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JFL Black Women talking ABSOLUTE SHIT about Black Men

Facts shaniquas are blessed with the hottest bodies on earth and what do they do with it :feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsugh: Some nigger simp will still wife her and raise her many bastards
If you’re a nigger you’re a bastard. Guaranteed
You know black people dkmt all have kids out of wedlock right? Africa is staunchly conservative, and having a child without marriage is rare. Black Americans don’t represent all black people
If you’re a nigger you’re a bastard. Guaranteed
Black Americans don’t represent all black peoples lmao. No Africans don’t eat KFC and no we don’t Ike watermelons. Do you people know this?
Black Americans don’t represent all black peoples lmao. No Africans don’t eat KFC and no we don’t Ike watermelons. Do you people know this?
Niggers are niggers everywhere in America u steal rob and kill each other
In Africa u u steal rob and kill each other on higher scale
I was under the impression black foids don’t really date out of their race because they don’t like non blacks. dunno
@METALMILITA88 why do i feel like you have a blacked fetish
True, but I would say black women are JUSTIFIED in hating black men, unlike asian women. Black men are bums and violent, so black women hating them is GOOD. Whereas asian men are hard working and not violent, so noodle whores hating them is disgraceful.

Black women hate black men because they're shit fathers/husbands.
Asian women hate asian men because white cocky onry.

Big difference tbh

though imo the hottest black women > hottest asian women. black women actually have tits and ass.

same is happening for me. probably just cause it's on this site. it works on youtube.
Noodle whores have got to be the worst race traitors. Not only is it very common, for what? Asian dudes usually are good members of society. Not only this but most Asian women are so unattractive.
you are always talking about black people. they live in your head rent free
I talk about them on threads like this where it’s relevant bozo :feelsclown:
[UWSL][UWSL]Too bad Made in Heaven was banned, he made comments based [UWSL]about[/UWSL] the niggers.[/UWSL][/UWSL]
To be honest I have more respect for niggers than rice tough

At least niggers aren't cucks. Yes, they are useless, but that means roasties also get no use from them, which is very based.

The only way to fight back against foids and globohomo is to be as useless as possible.
Oh whatever nigga. Your still a genetic splice of an Asian and other animals. Dravidians, Caucasians and Asians were all genetic splices of animals and eachother. None of them are natural humans. They are all genetic modifications.

Dravidian - Created By Getting An Albino African and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals

Asian - Getting An Albino Dravidian, (Albino Dravidians look just like white people,look them up) and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals. They then created the Asian man

'Cauc' adjective - Meaning Dead or No Life.

E.g Like a corpse

Caucasians - Taking a regular Asian, transfused the DNA with even more monkey(ironic),Chicken,Fruitfly,Canine and mice. And then created the 'Cauc'asian because scientifically a Caucasian is a genetically dead Asian.

Now mind you, this all didn't happen overnight. It happened slowly over 100's of years.

The Caucasian is where the genes finally die. Its why they got no pigmentation in their skin.

Now after extraterrestrial reptiles (AKA elites) created these people. They spread them all over the world and then they sent some of these Caucasians to Africa. Negroes were not fucking with Caucasians at all and wanted to preserve their DNA so they sent Caucasians up to the Caucasus mountains. At the time Caucasians couldn't walk or talk. They were literal cavemen.

So negroes had to literally walk neanderthals up to the caucus mountains . Like the way people walk dogs.

Many Caucasians died during these journeys up to the Caucasus mountains due to not being able to absorb sunlight properly.

Now guess what Caucasians were doing when they got to they finally got up to the caucus mountains?

Raping eachother
Raping dogs
Raping monkeys
Eating eachother
And more...

[UWSL]And evolution theory is also bullshit, because it says that black people left Africa and went to Europe and eventually developed white skin. Which is wrong because we all have different DNA types. It literally just takes common sense. [/UWSL]

Let's say I had a black girlfriend and we move to russia. I had sex with her and she produced a black baby. That black baby would have African DNA. Now for next 1000 years my descendants will still be black and no amount of environment or climate change will change their African DNA.

Now maybe one of my descendants would have had children with the white people living in Russia and that could alter the whole DNA history but that isn't the case for evolution theory

Because they would have only been black people around when they first moved to Europe. So how on earth would they have developed lighter skin if they were only black people around. How did the African DNA change and if anything,they would look like black albinos if that was the case. But they don't.

So if white people didn't develop naturally from black people? Where did they come from? I just told you where they come from.

So from a genetic point of view. Call this cope all you want. But black people are genetically superior. Native Americans, Hispanics and Negroes are the only non genetically modified race's of people.

Now I personally have nothing against white people,South Asians or East Asians. I could be friends with anybody tbh. But the truth must be told. It's the reptilian elites running the world that we should be mad at. Not eachother. [EDIT] Not all white people have neanderthal DNA. But roughly 90% of them do.

View: https://youtu.be/Fz-_c8SEZo4

Yes but since this is the south you can find niggers in the whitest areas. They have their own little ghetto streets and dumps in my town but they are very isolated from civil society for the most part even though go to our schools. There’s 2 black families on my street of +40 houses. But since they can afford to live here they must be the “good ones”.

Yeah this city is less than Half a million people and atleast 75% negro with whites and rich minorities living in the wealthiest areas.
I used to rent this apartment near this southern coastal city, and there were none, like at all. Then again , rent was 1200 a month, and the apartments were like driving distance to the beach :feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
A lot of overweight negresses would be much more attractive and appealing to ascend with if they lost weight. Even with a baboon face, most black women have nice bodies under their layers of lard.

It’s the excess KFC and sugary kool aid that lets them put on the blubber quick.

The problem is, Sheboons are so close to chimps still, they react like a pet dog that’s left in the pantry. It just keeps eating until it’s sick, it doesn’t know when to stop itself. It’s just instinct to eat as much as possible
The problem is that black people lack the gene that is used in processing fats and carbs :feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
It's not a cope but fact.
The difference is only in skin colour.
View attachment 617264
This thing again. It's the most commonly used one. The skull is the same in each column, but something is off about the claim it's the same photos of the individual.

Btw, I saw "Made in Heaven" is banned now. Was it for something this thread or another?
Last edited:
This thing again. It's the most commonly used one. The skull is the same in each column, but something is off about the claim it's the same photos of the individual.

Btw, I saw "Made in Heaven" is banned now. Was it for something this thread or another?
I don't know:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Holy fuuuuuuck. I've been watching this black female youtuber and I've watched TONS of her videos. The amount of black pills and truths she drops about nigger males is fucking hilarious. Here's one video. Since it's long, I've paraphrased some of her main quotes below.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBEO2xW_fik&list=LL&ab_channel=CynthiaG

"black men adopted this BBC 'once you go back you never go back' cope to pretend like they can do something non-Black men can't"

"black men are getting undesirable white women that white men dont want"

"black men desperatley want to feel like they're competing with white men, so when they get an undesirable white women, they want to act like they've 'stolen' something from the white man"

"white women who fuck black men stay with the black man not because he's desirable, but because she no longer can go get a white man"

"black men are the only conquered men in societies. They have no resources, no wealth, they haven't conquered or built anything"

"black men have created nothing. They've invented nothing because they lack the intellectual capacity to do so"

"black men are very fantasy driven, they fantasize about being desired by non-black women"

"when a non-black women gets a black guy, it's because she's usually unable to go back to her own race"

"studies show when a non-black women is associated with a black guy, her desirability goes down among her own race"

"black men leave their communities defensless and poor and lack the ability to enter proper manhood. They dont operate from a place of manhood"

"white women are the fastest growing group of single mothers because of black men abandoning them"

"white women who go for black men are shown to be psychologically damaged"

"this white girl is only going for black men because white men dont want her back after she associated with black men"

"black men constantly compliment the european features, like the whitness of her skin, the brightness of her hair, the fact that her eyes are not brown"

"black men are not doing anything productive with their lives"

"black women are only provided and taken care of by non-black men becaue black men dont value fatherhood"

This black woman is BAAAAAAAASED!!!:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

And this is just ONE of her videos. She has dozens and dozens of videos like this that I've watched. She literally talks about black men the same way a white supremacist does. And you know what? She's absolutley right in what she says. Nigger men are the bottom of the barrel in terms of marriage/husband material.


Video unvaliable
Blacks are bulls that dont need black women, they already make teen white girls and white females to get blacked by their seed and penis, blacks are conquering whites more and more, black priviledge reigns, black women not needed when snow bunnies worship bulls already
Another example of black self-hatred. Rwanda bans skin-whitening products, yet women turn to black market smugglers to get it. This is how desperate they are to want to be white. Maybe they should just allow the white man to conquer their black passes already

True, but I would say black women are JUSTIFIED in hating black men, unlike asian women. Black men are bums and violent, so black women hating them is GOOD. Whereas asian men are hard working and not violent, so noodle whores hating them is disgraceful.

Black women hate black men because they're shit fathers/husbands.
Asian women hate asian men because white cocky onry.

Big difference tbh

though imo the hottest black women > hottest asian women. black women actually have tits and ass.

same is happening for me. probably just cause it's on this site. it works on youtube.
I live in rice land, all the foids here are flat and:feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke: gooky!!!

Most blacks think someone that looks like this is %100 black.

I have a paternal relative who looks similar to this, except lighter. His daughter is as dark as I am, and we are nearly facially identical.
I have a paternal relative who looks similar to this, except lighter. His daughter is as dark as I am, and we are nearly facially identical.
That's typical for being mixed people. I have relatives who look Quapa, Arab, Nordic, though admittedly most of us still look Anatolian.
Holy fuuuuuuck. I've been watching this black female youtuber and I've watched TONS of her videos. The amount of black pills and truths she drops about nigger males is fucking hilarious. Here's one video. Since it's long, I've paraphrased some of her main quotes below.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBEO2xW_fik&list=LL&ab_channel=CynthiaG

"black men adopted this BBC 'once you go back you never go back' cope to pretend like they can do something non-Black men can't"

"black men are getting undesirable white women that white men dont want"

"black men desperatley want to feel like they're competing with white men, so when they get an undesirable white women, they want to act like they've 'stolen' something from the white man"

"white women who fuck black men stay with the black man not because he's desirable, but because she no longer can go get a white man"

"black men are the only conquered men in societies. They have no resources, no wealth, they haven't conquered or built anything"

"black men have created nothing. They've invented nothing because they lack the intellectual capacity to do so"

"black men are very fantasy driven, they fantasize about being desired by non-black women"

"when a non-black women gets a black guy, it's because she's usually unable to go back to her own race"

"studies show when a non-black women is associated with a black guy, her desirability goes down among her own race"

"black men leave their communities defensless and poor and lack the ability to enter proper manhood. They dont operate from a place of manhood"

"white women are the fastest growing group of single mothers because of black men abandoning them"

"white women who go for black men are shown to be psychologically damaged"

"this white girl is only going for black men because white men dont want her back after she associated with black men"

"black men constantly compliment the european features, like the whitness of her skin, the brightness of her hair, the fact that her eyes are not brown"

"black men are not doing anything productive with their lives"

"black women are only provided and taken care of by non-black men becaue black men dont value fatherhood"

This black woman is BAAAAAAAASED!!!:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

And this is just ONE of her videos. She has dozens and dozens of videos like this that I've watched. She literally talks about black men the same way a white supremacist does. And you know what? She's absolutley right in what she says. Nigger men are the bottom of the barrel in terms of marriage/husband material.


I'm a nigger and I have to completely agree every black male in my family fits this bill completely to a tee!! What I would give to be white and in a normal white family :feelsrope:.
Holy fuuuuuuck. I've been watching this black female youtuber and I've watched TONS of her videos. The amount of black pills and truths she drops about nigger males is fucking hilarious. Here's one video. Since it's long, I've paraphrased some of her main quotes below.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBEO2xW_fik&list=LL&ab_channel=CynthiaG

"black men adopted this BBC 'once you go back you never go back' cope to pretend like they can do something non-Black men can't"

"black men are getting undesirable white women that white men dont want"

"black men desperatley want to feel like they're competing with white men, so when they get an undesirable white women, they want to act like they've 'stolen' something from the white man"

"white women who fuck black men stay with the black man not because he's desirable, but because she no longer can go get a white man"

"black men are the only conquered men in societies. They have no resources, no wealth, they haven't conquered or built anything"

"black men have created nothing. They've invented nothing because they lack the intellectual capacity to do so"

"black men are very fantasy driven, they fantasize about being desired by non-black women"

"when a non-black women gets a black guy, it's because she's usually unable to go back to her own race"

"studies show when a non-black women is associated with a black guy, her desirability goes down among her own race"

"black men leave their communities defensless and poor and lack the ability to enter proper manhood. They dont operate from a place of manhood"

"white women are the fastest growing group of single mothers because of black men abandoning them"

"white women who go for black men are shown to be psychologically damaged"

"this white girl is only going for black men because white men dont want her back after she associated with black men"

"black men constantly compliment the european features, like the whitness of her skin, the brightness of her hair, the fact that her eyes are not brown"

"black men are not doing anything productive with their lives"

"black women are only provided and taken care of by non-black men becaue black men dont value fatherhood"

This black woman is BAAAAAAAASED!!!:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

And this is just ONE of her videos. She has dozens and dozens of videos like this that I've watched. She literally talks about black men the same way a white supremacist does. And you know what? She's absolutley right in what she says. Nigger men are the bottom of the barrel in terms of marriage/husband material.


Is there also another link to the video? I watched a while ago and can't find it again.
I'm a nigger and I have to completely agree every black male in my family fits this bill completely to a tee!! What I would give to be white and in a normal white family :feelsrope:.
Being a black who is self aware about niggerdom is nightmare fuel
Is there also another link to the video? I watched a while ago and can't find it again.
Which video? The video in OP is available if you watch it on YouTube
I'm a nigger and I have to completely agree every black male in my family fits this bill completely to a tee!! What I would give to be white and in a normal white family :feelsrope:.
Why dont you just kill yourself?:smonk::smonk::smonk:
Another quote I found in one of cynthia's vidoes called "why are they so comfortable being the losers of society"

This is in the context of a WHITE MAN raising a half-nigger child of his white daughter.

>You think you can raise his son, but you can't raise his father's DNA out of him. You can't raise trash bag DNA. DNA is DNA and it influences people, I know y'all wanna think it doesnt, but it does.

Lmao there's something so funny about a black woman being blackpilled on blacks being genetically inferior
:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: At niggers getting btfod by a she hulk sheboon

It’s ovER for nigcels
Another quote I found in one of cynthia's vidoes called "why are they so comfortable being the losers of society"

This is in the context of a WHITE MAN raising a half-nigger child of his white daughter.

>You think you can raise his son, but you can't raise his father's DNA out of him. You can't raise trash bag DNA. DNA is DNA and it influences people, I know y'all wanna think it doesnt, but it does.

Lmao there's something so funny about a black woman being blackpilled on blacks being genetically inferior
Can you link it?
Man, I don't care what that hoe says

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "All non-virgin women are \"damaged goods.\" There's no way to truthfully deny it.",
"headline": "Sally Field Relieved Burt Reynolds Will Never Read Her Memoir: \u2018This Would Hurt Him\u2019",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/sally-field-relieved-burt-reynolds-171904628.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 11 18:02:10 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Regurgitating this cliche garbage does nothing to prevent suicide in America. People need effective therapies, not feel-good statements.",
"headline": "What People Who've Been Suicidal Want to Tell Someone Who's Suicidal Today",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/people-apos-ve-suicidal-want-174213773.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 23:03:43 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Yes, that's because those lines are filled with people who want to kill themselves. You aren't the only person in America with those thoughts.",
"headline": "What People Who've Been Suicidal Want to Tell Someone Who's Suicidal Today",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/people-apos-ve-suicidal-want-174213773.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 23:02:23 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "And? Did he accept Jesus as his savior? If not, I can see why his family is \"devestated\".",
"headline": "Chelsi Smith, Miss Universe 1995, has died at age 45",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chelsi-smith-miss-universe-1995-died-age-45-144429631.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 07:28:42 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "With all due respect, her brown skin is very unattractive. A fairer candidate would win my approval.",
"headline": "Chelsi Smith, Miss Universe 1995, has died at age 45",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chelsi-smith-miss-universe-1995-died-age-45-144429631.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 07:27:10 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "People with \"good lives\" obey Jesus.",
"headline": "Chelsi Smith, Miss Universe 1995, has died at age 45",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chelsi-smith-miss-universe-1995-died-age-45-144429631.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 07:25:44 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "If her life consisted of hedonism and superficiality, she is now resting in Hell.",
"headline": "Chelsi Smith, Miss Universe 1995, has died at age 45",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chelsi-smith-miss-universe-1995-died-age-45-144429631.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 07:25:20 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Beauty alone cannot grant you access to Heaven.",
"headline": "Chelsi Smith, Miss Universe 1995, has died at age 45",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chelsi-smith-miss-universe-1995-died-age-45-144429631.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 07:24:15 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Only if she accepted Jesus as her savior.",
"headline": "Chelsi Smith, Miss Universe 1995, has died at age 45",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chelsi-smith-miss-universe-1995-died-age-45-144429631.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 07:23:35 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ugly.",
"headline": "Chelsi Smith, Miss Universe 1995, has died at age 45",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/chelsi-smith-miss-universe-1995-died-age-45-144429631.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 10 07:23:15 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "It should be a matter of personal choice.",
"headline": "Ariana Grande Shares A Silent Tribute To Mac Miller",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ariana-grande-shares-silent-tribute-144500235.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 09 21:16:27 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "I believe he did something to cause this.",
"headline": "Lawyer: Dallas cop who killed man at home should be charged",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/dallas-officer-killed-black-man-shot-man-2017-035356769.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 09 19:31:22 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Yes....he tried to harm a police officer and was shot to death.",
"headline": "Lawyer: Dallas cop who killed man at home should be charged",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/dallas-officer-killed-black-man-shot-man-2017-035356769.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 09 19:31:09 UTC 2018"
I've selected quotes relevant to the thread. You're welcome:

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "30+ years later and people are still succumbing to HIV. Quite sad.",
"headline": "Watch Aretha Franklin's funeral service live from Detroit this Friday",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...al-service-live-detroit-friday-225341510.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Aug 31 02:20:49 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "What would you expect from \"them\"?",
"headline": "Watch Aretha Franklin's funeral service live from Detroit this Friday",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...al-service-live-detroit-friday-225341510.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Aug 31 01:34:24 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nor should you.",
"headline": "Watch Aretha Franklin's funeral service live from Detroit this Friday",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...al-service-live-detroit-friday-225341510.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Aug 31 01:32:39 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ooh-ooh, Aah-aah.",
"headline": "Watch Aretha Franklin's funeral service live from Detroit this Friday",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment...al-service-live-detroit-friday-225341510.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Aug 31 01:32:18 UTC 2018"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ooh-ooh Aah-aah.",
"headline": "Duchess Meghan flies commercial on secret trip to Toronto",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/gma/duchess-m...-toronto-133809041--abc-news-celebrities.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Aug 31 01:30:04 UTC 2018"

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Why does it matter? She is a descendant of Africa. Thank us for creating Number Theory.",
"headline": "\u2018When did she become black?\u2019: Ariana Grande is unrecognizable on the cover of \u2018Vogue\u2019",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/ariana-grande-unrecognizable-vogue-cover-155123874.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 01:52:12 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "I see why she would want to become Black or Brown. After all, Black and Brown people invented the number system and the pyramids.",
"headline": "\u2018When did she become black?\u2019: Ariana Grande is unrecognizable on the cover of \u2018Vogue\u2019",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/ariana-grande-unrecognizable-vogue-cover-155123874.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 01:48:47 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Don't worry. There's always plenty of space in Detroit MI. They're selling for pennies.",
"headline": "Why home buyers could see bidding wars if this trend continues",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-...g-wars-if-this-trend-continues-155049072.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 01:42:32 UTC 2019"

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You can buy home for cheap in Troit, Michigan. Equivalent of five paychecks, minimum wage.",
"headline": "Why home buyers could see bidding wars if this trend continues",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-...g-wars-if-this-trend-continues-155049072.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 00:49:33 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Plenty of cheap homes in Detroit. Stop whining and get a nice home.",
"headline": "Why home buyers could see bidding wars if this trend continues",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-...g-wars-if-this-trend-continues-155049072.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 00:47:54 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "This might help you:\n\nhttps://www.universalclass.com/i/course/reading-comprehension-101.htm https://www.universalclass.com/i/course/reading-comprehension-101.htm",
"headline": "AOC to be sued after court rules Trump can't block people on Twitter",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/aoc-sued-court-rules-trump-201242374.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 00:10:27 UTC 2019"
Black feminists and white supremacists share pretty much the same rhetoric

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