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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

What did they do this time? :feelshaha:
Rumors of quadrillions of toxic derivatives, the global economic ticking time bomb. All the money printed out of thin air to maintain oppressive international crony capitalism has to come from somewhere. Somebody or something has to finance it. :feelsjuice:
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In order to give off the illusion of economic superiority, progress, and a false egalitarianism international crony capitalism has funded political feminism historically since its very inception, people will wrongly claim that communism or socialism historically created feminism, this is not true, the first political voting rights of women in fact were created by the industrial capitalist west. As a result of maintaining this grand delusional of false sexual egalitarianism a great majority of men's lives have been sacrificed on the alter of this false progress, and from a majority of men's lives being completely grossly sacrificed inceldom eventually came to be. In order for we cursed and condemned men to improve our own lot in life we must collectively become political where for me the proper political structure for us is a revolutionary socialist one. :feelsjuice:
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DOW - 264.35
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One more trading day left of this week. :feelsjuice::feelsEhh:

DOW - 248.47
S&P500 - 36.26
NASDAQ - 120.94

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Are you short anything
I have no money at all to my name, not even a single dollar. No, I follow the stock market merely to pinpoint the exact date, day, and time of when this nation will finally collapse, but while I have no money whatsoever I also know a great deal of economics along with economic theory. I've spent a better portion of my entire life self educating myself about these matters, to understand the evil that rules over this world just follow the money everywhere. :feelsjuice:

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That's unfortunate. Good time to be a bear
Sometimes the only way to win is to not play at all especially when the entire system is rigged against you. I have chosen self resignation or nonparticipation within this society anymore, I have nothing to lose but also everything to gain. :feelsjuice:

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If the goal is World War III with a domestic military draft or conscription nationwide, good luck getting young men to fight and die for you when your entire nation looks like this below. Feminism and its unintended consequences, especially when your nation is undergoing a national existential crisis such as ours. It's always funny sacrificing a large majority of men's lives away, that is until you desperately need them for something which probably explains why military recruitment here is the lowest it has ever been in recorded American history. Imagine my shock, nobody is going to fight for this nation especially when their entire life prospects look like this. If men have no investment inside society they'll be less inclined to fight for and defend it, that simple. :feelsjuice::blackpill:

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Absolutely they would, has everybody forgotten Kent State? Then there's all the unarmed people who get slaughtered by the police every single year here. Soldiers and law enforcement here are glorified paid mercenaries for a paycheck, they talk about national patriotism a great deal, but really that's just a false front of grandstanding. They do whatever they're told to. "I'm just following orders." :feelsjuice:

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I love sporadic wild swing days, up, down, up, and down, nobody knows how the afternoon will end in Clown Town. :feelsclown:
Uh- oh, looks like we're going to lose that Friday rally, awww, schucks. :feelsEhh:
DOW Jones so very low today, almost like major players are waiting for a major planned opportunity, no? What could that be? You might say our very own stock market is prolific in insider trading. :feelsEhh:
People probably figuring out how to deal with the Russian oil shocks to the market today, should I hold, or should I sell? Decisions, decisions.:feelsEhh:
*Sighs* Pump up Friday it is. :feelsjuice:
The inflation survey is bullshit, let's rally! Why? Because it is Friday weekend.

There's a variety of earning misses for various companies, let's rally! Why? Because it is Friday weekend. Literally no reason at all for the market to be up, unless, someone is pumping it up. [Federal Reserve Assholes.] :feelsjuice:


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To the poor Brazilians inside Brazil living on the streets homeless is better than taking the covid vaccine, better to be poor and alive than dead. If there was a time for a Brazilian revolution or insurrection now would be that time. Good luck Brazil. :feelsjuice:

What amazes me about the world is the in your face tyranny and nobody does anything anymore, it is a world of spineless cowards who only look out for their own self interests. And then they wonder why the global elite have it so easy to divide and conquer the entire planet, fucking retards. :feelsjuice:
Chevron saves the day, their Hail Mary for the weekend. :feelsjuice:
*China enters the chat*

"What do you mean you intentionally blew up the Russian Nord Stream pipeline?"

Good, I hope this trend accelerates, expands, and continues, if you cannot provide a majority of younger generations of men with a living standard to be successful, prosperous, and happy your society or nation doesn't deserve to exist at all, period. For the majority of feminist cunts and twats, you wanted a world without any men at all, fucking enjoy yourselves with everything collapsing all around you. This is known as the male strike and resignation by the way, if you have this many men leaving society intentionally, who is really all the more oppressed? A feminist conundrum. :feelsjuice:

Vladimir Putin sounds pissed off over the fact that USA sabtaged Nordstream pipes at behest of His Fraudulency Joe Biden as the puppet by the secret government (powers that be; Rothschilds).

USA (yeah, you feds reading this shit), your time to become balkanized and extinct by steep depopulation and fatalistic chaos is ticking. :society:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UkmZeTnAOo

View: https://twitter.com/Alexkennedy30/status/1624150448780328960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

View: https://twitter.com/GeorgeSirdar/status/1624140637925740562?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs1CIrwg5zU

Vladimir Putin sounds pissed off over the fact that USA sabtaged Nordstream pipes at behest of His Fraudulency Joe Biden as the puppet by the secret government (powers that be; Rothschilds).

USA (yeah, you feds reading this shit), your time to become balkanized and extinct by steep depopulation and fatalistic chaos is ticking. :society:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UkmZeTnAOo

View: https://twitter.com/Alexkennedy30/status/1624150448780328960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

View: https://twitter.com/GeorgeSirdar/status/1624140637925740562?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs1CIrwg5zU


Between them and China next week should be interesting, things are definitely escalating to be sure. :feelsjuice:
I do love people discussing about capitalism in the United States especially when it doesn't exist.

Next they'll say they're fighting and defending capitalism in the U.S. when really they're so dumb and uneducated to realize they're defending corporate fascism. Finally, they'll say socialism is taking over the United States which is hilarious because the only socialism that exists at all is for the wealthy, a Hallmark of corporate fascism not real socialism, a corrupt perversion of actual economic socialism.

If it's not for the working class with the goal of bringing people at the lower ranks of society out of poverty, that's not real socialism. In my mind, real economic socialism is for the poor and working class, that kind of socialism is non-existent in the United States.

Then they bemoan their precious bourgeois upper middle class, and as far as economic classes are concerned they're consistently pro fascist which is why I have given up on cuckservative republicans.

For me socialism is pro working class and pro blue collar workers, only a proletarian revolution will ever change the United States, everything else is utterly useless bullshit. :feelsjuice:
"Stocks jump ahead of Tuesday's CPI report."

In other words, stocks are going up today seemingly for no reason at all on a CPI Report that hasn't even been released to the general public yet, that is unless insiders have already leaked out the information amongst each other for insider trading purposes. And of course, they've caught multiple times already lying about employment, unemployment, and job statistics, so, who isn't to say they won't just lie and fabricate tomorrow's CPI report as well? So called free market American capitalism on display. :feelsjuice:


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"Salesforce stock index surges."

In a nation where sales, profits, and earnings are down all across the board, uh-huh, sure thing. :feelsjuice:
They're getting ready cut EBT food stamps nationwide and the usual hate the poor libertarians or conservatives are celebrating as one could expect from corporate fascism cheerleaders being mostly corporate fascists themselves.

"About time we did this, fuck those lazy deadbeats and leeches."

"If they're having such a hard time, maybe it's about time they get a second or third job."

"I'm tired of my taxes being eaten away by the plebs."

"If you don't work you don't eat, we need to go back to the good old days of more direct plantation slavery."

Yes, let us pretend that two years of covid lockdowns didn't occur and also let us pretend that during those same lockdowns a hundred trillion dollars didn't go to banks or corporations out of your taxes that you assholes never seem to be outraged about whatsoever, but when it concerns punishing the poor who everybody in this nation loves to hate out comes the fake righteous indignation as usual.

Let us pretend that everybody isn't getting layed off from their jobs right now and let us pretend that the government is truthful about employment, unemployment, or job availability numbers which we all know is utterly bullshit. Work two to three jobs you say? It is hard just finding one job and even then it won't pay enough to survive for much of anybody.

Let us pretend that in the last thirty to forty years you didn't outsource a majority of good jobs overseas leaving a pathetic service economy in its place that reduces a majority of men and people to minimum wage slaves which is the same very reason why so many people have become dependent on EBT food stamps to begin with.

Still, this is a nation that loves corporate fascism licking the boots of the very wealthy where hating the poor, destitute, or vulnerable is a great American past time. When this nation finally collapses it will be the poorest portions of the population that will be sacrificed, starved out, and slaughtered, but hey, in this nation of fascism I guess that's what we just call good domestic political policy. :feelsjuice:
No more welfare means the chickens have to come home to roost.
Expect all the foids to start talking to any guy who they get a chance with.
And if anarchy means no more LEO presence that means it's time for the incel uprising. Kill all the Chads in the night. Kill them all and the women will migrate to the only men left.... us....
No more welfare means the chickens have to come home to roost.
Expect all the foids to start talking to any guy who they get a chance with.
And if anarchy means no more LEO presence that means it's time for the incel uprising. Kill all the Chads in the night. Kill them all and the women will migrate to the only men left.... us....
Doubtful, I've lost count how many foids love with their parents, not just Generation Z women, but millennial women as well. It's only after their parents lose their houses or homes will American foids feel the brunt of economic pain that we single men are already experiencing. :feelsjuice:
What are your thoughts on the Ohio train derailment?
Seems to be a lot of suspicious food supplies being sabotaged around the nation, Ohio is one of the biggest agricultural farmland States. :feelsjuice:
Yes and it's also one of the biggest water basins in the country, so the toxins could seep into the Mississippi and then it's over for anyone sourcing from that water. Since the whole vaxx passport thing failed, they're aggressively pulling their cards from the 2030 Davos handbook.
Yes, it's almost like they're trying to collapse the entire United States on purpose for a much larger agenda at work, not that I care because this nation hasn't done me any favors in life. :feelsjuice:

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