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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

Oh, come on now, the world is on the verge of World War III and thermonuclear war across the entire planet, why isn't the DOW at least up +1000.00 today on that single fact alone? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

You know, this is all going to end one way or another with a shit load of dead people everywhere crying, kicking, screaming, and gnashing on their own teeth, right? I know I'm excited, this really is the greatest time to be alive, I remain an extremely dark optimist through this whole horrid affair. It certainly is the most interesting time to be alive. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Fallout 4 nuclear bomb gif animation
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this thread is still lurking huh
"Stock market drops as everyone digests Powell's remarks."

Yeah, about that, there will be no rate cuts, there will be no rate pauses, the bond market is screaming fire, everybody is pricing in a very deep decline before the end of this year, and those assholes at the Federal Reserve despite all of this is currently trying to juice up the open today. What do I win, a prize for my efforts? Tick, tock motherfuckers, very soon you'll be running on empty and there's no way to mitigate any of that in terms of financial fallout. Contagion? Not this time, this isn't 2008 or 2009. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Stephen king it
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It was very obvious since the very first day that a submarine torpedo under orders of the U.S. bombed the Russian Nord Stream gas pipeline, a smart fucking ten year old could of told you that.

"It's a huge bombshell revelation disclosed to the general public."

Yeah, if you're a complete fucking idiot, sure thing. :feelsjuice:

Funny mcdonalds
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It was very obvious since the very first day that a submarine torpedo under orders of the U.S. bombed the Russian Nord Stream gas pipeline, a smart fucking ten year old could of told you that.

"It's a huge bombshell revelation disclosed to the general public."

Yeah, if you're a complete fucking idiot, sure thing. :feelsjuice:

View attachment 705350
P.S. if the C.I.A at Langley or the FEDS come across this post, this is what happens when you hire a bunch of diversity hired uneducated homosexuals in your think tanks, my how the once mighty have fallen so low. What do you have them doing in those offices all day besides fidgeting with their cellphones drinking lattes? Boy, you certainly know how to pick them these days in terms of recruitment. :feelsEhh:

Bureau of central intelligence? What a huge laughing stock you have all become. :lul::lul::lul:
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Hey Joe Biden, here's your strong national economy right here. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

In our very own Disney World national financial economic system the company Disney is now firing some 7000-10,000 people, Disney stock shares of course are going up because of, "fuck workers", that's why. There's always money or profit to be made when worker wages no longer have to be paid. :feelsjuice:

How to kill mickey mouse
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Just another day in the world, two more trading days left this week. :feelsEhh:
As everybody knows by now politically I'm a very unorthodox traditionally conservative Marxist and old school communist, for the next week I will be making some anti feminist pro communist memes around here, those of us who are authoritarian leftist incels will very much appreciate them. :feelsEhh:

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Did the US collapse yet? I'm still waiting for it.
Communist leaders thoughts on homosexuality. :feelsjuice:
Exactly, under our fascist corporatism it is private corporations and banks that have captured our governments where the people have very little to no power politically whatsoever as a direct result, capitalism has facilitated that transformation entirely. :feelsjuice::yes::blackpill:
Shameful how many good products the stores throw away
How much food that can be eaten that is carelessly thrown away in the garbage daily is disgusting here. Nobody should have to go hungry without. :feelsjuice:
Sexual communism is the destruction of female privatization, commodification, capitalization, and individualization of human sexual intercourse. Sexual interactions will be collectivized in the formation of a new national state where community is valued above all else, this can only be subsequently achieved with the eradication of western feminism entirely. :feelsjuice:
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My thread now has 38K views, I'm shooting for 100K. :feelsjuice:

Tim curry contentment
The pump up is strong in the stock market today. :feelswhat:
"Stocks soar off of Disney earnings and national job claims."

So, the stock market is going up because of absolute lying statistics of joblessness nationwide along with employment which has been proven already is one giant lie, and because Disney stock shares are going up because they're laying off half their workforce? Clown economics.:feelsclown:
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In the Walt Disney World financial nationwide economic system of the entire U.S. it is Disney stock shares that levitates up the entire stockmarket in one trading day, just let that mentally sink in for a moment.

Fucking clown world Mickey Mouse Economics. :feelsclown:

GenuineSlipperyEasternglasslizard max 1mb
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Credit Suisse I see is in the news again. :feelsEhh:
So many individuals both influential and non-influential are afraid to publicly state their own opinions for fear of political correctness lynch mobs, personal defamation, or censorship, this entire era is fake and gay filled to the brim of spineless cowards and worms. I can't even believe humanity has devolved to this point in human history, it is extremely sad and very pathetic to watch. I wish that I could take a time machine back into the past or even ancient history away from this place, the entire modern world is fake and gay. If you're not allowed open debate, argument, or even competing ideas that is the very essence of mental slavery. :feelsjuice:
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It is a shame for the loss of life in both Turkey and Syria, I hope the rebuilding prospects for both nations along with humanitarian efforts goes well due to the recent devastating earthquake. Specifically in Syria, that nation has suffered a great deal in the last fifteen years where I wish the Syrians well along with the Assad government. :feelsjuice:
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Day traders today on the stock market open.

"I just need my next fix man.."

Proletarian male revolution, one struggle united together in solidarity. :feelsjuice:

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An artistic depiction of the future world if men don't come together to fight the fascist capitalistic corporate technocracy that seeks to enslave us all. We must make sure such a future doesn't materialize, such tyranny must be fought until death, it must be resisted by any means necessary. Only socialism can defeat this kind of privatized corporate fascism, this is why a socialist revolution is inevitable.

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It's all a big elite club, and we're not in it. To know who rules over us find out those who you're not allowed to criticize publicly. :feelsjuice:


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