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LifeFuel I will approach 1000 girls and find a GF

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It wouldn't matter what Chad says though, since the cornerstrone of successful conversation is being physically attractive, and thus planning or not makes no difference. This is the reason why uninstall struggles, because the roasties judge only by his looks and those that do like any attention get their validation then pull the bf card. Still, respect for uninstall is deserved! He's trying his best to ascend and sticking to a goal he set himself. Motivation as an incel can be quite hard and limited in execution.
Good point....all this time I actually have been thinking, "well, at least I can give the guy some credit for his perseverence, no doubt about it."

Didn't intend to be "anti-", but whenever I have a conversation with a woman, I'm too nervous/self-absorbed/uncomfortable/wanna-get-the-hell-outta-there to really think about what SHE thinks about the shape of my nose or "strength" of my jaw and chin, or the rest of my face for that matter. I just don't even think about that stuff. I promise no more antagonism, perceived or otherwise.
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No. 1000 girls will reject you if you're an incel . looks are everything bro.
I don't see the point of doing anything different from the way OP's doing it. If she's willing to lie about having a BF, then even if OP pushes and gets a number and even a date, she didn't like him enough in the first place for him to be able to avoid potential cuck status.
there's no way to approach girl if you're ugly; i was rejected by 2000 girls included paraplegic, deaf, retard, fat retard
if a girl like you she's approach you, she sends signal of interests, like they do with chad/attractive boys, do you really think chads spend
time approaching hundreds girls? no they just wait for signals of interests, they have a pretty face so they get girls even if retard
Many of you don't comperehend the following, yet you claimed black pilled.

Situational success vs. Game Plan

Let's say that you have been approaching foids in a specific way and it all results in rejections. Naturally, you decide to change something.

You change it on the next foid and she is responsive.

You conclude that your change was the deciding factor.

But this ain't fucking baseball or wallstreet. What could have happened is simply this - the foid liked you and she would have reacted positively to your old approach too.

This idea is proven by the fact that when you continue to approach with your new and improved opener or whatever, you eventually receive another good dose of rejections.

In other words, your success was situational rather than the result of your new and improved game.

You simply stumbled upon a foid that find your looks and presence acceptable at that moment.
This is right bit assumes the remaining foid respond negatively. Try different stuff.
Can't we get this thread stickied ffs...
If you approach 10 women and all of them think you are physically unattractive then you could literally approach 50,000 more and get the same identical result nomatter what you say/do.

Just because the first 10 females you approach don't find you physically attractive says precisely nothing about what the 11th is going to think... let alone the remaining 49,989.

Unless you are universally attractive to every woman (maybe 1% of males), then attraction is relative to the individual person. They may be into black guys, or not; They may be into the tattooed biker look, or not; They may have a thing for abs, or they may prefer a dad bod. People don't choose what they find attractive, it is psychologically instantiated throughout their life experience. Notwithstanding certain physical features that 'all' members of a given sex seem to find universally attractive, like boobs for men and height for females. But having 'all' of those features is not a hard requisite to being attractive to at least 'some' percentage of the population.

Also, despite what many refuse to acknowledge for reasons that I can only imagine are severe cope, social skills actually really really reeeeeally matter. But don't take my word for it, there are literally entire sections of the bookstore dedicated to scientifically backed psychological literature on the subjects of social charisma how it interrelates to attraction.

And before you even go there, the 80/20 rule only applies to Tinder studies with regards to pure physical attractiveness precisely BECAUSE it takes all other variables out of the equation virtually by definition.

You need to be atleast 4-7 points above the woman, tall and white to have a shot with her from cold approach.

Yeah, so this is just flat out false. Hypergamy describes the phenomenon of females dating across and up the social hierarchy. ACROSS.

This literally means that a female WILL date and mate with a male that she perceives as being of at least EQUAL sexual market value as herself. And there are FAR more factors that affect a female's assessment of a male's smv than merely looks.

What's more, these factors are weighted with different degrees of importance depending on a variety of factors as well. Things such as age, relationship goals (hookup vs ltr), upbringing, cultural expectations, and even ovulation cycle ALL affect which variables in a males smv are most salient, or even relevant.

For example, a 7/10, 5'4 28 year old Asian female who was raised by more traditional parents might completely ignore Tyrone when he cold approaches her, but jump at the opportunity to go out with a 6/10 faced, 5'6 asian man with a stable career than earns even slightly more than her.

This is because she's in her epiphany phase looking for a reliable partner to start a family with. And while she would certainly have jumped Tyrone's bones when she was 23 and not interested in long term prospects, because looks were the only relevant factor at that time and Tyrone's parental qualities and social stigma mattered precisely zero, now that she is looking for a man to start a family with, the asian man's social stigma and career stability increase his smv to the point where he is at the same level, or even above our hypothetical Asian foid.

Now I know y'all are gonna cry betabux and cuck until the cows come home, but frankly this is cope to the nth degree.

A.) Regarding betabux, No.. cuz in this case he only needs to be earning 'slightly' more to compensate for his 1 point lower face. If he was a 7/10 like her, he could be earning the same as her or even slightly less and she would still go for him. That's called an even trade.

B.) If you call this cuck because you think she can't 'really' lust after him the way she lusted after Chad in the early 20's, you're both wrong AND being a choosy beggar. Firstly, she actually CAN lust after him, it's just that the priorities for what ignites her passions have shifted (there are studies that prove this), and secondly your basically saying 'I refuse to accept a relationship with a female unless she is as sexually attracted to me as she is to the top 5% of attractive males.. even though I'm actually in the bottom 50%.' That's unreasonable and actually impossible. Just imagine a 3/10 landwhale expecting you to desire her as if she was a Victoria secret model.. If that's not delusional autistic as fuck thinking, then I don't know what is.
How many r u up 2 now?
She may actually not be 100% sure, she may be contemplating if she wants to go out with you or not and then giving her an "out" just makes it that much easier for her to say "no." Just because she is unsure, that doesn't mean she isn't interested in you. It's quite a commitment to give a random guy your number.
100% Also, getting the number gives you a chance to use a time constraint excuse to end the interaction while you haven't fucked it up yet, and then continue to work her up to the point where she feels comfortable enough to say yes to an actual date at a later time.

Point in case. I've been using that method and now have my first date in almost 5 years set up for later tonight.
How many r u up 2 now?
100% Also, getting the number gives you a chance to use a time constraint excuse to end the interaction while you haven't fucked it up yet, and then continue to work her up to the point where she feels comfortable enough to say yes to an actual date at a later time.

Point in case. I've been using that method and now have my first date in almost 5 years set up for later tonight.

good for you

i wish you the best - hope she is the one

maybe this is the end of your suffering


Approaches 24/7/2018

0. Approached some foid that l think l have approached before.

She ignored me. I am 90 percent positive l have approached her and will not count it.

1. Everything was perfect in terms of her reactions but right from the start l could sense that she was not into me.

When I asked her if she has a bf she said maybe l have maybe I don't.

Then l said so no.

She said - you are a good inspector and smiled

We talked for 2 more minutes l asked for number

She said no In a rude way.

She had fine body but face ridden with acne and was 27 but looked 32.

The convo was longer than expected and not all my lines were said with the firm intonation l like but fuck it.

2.lol pretty funny person

Good reaction at first but...not so much later when I failed to guess her age. I said 26 she was 21

Two more lines later, she said it was nice meeting you in a rude way.


Don't ask me to guess ur age if u can't handle the truth foid

She was acne ridden too... WTF foids

3.make up to the maxxx but body

Made for penor insertion --- hole shift

Here's the convo:

Hi. You look like someone l would kiss.

She smiled and said l am in a hurry.

Where are you going?

To meet my boyfriend.

Ah..so lying is your super power

She was already leaving and said no.

Good luck in life then

4. She was with headphones and made me a sign not to talk to her. She was taller than me if that mattered in this case.

5. She was walking a dog. Had no bra lmfao

May have been too old even for me.

Ignored me. Kept walking and looking at her phone.

786 to go
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good for you

i wish you the best - hope she is the one

maybe this is the end of your suffering


Approaches 24/7/2018

0. Approached some foid that l think l have approached before.

She ignored me. I am 90 percent positive l have approached her and will not count it.

1. Everything was perfect in terms of her reactions but right from the start l could sense that she was not into me.

When I asked her if she has a bf she said maybe l have maybe I don't.

Then l said so no.

She said - you are a good inspector and smiled

We talked for 2 more minutes l asked for number

She said no In a rude way.

She had fine body but face ridden with acne and was 27 but looked 32.

The convo was longer than expected and not all my lines were said with the firm intonation l like but fuck it.

2.lol pretty funny person

Good reaction at first but...not so much later when I failed to guess her age. I said 26 she was 21

Two more lines later, she said it was nice meeting you in a rude way.


Don't ask me to guess ur age if u can't handle the truth foid

She was acne ridden too... WTF foids

3.make up to the maxxx but body

Made for penor insertion --- hole shift

Here's the convo:

Hi. You look like someone l would kiss.

She smiled and said l am in a hurry.

Where are you going?

To meet my boyfriend.

Ah..so lying is your super power

She was already leaving and said no.

Good luck in life then

4. She was with headphones and made me a sign not to talk to her. She was taller than me if that mattered in this case.

5. She was walking a dog. Had no bra lmfao

May have been too old even for me.

Ignored me. Kept walking and looking at her phone.

786 to go
Dear god you've already approached 214 without any of them willing to fuck? May Allah bless you.
good for you

i wish you the best - hope she is the one

maybe this is the end of your suffering


Approaches 24/7/2018

0. Approached some foid that l think l have approached before.

She ignored me. I am 90 percent positive l have approached her and will not count it.

1. Everything was perfect in terms of her reactions but right from the start l could sense that she was not into me.

When I asked her if she has a bf she said maybe l have maybe I don't.

Then l said so no.

She said - you are a good inspector and smiled

We talked for 2 more minutes l asked for number

She said no In a rude way.

She had fine body but face ridden with acne and was 27 but looked 32.

The convo was longer than expected and not all my lines were said with the firm intonation l like but fuck it.

2.lol pretty funny person

Good reaction at first but...not so much later when I failed to guess her age. I said 26 she was 21

Two more lines later, she said it was nice meeting you in a rude way.


Don't ask me to guess ur age if u can't handle the truth foid

She was acne ridden too... WTF foids

3.make up to the maxxx but body

Made for penor insertion --- hole shift

Here's the convo:

Hi. You look like someone l would kiss.

She smiled and said l am in a hurry.

Where are you going?

To meet my boyfriend.

Ah..so lying is your super power

She was already leaving and said no.

Good luck in life then

4. She was with headphones and made me a sign not to talk to her. She was taller than me if that mattered in this case.

5. She was walking a dog. Had no bra lmfao

May have been too old even for me.

Ignored me. Kept walking and looking at her phone.

786 to go
dude stop this madness ur crazy and they will arrest you, you live in germany but yiu are from eastern europe right, still i like you you seems sympathetic :D
dude stop this madness ur crazy and they will arrest you, you live in germany but yiu are from eastern europe right, still i like you you seems sympathetic :D

i can't bro

i am a stubborn and resilient brick wall

i said i will do it and i will keep going
good for you

i wish you the best - hope she is the one

maybe this is the end of your suffering

Thanks man, but I'm not building it up. Just gonna count it as a start and try to have fun and learn something.

Good luck to you as well.
Just because the first 10 females you approach don't find you physically attractive says precisely nothing about what the 11th is going to think... let alone the remaining 49,989.

Unless you are universally attractive to every woman (maybe 1% of males), then attraction is relative to the individual person. They may be into black guys, or not; They may be into the tattooed biker look, or not; They may have a thing for abs, or they may prefer a dad bod. People don't choose what they find attractive, it is psychologically instantiated throughout their life experience. Notwithstanding certain physical features that 'all' members of a given sex seem to find universally attractive, like boobs for men and height for females. But having 'all' of those features is not a hard requisite to being attractive to at least 'some' percentage of the population.

Also, despite what many refuse to acknowledge for reasons that I can only imagine are severe cope, social skills actually really really reeeeeally matter. But don't take my word for it, there are literally entire sections of the bookstore dedicated to scientifically backed psychological literature on the subjects of social charisma how it interrelates to attraction.

And before you even go there, the 80/20 rule only applies to Tinder studies with regards to pure physical attractiveness precisely BECAUSE it takes all other variables out of the equation virtually by definition.

Yeah, so this is just flat out false. Hypergamy describes the phenomenon of females dating across and up the social hierarchy. ACROSS.

This literally means that a female WILL date and mate with a male that she perceives as being of at least EQUAL sexual market value as herself. And there are FAR more factors that affect a female's assessment of a male's smv than merely looks.

What's more, these factors are weighted with different degrees of importance depending on a variety of factors as well. Things such as age, relationship goals (hookup vs ltr), upbringing, cultural expectations, and even ovulation cycle ALL affect which variables in a males smv are most salient, or even relevant.

For example, a 7/10, 5'4 28 year old Asian female who was raised by more traditional parents might completely ignore Tyrone when he cold approaches her, but jump at the opportunity to go out with a 6/10 faced, 5'6 asian man with a stable career than earns even slightly more than her.

This is because she's in her epiphany phase looking for a reliable partner to start a family with. And while she would certainly have jumped Tyrone's bones when she was 23 and not interested in long term prospects, because looks were the only relevant factor at that time and Tyrone's parental qualities and social stigma mattered precisely zero, now that she is looking for a man to start a family with, the asian man's social stigma and career stability increase his smv to the point where he is at the same level, or even above our hypothetical Asian foid.

Now I know y'all are gonna cry betabux and cuck until the cows come home, but frankly this is cope to the nth degree.

A.) Regarding betabux, No.. cuz in this case he only needs to be earning 'slightly' more to compensate for his 1 point lower face. If he was a 7/10 like her, he could be earning the same as her or even slightly less and she would still go for him. That's called an even trade.

B.) If you call this cuck because you think she can't 'really' lust after him the way she lusted after Chad in the early 20's, you're both wrong AND being a choosy beggar. Firstly, she actually CAN lust after him, it's just that the priorities for what ignites her passions have shifted (there are studies that prove this), and secondly your basically saying 'I refuse to accept a relationship with a female unless she is as sexually attracted to me as she is to the top 5% of attractive males.. even though I'm actually in the bottom 50%.' That's unreasonable and actually impossible. Just imagine a 3/10 landwhale expecting you to desire her as if she was a Victoria secret model.. If that's not delusional autistic as fuck thinking, then I don't know what is.
Please ban this dirty cuck.
i can't bro

i am a stubborn and resilient brick wall

i said i will do it and i will keep going
why dont you change your strategy , dont make so aout of the blue creepy guy type thing. make it more smooth, like practice more awareness of ur suroundings and make ur moves acording to it, dont be lazy and just go to street foids and malls that happens to be in ur way. Go to pools, parks , get a dog lets say here is a good topic to start convo with stranget foid, or go to bookstores, hmm this book what do u think of that novel and so on. hope u get my drift , and from then she can relax and maybe u will get some poon, and for fuck sakes stop with the do u have bf question man, remember that does not matter to u , she may have but the world is full with case where the foid dumped for other cok , that question with the bf STOP IT
Please ban this dirty cuck.
Banned for what exactly? Expressing fact based opinions that don't agree with your rigid and ignorant ideological beliefs?

Also, please point out where I'm a cuck and I'll be happy to have a conversation about why you're correct.
I hope you are are fluent in German
he said before on his threat that on of the girls was from LIVAN it means LEBANON but only people from eastern europe call it LIVAN I know coz im from EE
Have been following your thread . I am curious how you look? Face, height etc
dude stop this madness ur crazy and they will arrest you, you live in germany but yiu are from eastern europe right, still i like you you seems sympathetic :D
THIS. I'm tellin' you, man, take his advice......this might not turn out well for you. There is a little statute on the books about a thing called....harassment.
THIS. I'm tellin' you, man, take his advice......this might not turn out well for you. There is a little statute on the books about a thing called....harassment.

nah brah

i keep going

i will brute force through this shithole
nah brah

i keep going

i will brute force through this shithole
Do you have high hopes that you will find a gf before your 1000 approaches are done with? Or are you pessimistic now from all of the rejections?
@uninstall Though we still wan't to know what your face is /10....
Regards to your post

Hi. You look like someone l would kiss.

She smiled and said l am in a hurry.

Where are you going?

To meet my boyfriend.

Ah..so lying is your super power

She was already leaving and said no.

Good luck in life then

You seem to be getting better at this, compared to the aspie "aRe u sYmPathTetic"
Just because the first 10 females you approach don't find you physically attractive says precisely nothing about what the 11th is going to think... let alone the remaining 49,989.

Unless you are universally attractive to every woman (maybe 1% of males), then attraction is relative to the individual person. They may be into black guys, or not; They may be into the tattooed biker look, or not; They may have a thing for abs, or they may prefer a dad bod. People don't choose what they find attractive, it is psychologically instantiated throughout their life experience. Notwithstanding certain physical features that 'all' members of a given sex seem to find universally attractive, like boobs for men and height for females. But having 'all' of those features is not a hard requisite to being attractive to at least 'some' percentage of the population.

an ugly is unattractive for all women, a normal could be attractive for someone but must still approach many before finding one; there is no certainty that an ugly man find someone even opening thousands of them
He will never tell us.
Man i don't even fucking know why lol, if he's scared he'll get banned for being 6+ he's very misinformed. He WILL NOT get banned for that

If he's less than a 4, sure they'll be people saying "kek just stop", but they're just rotters that don't wanna leave their mothers basement and try something as bold as this for themselves and want others to do the same as them just to feel better about themselves.

@uninstall just tell us tbf
Banned for what exactly? Expressing fact based opinions that don't agree with your rigid and ignorant ideological beliefs?

Also, please point out where I'm a cuck and I'll be happy to have a conversation about why you're correct.

Nothing you've said is fact based. You can't cite one piece of actual evidence that supports any of your self-help-pua tiered bullshit. You're sharing opinions and have backed them up with precisely nothing but appeals to emotion. All the "ignorant idealogical beliefs" have an entire section of this forum dedicated to scientific studies backing them up with evidence. I don't know if you should be banned for having a different opinion, but I sure as hell am not allowing you to claim anything you've said is fact based without some fucking evidence to back it up.
Oh wow... so much stuff has been posted recently that is so far against the blackpill. @37YearOldVirgin you've especially disappointed me.

Women are not attracted to all men; their lust is either off or on. And beauty is (mostly) objective. If you're not attractive to women, then women are just asking themselves how gross of a guy will they fuck for $$$.

Ugly women can still get attractive guys, at least for fucking. Female hypergamy - remember? Only when they start to get old, and Chad won't fuck them, do they start looking for betabuxx. And those old cows are not looking for ugly young guys, (like most of us on incels.is) - they go after old ugly guys with $$$.

Social skills will only get you so far. Yes, being super charismatic helps a lot - but people can't go from 2/10 charisma to 9/10. They should try to get better, yes - but mediocre social skills will never get you laid. Even fantastic social skills only get people to like being around you; getting from there to sex is convoluted.

I still feel that what you say and do is, within reason, mostly irrelevant to attracting women. Women pretend to be less shallow than men, but really they are only looking out for cues that you are going to kill them or something.

i can't bro

i am a stubborn and resilient brick wall

i said i will do it and i will keep going
Yes! That's what I want to read. Go down fighting!
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Oh wow... so much stuff has been posted recently that is so far against the blackpill. @37YearOldVirgin you've especially disappointed me.

Women are not attracted to all men; their lust is either off or on. And beauty is (mostly) objective. If you're not attractive to women, then women are just asking themselves how gross of a guy will they fuck for $$$.

Ugly women can still get attractive guys, at least for fucking. Female hypergamy - remember? Only when they start to get old, and Chad won't fuck them, do they start looking for betabuxx. And those old cows are not looking for ugly young guys, (like most of us on incels.is) - they go after old ugly guys with $$$.

Social skills will only get you so far. Yes, being super charismatic helps a lot - but people can't go from 2/10 charisma to 9/10. They should try to get better, yes - but mediocre social skills will never get you laid. Even fantastic social skills only get people to like being around you; getting from there to sex is convoluted.

I still feel that what you say and do is, within reason, mostly irrelevant to attracting women. Women pretend to be less shallow than men, but really they are only looking out for cues that you are going to kill them or something.

Yes! That's what I want to read. Go down fighting!

Thank you for calling him out.
Do you have high hopes that you will find a gf before your 1000 approaches are done with? Or are you pessimistic now from all of the rejections?

I expect at least 700 rejections.
Thanks man, but I'm not building it up. Just gonna count it as a start and try to have fun and learn something.

Good luck to you as well.

Welp. She cancelled last minute. Can't say I'm surprised (also why I didn't wanna build it up). +1 To Uni for calling the flake out with the pre-selection tactic. Still not a total waste as I got to practice my text game.. something I have like zero experience with. On to the next one.
@37YearOldVirgin you've especially disappointed me.

Interestingly I've already read literally every one of the studies and articles you've linked, and I agree with mostly everything you've said. I'd love to know what I said that specifically disappointed you.

Women are not attracted to all men; their lust is either off or on. And beauty is (mostly) objective. If you're not attractive to women, then women are just asking themselves how gross of a guy will they fuck for $$$.

I don't believe I've said anything that contradicts these points. I never said women are attracted to ALL men, or even that 'attractiveness' as such is subjective. Only that there are certain sub-categories of features that some women find attractive and others do not, and also that there are factors 'other' than just pure physical attributes that contribute to a male's overall sexual market value. Things such as social and career status, and attitude and charisma within the interaction. Of course these have no impact on Tinder.. but that's because the women being tested are ones who are implicitly (and perhaps explicitly) only looking for throwaway sex. But to say they have no impact at all is patently false.

Ugly women can still get attractive guys, at least for fucking. Female hypergamy - remember? Only when they start to get old, and Chad won't fuck them, do they start looking for betabuxx. And those old cows are not looking for ugly young guys, (like most of us on incels.is) - they go after old ugly guys with $$$.

I agree with this completely (and I think my previous comments actually supported this). The sexual marketplace is a cold and brutal landscape for younger men who aren't physically attractive. This is because young females, although not all of them, aren't looking for the other factors that a man can leverage within the market in order to increase his total value. Between the ages of say 15-25, most females are merely looking for the alpha (Chad) fuck without commitment.. and so the males that are below the threshold of being able to max their physical smv to the point of at least being able to compete within a purely looks based economy are literally priced out of the market. I believe this is the essence of the Black Pill.

That said, I do think that it only applies to 'some' females (I doubt even the majority), and only between the ages of 15 to maybe 25 (on the inner limit) and 30 (on the outer limit), and.. this is the critical part.. ONLY to males that are literally below the threshold of being able to ever do anything to raise their smv to the point of being able to compete.

Social skills will only get you so far. Yes, being super charismatic helps a lot - but people can't go from 2/10 charisma to 9/10. They should try to get better, yes - but mediocre social skills will never get you laid. Even fantastic social skills only get people to like being around you; getting from there to sex is convoluted.

Pretty sure I never said that social skills were a silver bullet. My whole point is that BAD social skills can definitely destroy your game. I'm of the mindset that even a fucking Chad can be so socially inept, douchey, or creepy that he could scare at least 'some' femoids away.

I still feel that what you say and do is, within reason, mostly irrelevant to attracting women. Women pretend to be less shallow than men, but really they are only looking out for cues that you are going to kill them or something.

Again, this is SMV at its core. Females employ a pragmatic approach to mating, period. But their preferences and categories for weighting what is most important within your overall smv shifts depending on their specific pragmatic goals at the time. That's it.
I gotta say though, there is a real tendency on her to have a complete and utter lack of nuance in the conversation.

Basically we've taken some online studies that are focused in a very small and particular cross section of the sexual marketplace, and then extrapolated them into a catch-all explanation for all of our dating woes. And the resulting community seems to be almost a sort of psuedo-religion, whereby if anyone says anything that goes against the proscribed set of axiomatic beliefs then they are derided with every manor insult and vitriolic slur.

Honestly, I really want everyone here to have the best and most fulfilling life available to them in their current circumstance, whatever that may be.. but with this crabs in a barrel mentality, as well as the stubborn 'Can't change; Won't change' attitude, I'm losing faith that there's much hope for any of us.
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Ive seen read your story and it has been an emotional roller coaster. In the 1st month your social skills really improved but slowy over the next month you became bitter bc of the girl on the bus. Dont get bitter, you have seen the resulta. Continue trying.Foid are mean yes. While you want a relationship , the way these women perceive you is just wanting sex(i think that is all you want and think a relstionships is sex) bc of the way you aproach them aka u has boyfriend. I KNOW YOU SAID I AM DIRECT AND DONT WASTE MY TIME, but a relationship within itself is a bond, something you have you be willing to invest time. Foid want attention why bc they want something even chads dont give them. Attention. Chads just make them get on their knees and vaccum their Dick. Your resiliant but if you want a real relstionships then you must be able to invest time. If not go to a brothal and get it over with and be empty like the chads. They get a lot of sex but it all meaningless if they after having so mucho sex feel nothing in the end because they are lonely. Continue fighting and trying Man. I'm continúe rooting for you. :)
Then I approached a woman waiting for the metro.



It turns out that we were living close to each other and talked for good 10-15 minutes in the metro.


I will try to recreate it from memory:

Hi. You look sympathetic.
Haha. Thank you very much (smiles)
So, how are you this evening? I am kinda tired but I have something else to do before I can go home.
I am tired too. I am going home.
What's your name?
My name is Veronica.
My name is X. How old are you?
25 (her age is perfect)
I am 29
So, do you have a boyfriend?
No. (she blushed slightly and turned her head to the side)

I was like FINALLY. Some foid that does not have a boyfriend.

We got on the train and continued talking.

What do you work?
I work in a barber shop.
Nice. I am a web developper.

Then I stopped talking to see if she has interest in me.

She asked me:

What have you bought? And pointed towards my bag.
Mudguards for my bike.
You ride a bike?
Yes, I love it. I would like to be able to go to work with it, but it's too far away.
ahhaah yes, you will need to take a bath there hhaha We have a bath at work...
We don't. That's why I ride long distances only on the weekend. Where you from?

I am from town X.
Really? My mom is from there. I loved that place and know it very well. I have many great memories there (this wasn't a lie - it was 100% true)

Then I stopped talking again to test her. After 20 seconds she said:

Have you been to London?
I really like the metro there. It's mostly on the surface and you can see the surroundings.
OH, that's pretty nice. I should go there. Do you ride a bicycle?

No, but I plan to buy a longboard.
Really? I was a skater but have never rode a longboard. Only a regular skateboard for tricks (NOT A LIE - this is 100% true) Will you let me try your longboard?
You know what? I actually broke my arm in your hometown riding my skate.
No way?
Yes. I was cruising with friend and my front wheel got stucked and the skate threw me forward. It was pretty painful.
That sucks.

hen I stopped talking again to test her. After 20 seconds she said:







I am a saggitarius.
Really? You look like a Leo.
My sister is a Leo.

Then we talked some more about some minor shit.

Her stop was close.



i REPEAT - she reFUSED to give me her number after that kind of talk.

I said ok: Ok then and stopped talking.

If I could, I would have evaporated RIGHT THERE ON THE SPOT.

After 20 seconds she said:


I said: If this is fun for you....fine.



What are you listenING TO?

I said:


She said: Ok.

Then her stop came and she LEFT.




And do you want to know the truth?

I actually expected it.

Yes, I am not lying. My six sense which has evolved after 150+ rejections told me that this will happen.

and it did






831 TO GO

I think you should have kept it up with this one, her not giving you her number wasn't necessarily an outright rejection. It sounds like she wanted the conversation scenario to continue as it was

If it was me I would have completely ignored her rejection, kept talking, & then asked her to hang out sometime.

I do admire your bravery as well, and not asking for her FB is the right move, only cucks ask for a FB contact. (of course I'm no expert so take my words with a grain of salt)
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I think you should have kept it up with this one, her not giving you her number wasn't necessarily an outright rejection. It sounds like she wanted the conversation scenario to continue as it was

If it was me I would have completely ignored her rejection, kept talking, & then asked her to hang out sometime.

I do admire your bravery as well, and not asking for her FB is the right move, only cucks ask for a FB contact. (of course I'm no expert so take my words with a grain of salt)

she had signs of disinterest - crossed arms - not asking me question - just staying their like a statue

yeah - FB = shit = it degrades you to some bullshit images

I had been given 3 FBs when asking for a number but one blocked the other two didn't reply and there's that
uninstall: "And do you want to know the truth?
I actually expected it.
Yes, I am not lying. My six sense which has evolved after 150+ rejections told me that this will happen.
and it did

self-fulfilling prophecy
Nothing you've said is fact based. You can't cite one piece of actual evidence that supports any of your self-help-pua tiered bullshit. You're sharing opinions and have backed them up with precisely nothing but appeals to emotion. All the "ignorant idealogical beliefs" have an entire section of this forum dedicated to scientific studies backing them up with evidence. I don't know if you should be banned for having a different opinion, but I sure as hell am not allowing you to claim anything you've said is fact based without some fucking evidence to back it up.

Fair enough. I've actually looked through the Black Pill section, agree with everything in there, and wasn't remotely referring to that with my comment about the ignorant ideology. I also maintain that nothing I've said is explicitly blue pill or even anti black pill.

It's just that much of the black pill data is still too narrow to be applied broadly to a statement such as 'You have to be at least 4-7 points higher in attractiveness, at least 6'1, and white in order to be successful in a cold approach.' And it's this kind of lack of nuance that I'm taking issue with.

As for the fact that I 'can't cite one piece of evidence for the comments I've made, I'm not so sure about that. To say I didn't would be more accurate, but I've read or seen all of it before in various books and studies, so if you'd like to take issue with a specific claim i've made, then I'll more than happily do my best to source it for you. And if I can't, then I'll happily correct myself too :)

Ive seen read your story and it has been an emotional roller coaster. In the 1st month your social skills really improved but slowy over the next month you became bitter bc of the girl on the bus. Dont get bitter, you have seen the resulta. Continue trying.Foid are mean yes. While you want a relationship , the way these women perceive you is just wanting sex(i think that is all you want and think a relstionships is sex) bc of the way you aproach them aka u has boyfriend. I KNOW YOU SAID I AM DIRECT AND DONT WASTE MY TIME, but a relationship within itself is a bond, something you have you be willing to invest time. Foid want attention why bc they want something even chads dont give them. Attention. Chads just make them get on their knees and vaccum their Dick. Your resiliant but if you want a real relstionships then you must be able to invest time. If not go to a brothal and get it over with and be empty like the chads. They get a lot of sex but it all meaningless if they after having so mucho sex feel nothing in the end because they are lonely. Continue fighting and trying Man. I'm continúe rooting for you. :)

Thanks for putting it in a way I seem to be failing miserably at.
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Approaches 25/7/2018

1. She showed signs of disgust

Stopped her randomly on the street.

Said hi. How are you. She removed her earphones and l said.

You seem cute. She made that move with your mouth that you do when you don't want to eat something.

She was taller than me by a few cm if that matters.

2. The same but instead of sign of disgust she smiled.

Otherwise the approach was done on the same street in the same settings.

I am telling you boyos - the settings matter way more than openers.

It is not a coincidence that both reacted identically in the same settings.

This one was shorter than me if that matters.

The same foids would have reacted differently to the same approach done in the metro.

This is bad news because it reduces my approach possibilities and adds another variable contributing to rejections.

In general approaching immobile foids is the hardest but also the situation that is the most likely to lead to something.

Off topic

Saw some young 6'2 Chad get rejected by 5'9 ugly toastie. I got the end of the approach


She was like 4 points below him.

3. All l got is a smile. It was genuine but what is that worth.... nothing.

She was too old but l saw it once l was too close.

I just felt disgusted and went to buy a Mcburger

Tomorrow I plan to approach 20 foids.

I need to jump start this.

783 to go
Fair enough. I've actually looked through the Black Pill section, agree with everything in there, and wasn't remotely referring to that with my comment about the ignorant ideology. I also maintain that nothing I've said is explicitly blue pill or even anti black pill.

It's just that much of the black pill data is still too narrow to be applied broadly to a statement such as 'You have to be at least 4-7 points higher in attractiveness, at least 6'1, and white in order to be successful in a cold approach.' And it's this kind of lack of nuance that I'm taking issue with.

As for the fact that I 'can't cite one piece of evidence for the comments I've made, I'm not so sure about that. To say I didn't would be more accurate, but I've read or seen all of it before in various books and studies, so if you'd like to take issue with a specific claim i've made, then I'll more than happily do my best to source it for you. And if I can't, then I'll happily correct myself too :)

Not to derail the thread much further, but if we really want to run through your opinions with a fine tooth comb, we should either do it in it's own dedicated thread or 1-on-1 in private.

>I also maintain that nothing I've said is explicitly blue pill or even anti black pill.
I will address one thing your said that triggered me enough to respond. You made a statement that boils down to "women can sense your misogyny" which we have ample evidence is not true. What pushed me over the edge was you then followed this up with saying "this is just a fact".

To me, the real essence of the blackpill is a rejection of every "fact" we've been indoctrinated with since birth that we dare not question out of deep seated fear. You're still clinging to your's, perhaps (likely) unconsciously, I'm just here to say that culturally held beliefs have no wieght here and should be rejected fiercely until they've proven themselves true under the harshest of scrutiny. Anything commonly accepted and promoted by the normalcattle of society needs to be subjected to the fiercest levels of skepticism because their inherent appeal to the normalfaggots is the biggest red flag for being bullshit I can think of.

Having said that, I do understand that sometimes holding beliefs that aren't objectionably provable can be beneficial to a person. If you choose to hold certain beliefs because you think they are beneficial, then so be it. I would suggest that you learn to distinguish these sorts of positively perceived personal beliefs from objective fact, because our minds conflate the former with the latter all the time.

i can feel that i am getting pretty tired

but i am resilient AF

i can get to 300 for sure

i can feel that i am getting pretty tired

but i am resilient AF

i can get to 300 for sure
Do you feel you have changed in any way since starting this quest? Have you noticed any statistically significant improvements on how they react to you?
Not to derail the thread much further, but if we really want to run through your opinions with a fine tooth comb, we should either do it in it's own dedicated thread or 1-on-1 in private.

Agreed and I welcome this. Honestly, I'm totally open to having my mind changed on anything at all times. After all, figuring out that we're wrong is how we learn and improve.

>I also maintain that nothing I've said is explicitly blue pill or even anti black pill.
I will address one thing your said that triggered me enough to respond. You made a statement that boils down to "women can sense your misogyny" which we have ample evidence is not true. What pushed me over the edge was you then followed this up with saying "this is just a fact".

Which statement was that exactly? I don't recall having said that in so many words. But yes, pm me and we can discuss further. I don't want to hijack Uni's thread any further. He's doing noble work.

To me, the real essence of the blackpill is a rejection of every "fact" we've been indoctrinated with since birth that we dare not question out of deep seated fear. You're still clinging to your's, perhaps (likely) unconsciously, I'm just here to say that culturally held beliefs have no wieght here and should be rejected fiercely until they've proven themselves true under the harshest of scrutiny. Anything commonly accepted and promoted by the normalcattle of society needs to be subjected to the fiercest levels of skepticism because their inherent appeal to the normalfaggots is the biggest red flag for being bullshit I can think of.

I agree completely. But then again, questioning orthodoxy and dogma is really just skepticism in general, not specifically the black pill. That carries with it it's own set of axioms that I believe are true at their core, but that seem to often be misunderstood or misrepresented by many users on this forum, which I worry may lead people astray and cause them to er in judgement due to a miscalibrated worldview. That's actually the thing I take issue with when I get triggered over here.

Anyway, apologies @uninstall. Was never my intention to hijack or muddy the waters of your thread. You're an inspiration and all I want is to see you crush it in the end.
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Do you feel you have changed in any way since starting this quest? Have you noticed any statistically significant improvements on how they react to you?

I have changed in terms of handling rejection - i am pretty hard to hurt right now and I don't really obsess as much

also, i am more than convinced in AWALT - same reactions, same questions, same answer - it's all the same - time after time - like robots

i guess i am pretty low inhibition comparing to my former me

but i also hate giving them validation - they must get some sort of high from rejecting me - when u reject someone it makes you feel superior - i am submitting myself to them and they are tossing me around

foids don't deserve this but I have no choice


I HAVE also concluded that most women are pretty autistic tbh - i mean it -

i think after 400 rejections - i would have reached a new level

it may become scary - but let's reach 300 first
Cant beleve this thread has 900 fucking replies, JFL if u actually scrolll and read this shit
I was discussing with my sister and one of her friends what they thought about someone approaching them, wanted to share some thoughts on the topic.
  • First, OP is definitely right, one needs to make his intentions clear as fast as possible in order to prevent wasting one's time.
  • Asking if she has a boyfriend puts an unnecessary pressure on her because the question comes off as intrusive and personal, any amount of panic or insecurity on her side will cause her to say yes, as an alternative, asking if she is single comes off as less threatening, because it signals your interest without being intrusive. "Do you have a boyfriend?" vs "Are you single?" get the same information but really come off differently.
  • If you are not hot, it would seem that looks work more like a lower threshold for women to consider giving you a chance, but it is not a guarantee she will date you, the reality is that for ugly ones like us females won't ever be directly be attracted to us, in her mind it's more like "Yeah, I could see myself dating him if he is my type" or something along those lines.
  • So, it follows that upon approaching and asking if she is single within the first 4 or 5 exchanges, if she doesn't react negatively after admitting she is single you probably have got a real chance, after that I think you do require a successful convo with her since looks alone will never get you through.
  • Women know almost instantly if they won't date you, however they don't know instantly if they will date you.
  • Also agree that asking for anything that isn't her number is retarded (FB, email, etc), the problem is that someones number is fairly personal information these days, you don't really give it out without a reason, especially not to strangers, I know I wouldn't. Ask her directly out when closing and then get her number for scheduling purposes.
Cant beleve this thread has 900 fucking replies, JFL if u actually scrolll and read this shit
Of course I read it every day, it is the epic quest of someone crazy enough to do this, it would be so satisfying if he succeeded after 600 approaches or so.
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