Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious Farewell: My Final Post

In othER words:

as I gained access to sex in a free consensual mannER, I decided to remain posting hERe just to intellectually flex on othERs”

rage can nevER “die down” in the life of a REAL incel (if anything, it only gets strongER) so that right thERe is enough of an indicator that you r a fakecel.
I had the same thought in mind.
Like, how can rage die for an incel? It's near to impossible.
I had the same thought in mind.
Like, how can rage die for an incel? It's near to impossible.

Exactly. It’s hard to believe that your rage can evER die down when you see couples and single hot foids evERywhERe, constantly being reminded of what you’re missing out on. And even if you’re a hikikomori who nevER leaves the house, you will most likely use intERnet and see hot foids on porn and social media, again being reminded of what you’re missing out on.

The only way to feel less rage as time goes on, is to withdraw from society completely and have no intERnet access eithER, so that you aren’t reminded of what you’re missing out on (which is the primary cause of the rage).
o7 goodluck brocel
Goodbye man, best of luck
You will be dearly missed, OP. Your indepth legal related insights are amazing and legendary.


This is my last post. After 29,000 posts and 5 years, including a 1-year term as moderator from 2022 to 2023, I have decided that it is time for me to move on. The vast majority of users who leave do not make farewell posts, but I have spent so much time here, I think I would not have closure without making one. So I want to briefly talk about why I joined the community, and why I have stayed until now despite this website’s notoriety.

To be honest, I don’t quite remember what compelled me to join this site in the first place. I’d rather not reveal my exact age for privacy reasons, so I’ll simply say that I was in my late teens or my very early 20s when I first joined. I do know that I was a brat who picked up an alcoholic streak from my boarding school, and despite my academic achievements, I was consistently angsty throughout my undergraduate years. After all, I was a low SMV male with a high sex drive—so it was very much like being a homeless person across the street from a glass-walled Michelin-starred establishment, watching as the moneyed patrons guzzle caviar and champagne whilst I starved in the freezing rain.

I did pay for sex occasionally, but even in those instances where the physical act of copulation was satisfying, the emotions were not. So the first two years of my online existence here was one of post-adolescent rage and despair. Eventually, the most intense of my emotions eventually died down somewhat—not because I took a Redditor’s advice and sat down with an obese therapist for lectures on critical feminist theory, but because I simply and naturally mellowed out as I progressed into my early- or mid-20s. I still have awful days from time to time, but I learned to grin and bear it, to stay productive and complete any assigned tasks in my academic or professional life.

As my rage died down somewhat, my involvement in the incel community took a more intellectual turn. For years now I’ve noticed a recurring discursive pattern within the incelosphere: Edgy .is posters and irascible Redditors engage in this game whereby the former achieves maximum shock effect with politically incorrect speech, and the latter quite predictably reacts with outrage, often with calls for censorship. The notion of censorship, of course, brings many more questions. As an example, why and how does the United States adopt such a radically different view of offensive speech than most Western European societies? The answer, of course, is far too complex to be explored in just one thread alone. But if you’re a normie wondering why this incel forum has survived deplatforming for almost seven years, that’s the question you should try to thoroughly answer—from both the normative and descriptive standpoints.

I further digress here, but during the course of my position as a moderator of this incel forum, I read The Federalist Papers—which I realize sounds incredibly absurd, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Federalist No. 78 in particular addresses the scope and power of the federal judiciary; Hamilton’s view of the courts as a bulwark against crude majoritarianism was incredibly prescient in many areas of the law, but is particularly appurtenant as it relates to freedom of speech. After all, popular speech has no need for protection from the state. The type of speech that requires the protection of the law is often unpopular—uncouth, edgy, even loathsome—adjectives that often apply to incel speech. I considered it incredibly fascinating at the macro level: That such lofty, broad political concepts can be applied even to us, the proverbial basement-dwellers.

I didn’t sit around philosophizing the entire time, of course. I still get a good chuckle when I re-read some of the highlights of my time in the incel community. We doxxed prominent r/IncelTear moderator and “artist” AdvocateDoogy, who later turned out to be an autistic child groomer. We also covered the saga of another prominent r/IncelTears user, Peter “DrPizza” Bright, who is now halfway through his 12-year federal sentence for, unsurprisingly, child sex exploitation. We celebrated some U.S. Supreme Court decisions that upheld the rule of law by adhering to a faithful and originalist interpretation of the text. And then there was the time we asked a federal judge to unseal some documents regarding a former .is user who purportedly planned a mass shooting—and though we didn’t get a reply, those documents we asked were available on the public docket shortly after. Last but not least, we recently told the New Zealand Government to politely fuck off when they asked us to take down a video of the Buffalo mass shooting.

Anyhow, my explanation sounds abrupt and laconic, I know, but I have very recently decided that as much fun as I have had, I should focus on the other priorities within my life. Thus this concludes my time here. I have full faith and confidence in @Master and Frail and the rest of the forum’s well-respected moderation team, in their ability to keep this community running and thriving. And I want to thank all the users who have entertained me and indulged my idiosyncratic polemics over the years—there are too many to count. I wish all of you the best.

Thank you all.
Goodbye, judicialcel :blackpill:
I had the same thought in mind.
Like, how can rage die for an incel? It's near to impossible.
because we don't think about relationships and sex 24/7. Some of you have no passions so your life is empty and the only thing you focus on are the negatives. Also some of you are zoomers, your rage will die down in a couple years. Your feelings of rage also come from the fact that you feel like you deserve sex and a relationship. Psychology has showcased this, people who feel like they dont have what they deserve are more miserable than people who have absolutely nothing. I stopped thinking i deserve anything and it helped me immensely.
In othER words:

as I gained access to sex in a free consensual mannER, I decided to remain posting hERe just to intellectually flex on othERs”

rage can nevER “die down” in the life of a REAL incel (if anything, it only gets strongER) so that right thERe is enough of an indicator that you r a fakecel.

And to post hERe primarily to enjoy intellectual convERsations rathER than posting for the purpose of releasing your frustration and feeling less depressed about your situation (by talking to like-minded usERs who share the same predicament as you), is anothER fakecel trait.

JFL at all those hERe who can’t pick up on these clues. You’d all be tERrible investigatERs
Thats not true, when you are angry over a big period of time you eventually become tired and depressed and your libido dies down especially as you get close to your 30s as a man.

Thats the age where your T starts going down naturally too.

So it is possible we arent 16 yo kids anymore
See you tomorrow .

But anyways good Lück and have fun in whatever you do Next
good luck with whatever you decide to do with the millions you’ve made off crypto mining, and i hope you find peace within yourself regarding inceldom as well.
fuck what do you mean professional life , there is no profession for your FACE. but if you ascended farewell.
Well the userbase ratio of grown adults : rætarded children just got worse.

I'll miss your posts here man. Good luck, and I hope you find what you're looking for.
This nigger is the type of user who shouldn't be allowed here. He bragged about fucking escorts that were 10/10 in full detail
He isn't an incel if he can fuck beautiful women whenever he wants. I hope he kills himself.
Well, my day just immediately became worse seeing this.

Goodbye brocel, you were definitely one of the most interesting users here, it was always a great pleasure to read your high-IQ judicial threads which, let's be frank and I believe nobody can dispute it, nobody else would ever make, and now that you are gone, nobody else ever will, taking away an important perspective on our situation.

Anyway, I hope that you've thought a lot about this and won't find yourself realizing that you've made a mistake by leaving. The fatigue after you've been a part of something for years can be overwhelming at times I imagine, but unless you're truly sure that you will never come back, I would just take a break and let the account be for possible future use, even if you wouldn't feel like ever using it again.

Good bye brocel, this site lost its greatest asset today. It'll never be the same without you.
Well the userbase ratio of grown adults : rætarded children just got worse.

I'll miss your posts here man. Good luck, and I hope you find what you're looking for.
This is my last post. After 29,000 posts and 5 years, including a 1-year term as moderator from 2022 to 2023, I have decided that it is time for me to move on. The vast majority of users who leave do not make farewell posts, but I have spent so much time here, I think I would not have closure without making one. So I want to briefly talk about why I joined the community, and why I have stayed until now despite this website’s notoriety.

To be honest, I don’t quite remember what compelled me to join this site in the first place. I’d rather not reveal my exact age for privacy reasons, so I’ll simply say that I was in my late teens or my very early 20s when I first joined. I do know that I was a brat who picked up an alcoholic streak from my boarding school, and despite my academic achievements, I was consistently angsty throughout my undergraduate years. After all, I was a low SMV male with a high sex drive—so it was very much like being a homeless person across the street from a glass-walled Michelin-starred establishment, watching as the moneyed patrons guzzle caviar and champagne whilst I starved in the freezing rain.

I did pay for sex occasionally, but even in those instances where the physical act of copulation was satisfying, the emotions were not. So the first two years of my online existence here was one of post-adolescent rage and despair. Eventually, the most intense of my emotions eventually died down somewhat—not because I took a Redditor’s advice and sat down with an obese therapist for lectures on critical feminist theory, but because I simply and naturally mellowed out as I progressed into my early- or mid-20s. I still have awful days from time to time, but I learned to grin and bear it, to stay productive and complete any assigned tasks in my academic or professional life.

As my rage died down somewhat, my involvement in the incel community took a more intellectual turn. For years now I’ve noticed a recurring discursive pattern within the incelosphere: Edgy .is posters and irascible Redditors engage in this game whereby the former achieves maximum shock effect with politically incorrect speech, and the latter quite predictably reacts with outrage, often with calls for censorship. The notion of censorship, of course, brings many more questions. As an example, why and how does the United States adopt such a radically different view of offensive speech than most Western European societies? The answer, of course, is far too complex to be explored in just one thread alone. But if you’re a normie wondering why this incel forum has survived deplatforming for almost seven years, that’s the question you should try to thoroughly answer—from both the normative and descriptive standpoints.

I further digress here, but during the course of my position as a moderator of this incel forum, I read The Federalist Papers—which I realize sounds incredibly absurd, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Federalist No. 78 in particular addresses the scope and power of the federal judiciary; Hamilton’s view of the courts as a bulwark against crude majoritarianism was incredibly prescient in many areas of the law, but is particularly appurtenant as it relates to freedom of speech. After all, popular speech has no need for protection from the state. The type of speech that requires the protection of the law is often unpopular—uncouth, edgy, even loathsome—adjectives that often apply to incel speech. I considered it incredibly fascinating at the macro level: That such lofty, broad political concepts can be applied even to us, the proverbial basement-dwellers.

I didn’t sit around philosophizing the entire time, of course. I still get a good chuckle when I re-read some of the highlights of my time in the incel community. We doxxed prominent r/IncelTear moderator and “artist” AdvocateDoogy, who later turned out to be an autistic child groomer. We also covered the saga of another prominent r/IncelTears user, Peter “DrPizza” Bright, who is now halfway through his 12-year federal sentence for, unsurprisingly, child sex exploitation. We celebrated some U.S. Supreme Court decisions that upheld the rule of law by adhering to a faithful and originalist interpretation of the text. And then there was the time we asked a federal judge to unseal some documents regarding a former .is user who purportedly planned a mass shooting—and though we didn’t get a reply, those documents we asked were available on the public docket shortly after. Last but not least, we recently told the New Zealand Government to politely fuck off when they asked us to take down a video of the Buffalo mass shooting.

Anyhow, my explanation sounds abrupt and laconic, I know, but I have very recently decided that as much fun as I have had, I should focus on the other priorities within my life. Thus this concludes my time here. I have full faith and confidence in @Master and Frail and the rest of the forum’s well-respected moderation team, in their ability to keep this community running and thriving. And I want to thank all the users who have entertained me and indulged my idiosyncratic polemics over the years—there are too many to count. I wish all of you the best.

Thank you all.

I know this might be out of character for me but I read every single word. Farewell
I'm going to miss your high IQ threads. Your analysis of court cases and legal proceedings was very impressive.

Take care and all the best. :feelsYall:
Fuck man. Have seen ya so much. You won’t max fully. so why not continue with discourse unless roapmaxxing. You are a better communicator through message than me so if you have better max wonder what.
This is my last post. After 29,000 posts and 5 years, including a 1-year term as moderator from 2022 to 2023, I have decided that it is time for me to move on. The vast majority of users who leave do not make farewell posts, but I have spent so much time here, I think I would not have closure without making one. So I want to briefly talk about why I joined the community, and why I have stayed until now despite this website’s notoriety.

To be honest, I don’t quite remember what compelled me to join this site in the first place. I’d rather not reveal my exact age for privacy reasons, so I’ll simply say that I was in my late teens or my very early 20s when I first joined. I do know that I was a brat who picked up an alcoholic streak from my boarding school, and despite my academic achievements, I was consistently angsty throughout my undergraduate years. After all, I was a low SMV male with a high sex drive—so it was very much like being a homeless person across the street from a glass-walled Michelin-starred establishment, watching as the moneyed patrons guzzle caviar and champagne whilst I starved in the freezing rain.

I did pay for sex occasionally, but even in those instances where the physical act of copulation was satisfying, the emotions were not. So the first two years of my online existence here was one of post-adolescent rage and despair. Eventually, the most intense of my emotions eventually died down somewhat—not because I took a Redditor’s advice and sat down with an obese therapist for lectures on critical feminist theory, but because I simply and naturally mellowed out as I progressed into my early- or mid-20s. I still have awful days from time to time, but I learned to grin and bear it, to stay productive and complete any assigned tasks in my academic or professional life.

As my rage died down somewhat, my involvement in the incel community took a more intellectual turn. For years now I’ve noticed a recurring discursive pattern within the incelosphere: Edgy .is posters and irascible Redditors engage in this game whereby the former achieves maximum shock effect with politically incorrect speech, and the latter quite predictably reacts with outrage, often with calls for censorship. The notion of censorship, of course, brings many more questions. As an example, why and how does the United States adopt such a radically different view of offensive speech than most Western European societies? The answer, of course, is far too complex to be explored in just one thread alone. But if you’re a normie wondering why this incel forum has survived deplatforming for almost seven years, that’s the question you should try to thoroughly answer—from both the normative and descriptive standpoints.

I further digress here, but during the course of my position as a moderator of this incel forum, I read The Federalist Papers—which I realize sounds incredibly absurd, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Federalist No. 78 in particular addresses the scope and power of the federal judiciary; Hamilton’s view of the courts as a bulwark against crude majoritarianism was incredibly prescient in many areas of the law, but is particularly appurtenant as it relates to freedom of speech. After all, popular speech has no need for protection from the state. The type of speech that requires the protection of the law is often unpopular—uncouth, edgy, even loathsome—adjectives that often apply to incel speech. I considered it incredibly fascinating at the macro level: That such lofty, broad political concepts can be applied even to us, the proverbial basement-dwellers.

I didn’t sit around philosophizing the entire time, of course. I still get a good chuckle when I re-read some of the highlights of my time in the incel community. We doxxed prominent r/IncelTear moderator and “artist” AdvocateDoogy, who later turned out to be an autistic child groomer. We also covered the saga of another prominent r/IncelTears user, Peter “DrPizza” Bright, who is now halfway through his 12-year federal sentence for, unsurprisingly, child sex exploitation. We celebrated some U.S. Supreme Court decisions that upheld the rule of law by adhering to a faithful and originalist interpretation of the text. And then there was the time we asked a federal judge to unseal some documents regarding a former .is user who purportedly planned a mass shooting—and though we didn’t get a reply, those documents we asked were available on the public docket shortly after. Last but not least, we recently told the New Zealand Government to politely fuck off when they asked us to take down a video of the Buffalo mass shooting.

Anyhow, my explanation sounds abrupt and laconic, I know, but I have very recently decided that as much fun as I have had, I should focus on the other priorities within my life. Thus this concludes my time here. I have full faith and confidence in @Master and Frail and the rest of the forum’s well-respected moderation team, in their ability to keep this community running and thriving. And I want to thank all the users who have entertained me and indulged my idiosyncratic polemics over the years—there are too many to count. I wish all of you the best.

Thank you all.
goodbye brocel
Ive never interacted with you but goodbye man. Have a great life
Will miss you, as well as your high IQ and high effort legal commentary. Good luck.
Goodbye friend
You will be back in 4 months
because we don't think about relationships and sex 24/7. Some of you have no passions so your life is empty and the only thing you focus on are the negatives. Also some of you are zoomers, your rage will die down in a couple years. Your feelings of rage also come from the fact that you feel like you deserve sex and a relationship. Psychology has showcased this, people who feel like they dont have what they deserve are more miserable than people who have absolutely nothing. I stopped thinking i deserve anything and it helped me immensely.
You sound like someone from IT.
I wish that if I am also genius, academic excellent, hopeful and workaholic like you so that I also busy in real world and try to forgot my inceldom
I always knew that he will outgrow this place and inceldom. He is a rich, smart, well mannered, well educated guy. He has much more and better options than to rot and post online. Goodbye and Goodluck.
Last edited:
Can't believe I missed this. RIP
He was sending me his escorts picks constantly, he was never a cel to begin with cause he actually comes from rich family and will for 1000% marry some chinese becky cause of his status alone
He was sending me his escorts picks constantly, he was never a cel to begin with cause he actually comes from rich family and will for 1000% marry some chinese becky cause of his status alone
He was sending me his escorts picks constantly, he was never a cel to begin with cause he actually comes from rich family and will for 1000% marry some chinese becky cause of his status alone
In othER words:

as I gained access to sex in a free consensual mannER, I decided to remain posting hERe just to intellectually flex on othERs”

rage can nevER “die down” in the life of a REAL incel (if anything, it only gets strongER) so that right thERe is enough of an indicator that you r a fakecel.

And to post hERe primarily to enjoy intellectual convERsations rathER than posting for the purpose of releasing your frustration and feeling less depressed about your situation (by talking to like-minded usERs who share the same predicament as you), is anothER fakecel trait.

JFL at all those hERe who can’t pick up on these clues. You’d all be tERrible investigatERs

Exactly. It’s hard to believe that your rage can evER die down when you see couples and single hot foids evERywhERe, constantly being reminded of what you’re missing out on. And even if you’re a hikikomori who nevER leaves the house, you will most likely use intERnet and see hot foids on porn and social media, again being reminded of what you’re missing out on.

The only way to feel less rage as time goes on, is to withdraw from society completely and have no intERnet access eithER, so that you aren’t reminded of what you’re missing out on (which is the primary cause of the rage).
I never knew the man personally, so I can't defend or attack him based on my own experiences, but I agree with your reasoning. It makes sense as the feeling you can't feel when you realize you were denied the most basic of human necessities, that being love and relationships with not just another woman but other people in general, never really goes away.

I still get emotional sometimes during random moments of the day when I hear or see something about how x or y is now happy because they have a girlfriend or lover, it's brutal. I believe the moment when I realized that Chad never had to listen to bullshit redpill or even bluepill advice to get Stacy or Becky was when I realized it had never begun. Life just isn't fair. It's mog or be mogged out here in this Jewish dystopia.
bye bye fakecel faggot
In othER words:

as I gained access to sex in a free consensual mannER, I decided to remain posting hERe just to intellectually flex on othERs”

rage can nevER “die down” in the life of a REAL incel (if anything, it only gets strongER) so that right thERe is enough of an indicator that you r a fakecel.

And to post hERe primarily to enjoy intellectual convERsations rathER than posting for the purpose of releasing your frustration and feeling less depressed about your situation (by talking to like-minded usERs who share the same predicament as you), is anothER fakecel trait.

JFL at all those hERe who can’t pick up on these clues. You’d all be tERrible investigatERs
Tbh his farewell post does have that "I ascended but I don't want to brag" tone.

You sound like someone from IT.
I wouldn't be surprised. He got banned kek.
He pretty much ignored me here and on discord but it was nice to have someone intelligent here. Still a massive mogger with a friend circle. I listened to the Incel 70 podcast by Naama Kates, PPECel was in.
you will be missed
You were one of my favorite users and I really liked sheep pfp

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