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JFL Black Women talking ABSOLUTE SHIT about Black Men

Encountering angry, loud, and aggressive black American women is the norm lol.

Unless she is a very attractive non ghetto mulatta or latin American black/latina foid.
True, but I would say black women are JUSTIFIED in hating black men, unlike asian women. Black men are bums and violent, so black women hating them is GOOD. Whereas asian men are hard working and not violent, so noodle whores hating them is disgraceful.

Black women hate black men because they're shit fathers/husbands.
Asian women hate asian men because white cocky onry.

Big difference tbh

though imo the hottest black women > hottest asian women. black women actually have tits and ass.

same is happening for me. probably just cause it's on this site. it works on youtube.
Black girls would kill me because I'm a short manlet
The reason Muslim Africans love Arabia is because it s a key to them attaining better genes by mixing with Arabs. There's a reason Moors, Somalis, and Djiboutians are better looking.:feelzez:
Arabia love
lol look at this dumb nigger thinking Libyans aren't native to North Africa. These people really think they wuz kangs JFL


Black women were built for Arab cock. Nigcels assblasted

True, almost to the point where it's a mental illness. They always make excuses about why they rather wear wigs than their own hair.
I dont get why they dont accept reality. I know a half somali/north italian (germanic) girl and she has slightly wavy/curly hair and she has admitted to me how she has been praised by FULL blooded somalis about her hair and light skin color. She's also admitted to me that many somalis love to claim they're half-Arab

Blacks should be greatful they had their genes improved by Oriental and European conquerers

Arabs are blacks? lmao


Yemeni loli
I dont get why they dont accept reality. I know a half somali/north italian (germanic) girl and she has slightly wavy/curly hair and she has admitted to me how she has been praised by FULL blooded somalis about her hair and light skin color. She's also admitted to me that many somalis love to claim they're half-Arab

Blacks should be greatful they had their genes improved by Oriental and European conquerers

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It's geniunely sad how so many ethnics are self hating, it's cringe.
Imagine being THIS close to being self aware

So close
It's geniunely sad how so many ethnics are self hating, it's cringe.
Nah, it's based. Ugly people will always be hated. Ethnics who hate themselves simply acknowledge reality. It's better than coping with muh eurocentric media propoganda !!!!!
Black guy admitting that even Black people THEMSELVEs love it when they're mixed with non-Black blood that makes them look more beautiful.

It's dumb to complain about your race because you can't change it, it's a waste of time.
IT's not a matter of complaining, it's the fact these people refuse to acknowledge reality. They are no different than noodle whores who wet themselves thinking of blonde men, then bitch and moan about being "fetishzied".

I'm not for complaining per say, I just wish shitskins and deathnic would acknowledge reality.

Yes, being tall is good.
Yes, having blue eyes and green eyes is good.
Yes havign blonde hair and red hair is good.
Yes, having round eyes is good.
Yes, having pink skin is good.
Yes, having slim nose is good.
Yes, having caucasion skull is good.
Yes, having straigh hair is good.

It's a white man's world. The closer you are to this ideal, the better you. This is just a cruel truth most ethnics can't bring themselve sot acknowledge because they can't cope with the fact they simountanesly hate the history of being conquered by whites while revering and worshiping white civilization/inventions/countries.:fuk:

All ethnics wish to be whiter and whiter. This is why pakis worship Arabs while Arabs worship Turks while Turks worship Germans.

My contribution to this thread
Your yakub niggerology pseudoscience that you learned from Kang supremacist Youtubers does not impress me.


Different DNA. Different halogroups. Whites are not derivative from Asians and vice vice versa. I notice with niggers you people love to take words like “Caucasian” very literally. Not all Caucasians are even white.

Wrong again.

Where do you get this shit dude? I know that Kang niggerology youtubers make up absurd lies and weird stories like this but this is far beyond anything I’ve ever heard.

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I know that because of low IQ Kang confidence you think that you are schooling a yt Neanderthal devil when you write something like this, but it really shows how absolutely stupid you and most black supremacists are when you come up with these retarted talking points.

If someone had NO pigmentation you literally wouldn’t even be able to see them. They would be completely transparent, like looking through a glass window. I guess that makes niggers the dirty soot stained window :feelskek:

And as the leading .is experts on race @Made in Heaven and I have already explained to you how reality is actually the complete opposite of what you and black supremacists say, white are people with the MOST color.

Negroid hair color=poo
Negroid skin color=poo
Negroid eye=poo

Meanwhile there’s tons of actual diversity among white features but as I have explained, your Kang brain goes into cognitive dissonance overdrive when faced with this fact :feelsclown:

More room temperature IQ Kang fairy tales. Do you happen to be a member of the Nation of Islam?

Niggers didn’t even know how to talk until more advanced people came to Africa and showed them how.

That’s why niggers have longer arms and wingspan than other races. You are meant to walk on all fours like the monkey you are :feelshaha:

I absorb sunlight very well, better than any negro can. Dark skin has the opposite effect and makes it very hard for the body to absorb the sun and vitamin D because the melanin acts as a shield. Since it’s summertime, I actually have a very nice tan if you would like to see it, but apparently I am transparent and “pigmentless” :feelskek::feelskek:

As usual, black supremacist kangs have the real facts and logic of things completely backwards because they are 80 IQ apes that suffer from dunning-Krueger! :feelsclown:

More Kang fairytale garbage.

I agree with this. Out of Africa theory is complete junk and has been thoroughly disproven.

Nor will it change for any other race that happens to live in another climate.

Again I agree with what you say here.

You told me completely fake Kang garbage. I know where we actually come from, I could troll you by saying where, but that’s only for us to know :feelsLSD:

Yes it is very obvious now that you are a full-blown nigger Israelite, because this is exactly what they say. What do you think you even have in common with the other 2 races listed? Nothing. But because a Kang dressed in a superhero costume said it, it must be true! It’s fucking pathetic how weak minded and easily manipulated niggers are.

Do you even know about the genetic history of Amerindians? They have identical DNA to the mongols or “Neanderthal mixes” that you just railed against :feelsclown::feelsclown:

And by “Hispanics” I assume that you mean MESTIZO (Hispanic isn’t a race idiot). And of course, they are simply amerindians that got cucked by white Spainairds and mestizos became the half-breed product.

So explain to me how people that only have DNA that consist of the Asian and white “Neanderthals” that you just made a deranged rant against are “natural humans”. You really are dumber than I thought, but anyone that believes in Kang Israelism has to be :feelsclown:

@Made in Heaven niggerology and false history has destroyed this mans brain, we need to resuscitate him, quickly! :feelskek::feelskek:

Yeah ok.

Interesting how you rail so hard against whites but refuse to name the JEW and instead refer to them as “reptilian elites”.

Are you actually a negro man? Or are you a JEW larping as one so that blacks get the blame for this rhetoric instead of you :feelstastyman:

And you’re right about kikes either way. They ARE hostile aliens. Jews have a reptilian Levi/Cohen gene, which is why when kikes get a DNA test usually %4 of it is unidentifiable.

And it is very apparent by how Jews behave as a collective that they are extraterrestrials sent to destroy humanity. All of they have ever done throughout history and today is parasitize the nations and races that they live with.

All of Judaism and it’s offshoots (Christianity, Islam) is nothing more than stolen and perverted pagan religions and practices, which is why it is sad to see you believe their book and be a nigger Israelite.

Really? So what separates the %10? Or did you just make this up like everything else in your post.
Keep crying you fucking saddo that Tyrone creampied your mum's mouth.
I got all this information from white genetic experts on YouTube and a white friend put me on to this. I'm not a Israelite. I believe in spirituality.

View: https://vimeo.com/714849543
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lol look at this dumb nigger thinking Libyans aren't native to North Africa. These people really think they wuz kangs JFL

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Black women were built for Arab cock. Nigcels assblasted

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saying that the arab north africans are native to africa is big lie whats the next lie whites are native to america?
how did america become racially white was it not invasion how did racially north africa become arab was it not invasion
saying that the arab north africans
North Africans are not Arabs. They are Amazigh and Egyptian.
are native to africa is big lie whats the next lie whites are native to america?
lmao this isn't the same comparison. We have plenty of proof that North Africans are NOT Niggers and never were. Negroes did not build Egypt. Negroes did not conquer Spain. It was Caucasion Berbers/Egyptians


how did america become racially white was it not invasion how did racially north africa become arab was it not invasion
No, it was not an invasion. We have statues and portraits and descriptions of North Africans going back 4000 years and they were Caucasion, not Negro.



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North Africans are not Arabs. They are Amazigh and Egyptian.

lmao this isn't the same comparison. We have plenty of proof that North Africans are NOT Niggers and never were. Negroes did not build Egypt. Negroes did not conquer Spain. It was Caucasion Berbers/Egyptians

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No, it was not an invasion. We have statues and portraits and descriptions of North Africans going back 4000 years and they were Caucasion, not Negro.

hmm how did anatolia become turkish was it not migrations and invasion how can you say that the arabs who live in egypt and call them selves egyptians are native? egypt has been ivaded many times by babylon,persia, greece,rome etc black people are native in all parts of africa. whats the next lie that modern greeks are like the ancient greeks how you seen those greek satues you can clearly see those statues depict nords.
you said thats not the same how? how did america become majority white? its because of invasion how did north africa and egpyt become so white invasion why it okay to accept one but not the other and the arabs had it way easier to migrate they didnt have to cross seas.
and btw upper egypt still looks black but lower egypt look like europeans
North Africans are not Arabs. They are Amazigh and Egyptian.

lmao this isn't the same comparison. We have plenty of proof that North Africans are NOT Niggers and never were. Negroes did not build Egypt. Negroes did not conquer Spain. It was Caucasion Berbers/Egyptians

View attachment 620415

No, it was not an invasion. We have statues and portraits and descriptions of North Africans going back 4000 years and they were Caucasion, not Negro.

Just because the art and statues were depicted as Caucasians doesn't mean we should just take his/her word for it.

Egypt has long been known for slavery. Exactly what modern-day media describe all white people.

Fact: the world has hated whites for thousands of years. Whites are the minority and everywhere whites settle, the "natives" cry racism, racism, racism ...slavery this/slavery that!
hmm how did anatolia become turkish
It didn't.

These are the most common Anatolian phenotypes


These are the most common Turkic phenotypes


was it not migrations and invasion
Some of the Turkic Phenotypes are present in Anatolia, but they are not as common as the Anatolian phenotypes. Just like how some Finns and Hungarians have Turkic Phenotype, or how some Spanish of Middle Eastern phenotype.
how can you say that the arabs who live in egypt and call them selves egyptians are native?
Arabs don't live in Egypt. The majority of modern Egyptians are 80-90% ETHNIC egyptians. There is around 15% actual Arab admixture in Egypt.

This is the reconstructed faces of Egyptians from 3000 years ago

egypt has been ivaded many times by babylon,persia, greece,rome etc
And despite all that, Egyptians are still Egyptians. I dont deny Egypt has blacks living there NOW, but that doesn't mean they were there in the past 3000 years.

Also, if you're trying to imply Egypt was "Whitened" by the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Just stop.


black people are native in all parts of africa.
No, blacks are not native to North Africa. There was historically a giant fucking desert spanning 3000 miles that prevented Negroes from travelling to the north.

whats the next lie that modern greeks are like the ancient greeks

how you seen those greek satues you can clearly see those statues depict nords.
No, they dont. The greeks constantly described themselves as being swarthy.

you said thats not the same how?
I mean comparing the whitening of America is not the same as claiming Egypt was black. We have historical evidence that whites are not native to America. But we have proof that Egyptian Caucasions ARE native to Egypt.


how did america become majority white? its because of invasion
True. However, Egypt was not invaded in the same manner as America was.

how did north africa and egpyt become so white invasion
No, it isn't "invasion". The people of North Africa are NATIVES to the region. They have been living there for 5000 years.

why it okay to accept one but not the other
Because it's not the same.

Europeans invaded America.
Egyptians/Berbers did not invade North Africa. They have always been there.


and the arabs had it way easier to migrate they didnt have to cross seas.
Arabs do not exist in significant amounts in North Africa.


and btw upper egypt still looks black but
That's because there are Nubians, not Egyptians. And plus the slave trade brought more blacks into egypt who were never there before.
lower egypt look like europeans
:lul::lul::lul::lul: I wish Egyptians looked European, but no. @tehgymcel420 You're white now!



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Just because the art and statues were depicted as Caucasians doesn't mean we should just take his/her word for it.
What are you fucking talking about? the art and statues are 3000 years old and were made by Egyptians to depict how they themselves looked
Egypt has long been known for slavery. Exactly what modern-day media describe all white people.

Fact: the world has hated whites for thousands of years. Whites are the minority and everywhere whites settle, the "natives" cry racism, racism, racism ...slavery this/slavery that!
Keep crying you fucking saddo that Tyrone creampied your mum's mouth.

I make a Nostradamus IQ post debunking every retarted nigger kang talking point you made and all I get as a response is “We wuz BBC an yo momma n sheeit”. What a sore negro loser, but I didn’t expect anything more from an autistic shitskin jiggaboo like yourself :feelskek::feelsclown:

That’s just your average nigger though. A punk. A loser. A slave and a bitch to be pushed around and humiliated by everyone else.
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View attachment 620558

I make a Nostradamus IQ post debunking every retarted nigger kang talking you made and all I get as a response is “We wuz BBC an yo momma n sheeit”. What a sore negro loser, but I didn’t expect anything more from an autistic shitskin jiggaboo like yourself :feelskek::feelsclown:
Why were you banned?

I've been banned from twitter for 5 days because I insulted a bunch of subhuman zoomali apes who were laughing about Turks being made they are living in Turkey
Why were you banned?

I've been banned from twitter for 5 days because I insulted a bunch of subhuman zoomali apes who were laughing about Turks being made they are living in Turkey
4 days for “fagposting” over a meme poll.
North Africans are not Arabs. They are Amazigh and Egyptian.

lmao this isn't the same comparison. We have plenty of proof that North Africans are NOT Niggers and never were. Negroes did not build Egypt. Negroes did not conquer Spain. It was Caucasion Berbers/Egyptians

View attachment 620415

No, it was not an invasion. We have statues and portraits and descriptions of North Africans going back 4000 years and they were Caucasion, not Negro.

Im not saying modern day North Africans are native im saying the indigenous people of North Africa were originally black just look at south Lydia upper Egypt south algeria south morroco
Im not saying modern day North Africans are native
I know what you're saying and you are WRONG.

im saying the indigenous people of North Africa were originally black
Nope. Sorry, they weren't. We have sculptures of Roman-era North Africans like Hannibal, and they do not look like Congoloids.
just look at south Lydia upper Egypt south algeria south morroco
Negro slaves that were brought their by Arabs after having their nigger dicks cut off
I know what you're saying and you are WRONG.

Nope. Sorry, they weren't. We have sculptures of Roman-era North Africans like Hannibal, and they do not look like Congoloids.

Negro slaves that were brought their by Arabs after having their nigger dicks cut off
Why is it okay to say that upper Egypt is black because of slavery and Nubian migration
Why is it okay to say that America is white because of immigration and migration
But some how it’s not okay to say that modern day Egyptians are not native :feelskek:
Egypt has been invaded so many times but some how the ancient Egyptians are the same as the modern ones

View: https://youtu.be/pfFdACf2-Xw

View: https://youtu.be/3QhMTJm_A6k

View: https://youtu.be/q__97y56dow

View: https://youtu.be/nXtsbiFcZvQ

india uses to be black as well

View: https://youtu.be/3s0cL-Kamcw
Why is it okay to say that upper Egypt is black because of slavery and Nubian migration
Why is it okay to say that America is white because of immigration and migration
But some how it’s not okay to say that modern day Egyptians are not native :feelskek:
Egypt has been invaded so many times but some how the ancient Egyptians are the same as the modern ones

View: https://youtu.be/pfFdACf2-Xw

View: https://youtu.be/3QhMTJm_A6k

View: https://youtu.be/q__97y56dow

View: https://youtu.be/nXtsbiFcZvQ

india uses to be black as well

View: https://youtu.be/3s0cL-Kamcw

JFL at all this we wuz kangs babble:ha..feels:

I actually watched all that, and I WISH I could let you have this delusion so you could keep coping, but no. All of this is typical negro schitzophrenia. We have genetic evidence to show Modern egyptians = Ancient Egyptians. Also, Indians are already black.

Black women do talk shit about black men, SEARCH up divestors who are comparable to the KKK. think im joking? search them up and see their talking points. Though I dont really get incels that are nationalists. In a way its ironic as they defend their race, see themselves as superior while those in their own race see them as scum hence inceldom. On top of that something that your forefathers have done, you've completely failed which again isn't "superior". I guess everyone copes in their own way.
lol She looks like this and claims she wants a white boyfriend:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

JFL at all this we wuz kangs babble:ha..feels:

I actually watched all that, and I WISH I could let you have this delusion so you could keep coping, but no. All of this is typical negro schitzophrenia. We have genetic evidence to show Modern egyptians = Ancient Egyptians. Also, Indians are already black.

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claiming that modern egyptians are anicent egpytians is like an tunisian claiming he is a destances of carthagians who carthagians are decentants of phonecians. the tunisian claiming that ma not be wrong he might have a little bit of carthagian blood in him but since north africa has been invaded many times he might be part european, arab, or have black dna.
but if we apply this logic to egpyt then it suddenly doesnt make sence how can a country tht hs been invaded soooooo many times no be majority mixed race it has been invaded by europeans migration, nubian migration, especially arb migration,greeks etc.
modern day egpytians are so arab that few if even barely of them can speak copts.
but keep using using nonsence dna fraud studies.
Holy fuuuuuuck. I've been watching this black female youtuber and I've watched TONS of her videos. The amount of black pills and truths she drops about nigger males is fucking hilarious. Here's one video. Since it's long, I've paraphrased some of her main quotes below.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBEO2xW_fik&list=LL&ab_channel=CynthiaG

"black men adopted this BBC 'once you go back you never go back' cope to pretend like they can do something non-Black men can't"

"black men are getting undesirable white women that white men dont want"

"black men desperatley want to feel like they're competing with white men, so when they get an undesirable white women, they want to act like they've 'stolen' something from the white man"

"white women who fuck black men stay with the black man not because he's desirable, but because she no longer can go get a white man"

"black men are the only conquered men in societies. They have no resources, no wealth, they haven't conquered or built anything"

"black men have created nothing. They've invented nothing because they lack the intellectual capacity to do so"

"black men are very fantasy driven, they fantasize about being desired by non-black women"

"when a non-black women gets a black guy, it's because she's usually unable to go back to her own race"

"studies show when a non-black women is associated with a black guy, her desirability goes down among her own race"

"black men leave their communities defensless and poor and lack the ability to enter proper manhood. They dont operate from a place of manhood"

"white women are the fastest growing group of single mothers because of black men abandoning them"

"white women who go for black men are shown to be psychologically damaged"

"this white girl is only going for black men because white men dont want her back after she associated with black men"

"black men constantly compliment the european features, like the whitness of her skin, the brightness of her hair, the fact that her eyes are not brown"

"black men are not doing anything productive with their lives"

"black women are only provided and taken care of by non-black men becaue black men dont value fatherhood"

This black woman is BAAAAAAAASED!!!:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

And this is just ONE of her videos. She has dozens and dozens of videos like this that I've watched. She literally talks about black men the same way a white supremacist does. And you know what? She's absolutley right in what she says. Nigger men are the bottom of the barrel in terms of marriage/husband material.


Yeah she’s right, black men are pieces of shit who only go for obese white women because they cant get a white man
Caribbean has whites there, historically. If you're not dark brown, you're almost defintiley mixed with euroepan, arab, or native american

Blacks as a whole have zero redeeming traits aside from maybe being athletic.

I feel sorry for the cute mulatto girls tbh tbh


True, asian men are good, what I hate about them is that they dont beat and enslave noodle whores. They're TOO passive.

It's a myth that Blacks are more athletic, all other races are better at all activities, but they've conspired to let Blacks win some games so they can feel better about themselves.
I fucking hate how black americans represent black people globally.

They don't, Blacks in other countries just act like Black Americans to the point it's unnecessary to use other Blacks as a point of reference. In the Netherlands we have Afrohispanics and Surinamese, both are very different in cultural origin but both turned into ghetto rat shit people.

As a Mulatto the last thing I want is for my children to be Niggers, Quadroons can often pass as non-Blacks and many don't identify with Nigger culture and don't act in such stupid ways.
your short
And you're black:lul:

Cairo egypt egyptian woman sitting in front of the great pyramids H8KWYT

and you want a european stacy
everyone does. But I would also enjoy a MENA stacy

6 shades of black
Nigcel cope.
claiming that modern egyptians are anicent egpytians is like an tunisian claiming he is a destances of carthagians who carthagians are decentants of phonecians.
No, it's not the same. I understand this better than you. Phoenicians and Tunisians are of a similar stock anyways, this is why they share phenotypical traits.
the tunisian claiming that ma not be wrong he might have a little bit of carthagian blood in him but since north africa has been invaded many times he might be part european, arab, or have black dna.
Nope, sorry, most North Africans are factually shown to be largely indigenious, regardless of if SOME of them may have Arab/European/Black mixture. There are STUDIES on these, try reading them.
but if we apply this logic to egpyt then it suddenly doesnt make sence how can a country tht hs been invaded soooooo many times no be majority mixed race it has been invaded by europeans migration, nubian migration, especially arb migration,greeks etc.
For the millionth time, I DONT DENY THAT THERE ARE MIXED EGYPTIANS!!! Get that through your head. I dont deny that

My point is the majority of Egyptians are NOT mixed. They are indigenious.


Also conquest and invasion does NOT mean mixing. British people conquered India, yet do you see any substanstial amount of British rapebabies in India? No.
modern day egpytians are so arab


that few if even barely of them can speak copts.
Speaking a language does not correlate with genetics. You speaking english doesn't make you British.

but keep using using nonsence dna fraud studies.
>the blackcel rejects scientific evidence

Imagine my shock

They don't, Blacks in other countries just act like Black Americans to the point it's unnecessary to use other Blacks as a point of reference. In the Netherlands we have Afrohispanics and Surinamese, both are very different in cultural origin but both turned into ghetto rat shit people.

As a Mulatto the last thing I want is for my children to be Niggers, Quadroons can often pass as non-Blacks and many don't identify with Nigger culture and don't act in such stupid ways.
Damn, being a Mulatto sucks ass. Take some advice from me: Don't ever think pure niggers are on your side. Mulattos should have their own ethnostate tbh. Remember how in Haiti the Niggers killed the Mulattos because they were half-white? Yeah. That is how little your blackness matters to pure niggers. These Niggers were literally upset at some Mulattos being blessed with having their genes upgraded

I see this all the time. Niggers talking about how mixed blacks are "not black enough" or how they seethe at Mulattos having better hair, better faces, and lighter skin color.
It's a myth that Blacks are more athletic, all other races are better at all activities, but they've conspired to let Blacks win some games so they can feel better about themselves.
I fucking hate how black americans represent black people globally.
Are you implying other niggers are any better? Bitch please. American Blacks have WHITE and NATIVE blood, that makes them more civilized, yet they're still so damn violent. African Blacks who are PURE negroes are sooooo much worse.
I don’t have sympathy for negresses. They could have selected the smart negros, but no they’d rather be baby momma to Drizzy G and Lil Shank. Then they complain about niggers being trash :feelswhat:
Why does this forum and 4chan spend so much time talking about blacks? What do you get out of it? It's not like incels have anything to brag about
Idiot post being an incel of any race is better than being a coon
And black Americans hate Africans :feelsclown:
Everyone hates being a NIGGER. I literally CANNOT emphasize that enough. It doesn't matter if it's George Floyd or Will Smith or Neil Degrasse. NO ONE wants to be a NIGGER. Even a 6'6 Tyrone doesn't want to be a NIGGER because a 6'6 Tyrone will run after White women. I have seen so many half-NIGGERS who've shown self-hatred. A half-NIGGER girl once told me she hates her hair because she "looks wild" and "like I just came out of the jungle":lul::lul::lul::lul:

There is no BLESSING, no GIFT, no REWARD, white men have given to the NIGGER race than giving them Human genetics.
Idiot post being an incel of any race is better than being a coon
NIGGERS are white supremacists, just like everyone else.

However, while Asians and MENA admit they prefer whites (evidenced by anime depicting Asians as white, or eveidenced by MENA celebreties and actors being White MENA)

While with NIGGERS, they're just ungrateful white supremacists. The ultimate goal in a NIGGER's life is to leave the ghetto and abandon his fellow NIGGERS to come live with evil whitey, who they know will make their lives better, because they know evil whiteys are superior and NIGGERS are incapable of doing anything meaningful or making their lives better.
"If you love black men, stop giving birth to them. They come from a faulty bloodline, apparently a very Demonic one"


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