - it's kind of perverse. We really are just indoctrinated to be slaves to the female gender...
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High quality thread, as always. My mom used to lock me into the wardrobe even thought she knew I had claustrophobia, and bought alcohol and drugs from the money that I, and my father worked for
Some chill music to set the mood for discussion:

Self-Harm is a form of narcissism. Same for shitting on yourself. It's tied to the assumption that you have value and somehow you are not living up to your inherent value, and therefore you have to self-destroy out of shame. It's like you think you are some sort of nobleman, samurai who has to commit harakiri because he failed to live up to Bushido.


If you really had no expectations for yourself, if you really thought you are worthless and incapable of anything, why would you beat yourself up? You can only blame yourself when you have expectations for yourself. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:

In reality you are just coping with falling short of your own standards, which you don't want to acknowledge you have. And these standards in turn probably are somehow related to getting validation from women, or rather, your mom.



More below.

Btw this is also a fascinating thing: Narcissism is ok in the right context. Often men are accused of being immature, self-obsessed etc. However, this goes away when the man is self-centered in a way that serves society/women.

Take male-hyperagency for example. Everything is about you as a man. Everything is you you you you. Everything is your fault, every mistake in your life is your fault.
You are a man so you have to be capable of anything, you are supposed to bend reality like you are the avatar.

View: https://giphy.com/gifs/aang-gif-avatar-GbUrFXadBryQ8

But this is clearly a form of extreme solipsism, narcissism, just with the gun turned on yourself, not other people. Making yourself the center of everything, like the strands of fate all coalesce in you as a single individual, is probably the most self-centered shit I have ever heard. Literally narc level of Kira from Death Note, but it's ok if you do it for women.


This male hyper-agency is a double edge sword, similar to just-world-fallacy.
When the life is shit, the man blames himself.
When the life is good, the man feels morally superior to extreme degree, for no reason.
So either way, it causes harm.

A good example of this is how the most common words in male suicide notes are "useless" and "worthless."

View: https://medium.com/invisible-illness/a-researcher-studied-the-most-common-last-words-of-suicidal-men-e3b5e5c19c9c

It would be much more humble and healthier to say you have no control over your life and things merely are what they are. But society wants men to be constantly fretting about, blaming themselves, beating themselves up for things way out of their grasp.

There is also an element of abuse here that is commonly seen in men raised by single-mothers.
They are raised to feel responsible for the mothers dysfunction. The mother blames them for her bad decisions, but frames it so the child perceives itself as the perpetrator.

"Oooh I wanted a house, now I cant get that anymore!" (cries) - the boy child will instinctively comfort his mother and say something like "mom, when im grown up im buying you a house!" and the mom will go "oh you are so silly! sniff sniff, you are a good boy, you know that?"

This is abuse. The example I gave can happen in different variations but inevitably, the abuser creates a trauma bond with the child. Children are dependent on their parents, so when the parents are in distress, the child tries to fix the parent by adjusting it's behavior. This can take the form of becoming a people-pleaser or developing introversion (getting out of the way of the parent to avoid causing it stress).


Even in intact families, this occurs. The mother vilifies the dad deliberately, thus creating an in-group between her and the children. She makes it so that to the child it seems like it's here and the children vs. the father.

The way this works is that the mother spoils the children on purpose, then the father tries to stop this and the mother vilifies the dad to the children later.
If you watch street-interview videos, the children always say they love mom more than dad.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVATtKo9UWA

This has nothing to do with the dad being a worse parent, it is simply comes down to mothers vilifying the father by keeping the children trapped in a shallow version of the "good cop - bad cop" routine, the father being the bad cop of course.

Another thing women do is deliberately upsetting the father and then having a fake crying breakdown and letting the kids comfort her.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mommit/comments/z0krc0/my_toddler_comforted_crying_me/

As you can see, people view this behavior as positive when women do it but negative if a man does it.
In the manosphere they used to call the resulting trauma bonding with the mother "the male mother need." :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
There used to be frequent discussion on how to overcome it, but I am not aware of any solutions. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman:

This last point is also really important.
Let's not forget that grown men are just grown up children.
The fathers in these families were also raised by mothers, who subjected them to the same trauma based mind control techniques I described. From a mothers perspective in a family, the father is just another child she is toying with.
Thus, we see the same emotional manipulation methods applied to the father and the kids.

Observing this in every family I have ever seen for my entire life, I do not understand on any level why a man would want to be in a relationship.
Sex is pleasurable and women are probably fun for a short while, but in the long run... I have never seen a man without damage from a female.
Either from their mom, divorce or some other way.
It's not a coincidence that women were described as a vice in the ancient world, often mentioned in the same breath as greed, alcohol and the like.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

Picture: Saint Anthony, the father of monasticism, chilling in the desert with his pig fren:

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(im eating bacon rn :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:)

Just like drugs, women are fun for a while, but then they start taking their toll, slowly eroding your entire being. And just like drugs, once you are stuck with them, it's hard to get rid of them. I have noticed that men that have been in relationships with women for a long time are always sucked dry.

There is little drive, motivation. No lifeblood. They often just say nothing while their "better half" (gynocratic term) verbally scourges them in front of the entire congregation. They have learned through harsh experience that the last word is a womans prerogative. You can not win, they don't argue to make a point, they argue to submit their lesser-thans (the bf or husband).


Even if you win the argument logically and you refuse to give in, she will either threaten to break up with you, start crying and say you abuse her, run to her female friends or mom, make you sleep on the couch, threaten divorce etc.

This is emotional manipulation and also demonstrates that, contrary to redpill belief, women actually do know exactly what they are doing. Redpillers often fall into the female-hypoagency trap in saying "you can not blame women, they don't know what they are doing. Getting mad at them is like getting mad at a shark for biting you."

Meanwhile, women's actions completely betray this notion, since women

- threaten self harm = they know they have value
- threaten to leave you = they know you can't get another woman easily = they know they have value
- constantly preface everything with: "as a woman," "as a mom," etc... again indicating they know that being a woman gives them special privilege
- say in arrest videos "you can not do this, I am a woman"


and so forth.
Women flex their power to threaten their children and partners into submission. Just like the beta-buxxer can be threatened with her leaving or withdrawing affections, so the children can be threatened with being deprived of their mothers presence or affections. This is why I said, there is principally no difference between a mother-son relationship and a wife-husband/bf-gf relationship.

An example of this: Women will take on responsibilities in the household to exert control. Then they complain that nobody is helping her with her responsibilities. But when the husband tries to help, she attacks him for it. This creates mental-conflict in the husband or boyfriend. He does not know what to do, so eventually he just becomes apathetic. This is why long-term husbands always seem so dead inside.

Even 100 years ago, early behaviorist scientists quickly discovered that exposing an animal to reward and punishment randomly just lead to the animal withdrawing and developing learned helplessness.


Another example of female manipulation that also overlaps with husbands/boyfriends being like children to women:
They micro-manage their partners life. For instance many here will have observed how their mom arranges doctors appointments for their father and other things, while their dad just goes along with it.

This also applies to the finances. Often the husband just hands over the money and does not even know how much is in the account.

example, timestamp 2:20:

View: https://youtu.be/AT3fsRCbT_s?t=142

The husbands wife took money from another woman that was going through a divorce. The other woman was trying to hide assets from her soon-to-be ex-husband.
This alone is a blackpill many mgtow guys talk about. Women plan their divorce ahead for years. They hide money from you etc. The video is a classic example.

If you want in-depth knowledge of the shit women do in preparation to dumping you, read this old Manosphere manual about protecting yourself against it:

These are not western phenomena btw. In SEA it has always been in the culture for the husband to hand over his salary while his wife just gives him an allowance.

As I always say, laws are build on human nature, not arbitrarily drawn up.
All cultures and societies function the same way fundamentally. You can go to asia and foids will literally say the same shit, word for word, that western bitches say.

Try it, translate some korean youtube comments for example. It's whack when you start seeing this.

It's just that sometimes provisions to deal with human nature stay cultural, conventional. And sometimes they are put into law.

View attachment 1108758

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/1737fvn/is_it_common_for_us_vietnamese_guys_to_give_most/

In the west, this is no different, with women controlling 80% of customer purchases on average.
This means that between 40-50% of the money women spend comes from men.

View attachment 1108349

So as we can see, the situation in Asia where women control all the finances of their husband is literally identical to what is happening in the west.
This is also not a new phenomenon, see this article about the 1930s:

So we can see that women control quite literally every aspect of men's lives since childhood. Husbands, boyfriends and sons are all identical to women.
When a man tries to escape the patronizing manipulation clap trap that women put him in, they threaten emotional torture or worse.

The sheer gall of redpillers to say that women are not aware that they have this power is insane. Consider this: Imagine you had 1000s of girls hitting on your online and IRL everyday since the age of 13. How would you not be aware of the power you hold?

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Many of us still have that really basic need to get female validation. All our actions and desires are informed by it. In our daydreams there is always a woman watching us while we play the hero. I wonder if this stems from the deliberate emotional neglect women practice on their infant sons, withdrawing and giving affection conditionally.

Think about everything I laid out so far and then put yourself in a womans shoes.
From a womans perspective, men are a joke.
A single nipple slip and a mans brain is wiped, clean slate, formatted to foid-file system, ready to be imprinted with her instructions.


Society is a cult, complete with trauma-bonding, initiation rituals, religious rites and so on.
It just does not seem like that to us because we take it all for granted since we grow up with it.
People rave against extremism, fascism, whatever. But all of us hold really extreme beliefs without even realizing it.

I already explained in my "psychopathy" thread how women use tactics like "love-bombing" to trap men in relationships. Another common female tactic is "DARVO" - "Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender."

Any study of common psychological manipulation methods will instantly make you think of your mom or other women in your life.
Men simply do not use these, they can't even do it because they have no leverage with other people.

This is a good book with little fluff, listing 30 very common methods:

(it's an epub file, so get an ebook reader like foliate, or a browser add-on to read it)

Another common info-sheet:


Btw never let anyone accuse of you being an extremist.
Everyone is an extremist.
Even saying you should not be an extremist is an extreme position.
"You should always take the middle way, the balanced position." - that is an absolute claim. "You should always do x."

Back to the topic of female manipulation. There is an old book called "the anatomy of female power."
The author breaks down female power into "cradle power," kitchen power" and so on. Basically how women control your entire life since birth, from cradle, to marriage, your household etc.

The book is great. There is one passage where he describes how he talked to a mother who was smothering her baby in kisses.
And she said, "it's good to start them early." (paraphrasing)
This is literally emotional manipulation. She is priming the infant to seek affection from her conditionally.
If mom does not give affection = pain = I did something wrong = find way to please mom.

page 33:

Also this is interesting, mothers force gender roles on kids more than dads.

I believe this is why women are more prone to believing into things like "gender is a social construct."
From the perspective of a mother that enforces gender roles on husband, boyfriend and her children her entire life, gender is indeed something she constructs.

This also jives well with my "masculinity is an actual social construct" thread, where I showed a study that explored why you can loose your "masculinity-card" but not your "woman-card." It's because masculinity is dependent on how women define it. Women can withdraw the man-card, but men can not withdraw it from other men.

In contrast, women just have inherent value in the eyes of society.
And since women are the only group in society with an inherent in-group preference, they effectively are society.

And so they can dictate what masculinity is, while maintaining that they as a group have inherent value (man's value is contingent on women validating him. That's why all anti-male insults are about how you cant serve women - small dick, virgin, etc).

Anyway this is too long already, I am just dumping some thoughts from my head and hope to get some discussion going.

I'm out.


It's interesting how this principle applies to other power structures,
School companies and especially the military use the same techniques to brainwash as these females, all of them are priming the man to become a simp. All brainwashing deals with the question of identity, how does the person view himself?
And many man view themselves threw the lense of fake masculinity aka being a discussing simp.
This is why phrases like "you are not a real man" are constantly thrown around.
A real man provides, a real man spoils his wife, a real man.......................
you will never hear the real women does X, or the real military or company does X
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I also noticed that men in a discussion tend to concern is what they are saying is right or the decision they make is right for everybody.
Instead women concern on winning, and mosto of the time they make shittiy desicion but the important thing is winning to them.
Yes exactly. Men often project onto women from male perspective.
When a woman starts a fight or has a problem, the man thinks she is being serious. But women start problems just for the sake of it. It is pleasurable to them, they just want a kneejerk reaction out of you. That's why men always joke about how it's impossible to figure out a womans brain. It's not impossible at all, you are just looking for the logic in the wrong place.

She is not trying to make sense, she is trying to manipulate you by being illogical.
You are using language to communicate, she is using language like a multi-tool that enables her to get people to do what she wants.
If you fight with her and you run out, she wins. That's what she wants.

In fact, if you take her serious on any level, you give her what she wants.
Imagine manipulating a child or dog.
Think of the methods you use, simple deceptions, peek-a-boo, punishment reward, fear of abandonment, depriving you of things you crave (affection, freedom, toys) - that's the kind of thing women do to men.
Like I wrote, they use the same methods on children and grown men.

- children are put on time out or get ground -> grown men have to sleep on the couch
- children are send to bed without dinner -> ditto with men, she refuses to share meals and goes to bed early, making him worry he did something wrong
- she acts stand-offish. This is something parents do as well. They act weird and cold, so the child is going "oh-oh..." and thinks it did something wrong.

- people also trigger children on purpose with promise of rewards. Seeing the child get emotional and giddy makes people happy.
And sometimes people even make children cry on purpose too, because its funny or for some other purpose.
That's how women treat guys.

There are many of these, but generally speaking, women never directly come out and state what they want. Instead they train the man to constantly pay attention to her and try to please her. This requires him to be on alert 24/7 and automatically makes him hyper-focused on her.
This is exactly what narcissists want.
They want you giving them attention constantly and have you walk on eggshells all the time.

That's why some people say, a relationship is a cult of two.

Another banger thread by GeckoBus!
I don't believe you are low IQ for a second, these threads are always a fantastic read.

The main takeaway here is that there is no escaping feminine wiles. The only solution is AI wives or bust.

You know, now that I'm actually thinking about it, the female-male dichotomy in reality is much like a master-slave dynamic. Like you said, men are reliant on the social and sexual approval of females from birth. Something as universally 'pure' as a mother's love now has a whole new light shined on it - it's kind of perverse. We really are just indoctrinated to be slaves to the female gender...
How can it be love if it is conditional?
You would not say that a shop-owner loves you because he sells things you desire based on the condition you surrender appropriate legal tender.

Also nobody expects women to provide anything in exchange for male affection.

Like, if you switched the genders, everyone would call this abusive. Like imagine a father being like, I will only selectively give love to my kids, and only when they please my desires.

People would 100% call that abusive, but in society, both grown men and little boys are raised exactly like this. Hence, husband-wife relationships are identical to boy-mother relationships.

I remember being a child and my mom was brushing my teeth, and I must have done something wrong. Suddenly she goes "you are now excluded from the family!" And I was in shock and ran into my room crying.

I did not list all the manipulation techniques they use, but there are many. It's extremely easy as a man to mistake female outward display of emotion for their real feelings. But women play different roles for all the different groups they are in.
If you put a woman in a brothel, she will play the whore.
At her job, the astute businesswoman.
At home, the mother.

For example, this is something that happens to guys all the time - hence the term "chameleon" became popular to describe women in the manosphere. Whatever you are interested in, video games, motorcycles, sports - she will pretend to be into that. She may join your club, religion, hobby. They can do this immediately too, on the spot if necessary.
This is one of the craziest things I have experienced IRL - how quick women can draw up lies.

Like, there were situations in school where a teacher confronted me and girls would just make up shit instantly, without even thinking.
I can't even think that fast.

This is also related to how women are never committed to anything in their life. They can give a convincing appearance but mostly they are not invested at all. Hence France ended up with 400000 german babies after ww2. Women don't care.

High quality thread, as always. My mom used to lock me into the wardrobe even thought she knew I had claustrophobia, and bought alcohol and drugs from the money that I, and my father worked for
oh wow, thats giga fucked up what the fuck.
Yeah my mom did that before she got with my dad. Had 2 kids from prior marriage, complete clusterfuck. Boozing, only fed them garbage, took them to run down bars full of smoke and other shit. Terrible.

One thing women do is that they scan you for weaknesses like the terminator. And then they specifically hit you where it hurts every time. In your case it was claustrophobia. If you had some other trigger, like an allergy or something like that, she would have used that against you.

It's interesting how this principle applies to other power structures,
School companies and especially the military use the same techniques to brainwash as these females, all of them are priming the man to become a simp. All brainwashing deals with the question of identity, how does the person view himself?
And many man view themselves threw the lense of fake masculinity aka being a discussing simp.
This is why phrases like "you are not a real man" are constantly thrown around.
A real man provides, a real man spoils his wife, a real man.......................
you will never hear the real women does X, or the real military or company does X
Yes extremely good point about how all these brainwashing techniques are about managing identity.
They are trying to sell you on a new worldview.
Companies now do this as well. They don't even advertise the product anymore, they just tie it to some political thing like racism or whatever.

As you say, the worldview women create and man adopt from their moms and future wives is one of pseudo-masculinity.
They don't even realize that every single tenant of their worldview somehow, for no reason at all, just so happens to serve women at their own expense. Just so happens guys, just so happens...

also kek "the real military" lmfao
true yes. That's another thing that is really interesting. There is no "alternative masculinity." There is ONE way to be a man and that is to serve foids. There is no other way. The question of if there is another way to be a man is not even a thing. You are the first one to make me think of that kek.

It's like they create these artificial standards for you without telling you. And then they coerce you into satisfying the standards through manipulation. But if you ask them where the standard came from and why it has value, they can't answer.

For example, when it comes to the whole "men need to protect" women thing. Why? Protect from what? Also, if every man has the obligation to do that, and the majority of men follow that principle, does she really need me? By that metric, the greatest threat to myself and her are actually other women. Because women are the trigger, the catalyst in this whole picture. It is for women's sake that men fight each other, to defend her, to impress her etc.

The source of the violence is women, just like the catalyst for a bank robbery is the value of the money stored in the bank.
But you would never go, the customers of the bank have an obligation to defend the bank against robbers.
Anyway, very nice reply, I appreciate it! :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
There are many of these, but generally speaking, women never directly come out and state what they want
My mother always
They can do this immediately too, on the spot if necessary.
A female in my school was bragging about having a chess score of 2000 , I was stronger than her at 500 . They are such clowns
women do is that they scan you for weaknesses like the terminator. And then they specifically hit you where it hurts every time. In your case it was claustrophobia. If you had some other trigger, like an allergy
This. My mom used to open every door and windows to make the pollen entrer if I didn't do want she wanted. I literally had a swollen eye and when I told to close that shit she just replayed : you have a swollen eye. I wanted to kill her.

2 Question for you brocel
1) did you write some book? I would gladly read it.
2) do you think that in the age of patriarchy there was an actually "child" Woman and the husband was the adult?
They are child in some way even now but as you said there is now this dynamic where the woman is always the mother in school, at home and in marriage.
The only time I win over my mom was when I wanted her to change my nasty blanket (since I don't know where she has other blanket and she don't let me used anything at home without yelling at me, so I am dependent on her.) and I shame her how nasty the blanket is, how the house sucks because of laziness, she get pissed of and had to give me what I wanted. And she wasn't not even angry at the end, the exact opposite. Sorry if I wrote so much I appreciate you and your work here
1) did you write some book? I would gladly read it.
nah i havent kek

2) do you think that in the age of patriarchy there was an actually "child" Woman and the husband was the adult?
I dont really think patriarchy ever existed. Gender dynamics were pretty stable through history. Here is a thread where I collected some sources on that:

They are child in some way even now but as you said there is now this dynamic where the woman is always the mother in school, at home and in marriage.
I think they use childishness as manipulation tactic. They exaggerate how helpless they are so the man compensates for them by taking more responsibility. Women are more calculating than they let on. When a man goes, "ah, you are a woman, let me do it" - that's what she wants. They act retarded so you do shit for them.

The only time I win over my mom was when I wanted her to change my nasty blanket (since I don't know where she has other blanket and she don't let me used anything at home without yelling at me, so I am dependent on her.) and I shame her how nasty the blanket is, how the house sucks because of laziness, she get pissed of and had to give me what I wanted. And she wasn't not even angry at the end, the exact opposite. Sorry if I wrote so much I appreciate you and your work here
I have observed a similar thing. They respond to power.
Like, my family would always rag on me until I snapped and said horrible things.
But then they would be nice for like 3 days. It's like they don't understand logic, they only respond to the language of power.

ALso, it's fine to write a lot, I like to read long replies :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
Yes exactly. Men often project onto women from male perspective.
When a woman starts a fight or has a problem, the man thinks she is being serious. But women start problems just for the sake of it. It is pleasurable to them, they just want a kneejerk reaction out of you. That's why men always joke about how it's impossible to figure out a womans brain. It's not impossible at all, you are just looking for the logic in the wrong place.

She is not trying to make sense, she is trying to manipulate you by being illogical.
You are using language to communicate, she is using language like a multi-tool that enables her to get people to do what she wants.
If you fight with her and you run out, she wins. That's what she wants.

In fact, if you take her serious on any level, you give her what she wants.
Imagine manipulating a child or dog.
Think of the methods you use, simple deceptions, peek-a-boo, punishment reward, fear of abandonment, depriving you of things you crave (affection, freedom, toys) - that's the kind of thing women do to men.
Like I wrote, they use the same methods on children and grown men.

- children are put on time out or get ground -> grown men have to sleep on the couch
- children are send to bed without dinner -> ditto with men, she refuses to share meals and goes to bed early, making him worry he did something wrong
- she acts stand-offish. This is something parents do as well. They act weird and cold, so the child is going "oh-oh..." and thinks it did something wrong.

- people also trigger children on purpose with promise of rewards. Seeing the child get emotional and giddy makes people happy.
And sometimes people even make children cry on purpose too, because its funny or for some other purpose.
That's how women treat guys.

There are many of these, but generally speaking, women never directly come out and state what they want. Instead they train the man to constantly pay attention to her and try to please her. This requires him to be on alert 24/7 and automatically makes him hyper-focused on her.
This is exactly what narcissists want.
They want you giving them attention constantly and have you walk on eggshells all the time.

That's why some people say, a relationship is a cult of two.

How can it be love if it is conditional?
You would not say that a shop-owner loves you because he sells things you desire based on the condition you surrender appropriate legal tender.

Also nobody expects women to provide anything in exchange for male affection.

Like, if you switched the genders, everyone would call this abusive. Like imagine a father being like, I will only selectively give love to my kids, and only when they please my desires.

People would 100% call that abusive, but in society, both grown men and little boys are raised exactly like this. Hence, husband-wife relationships are identical to boy-mother relationships.

I remember being a child and my mom was brushing my teeth, and I must have done something wrong. Suddenly she goes "you are now excluded from the family!" And I was in shock and ran into my room crying.

I did not list all the manipulation techniques they use, but there are many. It's extremely easy as a man to mistake female outward display of emotion for their real feelings. But women play different roles for all the different groups they are in.
If you put a woman in a brothel, she will play the whore.
At her job, the astute businesswoman.
At home, the mother.

For example, this is something that happens to guys all the time - hence the term "chameleon" became popular to describe women in the manosphere. Whatever you are interested in, video games, motorcycles, sports - she will pretend to be into that. She may join your club, religion, hobby. They can do this immediately too, on the spot if necessary.
This is one of the craziest things I have experienced IRL - how quick women can draw up lies.

Like, there were situations in school where a teacher confronted me and girls would just make up shit instantly, without even thinking.
I can't even think that fast.

This is also related to how women are never committed to anything in their life. They can give a convincing appearance but mostly they are not invested at all. Hence France ended up with 400000 german babies after ww2. Women don't care.

oh wow, thats giga fucked up what the fuck.
Yeah my mom did that before she got with my dad. Had 2 kids from prior marriage, complete clusterfuck. Boozing, only fed them garbage, took them to run down bars full of smoke and other shit. Terrible.

One thing women do is that they scan you for weaknesses like the terminator. And then they specifically hit you where it hurts every time. In your case it was claustrophobia. If you had some other trigger, like an allergy or something like that, she would have used that against you.

Yes extremely good point about how all these brainwashing techniques are about managing identity.
They are trying to sell you on a new worldview.
Companies now do this as well. They don't even advertise the product anymore, they just tie it to some political thing like racism or whatever.

As you say, the worldview women create and man adopt from their moms and future wives is one of pseudo-masculinity.
They don't even realize that every single tenant of their worldview somehow, for no reason at all, just so happens to serve women at their own expense. Just so happens guys, just so happens...

also kek "the real military" lmfao
true yes. That's another thing that is really interesting. There is no "alternative masculinity." There is ONE way to be a man and that is to serve foids. There is no other way. The question of if there is another way to be a man is not even a thing. You are the first one to make me think of that kek.

It's like they create these artificial standards for you without telling you. And then they coerce you into satisfying the standards through manipulation. But if you ask them where the standard came from and why it has value, they can't answer.

For example, when it comes to the whole "men need to protect" women thing. Why? Protect from what? Also, if every man has the obligation to do that, and the majority of men follow that principle, does she really need me? By that metric, the greatest threat to myself and her are actually other women. Because women are the trigger, the catalyst in this whole picture. It is for women's sake that men fight each other, to defend her, to impress her etc.

The source of the violence is women, just like the catalyst for a bank robbery is the value of the money stored in the bank.
But you would never go, the customers of the bank have an obligation to defend the bank against robbers.
Anyway, very nice reply, I appreciate it! :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

My mother always

A female in my school was bragging about having a chess score of 2000 , I was stronger than her at 500 . They are such clowns

This. My mom used to open every door and windows to make the pollen entrer if I didn't do want she wanted. I literally had a swollen eye and when I told to close that shit she just replayed : you have a swollen eye. I wanted to kill her.

2 Question for you brocel
1) did you write some book? I would gladly read it.
2) do you think that in the age of patriarchy there was an actually "child" Woman and the husband was the adult?
They are child in some way even now but as you said there is now this dynamic where the woman is always the mother in school, at home and in marriage.
The only time I win over my mom was when I wanted her to change my nasty blanket (since I don't know where she has other blanket and she don't let me used anything at home without yelling at me, so I am dependent on her.) and I shame her how nasty the blanket is, how the house sucks because of laziness, she get pissed of and had to give me what I wanted. And she wasn't not even angry at the end, the exact opposite. Sorry if I wrote so much I appreciate you and your work here
Yeah, Gecko's essays are amazing; this observation that self-harm is usually caused by some narcissistic traits - brilliant
nah i havent kek

I dont really think patriarchy ever existed. Gender dynamics were pretty stable through history. Here is a thread where I collected some sources on that:

I think they use childishness as manipulation tactic. They exaggerate how helpless they are so the man compensates for them by taking more responsibility. Women are more calculating than they let on. When a man goes, "ah, you are a woman, let me do it" - that's what she wants. They act retarded so you do shit for them.

I have observed a similar thing. They respond to power.
Like, my family would always rag on me until I snapped and said horrible things.
But then they would be nice for like 3 days. It's like they don't understand logic, they only respond to the language of power.

ALso, it's fine to write a lot, I like to read long replies :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
Sometimes it is necessary, but it's not the best way; it still shows them that they have control (note most evil people do that consciously, but instinctively, they are not analyzing
their behavior to that detail).
Imagine a person fighting a snake monster. Would they emotionally snap at them, accusing them of being evil?
Not really, because it would be pointless if the monster intends to kill him; what good would it do to point that out to it?
If it is an emotional snap, it still shows that this person cares about what the abuser thinks; it's the same with revenge.

Ideally, standing up for oneself and others is best done without an emotional reaction. It is done confidently, bravely, and directly while not being concerned about the perception of the person one is standing up against.
Metaphorically, of course (I do not advocate violence), it should be like a swift swing with the sword.

*Note narcissistic women want you to snap at them; they hate when a man doesn't react to their provocations or exposes them without emotional snapping. The reason why many lose is that they fight the wrong battle; they think that if they dominate the other person, in this case, the woman with an emotional reaction, they win, but she plays a different game; she may sacrifice being screamed at because she is still in control, she fights the fight for control.

This is counter-intuitive for many because they assume that the person being screamed at is getting humiliated and, therefore, submissive and losing. They think are winning, but in fact, they are losing.
A good example to illustrate this:
Imagine walking on a street, and a guy starts insulting you in public. If you think winning means insulting him even more, you will humiliate yourself even if you insult him more than he insults you, causing him more harm.
Think about how it will look in the eyes of the people walking around, they will just see two people insulting each other. *
No one should care what the public thinks. It's just an example.
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Sometimes it is necessary, but it's not the best way; it still shows them that they have control (note most evil people do that consciously, but instinctively, they are not analyzing
their behavior to that detail).
Imagine a person fighting a snake monster. Would they emotionally snap at them, accusing them of being evil?
Not really, because it would be pointless if the monster intends to kill him; what good would it do to point that out to it?
If it is an emotional snap, it still shows that this person cares about what the abuser thinks; it's the same with revenge.

Ideally, standing up for oneself and others is best done without an emotional reaction. It is done confidently, bravely, and directly while not being concerned about the perception of the person one is standing up against.
Metaphorically, of course (I do not advocate violence), it should be like a swift swing with the sword.

*Note narcissistic women want you to snap at them; they hate when a man doesn't react to their provocations or exposes them without emotional snapping. The reason why many lose is that they fight the wrong battle; they think that if they dominate the other person, in this case, the woman with an emotional reaction, they win, but she plays a different game; she may sacrifice being screamed at because she is still in control, she fights the fight for control.

This is counter-intuitive for many because they assume that the person being screamed at is getting humiliated and, therefore, submissive and losing. They think are winning, but in fact, they are losing.
A good example to illustrate this:
Imagine walking on a street, and a guy starts insulting you in public. If you think winning means insulting him even more, you will humiliate yourself even if you insult him more than he insults you, causing him more harm.
Think about how it will look in the eyes of the people walking around, they will just see two people insulting each other. *
No one should care what the public thinks. It's just an example.
yeah exactly they want your emotions
when you give them no fuel, they cant do anything
yeah exactly they want your emotions
I remember I was talking to a foid on telegram, she used to ghost me for long periods of time and then when she was saw that I started to care less about her for this she started to spoil me immediately and then again ghosting
Now I don't talk more with her , she blocked and ghosted me random, 2 years ago. Brutal
It's interesting how this principle applies to other power structures,
School companies and especially the military use the same techniques to brainwash as these females, all of them are priming the man to become a simp. All brainwashing deals with the question of identity, how does the person view himself?
And many man view themselves threw the lense of fake masculinity aka being a discussing simp.
This is why phrases like "you are not a real man" are constantly thrown around.
A real man provides, a real man spoils his wife, a real man.......................
you will never hear the real women does X, or the real military or company does X
Current military forces have their basis in feminism not masculinity.
The GOAT back with another banger. How did I miss it? Will read later.
I will answer later but i'm gonna say that your point about female abusing power and especially finances

Trad societies while patriarchal are also at same time matriarchal, it's very different than modern cuckmerica but in past somehow it made sense, men were working and foids were taking children

''NNNNOOOO nooooo you SEEE that we preach feminism don't want children anymore but still want that sweet advantages of past !''

also btw that kimmel video....suilfuel for whitecels practically no whites here only latinos and asians, only white here were that ugly blond foid with spic and SEAmaxxer...
Even if you win the argument logically and you refuse to give in, she will either threaten to break up with you, start crying and say you abuse her, run to her female friends or mom, make you sleep on the couch, threaten divorce etc.

This is emotional manipulation and also demonstrates that, contrary to redpill belief, women actually do know exactly what they are doing. Redpillers often fall into the female-hypoagency trap in saying "you can not blame women, they don't know what they are doing. Getting mad at them is like getting mad at a shark for biting you."
A video I found covering this topic:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg-2_DDEej0&ab_channel=AaronClarey

They are fully aware.
Nigga who writes straight up some of the most insightful shit on-par with smartest political commentators I read about male-female relationships and society is rotting with me on incel forum, meanwhile every single person in my EE village from my generation who is having baby mama before their 30's-40’s is felon or a drug dealer, meanwhile mods about week ago pin post of some moron who parrots same retarded cuck theory that haunts incel circles for as long as I remember which says that female sexual selection is somewhat eugenics and good for species – well, if your idea of peak humanity is living in mudhuts and cannibalism then I can agree, broads have always been striving towards utopia.

It’s JFL through and through, I don’t even get angry at most things I read these days, I just hop on to get my daily jolt of JFLfuel and go on with my day.
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Self-Harm is a form of narcissism. Same for shitting on yourself. It's tied to the assumption that you have value and somehow you are not living up to your inherent value, and therefore you have to self-destroy out of shame. It's like you think you are some sort of nobleman, samurai who has to commit harakiri because he failed to live up to Bushido.


If you really had no expectations for yourself, if you really thought you are worthless and incapable of anything, why would you beat yourself up? You can only blame yourself when you have expectations for yourself. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:

In reality you are just coping with falling short of your own standards, which you don't want to acknowledge you have. And these standards in turn probably are somehow related to getting validation from women, or rather, your mom.
I was quite dramatic fag when I was 16, I cut myself several times and have permament scars. Oddly enough, as I grew older I couldn't understand why I acted like that, your explanation fits with circumstances around it and my teenage logic back then 100%, you pretty much hit nail on the head with this.
I was quite dramatic fag when I was 16, I cut myself several times and have permament scars. Oddly enough, as I grew older I couldn't understand why I acted like that, your explanation fits with circumstances around it and my teenage logic back then 100%, you pretty much hit nail on the head with this.
women do it into adulthood. You can easily tell. They often threaten to hurt themselves, or pretend they are under threat of hurt. Or they threaten to withdraw themselves from your life and so on.
Many of their threats are based on them knowing they have value, and them threatening to deprive the other person of that.

I did similar things in my teen btw. It's just that men do not have the privilege of staying like that into adulthood. You get punched in the face. Women never experience that, so you get 50 year old cunts acting like teenagers.
If you hurt a child, Your not a man, Your lower.
Very interesting read. I wonder how human evolution lead to this degenerate power dynamic that foids have over men
Very interesting read. I wonder how human evolution lead to this degenerate power dynamic that foids have over men
very simple: the foid nags, the man listens because he wants to fuck her, and the species lives on, so those traits are passed on to the offspring who will do the same
very simple: the foid nags, the man listens because he wants to fuck her, and the species lives on, so those traits are passed on to the offspring who will do the same
what a cucked fucking existence

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