Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill If You Failed At Both Social Life & Academics, Then You Aren't Incel, YOU ARE A FAILED NORMIE!

This is another elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. In relation to all my "anti-neet" threads I keep seeing so called incels replying as if they can only get minimum wage jobs and can never get a promotion or another job. That leaves me to believe that you have little to no academic qualifications, and that confuses me greatly because since I didn't have a social life, my only options were to be good at academics to secure an enjoyable future for myself, I gave up on my teens and 20's and decided I'd have to "start living" in my 30's.

How the fuck does one end up having a shitty social life AND STILL BE AN ACADEMIC FAILURE. That shit doesn't add up, YOU CHOSE TO IGNORE ACADEMICS, that's your fault, and from my perspective your inceldom doesn't count.

Now are there exceptions to the rule, like incels who were born with SIGNIFICANT physical and/or mental disabilities making them both low tier mentally and/or physically, of course, and those guys I can give a pass, but the term neet would in a sense be falsely applied if used to define those individuals because THEY HAVE NO CHOICE. They really can't work. Neetdom is spoken about as a LIFESTYLE CHOICE.

Most guys calling themselves neets are speaking about it in a way that implies choice, that they are doing so on purpose and its a "better strategy" than becoming a "wage slave". So a physically disabled and/or mentally disabled man isn't really a neet, he isn't choosing not to work, he is literally incapable of working effectively.

THE REST OF YOU ARE FAILED NORMIES. You were trying to "play both sides", you spent too much time trying to fit in and not enough time trying to excel academically, even when you knew "it was over for you". I think by at least 13 one should be competent enough to "know their lane in life", to be able to see what choices would yield the best benefit and which "routes" one currently lacks access to or may never gain access to. Like I said before, I started to notice pretty early in life that I was never really going to have much of a social life, so I abandoned it completely and focused to the best of me ability on my academics, if you failed at academics even when having no social life, and you had no significant disabilities, then you are just a failed normie.
Not every incel is talented in something useful or smart/intelligent enough to careermaxx. That is your first mistake. The second is that you underestimate how being socially bad stunts your job/career growth.
Maybe you should have properly read said wall of autism, I never claimed moneymaxxing will make you not be an incel, it just gives you more choices in life. Why limit your choices when your life is already shit, I already hate having a sexless life, I can't imagine living a sexless life where I'm also broke and have no way to improve my life, I'd kill myself in that situation.

A lot of you are just destined to eventually rope by being a neet and its like you don't realize it yet.

Last time I checked InCel means INVOLUNTARILY CELIBATE (celibacy relates to sex) and not INVOLUNTARILY LONELY (relates to "feeling wanted"), I've had to say this a few times to some users, but you are more InLon than InCel. I'm telling you being a TRADCON is more up your alley, because that more matches up with your goals.

JFL at the irony of considering yourself black pilled and still wanting relationships with women

You are driven by emotion not logic. How can you not see how illogical it is to accept that you are so ugly that most if not all women will find no attraction to you and still yearn to have someone genuinely "like you". Its the logical equivalent of accepting that gravity is real but still trying to jump off of a building hoping you can just glide down safely, your actions contradict your so called beliefs.

But I'm bad at math and have absolutely no discipline to do the learning process required for any well paying job by practicing it in school

If I'm not Einstein then I can't understand arithmetics, some people at just mathchads
Not every incel is talented in something useful or smart/intelligent enough to careermaxx. That is your first mistake. The second is that you underestimate how being socially bad stunts your job/career growth.

"Not every incel is talented in something useful or smart/intelligent enough to careermaxx. That is your first mistake."

Now are there exceptions to the rule, like incels who were born with SIGNIFICANT physical and/or mental disabilities making them both low tier mentally and/or physically, of course, and those guys I can give a pass

In this very thread I pointed this out as you can see, those guys get a pass.

"The second is that you underestimate how being socially bad stunts your job/career growth."

From this thread - https://incels.is/threads/neets-operate-on-the-same-bs-logic-as-mgtow.88268/
You see there's this skill called "pretending" that you get better at over time. I remember before I had my cashiers job I struggled to even smile at people or with them, the manager talked to me about it and said in this line of work I'd have to improve in stuff like that, so over time I just forced myself more and more to do it, and observed when to do it, etc, till it became part of my normal behaviour.

I don't underestimate, I understand it first hand, and I had to improve on that very thing in order to get promoted, as advised by my manager. Being social is something you get better at by observing and learning, no different than academics. You just copy others and ad some of your own personality to those copied behaviours, and then it seems genuine.
But I'm bad at math and have absolutely no discipline to do the learning process required for any well paying job by practicing it in school

If I'm not Einstein then I can't understand arithmetics, some people at just mathchads
I agree why does everyone assume that all ugly people are super talented in something or super smart/intelligent... smh
If I'm not Einstein then I can't understand arithmetics, some people at just mathchads

JFL I'm glad you made this point because I'm terrible at math, I completely failed an important math exam, I redid the exam the year after and got away with a "bare minimum pass". So no, I'm not a mathchad, and also, most jobs today require very little math knowledge. There really isn't much real world applicability to algebra, etc. Your boss isn't going to walk up to you with a giant traingle and says he needs your help finding the length of sides A and B or some shit JFL, math has no relevance here.

This is one of the most ridiculous excuses I've seen so far - "but I'm bad at math", yeah, a lot of people are, especially normies. You don't need much math skills to work, I don't see where you are going with this, seems like you are grasping for straws to find an excuse. This is some last resort level excuse.
JFL I'm glad you made this point because I'm terrible at math, I completely failed an important math exam, I redid the exam the year after and got away with a "bare minimum pass". So no, I'm not a mathchad, and also, most jobs today require very little math knowledge. There really isn't much real world applicability to algebra, etc. Your boss isn't going to walk up to you with a giant traingle and says he needs your help finding the length of sides A and B or some shit JFL, math has no relevance here.

This is one of the most ridiculous excuses I've seen so far - "but I'm bad at math", yeah, a lot of people are, especially normies. You don't need much math skills to work, I don't see where you are going with this, seems like you are grasping for straws to find an excuse. This is some last resort level excuse.
I was fucking with u

U literally have no discipline or the ability to learn behaviorial skills if u can't put in the smallest effort to practice basic algebra a few times

There's literally no intellectual or conceptual understanding is ANY job, all jobs ARE behaviorial

Literally math is the equivalent of your boss teaching you how to do things and then your boss asking you to do it (you're supposed to ask questions or Google shit). If u can't do something simple as following behaviorial instructions then you deserve a low paying job

Examine Chinese factory workers, they're paid more than Chinese farmers because they can follow instructions while a farmer sleeps in most of the day and works whenever they want and blames the government for everything

But ya see some people are just FunctioningEducatedAbleToFollowInstructionsChads
Just like looks, intelligence IS GENETIC.

I think it depends on what kind of incel you are, are you a literal genetic failure (mentally hanidcapped along with some physical deformation). then in that case being an incel doesn't make you intelligent.

Also it depends on how one uses the term intelligence, I think the usual usage (especially on this site) is false. I talked about this before on how I view intelligence

No, ones capacity for learning is genetic, one's competence in various fields of academics, and their ability to utilize their mind in real life situations is learned behavior. That's what I'm referring to when I say intelligence, maybe I used the term wrong.

Take someone with a genetic IQ of 500, but raise them in a primitive village in some tribe that lives on some remote island. How intelligent would you say that individual is, do you get my point. They'll never be exposed to any stimulus which becomes the impetus to utilize that IQ. Which is why I consider how one uses their mind to be the true indication of intelligence.

I hope people get the point of my analogy, rating ones genetic innate capacity as intelligence is somewhat false when you really look at it, because all you are rating is ones potential to learn, not what they've actually learned, and having potential doesn't mean said potential will be utilized.

So intelligence for me has always been what one does with their mind, and from what I've observed and experienced, incels are more predisposed to academic pursuits, and pursuits that train the mind, than the average normie, because we don't really have social lives

Many people wouldn’t have been academic failures if the depression that clouded their brain as a result of NOT HAVING A SOCIAL LIFE was taken away.

Again that's called being weak willed, that's your fault for choosing to be spineless, in fact its really illogical - "My life is complete shit, how about I double down on that and make it permanent shit as a result of it being shit, yeah that makes perfect sense, I'll have this comfy excuse to keep me warm at night"

Your logic here makes no sense if you tried even being a little bit introspective and think it through. You are depressed because your life is bad, so your logic is to lean on that depression as an excuse as to why your life is perpetually bad?. You just created a self fulfilling prophecy, congratulations.

That's retarded, why not fight through the depression, ignore it to the best of your ability and focus on trying to get what you want, where the fuck is your anger, because from my experience anger overrides depression 100% of the time.

I've been depressed, in fact on most days I am depressed, but I'm more angry than I am depressed, that anger fuels my hopes for future revenge on society.
Extremely low IQ thread.

Most incels are traumatized, broken people. I had literal panic attacks when I was in college while younger, and quit because of them. Now I'll try to get back in college at fucking 30 out of desperation because blue-collar jobs are an absolute hell and my only academic accomplishment so far is a 2 year course that allows me to be an English teacher, which I also don't want to do because dealing with the public, more especifically middle to upper classs white JBs, is suicide fuel to me.

Being successful academically is also not solely dependent on IQ, or free time. It has to do with conscientiousness as well. Which most incels don't have in any satisfactory level (including me).

"Incels have more time to study because they aren't busy with parties, etc" is largely a myth as well. Some guys are so high IQ they start disregarding anything sexual or social, but that's EXTREMELY rare. What usually happens is: you get jaded, broken and utterly unmotivated after 20+ years as an ugly ostracized and sex- and relationship-starved incel, which makes being successful at anything much harder than it is to some normie or Chad.

I also believe the reason women largely do better than men in education in general nowadays has do do with that. Back when I had women in my social circle, there was one who told me about her life while studying to get into uni (in Brazil there are admission tests done by the government, like in Japan).

"So, I just studied from Monday to Friday, and then went out and got myself a cute guy to fuck".

It's literally like that. Women don't get to feel depressed and jaded, nor do they have to waste time thinking about strategies and trying hard to get sex. They just snap their fingers and get it. And notice that Tinder didn't even exist yet by the time she told me that. Imagine nowadays.

Lol magnificent post, the female perspective is especially hilarious.

Not much to add except that in my experience exerting myself without much of a reward leads to uncontrollable mental resistance against that type of effort, similar to writer's block it becomes painful to return to a mental workspace where you exerted yourself and got very little in return, you need to unwind and let it go, sometimes for months. You just can't get a proper flow where you get enough positive energy coming in to keep you working on strenously difficult things at a good pace, at least not as a socially isolated sexless nerd.

It's good to be angry in theory, in practice it gets you nowhere with people.
Here's the problem OP

1200px MaslowsHierarchyOfNeeds

Would you care about being incel if you were starving? No you wouldn't as you have more pressing concerns. Similarly if you're depraved from any kind of social acceptance and love, you are not capable of giving a shit about achievements as you have more pressing concerns.
I’m going to apply for a job tomorrow, BlackPillPres has convinced me that I can do it. We’re just lazy and coasting off our parents’ backs or inheritances/government aid. You say you’re a tetraplegic? Well, fuck you, will yourself to walk because one out of a thousand people with your condition do it! What’s that? You have learning difficulties and can only do tasks that don’t pay the bills? I know a guy who overcame that through binaural beats so you’re a fucking slacker! Off to prepare my resume, fellas.
I’m going to apply for a job tomorrow, BlackPillPres has convinced me that I can do it. We’re just lazy and coasting off our parents’ backs or inheritances/government aid. You say you’re a tetraplegic? Well, fuck you, will yourself to walk because one out of a thousand people with your condition do it! What’s that? You have learning difficulties and can only do tasks that don’t pay the bills? I know a guy who overcame that through binaural beats so you’re a fucking slacker! Off to prepare my resume, fellas.

Message me with your resume, gentleman, sir.
Here's the problem OP

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Would you care about being incel if you were starving? No you wouldn't as you have more pressing concerns. Similarly if you're depraved from any kind of social acceptance and love, you are not capable of giving a shit about achievements as you have more pressing concerns.

Ironically you using this as an excuse shows you have a normie mindset, this is Maslow's hierarchy of needs if I remember, and its supposed to revolve around the general mindset of humans, if you are saying that you fall into that category, then its a self admission of not being black pilled.

Also the sex part also goes under "physiological", so that, self actualization and safety are the only ones that are important, the rest are more just social constructs that you've been mentally trained since birth to chase after, they are artificial and ego driven.

Ironically you using this as an excuse shows you have a normie mindset, this is Maslow's hierarchy of needs if I remember, and its supposed to revolve around the general mindset of humans, if you are saying that you fall into that category, then its a self admission of not being black pilled.

Also the sex part also goes under "physiological", so that, self actualization and safety are the only ones that are important, the rest are more just social constructs that you've been mentally trained since birth to chase after, they are artificial and ego driven.


Excuse for what? You dont know what Im doing with my life

My point is that education, career and such things are of lesser priority than intimacy which makes it much harder to focus on the task at hand even if it is the logically correct decision
You say you’re a tetraplegic? Well, fuck you, will yourself to walk because one out of a thousand people with your condition do it! What’s that

1. I've already said that guys who have significant mental and/or physical disabilites get a pass and are the exception so please stop with the BS strawman arguments because you've ran out of excuses to give yourself

2. Your 1 out of 1000 analogy is complete BS because the majority of the human population works, heck I personally know a guy who has incel tier facial looks, is balding, is both deaf and dumb, and he has a decent career and is paid rather well, he won't admit it but I'm pretty sure he escortcels with how low tier he is, he lives alone and has no children so I doubt he's betabuxxing.

Get the point yet idiots, your mental construct of reality is completely false. Working or being willing to work isn't this rare thing, ITS THE NORM. Most humans on this planet with some form of disability (that isn't too severe) are ACTUALLY WORKING or ASPIRING TO GET A JOB. Men like you are the pathetic exception who have convinced yourself that everyone else just gives up on themselves like you do.

We’re just lazy and coasting off our parents’ backs or inheritances/government aid.

I don't think you got the point of everything I'm saying, this isn't some moralfag "how dare you do this" argument. What I'm saying is you guys are illogical and you're annoying, you come on here everyday to complain about shit you know full well WILL NOT CHANGE BECAUSE YOU AREN'T DOING SHIT TO CHANGE IT.

Its like that moth that keeps flying into your light bulb over and over, at some point the clanking noise it makes while raming into the bulb gets annoying and I just get up, grab it, and kill it.

This isn't a "be more moral" or a "have more hope" post, this is a "you guys are pathetic and illogical retards, please STFU" post. Just kill yourselves already.

You've already established that you all are unwilling to do the one thing required to change your life for the better, and you don't enjoy your current lives, so either stop complaining about the same shit that you are PURPOSEFULLY DOING NOTHING TO CHANGE or simply KILL YOURSELF.
Well I guess I'm a failed normalfag then.
My point is that education, career and such things are of lesser priority than intimacy which makes it much harder to focus on the task at hand even if it is the logically correct decision

1. Its only a lesser priority based on your mindset, a theory isn't be all end all of a field of study, you are just accepting that chart as doctrine, I think its mostly false in its structure, it applies more to animals, but humans are more complicated than that and the social constructs we have created have flipped the pyramid in a way because everything is reversed as the top one can help you gain access to the bottom one, while in a natural setting one would have to have access to the bottom one to gain access to the top one.

If you have money you can buy food, sex, safety. If you have food it can't get you safety or sex, or money. So to me self actualization is way more important as long as you are a human living in modern society, maybe in the hunter/gatherer days this chart would hold more value, but its rather flawed for modern times.

2. Self esteem and love, don't really mean much to me, I don't have much self esteem to begin with and I don't care for it because I pretty much have no ego, I don't believe love actually exists, well not in the culturual romanticized sense of this "powerful bond". Its purely biological and there's nothing "mystical" about it as much as how normies hype it up in modern media in music, movies, tv, etc. It means nothing to me.

Literally the only thing I think is missing in my life, is a means to have consistent access to sex. If I can get that I'm good, I don't want validation, or affection, or for a woman to "love and care for me". I just want a submissive wet hole to fuck and to act out all my deepest sexual desires on, that's it.

JFL at all you so called black pillers that still have a blue pilled normie mindset, and you want to "fall in love" or "feel affection and validation". If you were truly black pilled you'd already have acknowledged that shit doesn't really matter and love doesn't really exist.
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Why does OP think that we’ll enjoy our lives if we’re working? I know that most people with disabilities work and they haven’t given up but guess what? They’re either :bluepill: and in similar positions to us or they have support networks like close family, friends, or perhaps partners whereas we don’t for the most part. Off to work we go where even if we enjoy our jobs, it’s back home to where we have nothing to do and nowhere to go. At a certain point, even if you have friends, they break off into couples and couples in groups while you’re invited out less and less.

Personally, if I find something annoying, I STOP encountering it if I can help it. When I was on PUAHate, I disliked the change in tone and the quickly cyclical nature of topics so I left. It seemed to me as though you were annoyed that your parents wanted you out and that some on here had better relationships with theirs, whatever. The great thing about the internet is that while it’s pervasive, you can choose to change the page, turn off that app, or plain turn it off. Why aggravate yourself when it’s clear that this view on NEETdom is the status quo?
Lol magnificent post, the female perspective is especially hilarious.

Not much to add except that in my experience exerting myself without much of a reward leads to uncontrollable mental resistance against that type of effort, similar to writer's block it becomes painful to return to a mental workspace where you exerted yourself and got very little in return, you need to unwind and let it go, sometimes for months. You just can't get a proper flow where you get enough positive energy coming in to keep you working on strenously difficult things at a good pace, at least not as a socially isolated sexless nerd.

It's good to be angry in theory, in practice it gets you nowhere with people.
High IQ. I noticed that as well while playing in bands (I was a drummer for a long time). All that effort and stress going to waste (since none of my bands was ever successful, not even enough to make some decent money) eventually drove me out of that for good. I still like music and to play instruments, but I don't have the heart to deal with the other band mates and other band stuff again.

Here's the problem OP

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Would you care about being incel if you were starving? No you wouldn't as you have more pressing concerns. Similarly if you're depraved from any kind of social acceptance and love, you are not capable of giving a shit about achievements as you have more pressing concerns.
100% correct.
>Puts ‘blackpill press’ for a username
>Is sanctimonious and utterly bluepilled when it comes to the workplace
>I'm not special, but I struggled and turned my life around. If I can do it, anyone can.
If you have not completely given up, you're not truly blackpilled.

I can't see how, after taking and digesting the blackpill, one can ever do anything but give up totally and either LDARcope or ROPE.
If you have not completely given up, you're not truly blackpilled.

I can't see how, after taking and digesting the blackpill, one can ever do anything but give up totally and either LDARcope or ROPE.

>Completely given up
>Hasn't committed suicide yet

I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word "completely"

I refer back to my previous post:

Just kill yourselves already.

You've already established that you all are unwilling to do the one thing required to change your life for the better, and you don't enjoy your current lives, so either stop complaining about the same shit that you are PURPOSEFULLY DOING NOTHING TO CHANGE or simply KILL YOURSELF.

If you had given up completely then there is only one option, not LDAR, stop dancing around it, the only option is to just kill yourself. So none of you have "completely" given up either, you're like in this weird state of limbo where you've given up on doing anything to benefit your own existence, and yet you won't just end said existence.
>Hasn't committed suicide yet
I'm working on it boyo. And roping is not for everyone. Some truecels would prefer to cope for life.

The truth is that if you're not LDARing, if you haven't given up, if you're not either coping or roping; then you're not TRULY BLACKPILLED!
A life of traumatic experiences and rejection due to being an ugly male.

Yeah, I know the drill. "Just man up, bro". I could use the same argument to call pretty much anyone here a volcel. "You're weak willed bro, did you even approach 10.000 girls already? Fucking weak-willed volcel". But this is not reasonable. Also, like aforementioned, people have different life experiences and capacities to deal with shit. I didn't feel like putting effort back then, and still don't feel like it now (but will anyway since there's not much choice at this point), sorry for not "manning up" like a society that hates me wants me to.

Really? You sound like a typical macho type conservative to me. My father is also like that.

"What, 30 years of being an ugly fucker going through traumatic experiences and rejection daily, as well as missing all the developmental milestones due to your ugliness, made you broken and unmotivated? Well too bad, just man up and do what a man has to do anyway".

You guys should focus that type of shit on women a bit for a change. Reprehend them for not "womaning up" and being decent wives and mothers instead of the whores they're now.


OP, I appreciate your effort to destroy stereotypes of incels being stupid/NEET. As an academicmaxxer who will hopefully in the future Jewmaxx (make a shit ton of money on my own terms by exploiting others), I see where you're coming from. But the truth is mental illness and a lack of capital to invest in college means tons of people on these forums face inherent disadvantages that are caused not by their "lack of willpower" but because of actual societal factors that cannot be cured by manning up. Grow up a little and understand that not everything depends on "free will".
I'm working on it boyo. And roping is not for everyone. Some truecels would prefer to cope for life.

The truth is that if you're not LDARing, if you haven't given up, if you're not either coping or roping; then you're not TRULY BLACKPILLED!

Please don't conflate the black pill with the soy pill, giving up sounds like something some weak willed faggot would do. If you want to be pathetic then that's your choice, but please don't project your faggotry onto the black pill, its an insult to the entire concept. The black pill is a bleak outlook on life, but in no way does it imply giving up on everything, I'd argue it implies the opposite.

For some reason I remembered this quote JFL -
not everything depends on "free will".
Obviously but wtf does that have to do with working, nothing you claimed in your post stops someone from having educational pursuits, were not talking about incels born ins some remote rural village in africa, a lot of the guys I'm talking to were born in and are currently living in countries that are better than mines, with a better educational system and a monetary unit that has a higher exchange rate.

I likely came out of a poorer family that most of you here, so I call BS.
"everybody is fakecel except me" thread #3304
giving up sounds like something some weak willed faggot would do
If your "inceldom" can be fixed, then you're not truly incel, you were just lazy.

You just don't get it, we're not all like you. I have no potential, don't you think I've already tried?
How does such a responsible, high IQ user have so much time on their hands they can afford to argue with the rest of us peasants?
Shouldn't you be solving the cure to cancer or some other shit blkpillpress?

I'm a NEET and I don't have as much time as you to post on here. Incredible my man.
don't you think I've already tried?

I'm sure you've "tried", but effort is relative to ones will, and for you based on your own words that's pretty low, my 50% effort may be your 100% effort.

Also to quote Yoda - "Do or do not, there is no try"

If your "inceldom" can be fixed, then you're not truly incel, you were just lazy.

When have I said that making these life changes are going to make you attractive, never made that claim, its not going to make women want to have sex with you, but at least it'll give you a chance to wealthmaxx so you at least have access to better copes, or can even pay for sex if you want to.

Never claimed this was about fixing inceldom

How does such a responsible, high IQ user have so much time on their hands they can afford to argue with the rest of us peasants?
Shouldn't you be solving the cure to cancer or some other shit blkpillpress?

1. I'm on vacation

2. If I was smart enough to cure cancer, I'd more likely use those skills to create an air born virus that makes all females born be affected by a perfect form of turners syndrome (perfect as in without the defects). Basically making all women born from that point on be loli's till their death (Bodies would stop growing by age 13 or so, they'd all look like young teens for most of their life)

Oh and turners syndrome only affects females, so its the perfect thing to create, if I had some secret organization with millions at my disposal, I'd have my scientists working on this. I'd get charged for crimes against humanity but oh well.

I'm a NEET and I don't have as much time as you to post on here. Incredible my man.

I was actually off the site for a few months because the posts began to get boring and repetitive (recently came back), hated the repetitive content, much like your endless "I hate being black" threads like you don't get tired of saying the same shit. I only recently made a few threads that were anti-neet, go through my post history and a lot of them are pretty different.

I'll likely go into being inactive a few month from now due to the same thing.
Ever heard of depression or lack of motivation?
Ever heard of depression or lack of motivation?
Ever heard of excuses, seriously if you're going to let that stop you from getting what you want then you don't really want anything to begin with and should just stop complaining

The only men with a legitimate excuse, are the ones born with significant mental and/or physical defects/disabilities.

Seriously think about how trivial and stupid such an excuse sounds, also look at how illogical it is if you put it in the form of a sequence

>I am depressed because my life is shit
>I don't do anything to improve life because my depression deprives me of motivation
>I continue to remain depressed because my life is shit

You've created a self fulfilling prophecy at that point, an endless loop, because you've made it so that you would remain perpetually depressed. You're going to have to break through the "first barrier" of depression if you ever want to escape it forever being a part of your life.

I'm not questioning the morals or ethics of neets, I'm questioning their logic, and if you're being honest you know its 100% illogical to be a neet, especially if you're going to come on this site everyday and complain about how bad your life is.

Neet = Volcel, sex costs money, if you have chosen a lifestyle that leaves you without money, then you are denying yourself access to sex. Neets basically have a self created barrier outside of their looks keeping them from getting laid. So now they are both ugly and to top it off, can't even make a woman interested in them financially.

They also speak about it as though they are doing something to society by "withholding their labor" when we know full well it makes no difference at all

Being incel and choosing to be a neet reminds me of this phrase, and I think it fits perfectly - "cutting your nose off to spite your face"
Depends on what you want. If you are satisfied with the living standards you have now, good for you. If I had enough money for my day to day needs I would probably NEET. I envy NEETS because of the freedom they have. I still have goals like escortcelling, traveling (as gay as it sounds), buying shit like a decent gaming pc, living in an own apartament without any flatmates, but don't have the money needed for that. Neetcels are lucky to:
- Have parents
- Have parents that make enought money
- Have parents that are willing to accomodate them
If I don't finish STEMcelling and get a decent job I would have to survive with a shitty minimum wage job full of filthy normalfaggots, which is worse than a high payng job full of filthy normalfaggots. For me that is motivation enough.
As a STEMcel if I get a decent payng job and still live frugally like I do now, In a few years I can buy a house, rent it out and live off the passive income. I can work if I find a job I like, I can quit if i don't. To have money is to be free. Normalfaggots can never bee free because they always want more, spend it all on stupid expensive shit and have to work more to make it up. Meanwhile I will never betabux, never raise children and never buy overpriced shit.
tl;dr NEETS have no idea how good they have it.
Ever heard of excuses, seriously if you're going to let that stop you from getting what you want then you don't really want anything to begin with and should just stop complaining

The only men with a legitimate excuse, are the ones born with significant mental and/or physical defects/disabilities.

Seriously think about how trivial and stupid such an excuse sounds, also look at how illogical it is if you put it in the form of a sequence

>I am depressed because my life is shit
>I don't do anything to improve life because my depression deprives me of motivation
>I continue to remain depressed because my life is shit

You've created a self fulfilling prophecy at that point, an endless loop, because you've made it so that you would remain perpetually depressed. You're going to have to break through the "first barrier" of depression if you ever want to escape it forever being a part of your life.

I'm not questioning the morals or ethics of neets, I'm questioning their logic, and if you're being honest you know its 100% illogical to be a neet, especially if you're going to come on this site everyday and complain about how bad your life is.

Neet = Volcel, sex costs money, if you have chosen a lifestyle that leaves you without money, then you are denying yourself access to sex. Neets basically have a self created barrier outside of their looks keeping them from getting laid. So now they are both ugly and to top it off, can't even make a woman interested in them financially.

They also speak about it as though they are doing something to society by "withholding their labor" when we know full well it makes no difference at all

Being incel and choosing to be a neet reminds me of this phrase, and I think it fits perfectly - "cutting your nose off to spite your face"
Im not neet but working a shitty job
I failed at growing tall and I failed at keeping the hair in my head.
I feel like it should be pointed out that an academic degree does not guarantee a job or better pay, just saying.
I was actually off the site for a few months because the posts began to get boring and repetitive (recently came back), hated the repetitive content, much like your endless "I hate being black" threads like you don't get tired of saying the same shit. I only recently made a few threads that were anti-neet, go through my post history and a lot of them are pretty different.
You have literally twice as many NEET bashing threads as I have "I hate being Black" threads.
Don't believe me? Check yourself, it's my 2 to your 4.

Even by your own standards you're a shitty poster.
I agree
Just like looks, intelligence IS GENETIC. For many of us, being a social outcast only hampers our grades as we are too depressed to focus. Not everyone has the mental capacity to be able to cope with being a shut in.

You can get better with study but there’s only so far you can go if you don’t have the intrinsic ability to begin with. Several people just simply can’t do better for themselves than a minimum wage job even without having a substantial mental impairment no matter how hard they study.
Also true
I feel like it should be pointed out that an academic degree does not guarantee a job or better pay, just saying.

I agree, job markets are tough, especially in certain countries, but there's always entrepreneurship, something I think a lot of people underestimate. I know guys who are street vendors that make more per day that an office worker who most people would rank as having a "better job", they often work shorter hours too, if you are selling in a busy area. One old guy I know starts selling early in the morning (around 6 am) and is completely out of stock by 11 am, that's the end of his day, and he's made more in that day than a lot of office workers do.

A lot of people just don't get into that kind of work because it doesn't look or feel "prestigious" but I would not mind doing something like that.
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Most people here seem to agree that this post is super low IQ, and it is. It's also sort of indirectly bluepilled and should be taken down. I had mental barriers and problems that made me fail school which is why I had to appeal and got accepted back in with my financial aid money given back to me. The government wouldn't give someone money back unless they had extenuating circumstances and this is all before I get into inceldom affecting our ability in school.

I don't know how the MINORITY of incels are able to pass school and do well. They must have had everything besides looks and affection going for them. Most jobs are given by networking, a small amount by applying and showing the only merit that can be shown. Grades. No one knows how those grade are earned. Incels don't have friends and aren't like women who can leech off people in school. You either have a social life AND grades, or you have none. A different combination of the two is rare. Not having social skills and friends is a barrier to doing well academically.
Most people here seem to agree that this post is super low IQ, and it is. It's also sort of indirectly bluepilled and should be taken down. I had mental barriers and problems that made me fail school which is why I had to appeal and got accepted back in with my financial aid money given back to me. The government wouldn't give someone money back unless they had extenuating circumstances and this is all before I get into inceldom affecting our ability in school.

I don't know how the MINORITY of incels are able to pass school and do well. They must have had everything besides looks and affection going for them. Most jobs are given by networking, a small amount by applying and showing the only merit that can be shown. Grades. No one knows how those grade are earned. Incels don't have friends and aren't like women who can leech off people in school. You either have a social life AND grades, or you have none. A different combination of the two is rare. Not having social skills and friends is a barrier to doing well academically.

I've had a dozen jobs by calling, emailing or applying online

I had scholarships and easy grades by fucking listening because you're an abomination to be put down if u can't even follow directions

Roasties get good grades because they're followers. Follow the directions you fucking imbecile

You're not doing research, you're doing low level plug it in formulas @BlkPillPres
You have literally twice as many NEET bashing threads as I have "I hate being Black" threads.
Don't believe me? Check yourself, it's my 2 to your 4.

Even by your own standards you're a shitty poster.

Neets are an aggravating group, you are somehow half as aggravated by your own-self JFL.

Its like comparing how many mosquitos I've killed to how many butterflys you've killed, and you're like - "see I've killed less insects than you".
This is another elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. In relation to all my "anti-neet" threads I keep seeing so called incels replying as if they can only get minimum wage jobs and can never get a promotion or another job. That leaves me to believe that you have little to no academic qualifications, and that confuses me greatly because since I didn't have a social life, my only options were to be good at academics to secure an enjoyable future for myself, I gave up on my teens and 20's and decided I'd have to "start living" in my 30's.

How the fuck does one end up having a shitty social life AND STILL BE AN ACADEMIC FAILURE. That shit doesn't add up, YOU CHOSE TO IGNORE ACADEMICS, that's your fault, and from my perspective your inceldom doesn't count.

Now are there exceptions to the rule, like incels who were born with SIGNIFICANT physical and/or mental disabilities making them both low tier mentally and/or physically, of course, and those guys I can give a pass, but the term neet would in a sense be falsely applied if used to define those individuals because THEY HAVE NO CHOICE. They really can't work. Neetdom is spoken about as a LIFESTYLE CHOICE.

Most guys calling themselves neets are speaking about it in a way that implies choice, that they are doing so on purpose and its a "better strategy" than becoming a "wage slave". So a physically disabled and/or mentally disabled man isn't really a neet, he isn't choosing not to work, he is literally incapable of working effectively.

THE REST OF YOU ARE FAILED NORMIES. You were trying to "play both sides", you spent too much time trying to fit in and not enough time trying to excel academically, even when you knew "it was over for you". I think by at least 13 one should be competent enough to "know their lane in life", to be able to see what choices would yield the best benefit and which "routes" one currently lacks access to or may never gain access to. Like I said before, I started to notice pretty early in life that I was never really going to have much of a social life, so I abandoned it completely and focused to the best of me ability on my academics, if you failed at academics even when having no social life, and you had no significant disabilities, then you are just a failed normie.
lol i still cant believe you are the person who made those blackpill presentation videos, you have to be a larp.

you have made so many consistant threads bashing incels, ridiculing them and telling them they arent incel.


I hope u get banned for this post tbh
Yeah but op doesn't get it and thinks that every dumb low iq incel is capable of studying computer engineering successfully...
this guy hasnt made any content in a year, but decides to be a hypocrite and make these videos

its a larp cant you tell?

look at the content creator and his post, nothing blackpill and incel at all.

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