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LifeFuel why we will have non-sentient female android robots in 2032 and reverse aging in 2052. Thread version 2.0



Vitantiheterodroidsexual Monk-mode MGTOW
Oct 16, 2022
the most famous futurist called Ray Kurzweil made 300+ technology predictions in 1999 for 2009, 2010s, 2019, 2020s, 2029, 2030s, 2040s and 2045, as of today he got them all late but not wrong, i discovered why all his predictions are 1.52x late but right, he made an error, in 1999 he miscalculated that computational price efficiency doubled every 12 months in the world but in a 2011 study it was discovered that it doubled every 1.52 years (18 months) instead, this makes all his predictions late by 1.52x:

View: https://youtu.be/ikgAId-hWVg

View: https://youtu.be/KDtD7CSJ6m4?t=198

"Computations per kilowatt-hour doubled every 1.57 years over the entire analysis period, a rate of improvement only slightly slower than that for PCs, which saw efficiency double every 1.52 years from 1975 to 2009 (see Figure 4)"
Kurzweil can't admit that he miscalculated because he would lose all his credibility

he also thought that the death of the fifth paradigm of computing (moore's law) would not get us off the trendline of computing, we will get back to the trendline before 2029, here is my method to calculate his predictions date and why every thing he predictied in 1999 for 2009 and 2010 happened in 2015 and 2017 instead:
https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5067661#:~:text=Dr. KURZWEIL: And,at its limit.
watch this video:

View: https://youtu.be/19lZfObdAXs

When we increase 2009 by 1.52x, we get 2014.2:
2009 - 1999 = 10
10 x 1.52 = 15.2
15.2 + 1999 = 2014.2
then i take into account not being in the computing trendline (watch the video above):
Screenshot 2023 01 07 212824
i get 2015 for 2014 above
When we increase 2010 by 1.52x, i get 2015.72:
2010 - 1999 = 11
11 x 1.52 = 16.72
16.72 + 1999 = 2015.72
Screenshot 2023 01 07 214700
as you can see above we get 2017 for 2015
moore's law will die on 2025 and we will get a new paradigm that will get us back to the trendline before 2030
we know a new paradigm will be created after Moore's law dies because there have already been 5 technology paradigms in the past, look at this images made by Kurzweil using old data and old sources, look at the years 1960-1962:
End of moores law 5 paradigms 6Aoaooaoa
as you can see above there was a huge increase in less than one year in 1960-1962, which implies that a new paradigm can get us back to the trendline very fast, in less than one year

for any prediction after 2030 we won't need to do this computing trendline paradigm method i speak in the spoiler above to calculate predictions for after 2030 because, by that time we would already be back in the computing paradigm trendline the video above speaks about (we would only need to use the 1.52x increase method).
The 100+ predictions made by Kurzweil in 1999 for 2009 and 2010 and evidence that they happened in 2015 and 2017 in full detail:
2009, 2009 = 2015:
1-PREDICTION: Individuals primarily use portable computers.
yes in 2015 people did
2-PREDICTION: Portable computers will have become dramatically lighter and thinner than the notebook computers of ten years earlier.
3-PREDICTION: Personal computers are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, and are commonly embedded in clothing and jewelry such as wristwatches, rings, earrings and other body ornaments.
yes we had smart clothing in 2015:
yes we had smart jewelry in 2015:
yes we had smartwatches in 2015:
4-PREDICTION: Computers with a high-resolution visual interface range from rings and pins and credit cards up to the size of a thin book.
yes we had them:
5-PREDICTION: People typically have at least a dozen computers on and around their bodies, which are networked using “body LANs” (local area networks).
yes, phones, laptops, speakers and i think hotspots were all there in 2015
6-PREDICTION: For the most part, these truly personal computers have no moving parts. Memory is completely electronic.
7-PREDICTION: Most portable computers do not have keyboards.
phones 2015
8-PREDICTION: Most users have servers in their homes and offices where they keep large stores of digital “objects,” including their software, databases, documents, music, and movies.
yes, people had personal computers in 2015
9-PREDICTION: Digital objects such as books, music albums, movies, and software are rapidly distributed as data files through the wireless network, and typically do not have a physical object associated with them.
in 2015 all those things could be stored digitally
10-PREDICTION: Most users have servers where they keep digital “objects” such as virtual reality environments (although these are still at an early stage).
yes, in 2014 Google Cardboard VR was released
11-PREDICTION:There are services to keep one’s digital objects in central repositories, but most people prefer to keep their private information under their own physical control.
yes, cloud services 2015
12-PREDICTION: Cables are disappearing. Communication between components, such as pointing devices, microphones, displays, printers, and the occasional keyboard uses short-distance wireless technology.
yes, bluetooth and wifi in 2015
13-PREDICTION: Computers routinely include wireless technology to plug into the ever-present worldwide network, providing reliable, instantly available, very high bandwidth communication.
yes, people had wifi in 2015
14-PREDICTION: The majority of text is created using continuous speech recognition (CSR) dictation software, but keyboards are still used. CSR is very accurate, far more so than the human transcriptionists who were used up until a few years ago.
we could do it we wanted in 2015 but people just prefer to write because it's easier and gives more privacy
15-PREDICTION: Also ubiquitous are language user interfaces (LUIs), which combine continuous speech recognition (CSR) and natural language understanding. For routine matters, such as simple business transactions and information inquiries, LUIs are quite responsive and precise. They tend to be narrowly focused, however, on specific types of tasks. LUIs are frequently combined with animated personalities. Interacting with an animated personality to conduct a purchase or make a reservation is like talking to a person using videoconferencing, except that the person is simulated.
yes, Amazon Alexa was released in 2014
16-PREDICTION: Computer displays have all the display qualities of paper — high resolution, high contrast, large viewing angle, and no flicker. Books, magazines, and newspapers are now routinely read on displays that are the size of, well, small books.
yes, we had e-readers in 2015, also phones and tablets
17-PREDICTION: Computer displays built into eyeglasses are also used. These specialized glasses allow users to see the normal visual environment, while creating a virtual image that appears to hover in front of the viewer. The virtual images are created by a tiny laser built into the glasses that projects the images directly onto the user’s retinas.
yes, Google Cardboard VR was released in 2014
18-PREDICTION: Computers routinely include moving picture image cameras and are able to reliably identify their owners from their faces.
face recognition software was available in 2015
19-PREDICTION: In terms of circuitry, three-dimensional chips are commonly used, and there is a transition taking place from the older single-layer chips.
this is the sixth paradigm of computing, as i explain above he miscalculated this
20-PREDICTION: Sound producing speakers are being replaced with very small chip-based devices that can place high-resolution sound anywhere in three-dimensional space. This technology is based on creating audible frequency sounds from the spectrum created by the interaction of very high frequency tones. As a result, very small speakers can create very robust three-dimensional sound.
21-A $1,000 personal computer can perform about a trillion calculations per second
i don't have the data on that
22-PREDICTION: Supercomputers match at least the hardware capacity of the human brain — 20 million billion calculations per second (20 petaflops).
23-PREDICTION: Unused computes on the Internet are being harvested, creating virtual parallel supercomputers with human brain hardware capacity.
i don't know what this means
24-PREDICTION: There is increasing interest in massively parallel neural nets, genetic algorithms and other forms of “chaotic” or complexity theory computing, although most computer computations are still done using conventional sequential processing, albeit with some limited parallel processing.
25-PREDICTION: Autonomous nanoengineered machines (i.e., machines constructed atom by atom and molecule by molecule) have been demonstrated and include their own computational controls. However, nanoengineering is not yet considered a practical technology.
26-PREDICTION: Research has been initiated on reverse-engineering the human brain through both destructive scans of the brains of recently deceased persons as well as noninvasive scans using high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of living persons and animals.
27-PREDICTION: In the twentieth century, computers in schools were mostly on the trailing edge, with most effective learning from computers taking place in the home. Now in 2009, while schools are still not on the cutting edge, the profound importance of the computer as a knowledge tool is widely recognized.
yes, schools had computers and computer classes in 2015
28-PREDICTION: Computers play a central role in all facets of education, as they do in other spheres of life.
teachers had computers in 2015 and most people learned thing trough their computers
29-PREDICTION: The majority of reading is done on displays, although the “installed base” of paper documents is still formidable.
yes, in 2015 we mostly used phones and computers to read things
30-PREDICTION: The generation of paper documents is dwindling, as the books and other papers of largely twentieth century vintage are being rapidly scanned and stored.
yes, most books were digitized in 2015
31-PREDICTION: Documents, circa 2009, routinely include embedded moving images and sounds.
yes, we had videos in 2015
31-PREDICTION: Students of all ages typically have a computer of their own, which is a thin tablet-like device weighing under a pound with a very high-resolution display suitable for reading.
yes, all students had phones in 2015
32-PREDICTION: Students interact with their computers primarily by voice and by pointing with a device that looks like a pencil.
yes, we had voice recognition software and electronic smartpens in 2015
33-PREDICTION: Keyboards still exist, but most textual language is created by speaking.
we could have done it if we wanted to in 2015 but people prefer to have convenience and privacy
34-PREDICTION:Learning materials are accessed through wireless communication.
yes, in 2015 you could learn anything on the internet
35-PREDICTION: Intelligent courseware has emerged as a common means of learning.
yes, we had online courses in 2015
36-PREDICTION: Recent controversial studies have shown that students can learn basic skills such as reading and math just as readily with interactive learning software as with human teachers, particularly when the ratio of students to human teachers is more than one to one. Although the studies have come under attack, most students and their parents have accepted this notion for years.
37-PREDICTION: The traditional mode of a human teacher instructing a group of children is still prevalent, but schools are increasingly relying on software approaches, leaving human teachers to attend primarily to issues of motivation, psychological well-being, and socialization.
38-PREDICTION: Many children learn to read on their own using their personal computers before entering grade school.
39-PREDICTION: Preschool and elementary school children routinely read at their intellectual level using print-to-speech reading software until their reading skill level catches up.
this was not popular but did happen
40-PREDICTION: These print-to-speech reading systems display the full image of documents, and can read the print aloud while highlighting what is being read.
41-PREDICTION: Synthetic voices sound fully human.
42-PREDICTION: Although some educators expressed concern in the early ‘00 years that students would rely unduly on reading software, such systems have been readily accepted by children and their parents.
43-PREDICTION: Studies have shown that students improve their reading skills by being exposed to synchronized visual and auditory presentations of text.
44-PREDICTION: Learning at a distance (e.g., lectures and seminars in which the participants are geographically scattered) is commonplace
yes, we had videoconferencing in 2015
45-PREDICTION: Learning is becoming a significant portion of most jobs.
46-PREDICTION: Training and developing new skills is emerging as an ongoing responsibility in most careers, not just an occasional supplement, as the level of skill needed for meaningful employment soars ever higher.
47-PREDICTION: Persons with disabilities are rapidly overcoming their handicaps through the intelligent technology of 2009.
48-PREDICTION: Students with reading disabilities routinely ameliorate their disability using print-to-speech reading systems.

View: https://youtu.be/oG-Aq_drV4I

49-PREDICTION: Print-to-speech reading machines for the blind are now very small, inexpensive, palm-sized devices that can read books (those that still exist in paper form) and other printed documents, and other real-world text such as signs and displays.
50-PREDICTION: These reading systems are equally adept at reading the trillions of electronic documents that are instantly available from the ubiquitous wireless worldwide network.
51-PREDICTION: After decades of ineffective attempts, useful navigation devices have been introduced that can assist blind people in avoiding physical obstacles in their path, and finding their way around, using global positioning system (“GPS”) technology.

View: https://youtu.be/R36ngPRXH8E

52-PREDICTION: A blind person can interact with her personal reading-navigation systems through voice communication, kind of like a Seeing Eye dog that reads and talks.
53-PREDICTION: Deaf persons — or anyone with a hearing impairment — commonly use portable speech-to-text listening machines, which display a real-time transcription of what people are saying. The deaf user has the choice of either reading the transcribed speech as displayed text, or watching an animated person gesturing in sign language. These have eliminated the primary communication handicap associated with deafness.

View: https://youtu.be/rExvbJ8Cnqg

54-PREDICTION: Listening machines can also translate what is being said into another language in real time, so they are commonly used by hearing people as well.
yes, google translate
55-PREDICTION: Computer-controlled orthotic devices have been introduced. These “walking machines” enable paraplegic persons to walk and climb stairs. The prosthetic devices are not yet usable by all paraplegic persons, as many physically disabled persons have dysfunctional joints from years of disuse. However, the advent of orthotic walking systems is providing more motivation to have these joints replaced.

View: https://youtu.be/_JWxSb7-l_U

56-PREDICTION: There is a growing perception that the primary disabilities of blindness, deafness, and physical impairment do not necessarily impart handicaps. Disabled persons routinely describe their disabilities as mere inconveniences. Intelligent technology has become the great leveler.
57-PREDICTION: Translating telephone technology (where you speak in English and your Japanese friend hears you in Japanese, and vice versa) is commonly used for many language pairs. It is a routine capability of an individual’s personal computer.
it was not popular, but it was possible:

View: https://youtu.be/iD-Bfd2flLI

58-PREDICTION: …which also serves as her phone.
59-PREDICTION: “Telephone” communication is primarily wireless.
60-PREDICTION: …and routinely includes high-resolution moving images.
yes, we had videos in phones in 2015
61-PREDICTION: Meetings of all kinds and sizes routinely take place among geographically separated participants.
yes, videoconferencing
62-PREDICTION: There is effective convergence, at least on the hardware and supporting software level, of all media, which exist as digital objects (i.e., files).
63-PREDICTION: …distributed by the ever-present, high-bandwidth, wireless information web.
64-PREDICTION: Users can instantly download books, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, movies, and other forms of software to their highly portable personal communication devices.
65-PREDICTION: Virtually all communication is digital and encrypted…
i don't know what this means
66-PREDICTION: …with keys available to government authorities.
i don't know what this means
67-PREDICTION: Many individuals and groups, including but not limited to criminal organizations, use an additional layer of virtually unbreakable encryption codes with no third party keys.
i don't know what this means
68-PREDICTION: Haptic technologies are emerging that allow people to touch and feel objects and other persons at a distance.
69-PREDICTION: These force feedback devices are widely used in games and in training simulation systems.
70-PREDICTION: VR Interactive games routinely include all-encompassing visual and auditory environments…
71-PREDICTION: …but a satisfactory, all-encompassing tactile VR environment is not yet available.
yes, google cardboard (2014) didn't have any tactile tools, the VR products with tactile features were launched in 2016
72-PREDICTION: The online chat rooms of the late 1990s have been replaced with virtual environments where you can meet people with full visual realism.
yes, online games
73-PREDICTION: People have sexual experiences at a distance with other persons as well as virtual partners.
yes, you could have relationships and sex in second life (and other games) with other people and there were sex games with NPC females in 2015
74-PREDICTION: But the lack of the “surround” tactile environment has thus far kept virtual sex out of the mainstream.
75-PREDICTION: Virtual partners are popular as forms of sexual entertainment, but they are more game-like than real.
yes, npc sex games
76-PREDICTION: And phone sex is a lot more popular now that phones routinely include high resolution real-time moving images of the person on the other end.
yes, in 2015 people video called each other to masturbate in front of each other or dirty talk with the other in a call
77- PREDICTION: Despite occasional corrections, the ten years leading up to 2009 have seen continuous economic expansion and prosperity due to the dominance of the knowledge content of products and services.
78-PREDICTION: The greatest gains continue to be in the value of the stock market
79-PREDICTION: Price deflation concerned economists in the early ’00 years, but they quickly realized it was a good thing. The high tech community pointed out that significant deflation had existed in the computer hardware and software industries for many years earlier without detriment.
i don't know
80-PREDICTION: The United States continues to be the economic leader due to its primacy in popular culture and its entrepreneurial environment.
81-PREDICTION: Since information markets are largely world markets, the U.S. has benefited greatly from its immigrant history. Being comprised of all the world’s peoples — specifically, the descendants of peoples from around the globe who had endured great risk for a better life — it has the ideal heritage for the new knowledge-based economy.
82-PREDICTION: China has also emerged as a powerful economic player.
83-PREDICTION: Europe has been somewhat quicker than Japan and Korea in adopting the American emphasis on venture capital, employee stock options, and tax policies that encourage entrepreneurship, although these practices have become popular throughout the world.
84-PREDICTION: At least half of all transactions are conducted on-line.
i don't know
85-PREDICTION: Intelligent assistants which combine continuous speech recognition, natural language understanding, problem solving, and animated personalities routinely assist with finding information, answering questions and conducting transactions. Intelligent assistants have become a primary interface for interacting with information-based services, with a wide range of choices available. A recent poll shows that both male and female users prefer female personalities for their computer-based intelligent assistants. The two most popular are Maggie, who claims to be a waitress in a Harvard Square café, and Michelle, a stripper from New Orleans. Personality designers are in demand, and the field constitutes a growth area in software development.
yes, Amazon Alexa was released in 2014
86-PREDICTION: Most purchases of books, musical “albums,” videos, games and other forms of software do not involve any physical object, so new business models for distributing these forms of information have emerged.
87-PREDICTION: One shops for these information objects by “strolling” through virtual malls, sampling and selecting objects of interest, rapidly (and securely) conducting an on-line transaction, and then quickly downloading the information using high-speed wireless communication.
yes, websites, steam and more
88-PREDICTION: There are many types and gradations of transactions to gain access to these products. You can “buy” a book, musical album, video, etc. which gives you unlimited permanent access.
89-PREDICTION: Alternatively, you can rent access to read, view, or listen once, or a few times. Or you can rent access by the minute.
90-PREDICTION: Access may be limited to one person or to a group of persons (for example, a family or a company). Alternatively, access may be limited to a particular computer, or to any computer accessed by a particular person or by a set of persons.
91-PREDICTION: There is a strong trend towards the geographic separation of work groups. People are successfully working together despite living and working in different places.
92-PREDICTION: The average household has more than a hundred computers, most of which are embedded in appliances and built-in communication systems.
yes, examples of embedded microprocessors in a modern home include microwave ovens, washing machines, dishwashers, alarm clocks, and high-end home automation systems. They are also found in virtually all consumer electronics devices, including TV sets, remote controls, videogame consoles, Blueray and DVD players, digital cameras, digital watches, digital telephones, electronic toys, calculators, digital audio recorders, digital camcorders, GPS devices, digital video recorders, electronic musical instruments, and MP3 players. Embedded microprocessors are also found in routers, Wi-Fi access points, and cable modems, as well as in computer peripherals such as mice, keyboards, external USB drives, scanners, and printers
93-PREDICTION: Household robots have emerged, but are not yet fully accepted.
yes (next product was not released in 2015):
he might be talking about robotic vacuum cleaners, dyson 360 was launched in 2014:
94-PREDICTION: Intelligent roads are in use, primarily for long-distance travel. Once your car’s computer guidance system locks onto the control sensors on one of these highways, you can sit back and relax. Local roads, though, are still predominantly conventional.
yes, tesla enabled autopilot for model S drivers in October 2015, these intelligent roads were not in use because of convenience, we could have had intelligent roads if we wanted to in 2015, some people tested them in Virginian on 2015:
95-PREDICTION: A company west of the Mississippi and north of the Mason-Dixon Line has surpassed a trillion dollars in market capitalization.
he refers to Microsoft and it didn't in 2015, but this is not a technology prediction and he admits that is was just a tongue-in-cheek, so we should ignore it:
https://kurzweilai.net/images/How-My-Predictions-Are-Faring.pdf (page 85)
96-PREDICTION: Privacy has emerged as a primary political issue. The virtually constant use of electronic communication technologies is leaving a highly detailed trail of every person’s every move.
97-PREDICTION: Litigation, of which there has been a great deal, has placed some constraints on the widespread distribution of personal data.
98-PREDICTION: Government agencies, however, continue to have the right to gain access to people’s files…
there is a law in effect that makes it easy for the U.S. government to access private communications. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
99-PREDICTION: …which has resulted in the popularity of unbreakable encryption technologies.
i don't know
100-PREDICTION: There is a growing neo-Luddite movement, as the skill ladder continues to accelerate upwards.
101-PREDICTION: As with earlier Luddite movements, its influence is limited by the level of prosperity made possible by new technology.
102-PREDICTION: The movement does succeed in establishing continuing education as a primary right associated with employment.
i don't know
103-PREDICTION: There is continuing concern with an underclass that the skill ladder has left far behind. The size of the underclass appears to be stable, however.
104-PREDICTION: Although not politically popular, the underclass is politically neutralized through public assistance and the generally high level of affluence.
105-PREDICTION: The high quality of computer screens, and the facilities of computer-assisted visual rendering software, have made the computer screen a medium of choice for visual art.
106-PREDICTION: Most visual art is the result of collaboration between human artists and their intelligent art software.
107-PREDICTION: Virtual paintings — high-resolution, wall-hung displays — have become popular. Rather than always displaying the same work of art, as with a conventional painting or poster, these virtual paintings can change the displayed work at the user’s verbal command, or can cycle through collections of art. The displayed artwork can be works by human artists or original art created in real time by cybernetic art software
108-PREDICTION: Human musicians routinely jam with cybernetic musicians.
yes, games like guitar hero, software helped users copy songs or make songs
109-PREDICTION: The creation of music has become available to persons who are not musicians.
110-PREDICTION: Creating music does not necessarily require the fine motor coordination of using traditional controllers.
111-PREDICTION: Cybernetic music creation systems allow people who appreciate music but who are not knowledgeable about music theory and practice to create music in collaboration with their automatic composition software.
112-PREDICTION: Interactive brain-generated music, which creates a resonance between the user’s brainwaves and the music being listened to, is another popular genre.
i don't know what gender he is talking about, this has to do with what people like and not technology, so we can ignore it
113-PREDICTION: Musicians commonly use electronic controllers which emulate the playing style of the old acoustic instruments (e.g., piano, guitar, violin, drums).
114-PREDICTION: …but there is a surge of interest in the new “air” controllers in which you create music by moving your hands, feet, mouth and other body parts.
115-PREDICTION: Other music controllers involve interacting with specially designed devices.
116-PREDICTION: Writers use voice-activated word processing…
117-PREDICTION: Grammar checkers are now actually useful.
118-PREDICTION: Distribution of written documents from articles to books typically does not involve paper and ink.
119-PREDICTION: Style improvement and automatic editing software is widely used to improve the quality of writing.
120-PREDICTION: Language translation software is also widely used to translate written works in a variety of languages
121-PREDICTION: Nonetheless, the core process of creating written language is less affected by intelligent software technologies than the visual and musical arts. However, “cybernetic” authors are emerging.
122-PREDICTION: Beyond music recordings, images, and movie videos, the most popular type of digital entertainment object is virtual experience software. These interactive virtual environments allow you to go whitewater rafting on virtual rivers, to hang glide in a virtual Grand Canyon, or to engage in intimate encounters with your favorite movie star.
yes, he is not talking about VR, he is talking about games
123-PREDICTION: Users also experience fantasy environments with no counterpart in the physical world.
124-PREDICTION: The visual and auditory experience of virtual reality is compelling, but tactile interaction is still limited.
yes, we couldn't have any tactile experience in VR on 2015, until 2016
125-PREDICTION: The security of computation and communication is the primary focus of the U.S. Department of Defense. There is general recognition that the side that can maintain the integrity of its computational resources will dominate the battlefield.
i don't know
126-PREDICTION: Humans are generally far removed from the scene of battle.
in 2015 the US army used drones and started testing technologies like this:
127-PREDICTION: Warfare is dominated by unmanned intelligent airborne devices.
i don't know but the US army used many unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in 2015
128-PREDICTION: Many of these flying weapons are the size of small birds, or smaller.
129-PREDICTION: The U.S. continues to be the world’s dominant military power, which is largely accepted by the rest of the world, as most countries concentrate on economic competition.
130-PREDICTION: Military conflicts between nations are rare, and most conflicts are between nations and smaller bands of terrorists.
131-PREDICTION: The greatest threat to national security comes from bioengineered weapons.
i don't know
132-PREDICTION: Bioengineered treatments have reduced the toll from cancer, heart disease, and a variety of other health problems.
133-PREDICTION: Significant progress is being made in understanding the information processing basis of disease.
134-PREDICTION: Telemedicine is widely used. Physicians can examine patients using visual, auditory and haptic examination from a distance. Health clinics with relatively inexpensive equipment and a single technician bring health care to remote areas where doctors had previously been scarce.
some did:
135-PREDICTION: Computer-based pattern recognition is routinely used to interpret imaging data and other diagnostic procedures.
i don't know
136-PREDICTION: The use of noninvasive imaging technologies has substantially increased.
137-PREDICTION: Diagnosis almost always involves collaboration between a human physician and a pattern recognition-based expert system.
i don't know
138-PREDICTION: Doctors routinely consult knowledge-based systems (generally through two-way voice communication augmented by visual displays), which provide automated guidance, access to the most recent medical research, and practice guidelines.
we could have had this but as i explain above, voice recognition is not convenient and there is no privacy
139-PREDICTION: Lifetime patient records are maintained in computer databases.
140-PREDICTION: Privacy issues concerning access to these records (as with many other data bases of personal information) have emerged as a major issue.
i don't know
141-PREDICTION: Doctors routinely train in virtual reality environments, which include a haptic interface. These systems simulate the visual, auditory and tactile experience of medical procedures, including surgery.
142-PREDICTION: Simulated patients are available for continuing medical education, for medical students, and for people who just want to play doctor.
143-PREDICTION: There is renewed interest in the Turing test, first proposed by Alan Turing in 1950 as a means for testing intelligence in a machine. Recall that the Turing test contemplates a situation in which a human judge interviews the computer and a human “foil,” communicating with both over terminal lines. If the human judge is unable to tell which interviewee is human and which is machine, the machine is deemed to possess human-level intelligence.
144-PREDICTION: Although computers still fail the test, confidence is increasing that they will be in a position to pass it within another one or two decades.
145-PREDICTION: There is serious speculation on the potential sentience (i.e., consciousness) of computer-based intelligence.
146-PREDICTION: The increasingly apparent intelligence of computers has spurred an interest in philosophy.

2010, 2010 = 2017:
1-PREDICTION: Computers arriving at the beginning of the next decade will become essentially invisible: woven into our clothing, embedded in our furniture and environment.
2-PREDICTION: [Computers] will tap into the worldwide mesh (what the World Wide Web will become once all of its linked devices become communicating Web servers, thereby forming vast supercomputers and memory banks) of high-speed communications and computational resources.
yes, this is called the cloud
3-PREDICTION: We’ll have very high-bandwidth wireless communication to the Internet at all times.
yes, we had mobile data in 2017
4-PREDICTION: Displays will be built into our eyeglasses and contact lenses and images projected directly onto our retinas.
yes, we had google glass in 2013
smart contact lenses were only in development in 2017, maybe he just used a poor wording:
Mojo Lens Development Timeline
5-PREDICTION: Similar tiny devices will project auditory environments.
yes, The very first truly wireless earphones were made by a Japanese company named Onkyo in the year 2015. They made their first pair and launched it in September 2015, they called it “Onkyo W800BT”.
6-PREDICTION: These resources will provide high-resolution, full-immersion, visual-auditory virtual reality at any time.
yes, very good VR products were released in 2016
7-PREDICTION: We will also have augmented reality with displays overlaying the real world to provide real-time guidance and explanations.
we had pokemon GO in 2016
in 2014: Google unveiled its Google Glass devices, a pair of augmented reality glasses that users could wear for immersive experiences.
Google glass augmented reality 2014
Users wore the AR tech and communicated with the Internet via natural language processing commands. With this device, users could access a variety of applications like Google Maps, Google+, Gmail, and more.
in 2016: Microsoft starts shipping its version of wearable AR technology called the HoloLens, which is more advanced than the Google Glass, but came with a hefty price tag
the headset runs on Windows 10 and is essentially a wearable computer. It also allows users to scan their surroundings and create their own AR experiences
in 2017: IKEA released its augmented reality app called IKEA Place
i would also add that Google maps provides guidance and explanations for the real world
8-PREDICTION: We’ll have real-time translation of foreign languages, essentially subtitles on the world.
9-PREDICTION: We’ll have access to many forms of online information in our daily activities.
10-PREDICTION: Virtual personalities that overlay the real world will help us with information retrieval and our chores and transactions. These virtual assistants won’t always wait for questions and directives but will step forward if they see us struggling to find a piece of information.”
he also has more predictions for the 2000s in his older books but i don't think it's necessary to discuss them
i don't speak about other predictions for the 2010s because we haven't gotten back to the computing trendline yet

what does this have to do with non-sentient female android robots, slow aging tech and reverse aging tech?
he predicted we would have android robots by the start of the 2020s, which is 2032 with the 1.52x increase:
in his 1999 book called the age of spiritual machines on page 107 he predicted that we would have sexbots by the start of the third decade of the new century, which would be 2021:
i know that the word sexbot does not sound like android robot, but in his 2009 book called transcend on page 123 he talked more about what kind of things we would have in 2023, and he talked more about these sexbots:
Ls 1
so as you can see they will be android robots because they will look indistinguishable from humans (the reason why he wrote 2023 was because he wanted to talk about a year where many other technologies would be there, he didn't only talk about android robots on that book, he talked about other technologies, medical devices and other things that would be there in 2023)
2021 - 1999 = 22
22 x 1.52 = 33.44
33.44 + 1999 = 2032.44
he predicted we would have slow down aging tech by 2023 (2035 with the 1.52x increase) and reverse aging tech by 2034 (2052 with the 1.52x increase):
on his 2009 book called transcend on page 22 he said this about 2023 and 2034:
2023 - 1999 = 24
24 x 1.52 = 36.48
36.48 + 1999 = 2035.48

2034 - 1999 = 35
35 x 1.52 = 53.2
53.2 + 1999 = 2052.2
side stuff:
sentient female android robots vs non-sentient female android robots, will non-sentient female android robots get rights or be banned? will they be affordable?:
android robots can't have rights because consciousness is not a computation, we humans are made of cells with microtubules that connect to the quantum world to create consciousness, machines can't do that so they would just be pieces of plastic imitating human behavior, machines are made of non-living matter, unlike us.
even if we found a way to create consciousness in an AI, we will not use it on android robots, if we don't use sentient AIs for the androids then they won't be able to get banned.
There is no information technology (information technology means related to computers) today that is not available to everyday consumer, a product will fail if it's not affordable to the average consumer, it takes billions and billions of dollars to do research and create a new product, do you really think someone would waste all that money just to be available to very few people? obviously people want to increase their wealth, making it available to everyday consumers is the best strategy to increase your wealth
there are some information technologies that are illegal because they can harm others, but they are still affordable to the average consumer
also, all men will need them in some years due to the behavioral sink:
for example, the game Detroit: Become Human, why the androids in Detroit: Become Human were not sentient:
those androids were only done trough programming, and you know that you can't create consciousness by just making 2 rocks move, there is a secret ending in Detroit: Become Human that shows that deviancy was just a virus that Kamski created to take over the world, the androids were never sentient, they were programmed to act like they believed they were sentient by the virus but they were not:
will slow aging tech and reverse aging tech be affordable? will it be banned?:
there is no information technology (information technology means related to computers) today that is not available to everyday consumer, a product will fail if it's not affordable to the average consumer, it takes billions and billions of dollars to do research and create a new product, do you really think someone would waste all that money just to be available to very few people? obviously people want to increase their wealth, making it available to everyday consumers is the best strategy to increase your wealth
there are some technologies that are illegal because they can harm others, but they are still affordable to the average consumer
"BuT tHe y0oz ade eVul aNd thEy ade gona trY tO ztop iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
you need to stop browsing 4chan, it's true that jews control and the media and all the companies but you need to understand that they are not evil, they instead have too much empathy, and individualism (which creates better ideas to be successful and gives a higher IQ), to understand it you need to read this thread:
they are not gonna be banned and you need to stop believing those 4 chan memes, Ray Kurzweil was born to Jewish parents
the uncanny valley cope:
many people think that as the robot gets closer to look human the robot will look worse because of the uncanny valley but no, it works the other way around, this works like the blackpill, ugly robots will be seen as ugly but handsome robots will be more and more appealing each time they get closer to look human, you can see that here:
Untitled design
2018 video:
pdfs of the important books made by Kurzweil with his predictions:
@LL maxi @Govid_Dorious @Robtical @Tryna Ascend @DespressedCurryCel1 @ElTruecel @Rotter @starcrapoo @armis @ArtoriasWolf
the most famous futurist called Ray Kurzweil made 300+ technology predictions in 1999 for 2009, 2010s, 2019, 2020s, 2029, 2030s, 2040s and 2045, as of today he got them all late but not wrong, i discovered why all his predictions are 1.52x late but right, he made an error, in 1999 he miscalculated that computational price efficiency doubled every 12 months in the world but in a 2011 study it was discovered that it doubled every 1.52 years (18 months) instead, this makes all his predictions late by 1.52x:

View: https://youtu.be/ikgAId-hWVg

View: https://youtu.be/KDtD7CSJ6m4?t=198

"Computations per kilowatt-hour doubled every 1.57 years over the entire analysis period, a rate of improvement only slightly slower than that for PCs, which saw efficiency double every 1.52 years from 1975 to 2009 (see Figure 4)"
Kurzweil can't admit that he miscalculated because he would lose all his credibility

he also thought that the death of the fifth paradigm of computing (moore's law) would not get us off the trendline of computing, we will get back to the trendline before 2029, here is my method to calculate his predictions date and why every thing he predictied in 1999 for 2009 and 2010 happened in 2015 and 2017 instead:
https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5067661#:~:text=Dr. KURZWEIL: And,at its limit.
watch this video:

View: https://youtu.be/19lZfObdAXs

When we increase 2009 by 1.52x, we get 2014.2:
2009 - 1999 = 10
10 x 1.52 = 15.2
15.2 + 1999 = 2014.2
then i take into account not being in the computing trendline (watch the video above):
View attachment 725999
View attachment 726000
i get 2015 for 2014 above
When we increase 2010 by 1.52x, i get 2015.72:
2010 - 1999 = 11
11 x 1.52 = 16.72
16.72 + 1999 = 2015.72
View attachment 726003
as you can see above we get 2017 for 2015
moore's law will die on 2025 and we will get a new paradigm that will get us back to the trendline before 2030
View attachment 726021
we know a new paradigm will be created after Moore's law dies because there have already been 5 technology paradigms in the past, look at this images made by Kurzweil using old data and old sources, look at the years 1960-1962:
View attachment 726024View attachment 726023
as you can see above there was a huge increase in less than one year in 1960-1962, which implies that a new paradigm can get us back to the trendline very fast, in less than one year

for any prediction after 2030 we won't need to do this computing trendline paradigm method i speak in the spoiler above to calculate predictions for after 2030 because, by that time we would already be back in the computing paradigm trendline the video above speaks about (we would only need to use the 1.52x increase method).
The 100+ predictions made by Kurzweil in 1999 for 2009 and 2010 and evidence that they happened in 2015 and 2017 in full detail:
2009, 2009 = 2015:
1-PREDICTION: Individuals primarily use portable computers.
yes in 2015 people did
2-PREDICTION: Portable computers will have become dramatically lighter and thinner than the notebook computers of ten years earlier.
3-PREDICTION: Personal computers are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, and are commonly embedded in clothing and jewelry such as wristwatches, rings, earrings and other body ornaments.
yes we had smart clothing in 2015:
yes we had smart jewelry in 2015:
yes we had smartwatches in 2015:
4-PREDICTION: Computers with a high-resolution visual interface range from rings and pins and credit cards up to the size of a thin book.
yes we had them:
5-PREDICTION: People typically have at least a dozen computers on and around their bodies, which are networked using “body LANs” (local area networks).
yes, phones, laptops, speakers and i think hotspots were all there in 2015
6-PREDICTION: For the most part, these truly personal computers have no moving parts. Memory is completely electronic.
7-PREDICTION: Most portable computers do not have keyboards.
phones 2015
8-PREDICTION: Most users have servers in their homes and offices where they keep large stores of digital “objects,” including their software, databases, documents, music, and movies.
yes, people had personal computers in 2015
9-PREDICTION: Digital objects such as books, music albums, movies, and software are rapidly distributed as data files through the wireless network, and typically do not have a physical object associated with them.
in 2015 all those things could be stored digitally
10-PREDICTION: Most users have servers where they keep digital “objects” such as virtual reality environments (although these are still at an early stage).
yes, in 2014 Google Cardboard VR was released
11-PREDICTION:There are services to keep one’s digital objects in central repositories, but most people prefer to keep their private information under their own physical control.
yes, cloud services 2015
12-PREDICTION: Cables are disappearing. Communication between components, such as pointing devices, microphones, displays, printers, and the occasional keyboard uses short-distance wireless technology.
yes, bluetooth and wifi in 2015
13-PREDICTION: Computers routinely include wireless technology to plug into the ever-present worldwide network, providing reliable, instantly available, very high bandwidth communication.
yes, people had wifi in 2015
14-PREDICTION: The majority of text is created using continuous speech recognition (CSR) dictation software, but keyboards are still used. CSR is very accurate, far more so than the human transcriptionists who were used up until a few years ago.
we could do it we wanted in 2015 but people just prefer to write because it's easier and gives more privacy
15-PREDICTION: Also ubiquitous are language user interfaces (LUIs), which combine continuous speech recognition (CSR) and natural language understanding. For routine matters, such as simple business transactions and information inquiries, LUIs are quite responsive and precise. They tend to be narrowly focused, however, on specific types of tasks. LUIs are frequently combined with animated personalities. Interacting with an animated personality to conduct a purchase or make a reservation is like talking to a person using videoconferencing, except that the person is simulated.
yes, Amazon Alexa was released in 2014
16-PREDICTION: Computer displays have all the display qualities of paper — high resolution, high contrast, large viewing angle, and no flicker. Books, magazines, and newspapers are now routinely read on displays that are the size of, well, small books.
yes, we had e-readers in 2015, also phones and tablets
17-PREDICTION: Computer displays built into eyeglasses are also used. These specialized glasses allow users to see the normal visual environment, while creating a virtual image that appears to hover in front of the viewer. The virtual images are created by a tiny laser built into the glasses that projects the images directly onto the user’s retinas.
yes, Google Cardboard VR was released in 2014
18-PREDICTION: Computers routinely include moving picture image cameras and are able to reliably identify their owners from their faces.
face recognition software was available in 2015
19-PREDICTION: In terms of circuitry, three-dimensional chips are commonly used, and there is a transition taking place from the older single-layer chips.
this is the sixth paradigm of computing, as i explain above he miscalculated this
20-PREDICTION: Sound producing speakers are being replaced with very small chip-based devices that can place high-resolution sound anywhere in three-dimensional space. This technology is based on creating audible frequency sounds from the spectrum created by the interaction of very high frequency tones. As a result, very small speakers can create very robust three-dimensional sound.
21-A $1,000 personal computer can perform about a trillion calculations per second
i don't have the data on that
22-PREDICTION: Supercomputers match at least the hardware capacity of the human brain — 20 million billion calculations per second (20 petaflops).
23-PREDICTION: Unused computes on the Internet are being harvested, creating virtual parallel supercomputers with human brain hardware capacity.
i don't know what this means
24-PREDICTION: There is increasing interest in massively parallel neural nets, genetic algorithms and other forms of “chaotic” or complexity theory computing, although most computer computations are still done using conventional sequential processing, albeit with some limited parallel processing.
25-PREDICTION: Autonomous nanoengineered machines (i.e., machines constructed atom by atom and molecule by molecule) have been demonstrated and include their own computational controls. However, nanoengineering is not yet considered a practical technology.
26-PREDICTION: Research has been initiated on reverse-engineering the human brain through both destructive scans of the brains of recently deceased persons as well as noninvasive scans using high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of living persons and animals.
27-PREDICTION: In the twentieth century, computers in schools were mostly on the trailing edge, with most effective learning from computers taking place in the home. Now in 2009, while schools are still not on the cutting edge, the profound importance of the computer as a knowledge tool is widely recognized.
yes, schools had computers and computer classes in 2015
28-PREDICTION: Computers play a central role in all facets of education, as they do in other spheres of life.
teachers had computers in 2015 and most people learned thing trough their computers
29-PREDICTION: The majority of reading is done on displays, although the “installed base” of paper documents is still formidable.
yes, in 2015 we mostly used phones and computers to read things
30-PREDICTION: The generation of paper documents is dwindling, as the books and other papers of largely twentieth century vintage are being rapidly scanned and stored.
yes, most books were digitized in 2015
31-PREDICTION: Documents, circa 2009, routinely include embedded moving images and sounds.
yes, we had videos in 2015
31-PREDICTION: Students of all ages typically have a computer of their own, which is a thin tablet-like device weighing under a pound with a very high-resolution display suitable for reading.
yes, all students had phones in 2015
32-PREDICTION: Students interact with their computers primarily by voice and by pointing with a device that looks like a pencil.
yes, we had voice recognition software and electronic smartpens in 2015
33-PREDICTION: Keyboards still exist, but most textual language is created by speaking.
we could have done it if we wanted to in 2015 but people prefer to have convenience and privacy
34-PREDICTION:Learning materials are accessed through wireless communication.
yes, in 2015 you could learn anything on the internet
35-PREDICTION: Intelligent courseware has emerged as a common means of learning.
yes, we had online courses in 2015
36-PREDICTION: Recent controversial studies have shown that students can learn basic skills such as reading and math just as readily with interactive learning software as with human teachers, particularly when the ratio of students to human teachers is more than one to one. Although the studies have come under attack, most students and their parents have accepted this notion for years.
37-PREDICTION: The traditional mode of a human teacher instructing a group of children is still prevalent, but schools are increasingly relying on software approaches, leaving human teachers to attend primarily to issues of motivation, psychological well-being, and socialization.
38-PREDICTION: Many children learn to read on their own using their personal computers before entering grade school.
39-PREDICTION: Preschool and elementary school children routinely read at their intellectual level using print-to-speech reading software until their reading skill level catches up.
this was not popular but did happen
40-PREDICTION: These print-to-speech reading systems display the full image of documents, and can read the print aloud while highlighting what is being read.
41-PREDICTION: Synthetic voices sound fully human.
42-PREDICTION: Although some educators expressed concern in the early ‘00 years that students would rely unduly on reading software, such systems have been readily accepted by children and their parents.
43-PREDICTION: Studies have shown that students improve their reading skills by being exposed to synchronized visual and auditory presentations of text.
44-PREDICTION: Learning at a distance (e.g., lectures and seminars in which the participants are geographically scattered) is commonplace
yes, we had videoconferencing in 2015
45-PREDICTION: Learning is becoming a significant portion of most jobs.
46-PREDICTION: Training and developing new skills is emerging as an ongoing responsibility in most careers, not just an occasional supplement, as the level of skill needed for meaningful employment soars ever higher.
47-PREDICTION: Persons with disabilities are rapidly overcoming their handicaps through the intelligent technology of 2009.
48-PREDICTION: Students with reading disabilities routinely ameliorate their disability using print-to-speech reading systems.

View: https://youtu.be/oG-Aq_drV4I

49-PREDICTION: Print-to-speech reading machines for the blind are now very small, inexpensive, palm-sized devices that can read books (those that still exist in paper form) and other printed documents, and other real-world text such as signs and displays.
50-PREDICTION: These reading systems are equally adept at reading the trillions of electronic documents that are instantly available from the ubiquitous wireless worldwide network.
51-PREDICTION: After decades of ineffective attempts, useful navigation devices have been introduced that can assist blind people in avoiding physical obstacles in their path, and finding their way around, using global positioning system (“GPS”) technology.

View: https://youtu.be/R36ngPRXH8E

52-PREDICTION: A blind person can interact with her personal reading-navigation systems through voice communication, kind of like a Seeing Eye dog that reads and talks.
53-PREDICTION: Deaf persons — or anyone with a hearing impairment — commonly use portable speech-to-text listening machines, which display a real-time transcription of what people are saying. The deaf user has the choice of either reading the transcribed speech as displayed text, or watching an animated person gesturing in sign language. These have eliminated the primary communication handicap associated with deafness.

View: https://youtu.be/rExvbJ8Cnqg

54-PREDICTION: Listening machines can also translate what is being said into another language in real time, so they are commonly used by hearing people as well.
yes, google translate
55-PREDICTION: Computer-controlled orthotic devices have been introduced. These “walking machines” enable paraplegic persons to walk and climb stairs. The prosthetic devices are not yet usable by all paraplegic persons, as many physically disabled persons have dysfunctional joints from years of disuse. However, the advent of orthotic walking systems is providing more motivation to have these joints replaced.

View: https://youtu.be/_JWxSb7-l_U

56-PREDICTION: There is a growing perception that the primary disabilities of blindness, deafness, and physical impairment do not necessarily impart handicaps. Disabled persons routinely describe their disabilities as mere inconveniences. Intelligent technology has become the great leveler.
57-PREDICTION: Translating telephone technology (where you speak in English and your Japanese friend hears you in Japanese, and vice versa) is commonly used for many language pairs. It is a routine capability of an individual’s personal computer.
it was not popular, but it was possible:

View: https://youtu.be/iD-Bfd2flLI

58-PREDICTION: …which also serves as her phone.
59-PREDICTION: “Telephone” communication is primarily wireless.
60-PREDICTION: …and routinely includes high-resolution moving images.
yes, we had videos in phones in 2015
61-PREDICTION: Meetings of all kinds and sizes routinely take place among geographically separated participants.
yes, videoconferencing
62-PREDICTION: There is effective convergence, at least on the hardware and supporting software level, of all media, which exist as digital objects (i.e., files).
63-PREDICTION: …distributed by the ever-present, high-bandwidth, wireless information web.
64-PREDICTION: Users can instantly download books, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, movies, and other forms of software to their highly portable personal communication devices.
65-PREDICTION: Virtually all communication is digital and encrypted…
i don't know what this means
66-PREDICTION: …with keys available to government authorities.
i don't know what this means
67-PREDICTION: Many individuals and groups, including but not limited to criminal organizations, use an additional layer of virtually unbreakable encryption codes with no third party keys.
i don't know what this means
68-PREDICTION: Haptic technologies are emerging that allow people to touch and feel objects and other persons at a distance.
69-PREDICTION: These force feedback devices are widely used in games and in training simulation systems.
70-PREDICTION: VR Interactive games routinely include all-encompassing visual and auditory environments…
71-PREDICTION: …but a satisfactory, all-encompassing tactile VR environment is not yet available.
yes, google cardboard (2014) didn't have any tactile tools, the VR products with tactile features were launched in 2016
72-PREDICTION: The online chat rooms of the late 1990s have been replaced with virtual environments where you can meet people with full visual realism.
yes, online games
73-PREDICTION: People have sexual experiences at a distance with other persons as well as virtual partners.
yes, you could have relationships and sex in second life (and other games) with other people and there were sex games with NPC females in 2015
74-PREDICTION: But the lack of the “surround” tactile environment has thus far kept virtual sex out of the mainstream.
75-PREDICTION: Virtual partners are popular as forms of sexual entertainment, but they are more game-like than real.
yes, npc sex games
76-PREDICTION: And phone sex is a lot more popular now that phones routinely include high resolution real-time moving images of the person on the other end.
yes, in 2015 people video called each other to masturbate in front of each other or dirty talk with the other in a call
77- PREDICTION: Despite occasional corrections, the ten years leading up to 2009 have seen continuous economic expansion and prosperity due to the dominance of the knowledge content of products and services.
78-PREDICTION: The greatest gains continue to be in the value of the stock market
79-PREDICTION: Price deflation concerned economists in the early ’00 years, but they quickly realized it was a good thing. The high tech community pointed out that significant deflation had existed in the computer hardware and software industries for many years earlier without detriment.
i don't know
80-PREDICTION: The United States continues to be the economic leader due to its primacy in popular culture and its entrepreneurial environment.
81-PREDICTION: Since information markets are largely world markets, the U.S. has benefited greatly from its immigrant history. Being comprised of all the world’s peoples — specifically, the descendants of peoples from around the globe who had endured great risk for a better life — it has the ideal heritage for the new knowledge-based economy.
82-PREDICTION: China has also emerged as a powerful economic player.
83-PREDICTION: Europe has been somewhat quicker than Japan and Korea in adopting the American emphasis on venture capital, employee stock options, and tax policies that encourage entrepreneurship, although these practices have become popular throughout the world.
84-PREDICTION: At least half of all transactions are conducted on-line.
i don't know
85-PREDICTION: Intelligent assistants which combine continuous speech recognition, natural language understanding, problem solving, and animated personalities routinely assist with finding information, answering questions and conducting transactions. Intelligent assistants have become a primary interface for interacting with information-based services, with a wide range of choices available. A recent poll shows that both male and female users prefer female personalities for their computer-based intelligent assistants. The two most popular are Maggie, who claims to be a waitress in a Harvard Square café, and Michelle, a stripper from New Orleans. Personality designers are in demand, and the field constitutes a growth area in software development.
yes, Amazon Alexa was released in 2014
86-PREDICTION: Most purchases of books, musical “albums,” videos, games and other forms of software do not involve any physical object, so new business models for distributing these forms of information have emerged.
87-PREDICTION: One shops for these information objects by “strolling” through virtual malls, sampling and selecting objects of interest, rapidly (and securely) conducting an on-line transaction, and then quickly downloading the information using high-speed wireless communication.
yes, websites, steam and more
88-PREDICTION: There are many types and gradations of transactions to gain access to these products. You can “buy” a book, musical album, video, etc. which gives you unlimited permanent access.
89-PREDICTION: Alternatively, you can rent access to read, view, or listen once, or a few times. Or you can rent access by the minute.
90-PREDICTION: Access may be limited to one person or to a group of persons (for example, a family or a company). Alternatively, access may be limited to a particular computer, or to any computer accessed by a particular person or by a set of persons.
91-PREDICTION: There is a strong trend towards the geographic separation of work groups. People are successfully working together despite living and working in different places.
92-PREDICTION: The average household has more than a hundred computers, most of which are embedded in appliances and built-in communication systems.
yes, examples of embedded microprocessors in a modern home include microwave ovens, washing machines, dishwashers, alarm clocks, and high-end home automation systems. They are also found in virtually all consumer electronics devices, including TV sets, remote controls, videogame consoles, Blueray and DVD players, digital cameras, digital watches, digital telephones, electronic toys, calculators, digital audio recorders, digital camcorders, GPS devices, digital video recorders, electronic musical instruments, and MP3 players. Embedded microprocessors are also found in routers, Wi-Fi access points, and cable modems, as well as in computer peripherals such as mice, keyboards, external USB drives, scanners, and printers
93-PREDICTION: Household robots have emerged, but are not yet fully accepted.
yes (next product was not released in 2015):
he might be talking about robotic vacuum cleaners, dyson 360 was launched in 2014:
94-PREDICTION: Intelligent roads are in use, primarily for long-distance travel. Once your car’s computer guidance system locks onto the control sensors on one of these highways, you can sit back and relax. Local roads, though, are still predominantly conventional.
yes, tesla enabled autopilot for model S drivers in October 2015, these intelligent roads were not in use because of convenience, we could have had intelligent roads if we wanted to in 2015, some people tested them in Virginian on 2015:
95-PREDICTION: A company west of the Mississippi and north of the Mason-Dixon Line has surpassed a trillion dollars in market capitalization.
he refers to Microsoft and it didn't in 2015, but this is not a technology prediction and he admits that is was just a tongue-in-cheek, so we should ignore it:
https://kurzweilai.net/images/How-My-Predictions-Are-Faring.pdf (page 85)
96-PREDICTION: Privacy has emerged as a primary political issue. The virtually constant use of electronic communication technologies is leaving a highly detailed trail of every person’s every move.
97-PREDICTION: Litigation, of which there has been a great deal, has placed some constraints on the widespread distribution of personal data.
98-PREDICTION: Government agencies, however, continue to have the right to gain access to people’s files…
there is a law in effect that makes it easy for the U.S. government to access private communications. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
99-PREDICTION: …which has resulted in the popularity of unbreakable encryption technologies.
i don't know
100-PREDICTION: There is a growing neo-Luddite movement, as the skill ladder continues to accelerate upwards.
101-PREDICTION: As with earlier Luddite movements, its influence is limited by the level of prosperity made possible by new technology.
102-PREDICTION: The movement does succeed in establishing continuing education as a primary right associated with employment.
i don't know
103-PREDICTION: There is continuing concern with an underclass that the skill ladder has left far behind. The size of the underclass appears to be stable, however.
104-PREDICTION: Although not politically popular, the underclass is politically neutralized through public assistance and the generally high level of affluence.
105-PREDICTION: The high quality of computer screens, and the facilities of computer-assisted visual rendering software, have made the computer screen a medium of choice for visual art.
106-PREDICTION: Most visual art is the result of collaboration between human artists and their intelligent art software.
107-PREDICTION: Virtual paintings — high-resolution, wall-hung displays — have become popular. Rather than always displaying the same work of art, as with a conventional painting or poster, these virtual paintings can change the displayed work at the user’s verbal command, or can cycle through collections of art. The displayed artwork can be works by human artists or original art created in real time by cybernetic art software
108-PREDICTION: Human musicians routinely jam with cybernetic musicians.
yes, games like guitar hero, software helped users copy songs or make songs
109-PREDICTION: The creation of music has become available to persons who are not musicians.
110-PREDICTION: Creating music does not necessarily require the fine motor coordination of using traditional controllers.
111-PREDICTION: Cybernetic music creation systems allow people who appreciate music but who are not knowledgeable about music theory and practice to create music in collaboration with their automatic composition software.
112-PREDICTION: Interactive brain-generated music, which creates a resonance between the user’s brainwaves and the music being listened to, is another popular genre.
i don't know what gender he is talking about, this has to do with what people like and not technology, so we can ignore it
113-PREDICTION: Musicians commonly use electronic controllers which emulate the playing style of the old acoustic instruments (e.g., piano, guitar, violin, drums).
114-PREDICTION: …but there is a surge of interest in the new “air” controllers in which you create music by moving your hands, feet, mouth and other body parts.
115-PREDICTION: Other music controllers involve interacting with specially designed devices.
116-PREDICTION: Writers use voice-activated word processing…
117-PREDICTION: Grammar checkers are now actually useful.
118-PREDICTION: Distribution of written documents from articles to books typically does not involve paper and ink.
119-PREDICTION: Style improvement and automatic editing software is widely used to improve the quality of writing.
120-PREDICTION: Language translation software is also widely used to translate written works in a variety of languages
121-PREDICTION: Nonetheless, the core process of creating written language is less affected by intelligent software technologies than the visual and musical arts. However, “cybernetic” authors are emerging.
122-PREDICTION: Beyond music recordings, images, and movie videos, the most popular type of digital entertainment object is virtual experience software. These interactive virtual environments allow you to go whitewater rafting on virtual rivers, to hang glide in a virtual Grand Canyon, or to engage in intimate encounters with your favorite movie star.
yes, he is not talking about VR, he is talking about games
123-PREDICTION: Users also experience fantasy environments with no counterpart in the physical world.
124-PREDICTION: The visual and auditory experience of virtual reality is compelling, but tactile interaction is still limited.
yes, we couldn't have any tactile experience in VR on 2015, until 2016
125-PREDICTION: The security of computation and communication is the primary focus of the U.S. Department of Defense. There is general recognition that the side that can maintain the integrity of its computational resources will dominate the battlefield.
i don't know
126-PREDICTION: Humans are generally far removed from the scene of battle.
in 2015 the US army used drones and started testing technologies like this:
127-PREDICTION: Warfare is dominated by unmanned intelligent airborne devices.
i don't know but the US army used many unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in 2015
128-PREDICTION: Many of these flying weapons are the size of small birds, or smaller.
129-PREDICTION: The U.S. continues to be the world’s dominant military power, which is largely accepted by the rest of the world, as most countries concentrate on economic competition.
130-PREDICTION: Military conflicts between nations are rare, and most conflicts are between nations and smaller bands of terrorists.
131-PREDICTION: The greatest threat to national security comes from bioengineered weapons.
i don't know
132-PREDICTION: Bioengineered treatments have reduced the toll from cancer, heart disease, and a variety of other health problems.
133-PREDICTION: Significant progress is being made in understanding the information processing basis of disease.
134-PREDICTION: Telemedicine is widely used. Physicians can examine patients using visual, auditory and haptic examination from a distance. Health clinics with relatively inexpensive equipment and a single technician bring health care to remote areas where doctors had previously been scarce.
some did:
135-PREDICTION: Computer-based pattern recognition is routinely used to interpret imaging data and other diagnostic procedures.
i don't know
136-PREDICTION: The use of noninvasive imaging technologies has substantially increased.
137-PREDICTION: Diagnosis almost always involves collaboration between a human physician and a pattern recognition-based expert system.
i don't know
138-PREDICTION: Doctors routinely consult knowledge-based systems (generally through two-way voice communication augmented by visual displays), which provide automated guidance, access to the most recent medical research, and practice guidelines.
we could have had this but as i explain above, voice recognition is not convenient and there is no privacy
139-PREDICTION: Lifetime patient records are maintained in computer databases.
140-PREDICTION: Privacy issues concerning access to these records (as with many other data bases of personal information) have emerged as a major issue.
i don't know
141-PREDICTION: Doctors routinely train in virtual reality environments, which include a haptic interface. These systems simulate the visual, auditory and tactile experience of medical procedures, including surgery.
142-PREDICTION: Simulated patients are available for continuing medical education, for medical students, and for people who just want to play doctor.
143-PREDICTION: There is renewed interest in the Turing test, first proposed by Alan Turing in 1950 as a means for testing intelligence in a machine. Recall that the Turing test contemplates a situation in which a human judge interviews the computer and a human “foil,” communicating with both over terminal lines. If the human judge is unable to tell which interviewee is human and which is machine, the machine is deemed to possess human-level intelligence.
144-PREDICTION: Although computers still fail the test, confidence is increasing that they will be in a position to pass it within another one or two decades.
145-PREDICTION: There is serious speculation on the potential sentience (i.e., consciousness) of computer-based intelligence.
146-PREDICTION: The increasingly apparent intelligence of computers has spurred an interest in philosophy.

2010, 2010 = 2017:
1-PREDICTION: Computers arriving at the beginning of the next decade will become essentially invisible: woven into our clothing, embedded in our furniture and environment.
2-PREDICTION: [Computers] will tap into the worldwide mesh (what the World Wide Web will become once all of its linked devices become communicating Web servers, thereby forming vast supercomputers and memory banks) of high-speed communications and computational resources.
yes, this is called the cloud
3-PREDICTION: We’ll have very high-bandwidth wireless communication to the Internet at all times.
yes, we had mobile data in 2017
4-PREDICTION: Displays will be built into our eyeglasses and contact lenses and images projected directly onto our retinas.
yes, we had google glass in 2013
smart contact lenses were only in development in 2017, maybe he just used a poor wording:
View attachment 726261
5-PREDICTION: Similar tiny devices will project auditory environments.
yes, The very first truly wireless earphones were made by a Japanese company named Onkyo in the year 2015. They made their first pair and launched it in September 2015, they called it “Onkyo W800BT”.
6-PREDICTION: These resources will provide high-resolution, full-immersion, visual-auditory virtual reality at any time.
yes, very good VR products were released in 2016
7-PREDICTION: We will also have augmented reality with displays overlaying the real world to provide real-time guidance and explanations.
we had pokemon GO in 2016
in 2014: Google unveiled its Google Glass devices, a pair of augmented reality glasses that users could wear for immersive experiences.
View attachment 726266
Users wore the AR tech and communicated with the Internet via natural language processing commands. With this device, users could access a variety of applications like Google Maps, Google+, Gmail, and more.
in 2016: Microsoft starts shipping its version of wearable AR technology called the HoloLens, which is more advanced than the Google Glass, but came with a hefty price tag
the headset runs on Windows 10 and is essentially a wearable computer. It also allows users to scan their surroundings and create their own AR experiences
in 2017: IKEA released its augmented reality app called IKEA Place
i would also add that Google maps provides guidance and explanations for the real world
8-PREDICTION: We’ll have real-time translation of foreign languages, essentially subtitles on the world.
9-PREDICTION: We’ll have access to many forms of online information in our daily activities.
10-PREDICTION: Virtual personalities that overlay the real world will help us with information retrieval and our chores and transactions. These virtual assistants won’t always wait for questions and directives but will step forward if they see us struggling to find a piece of information.”
he also has more predictions for the 2000s in his older books but i don't think it's necessary to discuss them
i don't speak about other predictions for the 2010s because we haven't gotten back to the computing trendline yet

what does this have to do with non-sentient female android robots, slow aging tech and reverse aging tech?
he predicted we would have android robots by the start of the 2020s, which is 2032 with the 1.52x increase:
in his 1999 book called the age of spiritual machines on page 107 he predicted that we would have sexbots by the start of the third decade of the new century, which would be 2021:
View attachment 727403
i know that the word sexbot does not sound like android robot, but in his 2009 book called transcend on page 123 he talked more about what kind of things we would have in 2023, and he talked more about these sexbots:
View attachment 727404
so as you can see they will be android robots because they will look indistinguishable from humans (the reason why he wrote 2023 was because he wanted to talk about a year where many other technologies would be there, he didn't only talk about android robots on that book, he talked about other technologies, medical devices and other things that would be there in 2023)
2021 - 1999 = 22
22 x 1.52 = 33.44
33.44 + 1999 = 2032.44
he predicted we would have slow down aging tech by 2023 (2035 with the 1.52x increase) and reverse aging tech by 2034 (2052 with the 1.52x increase):
on his 2009 book called transcend on page 22 he said this about 2023 and 2034:
View attachment 727432
2023 - 1999 = 24
24 x 1.52 = 36.48
36.48 + 1999 = 2035.48

2034 - 1999 = 35
35 x 1.52 = 53.2
53.2 + 1999 = 2052.2
side stuff:
sentient female android robots vs non-sentient female android robots, will non-sentient female android robots get rights or be banned? will they be affordable?:
android robots can't have rights because consciousness is not a computation, we humans are made of cells with microtubules that connect to the quantum world to create consciousness, machines can't do that so they would just be pieces of plastic imitating human behavior, machines are made of non-living matter, unlike us.
even if we found a way to create consciousness in an AI, we will not use it on android robots, if we don't use sentient AIs for the androids then they won't be able to get banned.
There is no information technology (information technology means related to computers) today that is not available to everyday consumer, a product will fail if it's not affordable to the average consumer, it takes billions and billions of dollars to do research and create a new product, do you really think someone would waste all that money just to be available to very few people? obviously people want to increase their wealth, making it available to everyday consumers is the best strategy to increase your wealth
there are some information technologies that are illegal because they can harm others, but they are still affordable to the average consumer
also, all men will need them in some years due to the behavioral sink:
for example, the game Detroit: Become Human, why the androids in Detroit: Become Human were not sentient:
those androids were only done trough programming, and you know that you can't create consciousness by just making 2 rocks move, there is a secret ending in Detroit: Become Human that shows that deviancy was just a virus that Kamski created to take over the world, the androids were never sentient, they were programmed to act like they believed they were sentient by the virus but they were not:
View attachment 728808
will slow aging tech and reverse aging tech be affordable? will it be banned?:
there is no information technology (information technology means related to computers) today that is not available to everyday consumer, a product will fail if it's not affordable to the average consumer, it takes billions and billions of dollars to do research and create a new product, do you really think someone would waste all that money just to be available to very few people? obviously people want to increase their wealth, making it available to everyday consumers is the best strategy to increase your wealth
there are some technologies that are illegal because they can harm others, but they are still affordable to the average consumer
"BuT tHe y0oz ade eVul aNd thEy ade gona trY tO ztop iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
you need to stop browsing 4chan, it's true that jews control and the media and all the companies but you need to understand that they are not evil, they instead have too much empathy, and individualism (which creates better ideas to be successful and gives a higher IQ), to understand it you need to read this thread:
they are not gonna be banned and you need to stop believing those 4 chan memes, Ray Kurzweil was born to Jewish parents
the uncanny valley cope:
many people think that as the robot gets closer to look human the robot will look worse because of the uncanny valley but no, it works the other way around, this works like the blackpill, ugly robots will be seen as ugly but handsome robots will be more and more appealing each time they get closer to look human, you can see that here:
View attachment 726203
2018 video:
pdfs of the important books made by Kurzweil with his predictions:

The microtubule hypothesis of consciousness is stupid af jfl. But other than that, very interesting post. I doubt we will stop or even reverse aging though.
the most famous futurist called Ray Kurzweil made 300+ technology predictions in 1999 for 2009, 2010s, 2019, 2020s, 2029, 2030s, 2040s and 2045, as of today he got them all late but not wrong, i discovered why all his predictions are 1.52x late but right, he made an error, in 1999 he miscalculated that computational price efficiency doubled every 12 months in the world but in a 2011 study it was discovered that it doubled every 1.52 years (18 months) instead, this makes all his predictions late by 1.52x:

View: https://youtu.be/ikgAId-hWVg

View: https://youtu.be/KDtD7CSJ6m4?t=198

"Computations per kilowatt-hour doubled every 1.57 years over the entire analysis period, a rate of improvement only slightly slower than that for PCs, which saw efficiency double every 1.52 years from 1975 to 2009 (see Figure 4)"
Kurzweil can't admit that he miscalculated because he would lose all his credibility

he also thought that the death of the fifth paradigm of computing (moore's law) would not get us off the trendline of computing, we will get back to the trendline before 2029, here is my method to calculate his predictions date and why every thing he predictied in 1999 for 2009 and 2010 happened in 2015 and 2017 instead:
https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5067661#:~:text=Dr. KURZWEIL: And,at its limit.
watch this video:

View: https://youtu.be/19lZfObdAXs

When we increase 2009 by 1.52x, we get 2014.2:
2009 - 1999 = 10
10 x 1.52 = 15.2
15.2 + 1999 = 2014.2
then i take into account not being in the computing trendline (watch the video above):
View attachment 725999
View attachment 726000
i get 2015 for 2014 above
When we increase 2010 by 1.52x, i get 2015.72:
2010 - 1999 = 11
11 x 1.52 = 16.72
16.72 + 1999 = 2015.72
View attachment 726003
as you can see above we get 2017 for 2015
moore's law will die on 2025 and we will get a new paradigm that will get us back to the trendline before 2030
View attachment 726021
we know a new paradigm will be created after Moore's law dies because there have already been 5 technology paradigms in the past, look at this images made by Kurzweil using old data and old sources, look at the years 1960-1962:
View attachment 726024View attachment 726023
as you can see above there was a huge increase in less than one year in 1960-1962, which implies that a new paradigm can get us back to the trendline very fast, in less than one year

for any prediction after 2030 we won't need to do this computing trendline paradigm method i speak in the spoiler above to calculate predictions for after 2030 because, by that time we would already be back in the computing paradigm trendline the video above speaks about (we would only need to use the 1.52x increase method).
The 100+ predictions made by Kurzweil in 1999 for 2009 and 2010 and evidence that they happened in 2015 and 2017 in full detail:
2009, 2009 = 2015:
1-PREDICTION: Individuals primarily use portable computers.
yes in 2015 people did
2-PREDICTION: Portable computers will have become dramatically lighter and thinner than the notebook computers of ten years earlier.
3-PREDICTION: Personal computers are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, and are commonly embedded in clothing and jewelry such as wristwatches, rings, earrings and other body ornaments.
yes we had smart clothing in 2015:
yes we had smart jewelry in 2015:
yes we had smartwatches in 2015:
4-PREDICTION: Computers with a high-resolution visual interface range from rings and pins and credit cards up to the size of a thin book.
yes we had them:
5-PREDICTION: People typically have at least a dozen computers on and around their bodies, which are networked using “body LANs” (local area networks).
yes, phones, laptops, speakers and i think hotspots were all there in 2015
6-PREDICTION: For the most part, these truly personal computers have no moving parts. Memory is completely electronic.
7-PREDICTION: Most portable computers do not have keyboards.
phones 2015
8-PREDICTION: Most users have servers in their homes and offices where they keep large stores of digital “objects,” including their software, databases, documents, music, and movies.
yes, people had personal computers in 2015
9-PREDICTION: Digital objects such as books, music albums, movies, and software are rapidly distributed as data files through the wireless network, and typically do not have a physical object associated with them.
in 2015 all those things could be stored digitally
10-PREDICTION: Most users have servers where they keep digital “objects” such as virtual reality environments (although these are still at an early stage).
yes, in 2014 Google Cardboard VR was released
11-PREDICTION:There are services to keep one’s digital objects in central repositories, but most people prefer to keep their private information under their own physical control.
yes, cloud services 2015
12-PREDICTION: Cables are disappearing. Communication between components, such as pointing devices, microphones, displays, printers, and the occasional keyboard uses short-distance wireless technology.
yes, bluetooth and wifi in 2015
13-PREDICTION: Computers routinely include wireless technology to plug into the ever-present worldwide network, providing reliable, instantly available, very high bandwidth communication.
yes, people had wifi in 2015
14-PREDICTION: The majority of text is created using continuous speech recognition (CSR) dictation software, but keyboards are still used. CSR is very accurate, far more so than the human transcriptionists who were used up until a few years ago.
we could do it we wanted in 2015 but people just prefer to write because it's easier and gives more privacy
15-PREDICTION: Also ubiquitous are language user interfaces (LUIs), which combine continuous speech recognition (CSR) and natural language understanding. For routine matters, such as simple business transactions and information inquiries, LUIs are quite responsive and precise. They tend to be narrowly focused, however, on specific types of tasks. LUIs are frequently combined with animated personalities. Interacting with an animated personality to conduct a purchase or make a reservation is like talking to a person using videoconferencing, except that the person is simulated.
yes, Amazon Alexa was released in 2014
16-PREDICTION: Computer displays have all the display qualities of paper — high resolution, high contrast, large viewing angle, and no flicker. Books, magazines, and newspapers are now routinely read on displays that are the size of, well, small books.
yes, we had e-readers in 2015, also phones and tablets
17-PREDICTION: Computer displays built into eyeglasses are also used. These specialized glasses allow users to see the normal visual environment, while creating a virtual image that appears to hover in front of the viewer. The virtual images are created by a tiny laser built into the glasses that projects the images directly onto the user’s retinas.
yes, Google Cardboard VR was released in 2014
18-PREDICTION: Computers routinely include moving picture image cameras and are able to reliably identify their owners from their faces.
face recognition software was available in 2015
19-PREDICTION: In terms of circuitry, three-dimensional chips are commonly used, and there is a transition taking place from the older single-layer chips.
this is the sixth paradigm of computing, as i explain above he miscalculated this
20-PREDICTION: Sound producing speakers are being replaced with very small chip-based devices that can place high-resolution sound anywhere in three-dimensional space. This technology is based on creating audible frequency sounds from the spectrum created by the interaction of very high frequency tones. As a result, very small speakers can create very robust three-dimensional sound.
21-A $1,000 personal computer can perform about a trillion calculations per second
i don't have the data on that
22-PREDICTION: Supercomputers match at least the hardware capacity of the human brain — 20 million billion calculations per second (20 petaflops).
23-PREDICTION: Unused computes on the Internet are being harvested, creating virtual parallel supercomputers with human brain hardware capacity.
i don't know what this means
24-PREDICTION: There is increasing interest in massively parallel neural nets, genetic algorithms and other forms of “chaotic” or complexity theory computing, although most computer computations are still done using conventional sequential processing, albeit with some limited parallel processing.
25-PREDICTION: Autonomous nanoengineered machines (i.e., machines constructed atom by atom and molecule by molecule) have been demonstrated and include their own computational controls. However, nanoengineering is not yet considered a practical technology.
26-PREDICTION: Research has been initiated on reverse-engineering the human brain through both destructive scans of the brains of recently deceased persons as well as noninvasive scans using high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of living persons and animals.
27-PREDICTION: In the twentieth century, computers in schools were mostly on the trailing edge, with most effective learning from computers taking place in the home. Now in 2009, while schools are still not on the cutting edge, the profound importance of the computer as a knowledge tool is widely recognized.
yes, schools had computers and computer classes in 2015
28-PREDICTION: Computers play a central role in all facets of education, as they do in other spheres of life.
teachers had computers in 2015 and most people learned thing trough their computers
29-PREDICTION: The majority of reading is done on displays, although the “installed base” of paper documents is still formidable.
yes, in 2015 we mostly used phones and computers to read things
30-PREDICTION: The generation of paper documents is dwindling, as the books and other papers of largely twentieth century vintage are being rapidly scanned and stored.
yes, most books were digitized in 2015
31-PREDICTION: Documents, circa 2009, routinely include embedded moving images and sounds.
yes, we had videos in 2015
31-PREDICTION: Students of all ages typically have a computer of their own, which is a thin tablet-like device weighing under a pound with a very high-resolution display suitable for reading.
yes, all students had phones in 2015
32-PREDICTION: Students interact with their computers primarily by voice and by pointing with a device that looks like a pencil.
yes, we had voice recognition software and electronic smartpens in 2015
33-PREDICTION: Keyboards still exist, but most textual language is created by speaking.
we could have done it if we wanted to in 2015 but people prefer to have convenience and privacy
34-PREDICTION:Learning materials are accessed through wireless communication.
yes, in 2015 you could learn anything on the internet
35-PREDICTION: Intelligent courseware has emerged as a common means of learning.
yes, we had online courses in 2015
36-PREDICTION: Recent controversial studies have shown that students can learn basic skills such as reading and math just as readily with interactive learning software as with human teachers, particularly when the ratio of students to human teachers is more than one to one. Although the studies have come under attack, most students and their parents have accepted this notion for years.
37-PREDICTION: The traditional mode of a human teacher instructing a group of children is still prevalent, but schools are increasingly relying on software approaches, leaving human teachers to attend primarily to issues of motivation, psychological well-being, and socialization.
38-PREDICTION: Many children learn to read on their own using their personal computers before entering grade school.
39-PREDICTION: Preschool and elementary school children routinely read at their intellectual level using print-to-speech reading software until their reading skill level catches up.
this was not popular but did happen
40-PREDICTION: These print-to-speech reading systems display the full image of documents, and can read the print aloud while highlighting what is being read.
41-PREDICTION: Synthetic voices sound fully human.
42-PREDICTION: Although some educators expressed concern in the early ‘00 years that students would rely unduly on reading software, such systems have been readily accepted by children and their parents.
43-PREDICTION: Studies have shown that students improve their reading skills by being exposed to synchronized visual and auditory presentations of text.
44-PREDICTION: Learning at a distance (e.g., lectures and seminars in which the participants are geographically scattered) is commonplace
yes, we had videoconferencing in 2015
45-PREDICTION: Learning is becoming a significant portion of most jobs.
46-PREDICTION: Training and developing new skills is emerging as an ongoing responsibility in most careers, not just an occasional supplement, as the level of skill needed for meaningful employment soars ever higher.
47-PREDICTION: Persons with disabilities are rapidly overcoming their handicaps through the intelligent technology of 2009.
48-PREDICTION: Students with reading disabilities routinely ameliorate their disability using print-to-speech reading systems.

View: https://youtu.be/oG-Aq_drV4I

49-PREDICTION: Print-to-speech reading machines for the blind are now very small, inexpensive, palm-sized devices that can read books (those that still exist in paper form) and other printed documents, and other real-world text such as signs and displays.
50-PREDICTION: These reading systems are equally adept at reading the trillions of electronic documents that are instantly available from the ubiquitous wireless worldwide network.
51-PREDICTION: After decades of ineffective attempts, useful navigation devices have been introduced that can assist blind people in avoiding physical obstacles in their path, and finding their way around, using global positioning system (“GPS”) technology.

View: https://youtu.be/R36ngPRXH8E

52-PREDICTION: A blind person can interact with her personal reading-navigation systems through voice communication, kind of like a Seeing Eye dog that reads and talks.
53-PREDICTION: Deaf persons — or anyone with a hearing impairment — commonly use portable speech-to-text listening machines, which display a real-time transcription of what people are saying. The deaf user has the choice of either reading the transcribed speech as displayed text, or watching an animated person gesturing in sign language. These have eliminated the primary communication handicap associated with deafness.

View: https://youtu.be/rExvbJ8Cnqg

54-PREDICTION: Listening machines can also translate what is being said into another language in real time, so they are commonly used by hearing people as well.
yes, google translate
55-PREDICTION: Computer-controlled orthotic devices have been introduced. These “walking machines” enable paraplegic persons to walk and climb stairs. The prosthetic devices are not yet usable by all paraplegic persons, as many physically disabled persons have dysfunctional joints from years of disuse. However, the advent of orthotic walking systems is providing more motivation to have these joints replaced.

View: https://youtu.be/_JWxSb7-l_U

56-PREDICTION: There is a growing perception that the primary disabilities of blindness, deafness, and physical impairment do not necessarily impart handicaps. Disabled persons routinely describe their disabilities as mere inconveniences. Intelligent technology has become the great leveler.
57-PREDICTION: Translating telephone technology (where you speak in English and your Japanese friend hears you in Japanese, and vice versa) is commonly used for many language pairs. It is a routine capability of an individual’s personal computer.
it was not popular, but it was possible:

View: https://youtu.be/iD-Bfd2flLI

58-PREDICTION: …which also serves as her phone.
59-PREDICTION: “Telephone” communication is primarily wireless.
60-PREDICTION: …and routinely includes high-resolution moving images.
yes, we had videos in phones in 2015
61-PREDICTION: Meetings of all kinds and sizes routinely take place among geographically separated participants.
yes, videoconferencing
62-PREDICTION: There is effective convergence, at least on the hardware and supporting software level, of all media, which exist as digital objects (i.e., files).
63-PREDICTION: …distributed by the ever-present, high-bandwidth, wireless information web.
64-PREDICTION: Users can instantly download books, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, movies, and other forms of software to their highly portable personal communication devices.
65-PREDICTION: Virtually all communication is digital and encrypted…
i don't know what this means
66-PREDICTION: …with keys available to government authorities.
i don't know what this means
67-PREDICTION: Many individuals and groups, including but not limited to criminal organizations, use an additional layer of virtually unbreakable encryption codes with no third party keys.
i don't know what this means
68-PREDICTION: Haptic technologies are emerging that allow people to touch and feel objects and other persons at a distance.
69-PREDICTION: These force feedback devices are widely used in games and in training simulation systems.
70-PREDICTION: VR Interactive games routinely include all-encompassing visual and auditory environments…
71-PREDICTION: …but a satisfactory, all-encompassing tactile VR environment is not yet available.
yes, google cardboard (2014) didn't have any tactile tools, the VR products with tactile features were launched in 2016
72-PREDICTION: The online chat rooms of the late 1990s have been replaced with virtual environments where you can meet people with full visual realism.
yes, online games
73-PREDICTION: People have sexual experiences at a distance with other persons as well as virtual partners.
yes, you could have relationships and sex in second life (and other games) with other people and there were sex games with NPC females in 2015
74-PREDICTION: But the lack of the “surround” tactile environment has thus far kept virtual sex out of the mainstream.
75-PREDICTION: Virtual partners are popular as forms of sexual entertainment, but they are more game-like than real.
yes, npc sex games
76-PREDICTION: And phone sex is a lot more popular now that phones routinely include high resolution real-time moving images of the person on the other end.
yes, in 2015 people video called each other to masturbate in front of each other or dirty talk with the other in a call
77- PREDICTION: Despite occasional corrections, the ten years leading up to 2009 have seen continuous economic expansion and prosperity due to the dominance of the knowledge content of products and services.
78-PREDICTION: The greatest gains continue to be in the value of the stock market
79-PREDICTION: Price deflation concerned economists in the early ’00 years, but they quickly realized it was a good thing. The high tech community pointed out that significant deflation had existed in the computer hardware and software industries for many years earlier without detriment.
i don't know
80-PREDICTION: The United States continues to be the economic leader due to its primacy in popular culture and its entrepreneurial environment.
81-PREDICTION: Since information markets are largely world markets, the U.S. has benefited greatly from its immigrant history. Being comprised of all the world’s peoples — specifically, the descendants of peoples from around the globe who had endured great risk for a better life — it has the ideal heritage for the new knowledge-based economy.
82-PREDICTION: China has also emerged as a powerful economic player.
83-PREDICTION: Europe has been somewhat quicker than Japan and Korea in adopting the American emphasis on venture capital, employee stock options, and tax policies that encourage entrepreneurship, although these practices have become popular throughout the world.
84-PREDICTION: At least half of all transactions are conducted on-line.
i don't know
85-PREDICTION: Intelligent assistants which combine continuous speech recognition, natural language understanding, problem solving, and animated personalities routinely assist with finding information, answering questions and conducting transactions. Intelligent assistants have become a primary interface for interacting with information-based services, with a wide range of choices available. A recent poll shows that both male and female users prefer female personalities for their computer-based intelligent assistants. The two most popular are Maggie, who claims to be a waitress in a Harvard Square café, and Michelle, a stripper from New Orleans. Personality designers are in demand, and the field constitutes a growth area in software development.
yes, Amazon Alexa was released in 2014
86-PREDICTION: Most purchases of books, musical “albums,” videos, games and other forms of software do not involve any physical object, so new business models for distributing these forms of information have emerged.
87-PREDICTION: One shops for these information objects by “strolling” through virtual malls, sampling and selecting objects of interest, rapidly (and securely) conducting an on-line transaction, and then quickly downloading the information using high-speed wireless communication.
yes, websites, steam and more
88-PREDICTION: There are many types and gradations of transactions to gain access to these products. You can “buy” a book, musical album, video, etc. which gives you unlimited permanent access.
89-PREDICTION: Alternatively, you can rent access to read, view, or listen once, or a few times. Or you can rent access by the minute.
90-PREDICTION: Access may be limited to one person or to a group of persons (for example, a family or a company). Alternatively, access may be limited to a particular computer, or to any computer accessed by a particular person or by a set of persons.
91-PREDICTION: There is a strong trend towards the geographic separation of work groups. People are successfully working together despite living and working in different places.
92-PREDICTION: The average household has more than a hundred computers, most of which are embedded in appliances and built-in communication systems.
yes, examples of embedded microprocessors in a modern home include microwave ovens, washing machines, dishwashers, alarm clocks, and high-end home automation systems. They are also found in virtually all consumer electronics devices, including TV sets, remote controls, videogame consoles, Blueray and DVD players, digital cameras, digital watches, digital telephones, electronic toys, calculators, digital audio recorders, digital camcorders, GPS devices, digital video recorders, electronic musical instruments, and MP3 players. Embedded microprocessors are also found in routers, Wi-Fi access points, and cable modems, as well as in computer peripherals such as mice, keyboards, external USB drives, scanners, and printers
93-PREDICTION: Household robots have emerged, but are not yet fully accepted.
yes (next product was not released in 2015):
he might be talking about robotic vacuum cleaners, dyson 360 was launched in 2014:
94-PREDICTION: Intelligent roads are in use, primarily for long-distance travel. Once your car’s computer guidance system locks onto the control sensors on one of these highways, you can sit back and relax. Local roads, though, are still predominantly conventional.
yes, tesla enabled autopilot for model S drivers in October 2015, these intelligent roads were not in use because of convenience, we could have had intelligent roads if we wanted to in 2015, some people tested them in Virginian on 2015:
95-PREDICTION: A company west of the Mississippi and north of the Mason-Dixon Line has surpassed a trillion dollars in market capitalization.
he refers to Microsoft and it didn't in 2015, but this is not a technology prediction and he admits that is was just a tongue-in-cheek, so we should ignore it:
https://kurzweilai.net/images/How-My-Predictions-Are-Faring.pdf (page 85)
96-PREDICTION: Privacy has emerged as a primary political issue. The virtually constant use of electronic communication technologies is leaving a highly detailed trail of every person’s every move.
97-PREDICTION: Litigation, of which there has been a great deal, has placed some constraints on the widespread distribution of personal data.
98-PREDICTION: Government agencies, however, continue to have the right to gain access to people’s files…
there is a law in effect that makes it easy for the U.S. government to access private communications. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA)
99-PREDICTION: …which has resulted in the popularity of unbreakable encryption technologies.
i don't know
100-PREDICTION: There is a growing neo-Luddite movement, as the skill ladder continues to accelerate upwards.
101-PREDICTION: As with earlier Luddite movements, its influence is limited by the level of prosperity made possible by new technology.
102-PREDICTION: The movement does succeed in establishing continuing education as a primary right associated with employment.
i don't know
103-PREDICTION: There is continuing concern with an underclass that the skill ladder has left far behind. The size of the underclass appears to be stable, however.
104-PREDICTION: Although not politically popular, the underclass is politically neutralized through public assistance and the generally high level of affluence.
105-PREDICTION: The high quality of computer screens, and the facilities of computer-assisted visual rendering software, have made the computer screen a medium of choice for visual art.
106-PREDICTION: Most visual art is the result of collaboration between human artists and their intelligent art software.
107-PREDICTION: Virtual paintings — high-resolution, wall-hung displays — have become popular. Rather than always displaying the same work of art, as with a conventional painting or poster, these virtual paintings can change the displayed work at the user’s verbal command, or can cycle through collections of art. The displayed artwork can be works by human artists or original art created in real time by cybernetic art software
108-PREDICTION: Human musicians routinely jam with cybernetic musicians.
yes, games like guitar hero, software helped users copy songs or make songs
109-PREDICTION: The creation of music has become available to persons who are not musicians.
110-PREDICTION: Creating music does not necessarily require the fine motor coordination of using traditional controllers.
111-PREDICTION: Cybernetic music creation systems allow people who appreciate music but who are not knowledgeable about music theory and practice to create music in collaboration with their automatic composition software.
112-PREDICTION: Interactive brain-generated music, which creates a resonance between the user’s brainwaves and the music being listened to, is another popular genre.
i don't know what gender he is talking about, this has to do with what people like and not technology, so we can ignore it
113-PREDICTION: Musicians commonly use electronic controllers which emulate the playing style of the old acoustic instruments (e.g., piano, guitar, violin, drums).
114-PREDICTION: …but there is a surge of interest in the new “air” controllers in which you create music by moving your hands, feet, mouth and other body parts.
115-PREDICTION: Other music controllers involve interacting with specially designed devices.
116-PREDICTION: Writers use voice-activated word processing…
117-PREDICTION: Grammar checkers are now actually useful.
118-PREDICTION: Distribution of written documents from articles to books typically does not involve paper and ink.
119-PREDICTION: Style improvement and automatic editing software is widely used to improve the quality of writing.
120-PREDICTION: Language translation software is also widely used to translate written works in a variety of languages
121-PREDICTION: Nonetheless, the core process of creating written language is less affected by intelligent software technologies than the visual and musical arts. However, “cybernetic” authors are emerging.
122-PREDICTION: Beyond music recordings, images, and movie videos, the most popular type of digital entertainment object is virtual experience software. These interactive virtual environments allow you to go whitewater rafting on virtual rivers, to hang glide in a virtual Grand Canyon, or to engage in intimate encounters with your favorite movie star.
yes, he is not talking about VR, he is talking about games
123-PREDICTION: Users also experience fantasy environments with no counterpart in the physical world.
124-PREDICTION: The visual and auditory experience of virtual reality is compelling, but tactile interaction is still limited.
yes, we couldn't have any tactile experience in VR on 2015, until 2016
125-PREDICTION: The security of computation and communication is the primary focus of the U.S. Department of Defense. There is general recognition that the side that can maintain the integrity of its computational resources will dominate the battlefield.
i don't know
126-PREDICTION: Humans are generally far removed from the scene of battle.
in 2015 the US army used drones and started testing technologies like this:
127-PREDICTION: Warfare is dominated by unmanned intelligent airborne devices.
i don't know but the US army used many unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in 2015
128-PREDICTION: Many of these flying weapons are the size of small birds, or smaller.
129-PREDICTION: The U.S. continues to be the world’s dominant military power, which is largely accepted by the rest of the world, as most countries concentrate on economic competition.
130-PREDICTION: Military conflicts between nations are rare, and most conflicts are between nations and smaller bands of terrorists.
131-PREDICTION: The greatest threat to national security comes from bioengineered weapons.
i don't know
132-PREDICTION: Bioengineered treatments have reduced the toll from cancer, heart disease, and a variety of other health problems.
133-PREDICTION: Significant progress is being made in understanding the information processing basis of disease.
134-PREDICTION: Telemedicine is widely used. Physicians can examine patients using visual, auditory and haptic examination from a distance. Health clinics with relatively inexpensive equipment and a single technician bring health care to remote areas where doctors had previously been scarce.
some did:
135-PREDICTION: Computer-based pattern recognition is routinely used to interpret imaging data and other diagnostic procedures.
i don't know
136-PREDICTION: The use of noninvasive imaging technologies has substantially increased.
137-PREDICTION: Diagnosis almost always involves collaboration between a human physician and a pattern recognition-based expert system.
i don't know
138-PREDICTION: Doctors routinely consult knowledge-based systems (generally through two-way voice communication augmented by visual displays), which provide automated guidance, access to the most recent medical research, and practice guidelines.
we could have had this but as i explain above, voice recognition is not convenient and there is no privacy
139-PREDICTION: Lifetime patient records are maintained in computer databases.
140-PREDICTION: Privacy issues concerning access to these records (as with many other data bases of personal information) have emerged as a major issue.
i don't know
141-PREDICTION: Doctors routinely train in virtual reality environments, which include a haptic interface. These systems simulate the visual, auditory and tactile experience of medical procedures, including surgery.
142-PREDICTION: Simulated patients are available for continuing medical education, for medical students, and for people who just want to play doctor.
143-PREDICTION: There is renewed interest in the Turing test, first proposed by Alan Turing in 1950 as a means for testing intelligence in a machine. Recall that the Turing test contemplates a situation in which a human judge interviews the computer and a human “foil,” communicating with both over terminal lines. If the human judge is unable to tell which interviewee is human and which is machine, the machine is deemed to possess human-level intelligence.
144-PREDICTION: Although computers still fail the test, confidence is increasing that they will be in a position to pass it within another one or two decades.
145-PREDICTION: There is serious speculation on the potential sentience (i.e., consciousness) of computer-based intelligence.
146-PREDICTION: The increasingly apparent intelligence of computers has spurred an interest in philosophy.

2010, 2010 = 2017:
1-PREDICTION: Computers arriving at the beginning of the next decade will become essentially invisible: woven into our clothing, embedded in our furniture and environment.
2-PREDICTION: [Computers] will tap into the worldwide mesh (what the World Wide Web will become once all of its linked devices become communicating Web servers, thereby forming vast supercomputers and memory banks) of high-speed communications and computational resources.
yes, this is called the cloud
3-PREDICTION: We’ll have very high-bandwidth wireless communication to the Internet at all times.
yes, we had mobile data in 2017
4-PREDICTION: Displays will be built into our eyeglasses and contact lenses and images projected directly onto our retinas.
yes, we had google glass in 2013
smart contact lenses were only in development in 2017, maybe he just used a poor wording:
View attachment 726261
5-PREDICTION: Similar tiny devices will project auditory environments.
yes, The very first truly wireless earphones were made by a Japanese company named Onkyo in the year 2015. They made their first pair and launched it in September 2015, they called it “Onkyo W800BT”.
6-PREDICTION: These resources will provide high-resolution, full-immersion, visual-auditory virtual reality at any time.
yes, very good VR products were released in 2016
7-PREDICTION: We will also have augmented reality with displays overlaying the real world to provide real-time guidance and explanations.
we had pokemon GO in 2016
in 2014: Google unveiled its Google Glass devices, a pair of augmented reality glasses that users could wear for immersive experiences.
View attachment 726266
Users wore the AR tech and communicated with the Internet via natural language processing commands. With this device, users could access a variety of applications like Google Maps, Google+, Gmail, and more.
in 2016: Microsoft starts shipping its version of wearable AR technology called the HoloLens, which is more advanced than the Google Glass, but came with a hefty price tag
the headset runs on Windows 10 and is essentially a wearable computer. It also allows users to scan their surroundings and create their own AR experiences
in 2017: IKEA released its augmented reality app called IKEA Place
i would also add that Google maps provides guidance and explanations for the real world
8-PREDICTION: We’ll have real-time translation of foreign languages, essentially subtitles on the world.
9-PREDICTION: We’ll have access to many forms of online information in our daily activities.
10-PREDICTION: Virtual personalities that overlay the real world will help us with information retrieval and our chores and transactions. These virtual assistants won’t always wait for questions and directives but will step forward if they see us struggling to find a piece of information.”
he also has more predictions for the 2000s in his older books but i don't think it's necessary to discuss them
i don't speak about other predictions for the 2010s because we haven't gotten back to the computing trendline yet

what does this have to do with non-sentient female android robots, slow aging tech and reverse aging tech?
he predicted we would have android robots by the start of the 2020s, which is 2032 with the 1.52x increase:
in his 1999 book called the age of spiritual machines on page 107 he predicted that we would have sexbots by the start of the third decade of the new century, which would be 2021:
View attachment 727403
i know that the word sexbot does not sound like android robot, but in his 2009 book called transcend on page 123 he talked more about what kind of things we would have in 2023, and he talked more about these sexbots:
View attachment 727404
so as you can see they will be android robots because they will look indistinguishable from humans (the reason why he wrote 2023 was because he wanted to talk about a year where many other technologies would be there, he didn't only talk about android robots on that book, he talked about other technologies, medical devices and other things that would be there in 2023)
2021 - 1999 = 22
22 x 1.52 = 33.44
33.44 + 1999 = 2032.44
he predicted we would have slow down aging tech by 2023 (2035 with the 1.52x increase) and reverse aging tech by 2034 (2052 with the 1.52x increase):
on his 2009 book called transcend on page 22 he said this about 2023 and 2034:
View attachment 727432
2023 - 1999 = 24
24 x 1.52 = 36.48
36.48 + 1999 = 2035.48

2034 - 1999 = 35
35 x 1.52 = 53.2
53.2 + 1999 = 2052.2
side stuff:
sentient female android robots vs non-sentient female android robots, will non-sentient female android robots get rights or be banned? will they be affordable?:
android robots can't have rights because consciousness is not a computation, we humans are made of cells with microtubules that connect to the quantum world to create consciousness, machines can't do that so they would just be pieces of plastic imitating human behavior, machines are made of non-living matter, unlike us.
even if we found a way to create consciousness in an AI, we will not use it on android robots, if we don't use sentient AIs for the androids then they won't be able to get banned.
There is no information technology (information technology means related to computers) today that is not available to everyday consumer, a product will fail if it's not affordable to the average consumer, it takes billions and billions of dollars to do research and create a new product, do you really think someone would waste all that money just to be available to very few people? obviously people want to increase their wealth, making it available to everyday consumers is the best strategy to increase your wealth
there are some information technologies that are illegal because they can harm others, but they are still affordable to the average consumer
also, all men will need them in some years due to the behavioral sink:
for example, the game Detroit: Become Human, why the androids in Detroit: Become Human were not sentient:
those androids were only done trough programming, and you know that you can't create consciousness by just making 2 rocks move, there is a secret ending in Detroit: Become Human that shows that deviancy was just a virus that Kamski created to take over the world, the androids were never sentient, they were programmed to act like they believed they were sentient by the virus but they were not:
View attachment 728808
will slow aging tech and reverse aging tech be affordable? will it be banned?:
there is no information technology (information technology means related to computers) today that is not available to everyday consumer, a product will fail if it's not affordable to the average consumer, it takes billions and billions of dollars to do research and create a new product, do you really think someone would waste all that money just to be available to very few people? obviously people want to increase their wealth, making it available to everyday consumers is the best strategy to increase your wealth
there are some technologies that are illegal because they can harm others, but they are still affordable to the average consumer
"BuT tHe y0oz ade eVul aNd thEy ade gona trY tO ztop iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
you need to stop browsing 4chan, it's true that jews control and the media and all the companies but you need to understand that they are not evil, they instead have too much empathy, and individualism (which creates better ideas to be successful and gives a higher IQ), to understand it you need to read this thread:
they are not gonna be banned and you need to stop believing those 4 chan memes, Ray Kurzweil was born to Jewish parents
the uncanny valley cope:
many people think that as the robot gets closer to look human the robot will look worse because of the uncanny valley but no, it works the other way around, this works like the blackpill, ugly robots will be seen as ugly but handsome robots will be more and more appealing each time they get closer to look human, you can see that here:
View attachment 726203
2018 video:
pdfs of the important books made by Kurzweil with his predictions:

Galactic IQ.
Interesting but ngl I don’t really like transhumanism i think the root of our problems heavily comes from the digital age.
Interesting but ngl I don’t really like transhumanism i think the root of our problems heavily comes from the digital age.
i prefer to live forever with reverse aging than to live in 1920 and die at 60
i prefer to live forever with reverse aging than to live in 1920 and die at 60
I don’t why would I want to live forever in this horrible awful reality with my agonizing issues.
I don’t why would I want to live forever in this horrible awful reality with my agonizing issues.
the same reason you don't kill yourself right now
@bigantennaemay1 @Stupid Clown @mlcurrycel @Indari @blackpillscience @Atavistic Autist
I want a Rei Ayanami robot
Feminist will never allow men to have legitimate sex bots. Because soy politicians pander to the feminist. They will bend the knee to their will unfortunately
Feminist will never allow men to have legitimate sex bots. Because soy politicians pander to the feminist. They will bend the knee to their will unfortunately
read this thread, that will not happen:
The microtubule hypothesis of consciousness is stupid af jfl. But other than that, very interesting post. I doubt we will stop or even reverse aging though.
It's honestly the best physicalist explanation of a seemingly non-physical phenomenon that I've seen. Nobody else is even trying in that space.
It's honestly the best physicalist explanation of a seemingly non-physical phenomenon that I've seen. Nobody else is even trying in that space.
They’re not trying because there is no explanation. Microtubule explanation seems like nonsense to me.
A machine won’t do it for me
They’re not trying because there is no explanation. Microtubule explanation seems like nonsense to me.
How do you know there isn't one? And what would an acceptable (in your mind) explanation even look like? Would you know it intuitively when you see it, or is it something you have to reason through?
How do you know there isn't one? And what would an acceptable (in your mind) explanation even look like? Would you know it intuitively when you see it, or is it something you have to reason through?
I mean there isn’t one that makes any sense based on what we know about the world. Obviously there has to be some explanation because it exists in the real world. I have no idea what that would entail cause it’s creating a new kind of existence in a way (or maybe it isn’t and we don’t know the nature of matter at all).

to create consciousness those atoms need to be aligned to be cells, machines don't do that
Why do atoms aligning a certain way make consciousness?
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because the big bang aligned them to be cells and connect to the quantum world to create consciousness
What do you mean they connect to the quantum world and how does that create consciousness?
What do you mean they connect to the quantum world and how does that create consciousness?
I think hes meaning that our conciousness is from outside of this universe/dimension and the API so to speak into conciousness is via our cellular brain and such
You won't have female robot waifus nor will you live forever because you'll be purposefully killed off.

More like your brain will be linked up into a brainnet and be used as processing power to feed baal energy and whatever other fucked things kikes do
I think hes meaning that our conciousness is from outside of this universe/dimension and the API so to speak into conciousness is via our cellular brain and such
I don’t think he said that at all. But even if that’s the case, then can’t AI also be made to have the same kind of cellular reception of consciousness?
It's time for based androcentric incels to moneymaxx and establish business syndicates to capitalize on those innovations, other than that, we won’t be able to attain them or if we do, we won’t be able to use them to their full potential.
I don’t think he said that at all. But even if that’s the case, then can’t AI also be made to have the same kind of cellular reception of consciousness?
in theory if humans are nothing more but an elaborate reaction of chemical+electrical etc systems and we discover fully how all of those systems work, then yes. I don't generally take such a bleak outlook on life though. the entire hurdur its random is bullshit, its too complex and intertwining with everything working just right. how can 10,000 different chemicals all work together in just the right amounts and ways, along with millions of synapse firings per second, and all the shit we dont know about, for that to be all random? now im not some jesus retard. thats clearly bullshit that the creator of everything came into the earth as a person called jesus. thats nonsense.

but the point being, i dont believe that things exist to "durp random hehe". I think thats pretty obvious that that simply cannot be the case
edit: its like if you had a working quantum processing supercomputer, and said "oh, like those atoms just randomly aligned like that and such". how much more so for humans? the atheism muh random take is low iq npc shit
in theory if humans are nothing more but an elaborate reaction of chemical+electrical etc systems and we discover fully how all of those systems work, then yes. I don't generally take such a bleak outlook on life though. the entire hurdur its random is bullshit, its too complex and intertwining with everything working just right. how can 10,000 different chemicals all work together in just the right amounts and ways, along with millions of synapse firings per second, and all the shit we dont know about, for that to be all random? now im not some jesus retard. thats clearly bullshit that the creator of everything came into the earth as a person called jesus. thats nonsense.

but the point being, i dont believe that things exist to "durp random hehe". I think thats pretty obvious that that simply cannot be the case
edit: its like if you had a working quantum processing supercomputer, and said "oh, like those atoms just randomly aligned like that and such". how much more so for humans? the atheism muh random take is low iq npc shit
dnr loser faggot
in theory if humans are nothing more but an elaborate reaction of chemical+electrical etc systems and we discover fully how all of those systems work, then yes. I don't generally take such a bleak outlook on life though. the entire hurdur its random is bullshit, its too complex and intertwining with everything working just right. how can 10,000 different chemicals all work together in just the right amounts and ways, along with millions of synapse firings per second, and all the shit we dont know about, for that to be all random? now im not some jesus retard. thats clearly bullshit that the creator of everything came into the earth as a person called jesus. thats nonsense.

but the point being, i dont believe that things exist to "durp random hehe". I think thats pretty obvious that that simply cannot be the case
edit: its like if you had a working quantum processing supercomputer, and said "oh, like those atoms just randomly aligned like that and such". how much more so for humans? the atheism muh random take is low iq npc shit
It's not random, it evolved from simpler lifeforms.
in theory if humans are nothing more but an elaborate reaction of chemical+electrical etc systems and we discover fully how all of those systems work, then yes. I don't generally take such a bleak outlook on life though. the entire hurdur its random is bullshit, its too complex and intertwining with everything working just right. how can 10,000 different chemicals all work together in just the right amounts and ways, along with millions of synapse firings per second, and all the shit we dont know about, for that to be all random? now im not some jesus retard. thats clearly bullshit that the creator of everything came into the earth as a person called jesus. thats nonsense.

but the point being, i dont believe that things exist to "durp random hehe". I think thats pretty obvious that that simply cannot be the case
edit: its like if you had a working quantum processing supercomputer, and said "oh, like those atoms just randomly aligned like that and such". how much more so for humans? the atheism muh random take is low iq npc shit
I guess the universe itself works by certain laws, so everything in it will also be like that.
I mean there isn’t one that makes any sense based on what we know about the world. Obviously there has to be some explanation because it exists in the real world. I have no idea what that would entail cause it’s creating a new kind of existence in a way (or maybe it isn’t and we don’t know the nature of matter at all).
Assuming this to be true, what do you mean?
What do you mean they connect to the quantum world and how does that create consciousness?
“One of the key features of Hameroff’s and Penrose’ theory is called Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR), in which it is theorized that the state vector (the wavefunction that describes a particle) of delocalized free electrons within tubulin undergoes an observer-independent reduction (an objective versus subjective collapse of the wavefunction). As the electron exhibits more and more nonlocal attributes, what is referred to as a superposition, the underlying spacetime geometry bifurcates, and the degree of separation between the spacetime “bubbles” – measured in Planck lengths – reaches a critical distance, at which time the spacetime geometry becomes unstable and collapses.”

This mechanism is referred to as the Diósi-Penrose criterion of gravity-induced quantum collapse. Each such bifurcation and collapse represents an indeterminable quantum computation, and the coordination of a multitude of such events through quantum entanglement (the orchestrated part of OR) allows for massively parallel quantum computations within the brain. As Hameroff and Penrose suggest, this is what produces conscious awareness. Since, reduction of the state vector is due entirely to this stochastic mechanism, and is therefore in-determinate, it bestows a characteristic of unpredictability to consciousness.”

Tubulin refers to a family of globular proteins, and they polymerize into microtubules, a major component of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells (animal and plant cells). Microtubules play an essential role in cellular processes, such as mitosis (cellular division).
“One of the key features of Hameroff’s and Penrose’ theory is called Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR), in which it is theorized that the state vector (the wavefunction that describes a particle) of delocalized free electrons within tubulin undergoes an observer-independent reduction (an objective versus subjective collapse of the wavefunction). As the electron exhibits more and more nonlocal attributes, what is referred to as a superposition, the underlying spacetime geometry bifurcates, and the degree of separation between the spacetime “bubbles” – measured in Planck lengths – reaches a critical distance, at which time the spacetime geometry becomes unstable and collapses.”

This mechanism is referred to as the Diósi-Penrose criterion of gravity-induced quantum collapse. Each such bifurcation and collapse represents an indeterminable quantum computation, and the coordination of a multitude of such events through quantum entanglement (the orchestrated part of OR) allows for massively parallel quantum computations within the brain. As Hameroff and Penrose suggest, this is what produces conscious awareness. Since, reduction of the state vector is due entirely to this stochastic mechanism, and is therefore in-determinate, it bestows a characteristic of unpredictability to consciousness.”

Tubulin refers to a family of globular proteins, and they polymerize into microtubules, a major component of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells (animal and plant cells). Microtubules play an essential role in cellular processes, such as mitosis (cellular division).
for example anesthesia affects the microtubules and makes people lose consciousness
“One of the key features of Hameroff’s and Penrose’ theory is called Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR), in which it is theorized that the state vector (the wavefunction that describes a particle) of delocalized free electrons within tubulin undergoes an observer-independent reduction (an objective versus subjective collapse of the wavefunction). As the electron exhibits more and more nonlocal attributes, what is referred to as a superposition, the underlying spacetime geometry bifurcates, and the degree of separation between the spacetime “bubbles” – measured in Planck lengths – reaches a critical distance, at which time the spacetime geometry becomes unstable and collapses.”

This mechanism is referred to as the Diósi-Penrose criterion of gravity-induced quantum collapse. Each such bifurcation and collapse represents an indeterminable quantum computation, and the coordination of a multitude of such events through quantum entanglement (the orchestrated part of OR) allows for massively parallel quantum computations within the brain. As Hameroff and Penrose suggest, this is what produces conscious awareness. Since, reduction of the state vector is due entirely to this stochastic mechanism, and is therefore in-determinate, it bestows a characteristic of unpredictability to consciousness.”

Tubulin refers to a family of globular proteins, and they polymerize into microtubules, a major component of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells (animal and plant cells). Microtubules play an essential role in cellular processes, such as mitosis (cellular division).
How does unpredictability mean consciousness? I think of consciousness as purely subjective experience, which has nothing to do with unpredictability or predictability.

Assuming this to be true, what do you mean?
There is no subjective experience at the level of atoms and electrons and are essentially dead, but when they line up in a perfect way somehow it has an internal subjective existence.
How does unpredictability mean consciousness? I think of consciousness as purely subjective experience, which has nothing to do with unpredictability or predictability.

There is no subjective experience at the level of atoms and electrons and are essentially dead, but when they line up in a perfect way somehow it has an internal subjective existence.
Quantum mechanics certainly seems related to consciousness, largely because of the huge amount of computing ability we have. Penrose and Hammeroff present our brains as dual computers, both classical (think laptops) and quantum. We are capable of solving problems fast that classical computers would take monumental time to complete. Additionally, quantum mechanics seems to include "an observer" in its science, something unheard of in classical physics. A huge problem in philosophy has been accounting for consciousness and understanding how to incorporate it with the physical, "objective" world; and quantum mechanics seems to have included some part of this relationship.
@barcacel Do you think the average desktop computer (with an affordable GPU with AI tensor-like chips) will be able to run ChatGPT-level language models locally... by 2030?
@barcacel Do you think the average desktop computer (with an affordable GPU with AI tensor-like chips) will be able to run ChatGPT-level language models locally... by 2030?
i don't think we will use GPUs because we will use 3d chips, but we are 10 to 15 years behind of where are supposed to be technologically, we will get to where we are supposed to be with 3d chips (sixth paradigm of computing)
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i don't think we will use GPUs because we will use 3d chips, but we are 10 to 15 years behind of where are supposed to be technologically, we will get to where we are supposed to be with 3d chips (sixth paradigm of computing)

How does unpredictability mean consciousness? I think of consciousness as purely subjective experience, which has nothing to do with unpredictability or predictability.

There is no subjective experience at the level of atoms and electrons and are essentially dead, but when they line up in a perfect way somehow it has an internal subjective existence.
Penrose uses an example from quantum computing to explain that qubits of information remain in multiple states until coming together into an instantaneous calculation, called “quantum coherence,” making a large number of things act together in one quantum state.

Here’s where Penrose’s theory draws upon the work of Hameroff by saying that this quantum coherence takes place in protein structures called “microtubules”. These microtubules reside inside the neurons in our brains and can store and process information and memory. Penrose and Hameroff think that microtubules are quantum devices that are orchestrating our conscious awareness.

Some scientists suspect that quantum processes, including entanglement, might help us explain the brain’s enormous power, and its ability to generate consciousness.
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There is no subjective experience at the level of atoms and electrons and are essentially dead, but when they line up in a perfect way somehow it has an internal subjective existence.
it would be like comparing a dead animal and an alive one, the brain cells of the alive one are still there but the brain cells of a dead animal are not there, so it's not alive
Quantum mechanics certainly seems related to consciousness, largely because of the huge amount of computing ability we have. Penrose and Hammeroff present our brains as dual computers, both classical (think laptops) and quantum. We are capable of solving problems fast that classical computers would take monumental time to complete. Additionally, quantum mechanics seems to include "an observer" in its science, something unheard of in classical physics. A huge problem in philosophy has been accounting for consciousness and understanding how to incorporate it with the physical, "objective" world; and quantum mechanics seems to have included some part of this relationship.
The relationship between quantum mechanics isn’t clear and we don’t know what the relationship is. But saying it somehow solves the origin of consciousness seems sus.

Penrose uses an example from quantum computing to explain that qubits of information remain in multiple states until coming together into an instantaneous calculation, called “quantum coherence,” making a large number of things act together in one quantum state.

Here’s where Penrose’s theory draws upon the work of Hameroff by saying that this quantum coherence takes place in protein structures called “microtubules”. These microtubules reside inside the neurons in our brains and can store and process information and memory. Penrose and Hameroff think that microtubules are quantum devices that are orchestrating our conscious awareness.

Some scientists suspect that quantum processes, including entanglement, might help us explain the brain’s enormous power, and its ability to generate consciousness.
So he’s equating consciousness with information processing and memory in the brain?

it would be like comparing a dead animal and an alive one, the brain cells of the alive one are still there but the brain cells of a dead animal are not there, so it's not alive
All cells in the body have microtubules, but we are only conscious of a small amount stuff that goes on.
The relationship between quantum mechanics isn’t clear and we don’t know what the relationship is. But saying it somehow solves the origin of consciousness seems sus.

So he’s equating consciousness with information processing and memory in the brain?

All cells in the body have microtubules, but we are only conscious of a small amount stuff that goes on.
computers can't have quantum coherence
quantum coherence is a mechanism proposed by which quantum coherence as accelerating electric currents in neurons may result in a broadened spectrum of electromagnetic radiation capable of interacting with molecular complexes in the brain and perhaps elsewhere in an organism to influence vibrational and structural properties.

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