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[Whitepill] You are NOT subhuman

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19546
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What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?

By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.

Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.

Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".

WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS

Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.

A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.

Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!
Women's likes = evolution and natural selection inkwell.
Men's likes = misogyny.
:soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
most people are incapable of independent thought and rely on herd mentality to condition and guide their lifestyle and beliefs to fit a narrative.

These feminists and soys are too far gone to be capable of thought beyond what they already think they know.
Subhumans are maybe 5-10% of the males, not more than that.
High IQ cope
wow i did everything you said and i got laid! thanks a lot bro!
tell me something i dont fucking know.
you should tell these to bluepilled cucks but they wont understand anyways. violence is the only solution.
Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job?
yeah, cos HR departments are often filled with foids and they rate job applications based on photos :feelshaha:

but yeah, I agree, imagine if people called foids useless trash for having small boobs or some other unimportant shite
This is a very narrow-minded view of things. By this principle, we shouldn't care about physical traits at all, yet they are literally the most important thing to us on a BIOLOGICAL level, not just on a SOCIAL level.

Your looks matter the most for an infinity of reasons. Reasons you can't always just put your finger on, it's shit our brains have figured out along thousands of years.
We shouldn't care about physical traits at all

Didn't say that.

yet they are literally the most important thing to us on a BIOLOGICAL level, not just on a SOCIAL level.

Ok then prove it. On a case by case basis.

Your looks matter the most for an infinity of reasons. Reasons you can't always just put your finger on

"God's existence simply cannot be comprehended rationally by human beings"
Ok then prove it. On a case by case basis.
Did you seriously come on an incel forum to ask someone to PROVE why looks are of most importance? I'd spend some time gathering studies again because I had to do the same for another lowiq recently but not in the mood for it.

"God's existence simply cannot be comprehended rationally by human beings"
I said they matter for an infinity of reasons because they affect every single corner of your life, directly or indirectly. Looks do not only affect romantic life, they can destroy everything about your life. And yes, I admit I was wrong, you CAN put your finger on most of these effects with enough effort.

Didn't say that.
"you're close-minded"
"irrational tastes"
This is what you think about anyone having standards, it's natural that I made that direct assumption. Of course I agree about women's standards being skyhigh, but saying that having standards is inherently "irrational" or "close-minded" is straight-up retarded.

By this principle, if you don't think very far in the future and think half-logically, there is no point for anyone to have ANY physical standard. Yet everyone does have at least some sort of standards for their future partners and that's fine. Having SOME standards is fine, having women's level of standards isn't.
But I’m literally a subhuman.
Did you seriously come on an incel forum to ask someone to PROVE why looks are of most importance? I'd spend some time gathering studies again because I had to do the same for another lowiq recently but not in the mood for it.
I think he means that just because women are more attracted to looks, doesn't mean it is the most important thing biologically.

Ok then prove it. On a case by case basis.
Aren't looks correlated with IQ, wealth, nutrition, genetics, hormone levels, and a bunch of other stuff?
You're right, by calling ourself subhumans and manlets we validate the women's
"I don't like you because my biology says so"
Even incels find me ugly :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
Amen brother crying because I’m 5’7” will get me nowhere.
Instead I grind everyday and I’m planning to fulfill my dreams here on Earth until I meet Jesus.
I said a similar thing in a post and I got a 30% for bluepill, so much negativity on this site, and people wonder why they are sad.
If it comes down to the time to ascend I’m sure you could my brother good luck
How can you call yourself a man if you're short?
I have a penis
Fakecel thread, I am actually subhuman.
Ugliness is disease, it is a sign of diseased body. Your genes are damaged, and that's why you're ugly, every human including you, subconciously feels that. What is considered beautiful is normal. Here's how normal human looks. if you're not looking like him, you're not normal.


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so basically remain ignorant in the face of objective reality . Yeah no :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
but saying that having standards is inherently "irrational" or "close-minded" is straight-up retarded.

How so? You seem to take them for granted, any fickle wish or opinion women have, you treat it like some deep ultimate judgement. You do not even question, instead if I do, you do their work for them, trying desperately to justify their opinions as truth and make me feel bad.

Women prefer white guys over asian guys, this is proven by statistics, does thst make Asian guys subhuman and genetic defects? No.

Everything is irrational until proven rationally, EVERY taste women have should be QUESTIONED, they shouldn't be able to feel free or comfortable having standards, they should be made to feel they have to justify themselves. Put them in the spotlight, question question question. If they are right they can prove and argue it, case by case.

They should feel socially inadequate for having their meme standards, they should be made to feel WRONG and be SHAMED for it, their discourse of entitlement should be completely disrupted.

Leftists, feminists use these tactics against us, WE DON'T, here we validste and reinforce female's beliefs and call it "scientific blackpill" how fuckng gay.

Aren't looks correlated with IQ, wealth, nutrition, genetics, hormone levels, and a bunch of other stuff?

I am athletic, healthy, intelligent. Irrelevant of femoids opinion on my looks.
Ugliness is disease, it is a sign of diseased body. Your genes are damaged, and that's why you're ugly, every human including you, subconciously feels that. What is considered beautiful is normal. Here's how normal human looks. if you're not looking like him, you're not normal.

So Asian peoole are genetic garbage, because they are picked less by women.
Fakecel thread, I am actually subhuman.

You're a LARP
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I never understood the people who unironically call themselves subhuman because of foids. It’s the foids fault that her standards are too high. You should be blaming them of denying you of a basic human right
What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?

By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.

Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.

Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".

WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS

Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.

A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.

Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!
Based. I also dislike the use of the word 'subhuman' when referring to non attractive men, it's basically playing into the feminists hands.
Attractiveness is a good indicator of health and IQ
Subhuman is a fitting term for us.

  • Humans reproduce. We're ugly enough to not reproduce = subhuman
  • Humans have the qualities of looks, social skills and intellect. If you're way below average in looks and aren't above average in the other qualities = subhuman
Not saying the term subhuman objectively means anything, just that's it's a decent way to describe myself and many incels. Calling foids subhumans for being less capable than men doesn't make sense either, since they're objects meant for breeding. It's a term for men, and arguably for other races if you're a fan of race coping
We're subhuman in the sense that society treats us that way. It's not that I consider myself or incels to be objectively "lesser" than anyone else
What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?

By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.

Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.

Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".

WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS

Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.

A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.

Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!

Thanks boyo :dab::dab::dab:
Saw the video, but I don't understand the lyrics JFL. Never began.
You just need to know that despite getting mlions from this band and it's'songs, the leader(bald Guy) married a single mom 5 years older than him JFL.

It's INDEED over.
I am athletic, healthy, intelligent. Irrelevant of femoids opinion on my looks.
It might not apply to you, but in general it's a statistical trend.
I guess it means bad genes usually come in packages.
You just need to know that despite getting mlions from this band and it's'songs, the leader(bald Guy) married a single mom 5 years older than him JFL.

It's INDEED over.
He is bald and has brown eyes. Never began for him
What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?

By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.

Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.

Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".

WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS

Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.

A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.

Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!
I agree. I’m tired of living in this world where getting rejected is perfectly fine because of my face. You all give women too much credit which is part of the reason their ego is through the fucking roof.
@BlkPillPres thoughts?
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I never understood the people who unironically call themselves subhuman because of foids. It’s the foids fault that her standards are too high. You should be blaming them of denying you of a basic human right
I agree.
I've never considered myself a subhuman even thought they've treated me like one sometimes.

If you are really ugly, well they are trash people. i mean trash. Doesn't matter how they look, they have poison instead of blood.

I fall into this traps sometimes too. Don't call yourself sub-humans. If anything foids are sub-males, this Im sure.
I agree.
I've never considered myself a subhuman even thought they've treated me like one sometimes.

If you are really ugly, well they are trash people. i mean trash. Doesn't matter how they look, they have poison instead of blood.

I fall into this traps sometimes too. Don't call yourself sub-humans. If anything foids are sub-males, this Im sure.
Foids are the ones who are closer to being subhumans. They don’t have any empathy or feelings and he’ll they probably don’t even feel pain. The only flaw we have is that we are ugly. That’s it
You can say or think whatever you want, it will change nothing.

You will still be treated like a subhuman. You might still get respect (like I do) but you will never achieve happiness. So you are considered, for all women and a portion of the men, just a subhuman, even if you are not. But its enough people to make your life bland.
You can say or think whatever you want, it will change nothing.

You will still be treated like a subhuman. You might still get respect (like I do) but you will never achieve happiness. So you are considered, for all women and a portion of the men, just a subhuman, even if you are not. But its enough people to make your life bland.


Why is this even pinned, it's pure bluepill
I always knew I was not subhuman, but why does that even matter? Do you know who are the real subhumans? Thugs who are in prison, who point guns at other people's faces to get money. These subhuman apes who deserve a bullet in their heads have girlfriends, wives and children, and here I am.

I wish I could personally murder every single REAL SUBHUMAN who are these thugs who make other people's lives miserable but I can't. They will have more fulfilling lives than any of us will ever have.
cope. everything about me is objectively inferior, there is no reason why it is good to have skinny wrists
but in general it's a statistical trend.
I guess it means bad genes usually come in packages.

You are talking about genetic syndromes, which 99% of people here don't have. People here are just facially unaesthetic or short, it's not that hard to end up that way and it's not 100% genes
You are talking about genetic syndromes, which 99% of people here don't have. People here are just facially unaesthetic or short, it's not that hard to end up that way and it's not 100% genes
If it isn't genes, then cope by mewing as I always say.
As for height, it's just over.
How so? You seem to take them for granted, any fickle wish or opinion women have, you treat it like some deep ultimate judgement. You do not even question, instead if I do, you do their work for them, trying desperately to justify their opinions as truth and make me feel bad.

Women prefer white guys over asian guys, this is proven by statistics, does thst make Asian guys subhuman and genetic defects? No.

Everything is irrational until proven rationally, EVERY taste women have should be QUESTIONED, they shouldn't be able to feel free or comfortable having standards, they should be made to feel they have to justify themselves. Put them in the spotlight, question question question. If they are right they can prove and argue it, case by case.

They should feel socially inadequate for having their meme standards, they should be made to feel WRONG and be SHAMED for it, their discourse of entitlement should be completely disrupted.

Leftists, feminists use these tactics against us, WE DON'T, here we validste and reinforce female's beliefs and call it "scientific blackpill" how fuckng gay.

I am athletic, healthy, intelligent. Irrelevant of femoids opinion on my looks.

So Asian peoole are genetic garbage, because they are picked less by women.

You're a LARP
I am not. I posted proof. Have you?
You can say or think whatever you want, it will change nothing.

You will still be treated like a subhuman. You might still get respect (like I do) but you will never achieve happiness. So you are considered, for all women and a portion of the men, just a subhuman, even if you are not. But its enough people to make your life bland.
I don't think that's OP's intention anyways, he's just saying we shouldn't feel bad or less of a person because of some messed up, subjective view foids have.

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