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Blackpill Living among whites makes gooks mentally ill

Mental illness is not a valid excuse for hypergamy.
Red-herring. You have no rebuttal.
I just gave you the rebuttal. You are influenced by this sort of thing:

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania https://g.co/kgs/2qcFiD

You keep talking about technology and innovation like these morons in the movie do, to make themselves join together with "big science" as though it's a real thing and not something which deserves one measly sentence in a theoretical text book. This horseshit has infected everyone making them think that "Science" is some sort of sport where badass go to play for real and that it will all "save us". Which you know damn well isn't true.
You got exposed by anime2dcel on the non-cu forum already. You didn’t expect that part coming out, but unfortunately even tell about melch before hand isn’t going to make that one go away.
Oh I did. I knew people who didn't like me would try anything. And so fucking what, it doesn't "expose" shit. I don't really care much anyway cause what a few naysayers think on here doesn't even effect 5% of my being content, as it's not part of my primary copes. It's just mildly amusing that you or anyone cns think that an ugly man like me would ever be having kids with any decent looking white women. :feelskek:
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You are an insufferable fakecel prick. Delete your account and go back to normieland plox
Never going to happen. And you keep tagging me in places because you are a little bitch and you wanted my opinion or to bait people. Go fuck yourself.
I just gave you the rebuttal. You are influenced by this sort of thing:

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania https://g.co/kgs/2qcFiD

You keep talking about technology and innovation like these morons in the movie do, to make themselves join together with "big science" as though it's a real thing and not something which deserves one measly sentence in a theoretical text book. This horseshit has infected everyone making them think that "Science" is some sort of sport where badass go to play for real and that it will all "save us". Which you know damn well isn't true.
Science has done more for humanity than religion has ever done for making the West what it is. If Christianity were to be replaced by Islam in Europe or some other long term religion that’s been around but they had access to the Greek thinking they would have also has massive success.

Oh I did. I knew people who didn't like me would try anything. And so fucking what, it doesn't "expose" shit. I don't really care much anyway cause what a few naysayers think on here isn't doesn't even effect 5% of my being content, it's not part of my primary copes. It's just mildly amusing that you or anyone cns think that an ugly man like me would ever be having kids with any decent looking white women. :feelskek:
Anime2Dcel literally exposed you. You’re not some martyr getting people who hate you to try to ruin you, but rather an actual fakecel larper.
When I see the inevitable strike through your name, the next spliff will be dedicated to you :smonk:
Translation: you are a whiny faggot who is going join with others to try his best to make it happen of course, but I was probably smokin spliffs before you so go fuck yourself.
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Science has done more for humanity than religion has ever done for making the West what it is.
Girl boss and Chad virtue signalling. That's what the word "Science" is used for now days.

You bastardize this word Science when you use it like this
If Christianity were to be replaced by Islam in Europe or some other long term religion that’s been around but they had access to the Greek thinking they would have also has massive success.
Excuses. What happened in history happened and Christianity emerged. You can cope all you want about this (not even sure why a Kike has gone Islam-advocate anyway but ookay) but it had massive success. And a small part of it was yes, they incorporated the best parts of previous systems of thought to catapult the West into what it became. For a while at least. There is no cooperation amongst men without religion and Christianity's success helped fuel the innovation which led to better Science. But alas, I don't think you and I even mean the same thing when we say "Science". I think you are enamoured by "Science Chad/Stacy" movies and "Science communicators" not real, dry hard science. The latter wasn't glamorous until recently. Now ever little normie Chad and Stacy says they are "Scientists".
Anime2Dcel literally exposed you. You’re not some martyr getting people who hate you to try to ruin you, but rather an actual fakecel larper.
Martyr? I'm not trying to do that no, but just like what I said above to you, I've knocked down many peoples idols so naturally death by hanging will be sought by any means. That's what I did to Mechyfaggot and all his delusions. If I was "nice" to him and told him all his delusions were "A-Okay", and let him be thought of as my equal in experience, he'd still be on here bashing you right now for disagreeing with me.
Girl boss and Chad virtue signalling. That's what the word "Science" is used for now days.

You bastardize this word Science when you use it like this
You bastardize Christianity when you make shit up about it.

Excuses. What happened in history happened and Christianity emerged. You can cope all you want about this (not even sure why a Kike has gone Islam-advocate anyway but ookay) but it had massive success. And a small part of it was yes, they incorporated the best parts of previous systems of thought to catapult the West into what it became. For a while at least. There is no cooperation amongst men without religion and Christianity's success helped fuel the innovation which led to better Science. But alas, I don't think you and I even mean the same thing when we say "Science". I think you are enamoured by "Science Chad/Stacy" movies and "Science communicators" not real, dry hard science. The latter wasn't glamorous until recently. Now ever little normie Chad and Stacy says they are "Scientists".
Do you understand what genetic hitch-hiking is? That’s all Christianity is in the West. “There’s no cooperation of men without religion” even though tribal societies have more cooperation than any Christian society ever had because they do it go survive.

Martyr? I'm not trying to do that no, but just like what I said above to you, I've knocked down many peoples idols so naturally death by hanging will be sought by any means. That's what I did to Mechyfaggot and all his delusions. If I was "nice" to him and told him all his delusions were "A-Okay", and let him be thought of as my equal in experience, he'd still be on here bashing you right now for disagreeing with me.
You can’t escape what you said on non-cu.
It's not just a sand region religion. But initially, yes it's mix of those near West) middle east area. It was perfected more and more in different areas as it spread. That's the hallmark of a truly successful religion.
Wait you are a ricebag? Lmao:lul::lul:
You have got it backwards. Christianity was the dominant religion of the West and anyone who has a working brain can see just a few meters behind the curtain to notice what was binding the Western world's success together. I.e. the success of Europe and North America.
KEK What a coping christcuck! Holy fuck lmao lmaoooooo imagine being THIS bluepilled!

There's a reason Christian Africa, Christian Latin America and Christian MENA are crap compared to Christian Europe. Where is THEIR success, huh? There's a racial component to it, dumbass. And no, even then, Christianity was not what binded the West's success. It was anything but that, considering Christianity's principles are distincitly anti-colonialism, anti-racism, and anti-materalism, all of which lead to the West's success

and like I said before, the mere fact that the west call themselves "Western civlization" instead of "Christian civilization" is really all the proof you need for how little they truly think of Christianity.

Or do I need to mention how so much science was held back by Christians in Europe, all while Muslims were advancing it?
No. Once Protestant Christianity took off, so did Europe then America.
The renissance is to thank for that, which was a distinct rejection of christianity and embracing pre-Christian European thought.
Heck even the Catholic influenced Latin America (like Brazil) are better economically than Muslim influenced countries.
Brazil has a higher murder rate than Iraq, which was a literal warzone 10 years ago LMFAO.

Yes, in some measure this is true. Islam did propel it's followers to success in some places, but in the end, you can see how much of a disaster they really are.
Where's the disaster that Islam brought us, dumb nigger? The only disasters in our countries are caused by outside, non-Muslim forces such as america, france, israel, and russia. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, etc would all be far far better

In fact, and I need you to read this part carefully, all of MENA could easily be Saudi-tier in terms of their safetey and wealth if outside forces didn't constantly subvert and destroy our countries. We have more than enough oil, minerals, fertile land, and tourist attractions to easily be well off. Saudi is safer than america, france, britain, canada, etc etc etc. All other MENA countries could be similar to Saudis if it wasn't for western savagery. So no, our "disasters" have fuck all to do with Islam.


I'll show you. Come see the Muslims here.
Yes, because they are Indian. Again, you dumbfuck, race matters here.
No it doesn't.
Yes it does.

Arab muslims VS Arab Christians. Who won? Arab Muslims
Egyptian muslims VS Egyptian Christians. Who won? Egyptian Muslims
Greek/Anatolian muslims VS Greek/Anatolian Christians. Who won? Greek/Anatolian Muslims
Berber muslims VS Berber Christians. Who won? Berber Muslims
It shows a close tie in some areas and Christianity mogging the heck out of Islam in most other areas.
In what way does Christianity mog Islam, in becoming tranny loving, childless atheists? and before you answer that, no, the west is not Christian, nor is the material success of the west a result of Chrisitnity. It is a result of distinctly REJECTING christian teachings that led to what we see now. You sound as retarded as a Japanese person creditting Shinto for the success of Japan.
K9OTAKU had already decimated you argument in these areas before. No need for repetition.
So no argument? concession accepted.
Asked and answered. You are confused man.
So no argument? concession accepted.
True. But Islam is the religion of thugerry. Christianity was not !
Elaborate what you mean by that, because, based on this alone, you sound like a retarded boomer fuck stuck in 2005 who unironically is delusional enough to think Christianity spread through peace while Islam spread through the sword


You are an idiot.
no u
1. I'm not Indian dumbass. I'm an America, who has decided to chillaxx in India.
My point still stands regardless of whether or not you're indian.
2. What the fuck? Muslims in India are also "Indian" you moron.
Yes, but they are less indian due to having iranian ancestory and arab ancestory.
What does this shitty statement even mean?
It means genetics matter
No fool. The point is the same one I've made above to @Copexodius Maximus, I think neither of you ACTUALLY know how Muslims in different places behave.
No, I think I do since I've actually lived among Muslims my entire life. Whereas you're a rando who lives in a country where you probably have little to no actual intimate interaction with Msulims.
As a Westerner
lol IDGAF your westerness in fact discredits you, dumbass.
that they behave like shit unless they are in the upper class society.
Sooooo.... just like any other lower class?
it's clear to see that when you compare Hindu of a upper & middle caste with Muslims, the Hindu middle castes are far less ridiculous in their behavior towards thing they don't understand.
JFL are we talking about the same people here? The same people who dont shit in toilets and have rituals around literal poo and cows? The same people who will kill you for eating beef? JFL JFL JFL Just go on twitter and you'll find endless amounts of pajeets shitting and whining about Muslims. Holy kek, you're an actual braindead nigger if you think Hindu Indians are comparable to Muslim Indians

Brahmins also are superior in this way.
Genetically, Brahmins are more Iranian than Indian. So yeah. Like I said, genetics matter.
They absorbed Islam rather well. If they hadn't there would be only a Muslim India. Today it's Hindu (first) then Muslim India.
They didn't absorb shit, nigger. The only reason India is still Hindu is because Muslim rulers had mercy upon them to keep their shitty religion.
Looks wise your women (Kurdish women also) are different looking. Now if you are living in a bomb blasted war torn shithole like Iraq and are poor, then yeah maybe India would be better for you, but that's not what I meant.
Then what did you mean?

And JFL at calling Iraqi bomb blasted shithole as if it isn't like that because of the west. Iraq would be as wealthy and safe as Iraq, or in fact, it would be even richer since we have MORE resources per km2.
What socio-economic class is your family? What class were you born into, tell me this..
Middle upper class.
Mena - too many regions for me to even make a determination..
About what?
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And one other thing on this, when you go to judge a religion, it should be looked at across a global scale. \
Nope, because race matters as well in the by-product of a religion

But hey, I'll entertain your schitzo delusions. World wide, on a global scale, Christians are the biggest supporters of fags, trannies, atheism, materalism, divorce, abortion, econmic sanctions starving people to death, waging wars, etc

and there are more poor Christian countries than Muslim countries. Congo, Angola, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Venuzula, Mexico are all lower by every metric compared to Saudi, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iran, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Indonesia.
Even though you got your facts about me in particular wrong, I know what you were trying to say. Yes Indian Muslims are dysfunctional beyond the normal dysfunction. But that's precisely my point, look at middle classes in the West, for a long time they could manage to not shit in the streets and crowd the streets (even in American ghetto it wasn't nearly as bad as it is in the Indian Muslim areas). Unlike the West, here there is no subsidy for them so they have to work, so Indians like @Misogynist Curry 卐 don't pay for them via taxes. And I'm sure he can agree that the Muslim areas in North and South are degraded and have so many issues.
European Christians shit on the streets during middle ages for centuries, even though they had access to primitive forms of toilets. JFL there's a reason the black plague impacted them more than it did the Muslims, since Muslims actually kept themselves clean
So if Islam is a success, it should have been able to ROOT OUT this Pagen element which you yourself attributed to their shut behaviors and difference from North African and Gulf Muslims.
I said that that pagan influence was 1 aspect. Genetics is also another aspect as to why they are different than MENA Muslims

and good, fucking lord, are you really this fucking retarded? Indian Muslims live around and are influenced by Indian Hindu culture, because Hindus still exist unlike European pagans, whether they want to or not. It's no different than how a Lebanese Muslim will often be influenced by Islam, such as saying salam or inshallah when talking, or how a Christian Greek is different in his mannerisms than a Christian Frank, who is often influenced by atheistm/secularism

Yet, it wasn't able to do that.
It's not a matter of not being able to do it, since we see how easily Islam wiped out paganism in Arabia and Egypt, it's a matter of not being genocidal like Christian Europeans were in their ways of converting European pagans. In Islam, non-Muslims are given the right to follow their religions, Christians never offered this mercy to non-Christians, aside from Jews of course JFL
Christianity was able to almost uniformly transform most regions that it touched in the long run.
Transform in what way, nigger? How was Christian Africa "uniformely transformed"? Christian Latin America? Even your "Christian" west (because the west really has never been christian), is full of materalism, abortion, divorce, broken families, sexual abuse, war mongering, and racism.

Christian Europeans were living in filth for centuries until they rejected Christianity and embraced Greco-Roman thought. They spent centuries fighting among each other about which christian sect is true. JFL. And let's not act like Islamic theology also didn't have a massive role on Christianity, something a lot of Christcucks love to deny

and of course, there's this.

Like, holy fuck, @Copexodius Maximus look at this nigger trying to credit all the "good" in the west to Christianity. He's like someone who came straight out of the 90s. He genuinley sounds like a boomer who unironically deludes themselves to think christianity is the reason for western success, JFLLLL I can't stop laughing at this dumb fuck :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
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Do you understand what genetic hitch-hiking is? That’s all Christianity is in the West.
damn, that's actually a very good way of putting it. Europeans would have been succesful with or without Christianity, Christianity just took a piggyback ride on European genes, so now all retarded christniggers across the world attribute White succes to Christian success. In reality, you look at non-European Christians, and they live worse lives than non-European Muslims

In fact, I would argue Arabs BTFO out of Syrians, Persians, Afghans, Greeks, Romans, Armenians, Spanish is a FAR better testament to Islam's success as a religion, since Arabs are far more subhuman genetically than those other groups, yet still conquered them succesfully.

Arabs were at a genetic disadvantage, yet still succeeded. While Europeans were at a geneti advantage, so they succeeded.
and there are more poor Christian countries than Muslim countries. Congo, Angola, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Venuzula, Mexico are all lower by every metric compared to Saudi, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iran, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Indonesia.

European Christians shit on the streets during middle ages for centuries, even though they had access to primitive forms of toilets. JFL there's a reason the black plague impacted them more than it did the Muslims, since Muslims actually kept themselves clean

I said that that pagan influence was 1 aspect. Genetics is also another aspect as to why they are different than MENA Muslims

and good, fucking lord, are you really this fucking retarded? Indian Muslims live around and are influenced by Indian Hindu culture, because Hindus still exist unlike European pagans, whether they want to or not. It's no different than how a Lebanese Muslim will often be influenced by Islam, such as saying salam or inshallah when talking, or how a Christian Greek is different in his mannerisms than a Christian Frank, who is often influenced by atheistm/secularism

It's not a matter of not being able to do it, since we see how easily Islam wiped out paganism in Arabia and Egypt, it's a matter of not being genocidal like Christian Europeans were in their ways of converting European pagans. In Islam, non-Muslims are given the right to follow their religions, Christians never offered this mercy to non-Christians, aside from Jews of course JFL

Transform in what way, nigger? How was Christian Africa "uniformely transformed"? Christian Latin America? Even your "Christian" west (because the west really has never been christian), is full of materalism, abortion, divorce, broken families, sexual abuse, war mongering, and racism.

Christian Europeans were living in filth for centuries until they rejected Christianity and embraced Greco-Roman thought. They spent centuries fighting among each other about which christian sect is true. JFL. And let's not act like Islamic theology also didn't have a massive role on Christianity, something a lot of Christcucks love to deny

and of course, there's this.
View attachment 742166

Like, holy fuck, @Copexodius Maximus look at this nigger trying to credit all the "good" in the west to Christianity. He's like someone who came straight out of the 90s. He genuinley sounds like a boomer who unironically deludes themselves to think christianity is the reason for western success, JFLLLL I can't stop laughing at this dumb fuck :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Jfl, he really thinks the Congo or Burkino Faso would have invented everything if it had the power of friendship by all being Christian earlier.
Spider Man Lol GIF

damn, that's actually a very good way of putting it. Europeans would have been succesful with or without Christianity, Christianity just took a piggyback ride on European genes, so now all retarded christniggers across the world attribute White succes to Christian success. In reality, you look at non-European Christians, and they live worse lives than non-European Muslims

In fact, I would argue Arabs BTFO out of Syrians, Persians, Afghans, Greeks, Romans, Armenians, Spanish is a FAR better testament to Islam's success as a religion, since Arabs are far more subhuman genetically than those other groups, yet still conquered them succesfully.

Arabs were at a genetic disadvantage, yet still succeeded. While Europeans were at a geneti advantage, so they succeeded.
When you look at Middle Eastern Christianity, it’s not too different from Islam imo. I think Arabs or some other race would have eventually had an industrial revolution as well, where it was many centuries later or many millennia. The reason the Middle East, India, China, Rome, etc were all so advanced in the past compared to everyone else is because they were in constant contact with one another and traded ideas as well as materials. Europe replicated this by being broken up into many states that all competed with one another. Now compare that to other parts of the world where they were mostly all gobbled up by giant empires.

I think historically places like China (before the Mongols) and Bengal in Mughal India were already in the proto-industrial era and went beyond being just agrarian societies.

KEK What a coping christcuck! Holy fuck lmao lmaoooooo imagine being THIS bluepilled!

There's a reason Christian Africa, Christian Latin America and Christian MENA are crap compared to Christian Europe. Where is THEIR success, huh? There's a racial component to it, dumbass. And no, even then, Christianity was not what binded the West's success. It was anything but that, considering Christianity's principles are distincitly anti-colonialism, anti-racism, and anti-materalism, all of which lead to the West's success

and like I said before, the mere fact that the west call themselves "Western civlization" instead of "Christian civilization" is really all the proof you need for how little they truly think of Christianity.

Or do I need to mention how so much science was held back by Christians in Europe, all while Muslims were advancing it?

The renissance is to thank for that, which was a distinct rejection of christianity and embracing pre-Christian European thought.

Brazil has a higher murder rate than Iraq, which was a literal warzone 10 years ago LMFAO.

Where's the disaster that Islam brought us, dumb nigger? The only disasters in our countries are caused by outside, non-Muslim forces such as america, france, israel, and russia. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, etc would all be far far better

In fact, and I need you to read this part carefully, all of MENA could easily be Saudi-tier in terms of their safetey and wealth if outside forces didn't constantly subvert and destroy our countries. We have more than enough oil, minerals, fertile land, and tourist attractions to easily be well off. Saudi is safer than america, france, britain, canada, etc etc etc. All other MENA countries could be similar to Saudis if it wasn't for western savagery. So no, our "disasters" have fuck all to do with Islam.


Yes, because they are Indian. Again, you dumbfuck, race matters here.

Yes it does.

Arab muslims VS Arab Christians. Who won? Arab Muslims
Egyptian muslims VS Egyptian Christians. Who won? Egyptian Muslims
Greek/Anatolian muslims VS Greek/Anatolian Christians. Who won? Greek/Anatolian Muslims
Berber muslims VS Berber Christians. Who won? Berber Muslims

In what way does Christianity mog Islam, in becoming tranny loving, childless atheists? and before you answer that, no, the west is not Christian, nor is the material success of the west a result of Chrisitnity. It is a result of distinctly REJECTING christian teachings that led to what we see now. You sound as retarded as a Japanese person creditting Shinto for the success of Japan.

So no argument? concession accepted.

So no argument? concession accepted.

Elaborate what you mean by that, because, based on this alone, you sound like a retarded boomer fuck stuck in 2005 who unironically is delusional enough to think Christianity spread through peace while Islam spread through the sword

View attachment 742152

no u

My point still stands regardless of whether or not you're indian.

Yes, but they are less indian due to having iranian ancestory and arab ancestory.

It means genetics matter

No, I think I do since I've actually lived among Muslims my entire life. Whereas you're a rando who lives in a country where you probably have little to no actual intimate interaction with Msulims.

lol IDGAF your westerness in fact discredits you, dumbass.

Sooooo.... just like any other lower class?

JFL are we talking about the same people here? The same people who dont shit in toilets and have rituals around literal poo and cows? The same people who will kill you for eating beef? JFL JFL JFL Just go on twitter and you'll find endless amounts of pajeets shitting and whining about Muslims. Holy kek, you're an actual braindead nigger if you think Hindu Indians are comparable to Muslim Indians
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Genetically, Brahmins are more Iranian than Indian. So yeah. Like I said, genetics matter.

They didn't absorb shit, nigger. The only reason India is still Hindu is because Muslim rulers had mercy upon them to keep their shitty religion.

Then what did you mean?

And JFL at calling Iraqi bomb blasted shithole as if it isn't like that because of the west. Iraq would be as wealthy and safe as Iraq, or in fact, it would be even richer since we have MORE resources per km2.

Middle upper class.

About what?

Jfl, he really thinks the Congo or Burkino Faso would have invented everything if it had the power of friendship by all being Christian earlier.
Spider Man Lol GIF

When you look at Middle Eastern Christianity, it’s not too different from Islam imo. I think Arabs or some other race would have eventually had an industrial revolution as well, where it was many centuries later or many millennia. The reason the Middle East, India, China, Rome, etc were all so advanced in the past compared to everyone else is because they were in constant contact with one another and traded ideas as well as materials. Europe replicated this by being broken up into many states that all competed with one another. Now compare that to other parts of the world where they were mostly all gobbled up by giant empires.

I think historically places like China (before the Mongols) and Bengal in Mughal India were already in the proto-industrial era and went beyond being just agrarian societies.
Nope, because race matters as well in the by-product of a religion

But hey, I'll entertain your schitzo delusions. World wide, on a global scale, Christians are the biggest supporters of fags, trannies, atheism, materalism, divorce, abortion, econmic sanctions starving people to death, waging wars, etc

and there are more poor Christian countries than Muslim countries. Congo, Angola, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Venuzula, Mexico are all lower by every metric compared to Saudi, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iran, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Indonesia.

European Christians shit on the streets during middle ages for centuries, even though they had access to primitive forms of toilets. JFL there's a reason the black plague impacted them more than it did the Muslims, since Muslims actually kept themselves clean

I said that that pagan influence was 1 aspect. Genetics is also another aspect as to why they are different than MENA Muslims

and good, fucking lord, are you really this fucking retarded? Indian Muslims live around and are influenced by Indian Hindu culture, because Hindus still exist unlike European pagans, whether they want to or not. It's no different than how a Lebanese Muslim will often be influenced by Islam, such as saying salam or inshallah when talking, or how a Christian Greek is different in his mannerisms than a Christian Frank, who is often influenced by atheistm/secularism

It's not a matter of not being able to do it, since we see how easily Islam wiped out paganism in Arabia and Egypt, it's a matter of not being genocidal like Christian Europeans were in their ways of converting European pagans. In Islam, non-Muslims are given the right to follow their religions, Christians never offered this mercy to non-Christians, aside from Jews of course JFL

Transform in what way, nigger? How was Christian Africa "uniformely transformed"? Christian Latin America? Even your "Christian" west (because the west really has never been christian), is full of materalism, abortion, divorce, broken families, sexual abuse, war mongering, and racism.

Christian Europeans were living in filth for centuries until they rejected Christianity and embraced Greco-Roman thought. They spent centuries fighting among each other about which christian sect is true. JFL. And let's not act like Islamic theology also didn't have a massive role on Christianity, something a lot of Christcucks love to deny

and of course, there's this.
View attachment 742166

Like, holy fuck, @Copexodius Maximus look at this nigger trying to credit all the "good" in the west to Christianity. He's like someone who came straight out of the 90s. He genuinley sounds like a boomer who unironically deludes themselves to think christianity is the reason for western success, JFLLLL I can't stop laughing at this dumb fuck :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

@K9Otaku if you feel like sifting through the garbage bag I have opened with these two ass clowns, go ahead, but I think you and I have both tried all we can on the topics of Christianity, Islam, India, and "Science". These guys are so edgelord schizo that it doesn't matter what one says to them. So I give up.


@Copexodius Maximus 's summation breakdown:

"Muh Science is Greek and technology + innovation just happens because Will Power + Greece. Muh science destroys Christianity"

@Made in Heaven 's summation breakdown:
"Islam would have succeeded more than Christianity in this place IF something something, Islam would have succeeded more than Christianity in that place if something something, Saudi Arabia is boss.

It's just too much of a minefield to navigate with you two morons.

@Made in Heaven - I double down on my claim. In fact, while America has extended its resources in wrong directions many times (Drug war and trying to uncorrupt Mexico, fighting drug cartels etc) if all Iraqi Muslims would have just laid down and accepted America, maybe then Iraq could have become a nice place. A travel destination. Like cities in South India, or even UAE style. You are just seething because you know that could have been true. But I won't pretend to know your Turk/Iraqi mind as well as I understand that Kike idiot and his worship of "Muh Science".
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In fact, and I need you to read this part carefully, all of MENA could easily be Saudi-tier in terms of their safetey and wealth if outside forces didn't constantly subvert and destroy our countries. We have more than enough oil, minerals, fertile land, and tourist attractions to easily be well off. Saudi is safer than america, france, britain, canada, etc etc etc. All other MENA countries could be similar to Saudis if it wasn't for western savagery. So no, our "disasters" have fuck all to do with Islam.
Giga cope.

"Outside forces" my ass. This is like niggers pretending Africa is a shithole because of colonization.

From 1945 until 2003, America did not intervene in the ME. Of course, there was Israel, but it is tiny and it did not affect its neighbors apart from resisting invasion attempts (which all failed ridiculously quickly).

All the while, what did Arab/Muslim countries do? They tried to create a federal state between Egypt and Syria and it failed quickly and miserably. Why weren't the big Arab states of Egypt, Iraq and Syria unable to unite? If they had wanted to, nothing stopped them from doing so.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and the other gulf states prospered because they were on good terms with the US.

In this period, there were two options for the Middle East. Either unite and become a world power or accept European/American help. The petromonarchies did the latter. The rest of the ME failed to do the former. They stayed poor and divided.

I think that this is the bottom line: Islam promotes division. Muslims are in fact too cocky to accept to work with one another in practice.
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What? Rice? Where did you get that impression? Nah bud. I'm curry ethnically.. You know that..come on.
lmfao why did you lie to me and say you're american? lmao at this curry monkey lying about his race? Do you hate being indian that much that you have to resort to such lies?
"Islam would have succeeded more than Christianity in this place IF something something, Islam would have succeeded more than Christianity in that place if something something, Saudi Arabia is boss.
That's just the reality, dumb curry. When Christians are the same race as Muslims, they lose. It is the genetic superiority of Whites that enabled them to succeed, and like Copexodius Maximus said, Christianity merely hitch hiked upon European success. Like I said before, you sound like a blathering moron, as retarded as a Japanese person credditting Shintoism with the success of Japan.
I double down on my claim.
I know you do because you're a fucking retard
In fact, while America has extended its resources in wrong directions many times (Drug war and trying to uncorrupt Mexico, fighting drug cartels etc)
America is not christian, you mind broken curry fucktard. Get that through your teeny tiny skull
if all Iraqi Muslims would have just laid down and accepted America
"accepted" America? wtf does that even mean? Accepted what? Being invaded?

"laid down". LMFAO did this shitskin just say to "lay down" for an enemy invasion? I'm sorry currynigger, I get that your docile dalit slave-like brain can't understand this, but we're not cuckholds who lick the feet of our invaders like your pathetic kind.

>bro, if you dont want your country blown by bombs, your children poisoned by uranium, sanctions that will lead to 1000s dying, and your women raped, just accept being invaded bro!


maybe then Iraq could have become a nice place. A travel destination. Like cities in South India, or even UAE style.
Iraq was already a nice place prior to American invasions, it was a country with a growing economy and had a very strong value in it's dinar. It was on it's way up, before being abrubtley stopped by the west. Iraq has just as much oil as Saudi and thus would have been just as rich. On top of that, Iraq has access to water, fertile farm land, better weather, and easier terrain to travel on.
You are just seething because you know that could have been true.
Yes, and the reason that is not true is because of western invasions and attacking/subverting us.
But I won't pretend to know your Turk/Iraqi mind
It's not like your 81 IQ indian brain can comprehend the higher IQ of a Turk
as well as I understand that Kike idiot and his worship of "Muh Science".
Your god is a kike you dumb fuck

Giga cope.
No u
"Outside forces" my ass. This is like niggers pretending Africa is a shithole because of colonization.
Shitty comparison by a long shot and it isn't even funny that you would make the comparison. MENA have had some of the most ancient and succesful civilizations from the Babylonians, Akkadians, Phoenicians, Nabateans, Persians, Egyptians, and Hittites. In the middle ages, we had Andalusia, Ummayads, Abbasides, Ottomans, Sasanids, etc. In fact, MENAs are the only group to ever compete with Europeans in any meaningful capacity and succeed, such as fucking up the French crusaders. JFL at your dumbass comparing us to niggers.

And 2nd, it's a shit comparison because we have succesful MENA countries. Turkey, Kuwait, Saudi, Oman, Bahrain, UAE are all some of the best places to live, where are the SSA countries that are like this? Even Iran, despite global sanctions, still functions far better than most African countries. That is a testament to the strength of Iranians.
From 1945 until 2003, America did not intervene in the ME.
America is not the only western power, you stupid fuckwad. There was still British and French, and you're wrong anyways, they did intervene, maybe not militarily, but definitley economically.
Of course, there was Israel
>noooo israel doesn't count because uuuuuuhhhhh...... shiiiiiiieeeeeet


but it is tiny
Why would size matter in this regard?
and it did not affect its neighbors
JFL. Just fucking lol.
apart from resisting invasion attempts (which all failed ridiculously quickly).
>please just ignore that israel is basically a military base for America in MENA to mantain their hegemony indirectly

All the while, what did Arab/Muslim countries do? They tried to create a federal state between Egypt and Syria and it failed quickly and miserably. Why weren't the big Arab states of Egypt, Iraq and Syria unable to unite? If they had wanted to, nothing stopped them from doing so.
Egypt was a military dictatorship under the thumb of the british/french, as was Iraq for some time. the lebanese government was directly put in place by the French. I dont know why you want to lie through your teeth, as if these newly-created countries that didnt even fucking exist priot to WW1 somehow didn't have massive influence from western powers with puppet governments no different than what Saddam was.

Like JFL the western powers just got done dismantling and dividing up the ottoman empire, the in fact wanted MORE of Anatolian land until the Turks kicked their teeth in and told European powers to fuck off, but you're so totally right, I'm sure the benevolent white man definitley removed his fingers from meddling in MENA countries as soon as they were done with the Ottoman empire, I'm sure they had no reason or motive to continue further fucking up MENA, especially with the discovery of oil and their obsession with spreading globohomo liberalism

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and the other gulf states prospered because they were on good terms with the US.
So you acknowledge western powers will fuck over anyone who doesn't bend the knee to them? Good to know.
In this period, there were two options for the Middle East. Either unite and become a world power or accept European/American help. The petromonarchies did the latter. The rest of the ME failed to do the former. They stayed poor and divided.
Division in MENA was caused by Europeans created aritifical, fabricated borders, plus, the demolishment and rejection of ruling through Islamic principles, hence why things like socialism and communism taking root in some countries. And of course, like puppet rulers like King Faisal I who would have served their interests.
I think that this is the bottom line: Islam promotes division. Muslims are in fact too cocky to accept to work with one another in practice.
>Islam promotes division

lmao this has got to be one of the BIGGEST and most outlandish things I've ever heard, as there is nothing that is the exact opposite of this. Islam has long unified Muslims throughout history, you pointing out newly formed secular states under the rule of the west after the fall of the Ottoman empire as your proof is most pitiable. Arabs, Persians, Greeks, Egyptians, Jewish, Berber, and Spanish muslims have long long worked side by side for centuries just fine, the fact that you want to take the period of 1940s-1950s as evidence that Islam "cEven reading the rudimentary history pages of syria/egypt in this era makes it abundantley clear that the struggles these states faced at that time were economic, political, military focused and had little to nothing to do with Islam "causing division"auses division" when this period of MENA history was chalk full of foriegn, NON-Islamic ideologies being introduced to MENA countries, your brain needs to stop leeking out of your ears.
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Ohh I see. Nah bruh. I'm not a Christian. I don't know why it's been so tough for some members on this site (some get it though), to understand the following:

1. I'm not an Indian, I just live in India.

A) Indian (in the general sense) refers to mostly a Nationality. It can also refer to a vague group of ethnicity.

B) If you mean ethnicity you need to specify that: I am Southeast Asian or SEA, and within that Dravidian + Maratha Brahmin, I guess.

2. I am not a Christian. I would say, I like some parts of Christianity, and hence am advocating for them in debate..so thats that.

3. I am an American. America refers to a Nationality and not a race, creed or religion.
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lmfao why did you lie to me and say you're american? lmao at this curry monkey lying about his race?
Dude WHAT.THE.FUCK.? Lie to you? I AM American. Why do you brain damaged retards have such a hard time understanding this. American is NOT a race, it's a Nationality! I'm not an "Indian". In fact, not even culturally, by standards of real Indians who spent their lives from birth in India. But that's more complicated to explain. But I am ethnically a SEA person. Dravidian, South-Indian (as some call it).

No - American means a citizen of AMERICA only. Every American has a background ethnicity, true but you didn't ask about that. Are you ESL?

The slang curry refers to an ethnicity. I am curry, yes. Never said I wasn't. Are you so fucking stupid that you think a person can't be curry and American at the same time?

Do you hate being indian that much that you have to resort to such lies?
Do I hate being Indian? Mofo, I am an American who was born and raised in America, and then I MOVED to India. No I don't "hate it" at all in that sense. There are of course unlucky draw backs hurled at me genetically, by nature, and I'm not too happy with that (like any curry on this site) but otherwise, I've benefitted in several key ways by having a background ethnicity.
That's just the reality, dumb curry.
What reality?
When Christians are the same race as Muslims, they lose. It is the genetic superiority of Whites that enabled them to succeed, and like Copexodius Maximus said, Christianity merely hitch hiked upon European success.
I don't know if I agree with this theory. The genetic superiority of whites? I mean, there were good looking healthy people in large numbers in the places you describe also so, I'm not sure of this at all.
Like I said before, you sound like a blathering moron, as retarded as a Japanese person credditting Shintoism with the success of Japan.
And you sound like a confused little Iraqi whose seething at the Western world.
I know you do because you're a fucking retard.
I do because you are a weak anime worshipping faggot who should be purged from the website but...oh well. Seeth more!
America is not christian, you mind broken curry fucktard. Get that through your teeny tiny skull.
It was.
"accepted" America? wtf does that even mean? Accepted what? Being invaded?
Being improved upon as a Nation and region, yes ! It wasn't hell, but it wasn't good under Sadam either.
"laid down". LMFAO did this shitskin just say to "lay down" for an enemy invasion? I'm sorry currynigger, I get that your docile dalit slave-like brain can't understand this, but we're not cuckholds who lick the feet of our invaders like your pathetic kind.
Yes you should. And since you didn't, your people suffer. Hindus did too. They were weak militarily and in fighting physically so they did the next smart strategy and as a result India mogs the FUCK out of Iraq. Before and after Saddam.
>bro, if you dont want your country blown by bombs, your children poisoned by uranium, sanctions that will lead to 1000s dying, and your women raped, just accept being invaded bro!

View attachment 742360.
Fuck yeah !
Iraq was already a nice place prior to American invasions, it was a country with a growing economy and had a very strong value in it's dinar. It was on it's way up, before being abrubtley stopped by the west. Iraq has just as much oil as Saudi and thus would have been just as rich. On top of that, Iraq has access to water, fertile farm land, better weather, and easier terrain to travel on.
Some of this is true. But, why would Iraq want to join with its neighbor states or be helped by big bro U.S. and make the whole thing mutually beneficial like India does? Histories being a bit different and sentimentalities aside, I think the Iraqis who fought back after the Hussain region ended were idiots. After that point, yes America should have realised quicker their errors, cut and run faster. But it's hard to say what would have happened if they had. Maybe Abu Musab -al- Zarqawi would have birthed little edgelords like you and then...shit, it's real bad. Kem.
Yes, and the reason that is not true is because of western invasions and attacking/subverting us.
Hmmm. Which invasions are you referring to, previous to operation Iraqi freedom? Lol.
It's not like your 81 IQ indian brain can comprehend the higher IQ of a Turk
It's true, a recent study showed that Indians have small brains, 1/24th smaller than a caucasians. Buuuuut I don't think that is in play here. I'm pretty sure you are an NPC Iraqi dumbfuck of the typical variety of genZ twat.
Your god is a kike you dumb fuck

View attachment 742359
I have no problem if he was born a Jew. And I don't take this part of Christianity literally. Like Jesus magic man rise from grave stuffs.
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Some of this is true. But, why would Iraq want to join with its neighbor states or be helped by big bro U.S. and make the whole thing mutually beneficial like India does?
Typo: "would" = "wouldn't"

Typo: "Hussain region" = "Hussain regime"
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Shitty comparison by a long shot and it isn't even funny that you would make the comparison. MENA have had some of the most ancient and succesful civilizations from the Babylonians, Akkadians, Phoenicians, Nabateans, Persians, Egyptians, and Hittites. In the middle ages, we had Andalusia, Ummayads, Abbasides, Ottomans, Sasanids, etc. In fact, MENAs are the only group to ever compete with Europeans in any meaningful capacity and succeed, such as fucking up the French crusaders. JFL at your dumbass comparing us to niggers.
We wuz kings and shiet! Lol


And 2nd, it's a shit comparison because we have succesful MENA countries. Turkey, Kuwait, Saudi, Oman, Bahrain, UAE
All of them allies of the United States.

Even Iran, despite global sanctions, still functions far better than most African countries. That is a testament to the strength of Iranians.
You know that Iranians have only scorn for Arabs, right? And that their "Islam" is a kind of idolatry of Ali ...

Why would size matter in this regard?
Because being humiliated repeatedly by a tiny adversary does not make arab armies look good, does it?

please just ignore that israel is basically a military base for America in MENA to mantain their hegemony indirectly
Not true. American bases are in Djibouti, Kuwait (formerly Saudi Arabia) and Turkey. All muslim states. They share intel with and provide weapons to Israel but they have no bases there.

Egypt was a military dictatorship under the thumb of the british/french
Nope. It was a monarchy back then. It became a military dictatorship under Nasser, after the Brits left.

as was Iraq for some time.
Also a monarchy (same family as now Jordan)

the lebanese government was directly put in place by the French.
So ? What prevented you from toppling it when the French were gone? Like always, division ...

I dont know why you want to lie through your teeth, as if these newly-created countries that didnt even fucking exist priot to WW1 somehow didn't have massive influence from western powers with puppet governments no different than what Saddam was.
Saddam was certainly not under Western influence. 90% of his weapons came from the USSR.

Division in MENA was caused by Europeans created aritifical, fabricated borders,
What is preventing you from redrawing these borders ? The United States of America managed to unite after fighting off the British. Why did not the ME manage to do the same?

plus, the demolishment and rejection of ruling through Islamic principles,
That was entirely up to you. If you want Islam, you can have it, as long as you don't attack others.

hence why things like socialism and communism taking root in some countries.
You chose that crap. It is certainly not the US that encouraged you

And of course, like puppet rulers like King Faisal I who would have served their interests.
When the Iraqis or the Egyptians kicked out their kings, the Western powers did nothing.

>Islam promotes division

lmao this has got to be one of the BIGGEST and most outlandish things I've ever heard, as there is nothing that is the exact opposite of this. Islam has long unified Muslims throughout history, you pointing out newly formed secular states under the rule of the west after the fall of the Ottoman empire as your proof is most pitiable. Arabs, Persians, Greeks, Egyptians, Jewish, Berber, and Spanish muslims have long long worked side by side for centuries just fine, the fact that you want to take the period of 1940s-1950s as evidence that Islam "cEven reading the rudimentary history pages of syria/egypt in this era makes it abundantley clear that the struggles these states faced at that time were economic, political, military focused and had little to nothing to do with Islam "causing division"auses division" when this period of MENA history was chalk full of foriegn, NON-Islamic ideologies being introduced to MENA countries, your brain needs to stop leeking out of your ears.
Yeah and did you like the Ottomans? No, you did not. But you were unable to organize when they were gone.

Why did you not unite and create something new after the Western Powers left in 1945? Indeed you tried, with the union between Egypt and Syria. Yet it failed. Why? Because Islam makes you unable to cooperate unless a mega dictator kicks your butt and forces you to bend your stiff muslim necks. It was the same throughout history. Unless a ruthless Caliph or king ruled you, you were divided. Muslims can only be ruled through fear. That is why the Crusaders were able to take Jerusalem so easily in 1099. You were divided once again. With Islam, it has always been fitna after fitna after fitna. Historians just stopped counting after the third.

That is why, more recently, you had guys like Nasser, the Assad family and Saddam Hussein. That is the kind of guy you need to keep you in line.
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We wuz kings and shiet! Lol

Yep, and it is evidence that MENA does have the genetic capacity to be good, civilized, and function well, it is western powers that often prevent these things from happening. Unlike your kind, who funnily enough, have a ruling class genetically closer to Iranians-anatolians lmao

All of them allies of the United States.
That just proves my point.
You know that Iranians have only scorn for Arabs, right?
And that their "Islam" is a kind of idolatry of Ali ...
Iranians have been Shia since the 1600s iirc, not their entire existence
Because being humiliated repeatedly by a tiny adversary does not make arab armies look good, does it?
Israel is not a tiny advesary, it is one of America's key allies, if not it's most important ally in MENA.
Not true. American bases are in Djibouti, Kuwait (formerly Saudi Arabia) and Turkey. All muslim states. They share intel with and provide weapons to Israel but they have no bases there.
Israel has a massive hold on American politics and foreign policy, it is indeed an American base in everything but name, you deluded bluepilled nigger. Why do you think so many right wingers hate jews?
Nope. It was a monarchy back then. It became a military dictatorship under Nasser, after the Brits left.
Back when? what time are you refering to? When egypt and syria tried to become one state, which is what YOU mentioned, it was indeed a military dictatorship under british/french rule.

And the british never leave. They simply force policies on countries to their advantage.
Also a monarchy (same family as now Jordan)
Yep, a monarchy whose head was a puppet placed by the west to serve their interests
So ? What prevented you from toppling it when the French were gone? Like always, division ...
Ah yes, "just topple a government, bro!" as if toppling a government held up by the French empire is something that easy to do.

And, once more, you show your sheer, utter stupidity. Expected of an indian nigger. The French being PHYSICALLY gone does not mean they dont have influence over the country still, baby brained monkey. Just like how the French still have a economic grip on NW African countries.
Saddam was certainly not under Western influence. 90% of his weapons came from the USSR.
Snow niggers are all "western".
What is preventing you from redrawing these borders ?
Many factors, such as desire for resources, land, wealth, and political power by the various leaders of these nations, but the bottom line is, these borders were initially drawn by outsiders looking to sow division and chaos in the region, and one of the means by which they did this was by drawing these borders.
The United States of America managed to unite after fighting off the British. Why did not the ME manage to do the same?
Vastly different context and time periods, one took place in the 1770s, the other in the 1990s. And like I said MENA countries do not have full independance from Britain/West. Maybe Turkey does at most, but even that's stretching it.

And the Americans were still British racially at the end of the day, you yourself would be delusional, more so than you usually are, were you to deny the fact that race played a part in this.
That was entirely up to you. If you want Islam, you can have it
No, it isn't. Western powers made sure to demolish the Caliphate, explicitly made it a mission to subvert Islamic unity, and put actual effort into liberalizing the lands that were under colonial rule.
as long as you don't attack others.
Who has been attacking who, you dumb curry nigger? Ever since the fall of the Ottoman empire, it has exclusively been Europeans/christians attackin MENA/Muslims.
You chose that crap. It is certainly not the US that encouraged you
Both ideologies are foreign, ergo, no, we did not.
When the Iraqis or the Egyptians kicked out their kings, the Western powers did nothing.
They were preoccupied with other factors like WW2 and cold war during this time, so it's natural they dont have total control.
Yeah and did you like the Ottomans? No, you did not.
Yes, we did.
But you were unable to organize when they were gone.
A newly formed country will naturally have to go through some form of turmoil before establishing proper governments. Nothing new or special.
Why did you not unite and create something new after the Western Powers left in 1945?
They never left. Israel exists, and as long as it does, it is a testament to the west wanting hegemony in MENA
Indeed you tried, with the union between Egypt and Syria. Yet it failed. Why? Because Islam makes you unable to cooperate unless a mega dictator kicks your butt and forces you to bend your stiff muslim necks. It was the same throughout history. Unless a ruthless Caliph or king ruled you, you were divided. Muslims can only be ruled through fear. That is why the Crusaders were able to take Jerusalem so easily in 1099. You were divided once again. With Islam, it has always been fitna after fitna after fitna. Historians just stopped counting after the third.

That is why, more recently, you had guys like Nasser, the Assad family and Saddam Hussein. That is the kind of guy you need to keep you in line.
Curry fanfiction. I know how much you niggers are buttblasted to the moon and back about Muslims ruling your asses for 900 years, and even now, the lot of you are a slave cast to the Arabs you talk shit about, go on twitter any time and you'll see if full of currys crying just like you about Arabs and Islam, all the while living in gulf countries in shit conditions, coping with your subhuman shitskinned blood, but please, for the love of your cow god, there's no need to make up fantasies in your head. The narrative you're trying to push here about Arabs needing dictators to "keep them in line" is nothing short of an excuse as to why the west is "justified" in invading us every other decade, no different than what happened to Gadafi in libya

1. Already addressed the egypt and syria bit
2. Islam has long enabled cooperation between various Muslim ethicities. to claim otherwise is historically illiterate.
3. Ruthlessness/dictators were never a factor in needing Muslims to function. Once again, nothing short of historical illiteracy
4. The crusades were a failure. Way to show off your sheer stupidity. Another example of being a historylet.
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Dude WHAT.THE.FUCK.? Lie to you? I AM American. Why do you brain damaged retards have such a hard time understanding this. American is NOT a race, it's a Nationality! I'm not an "Indian". In fact, not even culturally, by standards of real Indians who spent their lives from birth in India. But that's more complicated to explain. But I am ethnically a SEA person. Dravidian, South-Indian (as some call it).

No - American means a citizen of AMERICA only. Every American has a background ethnicity, true but you didn't ask about that. Are you ESL?

The slang curry refers to an ethnicity. I am curry, yes. Never said I wasn't. Are you so fucking stupid that you think a person can't be curry and American at the same time?
You are Indian
Do I hate being Indian?
Mofo, I am an American who was born and raised in America, and then I MOVED to India.
So that you wouldn't be mogged
No I don't "hate it" at all in that sense. There are of course unlucky draw backs hurled at me genetically, by nature, and I'm not too happy with that (like any curry on this site) but otherwise, I've benefitted in several key ways by having a background ethnicity.
Like what? I do know curries tend to hire each other, but thats like the only benefit that comes with being curry
What reality?
Genetic race realism
I don't know if I agree with this theory. The genetic superiority of whites? I mean, there were good looking healthy people in large numbers in the places you describe also so, I'm not sure of this at all.
Whites are genetically superior, let's not start deluding ourselves here. Even the Indian upper castes are genetically closer to Iranians, anatolians, and greeks as compared to the lower castes

And you sound like a confused little Iraqi whose seething at the Western world.
That makes the two of us then.
I do because you are a weak anime worshipping faggot who should be purged from the website but...oh well. Seeth more!
JFL. the founding fathers were running away from religion and explicity had contempt for a state religion. Please, dont be like that Kotaku whateever the fuck his name is, learn history before opening your mouth. America was never a christian state in it's principles or ruling
Being improved upon as a Nation and region, yes !
We dont need American presence/influence in Iraq to "improve". Iraq has plenty of high IQ people and natural resources to fend for itself.

Genuine question: Are you seriously so bluepilled that you think America was in Iraq to help us? Get the fuck out of here. They were their for their own bullshit interests, which is why they fucking lied about Saddam having WMD.
It wasn't hell, but it wasn't good under Sadam either.
It would have been even better if left to it's own devices as well.
Yes you should.
And since you didn't, your people suffer.
>bro you suffered because you resisted the invaders bro
>just roll over and accept being subjugated

You truly were right when you said you could not understand the mind of an Iraqi-turk like myself. The indian brain is far more accustumed to a slave-like docile role in life after all.
Hindus did too. They were weak militarily and in fighting physically so they did the next smart strategy and as a result
And what was that smart strategy?
India mogs the FUCK out of Iraq. Before and after Saddam.

Fuck yeah !
What a fucking cuck. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you are an indian after all, all your people have ever known is being conquered by outside forces and taking it up the ass rather than fighting back.
Some of this is true. But, why would Iraq want to join with its neighbor states or be helped by big bro U.S. and make the whole thing mutually beneficial like India does? Histories being a bit different and sentimentalities aside, I think the Iraqis who fought back after the Hussain region ended were idiots. After that point, yes America should have realised quicker their errors, cut and run faster. But it's hard to say what would have happened if they had. Maybe Abu Musab -al- Zarqawi would have birthed little edgelords like you and then...shit, it's real bad. Kem.
Yes, there are multiple factors tp take into account when assessing historical events and what could or should have happened. I dont deny that. However, the bottom line is this, my main point is this:

Iraq, even in it's current state, has the same amount of oil percentage wise as Saudi, on top of having a better climate, better farm land, better rainfall, and better genetics. There is no logical reason as to why Iraq could not have been as succesful as Saudi is, were it not for the turmoil it faced due to western influence (be it direct or indirect) throughout the 80s-90s and even now.

And JFL when did "big bro US" want to help Iraq? Are you saying that just to get me mad?
Hmmm. Which invasions are you referring to, previous to operation Iraqi freedom? Lol.
the fact that you even refer to it as iraqi freedom makes me seethe lmao. But I am referring to the general invasion of MENA, such as the french in lebanon or british in iraq. It is also delusional to act like one country being invaded would not affect it's neighbors, just like how now we see the Ukraine war, where Ukraine being invaded has caused many domino affects to happen in east europe and on a global scale.
It's true, a recent study showed that Indians have small brains, 1/24th smaller than a caucasians. Buuuuut I don't think that is in play here. I'm pretty sure you are an NPC Iraqi dumbfuck of the typical variety of genZ twat.
Me being a dumbfuck or not has nothing to do with Indians being dumber than iraqis/turks
I have no problem if he was born a Jew. And I don't take this part of Christianity literally. Like Jesus magic man rise from grave stuffs.
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Yep, and it is evidence that MENA does have the genetic capacity to be good, civilized, and function well, it is western powers that often prevent these things from happening. Unlike your kind, who funnily enough, have a ruling class genetically closer to Iranians-anatolians lmao

That just proves my point.


Iranians have been Shia since the 1600s iirc, not their entire existence

Israel is not a tiny advesary, it is one of America's key allies, if not it's most important ally in MENA.

Israel has a massive hold on American politics and foreign policy, it is indeed an American base in everything but name, you deluded bluepilled nigger. Why do you think so many right wingers hate jews?

Back when? what time are you refering to? When egypt and syria tried to become one state, which is what YOU mentioned, it was indeed a military dictatorship under british/french rule.

And the british never leave. They simply force policies on countries to their advantage.

Yep, a monarchy whose head was a puppet placed by the west to serve their interests

Ah yes, "just topple a government, bro!" as if toppling a government held up by the French empire is something that easy to do.

And, once more, you show your sheer, utter stupidity. Expected of an indian nigger. The French being PHYSICALLY gone does not mean they dont have influence over the country still, baby brained monkey. Just like how the French still have a economic grip on NW African countries.

Snow niggers are all "western".

Many factors, such as desire for resources, land, wealth, and political power by the various leaders of these nations, but the bottom line is, these borders were initially drawn by outsiders looking to sow division and chaos in the region, and one of the means by which they did this was by drawing these borders.

Vastly different context and time periods, one took place in the 1770s, the other in the 1990s. And like I said MENA countries do not have full independance from Britain/West. Maybe Turkey does at most, but even that's stretching it.

And the Americans were still British racially at the end of the day, you yourself would be delusional, more so than you usually are, were you to deny the fact that race played a part in this.

No, it isn't. Western powers made sure to demolish the Caliphate, explicitly made it a mission to subvert Islamic unity, and put actual effort into liberalizing the lands that were under colonial rule.

Who has been attacking who, you dumb curry nigger? Ever since the fall of the Ottoman empire, it has exclusively been Europeans/christians attackin MENA/Muslims.

Both ideologies are foreign, ergo, no, we did not.

They were preoccupied with other factors like WW2 and cold war during this time, so it's natural they dont have total control.

Yes, we did.

A newly formed country will naturally have to go through some form of turmoil before establishing proper governments. Nothing new or special.

They never left. Israel exists, and as long as it does, it is a testament to the west wanting hegemony in MENA

Curry fanfiction. I know how much you niggers are buttblasted to the moon and back about Muslims ruling your asses for 900 years, and even now, the lot of you are a slave cast to the Arabs you talk shit about, go on twitter any time and you'll see if full of currys crying just like you about Arabs and Islam, all the while living in gulf countries in shit conditions, coping with your subhuman shitskinned blood, but please, for the love of your cow god, there's no need to make up fantasies in your head. The narrative you're trying to push here about Arabs needing dictators to "keep them in line" is nothing short of an excuse as to why the west is "justified" in invading us every other decade, no different than what happened to Gadafi in libya

1. Already addressed the egypt and syria bit
2. Islam has long enabled cooperation between various Muslim ethicities. to claim otherwise is historically illiterate.
3. Ruthlessness/dictators were never a factor in needing Muslims to function. Once again, nothing short of historical illiteracy
4. The crusades were a failure. Way to show off your sheer stupidity. Another example of being a historylet.
First off, I am not curry. I am 1/2 Jap, 1/2 French.

Second off, all of the above is just the usual sand nigger excuse for not standing on their own 2 feet and working together. Yes sure it is only the great Satan and the little Satan that are keeping you down. Keep coping man.
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You are Indian.
I am American.
No way. There are people who dislike their Indian apperance, and I might be one of them, but that doesn't mean I hate India or sharing a cultural background with them.
So that you wouldn't be mogged.
Of course. That is one of the key reasons. I am no great success at all, it's true. Although you will only be able to think of "being mogged" in a redpilled NPC sort of way. In a mental health or spiritual sort of way, one needs to first clear out all the confusing elements in order to arrive at a peace of mind sort of mental state.
Like what?
Like utilising the fact that I can be granted a permanent stay in a country where my earings in dollars are almost tripled instead of having to rot in a decreasing economic state where I wageslave or die. It's called leveraging your situation and I (unlike you because you are Iraqi scum) actually had a somewhat privileged situation to take advantage of, so I did it. It's called savoy.
I do know curries tend to hire each other, but thats like the only benefit that comes with being curry.
No you Iraqi simpleton. I mean in a practical manner. I have a privilege and I used it. It's not about curries hiring curries. I don't even work in any capacity that fits that definition. Only an idiot like you would think that's the only benefit. The benefit of being an Indian-American (just like an Israeli-Americsn) is that your ancestral country gives you a permanent visa.
Genetic race realism.
Wtf? No dumbass.
Whites are genetically superior, let's not start deluding ourselves here. Even the Indian upper castes are genetically closer to Iranians, anatolians, and greeks as compared to the lower castes.
You worship the white man. Full stop.
What the fuck? I'm not genetically closer to whites cause I'm Brahmin. Lol. I am more psychologically closer to whites cause I'm a Westerner. You are confusing things. As usual. Category mistakes.
That makes the two of us then.
No. I have in the past had the same problem you have (worship of the white man via various mechanisms) but I am much less sick than you. As you can see, I have no problem admitting that Western civilization rose to better heights for certain reasons. Your reasons still all center around your worship of white dick. I have both critisism and compliments of the Western culture in my rehetoric. You have frustration and envy bleeding out of yours.

JFL. the founding fathers were running away from religion and explicity had contempt for a state religion. Please, dont be like that Kotaku whateever the fuck his name is, learn history before opening your mouth. America was never a christian state in it's principles or ruling.
This is not at all true. They didn't openly acknowledge that Christianity is what makes them function so well, but some of the founding members maybe knew that it was. Hard to say, I don't know. Also, it's not about having Christianity be a state religion. It was probably their hope that Christianity would do it's thing in the background and that they could then work on Law and Sovereignty in the foreground. It worked that way through several major periods of American history. It failed in the end, but so has everything else. It also succeeded more than the rest did for a time.
We dont need American presence/influence in Iraq to "improve". Iraq has plenty of high IQ people and natural resources to fend for itself.
Now of course it's too late. You did need it, and could have benefitted from it. Problem is Christianity had already (mostly) failed by the time all this Iraq invasion stuff started. So the White man was already battling himself with contradicting views and efforts. Nothing was going to work. However I believe that if the Iraqis had welcomed it and just let it happen, we may have come to know a somewhat different Syria-Iraq-Iran region.
Genuine question: Are you seriously so bluepilled that you think America was in Iraq to help us? Get the fuck out of here. They were their for their own bullshit interests, which is why they fucking lied about Saddam having WMD.
No I don't think that anything under the surface is that simple. The reasons given are never the reasons people have. But all the same, cooperation and acceptance may have seen the region benefitted. Sadly, all parties were malfunctioning.. So naturally, it turned into a shit-show.
It would have been even better if left to it's own devices as well.
Not even better. It would have stayed in a more or less medicore state most likely. It's true that the invasion of Iraq was a failure, but again, I believe that's because American progressivism had already infected people's thinking on all fronts.
No you.
>bro you suffered because you resisted the invaders bro
>just roll over and accept being subjugated.
Yes. Again, if America wasn't malfunctioning and only the good parts were going to be applied to Iraq, then yes, roll over, stfu and accept it!
You truly were right when you said you could not understand the mind of an Iraqi-turk like myself. The indian brain is far more accustumed to a slave-like docile role in life after all.
Well like I said before, the Hindus were weak militarily, but the Brahmins compensated by making the best of the already inevitable position India was always going to be in. It's not a 1st world country, but its decent. Especially for all its flaws, it's a nice place for a Western wanting to escape the decay in Western culture to be able to go if they should have the privilege.
And what was that smart strategy?
Asked and answered above.
You are not getting the point and resorting to using pictures of low caste poor people to make jokes. I can show you pictures of massive improvement and development in India and in its economic value/output. You would just cry and claim that's not real but you know it is. Iraqis who get the chance to study medicine in India RUN HERE in droves! I know a couple who would smack you in the face with logic for claiming it's not a better opportunity for them than rotting where you are and going nowhere.
What a fucking cuck. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you are an indian after all, all your people have ever known is being conquered by outside forces and taking it up the ass rather than fighting back.
You are just butt hurt because K9 defeated you in points debate, and because I'm flaunting my savoy in achieving peace of mind over you and your "muh great Iraqi" situation. That's my guess. I am doing it because you came an asshole on objective points. Don't cope. Iraq is a shithole compared to India and America. And for all intents in purposes, I represent both. You are envious of that and likely hate me for it.
Yes, there are multiple factors tp take into account when assessing historical events and what could or should have happened. I dont deny that. However, the bottom line is this, my main point is this:

Iraq, even in it's current state, has the same amount of oil percentage wise as Saudi, on top of having a better climate, better farm land, better rainfall, and better genetics. There is no logical reason as to why Iraq could not have been as succesful as Saudi is, were it not for the turmoil it faced due to western influence (be it direct or indirect) throughout the 80s-90s and even now.
We can't opine much on what never was. Although it's unlikely Iraq would have become a place Westerns and Easterns alike would have wanted to visit, if it stayed the course, even without the American interference. I could be wrong, and I am willing to account for the fact I don't know for sure. What I gave you was my belief. That's all.
And JFL when did "big bro US" want to help Iraq? Are you saying that just to get me mad?
No. I wasn't. I didn't even/remember know you were Iraqi when I made my initial points. Again Mr. Edgelord, I'm staring my belief.
the fact that you even refer to it as iraqi freedom makes me seethe lmao.
Yeah I know you are. Operation Iraqi Freedom was fine as an idea on paper. Even though Bush junior ruined the success of his father's legacy in terms of truly "helping" a place (like they did with Kuwait), because the underlying global business interests could have come together and made it work one way or the other to better than region. Sadly that didn't happen. Again I blame that on Westerners no longer being Christian in the true sense.
But I am referring to the general invasion of MENA, such as the french in lebanon or british in iraq. It is also delusional to act like one country being invaded would not affect it's neighbors, just like how now we see the Ukraine war, where Ukraine being invaded has caused many domino affects to happen in east europe and on a global scale.
Yeah buddy. I never said it wouldn't effect. I'm merely saying the effect may have been positive if all involved parties weren't a cultural mess in some way or the other.
Me being a dumbfuck or not has nothing to do with Indians being dumber than iraqis/turks.
You have no evidence of this in any material way. For an educated Indian and an educated Iraqi, do you?
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You know that Iranians have only scorn for Arabs, right?

Iranians look down on Arabs as "primitive". Ouch.

This is typical sand nigger head-in-the-sand attitude. Denying something that can be checked in seconds ...
Brutal how Christianity is associated with whites when it's a sand religion like Islam

Sort of like how Buddhism is associated with East Asians even though it originated in India
Sort of like how Buddhism is associated with East Asians even though it originated in India
First off, I am not curry. I am 1/2 Jap, 1/2 French.
>a fucking hapa

Rip my man, I am so sorry. Let me guess, your dad is white? JFL
Second off, all of the above is just the usual sand nigger excuse for not standing on their own 2 feet and working together. Yes sure it is only the great Satan and the little Satan that are keeping you down. Keep coping man.
I never said it is "only" the west keeping the MENA in poor conditions. Political conflict, desire for power, and ethnic tensions are definitley factors as well, but the point is that, yes, the west places a massive role in fanning these flames. They have, for the past 100 years, played a massive role in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, etc and continue to do so.

Whenever MENA do try to "stand on their own 2 feet" it is either shot down or only allowed to continue under the jursidiction of western influence.

Read the entire article, it's clearly just some iranian politican trying to justify typical iranian shia retardation political power struggles. This Sadek guy saying that Iranians are "seething" at Arabs conquering them is nothing short of justifying modern aggression against Arabs.

Iranians have had 1400 years to ditch Islam, an ARAB religion, yet never did. Nope, instead Iranian muslims were often some of the biggest key players in the spreading and flourishing of Islam. Iranians have had 1400 years to stop worshipping Ali, Hussein, and Hassan, all ARAB men, yet never did. The government is constantly shilling Shia Islam and claims Iran is 100% Shia Muslim, even though that is literally not possible, why tf would they do that if they hated Islam so much? Even now, for fuck's sake, the most common name in Iran is Muhammad, an ARAB man's name and the founder of Islam.

Anyone who follows Islam can't in good faith genuinley hate Arabs, just like anyone who follows Christianity can't in good faith genuinley hate Jews.

You sound like a Christian European trying to claim Europeans totally hate Jews 4realz, when deep down, it's nothing but a religious conflict, as European Christians adore and love it when Jews convert to Christianity. Same case here with Sunni VS Shia that this article is trying to push.
Iranians look down on Arabs as "primitive". Ouch.
Well, consideting Arab gulf countries are better off then them, that's amusing.
This is typical sand nigger head-in-the-sand attitude. Denying something that can be checked in seconds ...
My family name is Hirmiz, which is a persian name. No one in my family hates Arabs.

You believe left-wing Atheist propaganda now? Those same people who call you medieval misogynist pigs?
How is this left wing atheist propoganda exactly?
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lmfao why did you lie to me and say you're american? lmao at this curry monkey lying about his race? Do you hate being indian that much that you have to resort to such lies?

That's just the reality, dumb curry. When Christians are the same race as Muslims, they lose. It is the genetic superiority of Whites that enabled them to succeed, and like Copexodius Maximus said, Christianity merely hitch hiked upon European success. Like I said before, you sound like a blathering moron, as retarded as a Japanese person credditting Shintoism with the success of Japan.

I know you do because you're a fucking retard

America is not christian, you mind broken curry fucktard. Get that through your teeny tiny skull

"accepted" America? wtf does that even mean? Accepted what? Being invaded?

"laid down". LMFAO did this shitskin just say to "lay down" for an enemy invasion? I'm sorry currynigger, I get that your docile dalit slave-like brain can't understand this, but we're not cuckholds who lick the feet of our invaders like your pathetic kind.

>bro, if you dont want your country blown by bombs, your children poisoned by uranium, sanctions that will lead to 1000s dying, and your women raped, just accept being invaded bro!

View attachment 742360

Iraq was already a nice place prior to American invasions, it was a country with a growing economy and had a very strong value in it's dinar. It was on it's way up, before being abrubtley stopped by the west. Iraq has just as much oil as Saudi and thus would have been just as rich. On top of that, Iraq has access to water, fertile farm land, better weather, and easier terrain to travel on.

Yes, and the reason that is not true is because of western invasions and attacking/subverting us.

It's not like your 81 IQ indian brain can comprehend the higher IQ of a Turk

Your god is a kike you dumb fuck

View attachment 742359
It’s funny how he needed his gay boyfriend to back him up because he couldn’t defend his ideas on his own, as they are so absurd. No point of even arguing him at this point, he’s just holding on to the low IQ cope many Christ cucks make to try to preserve “muh Christian values” because they think that’s why God gave them the power of science. But his argument “power of friendship” due to christianity (even though tribal societies are even higher trust societies) is probably even more low iq.
Let me guess, your dad is white? JFL
Nope. My dad is Jap.

Let me guess, you really would like Europeans to consider you "white", don't you? Too bad they don't. To them, you will always be "un mal blanchi" as they say in French.

I never said it is "only" the west keeping the MENA in poor conditions. Political conflict, desire for power, and ethnic tensions are definitley factors as well, but the point is that, yes, the west places a massive role in fanning these flames.
That's intriguing. How is it that they can fan those "flames"? It makes Middle-Eastern countries look pretty weak when you admit that.
I am American.
Indian. You're Indian. You hate being Indian hence why you want to steal the label of American so you can be associated with Europeans.
No way. There are people who dislike their Indian apperance, and I might be one of them, but that doesn't mean I hate India or sharing a cultural background with them.
Yeah yeah, I believe you.
Of course. That is one of the key reasons. I am no great success at all, it's true. Although you will only be able to think of "being mogged" in a redpilled NPC sort of way. In a mental health or spiritual sort of way, one needs to first clear out all the confusing elements in order to arrive at a peace of mind sort of mental state.
The point is you moved to India in order to not suffer the mental illness that living among whites causes, funnily enough, the orignal point of this thread.
Like utilising the fact that I can be granted a permanent stay in a country where my earings in dollars are almost tripled instead of having to rot in a decreasing economic state where I wageslave or die. It's called leveraging your situation and I (unlike you because you are Iraqi scum) actually had a somewhat privileged situation to take advantage of, so I did it. It's called savoy.
No you Iraqi simpleton. I mean in a practical manner. I have a privilege and I used it. It's not about curries hiring curries. I don't even work in any capacity that fits that definition. Only an idiot like you would think that's the only benefit. The benefit of being an Indian-American (just like an Israeli-Americsn) is that your ancestral country gives you a permanent visa.
Wtf? No dumbass.
Race realism is a factor in success. Dont be this delusional, my nigger.
You worship the white man. Full stop.
Who was talking of worship here? I'm simply pointing out the upper castes in India are genetically more Iranian-Anatolian-Greek than the lower castes
What the fuck? I'm not genetically closer to whites cause I'm Brahmin. Lol. I am more psychologically closer to whites cause I'm a Westerner. You are confusing things. As usual. Category mistakes.
Brahmins are genetically closer to Whites than dalits or other lower castes. This is a genetic reality, but you've already shown how you love denying reality.
No. I have in the past had the same problem you have (worship of the white man via various mechanisms) but I am much less sick than you.
No need to project your own thought patterns on me, curry nigger. Your kind have been leaving your jungle shithole for centuries, for the mere oppurtunity to live among whites, whereas MENA people almost never left MENA countries until the 60s-90s when Western powers caused us to become refugees. There's a good reason why India has far far more diaspora than MENA by a long shot.

Oh, but of course, let's not forget India is full of skin bleachers and people like you who yearn to have my skin tone. Let's not go accusing others of worshipping whitness when you're indian.

As you can see, I have no problem admitting that Western civilization rose to better heights for certain reasons.
Neither do I
Your reasons still all center around your worship of white dick.
Nope, my reasons for why I believe the west has the most power dont "all" center around whitness, but it is STILL a fact that, yes, the whiteness, the aryaness of Whites is what led to their success. It was a genetic component. And that genetic component is certainly far more relevant than Christianity, like you were trying to claim

Again, there is a reason why the Indians that rule YOUR homeland are GENETICALLY more Iranian-Anatolian-Greek.
There is a reason why Albanians, Turks, Circassions are the upper classes in Egypt
There is a reason why the Kurds, Turks, are the upper classes in Iraq
I have both critisism and compliments of the Western culture in my rehetoric.
So do I.
You have frustration and envy bleeding out of yours.
I am not envious of western culture's worship of vaginas and materliasm, dont put words in my mouth, faggot. I simple do not want them destroying Muslim countries, that's not "frustration" that's common human sense.
This is not at all true. They didn't openly acknowledge that Christianity is what makes them function so well, but some of the founding members maybe knew that it was. Hard to say, I don't know. Also, it's not about having Christianity be a state religion. It was probably their hope that Christianity would do it's thing in the background and that they could then work on Law and Sovereignty in the foreground. It worked that way through several major periods of American history. It failed in the end, but so has everything else. It also succeeded more than the rest did for a time.
America was never Christian from it's foundation, nor has the majority of it's laws ever revolved around Christianity. I'm just not arguing this point with you, my man. Even historians know Christianity is a near-non-existent factor in American law. The most obvious example I can give you is America banning race-mixing, even though the bible literally has a story of Moses- a caucasoid- marrying an ethiopian- a negroid, and the story even has Miriam, Moses' sister, being punished by God when she criticizes his marrage to the black woman.
Now of course it's too late. You did need it, and could have benefitted from it. Problem is Christianity had already (mostly) failed by the time all this Iraq invasion stuff started. So the White man was already battling himself with contradicting views and efforts. Nothing was going to work. However I believe that if the Iraqis had welcomed it and just let it happen, we may have come to know a somewhat different Syria-Iraq-Iran region.
>welcomed it and just let it happen

Is that what you tell a woman before you rape her? Just let it happen? lmao. And again, stop making me repeat myself, America was NOT there to help Iraq develop, you blue pilled monkey
No I don't think that anything under the surface is that simple. The reasons given are never the reasons people have. But all the same, cooperation and acceptance may have seen the region benefitted. Sadly, all parties were malfunctioning.. So naturally, it turned into a shit-show.
"cooperation"? How do Iraqis cooperate with an invader force trying to engage in governmental/regime changes exactly? JFL do you hear yourself.
Not even better. It would have stayed in a more or less medicore state most likely. It's true that the invasion of Iraq was a failure, but again, I believe that's because American progressivism had already infected people's thinking on all fronts.
You're the one telling people they should bend over and accept invaders.
Yes. Again, if America wasn't malfunctioning and only the good parts were going to be applied to Iraq, then yes, roll over, stfu and accept it!
Like I said, you indians are cucks who know nothing but invasion, so I'm not surprised your argument to being defeated by an invading army is "just accept being conquered bro!"
Well like I said before, the Hindus were weak militarily, but the Brahmins compensated by making the best of the already inevitable position India was always going to be in. It's not a 1st world country, but its decent. Especially for all its flaws, it's a nice place for a Western wanting to escape the decay in Western culture to be able to go if they should have the privilege.
India is far far far faaaaaaar from decent, just stop. Most Indians suffer in India, hence why Indians have such a crazy rate of diaspora.
Asked and answered above.
You are not getting the point and resorting to using pictures of low caste poor people to make jokes. I can show you pictures of massive improvement and development in India and in its economic value/output. You would just cry and claim that's not real but you know it is. Iraqis who get the chance to study medicine in India RUN HERE in droves! I know a couple who would smack you in the face with logic for claiming it's not a better opportunity for them than rotting where you are and going nowhere.
Indians economic value doesn't matter if the HUMANS living there are suffering. Just like Japan, everyone can praise japan for it's economy all they want, doesn't change that they all are living soulless, dehumanized lives. Dont quote me on this, but I'm also sure India has crazy rates of children, and even orphans, working the shit jobs to keep the economy running. Not by any stretch of the imagination is India a better, safer country to live in compared to Iraq. Pointing out a few high class neighborhoods that you happen to live in dont count for the whole country, which you Indians seem to LOVE to do.
You are just butt hurt because K9 defeated you in points debate, and because I'm flaunting my savoy in achieving peace of mind over you and your "muh great Iraqi" situation. That's my guess. I am doing it because you came an asshole on objective points.
Iraq is a shithole compared to India
And for all intents in purposes, I represent both.
No American in their right might would look at a shitskin like you and say you represent America, KEK
You are envious of that and likely hate me for it.
I would never be envious of an indian, my guy. I thank god everyday I'm not indian
We can't opine much on what never was. Although it's unlikely Iraq would have become a place Westerns and Easterns alike would have wanted to visit, if it stayed the course, even without the American interference. I could be wrong, and I am willing to account for the fact I don't know for sure. What I gave you was my belief. That's all.
It definitley would have, Iraq has tons of pagan, christian, islamic monuments/temples that would easily attract tourists.
No. I wasn't. I didn't even/remember know you were Iraqi when I made my initial points. Again Mr. Edgelord, I'm staring my belief.
Yeah I know you are. Operation Iraqi Freedom was fine as an idea on paper. Even though Bush junior ruined the success of his father's legacy in terms of truly "helping" a place (like they did with Kuwait), because the underlying global business interests could have come together and made it work one way or the other to better than region. Sadly that didn't happen. Again I blame that on Westerners no longer being Christian in the true sense.
Yeah buddy. I never said it wouldn't effect. I'm merely saying the effect may have been positive if all involved parties weren't a cultural mess in some way or the other.
I doubt an invasion could ever be positive. has there ever been a positive invasion involving uranium bombings and sanctions starving people to death?
You have no evidence of this in any material way. For an educated Indian and an educated Iraqi, do you?
I do. They're called IQ tests. Iraq is around 89, Turkey 92, and Indian 81.
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>azn identity
Not a single word
Nope. My dad is Jap.
I see.
Let me guess, you really would like Europeans to consider you "white", don't you? Too bad they don't. To them, you will always be "un mal blanchi" as they say in French.
I dont "need" them to consider me white for me to be white. I have pontic facial features, red beard, and pink skin. I have several relatives with brown/blonde hair and hazel/green/blue eyes. Even growing up in yellowknife which was full of whites, I never felt out of place. In any case, it is Europeans who would like me to be white, considering Christian Europeans often label Levant/Mesopetamian people as white themselves as a means of including Jesus/Paul/Abraham in the fold of whitness.


I've even had gooks (including hapas) like you confuse me for being European, and even Canadians also confuse me for being South European.

However, I've never self-identifed as white, you're right. Anytime anyone asks me what I am/where I'm from, I simply tell them I'm iraqi turk, because that is what I am.
That's intriguing. How is it that they can fan those "flames"? It makes Middle-Eastern countries look pretty weak when you admit that.
Same way people fan the flames of racial tension, sexual/gender tension, or class tension anywhere else in the world.
Dharmic religions are gay. Abrahamist are not
Lol. Ahha. You are a Christian Southy. Fair enough, I guess. I certainly know a lot about how being Hindu (Brahmin) in the West works out for an Indian-American family. Mostly, the family fights a lot and it doesn't fit well for the next generation growing up in the West.

>a fucking hapa

Rip my man, I am so sorry. Let me guess, your dad is white? JFL

I never said it is "only" the west keeping the MENA in poor conditions. Political conflict, desire for power, and ethnic tensions are definitley factors as well, but the point is that, yes, the west places a massive role in fanning these flames. They have, for the past 100 years, played a massive role in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, etc and continue to do so.

Whenever MENA do try to "stand on their own 2 feet" it is either shot down or only allowed to continue under the jursidiction of western influence.

View attachment 742492
Death to west.
It’s funny how he needed his gay boyfriend to back him up because he couldn’t defend his ideas on his own, as they are so absurd. No point of even arguing him at this point, he’s just holding on to the low IQ cope many Christ cucks make to try to preserve “muh Christian values” because they think that’s why God gave them the power of science. But his argument “power of friendship” due to christianity (even though tribal societies are even higher trust societies) is probably even more low iq.
Yeah k9otaku is brain dead.
I dont "need" them to consider me white for me to be white.
Oh yes you do need that. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

Yet you will never be. Being Muslim automatically downgrades you 2 or 3 notches on the whiteness scale.


Being Muslim automatically puts you under the red line. Even Chechens, who are literally Caucasians, are considered "brown" in the West.
Oh yes you do need that. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

Yet you will never be. Being Muslim automatically downgrades you 2 or 3 notches on the whiteness scale.

View attachment 742669
Being Muslim automatically puts you under the red line. Even Chechens, who are literally Caucasians, are considered "brown" in the West.
Incel TV already debunked this low iq cope, and white looking Muhammad has almost no hit to his SMV from his name, while Tom being brown destroys his SMV.

Dharmic religions are gay. Abrahamist are not
Buddhism mogs all abrahamic religions

Yeah k9otaku is brain dead.
Just a puppet for Jay.

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