What do you seriously expect when you say "women's standards are too high"?
By saying that you're setting an objective metric standard and affirming to them they prefer the superior options.
Instead you should say "you're close-minded" or call their standards "irrational tastes" which will force them to actually think for a good REASON WHY they think like that.
Instead of buying into their worldview and adopting their value system, QUESTION IT! DO NOT reinforce it by calling yourself "subhuman" or "manlet".
WHY should you be considered unattractive? Realistically, how do your physical features REALLY affect your PHYSICAL day-to-day life? ALWAYS ASK THIS
Does the shape of your eyelids or chin for example affect your ability to do your job? Probably not. Every taste or preference they have should be QUESTIONED! ALWAYS! And argued about, because a lot of preferences are BULLSHIT and come from Judaic influence through mass media and education.
A lot of it is TAUGHT behavior through social engineering.
Leftists KNOW it's a real thing and they are always trying to change the way they speak and use language for political purposes, but WE don't do that!
Which leads us to the fact that standards are bullshit.
A standard defines itself by a description of what is Beauty, and as we here are not in those Beauty plots defined by our respective societies, we are by default labelled as non-standard. Which leads to our rejection.
However, Beauty is defined by Shape, Visual Aspect, Mouvement, and Sound. And such criteria change from one society to another, from one era to another.
The inevitable conclusion is that Beauty = cope. It just doesn't exists.
But it also means that our own conceptions of Beauty, like the concept of "Landwhales" foids, are cope too, because to emit such a judgement of landwhaling, you use your society's standards.
Several other concepts commonly shared here fall in the same cope. Many here will ask : "It's okay but totally philosophical, so how do I fuck a foid with that ?"
Well, you don't. If you follow the whitepill very far, you are able to question your own desires and reasons to fuck foids, and understand that it also falls into the cope abyss.
Many will answer by : "because I like sex." But you can do it yourself, with the same intensity.
"Because I want children". Why do you think children of everyone are needed in this world ?
"Because I want to be loved". Can't you love yourself enough ? Don't you realize people you don't even know love you just because you exist ?
"Because I want the social status". Is social status important in a world where everyone ultimately disappears without exception ?
On this forum, I see all the time self-depreciation. People feel trapped because they've classified themselves as uglies by society's standards, and one can't change his physical appearance. It leads to a feeling of powerlessness. They convince themselves that they can't do anything. And they stay in this state because it's comfortable.
But it's cope because they can do something. Not physically. They can use their minds. That's the whitepill, ascending using the only thing you can ascend with : your thinking. If you can't change your physical, you can change your mind, and by doing this, you destroy all the cope soyciety has learnt us since we're born, you can destroy every foid meaningless speech, you can ultimately reach the point where you see the only thing that matters : the fact that you are able to think, and through thinking, to see the world and reality how they really are.
But I don't think everyone want to follow the whitepill. Many decide to stay stuck at the step : "How do I fuck a foid with that ?"
And they're depressed because there's no issue when thinking things like that. They won't ever fuck a foid. Nobody here does. Think of it, we are thousand men's brains thinking about a solution, and since years we haven't found any. If it was possible, we would have already found the solution and shared it to anyone coming here.
The concept of "Standard" or "Category" is a cope in itself, like words are, only used to define things and classify them on vague mind squares. So we might say foids have shitty standards, but we should rather ask ourselves why we believe in those standards, why do we give credit to them.
Most people are in fact too lazy to think. They can't ascend to the whitepill because they only think about ascending with a thing they'll never have : a foid.
And while blackpill is by nature depressing, whitepill is an extension of the blackpill, a positive extension leading to stop coping about shitty concepts, ideas, standards, words, worships, daydreams. Once you understand blackpill is not the end of the thinking, you're able to start to realize there's something else after the blackpill, something much better for your mind, your quality of life, your vision of the events that occurs ; you start to ascend spiritually.
And no foid is involvded in this process. It's only yourself. Your elevation.
I'm not the first one to follow the path of the whitepill, and I won't be the last either. There's no competition in the whitepill, just like there's no competition in the blackpill. We have no choice but to follow the whitepill or get depressed forever.