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LifeFuel I will approach 1000 girls and find a GF

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there is no way in hell that not 1 girl in 1000 will like me

so far

I have approached 22

978 to go

all woman/girls today are morons, you are ONLY deceiving yourself!
- first and foremost: they are all superficial and i will BET that NOT a single one likes you TRULY, nor do they care about whom they sleep with,
reason? THEY ARE FREEE; FEMINAZATION is out of control:lul: - this bitches need to be punished for such misbehavior!
- women BELONG to MEN, PERIOD:banhammer:
Hey b keep going man you will ascend!

I'm on the edge of my seat. @Akkadian @SadBoiKen he's going to approach 20 foids today. I'm following this shit intently @uninstall is such a character.
>Me waiting for an update
Just be confident bro.


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@uninstall Though we still wan't to know what your face is /10....
Regards to your post

Hi. You look like someone l would kiss.

She smiled and said l am in a hurry.

Where are you going?

To meet my boyfriend.

Ah..so lying is your super power

She was already leaving and said no.

Good luck in life then

You seem to be getting better at this, compared to the aspie "aRe u sYmPathTetic"

You must be joking.

telling a girl she is kissable is only something an 8+ would get away with. Uninstall has had 0 from 200+ so he must be 4/10 on the face or worse - somebody would have said yes by now to an average looking guy with good vibes.
accusing them of lying - even in jest - is idiotic and shows 0 class.
Telling a complete stranger that you would like to kiss her is, regardless of whether or not you are ugly, considered bizarre by a large segment of both men and women, and has been for the last 30 years that I have been an adult.
Telling a complete stranger that you would like to kiss her is, regardless of whether or not you are ugly, considered bizarre by a large segment of both men and women, and has been for the last 30 years that I have been an adult.

tell someone who cares honestly

i rarely use this line i've used like 3 times i think

but honestly i don't care anymore
You must be joking.

telling a girl she is kissable is only something an 8+ would get away with. Uninstall has had 0 from 200+ so he must be 4/10 on the face or worse - somebody would have said yes by now to an average looking guy with good vibes.
accusing them of lying - even in jest - is idiotic and shows 0 class.

i don't need to validate to a femoid to know my class

I am so anxious for your 20 foids tmrw boyo. Starting my own approach thread soon. All i have to do it work on lowering my inhib. Any tips for a buddingcel?
You've probably answered this before, but how old are you Uninstall? or does someone know?
Good luck bro .. numbers and statistics are on your side
Good luck bro .. numbers and statistics are on your side

no, if you're ugly there is not any guarantee you can get a girl even with hundreds of attempts, and even if you can miraculously be sure to be fat and ugly. If he wants to have some chanche he should approach only very ugly girls, 1000 ones, and maybe he can get one
i don't know how ugly he is, it depends on the level of ugliness of course
ive seen ugly fat ppl who are married... its possible...
After all the bluepilled shit you've been posting in this thread, this is like fucking pottery View attachment 30549
Point out one specific blue pilled thing I've said. Jfl. If you can't tell the difference between blue pilled ideology and a nuanced interpretation of black pilled data.
Point out one specific blue pilled thing I've said. Jfl. If you can't tell the difference between blue pilled ideology and a nuanced interpretation of black pilled data.
Your posts are the definition of NAWALT. NAWALT is blue pilled shit. You'll get cancelled on by a few more chicks and then you'll be back with a better understanding of the truth.
Point out one specific blue pilled thing I've said. Jfl. If you can't tell the difference between blue pilled ideology and a nuanced interpretation of black pilled data.

I did point out your blue pilled shit. You ignored it.

To remind you, the whole "They will reject you based on your vibe." is false and an excuse to try and shift the blame from the actual factors that are causing @uninstall to get rejected
You must be joking.

telling a girl she is kissable is only something an 8+ would get away with. Uninstall has had 0 from 200+ so he must be 4/10 on the face or worse - somebody would have said yes by now to an average looking guy with good vibes.
accusing them of lying - even in jest - is idiotic and shows 0 class.
I think he's gotten 1 lay so far.
Your posts are the definition of NAWALT. NAWALT is blue pilled shit. You'll get cancelled on by a few more chicks and then you'll be back with a better understanding of the truth.

Which point in particular? I love how those who try to call me out for blue pill refuse to contend with a single argument I've made.

Please, explain to me how pointing out that bad attitude, poor social skills, and negative charisma can kill your chances is blue pilled. Heck, it's not even red pilled, because I've never said that good charisma can be a magic cure for ugly. In fact, I've literally said that 'if' your looks ever gave you a chance in the first place, then your attitude and behavior matter (unless you're Chad, in which case it's pretty hard to fuck it up.. although I maintain not impossible). Which implies that there is a threshold below which you never had a chance.

But hey. Don't listen to me. Here's what @SergeantIncel has to say about it

..Jfl. So tired of explaining this simple concept to low iq ppl who don't understand nuance.
I did point out your blue pilled shit. You ignored it.

To remind you, the whole "They will reject you based on your vibe." is false and an excuse to try and shift the blame from the actual factors that are causing @uninstall to get rejected

'Vibe' is that context means social skills or lack thereof. If you don't think that social ineptitude can get you shut down then I don't know what to tell you..
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'Vibe' is that context means social skills or lack thereof. If you don't think that social ineptitude can get you shut down then I don't know what to tell you..

"You look like someone I would kiss"/"You seem cute" = social ineptitude = bad 'vibe'
Approaches 26/7/2018

(this is written in real-time)

I promised 20 and l will try to deliver.

Just started my approach session.

I write everything right after the approach.

1. She was good 2 inches taller than me and this is precisely while l chose her. I wanted to be at an obvious disadvantage.

She was faked up maxxed.

I went to her and said.


You look sympathetic.


You look sympathetic. But are you?

It depends.

Where are you going?

To see a friend.

I am going home. Why did you decide to cover your face in so many chemicals. Protect yourself.

(Mega aspie l know but l said it with good not hurting tone)

She smiled. Haha. It's not that much.

How old are you?


36 (I wanted to mega neg her)

Loool so wrong?


No. 26.

Ok. I am 29.

What's your name?

My name is Maria.

I am X. Do you have a boyfriend?

(Her train was coming)

Yes. We have been together a long time.

I didn't say anything and just moved a few steps away to write this.

I basically murdered that bitch.

Note: l didn't know expect to win her.

2. Cute, nice hair some acne, slim

Hi. How are you?

Fine. (She didn't say how about you which was already a rejection in my mind.)

You look nice and friendly but are you?

Yes (smile)

What's your name?

Monicca. She said nice to meet you while interrupting eye contact. (Basically over)

I am X. What are you up to this evening?

Going home.

I have to buy a gift for a friend and then l will go home too. (I lied.)


What do you work?

Nice but l will just say nice evening here (soft rejection).

I said ok and left.

3. That was a quick one.

I wrote the previous approach on my phone while sitting on a bench in the metro. The l got up and saw a cute girl and said.

Hi. You look cute.


You look cute baby.

(The whole time looking into her eyes without blinking)


What are you up to this evening? Going home?

I am waiting for my brother and the yes. Oh l see him coming. Bye.

Then she got up and left me.

4. Looked at me and just passed by.

I normally don't count shit like that but it happened twice so l guess l can't ignore it either.


I switched to a mall. Haven't been here for a month.


5. MEGA RESPONSIVE [validation seeking whore]

She was also cute. The catch?

Her eyes were looking at different directions.

I didn't see it until l approached her. She was looking at the mall chart.

I opened with my line - you look sympathetic.

She smiled like it was her birthday but then.

Refused to answer any questions - name, age (she said guess and I said 36 to annoy her).

She was very chatty. She kept looking at the map and failed to find the store she was looking for.

I said it is because you are not cooperativem. She laughed.

I said is there something about you that isn't a secret.

She said yes - the fact that l am in the mall.

She then asked me if l am alone.

I said no. I am with my imagine nary friend.

She laughed again.

1 minute later she left.

Nasty bitch with bad eye area looking for validation.

I was taller than her if that matters.


The mall was empty and sucky. I have to bounce.


6. She was walking up some stairs. I stopped her with a gesture and body movement.

She removed her headphones.

I said -. You look attractive on the outside but what about inside?

She was stupefied. Said nothing and left me hanging.

7. Stopped some femshit.

She was rude. I said u look nice. She gave me an aspie look and passed by me.

I said. I guess l was wrong.

This is why l hate approching moving bitches but have to because otherwise l am very limited.

I am back in the metro.

8.Approached a standing foid.

Hi. You seem nice. What are you up to this evening?

She looked at me smiled, said nothing and moved.

I said: good luck in life and in the fight against autism.

9.l went to an immobile foid.

Said. Hi. You look cute.

(At this point l am tired AF)

She said what. She was kinda bitch and l just said.

I don't repeat for no one.

And left.

I am pretty sure she heard me.


I will try to get my shit together and do better

For the rest. My head hurt though


10. I have a boyfriend.

Went to some jail bait or so I think.

Hi. You look cute.

I have a boyfriend.

That was her second line.

Honestly.l have respect for foids that do this.

So far this is the second one.

50% done


11. Blonde bitch "why should l respond to you"

Blonde bitch (bottle)

I approached her. She eye balled me after l said you look sympathetic.

What are you up to this evening?

Why should l tell you.

You don't have to. What's your name?

I don't want to talk to you.

Fine good luck in life.

My voice is getting tired and monotone.

12. "I just look nice but l am not”

Approached some maked up womanlet.

You look nice. Are you?

No. I just look this way.

(The she went to her phone.)

Nice. Good look in the fight against autism.


It is getting late. Running out of approach targets.


I may have to postpone the mission for tommorow. Still l did 12 approaches.

Will try to add on the way home.

Let's see what happens.

0. Approached a food waiting for the metro. She reacted well but her metro came in 10 seconds. I won't count it.

It is over.

I couldn't do anymore. I am tired and it was raining.

I know I said 20 yesterday and did my best but couldn't.

I will try tomorrow.

Thanks for the support.

774 to go
Heroic efforts

I am staggered that none of these will talk to you for any length of time.

get some interproximal brushes and suck on peppermints

maybe that's the problem.
What are you up to this evening?

Why should l tell you.

You don't have to. What's your name?

I don't want to talk to you.

Even if you aren't getting any dates, at least you are pissing off foids :lul::lul::lul:

If a foid talked to me like that, I would shoot up a sorority :kys:
I think he's gotten 1 lay so far.

really? I missed that.

he says he's had 100% rejections
no, if you're ugly there is not any guarantee you can get a girl even with hundreds of attempts, and even if you can miraculously be sure to be fat and ugly. If he wants to have some chanche he should approach only very ugly girls, 1000 ones, and maybe he can get one
i don't know how ugly he is, it depends on the level of ugliness of course

ugly girls want less than ugly guys

for ugly guys you would need to be approaching down symdrome chicks to have any chance
really? I missed that.

he says he's had 100% rejections

ugly girls want less than ugly guys

for ugly guys you would need to be approaching down symdrome chicks to have any chance

no lays

not even a number

i got 3fbs

that's it
no lays

not even a number

i got 3fbs

that's it
You'd have a better chance going around asking 1000 normies to be your friend and then getting a gf through social circle, lol.
Dude, unless you're doing this for your own amusement, you just don't say those sorts of things to complete strangers. You are immediately intruding/putting them on the defensive.
Dude, unless you're doing this for your own amusement, you just don't say those sorts of things to complete strangers. You are immediately intruding/putting them on the defensive.
He is much better off saying "hey" than that autistic "you look sympathetic" bullshit, just puts them on the defense.
Dude, unless you're doing this for your own amusement, you just don't say those sorts of things to complete strangers. You are immediately intruding/putting them on the defensive.

i don't care about their feelings
He is much better off saying "hey" than that autistic "you look sympathetic" bullshit, just puts them on the defense.

openers are cope mostly

try 200 approaches and you will know it
i don't care about their feelings

Not referring to their "feelings", (well, except for their "feeling" about you), but rather their all-too-predictable reactions.
try 200 approaches and you will know it
I would rather chop off my balls than do that.

How about you try a vanilla "hey" opener for your next 20 approaches and prove me wrong. If opener doesn't matter, then you have nothing to lose right? The result will be the same, so you may as well prove me wrong.
I would rather chop off my balls than do that.

How about you try a vanilla "hey" opener for your next 20 approaches and prove me wrong. If opener doesn't matter, then you have nothing to lose right? The result will be the same, so you may as well prove me wrong.

that shit is irrelevant

the context is way more important that the first letters of the dialogue
that shit is irrelevant

the context is way more important that the first letters of the dialogue
If it's irrelevant then prove me wrong.

"Hey. I thought you were cute, so I wanted to come over and say hi."

I would love to hear what kind of response that line would get. Will she say "thanks" and smile or say "fuck off" or maybe "ok, good for you."
774 to go
I think I've said this before, but if anyone on this thread deserves ascension it's uninstall, because unlike us he's actively trying
I think I've said this before, but if anyone on this thread deserves ascension it's uninstall, because unlike us he's actively trying
But he is doing the lowest success rate way to get a girlfriend as a sub 6 male, that's just stupid if you ask me. There are so many other better ways to try and get a girlfriend. How many couples met via a cold approach? Maybe less than 1% and he wants to be that 1%.
But he is doing the lowest success rate way to get a girlfriend as a sub 6 male, that's just stupid if you ask me. There are so many other better ways to try and get a girlfriend. How many couples met via a cold approach? Maybe less than 1% and he wants to be that 1%.
Even cold approaching is more efficient than my LDAR lifestyle. Whether or not he's doing this right is up for debate but it's undeniable that he's putting in more effort than you and me both.
Does anyone have an idea how this guy looks? Face/height? I like the reports but I am wondering how he looks.
Even cold approaching is more efficient than my LDAR lifestyle. Whether or not he's doing this right is up for debate but it's undeniable that he's putting in more effort than you and me both.
But is that effort even worth it if he has a 98% chance to get rejected 1000 times?
But is that effort even worth it if he has a 98% chance to get rejected 1000 times?
I see your point, but if after all this he gets 1 or 2 foids interested in dating/fucking, I don't see how it wouldn't be worth it.
I see your point, but if after all this he gets 1 or 2 foids interested in dating/fucking, I don't see how it wouldn't be worth it.
He won't.

If he manages to get a gf from this, I'll go out and approach 1000 foids (I'll even make a log so you guys can laugh at me and open every approach with "you look sympathetic"), that's how confident I am in that statement.

You can come back and quote me on this @uninstall if you actually succeed.
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