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Blackpill Living among whites makes gooks mentally ill

Incel TV already debunked this low iq cope, and white looking Muhammad has almost no hit to his SMV from his name, while Tom being brown destroys his SMV.
This is how people see you if you are Muslim:

Stop coping.
Death to west.
Based curry
Yeah k9otaku is brain dead.
It's expected. He's a hapa afterall
Oh yes you do need that. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
No u
Yet you will never be.
No u
Being Muslim automatically downgrades you 2 or 3 notches on the whiteness scale.
Whitness is about physical appearance and genetics, which MENA are far closer to than a mutt like you. Not religion. Typical mutt christcuck chimp deluding himself Christianity is a snow nigger religon unlike Islam.


everyone in my family has the above skin tones, and not one single person has the bottom skin tones
Being Muslim automatically puts you under the red line.
That's not how genetics work you stupid hapa nigger. I know you yearn to be accepted into white society much like the hapas and chinks in the OP of this thread, but you do need to understand ideology =/= genetics.
Even Chechens, who are literally Caucasians, are considered "brown" in the West.
Hapas dont get a say on who is or isn't white JFL. Garunteed you look like a Kazakh at best, but in all likelyhood, you look like a chink with down syndrome.

And no, Chechnyans are not considered brown in the west. America classifies them as White.
This is how people see you if you are Muslim:
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Stop coping.
hapa nigger, you will never be white, and bitching and blathering about "shitslam bad" isn't gonna give you rounder eyes. Joining christianity, another sand nigger religion mind you, doesn't magically make you white like a fairy tale.

What's funny about you is that even my dad has picked up on this phenomena among gooks. My dad once told me how he notices alot of Asians converting to christianity as a means of fitting into white society. JFL pathetic cuckholds with no agency or thought, just white worship
Incel TV already debunked this low iq cope, and white looking Muhammad has almost no hit to his SMV from his name, while Tom being brown destroys his SMV.
white looking Muhammad probably even benefits from exotic halo while still looking white.

I will shine brightly with Virgo.

it's over
hapa nigger, you will never be white, and bitching and blathering about "shitslam bad" isn't gonna give you rounder eyes. Joining christianity, another sand nigger religion mind you, doesn't magically make you white like a fairy tale.

What's funny about you is that even my dad has picked up on this phenomena among gooks. My dad once told me how he notices alot of Asians converting to christianity as a means of fitting into white society. JFL pathetic cuckholds with no agency or thought, just white worship

white looking Muhammad probably even benefits from exotic halo while still looking white.

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Curries do it as well JFL at curries worshiping a kike on a stick and having basic white names like tom,Antony thinking that this will make them shitskin ass equal to whites.
hapa nigger, you will never be white, and bitching and blathering about "shitslam bad" isn't gonna give you rounder eyes. Joining christianity, another sand nigger religion mind you, doesn't magically make you white like a fairy tale.

What's funny about you is that even my dad has picked up on this phenomena among gooks. My dad once told me how he notices alot of Asians converting to christianity as a means of fitting into white society. JFL pathetic cuckholds with no agency or thought, just white worship

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I saw a Syrian refugee a year ago at first I thought he was white.
Indian. You're Indian. You hate being Indian hence why you want to steal the label of American so you can be associated with Europeans.
Top kek coming from a broke ass wannabe Iraqi freedom fighter. I didn't steal it bitch, it was given to me from birth by right.
Yeah yeah, I believe you.
I know you do, you are a nobody so you should sit quiet and listen.
The point is you moved to India in order to not suffer the mental illness that living among whites causes, funnily enough, the orignal point of this thread.
It is true that because the white man is fighting with himself the way he is, it naturally makes everyone a bit sick and it's increasingly difficult to tolerate that for everyone. So my move is ingenious whereas many I know are waiting to jump off the right bridge.


Race realism is a factor in success. Dont be this delusional, my nigger.
Indian-American succeed more than Iraqis. Yes it is truly a hard pill for your to swallow.
Who was talking of worship here? I'm simply pointing out the upper castes in India are genetically more Iranian-Anatolian-Greek than the lower castes.
Some are, not Dravidians. They are Brahmins too.
Brahmins are genetically closer to Whites than dalits or other lower castes. This is a genetic reality, but you've already shown how you love denying reality.
Not if they are central or south Indians. Brahmins can be very ugly btw.
No need to project your own thought patterns on me, curry nigger. Your kind have been leaving your jungle shithole for centuries, for the mere oppurtunity to live among whites, whereas MENA people almost never left MENA countries until the 60s-90s when Western powers caused us to become refugees. There's a good reason why India has far far more diaspora than MENA by a long shot.
Yeah, again all I read was "you and K9OTAKU destroyed me and I'm upset"
Oh, but of course, let's not forget India is full of skin bleachers and people like you who yearn to have my skin tone. Let's not go accusing others of worshipping whitness when you're indian.
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This guy's is a low IQ moron. Trust me, in achievement and skill set I probably mog you in every way. I don't yearn for your skin tone. Before coming to India I was pretty fair for a mixed Dravidian origin Indian. Also bitch, you are describing Indians. Remember, Indians in America don't have this problem. They have problems for sure, but they usually confront their worship of the white man in different ways. You are Iraqi, you are NOT in the West by any measure. Mindset, behavior, psychology, cultural behavior are all determined by where you stayed the longest and from Kindergarden -Bachelors degree. So yes I will talk about worship of the whiteman with you and clearly you suffer from a major case of denial about MENA due to it !

Get that through your skull brocel !
Neither do I

Nope, my reasons for why I believe the west has the most power dont "all" center around whitness, but it is STILL a fact that, yes, the whiteness, the aryaness of Whites is what led to their success. It was a genetic component. And that genetic component is certainly far more relevant than Christianity, like you were trying to claim.
Yeah no, I reject this claim.
Again, there is a reason why the Indians that rule YOUR homeland are GENETICALLY more Iranian-Anatolian-Greek.
Indians do not rule America. You mean the homeland of my ancestors. Ahh yes..no wrong again.
There is a reason why Albanians, Turks, Circassions are the upper classes in Egypt
There is a reason why the Kurds, Turks, are the upper classes in Iraq.
Yes, it called "nigger politics"
Good then express them properly.
I am not envious of western culture's worship of vaginas and materliasm, dont put words in my mouth, faggot. I simple do not want them destroying Muslim countries, that's not "frustration" that's common human sense.
From the way you speak, yes you are. I reject your claim.
America was never Christian from it's foundation, nor has the majority of it's laws ever revolved around Christianity. I'm just not arguing this point with you, my man. Even historians know Christianity is a near-non-existent factor in American law. The most obvious example I can give you is America banning race-mixing, even though the bible literally has a story of Moses- a caucasoid- marrying an ethiopian- a negroid, and the story even has Miriam, Moses' sister, being punished by God when she criticizes his marrage to the black woman.
I summarily dismiss your claim. It's been asked and answered. N E X T !
>welcomed it and just let it happen

Is that what you tell a woman before you rape her? Just let it happen? lmao.
Would be nice wouldn't it? Isn't it what 85% of the members he wanted at one point. But no, not me.
And again, stop making me repeat myself, America was NOT there to help Iraq develop, you blue pilled monkey.
Anything is help for Iraq. Come on bro, you are Iraqi. You need help.
"cooperation"? How do Iraqis cooperate with an invader force trying to engage in governmental/regime changes exactly? JFL do you hear yourself.
Lots of ways. America is very reasonable in this regard, or would have been.

You're the one telling people they should bend over and accept invaders.
Again, Iraqis should have ! Topic is Done and dusted !
Like I said, you indians are cucks who know nothing but invasion, so I'm not surprised your argument to being defeated by an invading army is "just accept being conquered bro!"
Asked and answered.
India is far far far faaaaaaar from decent, just stop. Most Indians suffer in India, hence why Indians have such a crazy rate of diaspora.
It's getting better faster than Iraq lmao.
Indians economic value doesn't matter if the HUMANS living there are suffering. Just like Japan, everyone can praise japan for it's economy all they want, doesn't change that they all are living soulless, dehumanized lives. Dont quote me on this, but I'm also sure India has crazy rates of children, and even orphans, working the shit jobs to keep the economy running. Not by any stretch of the imagination is India a better, safer country to live in compared to Iraq. Pointing out a few high class neighborhoods that you happen to live in dont count for the whole country, which you Indians seem to LOVE to do.
All mogs the PISS out of Iraq. You wouldn't know. Where else have you lived. Are you a traveling richcel?

No American in their right might would look at a shitskin like you and say you represent America, KEK.
Of course they would. I'm not representing America to the fucking whites of Europe or America itself. I represent that TO YOU. A confused worthless Iraqi who is upset at the mix I am, even though my ancestors hail from a country which has a Darke skin tone than yours. And btw, stop acting like Misogynist curry that idiot and his "muh fair skin" crap.
I would never be envious of an indian, my guy. I thank god everyday I'm not indian.
Not an Indian. An Indian-American.
It definitley would have, Iraq has tons of pagan, christian, islamic monuments/temples that would easily attract tourists.
Yes now your taking it would have been an EXCELLENT place to go see, given it's deep history. All the more reason for Iraqi resistance to have settled down and realized this potential much faster and with more ease !
That's how it is brotha.
I doubt an invasion could ever be positive. has there ever been a positive invasion involving uranium bombings and sanctions starving people to death?
Oh it certainly can.
I do. They're called IQ tests. Iraq is around 89, Turkey 92, and Indian 81.
It's true, Indians from the mainland have a rather unaware education about the West and are very sheltered in how they investigate. Not knowing is okay but they aren't even able to ask good question and extrapolate conclusions. This is what keeps them such hard worker bees in specializations they learn.
Native indians, The one with feathers and not the computer scammers was the original inhabitants in the US before a colonalization by the british, The us and the french fought the british and won and ever since its been all races
Curries do it as well JFL at curries worshiping a kike on a stick and having basic white names like tom,Antony thinking that this will make them shitskin ass equal to whites.
Yep, I know a Sri Lankan guy who is a christian and his legal name is Tony. He seems infatuated with Roman/Byzantine history, since he started talking to me about those things when I told him I'm turkish. He seems to be a genuine devote christian though.
I saw a Syrian refugee a year ago at first I thought he was white.
Syrians are the whitest Arabs for the most part, I constantly see many white-looking people at my mosque, be it people with pink skin or light hair or colored eyes, or a mix of these. One of the staff there is a ginger Moroccan, and I've also seen random people at my mosque with colored eyes or light hair, mostly brown hair though, especially during this ramadan when there are soooo many people in the mosque, I was seeing multiple people a night who had pink skin/light hair/colored eyes. K9Otaku has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Granted, some of these people at the mosque were likely European converts

Top kek coming from a broke ass wannabe Iraqi freedom fighter. I didn't steal it bitch, it was given to me from birth by right.
You're Indian

It is true that because the white man is fighting with himself the way he is, it naturally makes everyone a bit sick and it's increasingly difficult to tolerate that for everyone. So my move is ingenious whereas many I know are waiting to jump off the right bridge.
Indian-American succeed more than Iraqis. Yes it is truly a hard pill for your to swallow.
Succeed in what way? No one every wishes to be indian
Some are, not Dravidians. They are Brahmins too.
Brahmins on average are closer to European/Iranians. Not that deep
Not if they are central or south Indians. Brahmins can be very ugly btw.
Yeah, again all I read was "you and K9OTAKU destroyed me and I'm upset"
This guy's is a low IQ moron. Trust me, in achievement and skill set I probably mog you in every way.
If you say so
I don't yearn for your skin tone.
99% of indians do.
Before coming to India I was pretty fair for a mixed Dravidian origin Indian.
Also bitch, you are describing Indians.
you are an indian though
Remember, Indians in America don't have this problem. They have problems for sure, but they usually confront their worship of the white man in different ways.
No, they most certinaly DO have this problem. You can see indians whining and bitching about their skin color and manletism everywhere in the west. Go on tiktok and he see indian men and women crying about how people from every other race always call them ugly
You are Iraqi, you are NOT in the West by any measure.
Thank god
Mindset, behavior, psychology, cultural behavior are all determined by where you stayed the longest and from Kindergarden -Bachelors degree.
Ok, so?
So yes I will talk about worship of the whiteman with you and clearly you suffer from a major case of denial about MENA due to it !
I am talking of white genetics, not "mindset" or "culture" or whatever. Why would I be jealous of modern white culture?

Yeah no, I reject this claim.
It's okay, not everyone can swallow the racepill.
Indians do not rule America. You mean the homeland of my ancestors. Ahh yes..no wrong again.
whatever, keep denying.
Yes, it called "nigger politics"
It's called being genetically superior.
Good then express them properly.
That's not the point of this discussion, and we already know what these problems are, like feminism, abortions, LGBT, materialism, enviroment exploitation
From the way you speak, yes you are. I reject your claim.
I summarily dismiss your claim. It's been asked and answered. N E X T !
Would be nice wouldn't it? Isn't it what 85% of the members he wanted at one point. But no, not me.
Anything is help for Iraq. Come on bro, you are Iraqi. You need help.
America was not there for the betterment or to help Iraqis, just as America was not in Afghanistan to help Afghans. What a bootlooking dumbass.
Lots of ways. America is very reasonable in this regard, or would have been.
Nah, America was not there to help Iraqis
Again, Iraqis should have ! Topic is Done and dusted !
Sorry, indians are the cucks who bend over for invaders, not us.
Asked and answered.
>gets conquered
>does nothing
>is proud of this
It's getting better faster than Iraq lmao.
Nah, it's still a steaming shithole with some of the most repulsive rates of fecal matter in the streets, orphans being exploited, mutations from the shit water you drink, and rampant poverty.
All mogs the PISS out of Iraq. You wouldn't know. Where else have you lived. Are you a traveling richcel?
It doesn't. India is a massive shithole, the toilet of the world.
Of course they would. I'm not representing America to the fucking whites of Europe or America itself. I represent that TO YOU. A confused worthless Iraqi who is upset at the mix I am, even though my ancestors hail from a country which has a Darke skin tone than yours. And btw, stop acting like Misogynist curry that idiot and his "muh fair skin" crap.
You're not american, and you're not "mixed" you are curry.
Not an Indian. An Indian-American.
Nope, just indian. Unless I've been misunderstanding you, and you mean you are half-American racially
Yes now your taking it would have been an EXCELLENT place to go see, given it's deep history. All the more reason for Iraqi resistance to have settled down and realized this potential much faster and with more ease !
Resisting invaders is never wrong, especially when those invaders had zero interest in helping you. Like, holy hell, are you this deluded to think the "war on terror" shit and blaming us for WMDs was some ploy to "help iraqis". Are you that intellectually destroyed, that badly mentally damaged? Stop making a fool of yourself. What exactly do you think America was in Iraq for? To give us free money? JFL what an actual clown
That's how it is brotha.
Oh it certainly can.
It's true, Indians from the mainland have a rather unaware education about the West and are very sheltered in how they investigate. Not knowing is okay but they aren't even able to ask good question and extrapolate conclusions. This is what keeps them such hard worker bees in specializations they learn.
It's genetic, which I know you deny anyways
That's not how genetics work you stupid hapa nigger.
But that is how White people's brains work. Halo effect. Muslim --> sand nigger --> not white

Culture beats genetics every time
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since when did jews have red hair and blue eyes?
Lots of Jews have red hair jfl. It was an old European trope to depict Jews having red hair because it was so common. Even my hair was red when I was younger, until it got darker with age.

But that is how White people's brains work. Halo effect. Muslim --> sand nigger --> not white
It’s all about looks. Stop repeating this same debunked bullshit.

Yep, I know a Sri Lankan guy who is a christian and his legal name is Tony. He seems infatuated with Roman/Byzantine history, since he started talking to me about those things when I told him I'm turkish. He seems to be a genuine devote christian though.

Syrians are the whitest Arabs for the most part, I constantly see many white-looking people at my mosque, be it people with pink skin or light hair or colored eyes, or a mix of these. One of the staff there is a ginger Moroccan, and I've also seen random people at my mosque with colored eyes or light hair, mostly brown hair though, especially during this ramadan when there are soooo many people in the mosque, I was seeing multiple people a night who had pink skin/light hair/colored eyes. K9Otaku has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Granted, some of these people at the mosque were likely European converts

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that’s why everyone cares about the syrian war (and even the uighars), but no one cares about Yemen.
You're Indian.
For fucks sake. There is a marked difference in many ways. Watch these idiot comedians. As they switch.

View: https://youtu.be/vsFzuLXXt9o

Usually, most Indian-Americans can include behaving like an Indian, but it's not how they really think. Vivek Ramaswami is a good example. However, Indian-Indians (from the mainland) their behavior can not (and/or usually do not) include that of Indian-Americans. One subsumes the other. @Misogynist Curry 卐 would have a problem if I called myself an "Indian" Nationally. Genetically, yes I am. But culturally, Psychologically, etc etc I'm not. These are the things which make up a person. Of course, these comedians are leftist assholes, and both the audience and the comedians are engaged in a BDSM session with each other.

Succeed in what way? No one every wishes to be indian.
These are such bullshit statements you can't possibly hold any dominion over. Remember I'm older and wiser. I have met black and white people who say "man I wish I was born into Indian culture" because they recognise they have lost their own ethnic cultures.
Brahmins on average are closer to European/Iranians. Not that deep.


If you say so

99% of indians do.


you are an indian though.
You are brain damaged. Let's stop here. Fine. I'm an Indian. Niice! I'll let the real Indians know that an Iraqi retard declared me a citizen of India. I want voting rights!
No, they most certinaly DO have this problem. You can see indians whining and bitching about their skin color and manletism everywhere in the west. Go on tiktok and he see indian men and women crying about how people from every other race always call them ugly.
It does happen. Why the fuck would I need to go on tik tok. It's happened to me, probably before you were even born Iraqi. How old are you btw?
Thank god

Ok, so?

I am talking of white genetics, not "mindset" or "culture" or whatever. Why would I be jealous of modern white culture?

It's okay, not everyone can swallow the racepill.

whatever, keep denying.

It's called being genetically superior.

That's not the point of this discussion, and we already know what these problems are, like feminism, abortions, LGBT, materialism, enviroment exploitation




What exactly do you think America was in Iraq for? To give us free money?
Well, I was hoping for a nice resort/business center
-city like Dubai ? History tour of craddle of civilization during the day and lap dances from sexy Kurdish women at night?


It's genetic, which I know you deny anyways

Keep Going Season 5 GIF
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But that is how White people's brains work.
No, it doesnt. How the fuck would you know?
Halo effect. Muslim --> sand nigger --> not white
Must be why so many europeans say I look white, or they ask me "how come youre so white if youre iraqi"

and this is cope anyways. No one looks at this guy and thinks he's not white.
0 Ibrahim Hussain

Culture beats genetics every time
You only repeat this cope phrase to escape the pain of being a hapa. Genetics beats culture every time.

Lots of Jews have red hair jfl. It was an old European trope to depict Jews having red hair because it was so common. Even my hair was red when I was younger, until it got darker with age.
that’s why everyone cares about the syrian war (and even the uighars), but no one cares about Yemen.
Yep, and it's also why Ukraine gets more sympathy than Syria. It's them first, then syrians, then afghans, then uigurs, then yemenis. Brootal

No one will believe this is a muslim girl in the West.
Well, she is one. I doubt anyone thinks youre half european, but you still are regardless.
If Muslim parents (especially if mom has veil) walk in the streets with her, they will think she has been kidnapped and they will call social services.
I have 3 cousins in Australia who were born with blonde hair and blue eyes, and while 2 of them quickly lost their blonde hair, 1 of them retained it until she was about 12, and now has brown hair. Nothing like this delusional fanfic of yours has ever happened.

In fact, I'll give another example to shut you up. My dad looks very much like an arab, yet my sister is pale as snow with very white facial features and brown hair. Again, your schitzo fantasy of "social services" has never been a thing whenever my dad and sisters are out in public.

I also have an uncle in Italy who has lived there since he was 19. Speaks perfect Italian and no one can tell he is a foreigner. Even his half-italian daughters resemble my sisters.

Many europeans are well aware that MENA people can pass as white, maybe youre just being delusional because some sand niggers look whiter than your hapa ass.

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No, it doesnt. How the fuck would you know?
I was raised in the UK and France.

and this is cope anyways. No one looks at this guy and thinks he's not white.
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As soon as they know he is Muslim, he is no longer white. Btw, his hair gives him away even before that. No one in the West has hair like that. No one in the West has black hair. Only brown or blond.

You only repeat this cope phrase to escape the pain of being a hapa. Genetics beats culture every time.
Keep coping

Btw, you are right now bragging about your genetics on .is? What kind of incel are you? "I aM a SanD NiGGer bUt I aM WHitE" what a desperate cope
I was raised in the UK and France.
And I was raised in Canada. So what?
As soon as they know he is Muslim, he is no longer white.
not how genetics work, sorry mate
Btw, his hair gives him away even before that. No one in the West has hair like that. No one in the West has black hair. Only brown or blond.
Is this nigger for real? Are you ffr? There are a fuckton of British, Irish, French, and German natives who have black hair. And italians Spanish and greeks have majority black hair.


Keep coping
How am I coping exactly?
Btw, you are right now bragging about your genetics on .is? What kind of incel are you? "I aM a SanD NiGGer bUt I aM WHitE" what a desperate cope
Me being a white turk has nothing to do with being an incel, just like @Saitama being nordic has nothing to do with being incel.
not how genetics work, sorry mate
That is the core of your cope. You think that bc genetics is "science", it is the strongest thing. "Muh Science"

Culture is also in our genes and it is stronger than our genes. That is why we can learn things and curb our instincts.

Just like they learn not to poop in the street, when they are small kids, Westerners learn that muslims are not white. You can cry "muh genetics" all you want. As soon they know you are muslim, you are not white. Cultural logic has its own rules.
No one will believe this is a muslim girl in the West. If Muslim parents (especially if mom has veil) walk in the streets with her, they will think she has been kidnapped and they will call social services.
Top Kek.

Lots of Jews have red hair jfl. It was an old European trope to depict Jews having red hair because it was so common. Even my hair was red when I was younger, until it got darker with age.
Not lots. Some.
It’s all about looks. Stop repeating this same debunked bullshit.
You guys repeat the same bullshit all day everyday so...
that’s why everyone cares about the syrian war (and even the uighars), but no one cares about Yemen.
Must you always twist reality to match your bullshit? Everyone, International -U.K. - American liberal and MSM News outlets update it's viewers on every step some durka durka in Yemen takes. From Yemeni servant's rights to teacher unions, water crisis,UNICEF operations, Amnesty faggotry. Shit CNN & NPR have entire segments dedicated to Yemeni people only LoL.
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That is the core of your cope.
im not coping, you need to learn what that word is before using it
You think that bc genetics is "science"
it is science. Whether I think so or not is irrelevant
"Muh Science"
Makes more sense than culture, whatever that is
Culture is also in our genes
nah, it isnt, europeans went from being pagan, to christian, to some being muslim to atheistm all vastly different culture
and it is stronger than our genes.
how can culture be stronger than genes when genes remain nearly unchanged over 1000s of years while culture is changing every other decade?
That is why we can learn things and curb our instincts.
What does this have to do with me being white and you beinf a hapa?
Westerners learn that muslims are not white.

You can cry "muh genetics" all you want.
Genetics are objective, sorry you hate objectivity
As soon they know you are muslim, you are not white.
not how genetics work. But I'll humor your pathetic hapa cope.

why does being a muslim mean someone "is not white"? Because it's a sand religion? So is Christianity. Because theyre not european? Neither are Georgians.

Cultural logic has its own rules.
What the fuck does this even mean? (Aside from you obviously coping about being a gook mutt)

So hilarious how a gook wants to sit here and lecture us on who is or isnt white. White is genetic/phenotypical, not culture. You will never be white no matter how much christianity, hollywood, lgbt, or whatever the fuck else you consider to be "white culture" you consume

Top Kek.

Not lots. Some.

You guys repeat the same bullshit all day everyday so...

Must you always twist reality to match your bullshit? Everyone, International -U.K. - American liberal and MSM News outlets update it's viewers on every step some durka durka in Yemen takes. From Yemeni servant's rights to teacher unions, water crisis,UNICEF operations, Amnesty faggotry. Shit CNN & NPR have entire segments dedicated to Yemeni people only LoL.
You all day:
You all day:
You don't seem to be able to read or under basic tidbits about what's happening in the world. The only thing that you know are these stupid internet culture memes and jokes. Did you ever work in a professional job? Do you plan on it ?
You don't seem to be able to read or under basic tidbits about what's happening in the world. The only thing that you know are these stupid internet culture memes and jokes. Did you ever work in a professional job? Do you plan on it ?
Nigger, I’m probably the second biggest money mogger ever on this forum (afaik).
It is science. Whether I think so or not is irrelevant. Makes more sense than culture, whatever that is
People do not follow science. They follow culture. That is why your parents are muslim and not, say, Zoroastrian or Hindu. Your parents are the way they are because of the culture of the place they were born. If they had been born a couple thousand km further East or West, they would have been something else.

This is because we humans have a strong genetic capability for cultural imprinting. As soon as we are born, we start absorbing the culture around us, to the point that culture can change our perception of "objective" things. We never see objects "as they are". We can only see them through the lens of our culture.

Therefore, if your culture tells you that a muslim person is not white, that is what you will see. That is what Westerners see.

how can culture be stronger than genes when genes remain nearly unchanged over 1000s of years while culture is changing every other decade?
Because culture is based on other genes that have become stronger in humans than any other genes. If they hadn't, we would not have culture and would simply follow our instincts like other animals.

The fact that we can modify our culture faster than our genes is the reason we have outcompeted all other animals. It makes us far more adaptable than them.

Genetics are objective, sorry you hate objectivity
Culture is just as objective as genetics, because it is based on it. The only problem we have today with culture is that our scientific level is far below what it would take to understand it. Culture is the most complex phenomenon on the surface of the Earth. We can see that it is powerful and impacts everything in our lives, but we don't understand scientifically how it really works in detail. So, the only thing we can do is make observations about it in plain, unscientific, language. That is why talking about culture belongs in the humanities and not science, but it does not mean that culture is "less powerful" than science. On the contrary, it is too powerful for science to tackle.

Why does being a muslim mean someone "is not white"?
Because this is how it was shown to people in the West. Every time they saw muslims on TV or in the streets, they saw non-white people (North Africans, Pakis, Niggers, Egyptians, etc). As a result, Islam has become associated with non-whiteness in Western culture. The fact that muslims appeared backward and violent only reinforced that color association. This is why Westerners think, for example, that Iranians are brown. They must be brown because they are muslim (and therefore inferior).
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@Made in Heaven

This is how Westerners see muslims. Once a meme like this has been imprinted into a given culture, like this one has been in the West, it will not go away for a few centuries. Cultures have longer memories than individuals (even if they can change faster than genes)
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People do not follow science. They follow culture. That is why your parents are muslim and not, say, Zoroastrian or Hindu. Your parents are the way they are because of the culture of the place they were born. If they had been born a couple thousand km further East or West, they would have been something else.
This is because we humans have a strong genetic capability for cultural imprinting. As soon as we are born, we start absorbing the culture around us, to the point that culture can change our perception of "objective" things. We never see objects "as they are". We can only see them through the lens of our culture.Therefore, if your culture tells you that a muslim person is not white, that is what you will see.That is what Westerners see.Because culture is based on other genes that have become stronger in humans than any other genes. If they hadn't, we would not have culture and would simply follow our instincts like other animals.The fact that we can modify our culture faster than our genes is the reason we have outcompeted all other animals. It makes us far more adaptable than them.Culture is just as objective as genetics, because it is based on it. The only problem we have today with culture is that our scientific level is far below what it would take to understand it. Culture is the most complex phenomenon on the surface of the Earth. We can see that it is powerful and impacts everything in our lives, but we don't understand scientifically how it really works in detail. So, the only thing we can do is make observations about it in plain, unscientific, language. That is why talking about culture belongs in the humanities and not science, but it does not mean that culture is "less powerful" than science. On the contrary, it is too powerful for science to tackle.Because this is how it was shown to people in the West. Every time they saw muslims on TV or in the streets, they saw non-white people (North Africans, Pakis, Niggers, Egyptians, etc). As a result, Islam has become associated with non-whiteness in Western culture. The fact that muslims appeared backward and violent only reinforced that color association. This is why Westerners think, for example, that Iranians are brown. They must be brown because they are muslim (and therefore inferior).

Holy fuck, all this meaningless pilpil from a flat-faced gook mutt simply to delude himself that there aren't MENA people who look white/are white. Nigger is so deluded he even tried claiming fucking Chechnyans are brown. What makes this all the more comedic is you being a hapa who is CLEARLY butthurt at your lack of physical similarities to the French family you descend from, KEK!


@Lv99_BixNood You were SO right when you made this thread. Hapas and gooks really do get mind broken daydreaming about what it would be like to be white.
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@Made in Heaven
View attachment 742850
This is how Westerners see muslims. Once a meme like this has been imprinted into a given culture, like this one has been in the West, it will not go away for a few centuries. Cultures have longer memories than individuals (even if they can change faster than genes)
That's an indian, not even a Pakistani, let alone a MENA.

Here's actual MENA people ;) I know just how bad you wish you weren't a gook and looked even 30% like this

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That's an indian, not even a Pakistani, let alone a MENA.
It doesn't matter who he is in reality. He is a meme.

Memes are what drives people's reactions. "Reality" does not matter. This is how Westerners see muslims, including you.
Holy fuck, all this meaningless pilpil from a flat-faced gook mutt simply to delude himself that there aren't MENA people who look white/are white.
What I wrote really went over your head, didn't it?

One thing I didn't ask you. Are you really a muslim? I mean a believing, practicing muslim?
It doesn't matter who he is in reality.
Of course it does, because he is an Indian, not MENA. Not the same race or genes or phenotype
He is a meme.
Memes are what drives people's reactions.
"heckin 4chan memerinos are reality":soy: I guess gooks like you having shrimp penises is also true, since "memes are what drive people's reactions" eh? :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

"Reality" does not matter.
:feelskek: What an insane amount of cope, you poor pathetic gook. Of course I can't blame you for wanting to ignore reality when you are such a subhuman specimen.
This is how Westerners see muslims,
So if westerners see YOU as an asian, does that mean you're magically no longer a hapa? That's how reality works now? God fucking almighty, you're so mentally damaged, it's laughable. Way to prove @Lv99_BixNood's point completley accurate, you gooks are mind broken

Actually, let's use another comparison. Asians delude themselves that they are white (see anime), does that now mean now they are white? Get better material please, you slant eyed flat faced yellow monkey. You're so brain broken, so ass blasted, so intellectually damaged, so abysmally seething, that you ACTUALLY, like fucking ACTUALLY, want to use a fucking internet meme of a fucking INDIAN to say MENA aren't white when genetics/phenotypes show otherwise.

You will never be a Caucasoid or White.


including you.
Must be why Europeans never call me brown even when they know I'm muslim. Hmmmm, curious!
What I wrote really went over your head, didn't it?

One thing I didn't ask you. Are you really a muslim? I mean a believing, practicing muslim?
yes. So? Let me guess, if I suddenly became "le heckin christcuck" I'd now be white? JFL

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Actually, let's use another comparison. Asians delude themselves that they are white (see anime)
Is that why you have an anime pic as your AV?

Must be why Europeans never call me brown even when they know I'm muslim. Hmmmm, curious!
They just do it behind your back. Canadians are just too "nice" to tell it to your face.

You will never be a Caucasoid or White.
Neither will you, in the mind of the people you worship (Westerners). No matter how hard you cope about being "Caucasoid", this is how they will see you:

There is no way you can escape it. "Reality" does not matter. Perception is eveything.
One thing I didn't ask you. Are you really a muslim? I mean a believing, practicing muslim?
yes. So?
I don't believe that a single second.

If you were a real muslim, you wouldn't be on this forum. You would be doing trad muslim copes and that would make you content. In particular, you would have a trad muslim wife arranged for you and you would not be an incel in the first place. You would not even know what this word mean.

But because you were raised in the West, now you worship THE WHITE MAN, instead of Allah. In fact, you are ashamed of being a muslim and that is why you need to cope so hard about "being white".

I think you must realize that insisting on being white the way you do is borderline blasphemous for a muslim because it means you scorn the prophet Muhammad because of his skin color. Arabian bedouins have quite a lot of African black blood in their veins because of the millennia-old trade between Yemen and Ethiopia. Also, a huge number of black slaves were brought to the region, also for millennia. As a result, millions after millions of black-arab bastards were mixed into the bedouin population.
Is that why you have an anime pic as your AV?
What does that have to do with Asians depicting themselves with Caucasoid features in anime?
They just do it behind your back. Canadians are just too "nice" to tell it to your face.
uh huh, sure, whatever you say.
Neither will you
Sorry bro, but unlike you, I'm pontic phenotype with pink skin, round eyes, and a red beard ;)


in the mind of the people you worship (Westerners).
Asians worship whites like gods.

No matter how hard you cope about being "Caucasoid"
I am caucasoid/white, just like how I'm 5'8.5, this is just an objective biological fact, no need for me to "cope" about it.
Nope, since I'm not indian.
There is no way you can escape it. "Reality" does not matter. Perception is eveything.
>reality doesn't matter
>perception is everything


So if a tranny male is perceieved as a female, he's now a female? If a hapa, like you, is perceieved as being fully Asian, that's not true? Why do you not answer these questions

You're so adorable in your stupid cope, it's pathetic.
I don't believe that a single second.
ok, you also dont believe caucasoids are caucasoids, so your belief in something doesn't hold much, if any, value.
If you were a real muslim, you wouldn't be on this forum. You would be doing trad muslim copes and that would make you content. In particular, you would have a trad muslim wife arranged for you and you would not be an incel in the first place. You would not even know what this word mean.
Hmmmm, no. Not how that works
But because you were raised in the West, now you worship THE WHITE MAN, instead of Allah. In fact, you are ashamed of being a muslim and that is why you need to cope so hard about "being white".
I'm not ashamed of being muslim, I pray at work in front of my non-Muslim co-workers.
I think you must realize that insisting on being white the way you do is borderline blasphemous for a muslim because it means you scorn the prophet Muhammad because of his skin color.
I'm not "insisting" on being white. I am white, by every objective biological metric. It's not a matter of opinion. Even the Caucasoid race was named after the Caucsus people (Armenians, Georgians, Azeris, Chechnyans, Circassions), all of whom are white Caucasoid, yet still not European.

Prophet Muhammad had white skin, so no, I'm not. Even Prophet Jesus had white skin. Both of these are attested to in hadiths.
Arabian bedouins have quite a lot of African black blood in their veins because of the millennia-old trade between Yemen and Ethiopia. Also, a huge number of black slaves were brought to the region, also for millennia. As a result, millions after millions of black-arab bastards were mixed into the bedouin population.
Nope, the average Saudi has less 2.5% Negroid blood. LESS than. Yemenis are around like 9% Negroid. Very low amount.

Needless to say, Prophet Abraham was from Iraq, and given that Prophet Muhammad is his direct descendant, he'd also technically be Mesopetamian genetically.
I am caucasoid/white, just like how I'm 5'8.5, this is just an objective biological fact, no need for me to "cope" about it.

Asians worship whites like gods.
View attachment 743036

What does that have to do with Asians depicting themselves with Caucasoid features in anime?
It means you worship whites exactly like Asians do.

Nope, since I'm not indian.
Doesn't matter to "them". That is what you are in their eyes.

So if a tranny male is perceieved as a female, he's now a female?
No because they are not perceived as females. They are just perceived as gross. That is why they seethe and commit suicide so much.

If a hapa, like you, is perceieved as being fully Asian, that's not true?
Yes, I am perceived as fully Asian and that is ok with me. Asians have a much better reputation in the West than muslims do (so much so that they now discriminate against us in big US universities because we are just too good in STEM fields).
It means you worship whites exactly like Asians do.
Well, I guess everyone worships whites at the end of the day, the differnce here is, I'm actually white, unlike asians
Doesn't matter to "them". That is what you are in their eyes.
View attachment 743040View attachment 743040View attachment 743040
No, because I'm not indian.
No because they are not perceived as females.
so, If they WERE perceieved as female, they WOULD be female according to your dumbass theory? And no, plenty of trannys often larp as women good enough, hence why many trick straight men into sex or making out with them
Yes, I am perceived as fully Asian and that is ok with me.
But does that actually make you fully asian? No. Perception is not reality. People also perceieve women as being innocent, is that also true?
Asians have a much better reputation in the West than muslims do
You guys are docile cuckhold slave class, that's why your reputation is "good". You aren't trouble. You aren't sexual competition to white men. You aren't a sexual threat to white men. You aren't even a demographic threat since most of you have 0-2 kids. You are beta orbitors on an economic level, hence why Asians are the biggest incels, and, AGAIN, as you can see in the OP of this thread, many asians resort to self-depreciating themselves in a pathetic, humiliating attempt to be accepted into and embraced by white society

MENAs, thankfully, have enough self worth to not do what you bugs do
(so much so that they now discriminate against us in big US universities because we are just too good in STEM fields).
>muh IQ
>gets cucked by white men, arab men, indian men, and black men



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Nope, the average Saudi has less 2.5% Negroid blood. LESS than. Yemenis are around like 9% Negroid. Very low amount.
I don't believe that for a single second.

Needless to say, Prophet Abraham was from Iraq, and given that Prophet Muhammad is his direct descendant, he'd also technically be Mesopetamian genetically.
And how many black slave concubines did the descendants of Abraham fuck on the way to Muhammad's birth? First off, Ishmael, the ancestor of Muhammad one generation after Abraham was "the son of the servant girl". What do you think that means?
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You guys are docile cuckhold slave class, that's why your reputation is "good". You aren't trouble. You aren't sexual competition to white men. You aren't a sexual threat to white men. You aren't even a demographic threat since most of you have 0-2 kids. You are beta orbitors on an economic level, hence why Asians are the biggest incels, and, AGAIN, as you can see in the OP of this thread, many asians resort to self-depreciating themselves in a pathetic, humiliating attempt to be accepted into and embraced by white society.
And this is rational. Being economic orbiters of the White Man has lifted us out of poverty.

Because we are less cocky than you idiot bags of hot air, we have accepted economic reality. That has made us rich even though we have much less natural resources than you MENA bombastic nitwits. You talk about "reality" all the time, but this is reality too, and of a more significant kind.

As a result, Japan is on par with the West economically and China is not far behind.

Individually, muslims have a loud mouth. But in groups (as countries), they are pushovers. That is why you are getting your ass whupped all the time by tiny Israel.
I'm not ashamed of being muslim, I pray at work in front of my non-Muslim co-workers.
This is the most pathetic admission you have made so far.

What you are saying here is that you crave being appreciated by your white co-workers so much that you do something (muslim ass-in-the-air prayer) that will make them laugh behind your back and see you as a brown-skinned Iraqi dirt-bag (and potential suicide bomber).

If you think about it, you will realize that you are so desperately in the grip of your pride that you insist on having these two mutually incompatible desires:
  1. Be appreciated as an equal by whites (don't give me your usual "but I am white" cope. Your co-workers don't consider you white)
  2. Maintain your pride in "being a muzzie"
This leads you to this masochistic never-ending toil in which you destroy two or three times a day any shred of respect your white co-workers might have had for you.

@JayGoptri thoughts?
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