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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

DOW -234.98
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Why do you say that?
Because all the horrible deeds and mistakes of our past made out of pure greed or spite is going to come to haunt this nation very soon in the most terrible of ways. You make a deal with the devil eventually the devil will come for your life and soul. :feelsjuice: :blackpill:
What if, like Faust, the West repents and somehow escapes the seemingly inevitable catastrophe? It's never too late. I want to see this place collapse.

I agree though, I think the West is doomed. Nothing lasts forever. :blackpill::whitepill:
We had plenty of time to change things around for the better in the west, we had nearly sixty years to do so, instead we wasted it all away exhausting our chances or opportunities to do so. I'm afraid it's way too late to change things now, too late and a dollar short. Only thing we have left is eternal doom and destruction that awaits us all, the only silver lining in all of this is that western feminism will die with it. Chaos and destruction are very purifying forms of nature or existence. :feelsjuice: :blackpill:
Just two more hours, just love how they're printing digital money today. :feelsjuice:

DOW - 102.43
Ezgif 2 90f4ceda33
Today we will see a lots of candies being sold and the restaurants will be full, ofc normies will reinterpret that as a sign of recovering economy.
For too long that has been no government or political voice amongst the incel community, we have no unified body politics. Here in the United States the homeless man, working poor, and low status men have no political voice who make up the bulk we incels ourselves. The democratic and republican political structure cling to a ruthless eugenics or Social Darwinist societal system that expands everywhere in culture where according to them a majority of us men are sacrificial where our lives do not matter whatsoever, for them only the top percentage of society's men matters where the rest of us are dumb animals left to die in the slaughterhouse. The libertarians, republicans, conservatives, and democrats don't care about the majority of men, we do not exist in their eyes as they only care about the top percentage of men concerning their social or sexual capitalism. I then began to think of myself, what system exists that cares about the prosperity or well being of a majority of its inhabitants, and of course the only such system is socialism or communism. After coming to that realization I then knew a socialist or communist incel revolution was inevitable and really they have given us no other options or alternatives to such. After all of that I think about the needs and desires of a majority of men going unfulfilled in terms of sexual companionship, and so with that my ideas for a redistributive model of sexual communism came forth. :feelsjuice:
Today we will see a lots of candies being sold and the restaurants will be full, ofc normies will reinterpret that as a sign of recovering economy.
Yes, because they're a bunch of clueless economic illiterates as are most. :feelsjuice:
Libertarianism, conservatism, capitalism, or even democrats and republicans will never solve the incel problem for us, none of those systems will even represent us because they all seem well content with a majority of men being expendable. A socialist or communist revolution on the other hand comprised of incel proletarians will. :feelsjuice:
But how would this work for the elites?? They own big ranches and villas all across the states. Surely they understand that the people will pick up pitchforks and raid their giant compounds..

The whole collapse theory seems a bit oversimplified, I think the elite would prefer a Brazilia type scenario where the "have nots" live in favelas and the "haves" live in gated communities with armed guards :feelsbaton:
Most of them have secondary or third houses and estates well outside the United States territorial borders. The goal for them is to kill off large swathes of the population so that resistance is very low and manageable for the next system they plan on initiating. :feelsjuice:
As we all know female sexual reproductive behavior is hypergamic which is just another way of saying their sexuality is capitalist, the very embodiment of women is vaginal capitalism. Peak western feminism is a direct result of the late stage economic system we all currently live under and so peak western feminism in all reality is late stage vaginal capitalism. In order for we men to destroy feminism we need to regulate, control, and enforce limitations on female sexual capitalism. Fascism, democracy, libertarianism, modern conservatism, and such will not do this because they do not believe in the regulation or control of capital of any kind, their entire thinking is free market or Laissez-faire attitudes that extends well beyond national economic structures but also includes sexual economics as well which is how libertine feminism was born to begin with historically. The only way to control and regulate this vaginal capitalism is to socialize it completely, the only way to rid ourselves of inceldom is redistribute female sexual capital, the only way to go forward with such a prospect is a socialist economic political model. Once again, an incel socialist and communist revolution is inevitable, there is no other kind of political economic models that will serve our interests. :feelsjuice:
DOW - 156.66
S&P500 - 1.16
NASDAQ +68.36 :feelswhat:

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Revolt against the modern fascistic and capitalist world. :feelsjuice:
It was thought that once the rich and powerful were safe or secure in their hideaways with their sexual harem of foids they could pull up the ladders on social economic mobility on the rest of us men leaving us to rot living miserable impoverish lives, now let's watch them squirm together as we pull away our own ladders from them concerning the fruits of our labor. We will wait patiently as their entire world burns and crumbles around them within idle inactivity. :feelsjuice:

Do you think they would all retreat to NZ if shit hit the fan? At the end of the day, these "elite" are still human and registered with local authorities.. I just wish my fellow burgers had more gumption to stand up to the oligopoly :feelsUgh:
Most of them have already retreated to New Zealand and other locations. The United States is a majority uneducated and ignorant, like everything else we have to learn things the hard way. A lot of delusional people here as well. :feelsjuice:
DOW - 94.95

What can you assholes possibly offer us? Half the male population in this nation lives in extreme poverty or squalor. Cannot afford a hour, increasingly cannot afford rent, no girlfriend, no wife, no marriage, and no sex. A majority of jobs are minimum wage in an economically inflationary environment where they're not even the trouble or hassle of working.

Again, what can you assholes possibly offer us? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Now that's what I call a flat stagnant trading intraday. :feelsjuice:
Wow, this might be the flattest trading session I've ever seen. :feelsjuice:
Last minute pathetic run up I see, must be getting desperate. Tick, tock. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:


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DOW - 431.20
S&P500 - 57.19
NASDAQ - 214.76

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Everybody on WallStreet is basically shitting a brick because the Federal Reserve is basically going to raise rates even more before the year is over. We're just witnessing the first cracks manifest before the real economic earthquake presents itself. I want bankers doing swan dives to their own deaths live on television before it is all over. :feelsjuice:
Can't wait to see what becomes of radical American feminism upon societal and civilization collapse, these overly entitled and privileged cunts are going to get bitch slapped by reality hardcore, it's going to be beautiful to witness. :feelsjuice:
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A very flat trading day for a Friday, well shall see what happens in the next three hours. :feelsjuice:
Last hour pump up, fucking pathetic. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:


IMO death by hyperinflation is the inevitable result of a dishonest and manipulative financial system. The system only works because of the authoritarian control that elites have over the financial world, which all commoners and foriegn countries are liable to and subjugated by. The system is only supported through a widespread fear of inaccessibility to fiat currency

Normies are socialized and programmed to project a sense of "value" onto slices of paper and numerals on electronic screen, even though it's all backed by nothing but the unfinalized losses and economic fears of other people. It seems the financial world is really a massive spectacle of make-believe. A system that's not supported by an economical resource that has direct value to human welfare, is a LARP-ed system
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IMO death by hyperinflation is the inevitable result of a dishonest and manipulative financial system. The system only works because of the authoritarian control that elites have over the financial world, which all commoners and foriegn countries are liable to and subjugated by. The system is only supported through a widespread fear of inaccessibility to fiat currency

Normies are socialized and programmed to project a sense of "value" onto slices of paper and numerals on electronic screen, even though it's all backed by nothing but the unfinalized losses and economic fears of other people. It seems the financial world is really a massive spectacle of make-believe. A system that's not supported by an economical resource that has direct value to human welfare, is a LARP-ed system

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