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JFL Asians are looking in the wrong places

Lets make a trade i give you 1 cm in dick you give me 5cm in height.

Ill add a 1000 robux to the deal :feelswhat: :feelscomfy:
sounds like a dick deal wtf fucking gay as fuck my nigger :dafuckfeels:
Lets make a trade i give you 1 cm in dick you give me 5cm in height.

Ill add a 1000 robux to the deal :feelswhat: :feelscomfy:
no point in this we still not gonna ascend
@svgmn1 What do Iraqis there think of Indians? Indians like Iraq because you supported us on Kashmir issue
سوري بيحكي بل الاصل. اصل الدمار والبهدلة للعرب كلها من وراء زعيمهم بشار الكلاب .وهن بيعبدو حتّى بالغربة :feelskek:
و انتوا عالاساس احسن :feelscomfy:
@svgmn1 What do Iraqis there think of Indians? Indians like Iraq because you supported us on Kashmir issue
nigga I swear on the battles Mohammed fought against jews I never heard about our government supporting india

wtf when did that happen :feelskek:
anyways I have a neutral take on indians and curries in general :feelscomfy:
my sisters all have extremely small button noses as do I. We are fully Arba. Maybe you're just a subhuman goblin
fuck this arguing shit just give me one of your sisters dawg and we cool
nigga I swear on the battles Mohammed fought against jews I never heard about our government supporting india

wtf when did that happen :feelskek:
anyways I have a neutral take on indians and curries in general :feelscomfy:
Pre 2003 maybe
nigga I swear on the battles Mohammed fought against jews I never heard about our government supporting india

wtf when did that happen :feelskek:
anyways I have a neutral take on indians and curries in general :feelscomfy:
Iraq had supported India's right to conduct nuclear tests following its tests of five nuclear weapons on May 11 and May 13, 1998.[13] In 2000, the then-Vice President of Iraq Taha Yassin Ramadan visited India, and on July 6, 2002 President Saddam Hussein conveyed Iraq's "unwavering support" to India over the Kashmir dispute with Pakistan.

You don't know. It's like this meme :feelskek:

>muh famine and wars
Yugoslavia had famine and countless brutal wars. Their average height is still 5'11" - 6'1". African niggers are not human and American niggers were specifically bred to be taller and stronger, but they're still shorter than White Humans.
bro you can't be saved if you missed my point because that was exactly what I was trying to say :fuk:
I only mentioned sudan average height in the context of arab countries, which have really low average height to disprove this famine and war shit. I know african niggers are shorter
saddam was fucking desperate if he went this far dawg lmao :feelskek:
still kinda based ngl :feelscomfy:
Curries are very loyal, they never forget small gestures of friendship and goodwill and phull sapport people to the grave, it's been two decades since Saddam is dead and buried but random curries on an incel forum remember him for phull sapport
Arabs mog chinks @Made in Heaven won the argument.

As we see here svgmn1 quit the fight and tried to run away by slipping a cringe joke:

fuck this arguing shit just give me one of your sisters dawg and we cool

@svgmn1 stats after this fight:
.-100000 aura
.-1cm dick
.Nationality change to curry for a week
.only allowed to post in sewers for a year
.Is gay

Arabs mog chinks @Made in Heaven won the argument.

As we see here svgmn1 quit the fight and tried to run away by slipping a cringe joke:

@svgmn1 stats after this fight:
.-100000 aura
.-1cm dick
.Nationality change to curry for a week
.only allowed to post in sewers for a year
.Is gay

sorry bruv it s'over I can't engage in this dumbass shit argument with this retarded sperge anymore gonna play some assetto corsa and LDAR :feelscomfy:
sorry bruv it s'over I can't engage in this dumbass shit argument with this retarded sperge anymore gonna play some assetto corsa and LDAR :feelscomfy:
Based, i will LDAR on Saddam beach :feelscomfy:
Bunch of sandniggers arguing lol.
besides the fact that the stat you posted has nothing related with marriage or MENA vs Asian as a criteria (it shows the racial dynamics of all other races though) you missed my point by a mile. marriage rates and birth rates mean literally nothing. if marriage is the standard for attraction, curries and chinks would be the apex species, but even if we limit this argument to the context of inter-racial marriage then niggers and latinos would be the apex species. I do believe it is possible for other races to marry other races including marrying white women, even MENAs, but in such arguments background dynamics play a huge roll mainly depending on what you have to be as a mena and what you get, when I said "menas get nothing" I meant the average mena immigrant/resident in western countries, who isn't someone like safir or a model and would get a harem of chicks orbiting him like you guys are trying to portray mena males.

this stat shows the extremely usurping rates of interracial marriage despite the lack of inclusion or MENA males in the study, which means with or without MENAmales, the rates are usurping in similar rates.
Birthrates have a lot in common with attraction, that's why women are more attracted to more masculine and attractive men when they are ovulating then when they aren't. A normie woman might even tolerate sex with a subhuman if she's drunk and knows that she won't get pregnant, but when it comes to living with and having children with, women go for the best they can. I showed those stats because the way I've first noticed a link between those two things was in a similar conversation to this one, where currycels on Reddit believed that the marriage stats were overselling the amount of Indian men who have sex with white women, so they dug up the fertility stats to find a better proxy of who has how much sex with whom, and they found that, indeed, Indian men have more children with white American women than vice versa.

I will admit, as somebody from a country that loses way more women to foreigners than it gets, this is the kind of an argument that especially irks me. "Trust me bro, we might have your women but you are better looking than us, you're so white and beautiful, when we'll be spitroasting and impregnating your women they'll be only thinking about you:soy::soy:," that kind of stuff means nothing to me. It's the guys the women choose to be with and get fucked and impregnated by that enjoy their bodies, regardless of how much those women might've preferred somebody else.

as for your point about standards (even though I mentioned nothing about standards difference, I just pointed that asian males are obsessed with white foids) I do realize I'm being dragged but it is real, races have different level of standards. this stems from the basic ideas of lookism and regular, intra-racial attraction, which serves as one of the levels to determine one races' standards. this can be seen clearly about normie niggers choosing to marry landwhiles or curries and menas simply simping for anything with a lightskin.
True, but only up to a point. Ugliness is more objective and culturally universal than attractiveness, because evolutionarily, it's more important to avoid ugly mates than go solely after high-tier ones.

Thoughts on this theory?

to make a proper analogy of this: suppose an abo or a curry fucks a 1 rated abo foid in psl, then comes by a chance with a nerdy, malnourished foid from any other race whom is considered ugly "femcel" by other races standards. what makes you think he wouldn't prefer that foid in contrast with the amount of deformed abo foids and the answer to that question, he would gladly take it, while people from other races, wouldn't oblige at all and would view this as a dumpsterdive/juggernaut. kind of the same way you view a disfigured foid unfuckable.
Nicely fits with what I've linked above.

problems with what you're stating here: many betabux cases are well-off, like far well off you would consider them being here. the average betabuxer is a LTN at best. which is not "well off" but leaves a playground for a massive slice that doesn't get what they want or the satisfactiom they want even with betabux and their real problem is not busting their ass to satisfy their wives financial "wants" their real problem is that they can't satisfy their wives or their OTHER "wants" and this is the real turning point for richcels here, not the fact that they would waste their money to fuck, but the fact is their "fuck" isn't even guaranteed or comes with major major sacrifices, this also makes the broke ones to have hopes, copes or be blackpilled and give up entirely. I know I can relate to the former point you mentioned, because im broke and ashy. but there's more than one side to the betabux.
I'll be completely honest, I don't exactly get the point you're making here. Yeah, betabuxx relationships are often pretty shit when compared to what Chads and even many HTNs get, but very few things are perfect, and they are still relationships.

if you just scroll and skim the incelwiki submission of the scientific bp, you would find this:
View attachment 1241674
which conforms with the studies I posted
That's exactly the study you've posted before, just a differently structured graph. And tbh, that study also isn't all that bad for MENAs. Just like 90%+ of women with racial preferences exclude MENAs, so do 75% plus of men with racial preferences exclude MENA women, and yet, as I've shown, MENA guys still impregnate more non-MENA women than outsiders impregnate their women, and the exclusion is a double-edged sword, every guy that excludes your women from his dating pool is by definition someone that removes himself from the pool of your potential competition.

You do have a good point about the interracial obsession people here have. I'd argue that people should first and foremost care about how many of their own people prefer their own group above all others. However, when competing with other races, people start caring a lot about whether their race is ultimately being cucked or not, and in the West, that ultimately seems to be happening only to East Asians, while no one else seems to have much of a problem competing on a sort of equal ground.

Tbh, even the first image you've showed, the 50k people one, is nowhere near as devastating for MENAs as some of your comments make it seem. Lowest preference for Europeans out of all the groups, self-race preference overall just a few percentage points away from those of blacks, Latinos and Asians and well above that of Indians.

this is the reason why I made this thread. I'm telling asians that they constantly complain about their looks, while the average curry or mena looks like an ayyy lmao shitskin alien.
According to just about every study that has been done on the subject yet, MENAs and Central Asians are the two groups most closely related and similar to Europeans, both genetically and phenotypically. If Europeans are the best-looking race, as is clearly the majority opinion in most of the world, then those two groups should be right below them.

the exception, couple of bar charts you posted, which sources the guardian (Idk how can you consider this a credible source vs a university study with over 50k sampled mined data) shows that menas are chads. but we know what menas really are irl and which study conforms with reality the most though.
Also the Egyptian study which you've for some reason ignored, this being a repetition of what you've already posted once I've already mentioned, and the Guardian graph is based on official UK intermarriage data, which by definition looks at much bigger trends than any dating apps study:feelsjuice:.
Bunch of sandniggers arguing lol.
Bruh, don't forget me wasting my time with this instead of reading the book I've wanted to or watching the videos I've had prepared for a few days already:feelsYall:.
@tehgymcel420 Do you think chinks look better than Arabs? Or have higher SMV in Egypt?
Birthrates have a lot in common with attraction, that's why women are more attracted to more masculine and attractive men when they are ovulating then when they aren't. A normie woman might even tolerate sex with a subhuman if she's drunk and knows that she won't get pregnant, but when it comes to living with and having children with, women go for the best they can. I showed those stats because the way I've first noticed a link between those two things was in a similar conversation to this one, where currycels on Reddit believed that the marriage stats were overselling the amount of Indian men who have sex with white women, so they dug up the fertility stats to find a better proxy of who has how much sex with whom, and they found that, indeed, Indian men have more children with white American women than vice versa.

I will admit, as somebody from a country that loses way more women to foreigners than it gets, this is the kind of an argument that especially irks me. "Trust me bro, we might have your women but you are better looking than us, you're so white and beautiful, when we'll be spitroasting and impregnating your women they'll be only thinking about you:soy::soy:," that kind of stuff means nothing to me. It's the guys the women choose to be with and get fucked and impregnated by that enjoy their bodies, regardless of how much those women might've preferred somebody else.

True, but only up to a point. Ugliness is more objective and culturally universal than attractiveness, because evolutionarily, it's more important to avoid ugly mates than go solely after high-tier ones.

Thoughts on this theory?

Nicely fits with what I've linked above.

I'll be completely honest, I don't exactly get the point you're making here. Yeah, betabuxx relationships are often pretty shit when compared to what Chads and even many HTNs get, but very few things are perfect, and they are still relationships.

That's exactly the study you've posted before, just a differently structured graph. And tbh, that study also isn't all that bad for MENAs. Just like 90%+ of women with racial preferences exclude MENAs, so do 75% plus of men with racial preferences exclude MENA women, and yet, as I've shown, MENA guys still impregnate more non-MENA women than outsiders impregnate their women, and the exclusion is a double-edged sword, every guy that excludes your women from his dating pool is by definition someone that removes himself from the pool of your potential competition.

You do have a good point about the interracial obsession people here have. I'd argue that people should first and foremost care about how many of their own people prefer their own group above all others. However, when competing with other races, people start caring a lot about whether their race is ultimately being cucked or not, and in the West, that ultimately seems to be happening only to East Asians, while no one else seems to have much of a problem competing on a sort of equal ground.

Tbh, even the first image you've showed, the 50k people one, is nowhere near as devastating for MENAs as some of your comments make it seem. Lowest preference for Europeans out of all the groups, self-race preference overall just a few percentage points away from those of blacks, Latinos and Asians and well above that of Indians.

According to just about every study that has been done on the subject yet, MENAs and Central Asians are the two groups most closely related and similar to Europeans, both genetically and phenotypically. If Europeans are the best-looking race, as is clearly the majority opinion in most of the world, then those two groups should be right below them.

Also the Egyptian study which you've for some reason ignored, this being a repetition of what you've already posted once I've already mentioned, and the Guardian graph is based on official UK intermarriage data, which by definition looks at much bigger trends than any dating apps study:feelsjuice:.
Brutal worthyslavicshit came for the fatality.


Add -1cm to the dick mang
What book
I'm still making my way through this short story collection:

Right now I've been stuck for like a week at a story about a guy whose three-year-old daughter can see his wife's dead aunt in family photos made after her death, I just didn't have time to finish it yet and it's frankly hard to read because it's writeen in second-person POV, and those stories are just weird mang:feelsugh:.
Lots of yapping on this thread. Even if many JBs show interest in Asian men because of kpop and anime, it often doesn’t turn into marrying an Asian man. Asians just simply look too different to the rest of the world and our culture is also odd compared to everywhere else. Even if Arabs are uglier, darker, shorter, uglier nose, lower IQ than east asians, they have similar features to the rest of the world so it’s not difficult to marry them and they have higher SMV.
I'm still making my way through this short story collection:

Right now I've been stuck for like a week at a story about a guy whose three-year-old daughter can see his wife's dead aunt in family photos made after her death, I just didn't have time to finish it yet and it's frankly hard to read because it's writeen in second-person POV, and those stories are just weird mang:feelsugh:.
read something joyful for once mang
read something joyful for once mang
The shortest story there was about a guy who ordered a hot new drug off of the dark web, ate what he got delivered, and afterwards temporarily incarnated into his neighbour's vacuum cleaner and the story made it clear that he got sexual pleasure from her using that cleaner. It was pretty funny mang:feelshaha:.
fuck this arguing shit
Concession accepted.
Even if Arabs are uglier, darker, shorter, uglier nose, lower IQ than east asians
Most of that isn't true to begin with. Arabs arent uglier, darker (that much), shorter than Asians, and Arab noses are considered highly attractive to asians
According to just about every study that has been done on the subject yet, MENAs and Central Asians are the two groups most closely related and similar to Europeans, both genetically and phenotypically. If Europeans are the best-looking race, as is clearly the majority opinion in most of the world, then those two groups should be right below them.
Honestly, this point alone is enough to debunk his nonsese. If europeans look the best, then who looks the most similar to Europeans? Arabs and Iranians. End of argument.


However, the thing I was arguing was that Arab SMV is negatively affected by normies thinking we look like Pajeets. Which he constantly wanted to deny
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Birthrates have a lot in common with attraction, that's why women are more attracted to more masculine and attractive men when they are ovulating then when they aren't. A normie woman might even tolerate sex with a subhuman if she's drunk and knows that she won't get pregnant, but when it comes to living with and having children with, women go for the best they can. I showed those stats because the way I've first noticed a link between those two things was in a similar conversation to this one, where currycels on Reddit believed that the marriage stats were overselling the amount of Indian men who have sex with white women, so they dug up the fertility stats to find a better proxy of who has how much sex with whom, and they found that, indeed, Indian men have more children with white American women than vice versa.

I will admit, as somebody from a country that loses way more women to foreigners than it gets, this is the kind of an argument that especially irks me. "Trust me bro, we might have your women but you are better looking than us, you're so white and beautiful, when we'll be spitroasting and impregnating your women they'll be only thinking about you:soy::soy:," that kind of stuff means nothing to me. It's the guys the women choose to be with and get fucked and impregnated by that enjoy their bodies, regardless of how much those women might've preferred somebody else.

True, but only up to a point. Ugliness is more objective and culturally universal than attractiveness, because evolutionarily, it's more important to avoid ugly mates than go solely after high-tier ones.

Thoughts on this theory?

Nicely fits with what I've linked above.

I'll be completely honest, I don't exactly get the point you're making here. Yeah, betabuxx relationships are often pretty shit when compared to what Chads and even many HTNs get, but very few things are perfect, and they are still relationships.

That's exactly the study you've posted before, just a differently structured graph. And tbh, that study also isn't all that bad for MENAs. Just like 90%+ of women with racial preferences exclude MENAs, so do 75% plus of men with racial preferences exclude MENA women, and yet, as I've shown, MENA guys still impregnate more non-MENA women than outsiders impregnate their women, and the exclusion is a double-edged sword, every guy that excludes your women from his dating pool is by definition someone that removes himself from the pool of your potential competition.

You do have a good point about the interracial obsession people here have. I'd argue that people should first and foremost care about how many of their own people prefer their own group above all others. However, when competing with other races, people start caring a lot about whether their race is ultimately being cucked or not, and in the West, that ultimately seems to be happening only to East Asians, while no one else seems to have much of a problem competing on a sort of equal ground.

Tbh, even the first image you've showed, the 50k people one, is nowhere near as devastating for MENAs as some of your comments make it seem. Lowest preference for Europeans out of all the groups, self-race preference overall just a few percentage points away from those of blacks, Latinos and Asians and well above that of Indians.

According to just about every study that has been done on the subject yet, MENAs and Central Asians are the two groups most closely related and similar to Europeans, both genetically and phenotypically. If Europeans are the best-looking race, as is clearly the majority opinion in most of the world, then those two groups should be right below them.

Also the Egyptian study which you've for some reason ignored, this being a repetition of what you've already posted once I've already mentioned, and the Guardian graph is based on official UK intermarriage data, which by definition looks at much bigger trends than any dating apps study:feelsjuice:.
Brutal worthyslavicshit came for the fatality.


Add -1cm to the dick mang

View: https://youtu.be/dNr7nXvntO8
@tehgymcel420 Do you think chinks look better than Arabs? Or have higher SMV in Egypt?
We're both 0/10 to females, chinks may be a little more desirable if they have money.
Birthrates have a lot in common with attraction, that's why women are more attracted to more masculine and attractive men when they are ovulating then when they aren't. A normie woman might even tolerate sex with a subhuman if she's drunk and knows that she won't get pregnant, but when it comes to living with and having children with, women go for the best they can. I showed those stats because the way I've first noticed a link between those two things was in a similar conversation to this one, where currycels on Reddit believed that the marriage stats were overselling the amount of Indian men who have sex with white women, so they dug up the fertility stats to find a better proxy of who has how much sex with whom, and they found that, indeed, Indian men have more children with white American women than vice versa.
Birth isn't exclusively marriage though especially considering the first graph you posted, where it mentioned "parents", many of whom can be cucked and cheated on, and those aren't small percentage cases. I went with you and supposed that birth is tied with marriage up to 90%, that in turns direct us towards the subject of marriage and betabux/oofydoofy/cuckolds again.
I do recognize that a recognized portion of immigrants end up mogging and stealing girls, but you may as well consider other factors including the immigrant groups quality, especially those who come from poor, 3rd world backgrounds, but then we'll have another argument about the immigrant crisis, which I think was a globohomo disaster.
I will admit, as somebody from a country that loses way more women to foreigners than it gets, this is the kind of an argument that especially irks me. "Trust me bro, we might have your women but you are better looking than us, you're so white and beautiful, when we'll be spitroasting and impregnating your women they'll be only thinking about you:soy::soy:," that kind of stuff means nothing to me. It's the guys the women choose to be with and get fucked and impregnated by that enjoy their bodies, regardless of how much those women might've preferred somebody else.
I too felt irritated about seeing the pic in the og post. it's relatable. I do think that this happens more in european countries, globohomo is also one reason why that happens, I believe if europe was gatekept probably it wouldn't dissappear but it would be less.
all deathnics cope all the time about chad existence within their own race, most would probably be between curries and asians, and it feels like chad-sheilding sometimes, which is why I never believed the jbw bs.

You do have a good point about the interracial obsession people here have. I'd argue that people should first and foremost care about how many of their own people prefer their own group above all others. However, when competing with other races, people start caring a lot about whether their race is ultimately being cucked or not, and in the West, that ultimately seems to be happening only to East Asians, while no one else seems to have much of a problem competing on a sort of equal ground.

Tbh, even the first image you've showed, the 50k people one, is nowhere near as devastating for MENAs as some of your comments make it seem. Lowest preference for Europeans out of all the groups, self-race preference overall just a few percentage points away from those of blacks, Latinos and Asians and well above that of Indians.

interracial marriage muttifies humans and worsens racial and sexual dynaamics. but I think I'm doing the same thing in this thrid, Idk if this is rage bait anymore with all the amount of text I posted :feelsaww:

as for the groningen study, it is less worse in terms of other races perspective, which was the main argument when comparing asian vs arab males. I believe asians could bag bad chicks, but their males nearly excluding all other races and singling out two of the least excluded criterias is a great factor that lowers their chances and percentages


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otherwise if we keep arguing about marriage trends then chinese would be the worst along with middle easters ironically, while bangladishis would be the best case scenario.

According to just about every study that has been done on the subject yet, MENAs and Central Asians are the two groups most closely related and similar to Europeans, both genetically and phenotypically. If Europeans are the best-looking race, as is clearly the majority opinion in most of the world, then those two groups should be right below them.
turanid central asian countries have a percentage of PURE white phenotypes and hablogroups, it's different when conparing it to middle eastern countries or curries, when it comes to mena, turks fit that category more than arabian middle eastern country in which they have noticable percentage of pure white hablogroups, besides that both asians and arabs have sparse genes of mixed white roots and sparse percentage of white haplogroups. I found more nigger m Ls and es within arabian penisula during my research phase than I found hs and Is. in the end turkey is just one country. thats fine. (idk why the font is italic, its not going back to regular :feelstastyman:)

I'll be completely honest, I don't exactly get the point you're making here. Yeah, betabuxx relationships are often pretty shit when compared to what Chads and even many HTNs get, but very few things are perfect, and they are still relationships.
they are relationships with bux condition and abiding that condition has a huge percentage of not being satisfied. keep in mind we're supposing that dumpsterdiving is inexistent as you suggested, betabux and oofydoofy and cheating still do exist, in large numbers.
my point that its not a relationship if you pay and get petty treatment or never get what you want, which is the case with the "well off" betabuxers that would be the equivalent of escortmaxxing, which is the opposite of perfection instead of a relationship, which has its inceldom validity being another topic.

Also the Egyptian study which you've for some reason ignored, this being a repetition of what you've already posted once I've already mentioned, and the Guardian graph is based on official UK intermarriage data, which by definition looks at much bigger trends than any dating apps study:feelsjuice:.
I quoted uk marraige data directly above, even though its a topic that I still question its relevancy due to off-factors that render it's conclusions questionable as well.
I think the princeton, chicago and groningen studies are much satisfactory to answer asian vs mid eastern appeal, with a large average sample size and multiple reviews, as well as citations from basically every other racial dynamic related study because the topic of attraction and speeddating experiments or online dating are sensitive topics, as well as less interesting or dived-into topics so three well rounded studies that also include specified racial groups instead of fewer collective categories is more than sufficient imo :feelsokman:
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Concession accepted.

Most of that isn't true to begin with. Arabs arent uglier, darker (that much), shorter than Asians, and Arab noses are considered highly attractive to asians

Honestly, this point alone is enough to debunk his nonsese. If europeans look the best, then who looks the most similar to Europeans? Arabs and Iranians. End of argument.

View attachment 1241882View attachment 1241880View attachment 1241881

However, the thing I was arguing was that Arab SMV is negatively affected by normies thinking we look like Pajeets. Which he constantly wanted to deny
persians mog arabs to death on average btw so thats yet another subtype you subtracted from MENA group but added to the list of ethnic groups that mog arabs :feelskek:
Curries cope by saying Arabs are on their level.
please proceed to question my ethnicity يا
ابن الكحاب يا كواد يا ديوث
يا كميتي
just like the last guy :feelsaww:
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please proceed to question my ethnicity يا
ابن الكحاب يا كواد يا ديوث
يا كميتي
just like the last guy :feelsaww:
I don't care enough to debate since we all subhumans in the end.
I don't care enough to debate since we all subhumans in the end.
You shouldn't. I'll be honest with you nigga I know you don't care but I never liked the likes of you, matter of fact I hate the likes of you, and there's quite a few things I actually hate on the forum because I'm not easily pissed off. I have grudges on any user with an old joindate (the ones who hopped on this forum when it started and refugee'd from the sub) since a huge portion of them turned out to be fakecels and ascended. most of the old posts, all striked out usernames with the ban text underneath. so understand that my insult wasn't personal, it was also because of that. idc if you're my own race or even from my own country.
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since a huge portion of them turned out to be fakecels and ascended
Ya, I'm no fakecel. I'm almost a wizard and a hideous sand nigger fesikhcel, I'm the the furthest thing from a fakecel.
persians mog arabs to death on average btw so thats yet another subtype you subtracted from MENA group but added to the list of ethnic groups that mog arabs :feelskek:
Persians and Arabs are genetically the same race, just as identical as a Russian is to a Spanish JFL look at this dumbass talking like he knows what he's saying. Only bedouins and some saudis/yemenis are genetically different
Main qimg 73f858b7d3d456a6f5e35b4b23ed0b9c lq

Also, you said MENA. Are iranians not mena now?
Curries cope by saying Arabs are on their level.
Yes, that's why I suspect OP is a pajeet. Every time on this forum someone pretends to be an arab, they get exposed as a jeet or a chink, which I think has happened 2 or 3 times
Turanid central asian countries have a percentage of PURE white phenotypes
so do arab countries, dumbass. Arabs look more pure white on average than Turkics do
1682462202920 1

, it's different when conparing it to middle eastern countries or curries, when it comes to mena, turks fit that category more than arabian middle eastern country in which they have noticable percentage of pure white hablogroups,
Look at the PCA i posted above. Most anatolians are genetically identical to iranians, iraqis, and levantines JFL.
besides that both asians and arabs have sparse genes of mixed white roots and sparse percentage of white haplogroups. I found more nigger m Ls and es within arabian penisula during my research phase than I found hs and Is. in the end turkey is just one country. thats fine. (idk why the font is italic, its not going back to regular :feelstastyman:)
No one cares about your genetics autism. We are talking about physical appearance
Yea just show some chaddams to prove it
Why would I post ugly people to prove it? Also, this is just a fact. Arabs have phenotypicsl overlap with europeans so even a chad brown arab will look more European than a chad brown indian
Why would I post ugly people to prove it? Also, this is just a fact. Arabs have phenotypicsl overlap with europeans so even a chad brown arab will look more European than a chad brown indian
Neither look white

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