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SuicideFuel ChatGPT writes the PoV of a roastie having sex with her looksmatch VS a chad

holy fucking readn't :feelscomfy:
Chat got 4-o unfiltered

how can i use this? price? can it generate stories like this in how many languages? how it works? i know nothing about this
Not reading all that shit
OvER for averagecels
Many users will disagree with you and say that being average is enough to ascend.
jfl true, foids claim to hate age gaps but when younger loved the idea of fucking a 100+ y/o vampchad

plus jedward was often quite 'abusive' or 'patriarchal,' including literally dragging bella around, stalking her room and watching her sleep. but that wasn't a problem, it was actually part of the appeal. in fact, foids loved that aspect so much that the next big thing was 50 shades of grey jfl, an abusive twilight fanfic

foids love misogyny more than we do
Honestly the one thing I can’t fault foids for is liking older men, I love older women, so, can’t fault them.
Holy cow this is uhhh...potent
Chad is what a foid wants.

A normie with good qualities is what can possibly supply her basic needs. Yet, she doesn't want a normie, and if you know this, you will be forver stuck with this knowledge that will hurt you. You are aware you're not enough there and there. You can't change that. You make her dissapointed. You make her mad. You make her sad. You make her long just as Gabrielle longed for Chad. How can you not hurt? How can you not see and focus with mania on your bad parts, whilst your love for her makes her perfect?

How can you rest? How an you not think about it? How can you in goodwill try and improve yourself and exhibit good character traits by trying to be better for her, to show you have this feeling and that it drives you, only for her to doubt it or see your hustle as a sign you don't want to invest time when its the opposite? You invest your time for her sake, as your improvements are a gift to her.

How can one be limited by their biological status and try through all those paths be part of the "aristocracy" that are Chad, Tyrone, Chong and others? To swim from one to the other, always surrounded by them, and even if they show you basic human affection, be it because they have good personalities or are high IQ and are able to form mental instruments to discard emotions stemming from their hardwire to be charmed by the physcial qualities you have...

To be then reminded by them that its thanks to your imprinted DNA that made you go this far? Not you? To be next to them, but never having the inate principles allowing you to become equals with them, althou everything on the outside seems like it is the case, since you are able to stand next to them?

You're stretched and always in a battle for approval, everytime mogged by their presence and words in the eyes of your oneitis. A human who is lost in his search of identity he wants to gain but cannot grasp. In this journey through categories which borders are set up by biology and unchangable rules you're but some plastic bug ragdolled left and right by the wind. In it all society will mock you and push you down for having the abhorent ambition that it sees as an insult whilst it is really only you showing love to your partner.

You can get the aesthethic, but you will not gain the function of the very thing that has the aesthethic as a default. You will make her like you more, but you won't make her love you. Your looksmaxing is just a remedy for her pain, and that contrast of how once she felt and now she feels better is your spiritual comfort.

You can't find yourself there. Literally and methaphorically.

We are what the wealthy but non-noble born were to the old blueblooded and born in purple during the 18th hundreds. You're always of the lesser "race" and being the same species has no value. You'll never be accepted as chad, and an outline of chad will always be seeable behind you. Your woman will never only see you.

And this is the truth. The truth that with spiderweb like consistency ties every moment, thought and feeling. On the outside its just indyvidual things, charateristics you can notice. Underneath for the blackpilled lies the theory and fundamental logic determining why, how, when, how much etc. every one of these is located. This is the "fish net" that we don't have to make up; the hypothethis filled with terms and words to bring some order for our benefit. This is the fabric our world is made from, it it is enough to understand it without instruments like science from that poin on.

Human sense of beauty is fondness of wickedness, as it makes you blind to rationality. If beauty is a moral good, then Chad cannot be beautiful if he makes you his thrall. If these people make you this act this way, they are born with an aura that takes away your freedom of thought to be biased for their sake. If its an inscribed property of the human species it is unreasonable to have it in you and carry it on, it opens an venue where its possible to ground in logical conclusions something untrue as fault of people who were simply born a way.

If I can retaliate with being against them and feel same way their stance is descriptivly to me the same (so, the behaviour is mirrored) and its not backed up by material facts, then I am no much diferent for disciminating against them as they are against me. Circumstances just make it a temporary truth that I do it for slf defense while they to step by step reach a world with stacies and chads.

Which is also partly why I sarted to be more aroused by beckies and pretty girls, as I can control my feelings and always find place to justly praise them for their character as I have room and control left. Stacies now by definition make me hateful. This is most likely a very religious thinking I will now showcase, but I think I managed to tweak myself to change my "procreation" tendencies and its vector where humanity as a species should go, as the most popular doctrine out species adopted will lead to evolutionairy speaking "bad outcomes".

And that's what this story is about.

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