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Theory The Truth Behind Psychiatry, The Mental Health Industry and SSRIs

If I had al those meds I wouldn’t be on this forum anymore (in game!)
You know these meds are for handicapped, yet they dont magically Turn you into something opposite.

If anything, they sedate you.
Its ONLY pleasent behind walls.
You know these meds are for handicapped, yet they dont magically Turn you into something opposite.

If anything, they sedate you.
Its ONLY pleasent behind walls.
To sedate girl!
You know these meds are for handicapped, yet they dont magically Turn you into something opposite.

If anything, they sedate you.
It’s ONLY pleasent behind walls.
Tbh good drugs are gatekept and probably illegal. If SSRIs and other jewpills actually worked, mental health issues and rope rates would’ve been decreasing. In fact they’re probably more of a cause. But the rope rates they’re only on the rise jfl. They don’t really care I guess. I just need to get opioids and do controlled doses tbh…
This is a very good post.
However. I think you've done a bit too much jumping around with the hormones.

Every and each hormone is essential for human function. E.g, without cortisol you would become an unmotivated zombie (Addison's disease).

I've known people who are so unstable they would have offed themselves a long time ago without meds. There is no doubt pills are effective but only on people who REALLY NEED THEM.
Of course Americans being Americans want to use pills for easy solutions, like Ozempic usage demonstrates.

I think a point about a lot of people institutionalized killing themselves is that most of them are so fucked mentally they need to be there in the first place. If you put a normal guy into that place for a month, I think he would come out fine if shaken.

The biggest problem with psichiatry and psych meds is that the brain is the most complex organ in existence and nobody really knows shit, so we are trying to use pills as sliders hoping that everything will go to normal.
This is a very good post.
However. I think you've done a bit too much jumping around with the hormones.

Every and each hormone is essential for human function. E.g, without cortisol you would become an unmotivated zombie (Addison's disease).

I've known people who are so unstable they would have offed themselves a long time ago without meds. There is no doubt pills are effective but only on people who REALLY NEED THEM.
Of course Americans being Americans want to use pills for easy solutions, like Ozempic usage demonstrates.

I think a point about a lot of people institutionalized killing themselves is that most of them are so fucked mentally they need to be there in the first place. If you put a normal guy into that place for a month, I think he would come out fine if shaken.

The biggest problem with psichiatry and psych meds is that the brain is the most complex organ in existence and nobody really knows shit, so we are trying to use pills as sliders hoping that everything will go to normal.
Yeah I have a lot to learn still. Maybe I’ll update and refine on some stuff. But thanks for reading anyway :feelsYall: I think antidepressants spike and fuck with cortisol and testosterone and even prolactin too and Reproductive functions in general. Leaves people impotent ngl. Mentally and physically…
My theory is that antidepressants desensitise you to cortisol by making it so high to the point where you’re numb, have memory issues etc. so of course it’s all dose dependent as well. High doses can be crippling af. I was on 20mg
this thread NEEDS to be pinned. its one of my favorite threads now with real information. i might show this to my parents to try and tell them to stop forcing me to take 1000 different medications.
Yeah I have a lot to learn still. Maybe I’ll update and refine on some stuff. But thanks for reading anyway :feelsYall: I think antidepressants spike and fuck with cortisol and testosterone and even prolactin too and Reproductive functions in general. Leaves people impotent ngl. Mentally and physically…
My theory is that antidepressants desensitise you to cortisol by making it so high to the point where you’re numb, have memory issues etc. so of course it’s all dose dependent as well. High doses can be crippling af. I was on 20mg
Tbh antidepressants are a Russian Roulette with 5 bullets out of 6 chambers.
My father tried one and threw it in the trash because how bad it made him feel.
Even the good cases I know needed to through multiple different ones to find the one that doesn't just fuck their shit up.

They are supposed to restore neurotransmitter balance, but usually just make things worse.
Before SSRIs There were MAOIs, which might be better in some cases, but you could kill yourself by eating Cheese lol, so they don't prescribe them much anymore.
but you could kill yourself by eating Cheese
:lul: :lul: :lul:
Tbh antidepressants are a Russian Roulette with 5 bullets out of 6 chambers.
That’s a good description tbh
My father tried one and threw it in the trash because how bad it made him feel.
I have a theory it generally makes men feel worse because of lowered testosterone increased estrogen etc. I find it very interesting how antidepressants mostly work so well with foids
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brutel its over for me :cryfeels:
Parasite theory is interesting as fuck. Read the parasite pill pdf I think you’ll find it interesting. I linked it in with parasite theory because all the symptoms scarily align with SSRI side effects and parasites reside in the gut and 95% of serotonin is in the gut or something and the microbiome or some shit it controls behaviour idk it’s a lot to take in. But the link is definitely real.

It would further explains why people go schizo, commit suicide and go on rampages on SSRIs especially high doses. They’re not really in control it’s maybe like they’re possessed or compromised by parasites etc.
:lul: :lul: :lul:

That’s a good description tbh

I have a theory it generally makes men feel worse because of lowered testosterone increased estrogen etc. I find it very interesting how antidepressants mostly work so well with foids
Well there might be more reasons:
1.Women seem to be more susceptible to mumbo jumbo(therapy,horoscope, crystals,etc.)
2.Women have higher rates of mental illness(so the pills might actually be effective more often and the meds more adjusted for foids in general).
3.There is also the fact that foids are better at gaslighting themselves(see first point), so the longterm effects of psych drugs for foids might be just as bad.
Well there might be more reasons:
1.Women seem to be more susceptible to mumbo jumbo(therapy,horoscope, crystals,etc.)
2.Women have higher rates of mental illness(so the pills might actually be effective more often and the meds more adjusted for foids in general).
3.There is also the fact that foids are better at gaslighting themselves(see first point), so the longterm effects of psych drugs for foids might be just as bad.
Antidepressants are definitely not good for foid’s eggs. There’s studies that say SSRIs fuck up sperm dna too. Not far fetched to say that they fuck up eggs too. I wonder how many trucels were birthed all because foids couldn’t stop themselves from taking antidepressants especially when pregnant
So those are side effects foids definitely should be worried about tbh. These reasons are valid too especially about foids believing BS jfl.
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Dang i have all these
this thread NEEDS to be pinned. its one of my favorite threads now with real information. i might show this to my parents to try and tell them to stop forcing me to take 1000 different medications.
I had more info but it’s too late to update :feelsbadman: the rabbit hole goes deep man. If I make a part 2 I’ll @ you
I had more info but it’s too late to update :feelsbadman: the rabbit hole goes deep man. If I make a part 2 I’ll @ you
thank you! another thread about this would be helpful.
I'm glad I've never taken any medication in my entire life

The patterns in brain scans differ between psychopaths and autists, plus psychopaths still resemble normalfags a lot more than they do autists. This observation alone is very poignant and insightful. Normies and psychopaths share more in common with each other than we do with either, yet it's not concerning to normgroids that their neural pathways are structured more like emotionless amoral despicable human beings.

The patterns in brain scans differ between psychopaths and autists, plus psychopaths still resemble normalfags a lot more than they do autists. This observation alone is very poignant and insightful. Normies and psychopaths share more in common with each other than we do with either, yet it's not concerning to normgroids that their neural pathways are structured more like emotionless amoral despicable human beings.
High functioning autistic brain is more beautiful tbh :bigbrain: but yeah normies and psychopaths I’ve always thought there’s a thin line between those two.
I'm glad I've never taken any medication in my entire life
Good I think there’s better options like nutritional psychiatry (fixing your diet basically) and other drugs like ketamine and opioids in controlled doses. Maybe even psychedelics but I don’t know much about them now still need to research
High functioning autistic brain is more beautiful tbh :bigbrain: but yeah normies and psychopaths I’ve always thought there’s a thin line between those two.
They basically give SSRIs to autists because it kind of destroys these connections in their mind as you see in the diagram I think. It literally kills brain cells I swear or at least severs the connections.

Autism should just be weaponised tbh and should be hired for highly specialised jobs and stuff. High functioning I mean.
They basically give SSRIs to autists because it kind of destroys these connections in their mind as you see in the diagram I think. It literally kills brain cells I swear or at least severs the connections.

Autism should just be weaponised tbh and should be hired for highly specialised jobs and stuff. High functioning I mean.
The end goal of medication doses is to sedate non NTs and make them more normal in their thought patterns, so it would sense if that meant they deliberately want to rewire the brains of autists to look more like a normie's when both are placed under scans.
SSRI's seem cucked af man... Nice for you that you are off that shit.
SSRI's seem cucked af man
They literally manufacture consent jfl. Consent to what? Consent to taking and accepting all the injustices in your life without doing anything about it. They make you more passive and accepting and also blind to all the shit you have faced in your life and are currently facing. On top of that it doesn’t make anyone happy it just makes them numb asf. Literally rots your brain cells by severing connections and even killing them.

This of course makes you a “no thoughts head empty person” and makes one exploitable af. Literally makes you brain dead. But that’s basically every psych med.

Genuinely one of the biggest scams of our time. High serotonin automatically lowers dopamine and sucks away any enjoyment you have in life. Leaving one a numb zombie. Especially with cortisol spikes etc.

Recovery isn’t quick either. This shit and its effects stay in the system for a very long time. I’m nowhere near fully recovered. Also withdrawals can be hell. Genuinely shit tier drug. I’ll make a part 2 to cover what I missed here

But TLDR they gradually turn your brain into mush.
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I wish to stop taking them they stop my performance and thinking make me feel worse than before feels like its eating my brain like sensations headaches and dizzyness :feelsrope:
I wish to stop taking them they stop my performance and thinking make me feel worse than before feels like its eating my brain like sensations headaches and dizzyness :feelsrope:
Do you get brain zaps?
Whats it like trying to come off the SSRI's guys? Even with a taper are there withdrawal symtoms? Relapse into depression / anxiety?
Whats it like trying to come off the SSRI's guys? Even with a taper are there withdrawal symtoms? Relapse into depression / anxiety?
I cold turkeyed (if you’ve been taking long term don’t do that) and I felt shit for a long while but in the end I started feeling better this takes a very long time though depending on the SSRI, how strong it is and how long it stays in your system

The patterns in brain scans differ between psychopaths and autists, plus psychopaths still resemble normalfags a lot more than they do autists. This observation alone is very poignant and insightful. Normies and psychopaths share more in common with each other than we do with either, yet it's not concerning to normgroids that their neural pathways are structured more like emotionless amoral despicable human beings.
Good observation normies are evil
I always knew there was something wrong with therapy. It feels like it's just another cope for people so everyone will "fix themselves" instead of trying to fix the soul crushing society they live in which causes them to have those mental conditions in the first place
the only thing therapists care about is your employability and if you're working. otherwise, they dont give a fuck

They wanted ER on medication but he refused. ER was also in therapy and it didn't help him stop any of the shit he was gonna do. Goes to show how useless and fucked up the systems are :feelskek: clown world I tell you
ER's problem started at home with his WMAF parents, no amount of therapy was gonna even touch that issue with a ten foot pole
the only thing therapists care about is your employability and if you're working. otherwise, they dont give a fuck
Yeah therapists only care about making you a wageslave. They don't want you to be happy, they just want another functional wageslave for the system. That's their whole job. Their job isn't making people feel better, because that wouldn't benefit society, their job is to make more people wageslaves instead of NEEts, because that would benefit society.
Extremely high IQ post. This should be put in must-read.

I would, actually, really like your input on my situation.

I myself have been in a bit of a pickle. It started long ago - I wasn't doing well in school, and I was dabbling with psychologists and special ed ever since elementary. Got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, symptoms of dysgraphia. Extremely hyperactive, stimming, tics, etc. since I was a kid. Fast forward to Middle School, I get diagnosed with ADHD. I realize I can't really do well in school, but I'm not a hopeless zombie yet and can still feel emotions, have some times where I shine in the sense that there's a few things I can do very well, etc. High School comes, and just before COVID hits I start doing well for myself - grades go up for the first time in my life jfl, I exercise, shit like that. Then came COVID and basically undid all of that, fucked me up mentally, etc.

Here's where it gets interesting: second lockdown wave comes, fucks me over once again. Except this time, during the winter I just lay down in bed one day and can't get up no matter what for a solid week. I feel physically weak, dizzy, tired, numb, etc. but I also sleep very late at night. I actually also got a COVID test done on me where they jabbed some shit up my nose, and when that week of me feeling like ass is over I get COVID for a few days and since then can't breathe well through my nose or smell jfl.

Anyways, it's been a few years since then and I think I somehow managed to get really fucked up. Emotional blunting, loss of motivation, loss of inhibition, just want to stay at home all day doing nothing and browsing the internet. I still have the ADHD shit, including tics and stimming - that's likely neurological/biochemical, won't go away. Anyway, I go to a psychiatrist because I am like "what the fuck, not only are my original issues still there but it's getting worse??" and long story short I wasn't taken seriously but was put on SSRIs. I noticed no difference, though people around me said I was less irritable. I stopped it after a month because of this and because getting refills was a pain in the ass as I was switching back and forth between countries. Months later, I took concerta and, again, nothing happened. People said it made me more irritable, if anything.

I've also taken some other shit like mirtazapine, argomelanin, modafinil, etc. with no effects - though a lot of these need 30 years to "properly kick in," whatever that means. I've no clue what's going on or what to do, but I do know I am being played.
Extremely high IQ post. This should be put in must-read.

I would, actually, really like your input on my situation.

I myself have been in a bit of a pickle. It started long ago - I wasn't doing well in school, and I was dabbling with psychologists and special ed ever since elementary. Got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, symptoms of dysgraphia. Extremely hyperactive, stimming, tics, etc. since I was a kid. Fast forward to Middle School, I get diagnosed with ADHD. I realize I can't really do well in school, but I'm not a hopeless zombie yet and can still feel emotions, have some times where I shine in the sense that there's a few things I can do very well, etc. High School comes, and just before COVID hits I start doing well for myself - grades go up for the first time in my life jfl, I exercise, shit like that. Then came COVID and basically undid all of that, fucked me up mentally, etc.

Here's where it gets interesting: second lockdown wave comes, fucks me over once again. Except this time, during the winter I just lay down in bed one day and can't get up no matter what for a solid week. I feel physically weak, dizzy, tired, numb, etc. but I also sleep very late at night. I actually also got a COVID test done on me where they jabbed some shit up my nose, and when that week of me feeling like ass is over I get COVID for a few days and since then can't breathe well through my nose or smell jfl.

Anyways, it's been a few years since then and I think I somehow managed to get really fucked up. Emotional blunting, loss of motivation, loss of inhibition, just want to stay at home all day doing nothing and browsing the internet. I still have the ADHD shit, including tics and stimming - that's likely neurological/biochemical, won't go away. Anyway, I go to a psychiatrist because I am like "what the fuck, not only are my original issues still there but it's getting worse??" and long story short I wasn't taken seriously but was put on SSRIs. I noticed no difference, though people around me said I was less irritable. I stopped it after a month because of this and because getting refills was a pain in the ass as I was switching back and forth between countries. Months later, I took concerta and, again, nothing happened. People said it made me more irritable, if anything.

I've also taken some other shit like mirtazapine, argomelanin, modafinil, etc. with no effects - though a lot of these need 30 years to "properly kick in," whatever that means. I've no clue what's going on or what to do, but I do know I am being played.
Thanks :feelsYall: yeah a lot of these supposedly need “time to kick in” but even one dose can change your brain. The fact about being less irritable is also interesting lol. Manufactured acceptance. People think SSRIs are a cure all but it does more damage than good esp when taken for a long time.
Meds should be instantly working tbh why did they make up this BS about meds having to take months and years to work that just sounds like scam BS.

Emotional blunting, loss of motivation and loss of inhibition are actually side effects I got from SSRIs though how did it come for you? Did you just fall into depression or something?
my bro shat on 100years of jew"science" and wrote a whole fucking dissertation

based asf bro
my bro shat on 100years of jew"science" and wrote a whole fucking dissertation

based asf bro
Thanks mang :feelsokman: There’s so much more to say but that’s for another thread I will have to write that out
Thanks :feelsYall: yeah a lot of these supposedly need “time to kick in” but even one dose can change your brain. The fact about being less irritable is also interesting lol. Manufactured acceptance. People think SSRIs are a cure all but it does more damage than good esp when taken for a long time.
Meds should be instantly working tbh why did they make up this BS about meds having to take months and years to work that just sounds like scam BS.

Emotional blunting, loss of motivation and loss of inhibition are actually side effects I got from SSRIs though how did it come for you? Did you just fall into depression or something?
Yeah, it was depression and then I just kind of lost interest in life. Even if I don't feel sad or like ass anymore rn (or, at least, not as much), I still don't give much of a crap about anything anymore. Like I don't have the patience for it. These are side effects from SSRIs, though I got them long before taking them. I'm not sure what it means.
An Honest Experience With Psychiatry, the Mental Health Industry and SSRIs

By SandNiggerKANG​


The mental health industry and all the shilling to “seek help” has always struck me as misleading. After hearing dozens of anecdotes, horror stories and seeing clear examples of deception, mistreatment, misinformation and abuse of authority, I can only conclude that this entire industry isn’t as helpful and effective it is often portrayed to be. Of course it’s a common jab for normies to say “Seek help”, “Consider therapy” and “Take your meds” but usually it’s just a passive aggressive insult. Implicitly, it shows contempt and disgust for maladaptive people. The same sort of people that caused his “maladaptive” behaviours through things like bullying, outcasting and rejection. Of course there’s a root to everything.

The mental health industry’s core assumption is that the individual is defective. This is a half truth. 99% of people’s “mental illness” is due to shitty people, ruthless systems and being stuck in lose-lose situations but of course this is not addressed. So the individual is brainwashed, medicated and mind controlled in a way to conform to the greater system called society without causing problems and disruption. And as we know from the blackpill, society and the world itself is a very fucked up place. Mind you, the treatments aren’t designed to make you happy. They’re designed to make you functional on the bare minimum level to be another mindless cog in the machine.

We will go into a deep dive of everything.

Misinformation About Medication, Forced Detainment and Coercion​

There is a giant push for medication. Why should this scare you? Because it has many side effects that would be crippling, leaving you a shell of your former self. Increasing serotonin by slowing down the way it gets absorbed leads to bad adverse effects. These include depersonalization, derealization, memory loss, cognitive impairment, sexual dysfunction (PSSD, could be permanent), impaired judgement, severe emotional numbness and ahedonia (the inability to feel pleasure) Everything that you were told about SSRIs is basically a lie. Its mechanism of action is to basically disable your mind from thinking and to disable your ability to feel. SSRIs basically reduce dopamine transmission as well. And believe me, being stuck in lifeless, low dopamine states would actually cause suicides because of its effects. Ironically it takes all the enjoyment and magic out of life, therefore causing depression, lack of drive, sexual dysfunction, emotional numbness and ahedonia. Prescribing “antidepressant” pills that actually cause depression? This is a very big psy-op.

Increasing serotonin also increases cortisol. And SSRIs increase serotonin a fuckton. This is of course bad for your brain and body. You know, MKultra experiments on psychiatric patients was basically about breaking a person’s mind by torturing them. SSRIs basically emulate that same cortisol and adrenaline increase. And of course that’s not good because it can lead to manic and psychotic states where you’re not really in control of what you’re doing. Breaking a person’s mind like this, whether chemically or physically, makes them more suggestible and manipulatable. It’s a hypnotism of sorts. SSRIs induce a sort of blanked mind state. Even when you purposely try to think, it gets shut down and your mind gets blanked again and again.

Here’s a couple of excerpts from an article of Mkultra brainwashing experiments:


SSRIs are essentially the results of Mkultra experiments compressed into pills. The cortisol spiking, memory loss, cognitive impairment, emotional numbness etc.

Isn’t it also funny how SSRIs turn the mind into a juvenile state? (basically an ignorant, childlike state)? This is exactly why you get memory loss, cognitive impairment, lowered inhibition, destroyed empathy and morals. It basically regresses your mind. Lol. Literal bluepill. It’s “neuroplasticity” is done by basically destroying your existing connections in the brain. Wiping out your personality, thoughts, ego etc.



Literal brain drain drugs LOL. All those memories, character building and your personality and ego, all gone due to “treatment”. Talking of very stressful and traumatising moments, like falling off a cliff at rapid speed, the memories associated with these moments get suppressed. Much like how SSRIs suppress memories. And even people report feeling like a detached observer in these moments. Much like how SSRIs induce depersonalization and derealization. Mind you, the cortisol speeds up ageing.


Sound familiar?

In electroconvulsive therapy, this also increases cortisol a fuck ton. Are you beginning to notice a pattern? Most mainstream mental health treatments just want to surge cortisol. Isn’t it fucked up how most mental health treatments (SSRIs) cause a myriad of other problems while worsening the initial condition of the patient??


Take a look at cushing’s syndrome. Caused by too much cortisol. See how it lines up?
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Sound familiar? Here’s a massive redpill on the truth about serotonin:


Nightmares and waking up in sweats is also a common side effect of SSRIs. This is kind of a similar thing that happens with PTSD. Memory suppression, nightmares, cognitive impairment etc.


Why is all of this bad? If you can’t think, other people will be thinking for you. This makes you more suggestible and manipulatable. SSRIs are basically the real bluepill. And what’s the bluepill?It’s just ignorance, and as you know, ignorance leads to suffering. SSRIs are used in conjunction with “therapies” like CBT. Of course this will enable you to get brainwashed with bluepills. SSRIs basically threaten the sovereignty and individuality of your mind, identity, personality and ego.

You know, it’s a common tactic of cult leaders to make their followers take drugs that increase suggestibility so they become more brainwashed by their cult leader. There are also many cases of sex crimes that involve a patient taking suggestibility increasing drugs so they agree to have sex. It’s a hypnotism of sorts as I said. But this time, they’re attempting to hypnotise you so you conform to society better. And guess what? Society and normiedom is just a massive cult. And who’s responsible perpetuating like 99% of world problems like murder, abuse and poverty and suicides? Normies...

- Some indian guy

95% of serotonin is produced in the gut. SSRIs are known to cause gut issues too. And what’s your gut? It’s like your second brain. SSRIs compromise who you are to the core. This ties in with parasite theory. Gut microbes are part of the unconscious system regulating behavior. Recent investigations indicate that these microbes majorly impact on cognitive function and fundamental behavior patterns, such as social interaction and stress management.
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There’s a reason why people sometimes go psycho when on these meds and it’s not really their fault. Their states of consciousness literally gets compromised on a biological level. And SSRIs or any sort of psych med they induce the lowest states of consciousness. Multiple studies show that SSRIs increase violent tendencies and suicidality. It’s also shown that SSRIs lower frontal lobe activation and decreases blood flow to these areas of higher function. This leaves people in somewhat of an unconscious trance state which is why people report patients acting in bizarre, out of character ways and their entire personality becoming unrecognisable.

The influx of serotonin also affects the pineal gland by interfering with melatonin. This leaves patients with insomnia, abnormal sleep cycles and even REM sleep suppression. This can of course drive people to insanity. Many patients also report having insomnia since taking SSRIs. This sort of sleep disruption blurs the lines between dream and reality.

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What’s cognitive behavioural therapy? In a nutshell, it’s just a way for you to ignore reality right in front of you. Basically it’s a way to brainwash you into thinking the world is all rainbows and sunshine and that people don’t have ulterior motives or hidden agendas. Perfect for making you a gullible fool. Perfect for pacifying and blinding you to your injustices that you’ve faced throughout your life. People clearly behave and think the way they do because they had to adapt to their traumatising experiences and to minimize enduring more suffering than one is already going through. Perfectly normal people become broken by the traumas they experience and when they act out, they’re seen as the villains and people instantly dehumanize and pathologize them.

More often than not, most of these “cognitive distortions” are actually perfectly rational and valid thought processes. It’s human nature to see things objectively. CBT promotes a myopic sort of thinking. There’s a reason why this is commonly done in conjunction with SSRI treatment. It bypasses the thinking and rational parts of your mind and goes straight to the core because of how SSRIs increase suggestibility and suppress your ego, identity, personality and cognitive abilities. Anecdotally, people also report less creativity. That also obviously ties in with cognitive impariment. If CBT is most effective with SSRIs, that really says something about CBT itself. It’s not effective and it’s obviously wishful thinking and a giant cope.

SSRIs purposely make you blind, ignorant and myopic and CBT programming is the nail in the coffin. In this study, it discusses learned helplessness.



Very interesting. SSRIs induce learned helplessness. Perfect to control someone.


Most people are pretty incapable of seeing things from another’s perspective. This is the empathy gap. Seems like SSRIs amplify it lol. We’ll get into that later.

On Suicide​

If you fuck up your suicide, prepare to be locked up in a psych ward. If you’re unlucky, they will force drug you. If you’re lucky, they’ll give you a choice to take medication or not but note that this can still be coercive and deceptive. They can misinform you on how these drugs actually work and so if you agree to take these, they won’t be held responsible. Also prepare to have your belongings taken away and that includes all technology like phones, laptops etc. This is done for your “safety” but it just makes you more isolated. If you’re serious about taking your own life, you have to be certain nothing will fuck up that’s if you don’t want to be hospitalized. So choose wisely, be firm on your decision and give yourself time to think, plan ahead and reconsider. By no means do I encourage suicide, I’m pro-choice.

Why are suicidal people treated like this? Suicide is akin to murder in many people’s eyes. Anecdotally, if you’re labelled as mentally ill and suicidal, people will instantly see you and treat you as subhuman. They won’t respect your privacy, dignity and autonomy any more. You’ll become like some sort of lab rat or someone who needs to be babysitted. Very embarrassing way to live.

Why Suicide Pisses People Off​

Firstly, you avoid paying a lifetime’s worth of taxes. That sure pisses the government off. That’s like a method of tax evasion actually. Suicide is still basically a crime. Secondly, companies miss out on you providing a lifetime’s worth of value. Thirdly, nobody can hurt you or use you as a pawn any more. That sure pisses people off too.

Treatment Options?​

Well, by now you’re probably apprehensive about taking dysphoria inducing SSRIs? So what are the other options? They are opioids, ketamine and psychedelics. None of these cause adverse effects like SSRIs do. Opioids in particular can be very addictive but its therapeutic benefit is pronounced. Ketamine is very fast acting whereas SSRIs takes long to “start working” aka slowly making you insane.

The Unseen Factor – NDEs and Suicide​

There are many reports of encounters with spiritual entities while in the NDE state. Often times, these entities appear to be coercive, manipulative and deceiving.

This coercion happens both in this reality and outside of it.

(will make a post elaborating on this)

Therapy, “Opening Up” and Showing Vulnerability​

Showing vulnerability is a very tricky decision. Of course, vulnerabilities exist to be exploited. People can obviously use what you say to get dirt on you. To outmanoeuvre this, you can just give the illusion of being open. Crafting fake stories to make you seem more normal than you actually are. But of course even this mask can crack and make you appear inauthentic. Everybody loves gossip. Everybody loves a good story. So people will intentionally try to get you to “spill the beans” and that will be to your detriment. Being secretive is always a safer option.

There have also been cases of patient data leaking online. Take that for what it’s worth.


Parasite Theory​

When I talked about getting your consciousness compromised by SSRIs, it’s a real possibility. Some people literally act like they’re possessed. The overlap is pretty big from what you can see here. Seem familiar? Beginning to connect the dots to why people do fucked up shit and become fucked up while on SSRIs?

Everything is spot on. Especially weight issues (antidepressants make you gain weight because of impaired metabolism). Many people on antidepressants report “not feeling like themselves” also.
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How do SSRIs help the breeding ground of parasites in your gut? It’s strange how they’re immunosuppressants!


Isn’t it also interesting how parasites increase the levels of serotonin in their hosts?


The Implications of Pregnant Women Taking SSRIs and Prenatal Stress​

Well by now if you’ve read this far you know that SSRIs increase cortisol by raising serotonin. Now for some odd reason, women are allowed to take SSRIs during pregnancy. If you’ve read everything I wrote before you’d be like “what the fuck” but it’s true. And how do the children turn out? They turn out autistic, dysfunctional and maladaptive. Of course this perpetuates a larger cycle of medication because now the children will be in “withdrawal” and will also suffer all the adverse effects of said medication. In short, if it’s a male, the child will probably also be involuntarily celibate.

Obviously the prenatal stress caused by SSRIs will permanently damage the child.




It’s clear normies have been severely misled about serotonin.


What causes or triggers seizures in the first place?

SSRIs Significantly Lower Testosterone.​

What is testosterone responsible for? And what are its effects?



What are the implications of lowering androgen? Guess what.

“Low androgen or low testosterone (male hypogonadism) can cause fatigue, anxiety and depression, difficulty concentrating, poor exercise tolerance, low sex drive and erectile dysfunction. It can also lead to breast development (gynecomastia).”

Sound familiar? That’s exactly SSRI side effects.


I’m sure you’ve connected the dots. Isn’t it strange how they will literally prescribe depression causing pills to “TREAT” depression??

Here’s another one.


I’m pretty sure the lowered androgens and testosterone also causes memory loss, cognitive impairment too. This of course leads to reduced creativity. Difficulties with concentration too. A LOT of brain fog. There’s a reason why pilots on antidepressants end up in plane crashes. Antidepressant use also probably ends up in car crashes. Mental capacities in general get fucked up. As a result of memory loss people also get word finding problems. Brain fog in general.


In depression, HIGH serotonin is actually found.


As we know from a quote we’ve heard frequently “the devil can only invert what’s good.”. This applies to misinformation. Mainstream information of psych drugs is a complete inversion of how it actually is like in reality.

Serotonin Causes Autism?​

The true creator of trucels. SSRIs.


Even on normie articles this is acknowledged:


Connecting the dots, chronic stress also lowers dopamine to cause ahedonia. This is what SSRIs really do?


So the gist is, SSRIs chronically put you in a crippled state of mind and fucks up the state of your body and organs. Particularly messing up the delicate balance and homeostasis of your body because of the unnecessary, harmful serotonin influx. Why are these drugs legal? Well, you know, fun is illegal. Actually helpful drugs are heavily regulated and gatekept.

SSRIs Impairs Growth Especially If Young​

https://www.psychiatryadvisor.com/reports/treatment-with-ssris-during-puberty-impacts-height/#:~:text=These results indicate that SSRI,suppression of growth hormone signaling.

If you were forced on SSRIs if you were young, it’s so unbelievably over for you. Here, read this story on erowid. He basically says that being forced on SSRIs impaired his growth and he remained virtually the same height while growing up.


If you were forced on these meds while young, it’s so unbelievably over…

Why do you think the stereotype for autistic people is a white frail looking boy? High serotonin, a feature of autism, impairs growth.

Imagine the implications of less growth hormone? Less height, less developed face etc. Truly an incel generator. Again this is due to cortisol.

https://karger.com/hrp/article/96/1/25/842156/Stress-and-Growth-in-Children-and-Adolescents#:~:text=High cortisol suppresses growth hormone,osteoporosis, and induction of insulin

Autism, REM sleep and SSRIs​

SSRIs essentially chemically induce sleep deprivation. It totally nukes your quality of sleep. Suppresses REM sleep.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028390816301873#:~:text=In particular%2C selective serotonin re,et al.%2C 2013).

And why is REM sleep good? It’s essential for consolidating memories, learning, etc.

In Autism, sleep is also commonly impaired. Beginning to see a connection? Between increasing serotonin, melatonin, autism, REM etc.


Of course suppressing REM sleep also means that SSRIs suppress people from dreaming in the first place. That can even occur after coming off the medication. Why this medication is so shilled for? It’s beyond me.

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See the connection?


SSRIs literally chemically induce autism. RIP SSRI users and all children and teens forced on it.

Mental Health Services are Inherently Feminine​

Most patients are women. Most practitioners are women. And psychiatry inherently breaks you so you can conform to a standard. Nobody actually knows what they’re talking about especially practitioners. They’re just programmed to mindlessly recite from a script. Almost like a flowchart. No fluidity or intelligence required. Anybody can do their job really. And they don’t really care if they damage the patient. They mostly care about their paycheck like 99% of other people. So it’s time to take responsibility and avoid these places like the plague.


If you read geckobus’s threads, that’s really something eh?

Also, it literally feminises you biologically because of the effects of the pills.
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Amotivational Syndrome, Frontal Lobe Syndrome​

SSRIs literally fuck up the frontal lobe of your brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions. It literally slowly turns you into some sort of retarded drooling zombie.I


It’s literally a worse version of weed. At least weed doesn’t make your dick stop working and make increase estrogen to feminize you.

SSRIs turn people into brainlets, point taken.

Notice the similarities to frontal lobe syndrome?

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30422576/#:~:text=Frontal lobe syndrome is a,%2C and language%2Fspeech production.

Perhaps this also explains why people’s personalities change while on SSRIs much like how brain damaged people go on to act out of character and commit crimes? Perhaps SSRIs even induce some sort of brain damage? Well as you know they basically fuck up your prefrontal cortex. And what’s that responsible for?
Well it does induce hyponatraemia.
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A Theory Regarding Women, SSRIs and Emotions​

I have a theory that women are actually very emotionally numb which makes it much easier for them to emotionally signal. Essentially they’re very good actors. They don’t feel as deeply as men. I’m sure other users have concluded the same. They seem to move on very fast. When I was on SSRIs, I was of course emotionally blunted and scarily, it became much easier to lie and fake emotions that I didn’t have. I felt like a psychopath. Why women commonly take these drugs and “benefit” from it? Well after all it does increase estrogen. Perhaps SSRIs gave me an experience into the mind of women. Or a psychopath. Many crimes, many deaths related to SSRI use actually.

I know for a fact that if I died today, none of the females in the family would feel a thing deep down. Sure they would pretend and signal emotion but deep down it would be like another day for them. Why women on average take SSRIs more and report it “helping them” whereas for men it ruins their lives? Estrogen and it helps women get back into their “default state” which from their perspective is being numb, dumb, unthinking etc. You can verify the effects of estrogen by looking at transgender hormone therapy anecdotes and results.

Mothers would easily not care if their children died. It’s just societally expected for them to display emotion and reactions as such to show they care. And women are good actors but deep down, they’re empty shells.

There’s a reason why women are typically thought of to be less intelligent and less creative.

So when women take SSRIs, it’s back to normal. But for men, it’s an entirely foreign state of mind a lot of the time.

SSRIs and Cortisol?​

The combination of increased cortisol and lowered androgen and testosterone make it a common side effect of antidepressants to induce balding. They mess with your hormones in general big time. SSRIs are known to increase prolactin and cortisol a lot. This of course leads to weight gain, cognitive impairment etc.

https://www.psychiatric-drug-effects.com/downloads/Antidepressant Physical Adverse Reactions.pdf

Why is prolactin bad?

https://www.uptodate.com/contents/high-prolactin-levels-and-prolactinomas-beyond-the-basics/print#:~:text=Males — When a high blood,and blood count (anemia).

Bruxism is also a common feature of high cortisol. And guess what? Antidepressants SSRIs induce bruxism.



This will destroy your jaw and teeth probably.

Also, Read this.


And it’s implications on prenatal stress, for the retarded mothers who take SSRIs during pregnancy?


I can’t past any excerpts because it would exceed word count. I have a theory that most mental illness today is due to mothers taking SSRIs though especially during pregnancy. And the rates of women who take SSRIs?


This would probably explain reduced fertility and birth rates too.

Psych Ward Mortality Rates​

It’s commonly seen in patients that are forced into psych wards, and then released, to go onto killing themselves. What does this tell you about the system? It tells me that it’s still in the dark ages and these so called “professionals” and “experts” don’t actually know what they’re doing. If they were competent at their jobs, surely suicide and mental illness rates would be decreasing? But no, they’re just another piece of the puzzle in creating a more dysfunctional society.


“Seek help! Seek therapy” LOL, okay. Truly the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results (reducing mental illness and suicide)

SSRIs Impair Empathy​

If you read about how SSRIs cause prefrontal cortex dysfunction, it would be obvious that it would impair empathy, lower inhibition and trigger violence and criminal behaviour. There’s a study that concludes that they do impair empathy. Read this.


Let it burn lol.
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Arthur Schopenhauer On Sexuality​

Psychiatry literally started a campaign against masturbation lol. They really don’t like sexuality. Even their pills kill sexuality.


What do antidepressants do to sexuality?

https://www.psychiatric-drug-effects.com/downloads/Antidepressant Physical Adverse Reactions.pdf

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What does Arthur Schopenhauer say about sexuality?

Why SSRI users commit suicide?


Why SSRIs Work Better on Women​

Now this is very interesting. If you read before, SSRIs have a feminising effect by lowering testosterone and increasing estrogen. It’s a no-brainer that women would obviously benefit more from it. Whereas for men it would weaken them and cause adverse effects. It’s literally incompatible. Does more harm than good when men take it. And the implications? The adverse effects men experience like emotional blunting, cognitive impairment, memory loss, being reckless irritable, lower empathy etc. it’s just like experiencing the mind of a woman. Especially with lowered testosterone and increased estrogen.


Also read this, it explains women behaviour very well.


How to Recover?​

My personal take and my personal theory on this is to:

  • Increase dopamine levels, sensitivity and receptors somehow. Dopaminergic drugs??
  • Increase testosterone and fix androgens? Fixing up fucked up hormones in first place
  • Fix metabolism
  • Lower cortisol
  • Having high nutrient intake from supplements and make sure your body absorbs it well
  • Mushrooms to improve cognitive function
  • Fix gut issues. Especially serotonin.
  • Parasite detox. Deworming.
  • NAC protocol? Idk.
  • Lower serotonin
  • Fix REM sleep by taking melatonin and rebalancing serotonin/melatonin.


- SSRIs increase cortisol

- SSRIs increase estrogen

- SSRIs decrease dopamine (lol it literally takes away your enjoyment for life)

- SSRIs lower testosterone and androgens

- SSRIs fuck up your brain and give cognitive impairment and memory loss.

- SSRIs don’t actually make you happy

- SSRIs are probably just some experiment in mind control, brainwashing and reprogramming. Mkultra. That’s why it’s apparently “more effective” with CBT. Basically just an elaborate brainwashing bluepill at the expense of your body and mind.

- SSRIs leave you a shell of a person.

- SSRIs lower inhibition.

- SSRIs chemically castrate you

- SSRIs impair REM sleep. Chemical sleep deprivation pills

- most mental health services inherently feminize men.

- withdrawals will fuck you up. The side effects you get there’s always a chance of it being permanent.

- SSRIs give depersonalization and derealization

- SSRIs compromise your gut, takes control and lowers your consciousness and basically parasites begin to possess you.

- SSRIs impair growth. Meaning height growth and pubertal development. It’s over if you were on these drugs when young. (forced)

- If you’re autistic, chances are your mom was on SSRIs or some sort of psych drug

- SSRIs cause sleep disruption, REM sleep disruption and insomnia. Too much serotonin impairs sleep and causes autism

- SSRIs are innately dysphoria inducing drugs. Ironically inducing depression, anxiety ahedonia for men.

Closing Words​

In conclusion, no, SSRIs or any psych meds they don’t make you happy. At best, it just puts your mind in an anaesthesia state. No thoughts, no emotions. Blank slate to be programmed and controlled. A sort of ego death. At best, SSRIs just prevent you from even thinking or planning anything properly. That includes suicide. Ironically it also completely removes any fear or inhibitions to commit suicide. Because of cortisol increasing, tolerance builds. That’s why suicide rates of antidepressant use are pretty high and also violence rates. Inhibition remover.

It’s commonly known that if you want to control a society, you have to have control over the women. If you want to control men, you have to weaken them by feminizing them which is exactly what “mental health” and psychiatry does by their drugs and programming. If psychiatry actually worked, suicide rates would’ve been dropping but it hasn’t it’s only been increasing and increasing. If psychiatry actually worked, the rates of mental illness would decrease but really, it just makes broken individuals become more broken and therefore do things that reflect that such as suicide and violence, further perpetuating the cycles of suffering for others to bear as they eventually become broken by such actions too.

If truly happy individuals were high serotonin, their dicks would stop working, they would be retarded, they would feel emotionally numb, they would have snappable bones, they would be fat, they would probably be autistic and we know autistic individuals are usually deeply unhappy because of facing ableism. Psychiatry literally feminises the individual, forcing complacency, on a biological level, to live in the god forsaken system. It’s essentially a chemical straight jacket of sorts. When society medicates the individual because he reacts to the injustices he faced, it’s just another way to disable and neuter him. “The child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”. But it’s commonly accepted in our society and CULTure to medicate such “problematic” individuals.

When it comes to mental health, the “professionals” are as clueless as anyone else. Don’t be fooled by their titles, junk science and unverified pseudoscience slop that they mindlessly parrot from textbooks. Clinical trials have been frauded and these drugs are portrayed in a false light. So there it is gentlemen. This is your “help” and “therapy” but now you’ve taken off the rose tinted glasses. Get real, it doesn’t help. As shown clearly, psych meds make you an empty shell of a person. I’m sure nobody is willing to endure that if they were told the truth about these drugs. It erases all emotion not just the “bad ones” like they tell you.

To any sort of retarded normie redditor type one-liner people:

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@GeckoBus @XtremeMax @opioidcel @EpedaBIGDICKENERGY @Atavistic Autist
how are people getting parasites? just dont eat raw food, and lake water
High IQ, we need a high iq threads section
High IQ, we need a high iq threads section
Thanks mang I would rewrite a few bits on this but I will probably make a part 2 with a lot more info I will @ you if you’re interested
I wanted to dump this here, about addiction being often related to the circumstances of the person being shit, not the drugs themselves. Giving mentally ill people drugs is like giving someone trapped in a war zone skittles to cope. Of course they will compulsively eat skittles to calm down, they are trapped in a war zone. This does not imply skittles are addictive.

Most drug users are highly functional and never end up in rehab. This skews the perception of what a drug user looks like + lookism makes people think drug users are all toothless crackheads.

Drugs are also not a leading cause of homelessness:

Most homeless also do not take drugs or are unemployed:
People who are homeless suffer from substance abuse and addiction at a greater rate than those who have homes. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimates that roughly 38% of the homeless suffer from an alcohol dependency while 26% abuse drugs.

This study proves that at least 40.4% of unsheltered homeless people are employed.

Studies show that 24 the majority of American adults experiencing homelessness are employed. In New York, long-term studies 25 have found close to half of single adults and nearly 40% of families in homeless shelters earn income from employment. In fact, many of our unhoused neighbors have shared stories of working multiple part-time or odd jobs at once while still being unable to find stable housing.

It is also worth nothing that hard drugs like heroin and cocaine were only outlawed in the US in the 1940s, yet did not cause social issues at that time. Only in already disadvantaged populations was drug use a problem, and it was never solely because of drugs. In the book I linked in the mega.nz file, the researcher points out that most drug addicts of the small subgroup that end up in rehab repeatedly, have multiple mental or physical health conditions on top of the drug abuse.

So causation can not be established between drugs, homelessness and dysfunction. The dysfunction may as well lead to the drug abuse and so on.

Another classic example he gives is that most heroin addicted soldiers that returned from the Vietnam war quit on their own. Within 20 years or so, 80% of them quit without needing intervention. This again challenges the addiction model and points to circumstances and social support acting as a stabilizing factor in peoples lives. In the same vein, he points to research that shows that drug abuse goes down when people are married and so on.

The medical and mental health industry would have you believe the opposite though. They want you to believe in drugs being this boogieman, while ignoring the overall conditions that cause the drug abuse in the first place (dysfunctional families, lack of affordable housing). As you say, many drug users are turned into addicts through the mental health industry.

I heard in america that a lot of drug users start on legal meds like oxytocin and then cant afford them anymore and switch to illegal drugs. Again, its not about the drugs being addictive necessarily, its that they give already damaged people with physical and mental issues drugs, thus giving them a potent cope for their problems, which the mental health field cant and will not solve.

Let us also not forget that it is the government itself which is involved in drug smuggling operations, like poppy farming in Afghanistan under US occupation. Poppy is a plant which is used in the production of opioids. Afghanistan is the worlds third biggest source of illegal opiates. Poppy production doubled under US occupation, after the Taliban tried banning it in the late 1990s.


I wanted to dump this here, about addiction being often related to the circumstances of the person being shit, not the drugs themselves. Giving mentally ill people drugs is like giving someone trapped in a war zone skittles to cope. Of course they will compulsively eat skittles to calm down, they are trapped in a war zone. This does not imply skittles are addictive.

Most drug users are highly functional and never end up in rehab. This skews the perception of what a drug user looks like + lookism makes people think drug users are all toothless crackheads.

Drugs are also not a leading cause of homelessness:

Most homeless also do not take drugs or are unemployed:

It is also worth nothing that hard drugs like heroin and cocaine were only outlawed in the US in the 1940s, yet did not cause social issues at that time. Only in already disadvantaged populations was drug use a problem, and it was never solely because of drugs. In the book I linked in the mega.nz file, the researcher points out that most drug addicts of the small subgroup that end up in rehab repeatedly, have multiple mental or physical health conditions on top of the drug abuse.

So causation can not be established between drugs, homelessness and dysfunction. The dysfunction may as well lead to the drug abuse and so on.

Another classic example he gives is that most heroin addicted soldiers that returned from the Vietnam war quit on their own. Within 20 years or so, 80% of them quit without needing intervention. This again challenges the addiction model and points to circumstances and social support acting as a stabilizing factor in peoples lives. In the same vein, he points to research that shows that drug abuse goes down when people are married and so on.

The medical and mental health industry would have you believe the opposite though. They want you to believe in drugs being this boogieman, while ignoring the overall conditions that cause the drug abuse in the first place (dysfunctional families, lack of affordable housing). As you say, many drug users are turned into addicts through the mental health industry.

I heard in america that a lot of drug users start on legal meds like oxytocin and then cant afford them anymore and switch to illegal drugs. Again, its not about the drugs being addictive necessarily, its that they give already damaged people with physical and mental issues drugs, thus giving them a potent cope for their problems, which the mental health field cant and will not solve.

Let us also not forget that it is the government itself which is involved in drug smuggling operations, like poppy farming in Afghanistan under US occupation. Poppy is a plant which is used in the production of opioids. Afghanistan is the worlds third biggest source of illegal opiates. Poppy production doubled under US occupation, after the Taliban tried banning it in the late 1990s.


It’s not that drugs are bad per se it’s the fact that the mental health industry shills shit tier drugs like SSRIs and antipsychotics and what not. If they’re gonna shill drugs at least make it good drugs that don’t disable people
Apparently drugs are bad but when it comes to SSRIs and antipsychotics everything is suddenly fine jfl. I think you’ll find the book “Prozac: panacea or Pandora” interesting I think it talks about how clinical trials for these psych drugs were frauded and case studies of these SSRI users etc.
High effort read most of it.
I still don’t know how to cope with my anxiety, but this part caught my attention.
As such, it corroborates the approach of using anti-serotonin drugs such as cyproheptadine or low-dose (25mg-50mg daily) Benadryl, as well as dopamine agonists of the ergot class for the treatment of so-called PSSD - the persistent sexual dysfunction induced by serotonergic drugs.
I didn’t know Benadryl was pro-dopamine, I’ll try it next if my symptoms keep getting worse.
Mods add this to must-read please. @Fat Link @proudweeb
one of the most profound threads i have ever read
Jew pills mess up your penis
An Honest Experience With Psychiatry, the Mental Health Industry and SSRIs

By SandNiggerKANG​


The mental health industry and all the shilling to “seek help” has always struck me as misleading. After hearing dozens of anecdotes, horror stories and seeing clear examples of deception, mistreatment, misinformation and abuse of authority, I can only conclude that this entire industry isn’t as helpful and effective it is often portrayed to be. Of course it’s a common jab for normies to say “Seek help”, “Consider therapy” and “Take your meds” but usually it’s just a passive aggressive insult. Implicitly, it shows contempt and disgust for maladaptive people. The same sort of people that caused his “maladaptive” behaviours through things like bullying, outcasting and rejection. Of course there’s a root to everything.

The mental health industry’s core assumption is that the individual is defective. This is a half truth. 99% of people’s “mental illness” is due to shitty people, ruthless systems and being stuck in lose-lose situations but of course this is not addressed. So the individual is brainwashed, medicated and mind controlled in a way to conform to the greater system called society without causing problems and disruption. And as we know from the blackpill, society and the world itself is a very fucked up place. Mind you, the treatments aren’t designed to make you happy. They’re designed to make you functional on the bare minimum level to be another mindless cog in the machine.

We will go into a deep dive of everything.

Misinformation About Medication, Forced Detainment and Coercion​

There is a giant push for medication. Why should this scare you? Because it has many side effects that would be crippling, leaving you a shell of your former self. Increasing serotonin by slowing down the way it gets absorbed leads to bad adverse effects. These include depersonalization, derealization, memory loss, cognitive impairment, sexual dysfunction (PSSD, could be permanent), impaired judgement, severe emotional numbness and ahedonia (the inability to feel pleasure) Everything that you were told about SSRIs is basically a lie. Its mechanism of action is to basically disable your mind from thinking and to disable your ability to feel. SSRIs basically reduce dopamine transmission as well. And believe me, being stuck in lifeless, low dopamine states would actually cause suicides because of its effects. Ironically it takes all the enjoyment and magic out of life, therefore causing depression, lack of drive, sexual dysfunction, emotional numbness and ahedonia. Prescribing “antidepressant” pills that actually cause depression? This is a very big psy-op.

Increasing serotonin also increases cortisol. And SSRIs increase serotonin a fuckton. This is of course bad for your brain and body. You know, MKultra experiments on psychiatric patients was basically about breaking a person’s mind by torturing them. SSRIs basically emulate that same cortisol and adrenaline increase. And of course that’s not good because it can lead to manic and psychotic states where you’re not really in control of what you’re doing. Breaking a person’s mind like this, whether chemically or physically, makes them more suggestible and manipulatable. It’s a hypnotism of sorts. SSRIs induce a sort of blanked mind state. Even when you purposely try to think, it gets shut down and your mind gets blanked again and again.

Here’s a couple of excerpts from an article of Mkultra brainwashing experiments:


SSRIs are essentially the results of Mkultra experiments compressed into pills. The cortisol spiking, memory loss, cognitive impairment, emotional numbness etc.

Isn’t it also funny how SSRIs turn the mind into a juvenile state? (basically an ignorant, childlike state)? This is exactly why you get memory loss, cognitive impairment, lowered inhibition, destroyed empathy and morals. It basically regresses your mind. Lol. Literal bluepill. It’s “neuroplasticity” is done by basically destroying your existing connections in the brain. Wiping out your personality, thoughts, ego etc.



Literal brain drain drugs LOL. All those memories, character building and your personality and ego, all gone due to “treatment”. Talking of very stressful and traumatising moments, like falling off a cliff at rapid speed, the memories associated with these moments get suppressed. Much like how SSRIs suppress memories. And even people report feeling like a detached observer in these moments. Much like how SSRIs induce depersonalization and derealization. Mind you, the cortisol speeds up ageing.


Sound familiar?

In electroconvulsive therapy, this also increases cortisol a fuck ton. Are you beginning to notice a pattern? Most mainstream mental health treatments just want to surge cortisol. Isn’t it fucked up how most mental health treatments (SSRIs) cause a myriad of other problems while worsening the initial condition of the patient??


Take a look at cushing’s syndrome. Caused by too much cortisol. See how it lines up?
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Sound familiar? Here’s a massive redpill on the truth about serotonin:


Nightmares and waking up in sweats is also a common side effect of SSRIs. This is kind of a similar thing that happens with PTSD. Memory suppression, nightmares, cognitive impairment etc.


Why is all of this bad? If you can’t think, other people will be thinking for you. This makes you more suggestible and manipulatable. SSRIs are basically the real bluepill. And what’s the bluepill?It’s just ignorance, and as you know, ignorance leads to suffering. SSRIs are used in conjunction with “therapies” like CBT. Of course this will enable you to get brainwashed with bluepills. SSRIs basically threaten the sovereignty and individuality of your mind, identity, personality and ego.

You know, it’s a common tactic of cult leaders to make their followers take drugs that increase suggestibility so they become more brainwashed by their cult leader. There are also many cases of sex crimes that involve a patient taking suggestibility increasing drugs so they agree to have sex. It’s a hypnotism of sorts as I said. But this time, they’re attempting to hypnotise you so you conform to society better. And guess what? Society and normiedom is just a massive cult. And who’s responsible perpetuating like 99% of world problems like murder, abuse and poverty and suicides? Normies...

- Some indian guy

95% of serotonin is produced in the gut. SSRIs are known to cause gut issues too. And what’s your gut? It’s like your second brain. SSRIs compromise who you are to the core. This ties in with parasite theory. Gut microbes are part of the unconscious system regulating behavior. Recent investigations indicate that these microbes majorly impact on cognitive function and fundamental behavior patterns, such as social interaction and stress management.
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There’s a reason why people sometimes go psycho when on these meds and it’s not really their fault. Their states of consciousness literally gets compromised on a biological level. And SSRIs or any sort of psych med they induce the lowest states of consciousness. Multiple studies show that SSRIs increase violent tendencies and suicidality. It’s also shown that SSRIs lower frontal lobe activation and decreases blood flow to these areas of higher function. This leaves people in somewhat of an unconscious trance state which is why people report patients acting in bizarre, out of character ways and their entire personality becoming unrecognisable.

The influx of serotonin also affects the pineal gland by interfering with melatonin. This leaves patients with insomnia, abnormal sleep cycles and even REM sleep suppression. This can of course drive people to insanity. Many patients also report having insomnia since taking SSRIs. This sort of sleep disruption blurs the lines between dream and reality.

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What’s cognitive behavioural therapy? In a nutshell, it’s just a way for you to ignore reality right in front of you. Basically it’s a way to brainwash you into thinking the world is all rainbows and sunshine and that people don’t have ulterior motives or hidden agendas. Perfect for making you a gullible fool. Perfect for pacifying and blinding you to your injustices that you’ve faced throughout your life. People clearly behave and think the way they do because they had to adapt to their traumatising experiences and to minimize enduring more suffering than one is already going through. Perfectly normal people become broken by the traumas they experience and when they act out, they’re seen as the villains and people instantly dehumanize and pathologize them.

More often than not, most of these “cognitive distortions” are actually perfectly rational and valid thought processes. It’s human nature to see things objectively. CBT promotes a myopic sort of thinking. There’s a reason why this is commonly done in conjunction with SSRI treatment. It bypasses the thinking and rational parts of your mind and goes straight to the core because of how SSRIs increase suggestibility and suppress your ego, identity, personality and cognitive abilities. Anecdotally, people also report less creativity. That also obviously ties in with cognitive impariment. If CBT is most effective with SSRIs, that really says something about CBT itself. It’s not effective and it’s obviously wishful thinking and a giant cope.

SSRIs purposely make you blind, ignorant and myopic and CBT programming is the nail in the coffin. In this study, it discusses learned helplessness.



Very interesting. SSRIs induce learned helplessness. Perfect to control someone.


Most people are pretty incapable of seeing things from another’s perspective. This is the empathy gap. Seems like SSRIs amplify it lol. We’ll get into that later.

On Suicide​

If you fuck up your suicide, prepare to be locked up in a psych ward. If you’re unlucky, they will force drug you. If you’re lucky, they’ll give you a choice to take medication or not but note that this can still be coercive and deceptive. They can misinform you on how these drugs actually work and so if you agree to take these, they won’t be held responsible. Also prepare to have your belongings taken away and that includes all technology like phones, laptops etc. This is done for your “safety” but it just makes you more isolated. If you’re serious about taking your own life, you have to be certain nothing will fuck up that’s if you don’t want to be hospitalized. So choose wisely, be firm on your decision and give yourself time to think, plan ahead and reconsider. By no means do I encourage suicide, I’m pro-choice.

Why are suicidal people treated like this? Suicide is akin to murder in many people’s eyes. Anecdotally, if you’re labelled as mentally ill and suicidal, people will instantly see you and treat you as subhuman. They won’t respect your privacy, dignity and autonomy any more. You’ll become like some sort of lab rat or someone who needs to be babysitted. Very embarrassing way to live.

Why Suicide Pisses People Off​

Firstly, you avoid paying a lifetime’s worth of taxes. That sure pisses the government off. That’s like a method of tax evasion actually. Suicide is still basically a crime. Secondly, companies miss out on you providing a lifetime’s worth of value. Thirdly, nobody can hurt you or use you as a pawn any more. That sure pisses people off too.

Treatment Options?​

Well, by now you’re probably apprehensive about taking dysphoria inducing SSRIs? So what are the other options? They are opioids, ketamine and psychedelics. None of these cause adverse effects like SSRIs do. Opioids in particular can be very addictive but its therapeutic benefit is pronounced. Ketamine is very fast acting whereas SSRIs takes long to “start working” aka slowly making you insane.

The Unseen Factor – NDEs and Suicide​

There are many reports of encounters with spiritual entities while in the NDE state. Often times, these entities appear to be coercive, manipulative and deceiving.

This coercion happens both in this reality and outside of it.

(will make a post elaborating on this)

Therapy, “Opening Up” and Showing Vulnerability​

Showing vulnerability is a very tricky decision. Of course, vulnerabilities exist to be exploited. People can obviously use what you say to get dirt on you. To outmanoeuvre this, you can just give the illusion of being open. Crafting fake stories to make you seem more normal than you actually are. But of course even this mask can crack and make you appear inauthentic. Everybody loves gossip. Everybody loves a good story. So people will intentionally try to get you to “spill the beans” and that will be to your detriment. Being secretive is always a safer option.

There have also been cases of patient data leaking online. Take that for what it’s worth.


Parasite Theory​

When I talked about getting your consciousness compromised by SSRIs, it’s a real possibility. Some people literally act like they’re possessed. The overlap is pretty big from what you can see here. Seem familiar? Beginning to connect the dots to why people do fucked up shit and become fucked up while on SSRIs?

Everything is spot on. Especially weight issues (antidepressants make you gain weight because of impaired metabolism). Many people on antidepressants report “not feeling like themselves” also.
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How do SSRIs help the breeding ground of parasites in your gut? It’s strange how they’re immunosuppressants!


Isn’t it also interesting how parasites increase the levels of serotonin in their hosts?


The Implications of Pregnant Women Taking SSRIs and Prenatal Stress​

Well by now if you’ve read this far you know that SSRIs increase cortisol by raising serotonin. Now for some odd reason, women are allowed to take SSRIs during pregnancy. If you’ve read everything I wrote before you’d be like “what the fuck” but it’s true. And how do the children turn out? They turn out autistic, dysfunctional and maladaptive. Of course this perpetuates a larger cycle of medication because now the children will be in “withdrawal” and will also suffer all the adverse effects of said medication. In short, if it’s a male, the child will probably also be involuntarily celibate.

Obviously the prenatal stress caused by SSRIs will permanently damage the child.




It’s clear normies have been severely misled about serotonin.


What causes or triggers seizures in the first place?

SSRIs Significantly Lower Testosterone.​

What is testosterone responsible for? And what are its effects?



What are the implications of lowering androgen? Guess what.

“Low androgen or low testosterone (male hypogonadism) can cause fatigue, anxiety and depression, difficulty concentrating, poor exercise tolerance, low sex drive and erectile dysfunction. It can also lead to breast development (gynecomastia).”

Sound familiar? That’s exactly SSRI side effects.


I’m sure you’ve connected the dots. Isn’t it strange how they will literally prescribe depression causing pills to “TREAT” depression??

Here’s another one.


I’m pretty sure the lowered androgens and testosterone also causes memory loss, cognitive impairment too. This of course leads to reduced creativity. Difficulties with concentration too. A LOT of brain fog. There’s a reason why pilots on antidepressants end up in plane crashes. Antidepressant use also probably ends up in car crashes. Mental capacities in general get fucked up. As a result of memory loss people also get word finding problems. Brain fog in general.


In depression, HIGH serotonin is actually found.


As we know from a quote we’ve heard frequently “the devil can only invert what’s good.”. This applies to misinformation. Mainstream information of psych drugs is a complete inversion of how it actually is like in reality.

Serotonin Causes Autism?​

The true creator of trucels. SSRIs.


Even on normie articles this is acknowledged:


Connecting the dots, chronic stress also lowers dopamine to cause ahedonia. This is what SSRIs really do?


So the gist is, SSRIs chronically put you in a crippled state of mind and fucks up the state of your body and organs. Particularly messing up the delicate balance and homeostasis of your body because of the unnecessary, harmful serotonin influx. Why are these drugs legal? Well, you know, fun is illegal. Actually helpful drugs are heavily regulated and gatekept.

SSRIs Impairs Growth Especially If Young​

https://www.psychiatryadvisor.com/reports/treatment-with-ssris-during-puberty-impacts-height/#:~:text=These results indicate that SSRI,suppression of growth hormone signaling.

If you were forced on SSRIs if you were young, it’s so unbelievably over for you. Here, read this story on erowid. He basically says that being forced on SSRIs impaired his growth and he remained virtually the same height while growing up.


If you were forced on these meds while young, it’s so unbelievably over…

Why do you think the stereotype for autistic people is a white frail looking boy? High serotonin, a feature of autism, impairs growth.

Imagine the implications of less growth hormone? Less height, less developed face etc. Truly an incel generator. Again this is due to cortisol.

https://karger.com/hrp/article/96/1/25/842156/Stress-and-Growth-in-Children-and-Adolescents#:~:text=High cortisol suppresses growth hormone,osteoporosis, and induction of insulin

Autism, REM sleep and SSRIs​

SSRIs essentially chemically induce sleep deprivation. It totally nukes your quality of sleep. Suppresses REM sleep.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028390816301873#:~:text=In particular%2C selective serotonin re,et al.%2C 2013).

And why is REM sleep good? It’s essential for consolidating memories, learning, etc.

In Autism, sleep is also commonly impaired. Beginning to see a connection? Between increasing serotonin, melatonin, autism, REM etc.


Of course suppressing REM sleep also means that SSRIs suppress people from dreaming in the first place. That can even occur after coming off the medication. Why this medication is so shilled for? It’s beyond me.

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See the connection?


SSRIs literally chemically induce autism. RIP SSRI users and all children and teens forced on it.

Mental Health Services are Inherently Feminine​

Most patients are women. Most practitioners are women. And psychiatry inherently breaks you so you can conform to a standard. Nobody actually knows what they’re talking about especially practitioners. They’re just programmed to mindlessly recite from a script. Almost like a flowchart. No fluidity or intelligence required. Anybody can do their job really. And they don’t really care if they damage the patient. They mostly care about their paycheck like 99% of other people. So it’s time to take responsibility and avoid these places like the plague.


If you read geckobus’s threads, that’s really something eh?

Also, it literally feminises you biologically because of the effects of the pills.
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Amotivational Syndrome, Frontal Lobe Syndrome​

SSRIs literally fuck up the frontal lobe of your brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions. It literally slowly turns you into some sort of retarded drooling zombie.I


It’s literally a worse version of weed. At least weed doesn’t make your dick stop working and make increase estrogen to feminize you.

SSRIs turn people into brainlets, point taken.

Notice the similarities to frontal lobe syndrome?

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30422576/#:~:text=Frontal lobe syndrome is a,%2C and language%2Fspeech production.

Perhaps this also explains why people’s personalities change while on SSRIs much like how brain damaged people go on to act out of character and commit crimes? Perhaps SSRIs even induce some sort of brain damage? Well as you know they basically fuck up your prefrontal cortex. And what’s that responsible for?
Well it does induce hyponatraemia.
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A Theory Regarding Women, SSRIs and Emotions​

I have a theory that women are actually very emotionally numb which makes it much easier for them to emotionally signal. Essentially they’re very good actors. They don’t feel as deeply as men. I’m sure other users have concluded the same. They seem to move on very fast. When I was on SSRIs, I was of course emotionally blunted and scarily, it became much easier to lie and fake emotions that I didn’t have. I felt like a psychopath. Why women commonly take these drugs and “benefit” from it? Well after all it does increase estrogen. Perhaps SSRIs gave me an experience into the mind of women. Or a psychopath. Many crimes, many deaths related to SSRI use actually.

I know for a fact that if I died today, none of the females in the family would feel a thing deep down. Sure they would pretend and signal emotion but deep down it would be like another day for them. Why women on average take SSRIs more and report it “helping them” whereas for men it ruins their lives? Estrogen and it helps women get back into their “default state” which from their perspective is being numb, dumb, unthinking etc. You can verify the effects of estrogen by looking at transgender hormone therapy anecdotes and results.

Mothers would easily not care if their children died. It’s just societally expected for them to display emotion and reactions as such to show they care. And women are good actors but deep down, they’re empty shells.

There’s a reason why women are typically thought of to be less intelligent and less creative.

So when women take SSRIs, it’s back to normal. But for men, it’s an entirely foreign state of mind a lot of the time.

SSRIs and Cortisol?​

The combination of increased cortisol and lowered androgen and testosterone make it a common side effect of antidepressants to induce balding. They mess with your hormones in general big time. SSRIs are known to increase prolactin and cortisol a lot. This of course leads to weight gain, cognitive impairment etc.

https://www.psychiatric-drug-effects.com/downloads/Antidepressant Physical Adverse Reactions.pdf

Why is prolactin bad?

https://www.uptodate.com/contents/high-prolactin-levels-and-prolactinomas-beyond-the-basics/print#:~:text=Males — When a high blood,and blood count (anemia).

Bruxism is also a common feature of high cortisol. And guess what? Antidepressants SSRIs induce bruxism.



This will destroy your jaw and teeth probably.

Also, Read this.


And it’s implications on prenatal stress, for the retarded mothers who take SSRIs during pregnancy?


I can’t past any excerpts because it would exceed word count. I have a theory that most mental illness today is due to mothers taking SSRIs though especially during pregnancy. And the rates of women who take SSRIs?


This would probably explain reduced fertility and birth rates too.

Psych Ward Mortality Rates​

It’s commonly seen in patients that are forced into psych wards, and then released, to go onto killing themselves. What does this tell you about the system? It tells me that it’s still in the dark ages and these so called “professionals” and “experts” don’t actually know what they’re doing. If they were competent at their jobs, surely suicide and mental illness rates would be decreasing? But no, they’re just another piece of the puzzle in creating a more dysfunctional society.


“Seek help! Seek therapy” LOL, okay. Truly the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results (reducing mental illness and suicide)

SSRIs Impair Empathy​

If you read about how SSRIs cause prefrontal cortex dysfunction, it would be obvious that it would impair empathy, lower inhibition and trigger violence and criminal behaviour. There’s a study that concludes that they do impair empathy. Read this.


Let it burn lol.
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Arthur Schopenhauer On Sexuality​

Psychiatry literally started a campaign against masturbation lol. They really don’t like sexuality. Even their pills kill sexuality.


What do antidepressants do to sexuality?

https://www.psychiatric-drug-effects.com/downloads/Antidepressant Physical Adverse Reactions.pdf

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What does Arthur Schopenhauer say about sexuality?

Why SSRI users commit suicide?


Why SSRIs Work Better on Women​

Now this is very interesting. If you read before, SSRIs have a feminising effect by lowering testosterone and increasing estrogen. It’s a no-brainer that women would obviously benefit more from it. Whereas for men it would weaken them and cause adverse effects. It’s literally incompatible. Does more harm than good when men take it. And the implications? The adverse effects men experience like emotional blunting, cognitive impairment, memory loss, being reckless irritable, lower empathy etc. it’s just like experiencing the mind of a woman. Especially with lowered testosterone and increased estrogen.


Also read this, it explains women behaviour very well.


How to Recover?​

My personal take and my personal theory on this is to:

  • Increase dopamine levels, sensitivity and receptors somehow. Dopaminergic drugs??
  • Increase testosterone and fix androgens? Fixing up fucked up hormones in first place
  • Fix metabolism
  • Lower cortisol
  • Having high nutrient intake from supplements and make sure your body absorbs it well
  • Mushrooms to improve cognitive function
  • Fix gut issues. Especially serotonin.
  • Parasite detox. Deworming.
  • NAC protocol? Idk.
  • Lower serotonin
  • Fix REM sleep by taking melatonin and rebalancing serotonin/melatonin.


- SSRIs increase cortisol

- SSRIs increase estrogen

- SSRIs decrease dopamine (lol it literally takes away your enjoyment for life)

- SSRIs lower testosterone and androgens

- SSRIs fuck up your brain and give cognitive impairment and memory loss.

- SSRIs don’t actually make you happy

- SSRIs are probably just some experiment in mind control, brainwashing and reprogramming. Mkultra. That’s why it’s apparently “more effective” with CBT. Basically just an elaborate brainwashing bluepill at the expense of your body and mind.

- SSRIs leave you a shell of a person.

- SSRIs lower inhibition.

- SSRIs chemically castrate you

- SSRIs impair REM sleep. Chemical sleep deprivation pills

- most mental health services inherently feminize men.

- withdrawals will fuck you up. The side effects you get there’s always a chance of it being permanent.

- SSRIs give depersonalization and derealization

- SSRIs compromise your gut, takes control and lowers your consciousness and basically parasites begin to possess you.

- SSRIs impair growth. Meaning height growth and pubertal development. It’s over if you were on these drugs when young. (forced)

- If you’re autistic, chances are your mom was on SSRIs or some sort of psych drug

- SSRIs cause sleep disruption, REM sleep disruption and insomnia. Too much serotonin impairs sleep and causes autism

- SSRIs are innately dysphoria inducing drugs. Ironically inducing depression, anxiety ahedonia for men.

Closing Words​

In conclusion, no, SSRIs or any psych meds they don’t make you happy. At best, it just puts your mind in an anaesthesia state. No thoughts, no emotions. Blank slate to be programmed and controlled. A sort of ego death. At best, SSRIs just prevent you from even thinking or planning anything properly. That includes suicide. Ironically it also completely removes any fear or inhibitions to commit suicide. Because of cortisol increasing, tolerance builds. That’s why suicide rates of antidepressant use are pretty high and also violence rates. Inhibition remover.

It’s commonly known that if you want to control a society, you have to have control over the women. If you want to control men, you have to weaken them by feminizing them which is exactly what “mental health” and psychiatry does by their drugs and programming. If psychiatry actually worked, suicide rates would’ve been dropping but it hasn’t it’s only been increasing and increasing. If psychiatry actually worked, the rates of mental illness would decrease but really, it just makes broken individuals become more broken and therefore do things that reflect that such as suicide and violence, further perpetuating the cycles of suffering for others to bear as they eventually become broken by such actions too.

If truly happy individuals were high serotonin, their dicks would stop working, they would be retarded, they would feel emotionally numb, they would have snappable bones, they would be fat, they would probably be autistic and we know autistic individuals are usually deeply unhappy because of facing ableism. Psychiatry literally feminises the individual, forcing complacency, on a biological level, to live in the god forsaken system. It’s essentially a chemical straight jacket of sorts. When society medicates the individual because he reacts to the injustices he faced, it’s just another way to disable and neuter him. “The child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”. But it’s commonly accepted in our society and CULTure to medicate such “problematic” individuals.

When it comes to mental health, the “professionals” are as clueless as anyone else. Don’t be fooled by their titles, junk science and unverified pseudoscience slop that they mindlessly parrot from textbooks. Clinical trials have been frauded and these drugs are portrayed in a false light. So there it is gentlemen. This is your “help” and “therapy” but now you’ve taken off the rose tinted glasses. Get real, it doesn’t help. As shown clearly, psych meds make you an empty shell of a person. I’m sure nobody is willing to endure that if they were told the truth about these drugs. It erases all emotion not just the “bad ones” like they tell you.

To any sort of retarded normie redditor type one-liner people:

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@GeckoBus @XtremeMax @opioidcel @EpedaBIGDICKENERGY @Atavistic Autist
Based and blackpilled, if someone trusts psychology and psychiatry it's either a foid or a faggot

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