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LifeFuel I will approach 1000 girls and find a GF

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Didn't read half that shit but It's fairly obvious you're a normie LARPing.

You should really look at yourself and ponder why you are wasting your time here.

Actually not. Don't know if you've read my post history bro. But whatever.. Why is it that when ppl on here tell the guy to give up, or join in calling femoids dumb cunts, you guys are all 'Amen brother!' but when someone tries to give actual thoughts or feedback you guys cry larper?
Actually not. Don't know if you've read my post history bro. But whatever.. Why is it that when ppl on here tell the guy to give up, or join in calling femoids dumb cunts, you guys are all 'Amen brother!' but when someone tries to give actual thoughts or feedback you guys cry larper?

People are telling him to give up because at this point it's become clear that uninstall is way too autistic to ever make a cold approach work. At this rate he really will make it 1000 with no results. Personally I love posters who go against the grain a little, this place is too much of echo chamber as it is.
Actually not. Don't know if you've read my post history bro. But whatever.. Why is it that when ppl on here tell the guy to give up, or join in calling femoids dumb cunts, you guys are all 'Amen brother!' but when someone tries to give actual thoughts or feedback you guys cry larper?

they don't reject me because i say the wrong words

anyone who has approached will tell you that

Umm.. i have approached. 3 dozen or so in the last 4 weeks actually. I was inspired by you (and already on my own before that tbh).
What I 'have' been doing though, is reading and studying a lot. The difference is that over the last month, my results have actually IMPROVED.

the most important part of an approach ain't verbal

you serisouly overthinking this shit

only fucking blue pill idiots think their success rate will skyrocket once they discover some pick up line bullshit

she either likes you at that moment or she doesn't

and that's it

Not even remotely close to what I said. Go back and read it. I said that the words you say and the vibe you give off can KILL your chances. Even a normie can FUCK UP an approach... Of course there's no magic words that will make a femoid instantly get wet if you don't already meet her minimum threshold of attractiveness for a potential mate. That's an absurd straw man caricature of my point. But there are words you can say and things you can do to make her dryer than death valley. So if you like tumbleweed then by all means..

take your advice and try it

I am. And my results are improving. But hey, you do you. I have no sympathy if you wanna stubbornly persist in error.

don't care if i am bitter or not

women are trash

and i ain't catering to them
And that attitude has been working great so far, hasn't it.
dude, I don't really have follow this thread but I see it exist for a long time, just stop, it's a stupid idea, even if you are a normie and not an ugly incel like us, you can't have any sucess if you just ask randomly like this, only chads have this power

Give up before rope man :confused:
Umm.. i have approached. 3 dozen or so in the last 4 weeks actually. I was inspired by you (and already on my own before that tbh).
What I 'have' been doing though, is reading and studying a lot. The difference is that over the last month, my results have actually IMPROVED. I even got 2 numbers so far. And they are real cuz I actually had some conversations with them. Haven't succeeded in setting up a date yet, but it's progress.
:cool: Nice :cool: You're going to leave inceldom behind soon.
Umm.. i have approached. 3 dozen or so in the last 4 weeks actually. I was inspired by you (and already on my own before that tbh).
What I 'have' been doing though, is reading and studying a lot. The difference is that over the last month, my results have actually IMPROVED. I even got 2 numbers so far. And they are real cuz I actually had some conversations with them. Haven't succeeded in setting up a date yet, but it's progress.

Not even remotely close to what I said. Go back and read it. I said that the words you say and the vibe you give off can KILL your chances. Even a normie can FUCK UP an approach... Of course there's no magic words that will make a femoid instantly get wet if you don't already meet her minimum threshold of attractiveness for a potential mate. That's an absurd straw man caricature of my point. But there are words you can say and things you can do to make her dryer than death valley. So if you like tumbleweed then by all means..

I am. And my results are improving. But hey, you do you. I have no sympathy if you wanna stubbornly persist in error.

And that attitude has been working great so far, hasn't it.

i ain't cucky bro, sorry

i go hard

i trust my instincts more than all else

i believe my own experience more than I believe the net

I know that an approach is 90% body + chance and only 10% words

wanna focus on 10% - do it

to me - posture, voice, dress code...etc - more important than cucky lines

approach 200+ like me

and by your logic you should be swimming in vagina

i've that's the case - good, you probably deserve it

honestly, I think neither I am right/wrong nor you are.

it's just that thing has too much room for theorycrafting
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Actually not. Don't know if you've read my post history bro. But whatever.. Why is it that when ppl on here tell the guy to give up, or join in calling femoids dumb cunts, you guys are all 'Amen brother!' but when someone tries to give actual thoughts or feedback you guys cry larper?

Fairly knew account and you talk just like the cucks over at IT.

I mean really:

Not saying you 'should' or have to, but do you really think you regard femoids with 'respect'. The most common attitude I see reflected in your writing is contempt. Do you think there's a chance that maybe some of that comes through?

Wether he regards them with respect or not is irrelevant to them being attracted to him. It doesn't matter how hard you cucks insist on this point. Any person can hide their emotions and feelings for atleast a short period of time. And no, women do not have a magical creep sensor. They assume an ugly guy is creepy until proven otherwise and they assume a goodlooking guy isn't creepy until proven otherwise. They are automatically hostile towards him the moment he says hello and it's not because of his attitude.

Or you could maybe try to learn from your failures, and yes, even try to use some of the advice your fellow comerades are giving you, and who knows.. maybe just maybe you'll get a different result.

Drop this holier than thou shit you got going on.
This isn't basketball or any other skill game. If the girls are blowing him off from the get go, there isn't anything he can do.

Is he justified in becoming bitter after the rejections? Probably. And you will say "Well that attitude won't help." What a pile of bs. It won't help and it won't hurt either because it doesn't matter.

Seems to be a favourite past time for cucks. Trying to make a person feel guilty about a situation where they are fucked from the get go.
dude, I don't really have follow this thread but I see it exist for a long time, just stop, it's a stupid idea, even if you are a normie and not an ugly incel like us, you can't have any sucess if you just ask randomly like this, only chads have this power

Give up before rope man :confused:

i will make it bro

i have the resilience of a fuckign brick wall
i will make it bro

i have the resilience of a fuckign brick wall

Man, 1000 womens is a lot, if you ask quickly after your job you obviously gonna get nothing from them, unless if you are a chad, and if it was the case, you probably never put a step on this website, you just gonna fail ( I hope for you i'm wrong ) but I can't imagine your frustration if you really talk at 1000 womens and only got reject

In my life I just got 9 rejects (and obviously 0 acceptation) and each rejects was for me the ultimate insult who put me down all the time and I have need a lot of time to be at a "normal state"

so 1000 womens...
i trust my instincts more than all else
i believe my own experience more than I believe the net
But why? It's obvious that your instincts are wrong so far. I trusted my own instincts for 37 years and it got me precisely nowhere. Then I started looking elsewhere to educate myself, and BAM. Results. Not getting laid yet. But I see improvement, and that's enough right now.

I know that an approach is 90% body + chance and only 10% words

wanna focus on 10% - do it

to me - posture, voice, dress code...etc - more important than cucky lines

Where did I ever say that 'words' are what matters. In fact I explicitly said otherwise multiple times. But your attitude and perspective do matter. A lot.

approach 200+ like me

and by your logic you should be swimming in vagina
I hope I don't have to approach 200+ before I at least get a date. But hell no I'm not 'swimming in vagina' I got 2 numbers. That's nothing, since I'll still need to convert those numbers into dates, and then convert those dates into lays. By any sort of logic, that's still a looooong way off. Progress is better than nothing tho.

approach 200+ like me
honestly, I think neither I am right/wrong nor you are.

I don't think you're wrong either man. I'm not trying to be antagonistic. I've just been watching this thread from the beginning and I'm seeing you get more and more beaten down and negative about the whole process. And I don't like that cuz I want you to succed man. I want us both to succeed.
Fairly knew account and you talk just like the cucks over at IT.

What's IT?

Wether he regards them with respect or not is irrelevant to them being attracted to him. It doesn't matter how hard you cucks insist on this point. Any person can hide their emotions and feelings for atleast a short period of time. And no, women do not have a magical creep sensor. They assume an ugly guy is creepy until proven otherwise and they assume a goodlooking guy isn't creepy until proven otherwise. They are automatically hostile towards him the moment he says hello and it's not because of his attitude.

And you know this how?

Drop this holier than thou shit you got going on.
This isn't basketball or any other skill game. If the girls are blowing him off from the get go, there isn't anything he can do.

It's not 'holier than thou' dude. I actually fucking want him to succeed. And from the beginning of this thread I've been in his cheering section. But I also see him getting more and more contemptuous to femoids in his responses and attitudes, and if you think that won't show through, you're just wrong man. I don't know what else to tell you. If you hate an entire group of people as some monolithic entity, and aren't approaching meeting them as though they are individuals that are worthy of your genuine attention and interest, then they are not going to want to fucking be around you. It's that simple. This is basic psychology. Something I happen to be rather well educated in.

Seems to be a favourite past time for cucks. Trying to make a person feel guilty about a situation where they are fucked from the get go.

Yeah, how about go fuck yourself. I've been concerned and trying to offer him genuinely heartfelt advice on not letting himself get burnt out from the very beginning. Noone's trying to make anyone feel bad. But if you're banging your face repeatedly against a wall, and someone comes up and says' 'Bro, maybe you should stop doing that and try something else.' And you say 'Fuck it. If the wall doesn't respect me, I'm not going to change to accommodate the wall.' Well, I don't know what to do with that.
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i ain't cucky bro, sorry

i go hard

i trust my instincts more than all else.....

Dude, sorry, coming from a 45-year-old who's been thru these things, your attitude sucks and I'm not surprised to come back here after a month or so (when did you start this project?) and find you even more bitter than when you started, and getting rejects. 'Succuse me for not knowing, but how many successes (as in dates/sex/whatever) have you had since approach 1? I haven't been here in a month & don't have the time to wade thru all of these posts.
Dude, sorry, coming from a 45-year-old who's been thru these things, your attitude sucks and I'm not surprised to come back here after a month or so (when did you start this project?) and find you even more bitter than when you started, and getting rejects. 'Succuse me for not knowing, but how many successes (as in dates/sex/whatever) have you had since approach 1? I haven't been here in a month & don't have the time to wade thru all of these posts.

He is still at zero
Dude, sorry, coming from a 45-year-old who's been thru these things, your attitude sucks and I'm not surprised to come back here after a month or so (when did you start this project?) and find you even more bitter than when you started, and getting rejects. 'Succuse me for not knowing, but how many successes (as in dates/sex/whatever) have you had since approach 1? I haven't been here in a month & don't have the time to wade thru all of these posts.

i will win

like i said - I am resilient as a fucking brick wall

Approaches 23/072018

Felt sick today. Had health discomfort.

1. She was moving and didn't stop when l tried to talk to her. She looked at me from top to bottom but did nothing.

This is why l have been trying to approach only immobile femoidal organism - there isn't an imertia that you have to overcome.

2. Very good facial reaction upon approaching but she said that she is waiting for her boyfriend. She had a suitcase.

I said only you know if that's true. Have a nice evening.

She had low IQ voice tbh.

3. Insanely good reaction

(This has to be what Chad gets 8/10)

I opened with you look sympathetic btw.

She smiled like a fucking monkey.

Told me her name and shit.

We talked for 2 minutes.

She was a good age for me - 28.

And finally it came down to the boyfriend question.

And of coursed she said yes.

I said - We both know that's a lie. So just tell me your number.

Then I pulled out my phone.

She said l am not lying. I really have a boyfriend.

I just left.

791 to go
Man, you just don't get it, do you. ELLLLL CREEEEEPO. Everything you're doing screams "Creep!" "Weird" "Unnatural" "Off-putting".......I was gonna stop at "creep", but couldn't resist.
Instead of asking them if they have a boyfriend, why don't you just ask for their number? You're giving them an excuse to use.
Man, you just don't get it, do you. ELLLLL CREEEEEPO. Everything you're doing screams "Creep!" "Weird" "Unnatural" "Off-putting".......I was gonna stop at "creep", but couldn't resist.

He's only considered creepy because he's ugly. You need to take some more blackpills
Will you kill yourself if all 1K say no?
He's only considered creepy because he's ugly. You need to take some more blackpills
Couldn't he be BOTH simultaneously? The two could feed off each other. It's obvious from his "diaries", though, that just taken alone, the BEHAVIOR is stilted and unnatural and.....just......creepy.
Man, you just don't get it, do you. ELLLLL CREEEEEPO. Everything you're doing screams "Creep!" "Weird" "Unnatural" "Off-putting".......I was gonna stop at "creep", but couldn't resist.

Try harder

This ain't hurting me.
Will you kill yourself if all 1K say no?

Instead of asking them if they have a boyfriend, why don't you just ask for their number? You're giving them an excuse to use.

I don't need numbers

I need to pre select them.

If she has a br or lies about it, she doesn't like me and numbers will result in ghosting.
You need to watch a National Geographic documentary. Only the alpha male who beats other men will get to fuck the females. This is just cope for bluepilled cucks.
Look, this is not just me talking. I'm only saying that most (if not all) of the women you are "approaching" are going to be put off by your behavior. You don't just go up to people randomly and start talking to them expecting the sort of thing you are expecting, ugly or not ugly. Quite a few people have told me that I am not "ugly", but if I went around behaving like you are, I wouldn't stand a chance. Believe me, I tried it once in 1995. Doesn't work. Also, think about it like this. If you do succeed with someone, as soon as she finds out that she is number whatever in your "diary", she probably won't be too pleased with you anyway. No woman wants to be considered just a number, even if you don't tell her; it will all come out on the inside eventually, through your actions and treatment. This is all regardless of whether or not I am a "numale" (no) or a "cuck" (probably). The only time I ever met someone who became a girlfriend was while I was working or by pure serendipity. And that quasi-militant attitude you have about this whole project is only making it look even more pathetic.
Look, this is not just me talking. I'm only saying that most (if not all) of the women you are "approaching" are going to be put off by your behavior. You don't just go up to people randomly and start talking to them expecting the sort of thing you are expecting, ugly or not ugly. Quite a few people have told me that I am not "ugly", but if I went around behaving like you are, I wouldn't stand a chance. Believe me, I tried it once in 1995. Doesn't work. Also, think about it like this. If you do succeed with someone, as soon as she finds out that she is number whatever in your "diary", she probably won't be too pleased with you anyway. No woman wants to be considered just a number, even if you don't tell her; it will all come out on the inside eventually, through your actions and treatment. This is all regardless of whether or not I am a "numale" (no) or a "cuck" (probably). The only time I ever met someone who became a girlfriend was while I was working or by pure serendipity. And that quasi-militant attitude you have about this whole project is only making it look even more pathetic.

it will work bro

it's a numbers game

and yes, those bitche are just a number in my diary cause and I don't care if they know because - if they reject me, they may think i am a POS or whatever - it's fine with me

That's the thing, fella.

I have developed insane resilience.

And I will continue for as long as possible.

I have the resilience of a fucking brick wall.

Not saying that I do everything perfectly, but a situation can never be perfect

I would have loved to have met someone through am ore conventional way, but it never happened for me - neither at work nor school

I will keep going

If you don't like me




it will work bro
it's a numbers game
- if they reject me, they may think i am a POS or whatever - it's fine with me
That's the thing, fella.
I have developed insane resilience.
I have the resilience of a fucking brick wall.

So you're "resilient". That's good. But you know, technically you SHOULD have a negative, "painful" reaction to rejection. This is how improvement occurs. Improvement REQUIRES and begins with pain to some degree or other. If you have no reaction (externally or otherwise, but especially internally), then there is no incentive/motivation to change or modify your behavior, perspective, attitude, outlook, point of view, position, etc. In other words, it's healthy to "care" about how women react to or feel about or respond to....you. This is what sparks change, painful as it might be at times.
So you're "resilient". That's good. But you know, technically you SHOULD have a negative, "painful" reaction to rejection. This is how improvement occurs. Improvement REQUIRES and begins with pain to some degree or other. If you have no reaction (externally or otherwise, but especially internally), then there is no incentive/motivation to change or modify your behavior, perspective, attitude, outlook, point of view, position, etc. In other words, it's healthy to "care" about how women react to or feel about or respond to....you. This is what sparks change, painful as it might be at times.
you make it sound like approaching women is some sort of skill that needs to be mastered. This is what PUAs want you to believe. Reality is approaching is not a numbers game. If you approach 10 women and all of them think you are physically unattractive then you could literally approach 50,000 more and get the same identical result nomatter what you say/do.

You need to be atleast 4-7 points above the woman, tall and white to have a shot with her from cold approach.
Instead of asking them if they have a boyfriend, why don't you just ask for their number? You're giving them an excuse to use.
High IQ. Or instead of asking, just hand them your phone and tell them to write it down (at the end of a good interaction).
you make it sound like approaching women is some sort of skill that needs to be mastered. This is what PUAs want you to believe. Reality is approaching is not a numbers game. If you approach 10 women and all of them think you are physically unattractive then you could literally approach 50,000 more and get the same identical result nomatter what you say/do. You need to be atleast 4-7 points above the woman, tall and white to have a shot with her from cold approach.
The only "skill" that "needs to be mastered" is the skill of knowing when to stop. According to your theory, then, uninstall should have stopped after number 10. Every attempt after that is redundant and superfluous. But I think he shouldn't have even started at all, since, although meeting a significant other IS a numbers game, it doesn't require, as a necessary condition, approaching (especially cold like this). Yes, there are skills involved. They are called "social skills". I'll absolutely agree that whether or not these skills can be mastered (or even learned sufficiently) is debatable. Some are naturals (and are still ugly); others couldn't do it if they practiced and made attempts for years. My best high school friend is absolutely "ugly" in the sense incels refer to it, no doubt about it, the face is just NOT physically attractive.......but he actually did have ONE girlfriend 20 years ago, and lost his virginity. And she stayed with him for several years, not for money I'm certain of it. Although I don't know why they broke up.
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High IQ. Or instead of asking, just hand them your phone and tell them to write it down (at the end of a good interaction).

you don't do this to GET NUMBERS and chat buddies

you do it to get girls that like you - and you don't need girls with BFs - real or imaginary


If she likes you and she has a bf, you DON'T NEED TO TALK TO HER because she's taken.

If she doesn't like you and she doesn't have a bf but tells you that she does, you are simply rejected. This saves time.

good luck spending 15 minutes sweating in front of a foid only to learn she has a bf


this is how i see things
you make it sound like approaching women is some sort of skill that needs to be mastered. This is what PUAs want you to believe. Reality is approaching is not a numbers game. If you approach 10 women and all of them think you are physically unattractive then you could literally approach 50,000 more and get the same identical result nomatter what you say/do.

You need to be atleast 4-7 points above the woman, tall and white to have a shot with her from cold approach.

it is a skill, but after a certain threshold, improvement is meaningless since even if you are a mega-master with mega-game, you don't know the woman that you are approaching and her state - she may have two kids...etc.

so it's both - skills + numbers
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good luck spending 15 minutes sweating in front of a foid only to learn she has a bf


Be careful with this one, this could put her off as being too "forward", or too personal too soon.
Be careful with this one, this could put her off as being too "forward", or too personal too soon.

true,, but that's true about anything you do

if you are too impersonal, she may be put off too

those kinds of things are just filters

meaning - a behaviour that one foid finds attractive may turn off another foid - thus your behaviour is acting as a filter - thus confusion

whatever u say, rejection is the norm and nothing can change that

and then she ghosts you

are you planning to become a phone book?
are you planning to become a phone book?
So you don't think getting their number is the first step? You do know that girls will use the boyfriend excuse? You're basically handing them an excuse when they are unsure if they should give you their number or not.

Also, some foids are fine with cheating, so asking if they have a boyfriend is stupid, because if you don't, they may pretend not to have one and go along with it.

Just say "well, it has been nice talking to you. I feel like we really connected. I would like to meet up with you some other time. Do you have a number or any other way of contacting you, so we can get in contact?"
Be careful with this one, this could put her off as being too "forward", or too personal too soon.
Yup. And you may actually give her an excuse to end the conversation before properly introducing yourself and creating a good first impression.
you don't do this to GET NUMBERS and chat buddies

you do it to get girls that like you - and you don't need girls with BFs - real or imaginary


If she likes you and she has a bf, you DON'T NEED TO TALK TO HER because she's taken.

If she doesn't like you and she doesn't have a bf but tells you that she does, you are simply rejected. This saves time.

good luck spending 15 minutes sweating in front of a foid only to learn she has a bf


this is how i see things

it is a skill, but after a certain threshold, improvement is meaningless since even if you are a mega-master with mega-game, you don't know the woman that you are approaching and her state - she may have two kids...etc.

so it's both - skills + numbers

If she gives you her number, she is clearly interested. Sure, are there going to be a few retarded foids who think giving away their number is to "become friends"? Yes. But most foids don't think that way, especially if you make it clear that you're interested in pursuing them romantically.

Fucking a foid starts by getting her number, that's the first step. If you're not even able to get to that step because of "muh pride," "muh time waste," then you're dumb.
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So you don't think getting their number is the first step? You do know that girls will use the boyfriend excuse? You're basically handing them an excuse when they are unsure if they should give you their number or not.

Also, some foids are fine with cheating, so asking if they have a boyfriend is stupid, because if you don't, they may pretend not to have one and go along with it.

Just say "well, it has been nice talking to you. I feel like we really connected. I would like to meet up with you some other time. Do you have a number or any other way of contacting you, so we can get in contact?"

Yup. And you may actually give her an excuse to end the conversation before properly introducing yourself and creating a good first impression.


- i am telling you - asknig for BF saves time

it shows your intention and exposes hers

can she lie?


but that's ok


if she's willing to lie - she never liked you

- i am telling you - asknig for BF saves time

it shows your intention and exposes hers

can she lie?


but that's ok


if she's willing to lie - she never liked you
She may actually not be 100% sure, she may be contemplating if she wants to go out with you or not and then giving her an "out" just makes it that much easier for her to say "no." Just because she is unsure, that doesn't mean she isn't interested in you. It's quite a commitment to give a random guy your number.

But if you think that asking if they have a bf is a good idea and saves you time, then sure, go ahead, keep doing it. But don't complain when you're at rejection #999 with no numbers and 100% "I have a boyfriend" responses.
She may actually not be 100% sure, she may be contemplating if she wants to go out with you or not and then giving her an "out" just makes it that much easier for her to say "no." Just because she is unsure, that doesn't mean she isn't interested in you. It's quite a commitment to give a random guy your number.

But if you think that asking if they have a bf is a good idea and saves you time, then sure, go ahead, keep doing it. But don't complain when you're at rejection #999 with no numbers and 100% "I have a boyfriend" responses.

if she is unsure - the asnwer is no

unsure = future ghosting is highly possible

There's a problem that many seem to fail to comprehend:

FOIDS LOVE ATTENTION. She knows whether she will reject you within 3-20 seconds depending on the contect of your approach. She may not know it concisouly but she knows it subconsciously for sure.

Sometimes, foids will play along, you will think like you have a great time, but they are simply doing it for amusement.

Those bitches need to feeel the pressure - making things personal - is the way to do it


no problem

don't worry - it's my suffering, not yours

just sit back and enjoy my seppuko
You are going to guarantee 1,000 rejections if you continue approaching the way you are. I mean damn, if you are going to do these many approaches at least try to entertain some other ideas being posted here. What do you have to lose? You were able to try 100 different ways if you just change your approach every 10 girls.
if she is unsure - the asnwer is no

unsure = future ghosting is highly possible

There's a problem that many seem to fail to comprehend:

FOIDS LOVE ATTENTION. She knows whether she will reject you within 3-20 seconds depending on the contect of your approach. She may not know it concisouly but she knows it subconsciously for sure.

Sometimes, foids will play along, you will think like you have a great time, but they are simply doing it for amusement.

Those bitches need to feeel the pressure - making things personal - is the way to do it


no problem

don't worry - it's my suffering, not yours

just sit back and enjoy my seppuko
At least try approaching some girls who aren't super attractive, that is my #1 advice if you want to succeed.
At least try approaching some girls who aren't super attractive, that is my #1 advice if you want to succeed.

what made u believe i approach super attractive girls

i approach 5/10 who are not fat most of the time

i don't think i have approached a 7 or above more than 1-2 times
Life fuel for the naive and blue pilled
You are going to guarantee 1,000 rejections if you continue approaching the way you are. I mean damn, if you are going to do these many approaches at least try to entertain some other ideas being posted here. What do you have to lose? You were able to try 100 different ways if you just change your approach every 10 girls.

your words may remain the same - but an approach is not just words

it's acting - you become a better actor over time

if you constantly change, you don't have metric upon you can evolve - you need to give it some time

i am not saying i will use the same line forever, but I don't think they are the problem right now

there are many things to worry - venue of approach, surrounding audience, posture, voice, intonation ...etc
You are going to guarantee 1,000 rejections if you continue approaching the way you are. I mean damn, if you are going to do these many approaches at least try to entertain some other ideas being posted here. What do you have to lose? You were able to try 100 different ways if you just change your approach every 10 girls.
Would be cool ngl.
what made u believe i approach super attractive girls

i approach 5/10 who are not fat most of the time

i don't think i have approached a 7 or above more than 1-2 times
I am pretty sure you said something aking to that before, but if that's not the case, then good.

That other guy with an approach log is only approaching 7+ foids, apparently.
Many of you don't comperehend the following, yet you claimed black pilled.

Situational success vs. Game Plan

Let's say that you have been approaching foids in a specific way and it all results in rejections. Naturally, you decide to change something.

You change it on the next foid and she is responsive.

You conclude that your change was the deciding factor.

But this ain't fucking baseball or wallstreet. What could have happened is simply this - the foid liked you and she would have reacted positively to your old approach too.

This idea is proven by the fact that when you continue to approach with your new and improved opener or whatever, you eventually receive another good dose of rejections.

In other words, your success was situational rather than the result of your new and improved game.

You simply stumbled upon a foid that find your looks and presence acceptable at that moment.
Many of you don't comperehend the following, yet you claimed black pilled.

Situational success vs. Game Plan

Let's say that you have been approaching foids in a specific way and it all results in rejections. Naturally, you decide to change something.

You change it on the next foid and she is responsive.

You conclude that your change was the deciding factor.

But this ain't fucking baseball or wallstreet. What could have happened is simply this - the foid liked you and she would have reacted positively to your old approach too.

This idea is proven by the fact that when you continue to approach with your new and improved opener or whatever, you eventually receive another good dose of rejections.

In other words, your success was situational rather than the result of your new and improved game.

You simply stumbled upon a foid that find your looks and presence acceptable at that moment.
And what's the larger overall point that you are making?
And what's the larger overall point that you are making?
He thinks that saying it in a slightly different tone will make a huge difference. As long as you don't come off as a complete creep, it won't make a difference. The only way it could make a difference is if you were super charismatic, but that shit is developed over many years through development and success, and is fairly genetic. An incel is not going to be able pull that shit off.
It's difficult (and sometimes counterproductive) to sit and attempt to map out all of the various outcomes of a conversation; this is especially the case with STRANGERS. If you try to stick to a game plan strictly, then you leave no room for spontaneity, which is the cornerstone of most successful conversations (success being getting a phone number or a "yes" response to an invite, etc.). There are many unpredictable variables at work when you talk to someone whom you've never met before. There are literally an infinite number of "reasons" why a woman may say something, withhold something, react to something, act in some way proactively, etc.
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It's difficult (and sometimes counterproductive) to sit and attempt to map out all of the various outcomes of a conversation; this is especially the case with STRANGERS. If you try to stick to a game plan strictly, then you leave no room for spontaneity, which is the cornerstone of most successful conversations (success being getting a phone number or a "yes" response to an invite, etc.). There are many unpredictable variables at work when you talk to someone whom you've never met before. There are literally an infinite number of "reasons" why a woman may say something, withhold something, react to something, act in some way proactively, etc.
Wow, you really are blue pulled; why aren’t you banned already?
If you try to stick to a game plan strictly, then you leave no room for spontaneity, which is the cornerstone of most successful conversations (success being getting a phone number or a "yes" response to an invite, etc.)
It wouldn't matter what Chad says though, since the cornerstrone of successful conversation is being physically attractive, and thus planning or not makes no difference. This is the reason why uninstall struggles, because the roasties judge only by his looks and those that do like any attention get their validation then pull the bf card. Still, respect for uninstall is deserved! He's trying his best to ascend and sticking to a goal he set himself. Motivation as an incel can be quite hard and limited in execution.
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