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JFL Black Women talking ABSOLUTE SHIT about Black Men

"Black men think they're kings when they have no Kingdom"

"They talk about how they're the strongest men, yet they're a hashtag every week"

"Black men are the single group of men to be dominated by other groups of men, and dont do anything about it"

"We know black men love to be dominated, that's why they were better off on the plantation by white men"

"The only time black men are shown as kings and rulers are in fantasies and cartoons"

"Black men want to be dominated by white women and be called nigger by white women"

"black women are the only ones who see black men as human, no one else does, not even white women"

"They are emasculated, castrated, dominated and still are"

"Nothing is more important to Black men than to miscegnate with white women. it is their pathetic attempt to find equality with white men, he wants access to white women to make him think he's equal to the white man":whitepill:

This last one is my favorite.

"There is something GENETIC in a black man that makes him susciptable to being dominated and subjugated. It's his unwillingness to be a man, defend himself, he has a weak mind"

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Genetic Upgrade
Made that meme myself. It's so funny when niggers cry about muh slavery and then turn around and claim "light skinned Black girls are more attractive, when slavery is the reason they have cute, light skinned mixed Africans.

Even when it comes to making beautiful Black women, other races are better at it than NIGGER men :lul::lul::lul::lul: Even half Indian/Africans look better than pure NIGGERS

Made that meme myself. It's so funny when niggers cry about muh slavery and then turn around and claim "light skinned Black girls are more attractive, when slavery is the reason they have cute, light skinned mixed Africans.

Even when it comes to making beautiful Black women, other races are better at it than NIGGER men :lul::lul::lul::lul: Even half Indian/Africans look better than pure NIGGERS

top tier meme effort. black men really fucked. nothing valuable outside sports and some rap music
[UWSL]they're just ungrateful. [/UWSL]
That describes niggers especially American ones perfectly. A bunch of ingrates. Any logical and just country that cares about their people would have genocided or sent their black asses back to Africa for destroying society a long time ago. And for not improving themselves in any way, then turning around and STILL wanting a handout I.E reparations from whites.

Even though niggers have been given everything needed for success for the past 60 years they squandered it because they are retarted niggers as Cynthia G explains :feelshaha:. If a group like East Asian chinks had received all the help that niggers have they would be running America right now.
It's so funny when niggers cry about muh slavery and then turn around and claim "light skinned Black girls are more attractive, when slavery is the reason they have cute, light skinned mixed Africans.
Spooks are just racially ignorant like most people, but they take it to another level and go full retard a lot of the time as UK jiggaboo @YBP Yxngcel has shown on this thread (even though I like you bro :forcedsmile:).

It’s funny because out of any group I’d say that blacks have the most racial supremacists per capita out of any race even though they know Jack-shit about their own race and history as your meme shows.

We can say that less than %.3 of white men are REAL white supremacists and I’d say that AT LEAST %5 of all black men are black supremacists. Either that or the we wuz and Israelite crowd is just a very loud minority online. But any comment section online where large groups of negroes gather you’ll always see them end up talking shit about whites and others meanwhile the reverse isn’t true.
top tier meme effort. black men really fucked. nothing valuable outside sports and some rap music
Rap music is fucking gross:feelspuke: Sports is all they have and even then, it's only the TOP TIER Tyrones who are like 6'9 or Super Humans like Usain Bolt

Deep down, NIGGERS know they have no genetic worth. This is in fact why NIGGER men will fuck women of ANY race that isn't a black woman. They have no standards for women because they themselves are subhuman nogs
That describes niggers especially American ones perfectly. A bunch of ingrates.
Yep, similar things have happened with Orientals. Some Arabs colonized places like Tanzania and Zimbabwe, only for the local NIGGERS to chimp out and cry about how the Arab rulers "wuz opressing dem n shiet". Fuck NIGGERS!!! I wish we would just isolate the fucking sub sahara from humanity so they can just fuck off and live in isolation like the Senegalese Island people.

Niggers are always inferior

Any logical and just country that cares about their people would have genocided or sent their black asses back to Africa for destroying society a long time ago.
True, I wish the NIGGERS in Middle East would also be genocided. But at least in the Middle East, we dont tolerate niggerdom and whip them into shape when they act up. Plus, most MENA countries have like 5-10% NIGGERS at most, so it's not as bad as America with their 15% NIGGER population. In MENA, people still call NIGGERs things like "Zanj" or "Abdi" (meaning black and slave) without shame. It's pretty based ngl.

Berber vs nog

And for not improving themselves in any way,
The only way for NIGGERS to improve themselves is to take genes from other, better races. This is indeed why NIGGER men love white women so much.
then turning around and STILL wanting a handout I.E reparations from whites.
NIGGERS in any land always want gib me dats. Even in Iraq, they're constantly bitching at the Basra municipal government to help fix their shithole neighborhoods. Egypt is currently being flooded by NIGGER refugees from Sudan.:feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:
Even though niggers have been given everything needed for success for the past 60 years they squandered it because they are retarted niggers as Cynthia G explains :feelshaha:. If a group like East Asian chinks had received all the help that niggers have they would be running America right now.
That's in fact whey NIGGER americans hate Asian Americans. Asians in America destroy the NIGGER cope of "we're poor because of white zoopremacy. We're poor because wypipo". They show NIGGERS that, no, it's your subhuman IQ that makes you poor, why else would every other race, from Asian to Indian to Arab, perform better than NIGGERS who've been in America for 500 years?:shhh:
Spooks are just racially ignorant like most people, but they take it to another level and go full retard a lot of the time as UK jiggaboo @YBP Yxngcel has shown on this thread (even though I like you bro :forcedsmile:).
Most Americans are racially ignorant tbh. They think there's only white, black, and chinese. lol
It’s funny because out of any group I’d say that blacks have the most racial supremacists per capita out of any race even though they know Jack-shit about their own race and history as your meme shows.
It's all a massive cope. The most inferior races are usually the ones who blather about supremacy all the time.
We can say that less than %.3 of white men are REAL white supremacists and I’d say that AT LEAST %5 of all black men are black supremacists. Either that or the we wuz and Israelite crowd is just a very loud minority online.
100% of white men, and 100% of nonwhite men are real white supremacists. Everyone is. There really is no need to deny this aspect of humanity, and I'm simply sick of it tbh
But any comment section online where large groups of negroes gather you’ll always see them end up talking shit about whites and others meanwhile the reverse isn’t true.
Black people have white people living in their heads. White people dont think about black people.
Most Americans are racially ignorant tbh. They think there's only white, black, and chinese. lol
I try my best to educate fellow burgers online and IRL when it arises though the only predominant groups my region are white, black and handful of mestizo/Asians and no MENA or anyone else at all really.

It's all a massive cope. The most inferior races are usually the ones who blather about supremacy all the time.
It’s the same reason why it’s only blackcels here that take issue with “race coping” because their race is shit and nothing to be proud of.
100% of white men, and 100% of nonwhite men are real white supremacists. Everyone is. There really is no need to deny this aspect of humanity, and I'm simply sick of it tbh
I meant consciously and ideologically but I agree.
Black people have white people living in their heads. White people dont think about black people.
Exactly. They are weak minded slaves. The only time I think about blacks online is posts like this and the only time I think about them IRL is when I see one walking by and I wonder if they are up to some thug shit and I lock my car door and steer clear of them :feelshaha:
Do the blacks and whites even get along in your place?
We’re not killing each other in the streets but we’re not friends and only tolerate each other and engage in only the bare minimum when it comes to communication most of the time.
You could even add Indians onto that - there's an entire ethnic group in the subcontinent descended from African slaves.
Yeah, like I said, EVERY race of men are better than niggers. Indians at least have higher IQ, straight hair, and caucasion skull
You have no idea how much I agree.
Can you name any black group that represents black people well?:forcedsmile:
We’re not killing each other in the streets but we’re not friends and only tolerate each other and engage in only the bare minimum when it comes to communication most of the time.
This is only because whites are the majoryt in your area. Whenever nigs become the majority, they kill whitey
I try my best to educate fellow burgers online and IRL when it arises though the only predominant groups my region are white, black and handful of mestizo/Asians and no MENA or anyone else at all really.
Burgers are too brainwashed tbh. You have white people who have their OWN RELATIVES killed/raped/tortured by niggers and then they still forgive the nigger in question. Seen tons of examples of this.
It’s the same reason why it’s only blackcels here that take issue with “race coping” because their race is shit and nothing to be proud of.
Yep. Anyone who says race doesn't matter only says that cuase they want to not be associated with their own race. The truth is race matters in terms of reputation. I tell people I'm Iraqi, Turk, or Italian just to see how things go, and they treat me different in each case lol
Exactly. They are weak minded slaves. The only time I think about blacks online is posts like this and the only time I think about them IRL is when I see one walking by and I wonder if they are up to some thug shit and I lock my car door and steer clear of them :feelshaha:
Don't relax.
Can you name any black group that represents black people well?:forcedsmile:
I don't, but individually Blacks like me cause no trouble.

Yep. Anyone who says race doesn't matter only says that cuase they want to not be associated with their own race. The truth is race matters in terms of reputation. I tell people I'm Iraqi, Turk, or Italian just to see how things go, and they treat me different in each case lol
Of course I want nothing to do with my own race. I don't hate the fact that I'm African, but imagine being associated with every stupid thing some of your race does, it's frustrating.
Brutal man, probably feels unsafe living there
Nah I actually live in a nice area of my state but it’s not even half an hour from the city which is filled with niggers and is a shithole since niggers run it.

The niggers here know their place but there’s still that distance and feeling of disconnection between us. There’s lots of cops here and they don’t fuck around with their black asses either.

The niggers from the city are wild animals though. Crime is exploding due to the incompetent sheboon mayor and there is a split between the city police/judicial system and the mayors office/leadership because they are so fucking corrupt and have turned their back on the city law enforcement. There’s more carjackings than days in the year. One of the highest murder rates per capita in burgerland.

It’s not a huge place either. It’s a dump but lots of Tourists are drawn in which is the only reason that they haven’t gone bankrupt.
I don’t have sympathy for negresses. They could have selected the smart negros, but no they’d rather be baby momma to Drizzy G and Lil Shank. Then they complain about niggers being trash :feelswhat:
black foids resent black men because of hypergamy, but it's fine if they're angry about it because they're foids.
Dang, I assume you're from the suburbs then since Blacks usually live in city areas. Are the suburbs of your state predominantly white (>70%)?
Yes but since this is the south you can find niggers in the whitest areas. They have their own little ghetto streets and dumps in my town but they are very isolated from civil society for the most part even though go to our schools. There’s 2 black families on my street of +40 houses. But since they can afford to live here they must be the “good ones”.
I think cities that are filled with crime like Detroit, Cleveland and St Louis are 70%+ Black. Absolutely brutal because it used to be majority white when the automobile industry was rife in America, after all that shut down and the Whites moved to the suburbs or other cities those cities began filling with crime.
Yeah this city is less than Half a million people and atleast 75% negro with whites and rich minorities living in the wealthiest areas.
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black foids resent black men because of hypergamy, but it's fine if they're angry about it because they're foids.
She resents black men because black men prefer white vagina a nigger will shamelessly breed 200Ib white bitch because she's white
Most Americans are racially ignorant tbh. They think there's only white, black, and chinese. lol

It's all a massive cope. The most inferior races are usually the ones who blather about supremacy all the time.

100% of white men, and 100% of nonwhite men are real white supremacists. Everyone is. There really is no need to deny this aspect of humanity, and I'm simply sick of it tbh

Black people have white people living in their heads. White people dont think about black people.
Am I missing something here?

99% of your comments are you claiming be to superior whilsts being balding Turkmen iraqi manlet:feelshaha:
" those who blather about supremacy are the most inferior" By your own admission your inferior

you talk about superiority but you're clearly ashamed of being a flat faced turkmen
" i tell people I'm Iraqi, Turk, or Italian just to see how things go, and they treat me different in each case lol"

this is very common in Turkish people though they wish they weren't associated with middle easteners they do anything to be counted with europeans lol even sporting the globohomo fag logo on reddit

Don't pretend to be Italian bro they can see it on your face that your a backward turkmen iraqi foreigner from far away, they always think it even if they don't tell you to your face


  • Screenshot_20220608-044217_Reddit.jpg
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These are the supposed " white people" that made in heaven is lol
Iraqi turkmen look just how I'd assume they would lmfao


  • Iraqi_Turkmen_folk_dancers.jpg
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skin colour matters for men as well, you wouldn't be on this forum if you had white skin even with your manletism
I vehemently disagree its just not been my experience Maybe thats just indian thing you guys project out but its honestly not been my experience I dont know what to tell you
Maybe its just in England but I honestly see ethnics with white foids nearly daily its always the same types tall, trappers, thugs all whores are drawn to these things

If your ugly and short I fail to see how pigmentation will save you unless you happen to have wealth
Don't white Egyptian men have more SMV than brown Egyptian men?
Yes. In any race the people with lighter skin and white features are more attractive and held in a higher regard but he is a coping fool that denies it :feelshaha:
Isn't this an Egyptian thing too? Don't white Egyptian men have more SMV than brown Egyptian men?
Probably but there are no white Egyptians we very brown to tanned to light tanned. Iv seen Palestinians whiter than some italians but I wouldn't refer to them as white people

Same for pashtoons. When people say white they mean a person of European descent i don't get all this cope language incels use to make themselves feel better
Yes. In any race the people with lighter skin and white features are more attractive and held in a higher regard but he is a coping fool that denies it :feelshaha:
- a person whos white skin did literally nothing for him

Unless you count bragging to online virgins an advantage :feelshaha:
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No White Egyptians? I've seen an Egyptian with light coloured eyes and hair but if you don't consider it white then sure. I've also seen an Algerian with blue eyes and dirty blond hair I thought he was white until he said his name JFL.
I have never met a blonde arab in my life, why do you guys use the most obscure examples and not stick to the majority
- a person whos white skin did literally nothing for him
It makes me get treated like an actual person and gives me JBW potential in foreign countries instead of being treated like a subhuman Egyptian everywhere I go :owo:.

Unless you count bragging to online virgins an advantage :feelshaha:
If you mean by exposing delusional people like you then yeah it does.
It makes me get treated like an actual person and gives me JBW potential in foreign countries instead of being treated like a subhuman Egyptian everywhere I go :owo:.

If you mean by exposing delusional people like you then yeah it does.
Except by the opposite sex lol literally anybody can go ascend in the 3rd world thats weak as fuck, I honestly hope you do that and bring her back to your shitty moms basement in America.

When she leaves you in the first week of landing i hope you rope like you deserve
It makes me get treated like an actual person and gives me JBW potential in foreign countries instead of being treated like a subhuman Egyptian everywhere I go :owo:.

If you mean by exposing delusional people like you then yeah it does.
Whats the point of being treated like a person if its not by women you faggot fuck :feelsLSD:

Your invincible to women and I guarantee I'd ascend before you and I have a feeling my times coming in the near future
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Whats the point of being treated like a person if its not by women you faggot fuck :feelsLSD:
Just stop replying to me you’re embarrassing yourself

Your invincible to women and I guarantee I'd ascend before you and I have a feeling my times coming in the near future
You’re a 5’4 Egyptian nigger your time is never coming :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Funny because I can ascend in your country but right now you’re in one of my countries but can’t make anything happen. :feelsclown: I wonder why. Maybe it’s because race matters.
Just stop replying to me you’re embarrassing yourself

You’re a 5’4 Egyptian nigger your time is never coming :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Funny because I can ascend in your country but right now you’re in one of my countries but can’t make anything happen. :feelsclown: I wonder why. Maybe it’s because race matters.
5'7 and iv gotta be honest I'm changing rapidly my situation is projected to be extremely different come autumn time, when I do ascend il specifically come back to tag you
Its you who will probably die by roping once the anti depressants lose effect, make sure they add "superior white incel" on your tombstone
5'7 and iv gotta be honest I'm changing rapidly my situation is projected to be extremely different come autumn time, when I do ascend il specifically come back to tag you
You said you were 5’4 keep your lies straight.

Its you who will probably die by roping once the anti depressants lose effect, make sure they add "superior white incel" on your tombstone
I’m not on jewpills idiot but it sounds like you could use some because of all the crying you do on this forum :feelshaha: you’re a puppet.
Just stop replying to me you’re embarrassing yourself

You’re a 5’4 Egyptian nigger your time is never coming :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Funny because I can ascend in your country but right now you’re in one of my countries but can’t make anything happen. :feelsclown: I wonder why. Maybe it’s because race matters.
What does that prove im one person? Do you think the average ethnic in the west in an incel? Is that how much time you've spent on this forum :feelshaha:

My bruzzer please look out our birth rates and look at yours and tell me who's far below replacement levels in the west:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Your countries need us man we need to colonise and populate because your fetility rates are so low

We have practically colonised the major cities in England and spics are doing the same shit in America
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You said you were 5’4 keep your lies straight.

I’m not on jewpills idiot but it sounds like you could some because of all the crying you do on this forum :feelshaha:
Never said I was 5'4"and you can't find a single quote to prove it

always said 5'7
What does that prove im one person? Do you think the average ethnic in the west in an incel? Is that how much time you've spent on this forum :feelshaha:
My bruzzer please look out our birth rates and look at yours and tell me who's far below replacement levels in the west:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
You think this is a strike against me? You’re the deathnic that’s here unascended :feelsclown: you must be even more subhuman than the average egyptian Muslim if you can’t breed with a foid of your own race.
Your countries need us man we need to colonise and populate because your fetility rates are so low
Yeah according to the kalergi plan Europe needs to be replaced by deathnics because Jews don’t want the native white population to reproduce :feelstastyman:

We have practically colonised the major cities in England and spics are doing the same shit in America
There’s no MENA here and Spics aren’t shit in my country :feelskek: they stand in front of Home Depot all day looking for someone to pick them up to use as slave labor. Spics are a submissive race to us.
You think this is a strike against me? You’re the deathnic that’s here unascended :feelsclown: you must be even more subhuman than the average egyptian Muslim if you can’t breed with a foid of your own race.

Yeah according to the kalergi plan Europe needs to be replaced by deathnics because Jews don’t want the native white population to reproduce :feelstastyman:

There’s no MENA here and Spics aren’t shit in my country :feelskek: they stand in front of Home Depot all day looking for someone to pick them up to use as slave labor. Spics are a submissive race to us.
But they are colonising you their populationsis exploding ? Theres an authentic narration in Islam that in the end of time there will be a great war between the Muslims and the romans (Europeans) and you guys will lose

This means your race will be degenerate till the end of days:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
But they are colonising you their populationsis exploding ?
Forced Replacement and colonization are not the same thing. You get shipped to Europe under the guise of refugees and students. That’s not colonization.
Theres an authentic narration in Islam that in the end of time there will be a great war between the Muslims and the romans (Europeans) and you guys will lose
In an actual war we will win because of superior military technology. But like I said above right now it’s a quiet war. That’s the only way you can win. In an all-out war you and your dumps will be destroyed like Afghanistan and Yemen :feelskek:
This means your race will be degenerate till the end of days:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
It’s 2022 every race is degenerate.
What does that prove im one person? Do you think the average ethnic in the west in an incel? Is that how much time you've spent on this forum :feelshaha:

My bruzzer please look out our birth rates and look at yours and tell me who's far below replacement levels in the west:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Your countries need us man we need to colonise and populate because your fetility rates are so low

We have practically colonised the major cities in England and spics are doing the same shit in America
[UWSL][UWSL]That's because whites are good because if they wanted to exterminate all other lower races with their intelligence and technology especially niggers with their low IQ.[/UWSL][/UWSL]
Ethiopia didn't do too bad in history, but idk if they're pure niggers or not
Nah, Ethiopians are like 30% Eurasian
I don't, but individually Blacks like me cause no trouble.
Yeah, obviously there are exceptions on an individual level. But on a RACIAL level, blacks are indeed violent race.
Of course I want nothing to do with my own race. I don't hate the fact that I'm African, but imagine being associated with every stupid thing some of your race does, it's frustrating.
I know you dont want anything to do with your own race, every African is like that. Like I said earlier, every Black person is a white supremacist. It's just a matter of admitting it or not.
black foids resent black men because of hypergamy, but it's fine if they're angry about it because they're foids.
Black women resent black men because black men are horrible fathers and husbands. Not necassarily due to hypergamy.
Yes but since this is the south you can find niggers in the whitest areas.
Brutal:shhh: Should have contained them.
99% of your comments are you claiming be to superior whilsts being balding Turkmen iraqi manlet:feelshaha:
Because I am :forcedsmile: I'm sure I already told you this, but in Egypt when I lived there for 10 months, the brown Egyptians adored me:feelzez:
you talk about superiority but you're clearly ashamed of being a flat faced turkmen
I'm not flat faces.:what:
this is very common in Turkish people though they wish they weren't associated with middle easteners they do anything to be counted with europeans lol
Why would anyone want to be assoicated with MENA over Europeans when Europeans are superior to MENA?
even sporting the globohomo fag logo on reddit
Don't pretend to be Italian bro they can see it on your face that your a backward turkmen iraqi foreigner from far away, they always think it even if they don't tell you to your face
This is not true. I have a half-Italian/Turk cousin and she looks the same as my full-Turk sister. My half-Italian cousin looks similar to this girl

I fucking hate how black americans represent black people globally.
This. Unfortunately, black Americans are the ones who represent blacks the most on a global level. But what do you expect, America dominates the entertainment industry and so black Americans are more likely to be the most famous representation of blacks
These are the supposed " white people" that made in heaven is lol
Iraqi turkmen look just how I'd assume they would lmfao
Iraqi Turkmen dont all look the same. I know you know this, so dont be delusional.

This is my cousin when she was 3. 100% Turk-Iraqi and she has blue eyes.


This is my cousin's son.


And here are a bunch of other Iraqi-Turkmen

Turk iraqi
Iraqi turk
Iraqi turk2
I vehemently disagree its just not been my experience Maybe thats just indian thing you guys project out but its honestly not been my experience I dont know what to tell you
Egyptians celebreties all have lighter skin than the average Egyptian, you coper:dab:
Isn't this an Egyptian thing too? Don't white Egyptian men have more SMV than brown Egyptian men?
Yes, like @METALMILITA88 EVERY race prefers their light-skinned counterparts.

Asians love Asian Turks
Indians love Kashmiris
Mena love Anatolian Turks
Africans love Mulattos/Moors

Same applies to Egyptians. Darkness to light is coping HARD. Many egyptian actors and politicians are white. This woman is an egyptian politican, she doesn't look like typical egyptian, does she?


Another one


And another. Notice how this Egyptian man has blue eyes? hehe

there are no white Egyptians
Bro, you were ruled by Circassions, Chechnyans, Turks, Albanians, and French people. Of course there are white Egyptians, they're just your upper class.

Hussein Fahmy
No White Egyptians? I've seen an Egyptian with light coloured eyes and hair but if you don't consider it white then sure.
He's retarded. He thinks anyone who isn't European isn't white. According to him, there are NO white people in this picture

Chechnya muslims

I've also seen an Algerian with blue eyes and dirty blond hair
Algerians tend to have blue eyes and blonde hair due to kidnapping TONS of Icelandic slave girls, although the Canarid Phenotype also shows that there have been indigenious blonde Berbers going back 1000s of years


I thought he was white until he said his name JFL.
Brutal namepill
It makes me get treated like an actual person and gives me JBW potential in foreign countries instead of being treated like a subhuman Egyptian everywhere I go :owo:.
I can attest to this. My sister is pale white. she's snow white. Very damn white. Sooooo many times my mom's brown friends compliment my sister on how white her skin is:feelsUnreal: Meanwhile, I have an Arab-looking male cousin who has on occasion been given shit for looking like a terrorist by europeans.:lul:
You’re a 5’4 Egyptian nigger your time is never coming :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:5'4? lmaooooo when did he say that?
Funny because I can ascend in your country but right now you’re in one of my countries but can’t make anything happen. :feelsclown: I wonder why. Maybe it’s because race matters.
Same. I'm pretty sure I could get a brown egyptian wife. But I'd rather stick with a white turk, syrian, or iranian wife.

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