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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

DOW - 119.67
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While Rome burns on the Potomac by a bunch of politicians paid by K-Street corporate lobbyists who represents the real power structure of this nation all the way to WallStreet, they won't do anything about joblessness, they won't do anything about homelessness, they won't do anything about unemployment, and they won't do anything about employment in a nation where half the population has to work two to three jobs, that is if they can find just one, just to rent a shitty apartment monthly. Our nation here might not be entirely the same as ancient Rome of old but the steady collapse of this place certainly mimics it in a variety of ways. :feelsjuice::blackpill:

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India is ditching the dollar, good for them. For the Indians looking at this post that's why the hit against Adani was organized by the way, you're welcome for that tid bit. Yes, they are targeting Modi as well. :feelsjuice:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ2PtEx9-ls
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Psst, hey China, if you really want to destroy the United States without firing a shot just sell all of your U.S. Treasury Bonds holdings on a Monday morning stock exchange open, stop pussing out and just do it already. I'm counting on you guys, find your ballsacks, and just fucking do it already. :feelsjuice:

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Looks like the fight against inflation here domestically isn't going so well, watch the discussion then transform overnight to a seven day work week eventually. My proposition, go fuck yourselves.

2.5 million jobs lost in January [real statistics, not fake government sponsored ones] with only a paltry 10,000 jobs added in replacement. Bull market? Uh, huh, sure thing! :lul::lul::lul:

I wonder what the job losses will amount to nationwide by the end of this month. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
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Tech companies are continuing laying off thousands of workers monthly, Goldman Sachs response:

"We're slashing our economic recession forecasts for 2023, we're expecting slow to moderate economic growth."

I bet your company's trading and investment activities say directly otherwise. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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Our very own Pontifex Maximus Jerome Powell will be having a speech tomorrow, I surely do wonder what he's going to say, with the Federal Reserve fabricated labor economic statistics in conjunction with the federal government I would say the bullshit is getting pretty steep everywhere, like nine miles high of shit everywhere that you have to wear galoshes just to walk through it. Should be very amusing nonetheless, I'm kinda shocked he is having another public speech so very soon since the last one, but then again it will eventually get to the point he'll need to have a public speech conference five days weekly just to keep the markets up flapping his gums into a microphone. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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The perfect catch 22, anything beyond a 15% credit rate hike would permanently bankrupt the entire United States federal government into total political economic collapse, now the fun part, if they do nothing or even cut rates the outcome will be the same regardless. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
It's a brand new day of a Federal Reserve public speech conference once again, where so called western national economies are waiting to see if the FED Chairman has seen their own shadow or not, kinda like Groundhog's Day for stock and financial markets everywhere. Will Jerome Powell see his own shadow today? :feelsclown:

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Notice that Goldman Sachs 2023 economic forecast doesn't match market statistical mental sentiments projected whatsoever, they after all are the Jim Cramer of American financial companies, in other words, whatever they say publicly bet on the direct opposite happening. Their entire strategy is straight up obfuscation, lies, and deception for profit, I remember their activities pretty well from 2008. :feelsjuice:
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We're still waiting for Federal Reserve Jerome Powell to pop up from his hole at the public press conference to see if he has seen his shadow or not, it's a part of his big spring public debut. This is how our American financial economic system works anymore after all. :feelsjuice:


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yeb08cbUswk
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Less than four hours upon close. :feelsjuice:

DOW - 50.28
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We're currently in an extreme irrational speculative market, because it is based upon pure extreme irrational speculation, the disasterous results of it will also be extreme. An extreme speculative bubble that with just one right prick pops the bubble completely where the entire United States will collapse and fold like a giant house of cards. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
Notice that Goldman Sachs 2023 economic forecast doesn't match market statistical mental sentiments projected whatsoever, they after all are the Jim Cramer of American financial companies, in other words, whatever they say publicly bet on the direct opposite happening. Their entire strategy is straight up obfuscation, lies, and deception for profit, I remember their activities pretty well from 2008. :feelsjuice:
Das crony capitalism though, real capitalism has never been tried :soy:
Das crony capitalism though, real capitalism has never been tried :soy:
That's exactly how these libertarian and capitalist fools will act upon the eventual collapse of the American capitalist model system. :feelsjuice:
The trick of American sexual eugenics is essentially utilizing financial economics as a way of keeping the working class, primarily American working class males away from reproducing with females by ensuring they have no raised living standards for such prospects keeping the lower ranks of men in perpetual nonstop economic poverty as sexually involuntary celibates. As I have suggested from the very beginning, the dominant sexual behavior of human females is primarily sexual economics revolving around a sexual market system, the intellectual elites know this as well all too well, it's a sexual eugenic pogrom hidden in plain public sight because unfortunately the majority of the human population is economically illiterate. Poor men living in a constant state of financial economic poverty have absolutely zero sexual reproduction opportunities with the opposite sex all by a carefully crafted completely intentional design. The modern masses of laboring and toiling working class males reduced to sexually involuntary celibate beasts of burden along with being financial debt tax slaves themselves. :feelsjuice::blackpill:

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Stock market took a huge nose dive after press briefing conference and is now magically levitating up, this tells me that Federal Reserve market interventions on their part is becoming much harder to achieve overtime where they can't do this for much longer as it displays inherent structural weakness. Regardless how the stock market ends today I take this as a good sign for a later in the year crash. The wild deep swings and fluctuating volatility is only increasing. :feelsjuice::yes:
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Looks like today's fix is in, I don't need to see what happens in the next nineteen minutes to know that. Three more trading days left of this week. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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New U.S. stock market general rule, if Jerome Powell at the Federal Reserve flaps his gums into a microphone publicly the stock market can't go down, take this for what it is worth with a grain of salt. Next three days will be very telling. :feelsjuice:
Every once in awhile I like to treat myself to a Sprite soda, I remember four years ago a single Sprite soda I could get for $2.00 with some change back, that now same Sprite soda will cost $4.00 with some change back in your pocket. :feelsjuice:
The current bond market in terms of nominal yield percentages says no rate cuts or pauses coming, for the Pivot™ crowd, eat shit and die you filthy parasites. I hope you all lose your asses, enjoy. :feelsEhh:
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Boy I tell you what, watching these intraday trading sessions of ours for eight hours straight every single day [Yes, I actually do that to pass the time away] is like reading an earthquake seismograph, the wild swings in terms of economic flow charts are so very sporadic until eventually you get one giant earthquake that brings everything down, in case of the DOW Jones Industrial Average we call that a stock market crash. A simple economic recession? No, no, it will be much worse than that and while I am a poor man who has virtually nothing at all, a smile comes across my face as we get closer to the big Event Horizon along with all the colorful future events that will inevitably come afterward. :feelsEhh:

Actual seismograph
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Princess_kitty 14's new username title at IT on Reddit, "Late Stage Vaginal Capitalist."

I know you read this thread you cheeky cunt. I also know you would never last ten minutes in an actual conversation or debate with me either, my offer still stands if you're brave enough to ever take it, but I know you're really not. I really hope you have a backup plan beyond OnlyFans when everything in this thread I constantly talk about finally happens or arrives. Are you pinching pennies collecting food coupons with a significantly lower clientele yet? You could always be my apocalyptic love slave in a random cave or wilderness somewhere, I know you fantasize about it in your dreams bitch, it could work or maybe not. Glad to see you're an admirer of my work here, I feel so special now. Ta-ta. :feelsEhh:
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Let's stroll around imagination lane, shall we? Is everybody ready? :feelsEhh:

A nation is on the verge of political economic government collapse, 50% of the population lives in poverty, virtually everybody hates the current government, of the males there are probably somewhere between 37-50% living completely loveless single unmarried sexually involuntary celibate lives, virtually everybody in the nation hates each other for a multiple plethora of different reasons, the rich hate the poor, the poor hate the rich, the old hate the young, the young hate the old, the environment domestically is a cold political civil war, there are guns along with bullets behind every blade of grass, homelessness along with unemployment ravages the land, the death of the dollar is most definitely an inevitable certainty, whispered rumors of future famines, and of course you got a bunch of delusional feminist twats in the mix who make up the bulk of a majority of women that for the most part live in fantasy mode completely ignorant of the entire environment they live in, what happens to the nation shortly afterward? Well, any takers? I simply can't wait to find out. :feelsdevil:

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President Biden's national public address tonight....:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

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Look at that roller coaster up and down today, I guess yesterday's press conference didn't inspire a lot of confidence, so sad. Ho-hum. :feelsEhh:

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