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JFL Black Women talking ABSOLUTE SHIT about Black Men

Non-black men should bleach sexy black women.
Europeans should have bleached brown caucasians and assimilated them. Aside from hair and eye color, European genes are pretty dominant over Middle Eastern and South Asian ones.

Looksmax thread with various examples of bleached brown caucasians for reference:

It appears that within two generations, they are indistinguishable from "pure" whites. There would no longer be a threat to whites as the population would be overwhelming, the Middle East would be more peaceful and billions of brown caucasians would be saved from inceldom. Everyone would have been in a better place.
doont give them views. not one click.
Holy fuuuuuuck. I've been watching this black female youtuber and I've watched TONS of her videos. The amount of black pills and truths she drops about nigger males is fucking hilarious. Here's one video. Since it's long, I've paraphrased some of her main quotes below.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBEO2xW_fik&list=LL&ab_channel=CynthiaG

"black men adopted this BBC 'once you go back you never go back' cope to pretend like they can do something non-Black men can't"

"black men are getting undesirable white women that white men dont want"

"black men desperatley want to feel like they're competing with white men, so when they get an undesirable white women, they want to act like they've 'stolen' something from the white man"

"white women who fuck black men stay with the black man not because he's desirable, but because she no longer can go get a white man"

"black men are the only conquered men in societies. They have no resources, no wealth, they haven't conquered or built anything"

"black men have created nothing. They've invented nothing because they lack the intellectual capacity to do so"

"black men are very fantasy driven, they fantasize about being desired by non-black women"

"when a non-black women gets a black guy, it's because she's usually unable to go back to her own race"

"studies show when a non-black women is associated with a black guy, her desirability goes down among her own race"

"black men leave their communities defensless and poor and lack the ability to enter proper manhood. They dont operate from a place of manhood"

"white women are the fastest growing group of single mothers because of black men abandoning them"

"white women who go for black men are shown to be psychologically damaged"

"this white girl is only going for black men because white men dont want her back after she associated with black men"

"black men constantly compliment the european features, like the whitness of her skin, the brightness of her hair, the fact that her eyes are not brown"

"black men are not doing anything productive with their lives"

"black women are only provided and taken care of by non-black men becaue black men dont value fatherhood"

This black woman is BAAAAAAAASED!!!:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

And this is just ONE of her videos. She has dozens and dozens of videos like this that I've watched. She literally talks about black men the same way a white supremacist does. And you know what? She's absolutley right in what she says. Nigger men are the bottom of the barrel in terms of marriage/husband material.


Watch tommy Sotomayor, not these clowns you :bluepill:


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Agree with your points.

And the video does work if you click the link and go to YouTube.

I’m about 3 minutes in and it’s funny how she calls whites people of “no color” when we have the most different colors of any race. Just more shitskin cope I’d like to point out :feelskek:
How do white people have the most colour? Caucasoids are literally genetically modified neanderthals.,Same goes for east Asians. This biologically proven. (They hide studies about this because it would be too controversial)

They are not natural humans. Before white people existed. Guess what race had the most civilizations? Stop race allegiancing anyway. Your no better than a shitskin thugmaxxer tbh. Your an incel. No white people want you representing them.
"Once you go black you can't go back" was invented by black males?
lmfao instantly disregarded you dumb fuck.
It was invented by white men to shame coalburners who think they can alphafucks Tyrone and use a white man as betabux.
women are largely responsible for the product of men. Black women produce convicts and dealers.
If this is true, is racemixing bad or good?
You would think wm-bf couple will positively influence the offspring, as opposed to the common stance here.
For once a foid saying the truth :feelsjuice:
How do white people have the most colour? Caucasoids are literally genetically modified neanderthals.,Same goes for east Asians. This biologically proven. (They hide studies about this because it would be too controversial)
Neanderthals had the biggest brains. Niggers are %100 homo erectus, so you never got the big brain gene like Whites and Asians did. Which is why negroids are largely a stupid and inferior race. But keep priding yourself on the fact that your brain and skull is proven to be smaller than the rest of us. Now THAT’S a fact that (((they))) don’t want out there!
They are not natural humans. Before white people existed. Guess what race had the most civilizations? Stop race allegiancing anyway. Your no better than a shitskin thugmaxxer tbh. Your an incel. No white people want you representing them.
Niggers have always been a dumb and useless race. No one can name a single notable African civilization because it doesn’t exist.

Whites easily have the most color of any race.

Blond hair, brown hair, black hair, red hair. Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes , hazel eyes. Pale skin, pink skin, tan skin, the list goes on.

Now tell me how a mud person like you is more “colored” than me when your hair, eyes, skin and everything is just one solid shade of SHIT. Having a complexion that resembles feces, or a a nappy rug head does not make you “magic” or “colored” it’s actually quite the opposite. Get rid of your inferiority complex. It’s embarrassing!

I think you’ve walked into the wrong Saloon here. You really chose a bad person to get into this with because I know it all and I will go scorched earth on your monkey ass if you insist on continuing this with me. And you should also look at who the OP of this thread is because he is also an expert on race and genetic history! :feelskek::feelsclown:
Neanderthals had the biggest brains. Niggers are %100 homo erectus, so you never got the big brain gene like Whites and Asians did. Which is why negroids are largely a stupid and inferior race. But keep priding yourself on the fact that your brain and skull is proven to be smaller than the rest of us. Now THAT’S a fact that (((they))) don’t want out there!

Niggers have always been a dumb and useless race. No one can name a single notable African civilization because it doesn’t exist.

Whites easily have the most color of any race.

Blond hair, brown hair, black hair, red hair. Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes , hazel eyes. Pale skin, pink skin, tan skin, the list goes on.

Now tell me how a mud person like you is more “colored” than me when your hair, eyes, skin and everything is just one solid shade of SHIT. Having a complexion that resembles feces, or a a nappy rug head does not make you “magic” or “colored” it’s actually quite the opposite. Get rid of your inferiority complex. It’s embarrassing!

I think you’ve walked into the wrong Saloon here. You really chose a bad person to get into this with because I know it all and I will go scorched earth on your monkey ass if you insist on continuing this with me. And you should also look at who the OP of this thread is because he is also an expert on race and genetic history! :feelskek::feelsclown:
Even if this was true,who cares. To normies and foids you have no more value compared to a 'homo erectus'. Your a ugly incel. In 100,000 years everyone will be mixed anyway. So what does it even matter? Priding yourself on being white but you get no white pussy? Your not going to reproduce with a white Stacy and contribute to the white race. No one wants you representing Dixieland. You shouldn't really be having such pride as an incel tbh. Let go of your ego because it's not gonna help you at all.

But anyway,what you said was not true, Caucasoids or shall I say 'neanderthals' literally were non existent 7000 years ago. And so did mongoloids. '(Asians'). B.C. dosen't stand for 'before christ' which is another global elite lie. It's stands for 'before Caucasian'. So with that in mind, who created all the civilizations before Caucasians were created? You do know negroes were the first ever humans to inhabit the earth right?

These two videos will kill your entire arguement on whites being genetically superior and more advanced. Just Watch or forget about arguing with me. These two videos literally explain everything you need to know about genetic origins and how white people became advanced in the modern world

View: https://youtu.be/wuKjDbLYSIw

View: https://youtu.be/ZCooEbNS4yw
Niggers have always been a dumb and useless race. No one can name a single notable African civilization because it doesn’t exist.
Disney had to make one up called Wakanda
Even if this was true,who cares. To normies and foids you have no more value compared to a 'homo erectus'. Your a ugly incel. In 100,000 years everyone will be mixed anyway. So what does it even matter? Priding yourself on being white but you get no white pussy? Your not going to reproduce with a white Stacy and contribute to the white race. No one wants you representing Dixieland. You shouldn't really be having such pride as an incel tbh. Let go of your ego because it's not gonna help you at all.
Why do niggers like you on this forum get so mad when we talk about race even when it is completely unrelated to you and yours? It’s clear that you hate the fact that we have any sense of racial identity. It’s only coons like you that complain about “race coping” and it is only directed at white, as usual. You are shocked that we don’t worship the ground that your ashy feet walk on unlike mainstream kike culture. :feelshaha:

You jiggaboos are so used to being a completely protected group in the US/UK that when some criticism and truth bombs are dropped on you, your black fragility kicks in and your cognitive dissonance goes into overdrive :feelsclown::feelskek:

But anyway,what you said was not true, Caucasoids or shall I say 'neanderthals' literally were non existent 7000 years ago. And so did mongoloids. '(Asians'). B.C. dosen't stand for 'before christ' which is another global elite lie. It's stands for 'before Caucasian'. So with that in mind, who created all the civilizations before Caucasians were created? You do know negroes were the first ever humans to inhabit the earth right?
Your entire argument for black superiority is based on the fact that you were “first”. WHO CARES?

I know that you tar babies have an average IQ of 85 so you probably don’t know this, but the prototype and first design of any product is NEVER the best. It is usually defective and lacking in many aspects, which niggers certainly are when compared to literally every other race and culture in the world!

Whites are the perfected final product, while niggers are the obsolete and defective prototype.

You have no response to this, because it proves your point for the reason that you didn’t expect.

Cognitive dissonance overdrive in

These two videos will kill your entire arguement on whites being genetically superior and more advanced. Just Watch or forget about arguing with me. These two videos literally explain everything you need to know about genetic origins and how white people became advanced in the modern world[UWSL][/UWSL]
View: https://youtu.be/wuKjDbLYSIw

View: https://youtu.be/ZCooEbNS4yw

I’m not watching your pooskin yellow-eyed devil Kang propaganda. I’d probably learn more listening to a speech by Sleepy Joe! :feelsclown:
Why do niggers like you on this forum get so mad when we talk about race even when it is completely unrelated to you and yours? It’s clear that you hate the fact that we have any sense of racial identity. It’s only coons like you that complain about “race coping” and it is only directed at white, as usual. You are shocked that we don’t worship the ground that your ashy feet walk on unlike mainstream kike culture. :feelshaha:
no we were here first

doesn't matter how perfect you guys are
Why do niggers like you on this forum get so mad when we talk about race even when it is completely unrelated to you and yours? It’s clear that you hate the fact that we have any sense of racial identity. It’s only coons like you that complain about “race coping” and it is only directed at white, as usual. You are shocked that we don’t worship the ground that your ashy feet walk on unlike mainstream kike culture. :feelshaha:

You jiggaboos are so used to being a completely protected group in the US/UK that when some criticism and truth bombs are dropped on you, your black fragility kicks in and your cognitive dissonance goes into overdrive :feelsclown::feelskek:

Your entire argument for black superiority is based on the fact that you were “first”. WHO CARES?

I know that you tar babies have an average IQ of 85 so you probably don’t know this, but the prototype and first design of any product is NEVER the best. It is usually defective and lacking in many aspects, which niggers certainly are when compared to literally every other race and culture in the world!

Whites are the perfected final product, while niggers are the obsolete and defective prototype.

You have no response to this, because it proves your point for the reason that you didn’t expect.

Cognitive dissonance overdrive in


I’m not watching your pooskin yellow-eyed devil Kang propaganda. I’d probably learn more listening to a speech by Sleepy Joe! :feelsclown:
I surrender, I have to give it to you. Your right. We have a terrible representation for being low iq scum that do nothing but increase crime rates. It's a damn shame honestly that they ruin it for regular behaved Black's and we have to be grouped with ghetto scum. I was about to reply with some more arguements, but what's the point? Your completely right. Were the bottom of the social barrel. I don't even know why i even try defending the black community anymore. Its better to just be a more individual thinker. However I feel it has more to with the nurturing of a black child rather than the genes.

I believe it's more to do with how ghetto culture is glorified and how most of us are nurtured into it, adoring it and the poor environments most of us are born into. Believe it or not, I've met some thugmaxxers who actually turned out to be pretty smart and scored good grades but yet still suppressed their true personalities in hopes of fitting in with thugmaxxer crowds and not seeming like a nerd.

They are still plenty of decently smart and down to earth black people I've met personally. But it's whatever, most people think "ghetto" when black people come to mind. It's all the global elites fault imo. So In short, its more to do with how you were raised than genetics. Since ghetto culture is so adored in nowadays Gen Z (Zoomer) culture. Every one is tryna be a thugmaxxer and speak Jamaican influenced English and street ebonics. So it's more to do with the culture and upbringing rather than genes in my honest opinion.

I mean I personally iqmogg alot of white normies I went to school with, that don't know shit other than football and snapchat. Same with normies in general,they're NPC's who follow the wave without thinking for themselves.

Ghetto culture is all the rage,so all normies dudes are tryna thugmaxx. UK charvas are white and they turn out dumb as shit and become father's at 14 or some shit, the majority of them. Their baby mamas live on benefits (UK welfare). They all live in council homes. So, I believe it has more to do with upbringing and culture and it's less of a genetic problem.

"You are shocked that we don't worship the ground that your ashy feet walk" :feelskek: this made me laugh ngl. You roasted all of us with that one. Its whatever tho. I don't really care anymore and I admit I was coping. Although I still think it's cope to have race allegiance as an incel. You keep doing yo thang! All I can say is 'Its OvER'. :feelsrope: Your worth is dependent on your looks and NT. No one is superior to anyone on this forum
I’d bleach them tbhngl. Lots of the whiter/lightskinned black and mullata foids can be very cute and feminine especially when compared to a full blooded groid!
As much as I may compliment whites, I admit I personally find caramel-colored Mulattos so damn hot, especially if they have brown hair and green eyes. I've seen 1 libyan girl who looked like that though
Europeans should have bleached brown caucasians and assimilated them. Aside from hair and eye color, European genes are pretty dominant over Middle Eastern and South Asian ones.
No, they're not dominant over MENA or Indians. It's only that MENA and Indians are caucasion and so already have more genetic similarity with Europeans, especially when it comes to Berbers, Levantines, Iranians, Aryans, and Turks.

Looksmax thread with various examples of bleached brown caucasians for reference:

lol no shit. White-Mena mog White-Black mix because BONES matter more than color. This is why a black caucasion like this Yemeni girls still looks better than this albino negro


It appears that within two generations, they are indistinguishable from "pure" whites. There would no longer be a threat to whites as the population would be overwhelming, the Middle East would be more peaceful and billions of brown caucasians would be saved from inceldom. Everyone would have been in a better place.
It's 1 or 2 generations, though it depends on how dark the MENA is. A Yemeni would probably take 2-3 generations, while a Turk, Iraqi, or Iranian would take 1 generation.

This girl is half scottish/syrian.

Jessica khoury
Why do you guys always cherry pick the worst representations of black?
We don't. Most blacks are just horrible.
White people didn't exist 7000 years ago
They did
and are genetically modified.
And the last one isn't true,they are full on metropolitan cities in Africa. That's a city in Africa:
Planned by Chinese men
built by indian wagies

Nice try:feelshaha:

How do white people have the most colour?
Whites hair = blonde, brown, black, red, orange
Deathnic hair = only black

White eyes = blue, green, grey, amber, hazel, brown, black
Deathnic eyes = only black
Before white people existed. Guess what race had the most civilizations?
Sumerians, Persians, Egyptians, Nabateans, Sabeans, and Greeks were the first civilizations. None of them were negro, and in fact many of them were white-adjacent.

I’m not watching your pooskin yellow-eyed devil Kang propaganda. I’d probably learn more listening to a speech by Sleepy Joe!
lol that nigger youtuber is clearly at least 40% white, yet he's still seething at whitey. why are african americans like this? I'm almost certain this is why they're always so mad. They hate whitey, yet deny the fact that their few beautiful members are beautiful due to being raped by Masta. I am almost certain most niggers in america are R1b because of this. Even the woman in OP, as I showed before, is a Mulatto and not a pure Nigger. Pure niggers in fact LOOOOOOOVE being enslaved by superior races. Pure niggers KNOW their lives get better when European, Arab, or Chinese people come along. Hell, even fucking Indians are better. Did you know the first ever 1st world Sub-saharan country is 60% Indian/Mena?:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: It's called Mariturius

However I feel it has more to with the nurturing of a black child rather than the genes.

Nah, it's the genes. I'm sorry to say this, and no I'm not being sarcastic when I'm saying this. I WISH genetic determinism was not true, but it is. Just like how Asians are short due to genes, just like how Arabs are hairy due to genes, negroes and dumb and violent due to genes.
Neanderthals had the biggest brains. Niggers are %100 homo erectus, so you never got the big brain gene like Whites and Asians did. Which is why negroids are largely a stupid and inferior race. But keep priding yourself on the fact that your brain and skull is proven to be smaller than the rest of us. Now THAT’S a fact that (((they))) don’t want out there!
There is no proof that Blacks came from Homo Erectus.
But anyway,what you said was not true, Caucasoids or shall I say 'neanderthals' literally were non existent 7000 years ago. And so did mongoloids. '(Asians'). B.C. dosen't stand for 'before christ' which is another global elite lie. It's stands for 'before Caucasian'. So with that in mind, who created all the civilizations before Caucasians were created? You do know negroes were the first ever humans to inhabit the earth right?

These two videos will kill your entire arguement on whites being genetically superior and more advanced. Just Watch or forget about arguing with me. These two videos literally explain everything you need to know about genetic origins and how white people became advanced in the modern world

View: https://youtu.be/wuKjDbLYSIw

View: https://youtu.be/ZCooEbNS4yw

Whites are not neanderthals, and Blacks aren't superior to anyone (No one is).
this thread turned into shit show pretty quick
There are no based females
That's like saying Whites are Neanderthal because they have light skin and straight hair.

Appearances can be decieving.
You should tell that to @YBP Yxngcel
I mean I personally iqmogg alot of white normies I went to school with, that don't know shit other than football and snapchat. Same with normies in general,they're NPC's who follow the wave without thinking for themselves.

As do I.

Yes...the races differ in oral microorganisms, as well. By letting his fists reach your mouth, you risk exposing him to dangerous microbes.





TABLE 3 Taxa showing a significant different prevalence between African-Americans and European-Americans
% prevalenceCoefficientaP valuebCoefficientaP valuea
TaxonAmong all participants (n = 1,616)Genetic African ancestry percentage (n = 882)
Phylum Bacteroidetes
    Species Porphyromonas gingivalis57.5376.090.755.23 × 10−61.204.05 × 10−7
    Species Porphyromonas sp. oral taxon 28556.4571.170.538.02 × 10−30.804.22 × 10−4
    Species Prevotella intermedia61.1176.090.79
   Genus Mycoplasma32.8051.510.500.020.831.64 × 10−4
        Species Mycoplasma faucium32.4450.760.480.030.765.64 × 10−4
    Species Veillonella sp. oral taxon 78069.8978.070.742.31 × 10−41.064.99 × 10−5
Increasing evidence indicates the significant racial difference in gut, vaginal, and skin microbiomes. However, little is known regarding the racial difference in the oral microbiome. In this study, deep sequencing of 16S rRNA genes was utilized to assess the oral microbiome in mouth rinse samples of 1,058 African-Americans (AAs) and 558 European-Americans (EAs) from the Southern Community Cohort Study. Generally, AAs had a higher species richness than EAs, with P = 5.28 × 10−14 (Wilcoxon rank sum test) for Faith’s phylogenetic diversity index. A significant difference in overall microbiome composition was observed between AAs and EAs, with P = 5.94 × 10−4 (MiRKAT) for the weighted UniFrac distance matrix. We also found 32 bacterial taxa showing a significant differential abundance or prevalence between the two racial groups at a Bonferroni-corrected P < 0.05 in linear or logistic regression analyses. Generally, AAs showed a higher abundance of Bacteroidetes and a lower abundance of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes
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You should tell that to @YBP Yxngcel
Oh whatever nigga. Your still a genetic splice of an Asian and other animals. Dravidians, Caucasians and Asians were all genetic splices of animals and eachother. None of them are natural humans. They are all genetic modifications.

Dravidian - Created By Getting An Albino African and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals

Asian - Getting An Albino Dravidian, (Albino Dravidians look just like white people,look them up) and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals. They then created the Asian man

'Cauc' adjective - Meaning Dead or No Life.

E.g Like a corpse

Caucasians - Taking a regular Asian, transfused the DNA with even more monkey(ironic),Chicken,Fruitfly,Canine and mice. And then created the 'Cauc'asian because scientifically a Caucasian is a genetically dead Asian.

Now mind you, this all didn't happen overnight. It happened slowly over 100's of years.

The Caucasian is where the genes finally die. Its why they got no pigmentation in their skin.

Now after extraterrestrial reptiles (AKA elites) created these people. They spread them all over the world and then they sent some of these Caucasians to Africa. Negroes were not fucking with Caucasians at all and wanted to preserve their DNA so they sent Caucasians up to the Caucasus mountains. At the time Caucasians couldn't walk or talk. They were literal cavemen.

So negroes had to literally walk neanderthals up to the caucus mountains . Like the way people walk dogs.

Many Caucasians died during these journeys up to the Caucasus mountains due to not being able to absorb sunlight properly.

Now guess what Caucasians were doing when they got to they finally got up to the caucus mountains?

Raping eachother
Raping dogs
Raping monkeys
Eating eachother
And more...

[UWSL]And evolution theory is also bullshit, because it says that black people left Africa and went to Europe and eventually developed white skin. Which is wrong because we all have different DNA types. It literally just takes common sense. [/UWSL]

Let's say I had a black girlfriend and we move to russia. I had sex with her and she produced a black baby. That black baby would have African DNA. Now for next 1000 years my descendants will still be black and no amount of environment or climate change will change their African DNA.

Now maybe one of my descendants would have had children with the white people living in Russia and that could alter the whole DNA history but that isn't the case for evolution theory

Because they would have only been black people around when they first moved to Europe. So how on earth would they have developed lighter skin if they were only black people around. How did the African DNA change and if anything,they would look like black albinos if that was the case. But they don't.

So if white people didn't develop naturally from black people? Where did they come from? I just told you where they come from.

So from a genetic point of view. Call this cope all you want. But black people are genetically superior. Native Americans, Hispanics and Negroes are the only non genetically modified race's of people.

Now I personally have nothing against white people,South Asians or East Asians. I could be friends with anybody tbh. But the truth must be told. It's the reptilian elites running the world that we should be mad at. Not eachother. [EDIT] Not all white people have neanderthal DNA. But roughly 90% of them do.
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Can't play the vid but sounds like Cynthia G.

I like listening to her. Because she would be the black foid equivalent to a ricecel youtuber doing the exact same thing. Except a ricecel youtuber ranting on and on making videos about self hating noodlewhores wouldn't sit well with anyone.

Blacks, especially black women, get a pass by white society for spitting out these harsh truths. Anyone else would get cancelled.

But yea, shes not wrong, I know I may be cherry picking always bringing this guy up but he is a black stereotype that is all too common. Watch this video of this blackcel's delusion.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tLVE9VD72w&t=4s
Oh whatever nigga. Your still a genetic splice of an Asian and other animals. Dravidians, Caucasians and Asians were all genetic splices of animals and eachother. None of them are natural humans. They are all genetic modifications.

Dravidian - Created By Getting An Albino African and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals

Asian - Getting An Albino Dravidian, (Albino Dravidians look just like white people,look them up) and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals. They then created the Asian man

'Cauc' adjective - Meaning Dead or No Life.

E.g Like a corpse

Caucasians - Taking a regular Asian, transfused the DNA with even more monkey(ironic),Chicken,Fruitfly,Canine and mice. And then created the 'Cauc'asian because scientifically a Caucasian is a genetically dead Asian.

Now mind you, this all didn't happen overnight. It happened slowly over 100's of years.

The Caucasian is where the genes finally die. Its why they got no pigmentation in their skin.

Now after extraterrestrial reptiles (AKA elites) created these people. They spread them all over the world and then they sent some of these Caucasians to Africa. Negroes were not fucking with Caucasians at all and wanted to preserve their DNA so they sent Caucasians up to the Caucasus mountains. At the time Caucasians couldn't walk or talk. They were literal cavemen.

So negroes had to literally walk neanderthals up to the caucus mountains . Like the way people walk dogs.

Many Caucasians died during these journeys up to the Caucasus mountains due to not being able to absorb sunlight properly.

Now guess what Caucasians were doing when they got to they finally got up to the caucus mountains?

Raping eachother
Raping dogs
Raping monkeys
Eating eachother
And more...

[UWSL]And evolution theory is also bullshit, because it says that black people left Africa and went to Europe and eventually developed white skin. Which is wrong because we all have different DNA types. It literally just takes common sense. [/UWSL]

Let's say I had a black girlfriend and we move to russia. I had sex with her and she produced a black baby. That black baby would have African DNA. Now for next 1000 years my descendants will still be black and no amount of environment or climate change will change their African DNA.

Now maybe one of my descendants would have had children with the white people living in Russia and that could alter the whole DNA history but that isn't the case for evolution theory

Because they would have only been black people around when they first moved to Europe. So how on earth would they have developed lighter skin if they were only black people around. How did the African DNA change and if anything,they would look like black albinos if that was the case. But they don't.

So if white people didn't develop naturally from black people? Where did they come from? I just told you where they come from.

So from a genetic point of view. Call this cope all you want. But black people are genetically superior. Native Americans, Hispanics and Negroes are the only non genetically modified race's of people.

Now I personally have nothing against white people,South Asians or East Asians. I could be friends with anybody tbh. But the truth must be told. It's the reptilian elites running the world that we should be mad at. Not eachother. [EDIT] Not all white people have neanderthal DNA. But roughly 90% of them do.

Please tell me you're trolling. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Please tell me you're trolling. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Tell me what you find unbelievable about this? White genetic scientists,and physicians know about this too. White people are not homosapiens. They're a completely different species to black people. They're Neanderthals. Africans are proven to have 0% neanderthal DNA. Were the original homosapiens. Were not genetically engineered. I have so much more evidence but I cant be arsed. It's sad that your black aswell and can't believe your true genetic origin. I'll try and find a video,with two experts on genetic history which are white. They will confirm everything I said.
Descendants of "Eurasian Adam" fought and competed with Neanderthals. Yes, the early humans genocided off the neanderthal males and raped the neanderthal females. That is why modern descendants of Eurasian Adam have varying degrees of neanderthal DNA. Not only just Neanderthals, now we found out that early Asians did the same with denisovans. As for south east asians in Indonesia, I haven't read into their genetic anthropology but I wouldn't be surprised if their ancestors did the same to the early non human hominid species already there.

As for sub-saharan and west africans, theyre genetic lineage tree are separate branches from Eurasian Adam. Meaning essentially that west Africans/sub-saharan africans are almost like a different hominid species from descendants of Eurasian Adam. Because the ancestors of west African/subsahran africans and Eurasians branched off from an earlier ancestor and there would not be gene flow as they say, because of the saharan desert which was a major geographic barrier.


The Shilluk, over 50% haplogroup A (y-dna)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIP3lmJAlxI
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Oh whatever nigga. Your still a genetic splice of an Asian and other animals. Dravidians, Caucasians and Asians were all genetic splices of animals and eachother. None of them are natural humans. They are all genetic modifications.
Your yakub niggerology pseudoscience that you learned from Kang supremacist Youtubers does not impress me.
[UWSL]Dravidian - Created By Getting An Albino African and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals[/UWSL]
Asian - Getting An Albino Dravidian, (Albino Dravidians look just like white people,look them up) and mixing the DNA with monkeys and other animals. They then created the Asian man
Different DNA. Different halogroups. Whites are not derivative from Asians and vice vice versa. I notice with niggers you people love to take words like “Caucasian” very literally. Not all Caucasians are even white.
'Cauc' adjective - Meaning Dead or No Life.
E.g Like a corpse
Wrong again.
[UWSL]Caucasians - Taking a regular Asian, transfused the DNA with even more monkey(ironic),Chicken,Fruitfly,Canine and mice. And then created the 'Cauc'asian because scientifically a Caucasian is a genetically dead Asian.[/UWSL]
Where do you get this shit dude? I know that Kang niggerology youtubers make up absurd lies and weird stories like this but this is far beyond anything I’ve ever heard.
Now mind you, this all didn't happen overnight. It happened slowly over 100's of years.


The Caucasian is where the genes finally die. Its why they got no pigmentation in their skin.
I know that because of low IQ Kang confidence you think that you are schooling a yt Neanderthal devil when you write something like this, but it really shows how absolutely stupid you and most black supremacists are when you come up with these retarted talking points.

If someone had NO pigmentation you literally wouldn’t even be able to see them. They would be completely transparent, like looking through a glass window. I guess that makes niggers the dirty soot stained window :feelskek:

And as the leading .is experts on race @Made in Heaven and I have already explained to you how reality is actually the complete opposite of what you and black supremacists say, white are people with the MOST color.

Negroid hair color=poo
Negroid skin color=poo
Negroid eye=poo

Meanwhile there’s tons of actual diversity among white features but as I have explained, your Kang brain goes into cognitive dissonance overdrive when faced with this fact :feelsclown:
Now after extraterrestrial reptiles (AKA elites) created these people. They spread them all over the world and then they sent some of these Caucasians to Africa. Negroes were not fucking with Caucasians at all and wanted to preserve their DNA so they sent Caucasians up to the Caucasus mountains. At the time Caucasians couldn't walk or talk. They were literal cavemen.
More room temperature IQ Kang fairy tales. Do you happen to be a member of the Nation of Islam?
So negroes had to literally walk neanderthals up to the caucus mountains . Like the way people walk dogs.
Niggers didn’t even know how to talk until more advanced people came to Africa and showed them how.

That’s why niggers have longer arms and wingspan than other races. You are meant to walk on all fours like the monkey you are :feelshaha:
Many Caucasians died during these journeys up to the Caucasus mountains due to not being able to absorb sunlight properly.
I absorb sunlight very well, better than any negro can. Dark skin has the opposite effect and makes it very hard for the body to absorb the sun and vitamin D because the melanin acts as a shield. Since it’s summertime, I actually have a very nice tan if you would like to see it, but apparently I am transparent and “pigmentless” :feelskek::feelskek:

As usual, black supremacist kangs have the real facts and logic of things completely backwards because they are 80 IQ apes that suffer from dunning-Krueger! :feelsclown:
Now guess what Caucasians were doing when they got to they finally got up to the caucus mountains?

Raping eachother
Raping dogs
Raping monkeys
Eating eachother
And more...
More Kang fairytale garbage.
[UWSL]And evolution theory is also bullshit, because it says that black people left Africa and went to Europe and eventually developed white skin. Which is wrong because we all have different DNA types. It literally just takes common sense. [/UWSL]
I agree with this. Out of Africa theory is complete junk and has been thoroughly disproven.
Let's say I had a black girlfriend and we move to russia. I had sex with her and she produced a black baby. That black baby would have African DNA. Now for next 1000 years my descendants will still be black and no amount of environment or climate change will change their African DNA.
Nor will it change for any other race that happens to live in another climate.

Now maybe one of my descendants would have had children with the white people living in Russia and that could alter the whole DNA history but that isn't the case for evolution theory

Because they would have only been black people around when they first moved to Europe. So how on earth would they have developed lighter skin if they were only black people around. How did the African DNA change and if anything,they would look like black albinos if that was the case. But they don't.
Again I agree with what you say here.
So if white people didn't develop naturally from black people? Where did they come from? I just told you where they come from.
You told me completely fake Kang garbage. I know where we actually come from, I could troll you by saying where, but that’s only for us to know :feelsLSD:
So from a genetic point of view. Call this cope all you want. But black people are genetically superior. Native Americans, Hispanics and Negroes are the only non genetically modified race's of people.
Yes it is very obvious now that you are a full-blown nigger Israelite, because this is exactly what they say. What do you think you even have in common with the other 2 races listed? Nothing. But because a Kang dressed in a superhero costume said it, it must be true! It’s fucking pathetic how weak minded and easily manipulated niggers are.

Do you even know about the genetic history of Amerindians? They have identical DNA to the mongols or “Neanderthal mixes” that you just railed against :feelsclown::feelsclown:

And by “Hispanics” I assume that you mean MESTIZO (Hispanic isn’t a race idiot). And of course, they are simply amerindians that got cucked by white Spainairds and mestizos became the half-breed product.

So explain to me how people that only have DNA that consist of the Asian and white “Neanderthals” that you just made a deranged rant against are “natural humans”. You really are dumber than I thought, but anyone that believes in Kang Israelism has to be :feelsclown:

@Made in Heaven niggerology and false history has destroyed this mans brain, we need to resuscitate him, quickly! :feelskek::feelskek:
Now I personally have nothing against white people,South Asians or East Asians. I could be friends with anybody tbh.
Yeah ok.
But the truth must be told. It's the reptilian elites running the world that we should be mad at. Not eachother.
Interesting how you rail so hard against whites but refuse to name the JEW and instead refer to them as “reptilian elites”.

Are you actually a negro man? Or are you a JEW larping as one so that blacks get the blame for this rhetoric instead of you :feelstastyman:

And you’re right about kikes either way. They ARE hostile aliens. Jews have a reptilian Levi/Cohen gene, which is why when kikes get a DNA test usually %4 of it is unidentifiable.

And it is very apparent by how Jews behave as a collective that they are extraterrestrials sent to destroy humanity. All of they have ever done throughout history and today is parasitize the nations and races that they live with.

All of Judaism and it’s offshoots (Christianity, Islam) is nothing more than stolen and perverted pagan religions and practices, which is why it is sad to see you believe their book and be a nigger Israelite.

[EDIT] Not all white people have neanderthal DNA. But roughly 90% of them do.
Really? So what separates the %10? Or did you just make this up like everything else in your post.
@[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/25/25578.jpg?1634581704 [/UWSL]@Made in Heaven niggerology and false history has destroyed this mans brain, we need to resuscitate him, quickly! :feelskek:
The existence of negroes makes me question my belief in God tbh. I also find it funny when atheists who supposedly believe in evolution deny the fact that niggers are proto-humans
Why do niggers like you on this forum get so mad when we talk about race even when it is completely unrelated to you and yours? It’s clear that you hate the fact that we have any sense of racial identity. It’s only coons like you that complain about “race coping” and it is only directed at white, as usual. You are shocked that we don’t worship the ground that your ashy feet walk on unlike mainstream kike culture. :feelshaha:

You jiggaboos are so used to being a completely protected group in the US/UK that when some criticism and truth bombs are dropped on you, your black fragility kicks in and your cognitive dissonance goes into overdrive :feelsclown::feelskek:

Your entire argument for black superiority is based on the fact that you were “first”. WHO CARES?

I know that you tar babies have an average IQ of 85 so you probably don’t know this, but the prototype and first design of any product is NEVER the best. It is usually defective and lacking in many aspects, which niggers certainly are when compared to literally every other race and culture in the world!

Whites are the perfected final product, while niggers are the obsolete and defective prototype.

You have no response to this, because it proves your point for the reason that you didn’t expect.

Cognitive dissonance overdrive in


I’m not watching your pooskin yellow-eyed devil Kang propaganda. I’d probably learn more listening to a speech by Sleepy Joe! :feelsclown:
Tell me what you find unbelievable about this? White genetic scientists,and physicians know about this too. White people are not homosapiens. They're a completely different species to black people. They're Neanderthals. Africans are proven to have 0% neanderthal DNA. Were the original homosapiens. Were not genetically engineered. I have so much more evidence but I cant be arsed. It's sad that your black aswell and can't believe your true genetic origin. I'll try and find a video,with two experts on genetic history which are white. They will confirm everything I said.
Dude, that was the most crackpot shit I've ever seen (no offense). Africans and Whites are both Homo Sapiens with minor hominin admixture.

Do you even know about the genetic history of Amerindians? They have identical DNA to the mongols or “Neanderthal mixes” that you just railed against :feelsclown::feelsclown:
Amerindians are quite distant from Mongols tbh
And you’re right about kikes either way. They ARE hostile aliens. Jews have a reptilian Levi/Cohen gene, which is why when kikes get a DNA test usually %4 of it is unidentifiable.
Encountering angry, loud, and aggressive black American women is the norm lol.

Unless she is a very attractive non ghetto mulatta or latin American black/latina foid.
lol Niggers seething at Arabs conquering them:lul:

Nigger seethe

This one in particular is my fav. Som black woman got fucked by an Egyptian man yet she's still seething. Niggers truly hate being niggers.

Nigger seethe2
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Did you know in Sudan, where 90% of the population are niggers, the half-Arab Niggers are racist against the pure niggers?


lmao! With the entire world hating blacks, you would THINK they'd get a clue that the problem is them, not us.

Steven crowder

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