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JFL Black Women talking ABSOLUTE SHIT about Black Men

And black Americans hate Africans :feelsclown:
This. When Carribbeans started migrating to the USA. Black Americans would make fun of them. And when African immigrants started migrating to the US. Black Americans would also mock and tease them (Even though African immigrants do much better in terms of finances and academics in the US than black Americans who have been there for centuries).

You would think black Americans would give them a warm welcome. But no, they're insecure and hate themselves. So they project it on other nationalities of black people.

It always happened at my school. Whenever a black immigrant came to the UK. We would tease them and make memes about him,call them "freshies" and all that.(I only joined in to NTmaxx) Even though we were only first or second generation British ourselves.

Just goes to show how insecure a race can be. Were one of the only races that are not united. While other races have a more village-like community and value unity.
Which Empire brought Icelandics there, was it the Ottomans? I heard they raided Iceland before
Barbary Pirates. There were also some white Dutch/British men who became Muslims, joined the Barbary Pirates, and settled in Algeria as well.
Iraqi Turkmen dont all look the same. I know you know this, so dont be delusional.

This is my cousin when she was 3. 100% Turk-Iraqi and she has blue eyes.

View attachment 622935

This is my cousin's son.

View attachment 622936

And here are a bunch of other Iraqi-Turkmen

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using the The most edited and cherry picked photos really highlights your level of cope

Your pictures are strictly restricted to children too, everyone knows children are lighter when their born lol (nice try mongol) let's see the average iraqi turkmen chink cumrag in his prime :feelsseriously:
These are your leaders and your youth


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  • Iraqi_Turkmen_folk_dancers.jpg
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To be fair a lot of negresses are fat anyway.
A lot of overweight negresses would be much more attractive and appealing to ascend with if they lost weight. Even with a baboon face, most black women have nice bodies under their layers of lard.

It’s the excess KFC and sugary kool aid that lets them put on the blubber quick.

The problem is, Sheboons are so close to chimps still, they react like a pet dog that’s left in the pantry. It just keeps eating until it’s sick, it doesn’t know when to stop itself. It’s just instinct to eat as much as possible
there are no white Egyptians
:feelswhat: I talked to one here last night @tormented mind show him the pic of your arm and then let’s see if you say “there are no white Egyptians”.
:feelswhat: I talked to one here last night @tormented mind show him the pic of your arm and then let’s see if you say “there are no white Egyptians”.
You got white mogged you amerimutt don't cry to me:smonk: when I say white I refer to the typical anglo saxon pheno
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"studies show when a non-black women is associated with a black guy, her desirability goes down among her own race"

that's every race of women tho
Even if this was true,who cares. To normies and foids you have no more value compared to a 'homo erectus'. Your a ugly incel. In 100,000 years everyone will be mixed anyway. So what does it even matter? Priding yourself on being white but you get no white pussy? Your not going to reproduce with a white Stacy and contribute to the white race. No one wants you representing Dixieland. You shouldn't really be having such pride as an incel tbh. Let go of your ego because it's not gonna help you at all.

But anyway,what you said was not true, Caucasoids or shall I say 'neanderthals' literally were non existent 7000 years ago. And so did mongoloids. '(Asians'). B.C. dosen't stand for 'before christ' which is another global elite lie. It's stands for 'before Caucasian'. So with that in mind, who created all the civilizations before Caucasians were created? You do know negroes were the first ever humans to inhabit the earth right?

These two videos will kill your entire arguement on whites being genetically superior and more advanced. Just Watch or forget about arguing with me. These two videos literally explain everything you need to know about genetic origins and how white people became advanced in the modern world

View: https://youtu.be/wuKjDbLYSIw

View: https://youtu.be/ZCooEbNS4yw

i don't think that 100000 humanity will exist
Encountering angry, loud, and aggressive black American women is the norm lol.

Unless she is a very attractive non ghetto mulatta or latin American black/latina foid.
Even if this was true,who cares. To normies and foids you have no more value compared to a 'homo erectus'. Your a ugly incel. In 100,000 years everyone will be mixed anyway. So what does it even matter? Priding yourself on being white but you get no white pussy? Your not going to reproduce with a white Stacy and contribute to the white race. No one wants you representing Dixieland. You shouldn't really be having such pride as an incel tbh. Let go of your ego because it's not gonna help you at all.

But anyway,what you said was not true, Caucasoids or shall I say 'neanderthals' literally were non existent 7000 years ago. And so did mongoloids. '(Asians'). B.C. dosen't stand for 'before christ' which is another global elite lie. It's stands for 'before Caucasian'. So with that in mind, who created all the civilizations before Caucasians were created? You do know negroes were the first ever humans to inhabit the earth right?

These two videos will kill your entire arguement on whites being genetically superior and more advanced. Just Watch or forget about arguing with me. These two videos literally explain everything you need to know about genetic origins and how white people became advanced in the modern world

View: https://youtu.be/wuKjDbLYSIw

View: https://youtu.be/ZCooEbNS4yw

Oh whatever nigga. Your still a genetic splice of an Asian and other animals. Dravidians, Caucasians and Asians were all genetic splices of animals and eachother. None of them are natural humans. They are all genetic modifications.

Dravidian - Created By Getting An Albino African and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals

Asian - Getting An Albino Dravidian, (Albino Dravidians look just like white people,look them up) and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals. They then created the Asian man

'Cauc' adjective - Meaning Dead or No Life.

E.g Like a corpse

Caucasians - Taking a regular Asian, transfused the DNA with even more monkey(ironic),Chicken,Fruitfly,Canine and mice. And then created the 'Cauc'asian because scientifically a Caucasian is a genetically dead Asian.

Now mind you, this all didn't happen overnight. It happened slowly over 100's of years.

The Caucasian is where the genes finally die. Its why they got no pigmentation in their skin.

Now after extraterrestrial reptiles (AKA elites) created these people. They spread them all over the world and then they sent some of these Caucasians to Africa. Negroes were not fucking with Caucasians at all and wanted to preserve their DNA so they sent Caucasians up to the Caucasus mountains. At the time Caucasians couldn't walk or talk. They were literal cavemen.

So negroes had to literally walk neanderthals up to the caucus mountains . Like the way people walk dogs.

Many Caucasians died during these journeys up to the Caucasus mountains due to not being able to absorb sunlight properly.

Now guess what Caucasians were doing when they got to they finally got up to the caucus mountains?

Raping eachother
Raping dogs
Raping monkeys
Eating eachother
And more...

[UWSL]And evolution theory is also bullshit, because it says that black people left Africa and went to Europe and eventually developed white skin. Which is wrong because we all have different DNA types. It literally just takes common sense. [/UWSL]

Let's say I had a black girlfriend and we move to russia. I had sex with her and she produced a black baby. That black baby would have African DNA. Now for next 1000 years my descendants will still be black and no amount of environment or climate change will change their African DNA.

Now maybe one of my descendants would have had children with the white people living in Russia and that could alter the whole DNA history but that isn't the case for evolution theory

Because they would have only been black people around when they first moved to Europe. So how on earth would they have developed lighter skin if they were only black people around. How did the African DNA change and if anything,they would look like black albinos if that was the case. But they don't.

So if white people didn't develop naturally from black people? Where did they come from? I just told you where they come from.

So from a genetic point of view. Call this cope all you want. But black people are genetically superior. Native Americans, Hispanics and Negroes are the only non genetically modified race's of people.

Now I personally have nothing against white people,South Asians or East Asians. I could be friends with anybody tbh. But the truth must be told. It's the reptilian elites running the world that we should be mad at. Not eachother. [EDIT] Not all white people have neanderthal DNA. But roughly 90% of them do.

@Made in Heaven
IT's not a matter of complaining, it's the fact these people refuse to acknowledge reality. They are no different than noodle whores who wet themselves thinking of blonde men, then bitch and moan about being "fetishzied".

I'm not for complaining per say, I just wish shitskins and deathnic would acknowledge reality.

Yes, being tall is good.
Yes, having blue eyes and green eyes is good.
Yes havign blonde hair and red hair is good.
Yes, having round eyes is good.
Yes, having pink skin is good.
Yes, having slim nose is good.
Yes, having caucasion skull is good.
Yes, having straigh hair is good.

It's a white man's world. The closer you are to this ideal, the better you. This is just a cruel truth most ethnics can't bring themselve sot acknowledge because they can't cope with the fact they simountanesly hate the history of being conquered by whites while revering and worshiping white civilization/inventions/countries.:fuk:

View attachment 618993
i just don't have first point :dab::dab::dab::feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
You got white mogged you amerimutt don't cry to me:smonk: when I say white I refer to the typical anglo saxon pheno
5E82C2B6 BB37 4378 998C A8531FAC9213

100% white.

You refuse to show your arm because you are a subhuman midget Egyptian NIGGER. Egyptians are the biggest mutts in MENA which is why you faggots project so hard on me :feelskek:

@Made in Heaven and I have shown ample evidence of being white but you will not show ANY evidence of what you claim to be because you are a direct descendant of Nubian NIGGERS :feelsclown::feelsclown:
View attachment 623244

100% white.

You refuse to show your arm because you are a subhuman midget Egyptian NIGGER. Egyptians are the biggest mutts in MENA which is why you faggots project so hard on me :feelskek:

@Made in Heaven and I have shown ample evidence of being white but you will not show ANY evidence of what you claim to be because you are a direct descendant of Nubian NIGGERS :feelsclown::feelsclown:
I'm not white, and never claimed to be so....
Overdose on your anti depressants pls:feelsXmas:
View attachment 623244

100% white.

You refuse to show your arm because you are a subhuman midget Egyptian NIGGER. Egyptians are the biggest mutts in MENA which is why you faggots project so hard on me :feelskek:

@Made in Heaven and I have shown ample evidence of being white but you will not show ANY evidence of what you claim to be because you are a direct descendant of Nubian NIGGERS :feelsclown::feelsclown:
:smonk: :smonk::smonk: that over compensating turk and you are literally my pets
Never said you did idiot. You claim that you’re not a negro mutt but won’t prove that you aren’t :feelshaha:
An American calling someone a negro mutt? :feelsseriously::feelshaha: I'm gunna start ignoring you, little stalker freak:feelsokman:
using the The most edited
Not editted.
and cherry picked
When did I say ALL Iraqi-Turkmen are white? Please show me.
Your pictures are strictly restricted to children too
I could post adults if you want :forcedsmile:
Iraqis praying

everyone knows children are lighter when their born lol
So? The fact that Iraqi-Turkmen children are born lighter is still evidence of our whiteness. There are NORTH European people who are born blonde but then get brown/black hair when they're older.
A lot of overweight negresses would be much more attractive and appealing to ascend with if they lost weight. Even with a baboon face, most black women have nice bodies under their layers of lard.

It’s the excess KFC and sugary kool aid that lets them put on the blubber quick.

The problem is, Sheboons are so close to chimps still, they react like a pet dog that’s left in the pantry. It just keeps eating until it’s sick, it doesn’t know when to stop itself. It’s just instinct to eat as much as possible
Yeah, it's a shame too, since most African-American women are mixed with whites/native so they look more beautiful than PURE negroes when they lose weight. Although most Africans here in Canada are no where near as fat as American Blacks
"studies show when a non-black women is associated with a black guy, her desirability goes down among her own race"

that's every race of women tho
That's why it says "non-bacl women" meaning ALL women from any race.
i just don't have first point :dab::dab::dab::feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
Yeah, but you're not a manlet (5'6 or shorter)
You refuse to show your arm because you are a subhuman midget Egyptian NIGGER. Egyptians are the biggest mutts in MENA which is why you faggots project so hard on me :feelskek:
The only reason Egypt is still a stable country is thanks to Turks, Lebanese, and Albanians. Not even joking, look up Albanians in Egypt. They are unironically the ruling class.
@Made in Heaven and I have shown ample evidence of being white but you will not show ANY evidence of what you claim to be because you are a direct descendant of Nubian NIGGERS :feelsclown::feelsclown:
Egyptian IQ is lowest in MENA. 81. It's lower than even Yemen. So yeah. Meanwhile, the highest MENA IQ is Turkey with 92 and Iraq with 89. I'm also certain Iraqi's higher IQ is due to Iraqi-Turkmen who are descended from Anatolians/Balkan/Caucasus mountain people.
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Tbf, the average Egyptian is only 11% African.
11% African is very noticeable and shows in your skin and physical features which is why he won’t post his arm :forcedsmile:
11% African is very noticeable and shows in your skin and physical features which is why he won’t post his arm :forcedsmile:
Nah, I know my friend's Grandpa who's 25% African (According to some DNA test) and you'd think he's White.

He might just be a outlier though, at worst @Darkness to light has slightly kinky hair.
11% African is very noticeable and shows in your skin and physical features which is why he won’t post his arm :forcedsmile:
I dont think that 11% is true, since even Arab genes are only 14% in Egypt
Nah, I know my friend's Grandpa who's 25% African (According to some DNA test) and you'd
[UWSL]think he's White.[/UWSL]
No I wouldn’t. Like I said most blacks are very racially ignorant. You aren’t white so won’t notice the subtle features in someone that’s mixed like I would.
[UWSL]He might just be a outlier though, at worst @Darkness to light has slightly kinky hair.[/UWSL]
I dont think that 11% is true, since even Arab genes are only 14% in Egypt
I think he’s 100% black :feelsEhh:
No I wouldn’t. Like I said most blacks are very racially ignorant. You aren’t white so won’t notice the subtle features in someone that’s mixed like I would.
Yes I can, I can tell the difference between groups that are mixed
Not editted.

When did I say ALL Iraqi-Turkmen are white? Please show me.

I could post adults if you want :forcedsmile:
View attachment 623252View attachment 623258View attachment 623253

So? The fact that Iraqi-Turkmen children are born lighter is still evidence of our whiteness. There are NORTH European people who are born blonde but then get brown/black hair when they're older.

Yeah, it's a shame too, since most African-American women are mixed with whites/native so they look more beautiful than PURE negroes when they lose weight. Although most Africans here in Canada are no where near as fat as American Blacks

That's why it says "non-bacl women" meaning ALL women from any race.

Yeah, but you're not a manlet (5'6 or shorter)

The only reason Egypt is still a stable country is thanks to Turks, Lebanese, and Albanians. Not even joking, look up Albanians in Egypt. They are unironically the ruling class.

Egyptian IQ is lowest in MENA. 81. It's lower than even Yemen. So yeah. Meanwhile, the highest MENA IQ is Turkey with 92 and Iraq with 89. I'm also certain Iraqi's higher IQ is due to Iraqi-Turkmen who are descended from Anatolians/Balkan/Caucasus mountain people.
5'8 is manlet in poland
Everyone hates being a NIGGER. I literally CANNOT emphasize that enough. It doesn't matter if it's George Floyd or Will Smith or Neil Degrasse. NO ONE wants to be a NIGGER. Even a 6'6 Tyrone doesn't want to be a NIGGER because a 6'6 Tyrone will run after White women. I have seen so many half-NIGGERS who've shown self-hatred. A half-NIGGER girl once told me she hates her hair because she "looks wild" and "like I just came out of the jungle":lul::lul::lul::lul:

There is no BLESSING, no GIFT, no REWARD, white men have given to the NIGGER race than giving them Human genetics.
Niggers are a disgrace to this society
Yes can, I can tell the difference between groups that are mixed
If you think someone that’s %25 black will look completely white then no you can’t.


Most blacks think someone that looks like this is %100 black.
If you think someone that’s %25 black will look completely white then no you can’t.


Most blacks think someone that looks like this is %100 black.
I meant that his grandpa might be 25% African, I never said the DNA test was confirmed or legit.

And the guy on the bottom is atleast 30% Euro.
Niggers are a disgrace to this society
Niggers are a disgrace to ANY society they are part of. always the bottom of the barrel. Always the poorest. Always the most criminal. Always getting the most gibs.

If you think someone that’s %25 black will look completely white then no you can’t.


Most blacks think someone that looks like this is %100 black.
This is 25% black. Although he is also 21% MENA and rest is mostly European

A lot of overweight negresses would be much more attractive and appealing to ascend with if they lost weight. Even with a baboon face, most black women have nice bodies under their layers of lard.

It’s the excess KFC and sugary kool aid that lets them put on the blubber quick.

The problem is, Sheboons are so close to chimps still, they react like a pet dog that’s left in the pantry. It just keeps eating until it’s sick, it doesn’t know when to stop itself. It’s just instinct to eat as much as possible
Facts shaniquas are blessed with the hottest bodies on earth and what do they do with it :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh: Some nigger simp will still wife her and raise her many bastards

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