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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

Oh, I forgot just one more thing to post today. :feelsEhh:

If you don't raise rates, you know by cutting rates for WallStreet because they're a bunch of short sighted myopic greedy retarded bastards, the dollar will even faster lose all appreciation of value depreciating at an even quicker pace. You're welcome by the way. :feelsdevil:

Tough call, hyperinflation or dollar death, what will it be suckers? How would you like your own asses served on a platter? What will it be? I would hate to be a government policy maker right about now.:feelskek::feelsclown:
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DOW -200.44
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Last four trading sessions, stock opening is in free fall, then like magic levitates upward, interesting.
Wide and very wild swings on the intraday for a national economy that supposedly has inflation under control. :feelsjuice:
"DOW rises on Facebook's Metaverse and jobless claims."

In other words on total bullshit and nothing at all, if you're going to fake shit you might as well say the DOW is rising on Disney shares at this point. Fake as fuck fraudulent markets, all of it. This bullshit farce grows more tiring by the day. If I can see through all of this, others do as well. :feelsjuice:
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Tomorrow's stock market headlines: "Disney shares are up, DOW up +666.00"


Quite the stock market and national economy we have here. You could even call it Disneyland economics. :feelsclown:

Mickey mouse crazy
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Why do I have a feeling we'll see a Pump Up Federal Reserve Friday Weekend? I don't even have to guess really, the likelihood of that happening tomorrow is like an 85% estimate just upon past previous behavior alone. If I had money and I made that bet I would hardly lose any money at all, a sure gamble. :feelsjuice:
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"Fed slows tightening."

Our very own Pontifex Maximus Jerome Powell didn't really say anything about slowing or even pausing, it was more on the desperate lines of we shall see, which if anything should deeply worry Pivot™ retards on WallStreet who are equally desperate as they're now beginning to feel the affects of previous rate hikes. Now why is that? Because a large majority of American companies are financially insolvent, what we have now is a giant game of chicken, the Federal Reserve is playing chicken with WallStreet, and WallStreet is playing a giant game of chicken with the Federal Reserve. Anybody ever play musical chairs when they were younger? There's only one chair left in the room full of thousands of people, good luck assholes. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Taxme musical chairs
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Being an older millennial man myself ever since the year 2000 my generation found out very quickly to our own dismay what women really value the most. Even when many young men at the time were being kicked out of their parents house with their lives entirely sacrificed, hordes of men thrown onto the streets being homeless, or even a majority of men working dead end jobs for minimum wage living in absolute penury millennial women had the audacity to say that they were oppressed by the so called male patriarchy. It was bullshit back then, it is still bullshit today. Overtime we knew through our experiences that women are incapable of love, fidelity, or even loyalty, instead women gravitate towards money, dominance, and power while seemingly claiming they're oppressed at the same time. Having seen how liberated females act towards men and the rest of the world around them I can safely say feminism was a grave mistake. I really like my thread here where an important question then becomes posed, what happens to a hypergamic gender who are bunch of vaginal capitalists in collapsing nation where money becomes worthless overnight, how do they then function afterward? I have pondered that question for many years now, I don't know what will happen with great certainty, but what I do know is that it will be pretty fucking hilarious to watch or observe. :feelsjuice:

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Last fifteen minutes. :feelsjuice:

DOW - 93.78
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Interesting to note that volume loss is a lot heavier today, very interesting. :feelsjuice:
DOW Jones is mildly down for the day, looks like it was sacrificed for the S&P500 and NASDAQ Index gains as that was the only thing upward in trajectory today, go figure.

As for tomorrow I will say 50/50 chance on being red or green as the usual motherfuckers love their green Friday weekends. Of course, there was a lot of volatility and wild swings in the DOW today that might carry forward tomorrow morning into the weekend. Time will tell what tomorrow's rotations will really be. :feelsjuice:

DOW -39.02
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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-lg6IvX7wCg
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QT= Slow road to hyperinflation, corporations go bankrupt everywhere and then bankrupts the entire U.S.
QE= Faster road to hyperinflation, corporations bankrupt themselves and then bankrupts the entire U.S.

Maybe WallStreet should just cut rates after all, fuck it, let them do it Jerome! Whatever burns this bitch into the ground even faster is my wish. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

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Fun fact: Slavery is actually still legal in the U.S., but only for people incarcerated. It was never truly abolished :feelsjuice:
With the modern totalitarian police state we have here everybody is basically already incarcerated, it's just that most of the population is too stupid to see it. :feelsjuice:
Most of the younger generations of Americans are impoverished, homelessness is up, unemployment is up, employment is down, the national economy is a disaster, and the dollar's demise is around the corner. Socialism if not outright communism is going to be very popular here very soon domestically, this coming from a political party of boomers and a severely out of touch minority of bourgeois who will be as poor as everybody else soon enough. God forbid you assholes do anything useful in the Senate or Congress while the United States implodes around everyone. I hate the democrat and republican party equally, you assholes are practically useless. Go fuck yourselves, eat shit and die. :feelsjuice:
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The thread
Any reason you use the DOW and not S&P 500 to track the market?
It's all tied together interconnected, the S&P500 and NASDAQ Index, but the DOW is the common exchange. :feelsjuice:
For anybody interested check out those false labor market reports, of course they're absolutely lying about unemployment and employment numbers along with job availability, but I guess that's what exceptional nations like ours simply just do in the name of chasing higher profits. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Amazon, sales down.
Ford, sales down.
Facebook, sales are down but they managed a corporate buyback of their own shares.

But hey, this is America, facts do not matter at all, let's squeeze a Friday rally into the weekend.
:feelsjuice: :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
"Why you should stop caring about the DOW Jones Industrial Average." - Yahoo Finance

How many times can we revise jobs, unemployment, and employment data before nobody believes what comes out of the Bullshit Lies & Statistics metrics? I've been watching off and on them with their blatantly false statistical revisionisms since 2008. You really get a glimpse of what an obvious fraud our government and nation really is.

When are we going to accept that this so called democratic republic is nothing more than a nation for the few rich and wealthy on the backs of the majority of people especially men that live in absolute squalor? There's nothing else to this nation really. Bastion of democracy, equality, human rights, and fair play my ass, nobody is under any delusions anymore. Every new fraud you people invent more and more people catch on daily. :feelsjuice:
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PMI looks like a car that has driven off a cliff and has exploded upon impact at the very bottom, but irrational exhuberance guides this market clearly. :feelsjuice:

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