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LifeFuel I will approach 1000 girls and find a GF

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He won't.

If he manages to get a gf from this, I'll go out and approach 1000 foids (I'll even make a log so you guys can laugh at me and open every approach with "you look sympathetic"), that's how confident I am in that statement.

You can come back and quote me on this @uninstall if you actually succeed.
I'll hold you to that, boyo
ugly girls want less than ugly guys

for ugly guys you would need to be approaching down symdrome chicks to have any chance

i doubt it, the only girls you should approach are the blind ones, maybe you have chance only with them
I'll hold you to that, boyo
Unlike @uninstall, I would rope at the end of the 1k approaches if no success.
i doubt it, the only girls you should approach are the blind ones, maybe you have chance only with them
They'll feel his face and reject him. Also, Juggernaut Law. Blind foids may be approached more than regular ones.
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i don't care about their feelings

openers are cope mostly

try 200 approaches and you will know it

Man. You are an absolute legend already for keeping up this pace. But why are you so stubborn?

It's a cliche I know, but you know that whole Einstein quote about 'the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting different results.' ? Yeah..
Man. You are an absolute legend already for keeping up this pace. But why are you so stubborn?

It's a cliche I know, but you know that whole Einstein quote about 'the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting different results.' ? Yeah..

His stubbornness is the only reason he's managed to approach so many. If he was rational he wouldn't have approached even one.
His stubbornness is the only reason he's managed to approach so many. If he was rational he wouldn't have approached even one.
I think if he was rational he would have stopped at 100. I can understand approaching 100 foids to see if they find you attractive or not, but at the point of 100 approaches, you have to realize what the answer is.
I agree with @CopingGymcel

"You look sympathetic" is pretty tryhard and cringe. Trying something like "Hey can I meet you real quick?" or the eminem opening "Hi my name is..."

You might not get laid but the girls won't be weirded out as much and you can actually stay in the interactions for longer.
I agree with @CopingGymcel

"You look sympathetic" is pretty tryhard and cringe. Trying something like "Hey can I meet you real quick?" or the eminem opening "Hi my name is..."

You might not get laid but the girls won't be weirded out as much and you can actually stay in the interactions for longer.
Yeah. I think it's pretty retarded to think that your first words to her (first impression) don't matter.
Yeah. I think it's pretty retarded to think that your first words to her (first impression) doesn't matter.

Yeah. From my limited experiences, being tryhard is the single worst thing you can do when trying to pick up foids.

You can be boring, asshole-ish, even a bit awkward and the interaction can still be positive. If you say dumb "game-y" stuff and appear tryhard, they will look at you with that "look". You know the one, when they squint their eyes and pull their head back. From then on the interaction is ruined and they will actually become hostile towards you.
even if you get a gf from all of this you will be so bitter from all the rejections that you will always wonder why she is with you and feel inferior to her.

You probably won´t get a gf though. I have easily done over 500 approaches and no gf. Just tons of mean, bitchy, ice cold rejections that will scar you for life and make you realize the truth about female nature. All women really are evil and sadistic.

Honestly, what you should have done is use a fake male model profile on Tinder then use your own pics. If you don´t get as many matches as the male model it means you are unattractive and the last thing you should be doing is cold approaching women.
Yeah. From my limited experiences, being tryhard is the single worst thing you can do when trying to pick up foids.

You can be boring, asshole-ish, even a bit awkward and the interaction can still be positive. If you say dumb "game-y" stuff and appear tryhard, they will look at you with that "look". You know the one, when they squint their eyes and pull their head back. From then on the interaction is ruined and they will actually become hostile towards you.
Yeah. If he has some weird opener, they probably think that he says that to everyone, that it's his "go-to opener." That probably explains why he is getting so harshly rejected. The foids probably thinks he goes around and does that to every foid he sees (which they would be correct in assuming), and thus they think he is sleazy.

If he managed to make it come off as he was specifically approaching that person, because he thought they were cute and that it's not something he regularly does, he would have probably had at least 1 date by now. Call me blue pilled, but I think the impression you give is extremely important. You don't want to come off as someone who approaches every foid he sees. Obviously the better looking you are, the less it matters what you say, but he is obviously no Chad, so it matters.
Honestly, what you should have done is use a fake male model profile on Tinder then use your own pics. If you don´t get as many matches as the male model it means you are unattractive and the last thing you should be doing is cold approaching women.
He doesn't have to get as many matches as a male model to get a girlfriend, that is a stupid way of thinking. You can't compare yourself to a guy who makes a living off his looks, that's just setting yourself up for failure.

If he gets 4-5 matches a day (that's 28-35 matches a week), he should easily be able to turn some of those into dates.
His stubbornness is the only reason he's managed to approach so many. If he was rational he wouldn't have approached even one.

Are irrationality and obstinance the same thing though? I mean why not even consider entertaining a different approach.. It's just so goddamn frustrating for those of us rooting for him to succeed. At this point I'm starting to doubt whether he actually wants to get laid, or instead is on a mission to 'prove' the black pill by getting rejected 1000 times.
Stop giving every foid attention and compliments, creep. Because of you we have no chance.
Stop giving every foid attention and compliments, creep. Because of you we have no chance.
Cope. We had no chance to begin with. A compliment from a subhuman is worth nothing to a foid, it's an insult. It's like suggesting that you and her are on the same level.
Cope. We had no chance to begin with. A compliment from a subhuman is worth nothing to a foid, it's an insult. It's like suggesting that you and her are on the same level.

Cope. OP's white. If he approached 1000 foids in Thailand, he'd have 300 lays.
Yeah. If he has some weird opener, they probably think that he says that to everyone, that it's his "go-to opener." That probably explains why he is getting so harshly rejected. The foids probably thinks he goes around and does that to every foid he sees (which they would be correct in assuming), and thus they think he is sleazy.

If he managed to make it come off as he was specifically approaching that person, because he thought they were cute and that it's not something he regularly does, he would have probably had at least 1 date by now. Call me blue pilled, but I think the impression you give is extremely important. You don't want to come off as someone who approaches every foid he sees. Obviously the better looking you are, the less it matters what you say, but he is obviously no Chad, so it matters.

Somewhat true. It seems that now pretty much all interactions are really short with most foids being weirded out.

I don't think it's because the foids think he does that to everyone, it's simpler than that. Every high tier normie and chadlite I saw that got laid, had a sort of "I don't give a fuck" laid back attitude. I've seen girls talking about wanting to sleep with a normie(some guy they've never met) and then that same normie would act super tryhard infront of the girl and turn her pussy into a desert. Being tryhard is death.

Changing the opener and coming of less tryhard won't get him laid. But it might turn these short awkward interactions into longer less awkward interactions. It would be an improvement.

Stop giving every foid attention and compliments, creep. Because of you we have no chance.

Stfu. He's got courage to do something you never will.
He doesn't have to get as many matches as a male model to get a girlfriend, that is a stupid way of thinking. You can't compare yourself to a guy who makes a living off his looks, that's just setting yourself up for failure.

If he gets 4-5 matches a day (that's 28-35 matches a week), he should easily be able to turn some of those into dates.
yes, he does.

Even my male model profile struggles to get dates with average and below average girls. Cold approaching and Tinder only works if you are prepared to date down massively, like 4-7 points. There is a reason why all the girls catfishman catfished are ugly as fuck or obese. OP is likely average or below average looking so he has precisely zero chance getting laid from a cold approach. His only chance is social circle.

I´ve cold approached over 500+ girls IRL so I actually know what I´m talking about unlike the teens on here who have never even tried.
Cope. OP's white. If he approached 1000 foids in Thailand, he'd have 300 lays.
But he is not in Thailand now is he? Most people don't want to relocate on the other side of the globe.
yes, he does.

Even my male model profile struggles to get dates with average and below average girls. Cold approaching and Tinder only works if you are prepared to date down massively, like 4-7 points. There is a reason why all the girls catfishman catfished are ugly as fuck or obese. OP is likely average or below average looking so he has precisely zero chance getting laid from a cold approach. His only chance is social circle.

I´ve cold approached over 500+ girls IRL so I actually know what I´m talking about unlike the teens on here who have never even tried.
You suck at Tinder if you can't get a date for your Chad profile. I could set up 10 dates for this week if I went Chadfishing. With Orb's pics, unlimited dates. Orb, over 500 matches in 1 week without swiping a ton, 33% of foids messaged first, most messages were flirty "reactions." Do you know how easy it would have been to turn those foids who message frist with a reaction into a date? Super easy.
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They'll feel his face and reject him. Also, Juggernaut Law. Blind foids may be approached more than regular ones.

maybe you're right, honestly i don't know, i've never approached a blind girl, i've never seen one on the streets, only some old ones; nah more than regular ones? where?
I approached 120 girls and the problem is even if she give number and meet it doesn't mean shit
I had 1 date and she rejected me later
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I approached 120 girls and the problem is even if she give number and meet it doesn't mean shit
I had 1 date and she rejected me later


i am aware of that too

foids are FLAKY as shit today

but i will even say that even you kiss her or even fuck her - it may still mean nothing

this is what happens when foids' brains are not managed by the superior male intellect
yes, he does.

Even my male model profile struggles to get dates with average and below average girls. Cold approaching and Tinder only works if you are prepared to date down massively, like 4-7 points. There is a reason why all the girls catfishman catfished are ugly as fuck or obese. OP is likely average or below average looking so he has precisely zero chance getting laid from a cold approach. His only chance is social circle.

I´ve cold approached over 500+ girls IRL so I actually know what I´m talking about unlike the teens on here who have never even tried.

i had a chico chadfish and he could have had sex multiple times a week

but even he got ghosted a few times - but securing plenty of sex would have been a walk in the park

still - this is high tier male model and they were mostly average foids
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Stop just stop lol
Uninstall why not ask the time and then say hey that's a cute watch where did you get that.

must be better than what you've been doing so far
Amazing. I love his dedication. And how he pushes his way. Yes, insult them back, if they reject.

Every time I read this I feel like I should try it to.

Maybe tomorrow. I have been postponing doing some clothes shopping as I hate it, but I might go tomorrow and might as well try to find me a gf. Lol.

I have never done random cold approaches. If foids really behave like this I wonder how it feels.
Just make sure to put in effort or else you are wasting time
Uninstall why not ask the time and then say hey that's a cute watch where did you get that.

must be better than what you've been doing so far
who wears watches? everyone uses their phone
who wears watches? everyone uses their phone

then say hey that's a groovy phone or whatever - anything as an ice breaker just not hey you look sympathetic

i am aware of that too

foids are FLAKY as shit today

but i will even say that even you kiss her or even fuck her - it may still mean nothing

this is what happens when foids' brains are not managed by the superior male intellect

i had a chico chadfish and he could have had sex multiple times a week

but even he got ghosted a few times - but securing plenty of sex would have been a walk in the park

still - this is high tier male model and they were mostly average foids

mmm - not sure about that - it would be a mega advance though from where you are now.
Whats interesting is that uninstall thinks once a girl likes him and gives him his number he has won. You must look at it like a castle with 10 walls surrounding it. The first is her number. Second is a date. Third is a second date and so on. As someone who has proudly made it to the second and even third wall a couple of times trust me uninstall: You will need 1000 numbers to get a date. You will need 1000 dates to get a kiss. 1000 kisses to get laid. 1000 lays to get a gf. The first wall is nothing. What you are doing is like trying to become president of the USA while failing to finish High School.
Approaches 27/7/2018

Let's do it boyos.

Left work 30 minutes earlier.

Should have more time for my approaches.

It's raining. I need an indoor venue.

Immobile foids are a priority.

Tip for me and other approach cells:


Hit a venue and approach as fast as possible. Preferably within the first minute

1.Skater girl with tattoos.

I decided to approach her because l used to skate and could have talked to her about it a lot.

Went to her and said: hi. You look fairly cute.

She looked at me speecheless.

This is when l learned that she was actually older. She looked 30 easily. Anyway. She moved away without saying anything.

I said good luck in the fight against autism and pulled out my phone to log this approach.

2.Mega negative nasty bitch

Lol she had to be on her femoid cycle

I said: hey. You look attractive. My name is

Before saying my name she made some weird grimace....like WTF. She was mega- socked.

I said: Good luck in the fight against autism while looking into her eyes.

I wanted her to remember my face.

3. Nice meeting you

Foid with a skirt.

Realistically she was a 4 because of her eye area, but her legs made my dick hard.

Hi. You look sympathetic. Are you?

Haha. Yes. What are you up to tonight?

I will train.


Tae boo.

The her train came and she said nice meeting you. I could have followed but she was not very receptive and didn't.


Note for me: keep the rest between approaches as short as possible to preserve your momentum.

4. Cute and somewhat receptive but has a boyfriend.

When l asked her what's her name, she said l have a boyfriend.

I said tell him l said hi.

She said fine.

Note: don't think of foids and the surrounding humans as people. They should be robots in your head.

5.Hi. How are you?

Then she said you are mistaken me for someone else and moved.


This is unacceptable

6. I said you look almost cute right in her ear as she was passing by.

She passed by me.

Bad choice of a foid.


I am starting to use a one minute timer when I approache in the metro. I have to do an approach withinh that minute or death.

This could only work in metro or mall cause otherwise you wouldn't have enough approach targets.


There is a lot of adrenaline in me right now.

I have to keep going to preserve my momentum.

7. Very chatyy, very cute

Asked her all the basic questions - what are you up to, age, work/study.

She was very nice

And when l asked her about the boyfriend she started laughing and said yes.

I just left.

She also said l look tired af.

It is true I am starting to talk slow.

8. Fitness bunny with Nike shoes and yogo pants....

And your buddy boyo went to her and started talking.

She was rude af. It turned out that she was going to welcome her boyfriend at the airport.

This is the second time a foid uses this bullshit on me.

I said.

Yeah right made a small step and started writing this.

9. She had headphones. Removed them. I dropped the you look cute line. She put them on and made a face of disgust.

She looked old though.

10. She was 1 inch taller than me. From far away she looked like an 8, but when l got closer she had. 5 face with fake up.

Hi. You look sympathetic.

Do we know each other?

We will know each other after you tell me your name.

Sorry. I can't.


11. She was chatty and hot imo

But her metro came. She wasn't responsive enough for me to follow her.

Fuck I needed just one more minute, but she was a too high risk you investment.

I couldn't leave because the station I am on is best for approaches.

12. Hot lol but when l got closer she waworsebbut still a six I'm.

Where are you going?

To see my boyfriend.


My boyfriend.

Then l just left.

Movement wise this approach was fucking perfect. Haha.

13. For the first time l approached a foid l had approached before.

She almost punched me.

She was basically a 5 TOP. PROBABLY THINKS SHE IS A 20.

Fuck. If it wasn't raining. I would not be here.

Boyos l onow l promised 20 but l am honestly exhausted.

I can barely talk. It is getting late again.

I have to desert this place for a month

Fuck. I hate this world. Hahaha

Let's go home.

This week has been one of the worst for me.

Not one normal woman.

I don't plan to approach tomorrow.

14. While l have as writing this some womanlet with fake up sat next to me.

I immediately approached her. She answered with half open mouth while chatting.

So interested l guess.


Eve if l get something out of this, l am definitely going into some form of mgtows after this.

Never been more blackpilled.


15. Another womanlet with fake up but better looking. I approached her while waiting for the bus.

Hi. You look nice. Are you?

It depends (bad tone, crossed arms - it is basically over)

Ok. I will give you the benefit of the doubt (or something like that). What are you up to this evening?

I am going out (I guess implying some club or shit)

I am going home. It was long day.


What's your name?


I am X.

Nice to meet you. (Pure lie. Why do foids do it?)

How old are you?

What? What kinda of question is that? (Nasty tone).

So. 36…(I wanted to mega neg her. She may have been 19.)

Can we end this conversation?

Yes. We better. You ain't sympathetic at all.

16. While waiting for the bus my inhibition was negative.

Went to another foid 4/10. Maybe slightly taller than me.

Hi. I saw you from the side and wanted to say hi.

She had her arms crossed and moved away.

Boyos, l gave my heart to this session. I hope you appreciate it.

758 to go
Uninstall you sir are a legend.
I have a new opener for you that is guaranteed to work:

"You waiting for that male model, right?"
Cope. OP's white. If he approached 1000 foids in Thailand, he'd have 300 lays.

No he wouldnt.

That Thai girls are easy prey for white desperadoes is a total myth - if you want to lay in Thailand you will have to pay.
Is a metro where girls are waiting to get on trains the best place for trying to meet someone? They are going from a to b - so many probably dont have time to talk.
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It's not enough to randomly approach those girls, with every approach you need to brainwash yourself into thinking you are a gigachad that every girl would want as her bf. Also, with every approach try thinking what you did to make you look or sound creepy and try to fix those errors with every approach.
You should also try everything to see what works better, try lying more about yourself.
i.e "Hey I lost my friends here somewhere" (even if you have no friends)
"I don't know which car I should take to the party tomorrow, I don't want girls to want me for my money"
Also SHOWER A LOT AND TAKE A HAIR CUT << those are the most important xD
Just visualizing these while reading raised my heartbeat to over 120 bpm.
You're a fucking superhuman, bruv.
as soon as she finds out that she is number whatever in your "diary"

Wasn't there a story of an Italian man who kept a book of all the women he had slain and wasn't happy until he formed an actual connection and enjoyed the experience instead of just counting off numbers?

Probably off topic but I can't remember the name of the story and it's bothering me.
your courage and stamina are legendary, but it's safe to say you live in a country where cold approaches are frowned upon, just like me and a bunch of others on here

have you considered international travel, because that might actually let your low-inhibition run free, with your rates you could do 100+ approaches in just one week, in a country where they are actually receptive
I said good luck in the fight against autism
Wasn't there a story of an Italian man who kept a book of all the women he had slain and wasn't happy until he formed an actual connection and enjoyed the experience instead of just counting off numbers?

Probably off topic but I can't remember the name of the story and it's bothering me.
Are you implying that uninstall will become a serial killer? Well, he has the frustration :yes:and anger :yes:and sociopathic stoicism :yes:;

all he needs now is just that first "yes".
Stock photo excited man rubbing hands together in anticipation portrait 129506195
incel serial killer

edit: just remembered....he still has to acquire the debonaire charm and grace that will seal the deal.....:no:

CHAD serial killer:
Young man smiling with glee as he rubs his hands together in anticipation KDBDGJ
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Are you implying that uninstall will become a serial killer?

When I said "slain" I meant "put his dick in", I think I used the wrong word there. My bad. :feelstastyman:

I was just drawing a comparison to the fact he's also just counting girls off and approaching them for the sake of getting to 1000 rather than actually putting effort or thought into things past "I spoke to 1000 girls lol". He really needs to lower his standards and stop it with the autistic shit. Quality over quantity.
When I said "slain" I meant "put his dick in", I think I used the wrong word there. My bad. :feelstastyman:

I was just drawing a comparison to the fact he's also just counting girls off and approaching them for the sake of getting to 1000 rather than actually putting effort or thought into things past "I spoke to 1000 girls lol". He really needs to lower his standards and stop it with the autistic shit. Quality over quantity.

Oh...well...ok. But it was fun seeking out the pics tho, and I agree with your points about what he needs to do.
Yeah. If he has some weird opener, they probably think that he says that to everyone, that it's his "go-to opener." That probably explains why he is getting so harshly rejected. The foids probably thinks he goes around and does that to every foid he sees (which they would be correct in assuming), and thus they think he is sleazy.

If he managed to make it come off as he was specifically approaching that person, because he thought they were cute and that it's not something he regularly does, he would have probably had at least 1 date by now. Call me blue pilled, but I think the impression you give is extremely important. You don't want to come off as someone who approaches every foid he sees. Obviously the better looking you are, the less it matters what you say, but he is obviously no Chad, so it matters.
This x 1000
After all the bluepilled shit you've been posting in this thread, this is like fucking pottery View attachment 30549

So not tryna brag, just respond to this..

But I actually won a date with her 'after' she cancelled the first time.

Looks like her excuse was legit or I did something right by not acting butthurt after she rejected our first plan (Looking at you @uninstall)

We went out yesterday for lunch and it was fun. We have tentative plans to meet again for drinks next week.

Again, not tryna brag and definitely not larping. Just trying to add some empirical backing to some of the things I've been saying.
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