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Blackpill Living among whites makes gooks mentally ill

I see your point @JayGoptri. Christianity makes for better civilizations, and Protestantism in particular led to an incredibly industrious work ethic. Even amongst poorer nations, I’d rather be in a Christian one than non-Christian one.
It’s a shame the West is increasingly losing Christian influence, but that’s been heavily correlated with a societal decline. Further proof Christian elements were crucial to the social fabric.
Yes. Mostly agreed. Although, escaping the West was of a major advantage for me. :feelsokman:
Losing arguments and trying to quote faggot assholes from the past. I see @Copexodius Maximus is at his peak of basement dwelling frustration.
You already admitted to having brain damage, so it’s obvious you don’t even have the capacity to have a discussion without thinking it’s some “argument” that has to be won.

Disproven by me. Rejected as photoshop by Mods. So fuck you.

The *** post doesn't admit to sex or anything even close you lying sack of kike shit who twists the English language. Show proof !

You are seething because Mods and users don't except your bullshit.

I'm on here helping people and they accept that. Same with good discourse. Meanwhile, you fucks are clogging up the airwaves. This is head-on war now. I'm going to mop the floor with you..
you already had the floor mopped with you when you got divorce raped by your white wife. And you admitted to having non-paid intimacy, which means sex. Why does it mean sex? Because that’s what non-paid intimacy means.

well, I wasn't. Just a misunderstanding

Only in terms of their stability, which Saudi has. If anything, I want Iraq to be more like Saudi, not to be more like the west.
It's not about being more like the West in a negative way. The West has many negative aspects and I'm sure you've heard me say that before. Please don't let this idiot Copexedus interfere with the things we've said that you agreed with in the past.
Indians put themselves down and praise light skin.
Yes and they too have worship of the white man syndrome in the instances where they do that. I say it to them ALL THE TIME right here on this very forum. In fact, this asshole @Copexodius Maximus is citing to a bullshit set of events which was out in motion by a curry named @Melchizedek, who was being berated by me for exactly this behavior you described. So he eventually got mad and went crazy and cooked up a bunch of bullshit.
Where did I cry about being called nigger?
You cry when it is dished out back to you.
They definitley are, dude. If you take all races of women, most non-Indians will place indian women at the bottom
Yeah, I don't believe that and you don't have access to any of these people. Pretty people are pretty people. And while there are many ugly Indians, it's just because there are MANY Indians.
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You already admitted to having brain damage, so it’s obvious you don’t even have the capacity to have a discussion without thinking it’s some “argument” that has to be won.
You admitted to taking a copious amount of Psychedelics. New kinds of DMT specifically. Shall I quote you?
you already had the floor mopped with you when you got divorce raped by your white wife.
Except that never happened and you are a basement dwelling mommas boy kike that is so upset I might be a sex-haver and if so, mog you and you are lower than me in every way. But it's not true, so your imaginary fixation is causing you to behave so badly. You need to be punched in the face little man.
And you admitted to having non-paid intimacy.
So what? I'm not KHHV retard.
which means sex.
No. It. Doesn't. Jew faggot.
Why does it mean sex?
Huh? Idiot. Re-read that.
Because that’s what non-paid intimacy means.
No. It's not. Sorry. You are a fucking moron who is upset because you liked me as a user then I "disappointed" you. It's why you stick to this thing like a homosexual whose been broken up with.

Now fuck off before I really come after you.
It's not about being more like the West in a negative way. Surely the West has many negative aspects and I'm sure you've heard me say that before. Please don't let this idiot Copexedus interfere with the things we've said that you agreed with in the past.

Yes and they too have worship of the white man syndrome in the instances where they do that. I say it to them ALL THE TIME right here on this very forum. In fact, this asshole @Copexodius Maximus is citing to a bullshit set of events which was out in motion by a curry named @Melchizedek, who was being berated by me for exactly this behavior you described. So he eventually got mad and went crazy and cooked up a bunch of bullshit.

You cry when it is dished out back to you.

Yeah, I don't believe that and you don't have access to any of these people. Pretty people are pretty people. And while there are many ugly Indians, it's just because there are MANY Indians.
You admitted to taking a copious amount of Psychedelics. New kinds of DMT specifically. Shall I quote you?
I didn’t take copious amounts, and I didn’t get brain damage like you. And it’s not a new kind of dmt.

Except that never happened and you are a basement dwelling mommas boy kike that is so upset I might be a sex-haver and if so, mog you and you are lower than me in every way. But it's not true, so your imaginary fixation is causing you to behave so badly. You need to be punched in the face little man.

So what? I'm not KHHV retard.

No. It. Doesn't. Jew faggot.

Huh? Idiot. Re-read that.

No. It's not. Sorry. You are a fucking moron who is upset because you liked me as a user then I "disappointed" you. It's why you stick to this thing like a homosexual whose been broken up with.

Now fuck off before I really come after you.
Why would I not call out and expose fakecels on here? So we should just accept every fakecel on this site? Actual meme levels of stupidity.
So, ok. This means you are racist against brown Indians even though they are your coreligionists, right?
Which means your Islam is a sham because Muslims are supposed to be brothers (sons of the same "Ummah", i.e. mother)

You are proud to look like people who despise Islam (white Westerners) while you have only scorn for your brothers in the faith if they are brown.

In other words, you are a MINO: a Muslim In Name Only. A muslim hypocrite.
Is this what you say when people make good points. Admit you've lost your footing and I'll back off.
U didn't make good points I just don't feel like arguing anymore
Which means your Islam is a sham because Muslims are supposed to be brothers (sons of the same "Ummah", i.e. mother)
Nah, islam allows us to have tribal loyalty if we want
You are proud to look like people who despise Islam (white Westerners) while you have only scorn for your brothers in the faith if they are brown.
I'm proud to look white, just like the prophet, yes. What's your point? Europeans are not the only white caucasoids.
In other words, you are a MINO: a Muslim In Name Only. A muslim hypocrite.
No I'm not jfl as if you have any say in the matter
I didn’t take copious amounts, and I didn’t get brain damage like you. And it’s not a new kind of dmt.
Yes you did. Brain damage is a relative term. In fact it's too hard to even measure what happened to you using the DMT variation. But judging from your bullshit arguments and lack of uncorrupted thoughts, it's maybe had a significant effect.
Why would I not call out and expose fakecels on here?
You go do whatever Batman shit you want, but not to me. Otherwise there will be consequences each time. And bro, nobody fucking cares so stfu already. Like I said, I'm trying to help people here with whatever is in my purview.
So we should just accept every fakecel on this site? Actual meme levels of stupidity.
That's not at all what I said dumbfuck.
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U didn't make good points I just don't feel like arguing anymore
You lost. Both myself and K9 took you to task (mostly K9). I assisted in putting your nonsense in plain language. Now it's obvious you have no idea how to sell your weird Iraqi position on topics.
Nah, islam allows us to have tribal loyalty if we want
But not scorn for your brothers to the point of calling them "subhuman"

No I'm not jfl as if you have any say in the matter
I am watching Islam from the outside and, like many, I reach the conclusion that muslims are often guilty of damaging the reputation of their religion. Nobody likes Islam, you know that, right?
You lost. Both myself and K9 took you to task (mostly K9). I assisted in putting your nonsense in plain language. Now it's obvious you have no idea how to sell your weird Iraqi position on topics.
But not scorn for your brothers to the point of calling them "subhuman"

I am watching Islam from the outside and, like many, I reach the conclusion that muslims are often guilty of damaging the reputation of their religion. Nobody likes Islam, you know that, right?
Yes you did. Brain damage is a relative term. In fact it's too hard to even measure what happened to you using the DMT variation. But judging from your bullshit arguments and lack of uncorrupted thoughts, it's maybe had a significant effect.

You go do whatever Batman shit you want, but not to me. Otherwise there will be consequences each time. And bro, nobody fucking cares so stfu already. Like I said, I'm trying to help people here with whatever is in my purview.

That's not at all what I said dumbfuck.
Everyone who knows you here on this forum wants you banned (Other than your attack dog).
Everyone who knows you here on this forum wants you banned (Other than your attack dog).
You are wrong. You do and your going to keep recruiting people till you die. It's your only reason for existing on this forum.
You are wrong. You do and your going to keep recruiting people till you die. It's your only reason for existing on this forum.
I’ve been on this forum a lot longer than you jfl. Delusional bluepilled boomers always thinking they are the centre of the world.
qs soon as they know he is Muslim, he is no longer white
I agree with made in heaven here even a blonde hair blue eyes Scandinavian giga chad muslim revert is considered and seen as "brown" in the eyes of christcucks tbh i think its because of years of colonization for example most curries who have names like gajanan subramanian currypoo abbreviate it as "san" or "sam" i personally knew a guy who was literally poop shitskin and the pajeetas who don't even shave their armpits called him "sammy" his actual name was Sanjyotayeshwar. But yeah calling each other slurs and having superiority complex over each other is a normoid femoid trait and shouldn't be allowed tbh because at the end of the ITS A FUCKING INCEL FORUM
I agree with made in heaven here even a blonde hair blue eyes Scandinavian giga chad muslim revert is considered and seen as "brown" in the eyes of christcucks
That's retarded though, that's my point, especially when Christianity was made by "brown people"
I’ve been on this forum a lot longer than you jfl. Delusional bluepilled boomers always thinking they are the centre of the world.
I help curries. They (the ones who aren't interested in Edgelord bullshit) know it.

Many humble folks know my advice and presence is a good thing on this forum. Please tell me, wtf do you do on this forum (when your not getting your ass handed to you by K9 or myself?) Do you offer advice to disaffected Kikes? Nah you make stupid shitposts and jokes every now and again, ban and unban yourself like a faggot and so on so forth...
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Some whites hate Muslims for racial reasons
It's not "racial reasons". I mean sure, there are a few dumbass mountain goat rednecks who might, but even they are motivated by religious and cultural reasons, and they have misunderstood their own scriptures. The reason the average person dislikes Muslims is because most Muslims are not usually Trustworthy in the West. There are only a short list of exceptions and circumstances.(Or even in India) Believe me, I had a few Muslim buddies and colleagues. Some from upper middle class families and other from lower middle class ones. There were only a few of them who weren't up to some type of shady scheming, but not many. People see this.
I help curries. They (the ones who aren't interested in Edgelord bullshit, know it.

Many humble folks know my advice and presence is a good thing on this forum. Please tell me, wtf do you do on this forum (when your not getting your ass handed to you by K9 or myself?) Do you offer advice to disaffected Kikes? Nah you make stupid shitposts and jokes every now and again, ban and unban yourself like a faggot and so on so forth...
Fuck your advice. All that matters is if you are an incel or not. A barely functioning autistic incel who can barely speak is worth more than any fakecel on this forum.
Fuck your advice. All that matters is if you are an incel or not. A barely functioning autistic incel who can barely speak is worth more than any fakecel on this forum.
You are deranged. And nobody agrees with that in reality, in real life, in two seconds that argument you have made would fall to pieces. Regardless, I'm not a fakecel so it's moot, but just for argument's sake; NO a barely functional autistic Incel who can't speak is NOT worth anything to any members be it for Advice, be it for Stimulation and Copes, be it for anything, more than a fakecel who had experiences or advice or whatever to share. And you definitely would and likely DO take that from people in real life.

Again, nobody is saying that fakecels should join for this reason. Nor should they be on this site. Of course not ! Neither should gays or trannies. But...

..This emotionally "losing it" thing it is why you get beaten so hard by myself and K9 in debate. You are an emotional idealist who goes nuts for no reason. Previously, I assumed that you maybe had a brain and could sort out whats important and what not. It's not the case.
You are deranged. And nobody agrees with that in reality, in real life, in two seconds that argument you have made would fall to pieces. Regardless, I'm not a fakecel so it's moot, but just for argument's sake; NO a barely functional autistic Incel who can't speak is NOT worth anything to any members be it for Advice, be it for Stimulation and Copes, be it for anything, more than a fakecel who had experiences or advice or whatever to share. And you definitely would and likely DO take that from people in real life.

Again, nobody is saying that fakecels should join for this reason. Nor should they be on this site. Of course not ! Neither should gays or trannies. But...

..This emotionally "losing it" thing it is why you get beaten so hard by myself and K9 in debate. You are an emotional idealist who goes nuts for no reason. Previously, I assumed that you maybe had a brain and could sort out whats important and what not. It's not the case.
Read it bitch. This happens everytime you try to gain the moral high ground. I defeat you and you whine like baby.
There’s no moral high ground here, you are just delusional thinking you are fighting some epic battle here. And only thing I care about is whether you are a fakecel or not, which you are.
There’s no moral high ground here, you are just delusional thinking you are fighting some epic battle here.
Oh my fucking god. YOU are the one thinking you're fighting "epic battle",, not me. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: .
And only thing I care about is whether you are a fakecel or not, which you are.
No. You don't really care about that either. Basically you are trying to fight an epic battle like I described here which you can and will read.
Oh my fucking god. YOU are the one thinking you're fighting "epic battle",, not me. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: .
Cope, I never mention this conversation as anything while you resort to terms like destroying people and other childish tantrum terms.

No. You don't really care about that either. Basically you are trying to fight an epic battle like I described here which you can and will read.
Still dn rd, it was too long.
Cope, I never mention this conversation as anything while you resort to terms like destroying people and other childish tantrum terms.
Huh? Destroying people? Man you wrote that's what you wanted to do. You did you will not rest until mods kick me off.
Still dn rd, it was too long.
Ya you should. It will help you out to read.
So, ok. This means you are racist against brown Indians even though they are your coreligionists, right?
Basically, what you have done here is that you have admitted to being a piece of shit according to both Islam and the current Western (bluepilled) version of "morality".
  • According to Islam because "All who belong to the Ummah are members of the same body" (which all imams repeat constantly).
  • According to bluepilled whites because you are raciszzzz.
So congratulations because it means that everybody hates you except some incels here. Your muslim schtick is just a facade that you masochistically display in front of your coworkers in order to piss them off and grovel at their feet simultaneously. Good luck. You'll need it.
Huh? Destroying people? Man you wrote that's what you wanted to do. You did you will not rest until mods kick me off.
All fakecels should be banned. That’s obvious. But you are the one constantly talking about “destroying me” and other 14 year old levels of cringe statements.

Ya you should. It will help you out to read.
Nope, things written by you are usually low iq anyways.
All fakecels should be banned.
You are an autistic NOC who repeats himself. Now I finally got it.
That’s obvious. But you are the one constantly talking about “destroying me” and other 14 year old levels of cringe statements.
No. You came after me on literally every single post to others and cried and whined so much. I said "leave me alone" and you can't do it. It's only 1% better than Melchizdek himself, i.e. the known Manic Psychosis Hospital patient who we all consider the definition of Cringe.
Nope, things written by you are usually low iq anyways.
You don't believe that yourself.
You are an autistic NOC who repeats himself. Now I finally got it.

No. You came after me on literally every single post to others and cried and whined so much. I said "leave me alone" and you can't do it. It's only 1% better than Melchizdek himself, i.e. the known Manic Psychosis Hospital patient who we all consider the definition of Cringe.

You don't believe that yourself.
I won’t leave alone any fakecels. They should never be able to rest until they are banned or leave the forum.
I won’t leave alone any fakecels. They should never be able to rest until they are banned or leave the forum.
Then, you choose War..
Madam Secretary GIF by CBS
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Nah, you can just leave the forum. Don’t do this to your old boomer body.
Ain't going to happen buddy boyo. And if you push it, we will slam you right back into place. Nbody is actually going to help you. So your best option is just let it go, move along or be a Kindergarten brat and take your timeouts. :feelsUgh:
Ain't going to happen buddy boyo. And if you push it, we will slam you right back into place. Nbody is actually going to help you. So your best option is just let it go, move along or be a Kindergarten brat and take your timeouts. :feelsUgh:
Empty threats. Another common low iq deathnic tactic.
What's empty about um? You know you won't get off the hook if you harass about this thing. Come on man.
You won’t do shit lol, just more empty threats by a powerless person.
I noticed Christ cucks are bigger white worshippers than people of other religions. That’s why @tehgymcel420 is on perpetual suicide watch, he grew up CWSN (Christian while Sand Nigger)
100% All ethnic Christians are cucked
100% All ethnic Christians are cucked
They often perceive Christianity as a means of being accepted by white society. If I can't change my genes to be white genes, at least I can change my religion to be the white man's religion. That's the logic they operate on
They often perceive Christianity as a means of being accepted by white society. If I can't change my genes to be white genes, at least I can change my religion to be the white man's religion. That's the logic they operate on
I would think it would be colonization too, at least in the Philippines for instance
They often perceive Christianity as a means of being accepted by white society. If I can't change my genes to be white genes, at least I can change my religion to be the white man's religion. That's the logic they operate on
Not the case for sand nigger christians, since they are the original christians.
I would think it would be colonization too, at least in the Philippines for instance
That's part of it, but I'm talking of retards that convert upon coming to the west. Even my dad has noticed many ricecucks convert to Christianity here in Canada
Not the case for sand nigger christians, since they are the original christians.
Yeah, but nowadays, sand christians seem to latch onto their Christian heritage for the same reason. You especially see this with lebanese Christians who hate being called arabs and want to be french
That's part of it, but I'm talking of retards that convert upon coming to the west. Even my dad has noticed many ricecucks convert to Christianity here in Canada

Yeah, but nowadays, sand christians seem to latch onto their Christian heritage for the same reason. You especially see this with lebanese Christians who hate being called arabs and want to be french
Wow, that is some extreme levels of self hatred if you think being French is better.
That's part of it, but I'm talking of retards that convert upon coming to the west. Even my dad has noticed many ricecucks convert to Christianity here in Canada

Yeah, but nowadays, sand christians seem to latch onto their Christian heritage for the same reason. You especially see this with lebanese Christians who hate being called arabs and want to be french
Yeah it's p crazy there's churches meant specfically for chink christians in my city

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