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JFL Asians are looking in the wrong places

:feelskek: But seriously are curries hated there? Can I get a trad Arabic wife if I convert to Islam??
shiia are probably cool with you after the goat life movie, because they hate saudis (saudis are sunnis)
I also heard many stories about saudi sheikhs cucked to their indian and paki servants without their knowledge.
but you could end up as the main character in goat life, who knows :feelsmega:
as for foids, curriez look exactly like the dark skinned arabs, so your chances are low. but if you have good genetics, combined with islammaxxing there is a chance.
this slut is literally fat and has below average looking face for a foid. Where is the HTB/stacylite ? Are you niggers out of your mind today ? Any landwhale nowadays is a stacy ? You've lost your mind all.
this slut is literally fat and has below average looking face for a foid. Where is the HTB/stacylite ? Are you niggers out of your mind today ? Any landwhale nowadays is a stacy ? You've lost your mind all.
if that toilet is what you're describing, what does that make the distinguished chink gentleman to you on a psl scale? :blackpill:
this slut is literally fat and has below average looking face for a foid. Where is the HTB/stacylite ? Are you niggers out of your mind today ? Any landwhale nowadays is a stacy ? You've lost your mind all.
That's 7-8/10 to me, Sand foids look really good :ahegao: :ahegao:
shiia are probably cool with you after the goat life movie, because they hate saudis (saudis are sunnis)
Yeah even in India shias support Hindus :feelskek:
I also heard many stories about saudi sheikhs cucked to their indian and paki servants without their knowledge.
No way :feelsmega:
but if you have good genetics, combined with islammaxxing there is a chance.
Over I am 5'5 :feelsrope:
how do you personally rate him ?
sub 2
ur secretly a nigger. What not being dravidian does to a mf.
Htb in the slums of hong kong
marriage studies prove jackshit you retarded chink :feelstastyman:
Marriage rates correlate like 90% or more with child-birthing rates. You can look at this list of various racial combinations and the numbers of children born to them (in the US) and compare those with marriage stats. 90% correlation at least. If MENAs are supposedly so repulsive to women, then that repulsion doesn't show up in actual fertility.


arab males are busy marrying out dumpsterdiving and marrying fat dykes and juggernauts in the west, they're not looking for foids like stpeach the way you noodlechuggers do. you don't care about dating apps because you're bluepilled as shit :feelskek::feelsclown:
Bruh, this forum nearly universally (and correctly) admits that men would take whatever they can and only don't have sex or girlfriends because they can't get them, are you genuinely trying to explain a group of men not being able to find girlfriends or wives with "they just have high standards" and another group being able to do so despite supposedly being repulsive with "Bruh, they just have low standards, it's obvious bro, that's why you inkwell"?:feelskek::feelskek:

I really hope that isn't what you were going for here. By that logic, nobody here might as well be incel.

show me a study or a piece of evidence that showcases foids preferring arabs and MENAS more than azns instead of this cope. I got plenty of studies, proof and cases that proves the opposite.

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There's one on incels.wiki just a few studies below the one you've posted here:


You can also look at the studies done in MENA itself instead of the WEst, such as this one, which found that more than half of the Egyptian women surveyed prefer brown skin the most, followed by a significant minority who preferred black skin, and with only about 10% of women picking white skin as the most attractive:

That's why marriage stats are so much better than just asking people on dating apps and so on what they prefer. The latter inevitably survey only a small segment of the population and can differ even app-to-app, nevermind area-to-area. Not so much with marriage stats, which look at the entire population and are very good at also telling you who's breeding who, which frankly is the only thing that really matters:


attraction matters more than marriage. when you say you want government-issued marriage data, you're also being inclusive to all the betabux, oofydoofies and literal cuckolds as well. is that what you're relying on to validate your self bias against a fugly subspecies of homosapiens? :feelsclown:
Again, you need to be at least normie to be able to get even those relationships, unless you're extremely well-off. Which the average betabuxxer isn't, he's just not an incel and capable of at least somewhat satisfy his wfe's financial wants, and it's the former that's the reason why most guys here couldn't even get that.
Marriage rates correlate like 90% or more with child-birthing rates. You can look at this list of various racial combinations and the numbers of children born to them (in the US) and compare those with marriage stats. 90% correlation at least. If MENAs are supposedly so repulsive to women, then that repulsion doesn't show up in actual fertility.


Bruh, this forum nearly universally (and correctly) admits that men would take whatever they can and only don't have sex or girlfriends because they can't get them, are you genuinely trying to explain a group of men not being able to find girlfriends or wives with "they just have high standards" and another group being able to do so despite supposedly being repulsive with "Bruh, they just have low standards, it's obvious bro, that's why you inkwell"?:feelskek::feelskek:

I really hope that isn't what you were going for here. By that logic, nobody here might as well be incel.

There's one on incels.wiki just a few studies below the one you've posted here:


You can also look at the studies done in MENA itself instead of the WEst, such as this one, which found that more than half of the Egyptian women surveyed prefer brown skin the most, followed by a significant minority who preferred black skin, and with only about 10% of women picking white skin as the most attractive:

That's why marriage stats are so much better than just asking people on dating apps and so on what they prefer. The latter inevitably survey only a small segment of the population and can differ even app-to-app, nevermind area-to-area. Not so much with marriage stats, which look at the entire population and are very good at also telling you who's breeding who, which frankly is the only thing that really matters:


Again, you need to be at least normie to be able to get even those relationships, unless you're extremely well-off. Which the average betabuxxer isn't, he's just not an incel and capable of at least somewhat satisfy his wfe's financial wants, and it's the former that's the reason why most guys here couldn't even get that.
Another @WorthySlavicWit response :feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
let's dissect this point by point in a serious manner:

Marriage rates correlate like 90% or more with child-birthing rates. You can look at this list of various racial combinations and the numbers of children born to them (in the US) and compare those with marriage stats. 90% correlation at least. If MENAs are supposedly so repulsive to women, then that repulsion doesn't show up in actual fertility.

besides the fact that the stat you posted has nothing related with marriage or MENA vs Asian as a criteria (it shows the racial dynamics of all other races though) you missed my point by a mile. marriage rates and birth rates mean literally nothing. if marriage is the standard for attraction, curries and chinks would be the apex species, but even if we limit this argument to the context of inter-racial marriage then niggers and latinos would be the apex species. I do believe it is possible for other races to marry other races including marrying white women, even MENAs, but in such arguments background dynamics play a huge roll mainly depending on what you have to be as a mena and what you get, when I said "menas get nothing" I meant the average mena immigrant/resident in western countries, who isn't someone like safir or a model and would get a harem of chicks orbiting him like you guys are trying to portray mena males.

this stat shows the extremely usurping rates of interracial marriage despite the lack of inclusion or MENA males in the study, which means with or without MENAmales, the rates are usurping in similar rates.
Bruh, this forum nearly universally (and correctly) admits that men would take whatever they can and only don't have sex or girlfriends because they can't get them, are you genuinely trying to explain a group of men not being able to find girlfriends or wives with "they just have high standards" and another group being able to do so despite supposedly being repulsive with "Bruh, they just have low standards, it's obvious bro, that's why you inkwell"?:feelskek::feelskek:

I really hope that isn't what you were going for here. By that logic, nobody here might as well be incel.

This forum's existence is mainly established upon many factors one of the most quintessential ones is that people here OPPOSE to what you're implying, which is doing anything I mentioned specifically (being literally cucked) to marry.

as for your point about standards (even though I mentioned nothing about standards difference, I just pointed that asian males are obsessed with white foids) I do realize I'm being dragged but it is real, races have different level of standards. this stems from the basic ideas of lookism and regular, intra-racial attraction, which serves as one of the levels to determine one races' standards. this can be seen clearly about normie niggers choosing to marry landwhiles or curries and menas simply simping for anything with a lightskin.

to make a proper analogy of this: suppose an abo or a curry fucks a 1 rated abo foid in psl, then comes by a chance with a nerdy, malnourished foid from any other race whom is considered ugly "femcel" by other races standards. what makes you think he wouldn't prefer that foid in contrast with the amount of deformed abo foids and the answer to that question, he would gladly take it, while people from other races, wouldn't oblige at all and would view this as a dumpsterdive/juggernaut. kind of the same way you view a disfigured foid unfuckable.

"but hey, if abos fuck, then by that logic no one here would be incel"
I know this subject would get a lot of hate, but many people here are just fucking fakecels who suffer from this inter-racial obsession syndrome and it could be the main reason why they're here.
to quote @laanda sorry for using this without asking you, but it would be a loss if nobody else reads it
(btw, he's pure caucasian)

IMG 20240901 204826

but on my part, it is still relative to your life and up to your looks and attraction to determine. if you live in a planet inhabited by abos and abos only, and never got the chance to ascend, you'd be inkwell, and the guy who bags all the abo women would be the chad.

I'm not saying "hey jbw and you'll ascend because it is the best looking race" no, I'm saying that it differs from race to race and from person to person based on looks, in the end I may have phrased this thread opening wrong just to pull attention by means of ragebaiting azns :feelshehe::feelsEhh:(tbh)

in this case obsession about another race can be damaging to one's chances of ascending.

Again, you need to be at least normie to be able to get even those relationships, unless you're extremely well-off. Which the average betabuxxer isn't, he's just not an incel and capable of at least somewhat satisfy his wfe's financial wants, and it's the former that's the reason why most guys here couldn't even get that.
problems with what you're stating here: many betabux cases are well-off, like far well off you would consider them being here. the average betabuxer is a LTN at best. which is not "well off" but leaves a playground for a massive slice that doesn't get what they want or the satisfactiom they want even with betabux and their real problem is not busting their ass to satisfy their wives financial "wants" their real problem is that they can't satisfy their wives or their OTHER "wants" and this is the real turning point for richcels here, not the fact that they would waste their money to fuck, but the fact is their "fuck" isn't even guaranteed or comes with major major sacrifices, this also makes the broke ones to have hopes, copes or be blackpilled and give up entirely. I know I can relate to the former point you mentioned, because im broke and ashy. but there's more than one side to the betabux.
There's one on incels.wiki just a few studies below the one you've posted here:



if you just scroll and skim the incelwiki submission of the scientific bp, you would find this:
IMG 20240901 210552
which conforms with the studies I posted
again my priority here is attraction and race preference, no betabux marriage no LTRs nothing else included.
this is the reason why I made this thread. I'm telling asians that they constantly complain about their looks, while the average curry or mena looks like an ayyy lmao shitskin alien.
the exception, couple of bar charts you posted, which sources the guardian (Idk how can you consider this a credible source vs a university study with over 50k sampled mined data) shows that menas are chads. but we know what menas really are irl and which study conforms with reality the most though.
Asian 'men' need to kill themselves and genocide their pathetic insect race.
let's dissect this point by point in a serious manner:

besides the fact that the stat you posted has nothing related with marriage or MENA vs Asian as a criteria (it shows the racial dynamics of all other races though) you missed my point by a mile. marriage rates and birth rates mean literally nothing. if marriage is the standard for attraction, curries and chinks would be the apex species, but even if we limit this argument to the context of inter-racial marriage then niggers and latinos would be the apex species. I do believe it is possible for other races to marry other races including marrying white women, even MENAs, but in such arguments background dynamics play a huge roll mainly depending on what you have to be as a mena and what you get, when I said "menas get nothing" I meant the average mena immigrant/resident in western countries, who isn't someone like safir or a model and would get a harem of chicks orbiting him like you guys are trying to portray mena males.

this stat shows the extremely usurping rates of interracial marriage despite the lack of inclusion or MENA males in the study, which means with or without MENAmales, the rates are usurping in similar rates.

This forum's existence is mainly established upon many factors one of the most quintessential ones is that people here OPPOSE to what you're implying, which is doing anything I mentioned specifically (being literally cucked) to marry.

as for your point about standards (even though I mentioned nothing about standards difference, I just pointed that asian males are obsessed with white foids) I do realize I'm being dragged but it is real, races have different level of standards. this stems from the basic ideas of lookism and regular, intra-racial attraction, which serves as one of the levels to determine one races' standards. this can be seen clearly about normie niggers choosing to marry landwhiles or curries and menas simply simping for anything with a lightskin.

to make a proper analogy of this: suppose an abo or a curry fucks a 1 rated abo foid in psl, then comes by a chance with a nerdy, malnourished foid from any other race whom is considered ugly "femcel" by other races standards. what makes you think he wouldn't prefer that foid in contrast with the amount of deformed abo foids and the answer to that question, he would gladly take it, while people from other races, wouldn't oblige at all and would view this as a dumpsterdive/juggernaut. kind of the same way you view a disfigured foid unfuckable.

"but hey, if abos fuck, then by that logic no one here would be incel"
I know this subject would get a lot of hate, but many people here are just fucking fakecels who suffer from this inter-racial obsession syndrome and it could be the main reason why they're here.
to quote @laanda sorry for using this without asking you, but it would be a loss if nobody else reads it
(btw, he's pure caucasian)

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but on my part, it is still relative to your life and up to your looks and attraction to determine. if you live in a planet inhabited by abos and abos only, and never got the chance to ascend, you'd be inkwell, and the guy who bags all the abo women would be the chad.

I'm not saying "hey jbw and you'll ascend because it is the best looking race" no, I'm saying that it differs from race to race and from person to person based on looks, in the end I may have phrased this thread opening wrong just to pull attention by means of ragebaiting azns :feelshehe::feelsEhh:(tbh)

in this case obsession about another race can be damaging to one's chances of ascending.

problems with what you're stating here: many betabux cases are well-off, like far well off you would consider them being here. the average betabuxer is a LTN at best. which is not "well off" but leaves a playground for a massive slice that doesn't get what they want or the satisfactiom they want even with betabux and their real problem is not busting their ass to satisfy their wives financial "wants" their real problem is that they can't satisfy their wives or their OTHER "wants" and this is the real turning point for richcels here, not the fact that they would waste their money to fuck, but the fact is their "fuck" isn't even guaranteed or comes with major major sacrifices, this also makes the broke ones to have hopes, copes or be blackpilled and give up entirely. I know I can relate to the former point you mentioned, because im broke and ashy. but there's more than one side to the betabux.

if you just scroll and skim the incelwiki submission of the scientific bp, you would find this:
View attachment 1241674
which conforms with the studies I posted
again my priority here is attraction and race preference, no betabux marriage no LTRs nothing else included.
this is the reason why I made this thread. I'm telling asians that they constantly complain about their looks, while the average curry or mena looks like an ayyy lmao shitskin alien.
the exception, couple of bar charts you posted, which sources the guardian (Idk how can you consider this a credible source vs a university study with over 50k sampled mined data) shows that menas are chads. but we know what menas really are irl and which study conforms with reality the most though.
DNR a single letter. Arabs are slayers and pussy juice farmers in France and Germany. Y'all are High IQ and fakecel :feelsugh:
DNR a single letter. Arabs are slayers and pussy juice farmers in France and Germany. Y'all are High IQ and fakecel :feelsugh:
'fakecel for high iq posts' u are in-group coping. chad has brainrot and 8 remaining braincels from 3 alcohol induced comas, never thinks a single thought and still fucks while being thick as pig shit
DNR a single letter. Arabs are slayers and pussy juice farmers in France and Germany. Y'all are High IQ and fakecel :feelsugh:
And Arabs if anything have Higher SMV than whites. Sandnigger civilizations always mogged white ones like even today
'fakecel for high iq posts' u are in-group coping. chad has brainrot and 8 remaining braincels from 3 alcohol induced comas, never thinks a single thought and still fucks while being thick as pig shit
Arabs are fakecels. They can marry their cousins
Arabs are fakecels. They can marry their cousins
saint hamudi would like a word
ugly = incel.
no foid would voluntarily marry their subhuman cousin

you are coping that you have it harder than arabs. But if an arab is incel then why do you care how 'hard' or 'easy' sexhaving members of his race have it? People here say hispanics can't be incel, meanwhile there are 2/10 hispanics jumping off bridges from incel pain every day

you just want to invalidate another member for forum points but that means nothing and just makes you feel good which is cope

Race copers like race because it's one of few things a cel can actually have. Being a race doesn't require victory, it just is a trait. Much like being a fan of media, you can pride yourself on it no matter who you are. If a person has nothing, they pride themselves on what little they do have. By saying arabs are fakecels you have gain brownie points over an entire group of incels who you can now feel superior to. Or you are trolling I can't tell.
saint hamudi would like a word
ugly = incel.
no foid would voluntarily marry their subhuman cousin
Saint Hamudi wasn't even a real Arab. He was a Turkroach larping as a Syrian
you are coping that you have it harder than arabs. But if an arab is incel then why do you care how 'hard' or 'easy' sexhaving members of his race have it? People here say hispanics can't be incel, meanwhile there are 2/10 hispanics jumping off bridges from incel pain every day

Race copers like race because it's one of few things a cel can actually have. Being a race doesn't require victory, it just is a trait. Much like being a fan of media, you can pride yourself on it no matter who you are. If a person has nothing, they pride themselves on what little they do have. By saying arabs are fakecels you have gain brownie points over an entire group of incels who you can now feel superior to. Or you are trolling I can't tell.
DNR a single letter
Saint Hamudi wasn't even a real Arab. He was a Turkroach larping as a Syrian

DNR a single letter
you spent just as much time replying as you would have spent reading it so dnr doesn't actually benefit you, retard
you spent just as much time replying as you would have spent reading it so dnr doesn't actually benefit you, retard
f you just scroll and skim the incelwiki submission of the scientific bp, you would find this:
IMG 20240901 210552
which conforms with the studies I posted
again my priority here is attraction and race preference, no betabux marriage no LTRs nothing else included.
this is the reason why I made this thread. I'm telling asians that they constantly complain about their looks, while the average curry or mena looks like an ayyy lmao shitskin alien.
the exception, couple of bar charts you posted, which sources the guardian (Idk how can you consider this a credible source vs a university study with over 50k sampled mined data) shows that menas are chads. but we know what menas really are irl and which study conforms with reality the most though.
I've had the misfortune of having to educated retarded niggers like you about the racepill on this forum for YEARS, and whenever some dumb fag shows up, I have to do it all over again.

Understand this well: the average american's racial perception of Arabs is skewered by the fact that the average American is DELUDED and unaware of what actual Arabs look like.

This is for a few reason.

1. There aren't that many Arabs in america
2. Pajeets are cast to play arab characters. Just recently happened with the One Piece anime.

3. 9/11 war on terror propoganda led to xenophobia against arabs, which naturally would negatively affect the SMV of Arabs, and racial reputation very much so plays a role in SMV. I have made a thread on this if you want me to link it.

I will copy paste some of my previous posts here about Arab SMV being miscontrued by Amerimutts. Let me go and find them. Because I'm too sick of this argument to put genuine effort anymore into refuting your delusions
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American statistics on racial preferences, especially towards Arabs, is skewered when you consider Americans are brain dead when it comes to race.

1. Americans think Spanish is a non-european country and think Spanish people are not white.

2. Americans either think Jesus was white blonde Aryan if they're republicans or a brown Yemeni if they're globohomo lovers. They don't understand nuance when it comes to phenotype.

3. There are far more Indian and Paki diaspora in the west than Arabs, meaning most Whites end up thinking pakis/Indians = brown = arabs. For example in Canada there is way way way more Indians and pakis than there are Turks or iraqis. Simply put, Pajeets ruin our image. Do i need to remind you how after 9/11 fucking Indians, Sikhs and even MEXICANS were harassed because white Americans though they were "Arabs" JFL? Meanwhile, I've never been racially harassed in my entire fucking life because I look white, despite having a VERY arab name.

I can't tell you how many times people fail to realize I'm a sand nigger because they are thinking of Indians and pakis when they think of Middle Easterners. Meanwhile most of my family has white skin, pink skin or light brown skin and I have several family with light hair and colored eyes.
The fact that you think africans/asians are above arabs does nothing but show how horribly skewed your data is considering no one considers Africans and Asians better looking than MENAs. Even with Mezisto Latinos? Most of them look like SEA meaning only the European Latinos and Arab Latinos matter. Reminder that plenty of Mexicans and Brazilians and argentinians have syrian/lebanese/Egyptian ancestors.

what's being delusional is taking 1 study from a country that is less than 1% middle eastern and extrapolating that data to be universally and objectively true. It's even more delusional when I can show you tons of cases of Arabs cucking Whites, both in ancient, medeival, and modern times. FFS, there's an entire epedemic of Saudi men, the BROWNEST arabs, going around leaving behind bastard children in America among white women lmao! Show me indians achieveing ANYTHING like this. Show me Asian men cucking Americans like this, please. I beg of you. Show me.
I already told this to you, but they (Americans) dont know what actual Arabs look like. Their perception of what an "arab" looks like is twisted by their media and lack of contact with actual Arabs. Let me give you a few anecdotes from my own life to drive my point home.

The point being that racial perception can very much be misconstrued due to ignorance.

1 - I remember once seeing a ginger white guy converting to Islam, and because he was from Britain, where the bulk of Muslims are Pakis, the guy legit thought that Islam was a "pakistani religion". And many Americans are like this, where they associate Islam with Pakis/Indians because of American media often casting the brownest mexicans/indians as Arab characters in media. Like this Indian actor who plays an IRAQI character in lost lmao


2 - As you know, I'm turkish, and I happen to have cousins who have very Turanian-looking facal features. In other words, they look like Asians. All my life until I was like 13, I used to think Chinese/Japanese people looked like by cousins, yet when you compare actual Turanians with Chinks/Nips, there is a substantial difference in looks. In other words, my own perception of what Chinese/Japanese people was misconstrued due to me thinking Turanian = East Asians in appearance, when that is not the case at all. Once I realized how actual Chinese people look like, it's almost laughable that I once thought that my Turanian-looking cousins could ever be mistaken for Chinese/Japanese.







3 - I remember one time I was walking in a parking lot after shopping with my dad, I think I was like 6. I saw some Sikh guy walking by and I mistakingly thought that man was an Arab because in my mind I thought "brown + turban + beard = Arab" so I asked my dad why he didn't say 'salam' to that guy, and my dad just laughed and said that guy isn't Muslim. This same mentality that I had when I was 6 is essentially what is happening in that American study you used

4 - I can't tell you how many fucking times I've told someone I'm from Iraq only from to say something along the lines of "but you dont look iraqi". Why is that? Because it's an indication of their lack of understanding of the appearance or race of people from the Middle East. And it's not like my facial features are anything uncommon in Iraq per say, I have a Pontic face with a bit of Assyrian, yet I regularly get told by Europeans and Asians here in Canada that they couldn't tell. If it wasn't for my Arabic name, I'm certain even more people would be unable to tell my race.

5- Lastly, this isn't exactly an anecdote, but it still proves the point. In Family Guy, there's an epsidoes where they larp as Jesus' apostles and there's a scene where the black guy Cleveland mentions how he's "the only one who's the proper skin color we're supposed to be". And this is what Ameritards actually believe. They are braindead on race, like I said, to the extent they think Lebs/Syrians are the same color as Yemenis. Fucking laughable, especially when I have seen SEVERAL Lebs/Palis/Syrians who have green/blue eyes, and even more who have peach/rosy skin color

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6a-fjABRo0

Another example of Amerimutt retardation. While blondes may not be the norm in the levant, it's common enough that it shouldn't surprise these mongrels that some Arab levantines are blonde

I've had the misfortune of having to educated retarded niggers like you about the racepill on this forum for YEARS, and whenever some dumb fag shows up, I have to do it all over again.

Understand this well: the average american's racial perception of Arabs is skewered by the fact that the average American is DELUDED and unaware of what actual Arabs look like.

This is for a few reason.

1. There aren't that many Arabs in america
2. Pajeets are cast to play arab characters. Just recently happened with the One Piece anime.
View attachment 1241723
3. 9/11 war on terror propoganda led to xenophobia against arabs, which naturally would negatively affect the SMV of Arabs, and racial reputation very much so plays a role in SMV. I have made a thread on this if you want me to link it.

I will copy paste some of my previous posts here about Arab SMV being miscontrued by Amerimutts. Let me go and find them. Because I'm too sick of this argument to put genuine effort anymore into refuting your delusions
oh you're so deluded bro "9/11 war on terror" you don't actually need to link or copypaste anything. I'm from Iraq. I know what I'm talking about when I tell you 9/11 or hollywood casting has nothing to do with the the fact that the average MENA struggles finding a partner in the west.

the real reason is that westerners have always belittled and hated your kind regardless of their background or history, even before 9/11, or why any war or belittling my kind faced happened. that's because they think you're inferior to them from head to toe. that's the real reason my friend. that's the reason why bush decided to push the red button on operation shock and awe/desert storm despite Iraq having nothing to do with 9/11. you are talking high of our kind, so get off your high horse first.
do you think Rami Malek was a wrong cast? or amr wakid? or amr al shareef? Don't say your kind is "misrepresented" and they got curries casting you and that's why your kind struggles. spare me this talk. I know it. they know it. you don't need to link or argue about anything.

they know what arabs look like, they know the average arab from the arabian penisula doesn't have white skin and look like curries. they know arabs from the levant region have fair skin, they know it because their god was born their and they spend hours upon hours on searching, surveying and disproving that jesus was a shitskin, yet when they finish talking about their messiah they will still call you a shitskin after all this if they bumped their heads into yours even if you weren't a shitskin. that's the brooootal blackpill you need to know. that regardless what happened, they hate you for you are, not for what you did.
Arabs who don't look white skinned are curry tier

Absolutely lol at Arabcels coping that they are closer to Whites
JFL at this delusional nigger. Even brown-skinned arabs have facial morpohology closer to whites, and are usually no where near as dark as Jeets.


JFL at this delusional nigger. Even brown-skinned arabs have facial morpohology closer to whites, and are usually no where near as dark as Jeets.

View attachment 1241743
View attachment 1241751
your perspective has to be so off to include these pics

I know what goes on in your head when you post this:
Fi0Dq5OL 1EA64C24 D016 4E5B B024 C486D5B7735A 1200x1496

"oooh look at sheikh hamadan! he has distinctive sharp arabian facial features!"
that what I said 9 years ago in a groupchat of caucasians. they told me he just looks curry. and then I realized, he does look like curries, that's because he is actually curry (Emirates have a good chunk of the curry genepool thanks to arabian-indian trades)

bro. I used to think like you 9 years ago. that scale alone is insane. I know you're thinking "oh this guy a cuck he is self loathing he has no respect for his race" bro, this is all cope. I know for certain if you're smart enough, you will wake up from it one day.
oh you're so deluded bro "9/11 war on terror"
Read this thread. You're simply wrong, you retarded nigger

I'm from Iraq.
Not an argument. And I doubt it anyways.
I know what I'm talking about
No you dont
when I tell you 9/11 or hollywood casting has nothing to do with
9/11 and Jewllywood casting us as pajeets does negatively affect us
the the fact that the average MENA struggles finding a partner in the west.
So does the average white guy. This wasn't your initial argument though, you retarded low IQ sand monkey
the real reason is that westerners have always belittled and hated your kind regardless of their background or history, even before 9/11, or why any war or belittling my kind faced happened. that's because they think you're inferior to them from head to toe.
We are inferior, I have never denied that, but that is not the initial argument you were making, again, stick to the original topic, you scatterbrained fucker. Your initial argument was that arabs are uglier than asians and blacks.
that's the real reason my friend. that's the reason why bush decided to push the red button on operation shock and awe/desert storm despite Iraq having nothing to do with 9/11. you are talking high of our kind, so get off your high horse first.
Not an argument. Stick to the topic
Don't say your kind is "misrepresented" and they got curries casting you and that's why your kind struggles.
It is true, you can shit your pants about it all you want. Jews constantly cast pajeets as arabs so they can lie about what we look like.
spare me this talk. I know it. they know it. they know what arabs look like
They don't, and your pathetic assertation that they do is baseless.

Meanwhile, I have brought actual evidence, so keep talking out of your ass, nigger.
they know the average arab from the arabian penisula doesn't have white skin
We aren't talking about the peninsula, faggot. And even then, the average gulf Arabs still looks better than the average nigger or chink
they know arabs from the levant region have fair skin
No they dont. I already showed you that family guy clip proving how retarded mutts are. Or how they will say Jesus was brown POC man

Here is another example:

This character is from American Dad and is meant to be an iranian, yet look how dark they made her skin tone.


Meanwhile, look at a video of people in Tehran and they are WAY lighter. But according to stupid American cartoons, anyone who is middle eastern must be super brown

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=cmMniVZcENo

they know it because their god was born their and they spend hours upon hours on searching, surveying and disproving that jesus was a shitskin
Delusional monkey, you're talking about 4chan christcucks, I'm talking about the average normie foid, you know, the ones answering those statistics you posted. I've seen tiktoks of German muslims and European Christians deluded into saying jesus was brown skinned, I can link them to you if you want, stop talking out of your ass.
yet when they finish talking about their messiah they will still call you a shitskin after all this if they bumped their heads into yours even if you weren't a shitskin. that's the brooootal blackpill you need to know. that regardless what happened, they hate you for you are, not for what you did.
I've never been racially discriminated, so you're a lying nigger. I doubt you're arab either.
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What about some Yemenis?
What about them?
your perspective has to be so off to include these pics

I know what goes on in your head when you post this:
View attachment 1241752
"oooh look at sheikh hamadan! he has distinctive sharp arabian facial features!"
that what I said 9 years ago in a groupchat of caucasians. they told me he just looks curry. and then I realized, he does look like curries, that's because he is actually curry (Emirates have a good chunk of the curry genepool thanks to arabian-indian trades)

bro. I used to think like you 9 years ago. that scale alone is insane. I know you're thinking "oh this guy a cuck he is self loathing he has no respect for his race" bro, this is all cope. I know for certain if you're smart enough, you will wake up from it one day.
He doesn't look curry at all, his facial features look VERY arab, and he does look handsome. JFL the fact that you're calling white people caucasions when you're unaware Arabs are also caucasion. Your gay groupchat does nothing but show what I have said.

Needless to say, if you put Hamadan in western clothing, he could far more easily pass as white.
Aren't most of them as dark as us?
Yes, many are, but still not as dark , not to mention their average phenotype has Armenoid-adjacent features, so it's not as bad, plus many have colored eyes thanks to Circassion slavery.
>muh studies though

No one wants down syndrome eyes, you dumb gook apologist.

Marriage rates correlate like 90% or more with child-birthing rates. You can look at this list of various racial combinations and the numbers of children born to them (in the US) and compare those with marriage stats. 90% correlation at least. If MENAs are supposedly so repulsive to women, then that repulsion doesn't show up in actual fertility.


Bruh, this forum nearly universally (and correctly) admits that men would take whatever they can and only don't have sex or girlfriends because they can't get them, are you genuinely trying to explain a group of men not being able to find girlfriends or wives with "they just have high standards" and another group being able to do so despite supposedly being repulsive with "Bruh, they just have low standards, it's obvious bro, that's why you inkwell"?:feelskek::feelskek:

I really hope that isn't what you were going for here. By that logic, nobody here might as well be incel.

There's one on incels.wiki just a few studies below the one you've posted here:


You can also look at the studies done in MENA itself instead of the WEst, such as this one, which found that more than half of the Egyptian women surveyed prefer brown skin the most, followed by a significant minority who preferred black skin, and with only about 10% of women picking white skin as the most attractive:

That's why marriage stats are so much better than just asking people on dating apps and so on what they prefer. The latter inevitably survey only a small segment of the population and can differ even app-to-app, nevermind area-to-area. Not so much with marriage stats, which look at the entire population and are very good at also telling you who's breeding who, which frankly is the only thing that really matters:


Again, you need to be at least normie to be able to get even those relationships, unless you're extremely well-off. Which the average betabuxxer isn't, he's just not an incel and capable of at least somewhat satisfy his wfe's financial wants, and it's the former that's the reason why most guys here couldn't even get that.
Another based post.

For OP:

White christcuck saying Jesus was brown

White Muslim saying Jesus was brown

And I doubt it anyways.
يلة ميخالف غطوه غطوه لل شاوي
ماكو داعي تنسخ و تلصق يا شامي يا شاوي حجيك كلة كوب ب كوب :feelskek:
So does the average white guy. This wasn't your initial argument though
the average mena struggles compared to the average westerner, I never thought I had to explain everything and go into detail for you to understand.

stick to the original topic,.

Not an argument. Stick to the topic
the only reason why I changed the topic to this is because you brought misrepresentation to justify arabs not being preferred. to summarize my post it was an answer of "no it wasn't you being misrepresented, they just hate you for being inferior and ugly and that's why they misrepresented you in the first place"

which brings us to:
you retarded low IQ sand monkey
scatterbrained fucker.
this is one reason why you're not white my friend, no matter how much you try to dissociate yourself from niggers and curries. سمعتك سابقتك بدون ما تسوي شي
as they say you know.
your low impulse control. your strictful religious beliefs and traditions (which I also believe in) I mean I could relate to all that. even though what you said is right, our kind is lowiq, superlowiq
يلة ميخالف غطوه غطوه لل شاوي
ماكو داعي تنسخ و تلصق يا شامي يا شاوي حجيك كلة كوب ب كوب :feelskek:

the average mena struggles compared to the average westerner, I never thought I had to explain everything and go into detail for you to understand.

the only reason why I changed the topic to this is because you brought misrepresentation to justify arabs not being preferred. to summarize my post it was an answer of "no it wasn't you being misrepresented, they just hate you for being inferior and ugly and that's why they misrepresented you in the first place"

which brings us to:

this is one reason why you're not white my friend, no matter how much you try to dissociate yourself from niggers and curries. سمعتك سابقتك بدون ما تسوي شي
as they say you know.
your low impulse control. your strictful religious beliefs and traditions (which I also believe in) I mean I could relate to all that. even though what you said is right, our kind is lowiq, superlowiq
How come you both are Iraqi but have polar opp views? :feelskek:

@svgmn1 Does the the average Iraqi there have views more like you or like @\Made in Heaven?
يلة ميخالف غطوه غطوه لل شاوي
ماكو داعي تنسخ و تلصق يا شامي يا شاوي حجيك كلة كوب ب كوب :feelskek:
Doesn't prove anything
the average mena struggles compared to the average westerner
Not part of the initial argument. Stick to the topic.
the only reason why I changed the topic to this is because you brought misrepresentation to justify arabs not being preferred.
Presenting us as pajeets is a factor in why Arabs are not preferred, because they think we look like them. Use your brain.
to summarize my post it was an answer of "no it wasn't you being misrepresented, they just hate you for being inferior and ugly and that's why they misrepresented you in the first place"
It was about misrepresentation, otherwise, you wouldn't see arabs in france, germany, sweden laying pipe on the local white women
this is one reason why you're not white my friend, no matter how much you try to dissociate yourself from niggers and curries. سمعتك سابقتك بدون ما تسوي شي
as they say you know.
your low impulse control. your strictful religious beliefs and traditions (which I also believe in) I mean I could relate to all that. even though what you said is right, our kind is lowiq, superlowiq
My pajeet radar is going off, again. You wouldn't be the first Jeet on this forum larping as an arab.
How come you both are Iraqi but have polar opp views? :feelskek:

@svgmn1 Does the the average Iraqi there have views more like you or like @\Made in Heaven?
He's probably another pajeet larping as an arab tbh

>muh studies though

No one wants down syndrome eyes, you dumb gook apologist.

View attachment 1241759
brother you're not an incel neither do you look worse than we do. you can literally bag a stacylite from MENA even with your fish looking asian Jay z face, but you choose the "whitu onry" mentality and you pay the toll for being retarded enough to believe that a stacy blonde chick will accept you (like the stunts some OF whores do to get more attention from criterias like yours, asians, a notable example is stpeach and her normie asian bf)
and you pay the toll for being so fucking picky and deluded.
brother Idk how this passes as a "gook apology" to you. if it's anything I'm ragebaiting chinks by telling them to fuck right off this forum fully knowing they have an unfathomable amount of ugly, incel tier males :feelskek:

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