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Blackpill Living among whites makes gooks mentally ill

This is the most pathetic admission you have made so far.

What you are saying here is that you crave being appreciated by your white co-workers so much that you do something (muslim ass-in-the-air prayer) that will make them laugh behind your back and see you as a brown-skinned Iraqi dirt-bag (and potential suicide bomber).

If you think about it, you will realize that you are so desperately in the grip of your pride that you insist on having these two mutually incompatible desires:
  1. Be appreciated as an equal by whites (don't give me your usual "but I am white" cope. Your co-workers don't consider you white)
  2. Maintain your pride in "being a muzzie"
This leads you to this masochistic never-ending toil in which you destroy two or three times a day any shred of respect your white co-workers might have had for you.

@JayGoptri thoughts?

Honestly, I think he wants to be able to scorn "shitskin Street shitter Indians" as though hes a high IQ stormfrontscel, yet then, if his opponent holds a pro-Western, Pro-Christisn (generally or specifically) position, I become a colonialist-synpathizer who is being meany poo poo head to poor Iraqi.

So yeah what you cited (points# 1&2) about his vanity-prayers makes sense. Guy is a show clown. Bragging about his prayers on here and his Muslim-hood, while also trying to maintain an anti-brown skin curry policy anytime I bash him.
Nigger, I’m probably the second biggest money mogger ever on this forum (afaik).
Oh now it makes sense. You have a big pile of money from mom and dad, never worked a day in your life or experienced being berated in the West for being newbie. You have absolutely no idea what real work is, I can tell. Fucking trust fund baby faggot.
That's an indian, not even a Pakistani, let alone a MENA.

Here's actual MENA people ;) I know just how bad you wish you weren't a gook and looked even 30% like this

View attachment 742941View attachment 742942View attachment 742943View attachment 742944View attachment 742945View attachment 742946View attachment 742947View attachment 742948View attachment 742949View attachment 742950
Dude wtf is this retarded shit?

Why are you virtue signalling with Stacy and Chad ? I can show you plenty of ugly MENA people who don't look like this. You don't look ANYTHING LIKE THIS DO YOU?

Let us know !
Oh now it makes sense. You have a big pile of money from mom and dad, never worked a day in your life or experienced being berated in the West for being newbie. You have absolutely no idea what real work is, I can tell. Fucking trust fund baby faggot.
Nope, my parents were middle class. I actually Jew maxxed.
Nope, my parents were middle class. I actually Jew maxxed.
So your parents were middle class, and you are telling me that you Jewmaxxed and you are now rich? You have surpassed your parents socio-economically? Again something doesn't add up about you. Yet you are rotting on an Incel forum? I know a significant amount of Jews and curries, who, if they managed to surpass their parents socio-economically in the West, are usually never caught into Inceldom.. suspicious!

Something Is Fishy GIF by One Chicago
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So your parents were middle class, and you are telling me that you Jewmaxxed and you are now rich? You have surpassed your parents socio-economically? Again something doesn't add up about you. Yet you are rotting in an Incel forum?

Something Is Fishy GIF by One Chicago
Being rich doesn’t make you ascend, unless you want to be a beta buck cuck. You should go back to coping on bluepill spaces where you belong.
I don't believe that for a single second.
Thank God we have science, which I know you hate

"EmiratiA and SaudiA have less than 3% of African ancestry"

"As the average amount of African ancestry in Yemenis and Saudis is ∼9% and ∼3% respectively "

And how many black slave concubines did the descendants of Abraham fuck on the way to Muhammad's birth?
Considering it's said that the prophet had white as fuck skin color, none.
Considering there weren't any nigs in Arabia back then, none.

From the same study as before:

"We estimate that African admixture in the Middle East occurred within the last 2,000 years, with most populations showing signals of admixture around 500–1,000 years ago"

500-1000, in other words, at least 400 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
First off, Ishmael, the ancestor of Muhammad one generation after Abraham was "the son of the servant girl". What do you think that means?
Ishmael's mother was Egyptian, dumbfuck. In other words, not a nigger.
But this is how human brains work. This is also biology, although of a deeper kind.
Nope, sorry mate, my skin doesn't turn darker when I pray, not how biology or the human brain works. Only way skin color can get darker is via tanning.
Perception trumps reality every time.
It doesn't. People (blue pilled) perceieve reality in vastly different way than black pilled people, reality is reality regardless of perception (aka delusions).
And this is rational. Being economic orbiters of the White Man has lifted us out of poverty.
It's not rational to be a cuck, sorry dude.

Because we are less cocky than you idiot bags of hot air, we have accepted economic reality. That has made us rich even though we have much less natural resources than you MENA bombastic nitwits. You talk about "reality" all the time, but this is reality too, and of a more significant kind.
Asian countries are nowhere near as rich as Gulf countries, and japan, korea, and even china are projected to fall apart because none of your noodle whores want to touch your peepees. JFL demographic collapsing incoming

As a result, Japan is on par with the West economically and China is not far behind.
Japan is a corpse of a country, which treats it's males like slaves. Same with china. Who the fuck would want to live or be part of such societies?
Individually, muslims have a loud mouth. But in groups (as countries), they are pushovers. That is why you are getting your ass whupped all the time by tiny Israel.
Israel is an extension of America, it's not some isolated country
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What you are saying here is
Nah I'm not saying any of that.
that you crave being appreciated by your white co-workers
Making shit up about people you've never met
that will make them laugh behind your back
Making shit up about people you've never met
and see you as a brown-skinned Iraqi dirt-bag (and potential suicide bomber).
Making shit up about people you've never met
these two mutually incompatible desires:
  1. Be appreciated as an equal by whites (don't give me your usual "but I am white" cope. Your co-workers don't consider you white)
  2. Maintain your pride in "being a muzzie"
Being "appreciated as equal to whites" and being proud of being a muslim are not mutually exclusive. There are many white Muslims. Bosnians, Albanians, Turks, Chechnyans, Circassions, etc. Many Europeans from britain, germany, france also convert to Islam


This leads you to this masochistic never-ending toil in which you destroy two or three times a day any shred of respect your white co-workers might have had for you.
Making shit up about people you've never met
Dude wtf is this retarded shit?
K9Otaku claims MENAs are not white, or that MENAs can't be white more so, so I post white MENAs to prove him wrong. All of this belonw,
Why are you virtue signalling with Stacy and Chad ? I can show you plenty of ugly MENA people who don't look like this. You don't look ANYTHING LIKE THIS DO YOU?

Let us know !
is your dumbass missing the point.
Honestly, I think he wants to be able to scorn "shitskin Street shitter Indians" as though hes a high IQ stormfrontscel
No one likes indians, dumb nigger. Even on this forum. It's not just me or whatever.
yet then, if his opponent holds a pro-Western, Pro-Christisn (generally or specifically) position, I become a colonialist-synpathizer who is being meany poo poo head to poor Iraqi.
Why would anyone me pro-western on this forum?
And being pro-christian doesn't mean much when it is an inferior religion to Islam, as I already explained earlier in this thread.
So yeah what you cited (points# 1&2) about his vanity-prayers makes sense. Guy is a show clown. Bragging about his prayers on here and his Muslim-hood, while also trying to maintain an anti-brown skin curry policy anytime I bash him.
Being Muslim and considering Indians subhuman and mocking them are not exclusive, 99% of people consider indians ugly as fuck, even Black people. I have no idea how the fuck you make a connection between the 2 when they have zero correlation. Even the good-looking Indians only look good due to genetic proximity to Iranians/Anatolians/Greeks, as I've already proven to you.
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K9Otaku claims MENAs are not white, or that MENAs can't be white more so, so I post white MENAs to prove him wrong. All of this belonw,.
White? Their skin tone comes very close. Culturally and Psychologically they are not part of that Western European group. So since you use "white" like this, they ain't white. And it is a cope for you to try and skirt yourself in with a culture that you actually admire but pretend to hate. I think that's your problem. And you attacked me for simply stating some true facts. So fuck you, Muslim scum. Go Allahuakbar somewhere else!
is your dumbass missing the point.
No one likes indians, dumb nigger. Even on this forum. It's not just me or whatever.
@mlcurrycel @Pajeetsingh @Misogynist Curry 卐 @currycel⁰ @wereq @Transcended Trucel @gymcel foreveralone @Indracel - why do some users of non-curry origin get to comprise their arguments of this drivel ^ in order to win any debate. And @K9Otaku (a hepa with white skin tone) bashed this guy, and now @Made in Heaven is crying like a little baby because he can't win his arguments by saying "you nigger Street shitter".

Fucking swear man, half the Muslims on this forum are batshit crazy.
Why would anyone me pro-western on this forum?
Why the FUCK not? I mean older Western culture, yeah.. Many users are.
And being pro-christian doesn't mean much when it is an inferior religion to Islam, as I already explained earlier in this thread.
Yeah yeah.

episode 15 GIF

Being Muslim and considering Indians subhuman and mocking them are not exclusive.
Dumbfuck most Muslims ARE Indians. Gosh why are you so dense?
99% of people consider indians ugly as fuck.
Nope. What a fucking blowhard number he pulled out of his ass.
even Black people.
Nope I knew more African Americans than you, and even some below average looking ones who may have tried to hit on me. They like curries. For the most part.
I have no idea how the fuck you make a connection between the 2 when they have zero correlation. Even the good-looking Indians only look good due to genetic proximity to Iranians/Anatolians/Greeks, as I've already proven to you.
Nope. Plenty of South Indians who look good. Especially women. And of course all good looks are a mix of genetics but, your arguments are useless and weak otherwise. You are not gaining any ground here champ. You are just an asshole and everyone knows it ! Well, except for @Copexodius Maximus - he's also an asshole but he's on DMT half the time so he doesn't understand shit !
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White? Their skin tone comes very close. Culturally and Psychologically they are not part of that Western European group. So since you use "white" like this, they ain't white. And it is a cope for you to try and skirt yourself in with a culture that you actually admire but pretend to hate. I think that's your problem. And you attacked me for simply stating some true facts. So fuck you, Muslim scum. Go Allahuakbar somewhere else!


@mlcurrycel @Pajeetsingh @Misogynist Curry 卐 @currycel⁰ @wereq @Transcended Trucel @gymcel foreveralone @Indracel - why do some users of non-curry origin get to comprise their arguments of this drivel ^ in order to win any debate. And @K9Otaku (a hepa with white skin tone) bashed this guy, and now @Made in Heaven is crying like a little baby because he can't win his arguments by saying "you nigger Street shitter".

Fucking swear man, half the Muslims on this forum are batshit crazy.

Why the FUCK not? I mean at least older Western culture, yeah. Many users are.

Yeah yeah.

episode 15 GIF

Dumbfuck most Muslims ARE Indians. Gosh why are you so dense?

Nope. What a fucking blowhard number he pulled out of his ass.

Nope I knew more African Americans than you, and even some below average looking ones who may have tried to hit on me. They like curries. For the most part.

Nope. Plenty of South Indians who look good. Especially women. And of course all good looks are a mix of genetics but, your arguments are useless and weak otherwise. You are not gaining any ground here champ. You are just an asshole and everyone knows it ! Well, except for @Copexodius Maximus - he's also an asshole but he's on DMT half the time so he doesn't understand shit !
Im muzzie too
Im muzzie too
Yeah good. Then even more to my point. This light skinned muzzie asshole says he can shit on you in any way he pleases, put his foot onto your neck because he's an Iraqi muzzie and you are a nigger Indian. Do you accept it?
Yeah good. Then even more to my point. This light skinned muzzie asshole says he can shit on you in any way he pleases, put his foot onto your neck because he's an Iraqi muzzie and you are a nigger Indian. Do you accept it?
This study is complete bullshit. Science today is completely rigged by bluepilled woke bias. It is impossible to trust those guys anymore.

You think you can trust something from Academia that talks about "race" ? Under what rock have you been living in the last 20 years?
Ishmael's mother was Egyptian, dumbfuck. In other words, not a nigger.
Egyptians have A LOT of nigger blood in them. They have been fucking with Nubians and Ethiopians for the last 6000 years.
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K9Otaku claims MENAs are not white, or that MENAs can't be white more so, so I post white MENAs to prove him wrong. All of this belonw,
I do not claim that and never have. This is cheap distortion of my position

What I do claim is that Westerners perceive Muslims as non-white (because culture). If you are a muslim, you are automatically considered non-white in the West. This is why woke SJW consider "Islamophobia" to be "racist" because they treat Islam as a non-white race.

If Westerners really considered Islam as a religion and not a race, then Woke SJWs would be against it just as they are against Christianity. But they aren't. They consider Islam to be tied to the brown races and as a result being against it is racist according to them.
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Living among the master race should make you happy :)
White? Their skin tone comes very close. Culturally and Psychologically they are not part of that Western European group. So since you use "white" like this, they ain't white. And it is a cope for you to try and skirt yourself in with a culture that you actually admire but pretend to hate. I think that's your problem. And you attacked me for simply stating some true facts. So fuck you, Muslim scum. Go Allahuakbar somewhere else!


@mlcurrycel @Pajeetsingh @Misogynist Curry 卐 @currycel⁰ @wereq @Transcended Trucel @gymcel foreveralone @Indracel - why do some users of non-curry origin get to comprise their arguments of this drivel ^ in order to win any debate. And @K9Otaku (a hepa with white skin tone) bashed this guy, and now @Made in Heaven is crying like a little baby because he can't win his arguments by saying "you nigger Street shitter".

Fucking swear man, half the Muslims on this forum are batshit crazy.

Why the FUCK not? I mean older Western culture, yeah.. Many users are.

Yeah yeah.

episode 15 GIF

Dumbfuck most Muslims ARE Indians. Gosh why are you so dense?

Nope. What a fucking blowhard number he pulled out of his ass.

Nope I knew more African Americans than you, and even some below average looking ones who may have tried to hit on me. They like curries. For the most part.

Nope. Plenty of South Indians who look good. Especially women. And of course all good looks are a mix of genetics but, your arguments are useless and weak otherwise. You are not gaining any ground here champ. You are just an asshole and everyone knows it ! Well, except for @Copexodius Maximus - he's also an asshole but he's on DMT half the time so he doesn't understand shit !
i haven’t done psychedelics in years. What’s your excuse for being a complete retard. Maybe curryland has an iq of 82 because even there are smart currycels, low iq idiots like you drag it down all the way to 82. Your iq must be in the negatives.

This study is complete bullshit. Science today is completely rigged by bluepilled woke bias. It is impossible to trust those guys anymore.

You think you can trust something from Academia that talks about "race" ? Under what rock have you been living in the last 20 years?

Egyptians have A LOT of nigger blood in them. They have been fucking with Nubians and Ethiopians for the last 6000 years.
The science proves his point, so it makes it bluepilled? Sorry bud, science actually supports the blackpill in case you didn’t know.
The science proves his point, so it makes it bluepilled? Sorry bud, science actually supports the blackpill in case you didn’t know.
Science does probably support the blackpill because blackpilled ideas are not woke and so if studies appear to back it it means they are probably not fraudulent.

However, studies about "race" stuff are very likely biased in order not to offend anyone.

"Science" is not a guarantee of exactness by itself. It works only if people follow the proper scientific method. With what happened during COVID, it has become obvious that many so-called "scientists" are now fraudsters. Before that, it was quite clear that all the "climate" studies were also massively tampered with. As a result, there is no way to trust "science" as such anymore just because it comes from some university or Academic research lab and is found on a nicely "scientific looking" preprint Website. You have to know more about the people involved in each study in order to decide whether or not you are going to believe it.
i haven’t done psychedelics in years. What’s your excuse for being a complete retard.
Did too many Psychedelics when I was young just like you ?

confused jeff bridges GIF

Maybe curryland has an iq of 82 because even there are smart currycels, low iq idiots like you drag it down all the way to 82. Your iq must be in the negatives.
Dear dumbfuck. I wouldn't be included in any such statistic. I was never in curryland for 36 years so not part of your amazing "India IQ facts". Come on you know this....

I was in the U.S. with the army of kids I've fathered, according to you at least...
The science proves his point, so it makes it bluepilled? Sorry bud, science actually supports the blackpill in case you didn’t know.
Fucking TOP KEK.
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Did too many Psychedelics when I was young just like you ?

confused jeff bridges GIF

Dear dumbfuck. I wouldn't be included in any such statistic. I was never in curryland for 36 years so not part of your amazing "India IQ facts". Come on you know this....

I was in the U.S. with the army of kids I've fathered, according to you at least...

Fucking TOP KEK.
Currie normies can’t stop arguing can they? Always have to compensate for inferiority complex by trying to argue on and on without adding anything to the conversation.

Science does probably support the blackpill because blackpilled ideas are not woke and so if studies appear to back it it means they are probably not fraudulent.

However, studies about "race" stuff are very likely biased in order not to offend anyone.

"Science" is not a guarantee of exactness by itself. It works only if people follow the proper scientific method. With what happened during COVID, it has become obvious that many so-called "scientists" are now fraudsters. Before that, it was quite clear that all the "climate" studies were also massively tampered with. As a result, there is no way to trust "science" as such anymore just because it comes from some university or Academic research lab and is found on a nicely "scientific looking" preprint Website. You have to know more about the people involved in each study in order to decide whether or not you are going to believe it.
Were scientists frauding scientific papers during the pandemic?
White? Their skin tone comes very close.
They're the exact same.
Culturally and Psychologically they are not part of that Western European group.
Neither are slavs, greeks, sardinians, georgians, or hungarians "culturally and psychologically" the same as western europeans, so fucking what? Why can't you and that hapa nigger understand that white is biological, not "muh culture". If a swede becomes cultureally and psychologically the same as a brown yemeni, suddenly he's not white? Are Bosnians no longer white because they are culturally muslim? You're such an honest to god dumbass.
So since you use "white" like this, they ain't white.
I use white to refer to pale/peach/pink colored Caucasoids. No more, no less.
Why the FUCK not? I mean older Western culture, yeah.. Many users are.
What is older western culture? Enslaving your kind? JFL
Dumbfuck most Muslims ARE Indians. Gosh why are you so dense?
So? Doesn't change that they are subhuman
Nope. What a fucking blowhard number he pulled out of his ass.
>taking things this literally
holy autism
Nope I knew more African Americans than you, and even some below average looking ones who may have tried to hit on me. They like curries. For the most part.
They really dont.
Nope. Plenty of South Indians who look good. Especially women. And of course all good looks are a mix of genetics but, your arguments are useless and weak otherwise. You are not gaining any ground here champ. You are just an asshole and everyone knows it ! Well, except for @Copexodius Maximus - he's also an asshole but he's on DMT half the time so he doesn't understand shit !
Indian women are constantly ranked one of the ugliest groups of females in the world, saying that there are outliers doesn't change that
Currie normies can’t stop arguing can they? Always have to compensate for inferiority complex by trying to argue on and on without adding anything to the conversation.
Idk. I'm not one of them. But, I do know you tend to describe others in the same way you behave. Oh I think it's added a lot onto the conversation. On each point (same with each post) you have failed to make an argument stick.
Were scientists frauding scientific papers during the pandemic?
You really have to ask this? Wow. Of course !
Idk. I'm not one of them. But, I do know you tend to describe others in the same way you behave. Oh I think it's added a lot onto the conversation. On each point (same with each post) you have failed to make an argument stick.
I don’t need to make an argument stick cause you will never accept any kind of reasoning. You’re already admitted you got brain damage from abusing psychs as a kid so that says it all.

You really have to ask this? Wow. Of course !
Didn’t ask you boomer. Go look after your kids.

They're the exact same.

Neither are slavs, greeks, sardinians, georgians, or hungarians "culturally and psychologically" the same as western europeans, so fucking what? Why can't you and that hapa nigger understand that white is biological, not "muh culture". If a swede becomes cultureally and psychologically the same as a brown yemeni, suddenly he's not white? Are Bosnians no longer white because they are culturally muslim? You're such an honest to god dumbass.

I use white to refer to pale/peach/pink colored Caucasoids. No more, no less.

What is older western culture? Enslaving your kind? JFL

So? Doesn't change that they are subhuman

>taking things this literally
holy autism

They really dont.

Indian women are constantly ranked one of the ugliest groups of females in the world, saying that there are outliers doesn't change that
White = looks white (if you are blackpilled, which Jay isn’t).
Please elab.

FYI, @Made in Heaven considers this guy
View attachment 743127
to be "Indian"
That guy is LITERALLY indian, genetically, racially, whatever fucking word you wanna use. Look him up.
This study is complete bullshit. Science today is completely rigged by bluepilled woke bias. It is impossible to trust those guys anymore. You think you can trust something from Academia that talks about "race" ? Under what rock have you been living in the last 20 years?
>state fact
>show evidence

Egyptians have A LOT of nigger blood in them. They have been fucking with Nubians and Ethiopians for the last 6000 years.
Maybe nowadays they might, but no, back then, apparently 4000 years ago when Abraham was born, egyptians had next to no niggers


It isn't
No u
Accept reality
No u

I do not claim that and never have. This is cheap distortion of my position
You've spent the whole thread doing exactly that, your dumbass said "muslims can't be white"
What I do claim is that Westerners perceive Muslims as non-white
Because most Muslims are non-White, doesn't mean there aren't white Muslims. Just like how there are non-White christians
(because culture)
Culture has no relation to genetics.
If you are a muslim, you are automatically considered non-white in the West.
America, Brazil, and Argentina all classify MENAs as white, so no, you're very much wrong.
This is why woke SJW consider "Islamophobia" to be "racist" because they treat Islam as a non-white race.
Again, because most Muslims are non-White, and anyone with a brain can usually tell Islamophobia usually stems from most Muslims being brown, hence why a white Muslim can more readily be accepted by other Whites.
If Westerners really considered Islam as a religion and not a race
Why are you so obsessed with western perception, you dumb nigger? If someone perceieves you as Asian rather than Hapa, it doesn't mean you aren't Hapa. And yes, westerners are aware Islam is a religion and not a race, it's the correlation that makes it "racial". Why are you so demented?
then Woke SJWs would be against it just as they are against Christianity. But they aren't.
They are, did you not see that Destiny guy attack Islam? JFL you're so ignorant it's embrassing.
They consider Islam to be tied to the brown races
Because, for the most part, it is.
as a result being against it is racist according to them.
Nope, you are so fucking wrong. Being against it is not racist, again, Destiny, who is a prominent "SJW" attacked Islam. As have many non-Racist people like Christopher Hitchens. The "Racism" comes from the fact that most whites attack Islam not because they disagree with Islamic principles but simply because Islam's followers are non-White largely. See this vid. Yes, it's satire, but it gets the point across, hopefully. Muslims and Conservatives agree on a lot, it's the racial aspect that may make racist Christians perceive it as a threat.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYV7KWQ-fY4
They're the exact same.
Yeah and so, to my point !
Neither are slavs, greeks, sardinians, georgians, or hungarians "culturally and psychologically" the same as western europeans, so fucking what? Why can't you and that hapa nigger understand that white is biological, not "muh culture". If a swede becomes cultureally and psychologically the same as a brown yemeni, suddenly he's not white?
What the fuck are you even talking about? You make absolutely no sense. You just said white is a biological SKIN COLOR. Okay, so now your asking me if a white person behaves Psychologically like a brown Yemeni, does that change his skin tone?!? Are you fucking around with DMT also? Dude, yes, he would be white in skin tone and completely behave like the Yemeni psychologically. You know this has happened before. There are Northern and Western Europeans who have lived among other cultures and they can behave in multiple languages and manners.
Are Bosnians no longer white because they are culturally muslim? You're such an honest to god dumbass.
Dude, Islam is a religion. Culture usually pertains to regions. Wtf are you even asking about?
I use white to refer to pale/peach/pink colored Caucasoids. No more, no less.
Fair enough.
What is older western culture? Enslaving your kind? JFL.
Who, what? Enslaving? I mean, if need be for a time yes, but no. The period I consider as valuable would be right after the enslaving. But I don't think this is a big deal. Indians enslave Indians. If you are born into a low caste, do your fucking duty until such a time as the end of slavery is economically more viable. And once the Western world industrialized, it because less needed. Slavery was phased out. It's just the way things happen to work. Plus what the Indians went through with the British was NOTHING like what Americana history calls "Slavery".
So? Doesn't change that they are subhuman.
The guy trying to make an argument about why I should be upset because "the white man enslaving your ancestors" is also simultaneously calling me a "Subhuman" and all sorts of other names like "street-shitting nigger" :feelskek:

@K9Otaku ^ Get a load of this Mars Astronaut
>taking things this literally
holy autism

They really dont.

Indian women are constantly ranked one of the ugliest groups of females in the world, saying that there are outliers doesn't change that
And so, as an Iraqi you would enslave them (but very humanely unlike the white man) and have them build Mosques for you? You blowhard GTFOH!!

fuck outta here the kid mero GIF by Desus & Mero
Maybe nowadays they might, but no, back then, apparently 4000 years ago when Abraham was born, egyptians had next to no niggers
Do you have a "scientific" study to back that up?

You've spent the whole thread doing exactly that, your dumbass said "muslims can't be white"
Nope. Read again.

Because most Muslims are non-White, doesn't mean there aren't white Muslims. Just like how there are non-White christians
Everybody thinks Christians are white and everybody thinks muslims are brown. That is perception.

Culture has no relation to genetics.
Ok. That is a scientific statement? And why is it that chimps have no culture and we do?

Why are you so obsessed with western perception, you dumb nigger?
Because you are. You are the one who wants to be perceived as white by Westerners.
I don’t need to make an argument stick cause you will never accept any kind of reasoning.
Try and see. You usually fail. I would if it made sense, but nothing you say does.
You’re already admitted you got brain damage from abusing psychs as a kid so that says it all.
No you did that. It's joke. You were the one talking about taking the DMT.
Didn’t ask you boomer. Go look after your kids.
Yeah. But I'm surprised as smart asmnd savoy about world affairs as you claim to be many times, you are seriously asking this question? Well fair enough. There is a serious answer.
White = looks white (if you are blackpilled, which Jay isn’t).
Wtf does this even mean....

Yeah I'm sure I would agree.
Dumbfuck most Muslims ARE Indians. Gosh why are you so dense?
So? Doesn't change that they are subhuman
The "Racism" comes from the fact that most whites attack Islam not because they disagree with Islamic principles but simply because Islam's followers are non-White largely. Muslims and Conservatives agree on a lot, it's the racial aspect that may make racist Christians perceive it as a threat.
So when Christians are racist against brown muslims it is bad, but when you are racist against brown (muslim) indians, it is ok?

Go ahead. Try to wriggle out of that one.

@currycel⁰ GTFIH
What the fuck are you even talking about? You make absolutely no sense. You just said white is a biological SKIN COLOR. Okay, so now your asking me if a white person behaves Psychologically like a brown Yemeni, does that change his skin tone?!? Are you fucking around with DMT also? Dude, yes, he would be white in skin tone and completely behave like the Yemeni psychologically. You know this has happened before. There are Northern and Western Europeans who have lived among other cultures and they can behave in multiple languages and manners.
You are the one who said "Culturally and Psychologically they are not part of that Western European group." You were saying that not acting like a westerner means someone isn't white.
Dude, Islam is a religion. Culture usually pertains to regions. Wtf are you even asking about?
Bosnians would still have cultural influence from islam
Who, what? Enslaving? I mean, if need be for a time yes, but no. The period I consider as valuable would be right after the enslaving. But I don't think this is a big deal. Indians enslave Indians. If you are born into a low caste, do your fucking duty until such a time as the end of slavery is economically more viable. And once the Western world industrialized, it because less needed. Slavery was phased out. It's just the way things happen to work. Plus what the Indians went through with the British was NOTHING like what Americana history calls "Slavery".
The guy trying to make an argument about why I should be upset because "the white man enslaving your ancestors" is also simultaneously calling me a "Subhuman" and all sorts of other names like "street-shitting nigger" :feelskek:
Grow thicker skin, nigger. I dont know how often you are on this forum, but everyone uses this insult. I call myself a subhuam JFL
And so, as an Iraqi you would enslave them (but very humanely unlike the white man) and have them build Mosques for you? You blowhard GTFOH!!
What doesthis have to do with indian women often being seen as ugly as fuck?
Do you have a "scientific" study to back that up?
Why bother, I already posted one for Saudis and Yemenis, and you dismissed it. But here you go anyways

Nope. Read again.
I did. Here is one of your earlier posts:

"Yet you will never be. Being Muslim automatically downgrades you 2 or 3 notches on the whiteness scale.

View attachment 742669

Being Muslim automatically puts you under the red line. Even Chechens, who are literally Caucasians, are considered "brown" in the West."

"qs soon as they know he is Muslim, he is no longer white."

Everybody thinks Christians are white and everybody thinks muslims are brown. That is perception.
No, they dont. Everyone knows some of the most religious Christian people are Hispanics, if anything, white people are perceieved to be atheists nowadays. And again, perception is not reality. If people perceive something as something it isn't, it doesn't change reality
Ok. That is a scientific statement? And why is it that chimps have no culture and we do?
Yep, culture doesn't change your genes willy nilly.
Because you are. You are the one who wants to be perceived as white by Westerners.
And I am indeed perceieved as white by westerners. But you aren't because of your flat face despit being half French. turbo kek
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So when Christians are racist against brown muslims it is bad, but when you are racist against brown (muslim) indians, it is ok?

Go ahead. Try to wriggle out of that one.

@currycel⁰ GTFIH
@ilieknothing GTFIH !
>muh IQ
>gets cucked by white men, arab men, indian men, and black men

IQ is a valuable metric, though it hardly matters if not used to obtain a meaningful hole.

The ones lacking it typically operate restaurants and small stores until death.
So when Christians are racist against brown muslims it is bad, but when you are racist against brown (muslim) indians, it is ok?

Go ahead. Try to wriggle out of that one.

@currycel⁰ GTFIH
Nope, it's not, and 1. I never said I'm a good person 2. accepting racial differences is not racism, it's just accepting reality. Even in Islam, God says he blesses different people more than others. 3. racism is wrong when it leads to oppression/abuse. For example, Saudis who exploit indians who work in horrible conditions. That is not something I approve of. 4. I was merely explaining the conservative view of muslims, not necassarely approving or disapproving of it. Explaining something =/= saying it is ok
I did. Here is one of your earlier posts:

"Yet you will never be. Being Muslim automatically downgrades you 2 or 3 notches on the whiteness scale.
The "whiteness scale" is subjective obviously. Otherwise, my sentence would be meaningless..

Being Muslim automatically puts you under the red line. Even Chechens, who are literally Caucasians, are considered "brown" in the West."
"considered". Again, this is about perception, not reality.

"qs soon as they know he is Muslim, he is no longer white."
"as soon as they know", again a matter of perception.

I think this is quite clear. Bad faith is a poor argumentation strategy
You are the one who said "Culturally and Psychologically they are not part of that Western European group." You were saying that not acting like a westerner means someone isn't white.

Bosnians would still have cultural influence from islam


Grow thicker skin, nigger. I dont know how often you are on this forum, but everyone uses this insult. I call myself a subhuam JFL

What doesthis have to do with indian women often being seen as ugly as fuck?

Why bother, I already posted one for Saudis and Yemenis, and you dismissed it. But here you go anyways

I did. Here is one of your earlier posts:

"Yet you will never be. Being Muslim automatically downgrades you 2 or 3 notches on the whiteness scale.

View attachment 742669

Being Muslim automatically puts you under the red line. Even Chechens, who are literally Caucasians, are considered "brown" in the West."

"qs soon as they know he is Muslim, he is no longer white."

No, they dont. Everyone knows some of the most religious Christian people are Hispanics, if anything, white people are perceieved to be atheists nowadays. And again, perception is not reality. If people perceive something as something it isn't, it doesn't change reality

Yep, culture doesn't change your genes willy nilly.

And I am indeed perceieved as white by westerners. But you aren't because of your flat face despit being half French. turbo kek
Best to ignore them. Jay is an exposed fakecel bluepiller who self admitted to having brain damage. While k9 isn’t as bad, but he’s friends with jay irl and does whatever his master tells him like an attack dog.
1. I never said I'm a good person
So, ok. This means you are racist against brown Indians even though they are your coreligionists, right?

But of course you are. You are the one who is desperate to be seen as white by white Westerners.
I see your point @JayGoptri. Christianity makes for better civilizations, and Protestantism in particular led to an incredibly industrious work ethic. Even amongst poorer nations, I’d rather be in a Christian one than non-Christian one. It’s a shame the West is increasingly losing Christian influence, but that’s been heavily correlated with a societal decline. Further proof Christian elements were crucial to the social fabric.
Best to ignore them. Jay is an exposed fakecel bluepiller who self admitted to having brain damage. While k9 isn’t as bad, but he’s friends with jay irl and does whatever his master tells him like an attack dog.
How is he a fakecel?
The "whiteness scale" is subjective obviously. Otherwise, my sentence would be meaningless..
Nope, whiteness is largely objective. Anyone who has peach/pink/white skin and is Caucasoid is considered white.

Caucasoids with Tan/beige/orange-ish skin color is the "grey area" between white and non-White.

And of course, if you're non-Caucasoid, then no one considers you white.

Dont know if I said this, but the Caucasoid race is literally named after Caucasions, ei non-Europeans like Georgians and Chechnyans
"considered". Again, this is about perception, not reality.
"as soon as they know", again a matter of perception.
No one looks at a white MENA and perceieves them to be non-White, especially the examples I posted in this thread. And I myself have never been considered non-White. Even in yellowknife, where most people were European, and everyone knew I had an Arab name, duh, no kids in school considered me, or perceieved me, as being "non-white". Same thing in Middle School, none of the Europeans considered me "non-white", nor did they consider the other white MENAs as none white. you need to stop projecting your experiences on me, because we clearly haven't lived the same lives

Even my sister who is snow-white brunette has told me how she has never been ostracized or otherized by her classmates despite wearing a hijab. JFL get a grip man.
You are the one who said "Culturally and Psychologically they are not part of that Western European group."
Well, they are not.
You were saying that not acting like a westerner means someone isn't white.
NO! I am saying that you were, in that instance seem to be using the word "white" as a pan-all descriptor including many cultures. My whole point is that you want to be closer to these cultures, and since you are lighter skin than Indians, you use it to put them down.
Bosnians would still have cultural influence from islam.

Grow thicker skin, nigger. I dont know how often you are on this forum, but everyone uses this insult. I call myself a subhuam JFL.
Yeah. Foreign weirdo losers. Nobody with a brain just goes "nigger nigger" all the time and then cries when it's used back to them....or similar insult. You definitely whine a lot. Iraqi scum !
What does this have to do with indian women often being seen as ugly as fuck?
They aren't. You can say that about the majority of any population.
How is he a fakecel?
1) He has been exposed by another user for having a white wife and white kids with her.

2) He has admitted to having sex without paying on noncu forum years ago, as exposed by @Animecel2D
Based thread just for the banter tbh
1) He has been exposed by another user for having a white wife and white kids with her.
Disproven by me. Rejected as photoshop by Mods. So fuck you.
2) He has admitted to having sex without paying on noncu forum years ago, as exposed by @Animecel2D
The *** post doesn't admit to sex or anything even close you lying sack of kike shit who twists the English language. Show proof !

You are seething because Mods and users don't except your bullshit.

I'm on here helping people and they accept that. Same with good discourse. Meanwhile, you fucks are clogging up the airwaves. This is head-on war now. I'm going to mop the floor with you..
Well, they are not.
NO! I am saying that you were, in that instance seem to be using the word "white" as a pan-all descriptor including many cultures.
well, I wasn't. Just a misunderstanding
My whole point is that you want to be closer to these cultures
Only in terms of their stability, which Saudi has. If anything, I want Iraq to be more like Saudi, not to be more like the west.
and since you are lighter skin than Indians, you use it to put them down.
Indians put themselves down and praise light skin
Yeah. Foreign weirdo losers. Nobody with a brain just goes "nigger nigger" all the time and then cries when it's used back to them....or similar insult. You definitely whine a lot. Iraqi scum !
Where did I cry about being called nigger?
They aren't. You can say that about the majority of any population.
They definitley are, dude. If you take all races of women, most non-Indians will place indian women at the bottom

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