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Blackpill Communal Narcissism and Sadism as Predictors of Everyday Vigilantism (AKA, why reasoning with IT and other anti-incels is meaningless)

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022
I'm genuinely surprised that this study doesn't seem to have been posted here already. It is very blackpilling and applicable to our situation. If it was already posted, then apologies and shout out to anyone who had done that.

That said, one of the past threads the site is showing me as I'm writing this is this one, which is the perfect companion thread and study for this:

Here's the study I'm talking about in this post:

Communal Narcissism The Communal Narcissism Inventory (CNI; Gebauer et al., 2012) is a psychometrically sound measure that assesses one’s grandiose self-thoughts in the communal domain (i.e., “I am the most caring person in my social surrounding”) with 16 statements on a 7-point scale (1 = Strongly Disagree, 7 = Strongly Agree).
Sadism The Comprehensive Assessment of Sadistic Tendencies (CAST; Buckels et al., 2014) scale is designed to assess the three facets of sadism (physical violence, verbal aggression, and vicarious sadism), and measures the pleasure derived from various everyday acts of cruelty. Participants answer 18 items anchored on a 5-point scale (1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree). Sample items are “I enjoy physically hurting people” (physical sadism), “I would never purposely humiliate someone” (verbal sadism, reverse-coded), “I enjoy playing the villain in games and torturing other characters” (vicarious sadism).
To corroborate these results, we performed a logistic regression predicting the likelihood to act like a vigilante (in the past and in the future) from participants’ communal narcissism and sadism scores, while controlling for age, gender, political orientation, education level, and religiosity. The overall model was significant, Cox & Snell R2 = .10, such that both communal narcissism, b = 0.36, SE = 0.08, Wald = 21.18, p < .0001, OR = 1.43, 95% CI [1.22, 1.69], and sadism, b = 0.68, SE = 0.17, Wald = 15.49, p < .0001, OR = 1.97, 95% CI [1.63, 2.31], were positive predictors.

Now, given how frequently this site is targeted by people, primarily from IT but we also get other subreddits, Youtubers and so on, who seem to be obsessed with the idea of twisting our words and trying to depict us as as evil as possible, a lot of guys here have been trying to find complex explanations for this behaviour.

It doesn't need a complex explanation. They are simply narcissists and sadists, just like, say, the so-called "pedo hunters", kiwifarmers and other vigilantes. The reason why those people attack, stalk and harass us is the same as why cats hunt mice, birds and insects, instead of dogs and larger animals. You'd expect a carnivore to go after the biggest piece of meat available, but given that the vast majority of dogs can easily rip cats apart, the latter have to make do with weaker targets. Similarly, no matter what the people obsessed with us say, nothing changes the fact that they aren't fighting misogyny or protecting women. Stuff like helping out at domestic abuse shelters, confronting actual abusers who have money, guns and social connections, etc., is too hard and risky. Attacking statusless, lonely male NEETs who have no real way to fight back, nobody to support them and are already hated by society, now that gives their sadistic cravings a quick fix.

And, just in case you think that I'm stretching this by saying that the study is about ITards and others like them, nope. This is what the study means by "everyday vigilantism":

A common perception of vigilantes is that they break laws to punish wrongdoers; however, we maintain that people all over the world perform acts of “everyday vigilantism” that do not involve violating any laws. For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, citizens blocked driveways to force residents who recently arrived from out-of-state into quarantine (Elassar, 2020) and students sought to humiliate classmates for violating their university’s COVID-19 rules by publishing their names on social media (Holliday, 2021).
In neighborhoods, residents organize watch groups to detect and sometimes confront troublemakers (Ivasiuc, 2015; Weisburd, 1988). Social media users dox or harass others in online communities for committing various transgressions (Huey et al., 2013) and employees monitor and punish fellow employees and even consumers (Chen, Graso, et al., 2022; Crawford & Dacin, 2021).

Pushing people into quarantine because of "le covid":soy::foidSoy:. Doxxing people because of "le scary covid":soy::foidSoy::feelskek::feelskek:, and in general for not following whatever arbitrary rule is supposed to be followed:society::feelsugh:.

There's no real reason to try reasoning with any of these people. They aren't acting based on something they've thought deeply about and somehow became convinced that trawling through our posts to find the most outrageous ones and then posting them out of any context they might have made was somehow actually beneficial to society. They are proving their moral superiority to everyone around them and satisfying their cravings to attack and hurt others. That's what motivates IT and others who seem obsessed about us, that's what motivates "pedo hunters" (about whom there recently were some discussions, so I'm including them), that's what motivates kiwifarmers, those COVID doxxers and so on.

Add to that the study in the thread I linked above. Feminism and gender politics are already a magnet for narcissists and psychopaths who make themselves look like the greatest fighters for "the righteous cause" to gain power, influence and resources. You are looking at an environment like that, already not a normal environment, and then you take the people from there who are also narcisisstic and sadistic enough to find it enjoyable to constantly attack complete strangers online:feelsbaton::feelstrash:. That's the types of people who get obsessed with us and who we are dealing with, whether from IT or not.

You can't be sadistic towards and punish someone who has more power than you. That's why the cat/mice/dogs analogy from before. That's why anti-incels are obsessed with us while letting attractive misogynists and sexist (in any direction) women be. That's why pedo hunters always attack ugly, older and, at least according to some of you watching those videos, disproportionately ethnic guys, while letting the attractive/young, the wealthy, and the female pedos be. That's why the lolcows kiwifarms is currently targetting are highly disproportionately ugly, non-passing MtF trannies (while FtMs and passing MtFs are given a pass) with almost the entirety of the rest being ugly cis males.

It's about how much society agrees with bullying their chosen targets, Nothing more, nothing less. Those same people would be accusing others of witchcraft in the middle ages, reported race mixers to the KKK during the segregation era in the US, and so on. No discussion or reasoning is possible with that.

Tagging some brocels who might be interested
@GeckoBus @DarkStarDown @OutcompetedByRoomba @based_meme @Dr. Autismo @lifefuel @cvh1991 @Mortis @Copexodius Maximus @BlackCel_from_ZA @Stupid Clown @LeFrenchCel @Simba @thespanishcel @decafincel @NorthernWind @UnderdevelopedSlav @TBIcel
People are retards & just ‘go with the flow, bro!’
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Thanks was worth the read
Yes, this is where the "I'm a virgin but at least I'm not an INCEL" meme comes from. Cheap moral grandstanding to alleviate their meager social status.
I agree with everything but the pedo hunter part idgaf about pedos
this society that we exist in is what happens when you let worthless low information NPC NTs spread like rats without thinking. What we need is a massive cleansing of NTs but I can't go into detail for legal reasons
I'm genuinely surprised that this study doesn't seem to have been posted here already. It is very blackpilling and applicable to our situation. If it was already posted, then apologies and shout out to anyone who had done that.

That said, one of the past threads the site is showing me as I'm writing this is this one, which is the perfect companion thread and study for this:

Here's the study I'm talking about in this post:

Now, given how frequently this site is targeted by people, primarily from IT but we also get other subreddits, Youtubers and so on, who seem to be obsessed with the idea of twisting our words and trying to depict us as as evil as possible, a lot of guys here have been trying to find complex explanations for this behaviour.

It doesn't need a complex explanation. They are simply narcissists and sadists, just like, say, the so-called "pedo hunters", kiwifarmers and other vigilantes. The reason why those people attack, stalk and harass us is the same as why cats hunt mice, birds and insects, instead of dogs and larger animals. You'd expect a carnivore to go after the biggest piece of meat available, but given that the vast majority of dogs can easily rip cats apart, the latter have to make do with weaker targets. Similarly, no matter what the people obsessed with us say, nothing changes the fact that they aren't fighting misogyny or protecting women. Stuff like helping out at domestic abuse shelters, confronting actual abusers who have money, guns and social connections, etc., is too hard and risky. Attacking statusless, lonely male NEETs who have no real way to fight back, nobody to support them and are already hated by society, now that gives their sadistic cravings a quick fix.

And, just in case you think that I'm stretching this by saying that the study is about ITards and others like them, nope. This is what the study means by "everyday vigilantism":

Pushing people into quarantine because of "le covid":soy::foidSoy:. Doxxing people because of "le scary covid":soy::foidSoy::feelskek::feelskek:, and in general for not following whatever arbitrary rule is supposed to be followed:society::feelsugh:.

There's no real reason to try reasoning with any of these people. They aren't acting based on something they've thought deeply about and somehow became convinced that trawling through our posts to find the most outrageous ones and then posting them out of any context they might have made was somehow actually beneficial to society. They are proving their moral superiority to everyone around them and satisfying their cravings to attack and hurt others. That's what motivates IT and others who seem obsessed about us, that's what motivates "pedo hunters" (about whom there recently were some discussions, so I'm including them), that's what motivates kiwifarmers, those COVID doxxers and so on.

Add to that the study in the thread I linked above. Feminism and gender politics are already a magnet for narcissists and psychopaths who make themselves look like the greatest fighters for "the righteous cause" to gain power, influence and resources. You are looking at an environment like that, already not a normal environment, and then you take the people from there who are also narcisisstic and sadistic enough to find it enjoyable to constantly attack complete strangers online:feelsbaton::feelstrash:. That's the types of people who get obsessed with us and who we are dealing with, whether from IT or not.

You can't be sadistic towards and punish someone who has more power than you. That's why the cat/mice/dogs analogy from before. That's why anti-incels are obsessed with us while letting attractive misogynists and sexist (in any direction) women be. That's why pedo hunters always attack ugly, older and, at least according to some of you watching those videos, disproportionately ethnic guys, while letting the attractive/young, the wealthy, and the female pedos be. That's why the lolcows kiwifarms is currently targetting are highly disproportionately ugly, non-passing MtF trannies (while FtMs and passing MtFs are given a pass) with almost the entirety of the rest being ugly cis males.

It's about how much society agrees with bullying their chosen targets, Nothing more, nothing less. Those same people would be accusing others of witchcraft in the middle ages, reported race mixers to the KKK during the segregation era in the US, and so on. No discussion or reasoning is possible with that.

Tagging some brocels who might be interested
@GeckoBus @DarkStarDown @OutcompetedByRoomba @based_meme @Dr. Autismo @lifefuel @cvh1991 @Mortis @Copexodius Maximus @BlackCel_from_ZA @Stupid Clown @LeFrenchCel @Simba @thespanishcel @decafincel @NorthernWind @UnderdevelopedSlav @TBIcel
Beautiful thread which also jives well with my thread on how normies view the victim as the bully.
My conclusion was that bullying is always collective and you get bullied by all of society at once. People feel free to bully because everyone backs them up silently. We can see this is true by what happens when people get attacked that society values, like women.
The bullying is immediately stopped by the collective.

This is exactly what you found here: Bullying is a form of virtue signalling, meaning, the group already hates you and further hurting you just gets you more brownie points with the group.

Also, this paragraph here:

It's about how much society agrees with bullying their chosen targets, Nothing more, nothing less. Those same people would be accusing others of witchcraft in the middle ages, reported race mixers to the KKK during the segregation era in the US, and so on. No discussion or reasoning is possible with that.
I could not agree more. The same people that now post on r/atheism would defend the church back in the day, because it is the status quo and they get to satisfy their sadism. In fact, in the few anti-witch trial documents from the middle ages I have read, it specifically mentioned that the people responsible use false allegations to satisfy their sadistic urges or revenge fantasies against specific members of the community.

Also worth nothing that most of the witch trials were committed by secular courts run by normies. The church was actually quite lenient.

There is also the other well known study on how dark triad traits and virtue-signalling overlap:

Even on this forum we see this behavior btw. This forum constitutes an in-group for some members. They then seek to gain status in our community by witch hunting other users or being overly zealous in "hunting fakecels" and ridding the site of all traces of "foid worship."
Just check the suggestions section for current examples of people wanting to ban all foid images and so on.
This is just another example of virtue signalling, just the incel version.

There's no real reason to try reasoning with any of these people. They aren't acting based on something they've thought deeply about and somehow became convinced that trawling through our posts to find the most outrageous ones and then posting them out of any context they might have made was somehow actually beneficial to society. They are proving their moral superiority to everyone around them and satisfying their cravings to attack and hurt others. That's what motivates IT and others who seem obsessed about us, that's what motivates "pedo hunters" (about whom there recently were some discussions, so I'm including them), that's what motivates kiwifarmers, those COVID doxxers and so on.
Correct. They operate on a very low level of morality @Cybersex is our hope
It is all reduced to "punishment vs reward" type of reasoning.
If the community rewards them for behaviors, these are "good" behaviors. And like a monkey, they will try to keep pressing the button to get more bananas (approval from community, authority etc).

This conditional type, non-abstract morality is common with women, people raised by women or otherwise sheltered individuals that have never suffered and experience life in a very simplistic fashion due to a lack of moral dilemmas.
Ignorance is the vice of the privileged.
Their infantile thinking is a luxury belief only women and sheltered soys can entertain.

Also, never experiencing suffering leads to cruelty. Just pointing that out as a potential contributor to the sadism you mention.
There are studies in must-read showing that people can not relate to others suffering unless they have experienced it themselves.
For example, they asked subjects how bad they rated self-deprivation torture.
Most said its not that bad. But when the same question was posed to a group of sleep-deprived people, they rated it much worse.

It is a massive short coming of the human psyche that we take everything we have for granted, even ignoring our past experience of suffering like it never happened, while looking down at people that currently suffer. Just world fallacy takes no prisoners.

It's like you have to suffer to even have empathy for others. Maybe this is why many holy people deliberately induce suffering to themselves by isolation, fasting and other painful activities.

Maybe there is even a connection between the overall psychopathy of a society and the level of prosperity people in that culture enjoy.

You can't be sadistic towards and punish someone who has more power than you. That's why the cat/mice/dogs analogy from before. That's why anti-incels are obsessed with us while letting attractive misogynists and sexist (in any direction) women be. That's why pedo hunters always attack ugly, older and, at least according to some of you watching those videos, disproportionately ethnic guys, while letting the attractive/young, the wealthy, and the female pedos be. That's why the lolcows kiwifarms is currently targetting are highly disproportionately ugly, non-passing MtF trannies (while FtMs and passing MtFs are given a pass) with almost the entirety of the rest being ugly cis males.
My final word on this - when the pedophile is good looking the same normies start defending him.
Case example:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aybbfSxq0Ek

I have extracted all the relevant comments into this folder. They are saying his dick is big, that they would not mind if he fucked them as a child etc. Crazy shit.

I am sorry if my reply is too convoluted, I am just passing some thoughts onto you and I am tired.
In a book for christians on having a sound mind, I read that the church fathers wrote about how our reactions to reality are not based on reality. When an event happens, different people react differently. This indicates the event is not the cause of the response, but the person experiencing the event is literally causing their own reaction to it based on prior programming.

In effect this means that when people get angry at you, they probably were already angry beforehand. The anger, the hostility was already there. It's not your behavior that triggers them. Other people act the same as you but people treat them completely different.

They were just looking for an excuse to justify it and attack you. With pedophile hunters, this is the case too. These ugly ethnic men are already hated. The pedophile shit is just the "casus belli" - the excuse for the "just war." It's like a false flag operation so they can engage in open hostility.

And again, like in my bullying thread, we can see this is true by looking at how people treat they actually value. The bullying video I linked is an example. Or the countless cases of female pedophilia popping up. People support this shit. Nobody cares when an older woman fucks a minor.
There is a whole south park episode about this, where a female teacher fucks the canonically FIVE YEAR OLD character Ike.
The entire episode everyone just goes "but she is hot." That's the entire premise.

Here is another video showing such a double-standard. There are rape jokes even in childrens cartoons. But they fly under the radar because they are making fun of men being raped, not women.

View: https://youtu.be/uc6QxD2_yQw

I will stop this before it is too long but the final line here is that all non-objective ethical systems break down to might-is-right.
They become rooted in power and preference of the individual. The human is reduced to the state of an animal by default.
This is why these people, as you say, can not be reasoned with. They only understand power. If they can get their way, they are right.
If they do not get punished for their behavior, they feel rewarded.

This is why I also wrote in my "psychopathy" thread. I even posted a video of a foid candidly admitting this while drunk.

These are the types of considerations that support my faith in God. Outside of an objective moral standard, how could I do anything?
There would not even be an obligation to be truthful, to prefer logical things over illogical and so on.
The people we are dealing with have no problem with believing in things that make no sense because in their godless worldview, there is literally no moral obligation to be truthful, to stick to what is logical.

The truth does not care about your personal preferences, it has to be abstract by definition. If it was relative and mind-dependent, there would be not truth, only will. This would lead to a form of determinism as you can not do anything you do not want. Every choice would be right because you choose it. This would eliminate "right" as a whole. And choice. You would become an automaton acting on instinct.

This is also why I am not bogged down by things like this:

The number of these threads is endless. "My personal preference has not been met, therefore God is not real."
Aside from this being a massive non-sequitor, this is the same logic bluepillers and redpillers use.
They use their own experience and preference as criterium for the truth.
How many times have we seen this from bluepillers "my experience does not match what incels say, therefore they are wrong."

You can clearly see how this comes from a preference based morality where everything is about might is right.
If your will is not fullfilled, then the thing in question is wrong.
If your will is fullfilled, the thing in question is right.

I dont need to explain how this is retarded.
I believe in God not because of cope or because I want some reward for suffering (all preference based notions), but because there is no other option. The truth is not up for debate. The truth stands regardless of what I want. I have no choice but to believe, wether I like it or not.
Even if I deluded myself into disbelieving it, it would still be true. And the blackpill, the truth always comes to collect.
Unlearning God would be like unlearning the blackpill, it is impossible. There is literally no other option for me.

What the history of epistemology teaches us is that man, without an epistemological jump-start from God,
without the revelation of God and the theistic world view expounded in it, cannot know the nature of
himself, logic, the world, universals, or how they all are, or could be, related.

In short he cannot attain a
coherent theory of knowledge. Consequently, no beliefs can be justified, and no beliefs can attain to the
level of knowledge. Therefore, because Theistic Revelation alone is the basis upon which knowledge is
possible, it is the precondition for knowledge and is transcendentally and necessarily true.

Autonomous man can use reason and his senses while denying belief in God, and can thereby do math,
science, and manipulate the world around him. But, he can give no account of reason and senses apart
from God.

Therefore, just as reason presupposes the actuality of logic whether or not one believes in it, so,
reason presupposes the actuality of God and the truth of our first story whether or not one believes in it.

This being the case, all arguments are arguments for the existence of God and no argument against the
existence of God can be made. For in the final analysis, an argument against the existence of God is like an

argument against arguments

Now to bring us back from this tangent, I think the reason why things like you explained in your great OP happen is in part because of a complete breakdown of any notion of objective truth, objective ethics etc.

I will attach here a study from the past, about eskimo society.

- no trust
- giga virtue signalling extremely prevalent, it was a matter of sheer survival. People that did not chronically signal virtue were killed by community.
- psychos dominate communities and nobody challenged them
- only thing keeping this clusterfuck from total collapse was fear of a higher power

definetly worth a read:

Anyway just my thoughts, great OP, really good giga IQ thread as always :feelsokman: :feelsokman: :feelsokman:
It's a mechanism of scapegoating.

2021 diego salvati 01 a
High iq thread, gonna bookmark it
I will attach here a study from the past, about eskimo society.

- no trust
- giga virtue signalling extremely prevalent, it was a matter of sheer survival. People that did not chronically signal virtue were killed by community.
- psychos dominate communities and nobody challenged them
- only thing keeping this clusterfuck from total collapse was fear of a higher power

definetly worth a read:

Anyway just my thoughts, great OP, really good giga IQ thread as always :feelsokman: :feelsokman: :feelsokman:
I think it's just human nature of scolding the weak and elevating the strong.
Even in the most remote truecel monastic community those naturally aggressive will find a way to thrive ( at least temporarily ) and abuse the weak.
Christians aren't immune to this.
I remember one picture posted by the priest and Orthodox missionary of the Russian Church.
The pic depicted two skinny dressed in black guys. Maybe with an occult/satanic symbolic.
They represented modern anti-christian alternative culture like goths, black-metal fans etc.
And they were saying 'a slave' while looking towards a guy with a Chad physique reading the Bible with one hand and holding dumbbell with the other.
I think that this missionary wanted to show how being a Christian can be 'cool' and associates with power not the weakness but for me it's looked like an innate preference towards the strong, healthy, and well-endowed and scolding of the weak, sickly and unhealthy.
People always feel like they want to do something righteous and good because it all stems from their ego. Usually as a result of that, they'll clamp down on others (including to elevate themselves). A lot of doing what's "good" and righteousness are often misdirected and in-reflectance they may not be as "good" or "righteous" as they think they are. The line between "good" and "evil" is pretty blurry away.

In regards to stuff about feminism and LGBT causes. Yeah, the types to join them would be narcissists. They're interested in elevating their own self-interests above the collective and at the expense of others anyway. A lot of them you'd see are managers, board of directors, they control the institutes and universities to dictate the discourses that goes around (in mind of furthering their own interests). It's all solipsistic in the end anyway (it can be said for all groups).
The number of these threads is endless. "My personal preference has not been met, therefore God is not real."
Aside from this being a massive non-sequitor, this is the same logic bluepillers and redpillers use.
They use their own experience and preference as criterium for the truth.
How many times have we seen this from bluepillers "my experience does not match what incels say, therefore they are wrong."

You can clearly see how this comes from a preference based morality where everything is about might is right.
If your will is not fullfilled, then the thing in question is wrong.
If your will is fullfilled, the thing in question is right.

I dont need to explain how this is retarded.
I believe in God not because of cope or because I want some reward for suffering (all preference based notions), but because there is no other option. The truth is not up for debate. The truth stands regardless of what I want. I have no choice but to believe, wether I like it or not.
Even if I deluded myself into disbelieving it, it would still be true. And the blackpill, the truth always comes to collect.
Unlearning God would be like unlearning the blackpill, it is impossible. There is literally no other option for me.
Let’s say i cannot unsee that psychic phenomenons are real and altough subtle and low in effect, testable. Because of this i cannot have a materialist worldview. However i cannot ignore all the contraddiction that believing in a caring loving compassionate God would entail considering the abstract concepts of the reality we live in
I'm genuinely surprised that this study doesn't seem to have been posted here already. It is very blackpilling and applicable to our situation. If it was already posted, then apologies and shout out to anyone who had done that.

That said, one of the past threads the site is showing me as I'm writing this is this one, which is the perfect companion thread and study for this:

Here's the study I'm talking about in this post:

Now, given how frequently this site is targeted by people, primarily from IT but we also get other subreddits, Youtubers and so on, who seem to be obsessed with the idea of twisting our words and trying to depict us as as evil as possible, a lot of guys here have been trying to find complex explanations for this behaviour.

It doesn't need a complex explanation. They are simply narcissists and sadists, just like, say, the so-called "pedo hunters", kiwifarmers and other vigilantes. The reason why those people attack, stalk and harass us is the same as why cats hunt mice, birds and insects, instead of dogs and larger animals. You'd expect a carnivore to go after the biggest piece of meat available, but given that the vast majority of dogs can easily rip cats apart, the latter have to make do with weaker targets. Similarly, no matter what the people obsessed with us say, nothing changes the fact that they aren't fighting misogyny or protecting women. Stuff like helping out at domestic abuse shelters, confronting actual abusers who have money, guns and social connections, etc., is too hard and risky. Attacking statusless, lonely male NEETs who have no real way to fight back, nobody to support them and are already hated by society, now that gives their sadistic cravings a quick fix.

And, just in case you think that I'm stretching this by saying that the study is about ITards and others like them, nope. This is what the study means by "everyday vigilantism":

Pushing people into quarantine because of "le covid":soy::foidSoy:. Doxxing people because of "le scary covid":soy::foidSoy::feelskek::feelskek:, and in general for not following whatever arbitrary rule is supposed to be followed:society::feelsugh:.

There's no real reason to try reasoning with any of these people. They aren't acting based on something they've thought deeply about and somehow became convinced that trawling through our posts to find the most outrageous ones and then posting them out of any context they might have made was somehow actually beneficial to society. They are proving their moral superiority to everyone around them and satisfying their cravings to attack and hurt others. That's what motivates IT and others who seem obsessed about us, that's what motivates "pedo hunters" (about whom there recently were some discussions, so I'm including them), that's what motivates kiwifarmers, those COVID doxxers and so on.

Add to that the study in the thread I linked above. Feminism and gender politics are already a magnet for narcissists and psychopaths who make themselves look like the greatest fighters for "the righteous cause" to gain power, influence and resources. You are looking at an environment like that, already not a normal environment, and then you take the people from there who are also narcisisstic and sadistic enough to find it enjoyable to constantly attack complete strangers online:feelsbaton::feelstrash:. That's the types of people who get obsessed with us and who we are dealing with, whether from IT or not.

You can't be sadistic towards and punish someone who has more power than you. That's why the cat/mice/dogs analogy from before. That's why anti-incels are obsessed with us while letting attractive misogynists and sexist (in any direction) women be. That's why pedo hunters always attack ugly, older and, at least according to some of you watching those videos, disproportionately ethnic guys, while letting the attractive/young, the wealthy, and the female pedos be. That's why the lolcows kiwifarms is currently targetting are highly disproportionately ugly, non-passing MtF trannies (while FtMs and passing MtFs are given a pass) with almost the entirety of the rest being ugly cis males.

It's about how much society agrees with bullying their chosen targets, Nothing more, nothing less. Those same people would be accusing others of witchcraft in the middle ages, reported race mixers to the KKK during the segregation era in the US, and so on. No discussion or reasoning is possible with that.

Tagging some brocels who might be interested
@GeckoBus @DarkStarDown @OutcompetedByRoomba @based_meme @Dr. Autismo @lifefuel @cvh1991 @Mortis @Copexodius Maximus @BlackCel_from_ZA @Stupid Clown @LeFrenchCel @Simba @thespanishcel @decafincel @NorthernWind @UnderdevelopedSlav @TBIcel
Excellent as usual. Our enemies in many senses aren't even human
Yup, the only reason these people want to shit on us incels is that its not seen as politically incorrect. Incels are an easy target, of course the inceltear subreddit attracts many people with all sorts of personality disorders. Narcissistic losers, BPD whores, and in general just bottom dwellers of society who want to feel superior to ugly lonely men.
I'm genuinely surprised that this study doesn't seem to have been posted here already. It is very blackpilling and applicable to our situation. If it was already posted, then apologies and shout out to anyone who had done that.

That said, one of the past threads the site is showing me as I'm writing this is this one, which is the perfect companion thread and study for this:

I didn't check that thread, but it clearly checks out: Feminism simply serves as a platform for women to garner attention, amass profit(tons of feminists will author books & the such), whilst also advancing a narrative & promoting laws which will only behoove them.
Here's the study I'm talking about in this post:

Now, given how frequently this site is targeted by people, primarily from IT but we also get other subreddits, Youtubers and so on, who seem to be obsessed with the idea of twisting our words and trying to depict us as as evil as possible, a lot of guys here have been trying to find complex explanations for this behaviour.

It doesn't need a complex explanation. They are simply narcissists and sadists, just like, say, the so-called "pedo hunters", kiwifarmers and other vigilantes. The reason why those people attack, stalk and harass us is the same as why cats hunt mice, birds and insects, instead of dogs and larger animals. You'd expect a carnivore to go after the biggest piece of meat available, but given that the vast majority of dogs can easily rip cats apart, the latter have to make do with weaker targets. Similarly, no matter what the people obsessed with us say, nothing changes the fact that they aren't fighting misogyny or protecting women. Stuff like helping out at domestic abuse shelters, confronting actual abusers who have money, guns and social connections, etc., is too hard and risky. Attacking statusless, lonely male NEETs who have no real way to fight back, nobody to support them and are already hated by society, now that gives their sadistic cravings a quick fix.

And, just in case you think that I'm stretching this by saying that the study is about ITards and others like them, nope. This is what the study means by "everyday vigilantism":
Very high-IQ take: Everybody wants to be the hero, but no one wants to slay the dragon. As such, these people will do what normies & the like always do, and seek to "punch down"

In a way, it reminds me of this meme:

They believe that through bullying, harassing, "exposing" etc. Incels online, they are contributing to the solution: In reality, they are contributing to the problem which is quite ironic on their part. They reinforce the belief which many of us -rightfully- hold, through making us feel constantly attacked, shamed, etc.

Truly, this also proves that High-School never ends: The same people targeting us online, are the same people harassing us now.
Pushing people into quarantine because of "le covid":soy::foidSoy:. Doxxing people because of "le scary covid":soy::foidSoy::feelskek::feelskek:, and in general for not following whatever arbitrary rule is supposed to be followed:society::feelsugh:.
Ah, yes, I remember this. In fact, I would say the mass-hysteria from normies, especially foids, around COVID was a blackpilling moment for me.

Virtually EVERY foid from my HS was sharing stuff about staying home, wearing a mask, and when the time came to get "le jab" they were the ones sharing it online.

Ironically, it wasn't the State mainly enforcing the draconian measures, it was these foids, normies, etc.
There's no real reason to try reasoning with any of these people. They aren't acting based on something they've thought deeply about and somehow became convinced that trawling through our posts to find the most outrageous ones and then posting them out of any context they might have made was somehow actually beneficial to society. They are proving their moral superiority to everyone around them and satisfying their cravings to attack and hurt others. That's what motivates IT and others who seem obsessed about us, that's what motivates "pedo hunters" (about whom there recently were some discussions, so I'm including them), that's what motivates kiwifarmers, those COVID doxxers and so on.

They are truly NPCs: They base every kind of argument against us on strawmans, platitudes, and cherrypicking of sorts.

Effectively, this highlights just how easily swayed people are: Give them a buzzword to latch onto, and they will seek to be "heroes" in their own eyes.

However, they will only utilize this to fulfill their self-serving nature of wishing to conform, and will thus punch down in order to seem as if they are fulfilling this objective. They genuinely do not actually care about this, since they never have taken the time to legitimately think about what it is they have been told.
Add to that the study in the thread I linked above. Feminism and gender politics are already a magnet for narcissists and psychopaths who make themselves look like the greatest fighters for "the righteous cause" to gain power, influence and resources. You are looking at an environment like that, already not a normal environment, and then you take the people from there who are also narcisisstic and sadistic enough to find it enjoyable to constantly attack complete strangers online:feelsbaton::feelstrash:. That's the types of people who get obsessed with us and who we are dealing with, whether from IT or not.
These people are actually worse than most normies: Truly, they are on another level of sociopathy.

Their environment is seemingly akin to that of your usual HS clique: The top dogs or queen bee whom seemingly dictate every manner of things, and those who will blindly follow.
You can't be sadistic towards and punish someone who has more power than you. That's why the cat/mice/dogs analogy from before. That's why anti-incels are obsessed with us while letting attractive misogynists and sexist (in any direction) women be.
Brutal- it also highlights just how over it is for humans in general.

Instead of them perhaps trying to address the normies & chads who abuse foids, they focus on a niche community online.

Every animal wants to be feared, but none want to hunt the lion.
That's why pedo hunters always attack ugly, older and, at least according to some of you watching those videos, disproportionately ethnic guys,
I've seen a few of these back in the day- it's mainly been Chris Hansen dateline kind of stuff, but I also have seen a few "activists" & the such doing it online. From what I have seen, it has mainly been that of older, uglier, overweight, lower-value type of males as you stated: However, when it comes to race, it seems fairly proportionate of actual racial demographics in the US, but perhaps more skewed towards Whites. Granted, this could be due to the fact that there's a bias towards Whites in the media in the US, but if anyone has proof of these claims I would be willing to look at them.

I may also share some of the examples I found online.

Good read, thanks for the tag as always; I plan on hopefully posting some good threads by this weekend.
I'm genuinely surprised that this study doesn't seem to have been posted here already. It is very blackpilling and applicable to our situation. If it was already posted, then apologies and shout out to anyone who had done that.

That said, one of the past threads the site is showing me as I'm writing this is this one, which is the perfect companion thread and study for this:

Here's the study I'm talking about in this post:

Now, given how frequently this site is targeted by people, primarily from IT but we also get other subreddits, Youtubers and so on, who seem to be obsessed with the idea of twisting our words and trying to depict us as as evil as possible, a lot of guys here have been trying to find complex explanations for this behaviour.

It doesn't need a complex explanation. They are simply narcissists and sadists, just like, say, the so-called "pedo hunters", kiwifarmers and other vigilantes. The reason why those people attack, stalk and harass us is the same as why cats hunt mice, birds and insects, instead of dogs and larger animals. You'd expect a carnivore to go after the biggest piece of meat available, but given that the vast majority of dogs can easily rip cats apart, the latter have to make do with weaker targets. Similarly, no matter what the people obsessed with us say, nothing changes the fact that they aren't fighting misogyny or protecting women. Stuff like helping out at domestic abuse shelters, confronting actual abusers who have money, guns and social connections, etc., is too hard and risky. Attacking statusless, lonely male NEETs who have no real way to fight back, nobody to support them and are already hated by society, now that gives their sadistic cravings a quick fix.

And, just in case you think that I'm stretching this by saying that the study is about ITards and others like them, nope. This is what the study means by "everyday vigilantism":

Pushing people into quarantine because of "le covid":soy::foidSoy:. Doxxing people because of "le scary covid":soy::foidSoy::feelskek::feelskek:, and in general for not following whatever arbitrary rule is supposed to be followed:society::feelsugh:.

There's no real reason to try reasoning with any of these people. They aren't acting based on something they've thought deeply about and somehow became convinced that trawling through our posts to find the most outrageous ones and then posting them out of any context they might have made was somehow actually beneficial to society. They are proving their moral superiority to everyone around them and satisfying their cravings to attack and hurt others. That's what motivates IT and others who seem obsessed about us, that's what motivates "pedo hunters" (about whom there recently were some discussions, so I'm including them), that's what motivates kiwifarmers, those COVID doxxers and so on.

Add to that the study in the thread I linked above. Feminism and gender politics are already a magnet for narcissists and psychopaths who make themselves look like the greatest fighters for "the righteous cause" to gain power, influence and resources. You are looking at an environment like that, already not a normal environment, and then you take the people from there who are also narcisisstic and sadistic enough to find it enjoyable to constantly attack complete strangers online:feelsbaton::feelstrash:. That's the types of people who get obsessed with us and who we are dealing with, whether from IT or not.

You can't be sadistic towards and punish someone who has more power than you. That's why the cat/mice/dogs analogy from before. That's why anti-incels are obsessed with us while letting attractive misogynists and sexist (in any direction) women be. That's why pedo hunters always attack ugly, older and, at least according to some of you watching those videos, disproportionately ethnic guys, while letting the attractive/young, the wealthy, and the female pedos be. That's why the lolcows kiwifarms is currently targetting are highly disproportionately ugly, non-passing MtF trannies (while FtMs and passing MtFs are given a pass) with almost the entirety of the rest being ugly cis males.

It's about how much society agrees with bullying their chosen targets, Nothing more, nothing less. Those same people would be accusing others of witchcraft in the middle ages, reported race mixers to the KKK during the segregation era in the US, and so on. No discussion or reasoning is possible with that.

Tagging some brocels who might be interested
@GeckoBus @DarkStarDown @OutcompetedByRoomba @based_meme @Dr. Autismo @lifefuel @cvh1991 @Mortis @Copexodius Maximus @BlackCel_from_ZA @Stupid Clown @LeFrenchCel @Simba @thespanishcel @decafincel @NorthernWind @UnderdevelopedSlav @TBIcel
Very good find. This is something I wouldn’t have guessed had you not shown this study. I’m actually surprised by this tbh. I thought people like from IT were just mentally ill, but this makes a lot of sense based on the study. They aren’t just mentally retarded (which they are), they’re just straight up evil.

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