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JFL Asians are looking in the wrong places

They do. Having aryan blood=/= having white blood.

Just like how many afghans, uigurs, and Pakis are purely south asian/iranian despite looking like this.

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Or is your dumbass gonna claim these people also have european ancestory?
R is native to the steppe and the lands that aryans migrated to, arabian penisula is not one of them. Idc how much you can cope and seethe about this. my point stands correct. most blonde arabs are either نغولة or mixed
deal with it :p
R is native to the steppe and the lands that aryans migrated to
Which include iran, anatolia and the fertile crescent
arabian penisula is not one of them.
Never said it was
Idc how much you can cope and seethe about this. my point stands correct. most blonde arabs are either نغولة or mixed
deal with it :p
They're not. I have blonde relatives and I'm 100% Arab.
Agreed he's coping, not a single pure Arab in that pic
No one cares about the opinion of a fucking dravidian.
pure arab genetics and white are two things that rarely go together.
Must be why Prophet Muhammad is pure arab and was described as white as the moon.
most of the whites you see that are posted here, are just byproducts of westerner invasions,occupation and wars, or simply byprodcuts of trade
Tiktok education
that if you genetically analyze them, they would have no common ancestor in that land for atleast thousands of years.
Source: my ass.

The genes for white skin come from the fertile crescent. 100% of northern arabs carry the genes for white. It has fuck all to do with whites racemixing with us, you dumb sand baboon.


Some of them doesn't even have white skin but yellow skin instead, as what they perceive "white" is different.
pale yellow skin is still considered white by most people, and fyi, my skin tone is pink-peach.
there exists white/fairer skin natives though, just like curryland, but it's not like the majority of arabs are blonde as you may think to yourself after seeing the pics posted here by copers :feelscomfy: exactly just like curryland
Who said the majority of arabs are blonde? Dumbass putting words in my mouth. Blonde arabs are mostly in iran, kurdistan, and levant.
pure arabs look like southern saudis and southern iraqis. and it really depends more on your tribe than on your geographical location. pure arabs (I know this will piss people more) look like curries, only slightly fairer skin and a bit sharper features.
No such thing as a pure arab among arabs. Arabs have always been a physically diverse looking group, but if you want to go by Islam, the descendants of Ishmael would be the "real" arabs, in other words, probably iraqi-looking.
No one cares about the opinion of a fucking dravidian.

Must be why Prophet Muhammad is pure arab and was described as white as the moon.

Tiktok education

Source: my ass.

The genes for white skin come from the fertile crescent. 100% of northern arabs carry the genes for white. It has fuck all to do with whites racemixing with us, you dumb sand baboon.

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pale yellow skin is still considered white by most people, and fyi, my skin tone is pink-peach.

Who said the majority of arabs are blonde? Dumbass putting words in my mouth. Blonde arabs are mostly in iran, kurdistan, and levant.

No such thing as a pure arab among arabs. Arabs have always been a physically diverse looking group, but if you want to go by Islam, the descendants of Ishmael would be the "real" arabs, in other words, probably iraqi-looking.
I mean technically speaking arent Levant People and Arabs separate?
and they get nothing. MENAs and arabs are repulsive even to curries, a race which arguably has worse looking specimen than they do. no women from any other race fantascize about MENA males. the difference between MENA and asian cels situation is night and day.

Exactly... because difference in status (blame religion mostly)... too late to answer to MadeInCopium today, maybe tomorrow, although I wonder if there's even a point since he keeps denying the obvious and even contradicts himself sometimes...

I think it's obvious for example that the bald incel tier curry dating the pretty Polish woman atomizes to oblivion any attempt at coping but he's a fucking autist.
I think it's obvious for example that the bald incel tier curry dating the pretty Polish woman atomizes to oblivion any attempt at coping but he's a fucking autist.
If you are surprised at that, you would die from a stoke looking at these :feelskek: :lul:

Exactly... because difference in status (blame religion mostly)... too late to answer to MadeInCopium today, maybe tomorrow, although I wonder if there's even a point since he keeps denying the obvious and even contradicts himself sometimes...
Holy fuck the delusion is unreal. UNREAL. In what reality are you living in where curries mog arabs?

The most attractive, well-known pajeet in the west is Freddie Mercury, and he isn't even a pajeet, he's a fucking white iranian born in pajeet land.


I think it's obvious for example that the bald incel tier curry dating the pretty Polish woman atomizes to oblivion any attempt at coping but he's a fucking autist.
Look at this retarded nigger using 1 example as if it has any correlation with actual facts. Anyone can cherry pick an ugly man with a good looking woman. The fact that you think that pajeet-polish couple proves anything really shows how low IQ you are
If you are surprised at that, you would die from a stoke looking at these :feelskek: :lul:

It's a gypsy future in the balkans.
Like you said Slavic women are BASED for helping brown countries 'whiten up'
It would be based if those slavic women were moving to india, yes.

But this is moreso indian men moving to europe, which is "browning up" europe instead.

It is based when slavic women move to turkey, saudi, china, or korea since THAT counts as "whitening up"

Hopefully, at least some of the indian-slav couples go back to india so the gypsy kids can mog the locals and use their higher IQ to fix the country
pure arab genetics and white are two things that rarely go together. most of the whites you see that are posted here, are just byproducts of westerner invasions,occupation and wars, or simply byprodcuts of trade, that if you genetically analyze them, they would have no common ancestor in that land for atleast thousands of years. that goes for the most of them. some of them doesn't even have white skin but yellow skin instead, as what they perceive "white" is different.

there exists white/fairer skin natives though, just like curryland, but it's not like the majority of arabs are blonde as you may think to yourself after seeing the pics posted here by copers :feelscomfy: exactly just like curryland
pure arabs look like southern saudis and southern iraqis. and it really depends more on your tribe than on your geographical location. pure arabs (I know this will piss people more) look like curries, only slightly fairer skin and a bit sharper features.
Said this multiple times but copers here don't listen and would cope by posting cheery picked photos
If you are surprised at that, you would die from a stoke looking at these :feelskek: :lul:



Thanks for furthering my point. I'm incel because I'm Arab period, and women are racist. There's no fucking way I'm uglier than any of these "men". Tadam, well there's nothing I can do then, aside from accepting that it's over for my pathetic low IQ race and that I'll have to pull up my SMV entirely by myself. I guess I'm gonna need to become a millionaire and I'll finally get a girlfriend at 50 or so :feelsokman:

Ahem ahem.

I don't feel bad for Asians because their status is higher, while Arabs eat dirt and shit... :feelsjuice:
What does this have to do with appearance??? :soy: Inceldom is """"""""""""""""ESPECIALLY""""""""""""""" an Asian problem!!! Arabs are the closest looking to Europeans therefore the 2nd in SMV!!! :soy:

Blacks are the farthest looking from Europeans and the ugliest yet they fuck all White women, there's literally a rule called "JBB", maybe status can play a role in SMV? :feelsjuice:
What??? Dumb nigger, dumb nigger!!! You probably don't look as White as me!!! :soy:

Whites are the most good looking race! WorthlessSlavicShit himself said it! :soy:
* proceeds to qualify a polish Stacy as "nothing special" and glorify an ugly sandnigress *
........... :feelsjuice:

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Thanks for furthering my point. I'm incel because I'm Arab period, and women are racist. There's no fucking way I'm uglier than any of these "men". Tadam, well there's nothing I can do then, aside from accepting that it's over for my pathetic low IQ race and that I'll have to pull up my SMV entirely by myself. I guess I'm gonna need to become a millionaire and I'll finally get a girlfriend at 50 or so :feelsokman:

Ahem ahem.

I don't feel bad for Asians because their status is higher, while Arabs eat dirt and shit... :feelsjuice:
What does this have to do with appearance??? :soy: Inceldom is """"""""""""""""ESPECIALLY""""""""""""""" an Asian problem!!! Arabs are the closest looking to Europeans therefore the 2nd in SMV!!! :soy:

Blacks are the farthest looking from Europeans and the ugliest yet they fuck all White women, there's literally a rule called "JBB", maybe status can play a role in SMV? :feelsjuice:
What??? Dumb nigger, dumb nigger!!! You probably don't look as White as me!!! :soy:

Whites are the most good looking race! WorthlessSlavicShit himself said it! :soy:
* proceeds to qualify a polish Stacy as "nothing special" and glorify an ugly sandnigress *
........... :feelsjuice:

You are aren't an Arab. No WAY. Arabs have the Highest SMV in France. You HAVE to be just a curry nigger LARPing as one :lul:

Also aren't Arabs rich?
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Thanks for furthering my point. I'm incel because I'm Arab period, and women are racist. There's no fucking way I'm uglier than any of these "men". Tadam, well there's nothing I can do then, aside from accepting that it's over for my pathetic low IQ race and that I'll have to pull up my SMV entirely by myself. I guess I'm gonna need to become a millionaire and I'll finally get a girlfriend at 50 or so :feelsokman:

Ahem ahem.

I don't feel bad for Asians because their status is higher, while Arabs eat dirt and shit... :feelsjuice:
What does this have to do with appearance??? :soy: Inceldom is """"""""""""""""ESPECIALLY""""""""""""""" an Asian problem!!! Arabs are the closest looking to Europeans therefore the 2nd in SMV!!! :soy:

Blacks are the farthest looking from Europeans and the ugliest yet they fuck all White women, there's literally a rule called "JBB", maybe status can play a role in SMV? :feelsjuice:
What??? Dumb nigger, dumb nigger!!! You probably don't look as White as me!!! :soy:

Whites are the most good looking race! WorthlessSlavicShit himself said it! :soy:
* proceeds to qualify a polish Stacy as "nothing special" and glorify an ugly sandnigress *
........... :feelsjuice:

Also add this to another example of JBC. This shit is the funniest :lul:


Also I kek'd at my buddy ( sup boyo :feelsokman: ) WorthlessSlavicShit arguing that the first guy was "a normie for EE standards" https://incels.is/threads/how-the-h...score-a-hungarian-becky.629854/#post-14634018 at first I thought he was obviously trolling :feelshaha: but no the boyo is serious. ( His second paragraph was interesting though, not sure I understood it :waitwhat: ) This is some clinical levels of coping. Even the Gif "when the coping is too strong" wouldn't be strong enough to describe this level of coping. I HAVE chatted in the past on the internet with a hungarian woman and she was extremely beautiful, mesmerizing, and tall. Slavs are a very beautiful race, much more than westerners. The average Slav is in the looks level of Alexei Navalny, tall and aesthetic.


Ah! Didn't even know he died recently, apparently.
You are aren't an Arab. No WAY. Arabs have the Highest SMV in France. You HAVE to be just a curry nigger LARPing as one :lul:

Also aren't Arabs rich?

You're trolling/joking or serious?

Arabs have the lowest SMV in France. I thought it was a known fact? Even IncelTV/@13k demonstrated it multiple times.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8rdHyvRI78
the title of the video is literally "Arabs have low SMV"

And no Arabs are not rich. Here, most of them are delivery men, few others have a degree like me. Not that a degree would make you rich anyway, this isn't the USA. The rich Arabs are in the Gulf it's the oil owners... or maybe some families of Lebanese diaspora descent in America. North Africans are dirt poor.
You're trolling/joking or serious?

Arabs have the lowest SMV in France. I thought it was a known fact? Even IncelTV/@13k demonstrated it multiple times.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8rdHyvRI78
the title of the video is literally "Arabs have low SMV"

And no Arabs are not rich. Here, most of them are delivery men, few others have a degree like me. Not that a degree would make you rich anyway, this isn't the USA. The rich Arabs are in the Gulf it's the oil owners... or maybe some families of Lebanese diaspora descent in America. North Africans are dirt poor.

He is a larping bitch faggot who thinks he is white while in fact he is fucking not

The entire central asia, anatolia, Iran, and some part of northern india were inhabitated by people who were unrecognizable to ancient tocharian people. But because of turkic incursion those area are now inhabitated by mixed mongrel trash. First it was the fall of Iran then the gook golden horde took advantage of it and mass invade the entire central asia turning it into corrupt unimportant shithole today.

Turkic people are mixed bags who were originally kicked out of northern china due to being a trouble maker mess.

"muh pisslam"

meanwhile a SWEDISH foid flies to the THIRLD WORLD to marry a Pajeet.
You're trolling/joking or serious?

Arabs have the lowest SMV in France. I thought it was a known fact? Even IncelTV/@13k demonstrated it multiple times.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8rdHyvRI78
the title of the video is literally "Arabs have low SMV"

And no Arabs are not rich. Here, most of them are delivery men, few others have a degree like me. Not that a degree would make you rich anyway, this isn't the USA. The rich Arabs are in the Gulf it's the oil owners... or maybe some families of Lebanese diaspora descent in America. North Africans are dirt poor.

No man I saw many white whores convert to Islam and marrying Turks and Arabs like this too. I always assumed Arabs to be fakecel in Europe, you are telling me the opposite....
Holy fuck the delusion is unreal. UNREAL. In what reality are you living in where curries mog arabs?

They mog in status, proof is that they can afford to date Stacies (thus stealing them from the litteral Chads of their native country) and Arabs date their hand, period. I never spoke about mogging in physical appearance you're the only one on this forum obsessed by it.

The most attractive, well-known pajeet in the west is Freddie Mercury, and he isn't even a pajeet, he's a fucking white iranian born in pajeet land.

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Look at this retarded nigger using 1 example as if it has any correlation with actual facts. Anyone can cherry pick an ugly man with a good looking woman. The fact that you think that pajeet-polish couple proves anything really shows how low IQ you are

Keep coping. Yes you are an autist who can't see trends. In my initial thread there were other examples idiot. If you need to burn your hand on the stove 1000000 times to understand that it's hot you're beyond salvation.

Oh wait. WAIT. Did I ... read this properly...?


Anyone can cherry pick an ugly man with a good looking woman.

Fantastic! Then flood us with (ugly!) Arabs dating pretty White women then, videos, pictures, instagrams, the full package! Good luck! :panties:

inb4 plot armor because pisslam prevented them somehow to display themselves, I will not buy this, dream on.
No man I saw many white whores convert to Islam and marrying Turks and Arabs like this too. I always assumed Arabs to be fakecel in Europe, you are telling me the opposite....

Where did you see that? It literally doesn't happen. There's nothing White women hate more than Islam. Turks and Arabs get leftover post wall SLAVIC (not even others) single mothers that they betabux for 1500$ a month on expenses.
They mog in status
KEK no they dont. They're far beneath us. India is a steeming shithole while Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman are 1st world. Even countries like Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Morocc, Algeria, and Tunisia are bette than Poopistan
proof is that they can afford to date Stacies
That's not proof of status, clown. And many Arabs also date stacies.
Arabs date their hand, period.


I never spoke about mogging in physical appearance you're the only one on this forum obsessed by it.
Then what the fuck do you mean by mogging then dumbass monkey?
What's so confusing?
Keep coping. Yes you are an autist who can't see trends. In my initial thread there were other examples idiot. If you need to burn your hand on the stove 1000000 times to understand that it's hot you're beyond salvation.
1 example. 5 examples. It's still cherry picking since there are 1000s upon 1000s of mixed race couples. I'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find 10 indonesian men with white wives.
Oh wait. WAIT. Did I ... read this properly...?

Fantastic! Then flood us with (ugly!) Arabs dating pretty White women then, videos, pictures, instagrams, the full package! Good luck! :panties:
I don't go around collecting picture of arab/white couples, so I dont automatically have those on hand right now, unlike indians who save these things because its lifefuel for them.

But here is one anyways, I remember this from a video i watched. White woman who converted to islam and both have a yemeni husband
skip to 29:25

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5koxPmFCqI

inb4 plot armor because pisslam prevented them somehow to display themselves, I will not buy this, dream on.
That is true though. It's common sense, why the fuck would a muslim man show his wife on social media?

2 of my uncles have white wives and they're not going around plastering their face online.
He is a larping bitch faggot who thinks he is white while in fact he is fucking not

The entire central asia, anatolia, Iran, and some part of northern india were inhabitated by people who were unrecognizable to ancient tocharian people. But because of turkic incursion those area are now inhabitated by mixed mongrel trash. First it was the fall of Iran then the gook golden horde took advantage of it and mass invade the entire central asia turning it into corrupt unimportant shithole today.

Turkic people are mixed bags who were originally kicked out of northern china due to being a trouble maker mess.

MadeInHeaven? Yes he is coping hard.

I gotta go.
* proceeds to qualify a polish Stacy as "nothing special" and glorify an ugly sandnigress *
You're a blithering baboon if you think this polish bitch looks better than the arab girl in any significant way

He is a larping bitch faggot who thinks he is white while in fact he is fucking not
A chink trying to act like he has any say on who is white.
The entire central asia, anatolia, Iran, and some part of northern india were inhabitated by people who were unrecognizable to ancient tocharian people. But because of turkic incursion those area are now inhabitated by mixed mongrel trash. First it was the fall of Iran then the gook golden horde took advantage of it and mass invade the entire central asia turning it into corrupt unimportant shithole today.

Turkic people are mixed bags who were originally kicked out of northern china due to being a trouble maker mess.
Holy cope, look at this retarded chink chong wing wong thinking he's better than Turks. You guys WISH you looked like Central Asians. They at least have rounder eyes and less mongoloid insect features thanks to their iranian mixture. Nigger, go mutiliate your eyes.

Where did you see that? It literally doesn't happen.
It does.

There's nothing White women hate more than Islam.
Because islam demands they not be whores
Turks and Arabs get leftover post wall SLAVIC (not even others) single mothers that they betabux for 1500$ a month on expenses.
Source: my ass
KEK no they dont. They're far beneath us. India is a steeming shithole while Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman are 1st world. Even countries like Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Morocc, Algeria, and Tunisia are bette than Poopistan
Pakistan has 3 times less per capita GDP than South India. Best states in Pakistan have less HDI worst places of India. Yet they married 2 of your sisters.

He's talking about foreign diapora, and Indian and Pakis are richer

Where did I mentioned pakistan in my posts bruh?
I just was giving an example. Doesn't matter how shit home countries are. India and Pakistan might be poorer than Turkey, but in US at least they are way richer
I know. but The other guy was talking about status of the race as a group.

Also I think this whole status is little cope. Because white women EARN more than black men, Asian women EARN more than white men. Yet those are the most common pairing
Also I think this whole status is little cope. Because white women EARN more than black men, Asian women EARN more than white men. Yet those are the most common pairing
Tell that to him, he brought up status, not me
A chink trying to act like he has any say on who is white.

Holy cope, look at this retarded chink chong wing wong thinking he's better than Turks. You guys WISH you looked like Central Asians. They at least have rounder eyes and less mongoloid insect features thanks to their iranian mixture. Nigger, go mutiliate your eyes.
go fuck yourself you cherrypicing faggot
Nobody wants to be a mutts
I'm biologically not a white person you fucking dumbass

Despite having far more caucasoid admixture their corruption is far worse than average gook countries
Totally a shithole a central asia is

Hazara people have caucasoid admix but they are a self hating hapa faggot who will jump on surgery bandwagon to make their gook feature dissapear

I screenshoot your larp and i will post it on bunker someday
Ancient Turks got kicked out of northen china like a bitch they are

Your entire photo is irrelevant

I could screenshoot 23andme or ancestry.com result from youtube and use genetic studies to counter your cherrypick

PCA map exist for a reason
Last edited:
R is native to the steppe and the lands that aryans migrated to, arabian penisula is not one of them. Idc how much you can cope and seethe about this. my point stands correct. most blonde arabs are either نغولة or mixed
deal with it :p

The modern kurds were indo european
They are kinda mixed but almost as fair as some south european
@Made in Heaven not sure why you re so focused on saying arabs are so beautiful and white passing too.

You re muslim aka easiest religion to fuck women since they are still the most submissive compared to other races of women.

Also family blood ties and inbreeding is rampant in islam.

You say you are white.

Why are you here? Cant find one muslim bitch to fuck? Or you just like wasting your time online?
@Made in Heaven not sure why you re so focused on saying arabs are so beautiful and white passing too.

You re muslim aka easiest religion to fuck women since they are still the most submissive compared to other races of women.

Also family blood ties and inbreeding is rampant in islam.

You say you are white.

Why are you here? Cant find one muslim bitch to fuck? Or you just like wasting your time online?
Do christian Arabs like you mogg mudslime Arabs? :waitwhat:
@Made in Heaven not sure why you re so focused on saying arabs are so beautiful and white passing too.
Because arabs mog chinks, niggers and pajeets, whereas OP is trying to arabs are ugly
You re muslim aka easiest religion to fuck women since they are still the most submissive compared to other races of women.
JFL at this delusion
Also family blood ties and inbreeding is rampant in islam.
You say you are white.
I am
Why are you here? Cant find one muslim bitch to fuck? Or you just like wasting your time online?
Dumbass non-argumsnt
Because arabs mog chinks, niggers and pajeets, whereas OP is trying to arabs are ugly

JFL at this delusion


I am

Dumbass non-argumsnt
Im not arguing with you. Idc about race. But if you re white and muslim and still cant find a rando girl to play with your dick then you really are a low iq dumbass mate
Idk. Muslims have manlier halo i guess.

I have a muslim friend he fucks a new christian girl every week.

His gf is christian too.

But when he decides to marry he will find a muslim girl.
Because arabs mog chinks, niggers and pajeets, whereas OP is trying to arabs are ugly

JFL at this delusion


I am

Dumbass non-argumsnt
What’s the SMV of a brown arab though? Somebody that looks like saddam hussein or mia khalifa, are they still higher SMV than Asian?

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