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[Whitepill] You are NOT subhuman

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19546
  • Start date
What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?

By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.

Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.

Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".

WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS

Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.

A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.

Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!
Like the NPC meme? they are NPCs but when you compare lives...

You know who's happier.
I mean I could be an NPC too for all I know. I do nothing every single day but think
High IQ cope
Not a word kys
High IQ/T thread. I really am not. I refused to be labeled that way just because I don't match some random aesthetic shit foids value.
Nah bruv, I am....
Cope, sub 5's might as well not even be a human to foids.
most people are incapable of independent thought and rely on herd mentality to condition and guide their lifestyle and beliefs to fit a narrative.

These feminists and soys are too far gone to be capable of thought beyond what they already think they know.
I never understood the people who unironically call themselves subhuman because of foids. It’s the foids fault that her standards are too high. You should be blaming them of denying you of a basic human right
Yes, I am a subhuman, I know that for a fact.
I like this mindset
Thx I feel better now
Turbo cope thread, fuck off retard, in real life with multipliers enabled.
What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?

By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.

Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.

Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".

WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS

Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.

A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.

Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!
Shut the fuck up, nothing works, trust me bro, I tried to do pretty much anything, but I would get friendzoned.
I'm subhuman compared to others.
Others may call this cope but I agree. NPCs are the subhumans of soyciety. They are shallow backstabbers who would do whatever they could to increase their social status. We're judged as subhuman simply because of our genetics...what does that say about this soyciety? Nothing good.
most people are incapable of independent thought and rely on herd mentality to condition and guide their lifestyle and beliefs to fit a narrative.

These feminists and soys are too far gone to be capable of thought beyond what they already think they know.
Sounds like 99% of the users on this forum.
I'm not. But that doesn't stop everyone else from viewing me that way for my entire life.
You're right, by calling ourself subhumans and manlets we validate the women's
"I don't like you because my biology says so"
Biology is fine for foids when it can help them rationalize being picky stuck-up Neanderthal cunts. Biology is declared irrelevant however when it demonstrates why this so-called gender gap is a natural thing (I mean, men are more driven to succeed due to evolutionary needs, hence the fact that leading politicians, business tycoons etc. are normally men).
most people are incapable of independent thought and rely on herd mentality to condition and guide their lifestyle and beliefs to fit a narrative.

These feminists and soys are too far gone to be capable of thought beyond what they already think they know.
110% the truth is irrelevant to most people and everyone "thinks" they're right even if when push comes to shove in a debate format they have no evidence and no logical arguments and immediately crumble into the typical fallacies like Ad Hominem to "win". When that fails they censor their opponents if they can (see literally any big tech social media giant -- what a wretched hive of scum and villainy).
most people are incapable of independent thought and rely on herd mentality to condition and guide their lifestyle and beliefs to fit a narrative.

These feminists and soys are too far gone to be capable of thought beyond what they already think they know.
>You are NOT subhuman
I know I'm white:feelsLSD::dab:
most people are incapable of independent thought and rely on herd mentality to condition and guide their lifestyle and beliefs to fit a narrative.

These feminists and soys are too far gone to be capable of thought beyond what they already think they know.
I am subhuman, I am honest with myself, unlike a lot of cucks and simps.
You know, I tend to agree. A lot of the problem with us is that we blame ourselves, when really we should be blaming society and the media and feminism for making these stupid expectations
I am subhuman, I am honest with myself, unlike a lot of cucks and simps.
Nah bro, the subhumans are the ones who treat you as less than human. Blame feminism and the media for pushing all this shit to make you feel bad about yourself. Please don't hurt yourself or feel bad in yourself, hurt others and be angry at others.
Thanks but I am indeed subhuman.
Don't try and make me feel better, it is not by a fluke that I have reached the age of 29 without ever being kissed by a foid. I'm an ugly subhuman, a nice guy who scares foids away.
What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?

By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.

Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.

Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".

WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS

Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.

A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.

Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!

Great high IQ thread, I hate the self loathing and nihilism, I hate when people refer to themselves as "Subhuman" And talk about killing themselves.

We can talk about the black pill and looks mattering the most without becoming self loathing suicidal freaks.

If you want to kill yourself just because foids are not attracted to you then you are a simp, Pure and simple.
I wish I could personally murder every single REAL SUBHUMAN who are these thugs who make other people's lives miserable but I can't. They will have more fulfilling lives than any of us will ever have.
Giga-based. Animalistic thugs must be removed from existence. It's our duty.

Great high IQ thread, I hate the self loathing and nihilism, I hate when people refer to themselves as "Subhuman" And talk about killing themselves.

We can talk about the black pill and looks mattering the most without becoming self loathing suicidal freaks.

If you want to kill yourself just because foids are not attracted to you then you are a simp, Pure and simple.
Self loathing freaks are huge simps, They also exaggerate just to make themselves feel miserable.

"Muh 5 ft 10 is manlet"

"Muh 5 inch penis is small"
I am a subhuman though

Ugly face
3.5 inch dick
Physical health problems
Mental health problems

And a lot of these problems are shared by my maternal family side. I inherited their shit genes.
Ur mother chose to get Browned , kill her in video game
most people are incapable of independent thought and rely on herd mentality to condition and guide their lifestyle and beliefs to fit a narrative.

These feminists and soys are too far gone to be capable of thought beyond what they already think they know.
As if women are any different, if men forced whores to be make themselves marry below 1/10 incels they would gladly do it if every whore was doing it, but since now whores educated and independent that seems like a pipedream.

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