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UK planning to lower school maths pass rate because of low iq immigrants



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
I think UK already has a 2 tier maths system in schools i.e smart children do the real matsh like it was in the 50's 60's i.e the real deal maths. Then they created a new shithole tier 2 system for low iq immigrants and white trash.

High iq whites are not having babies this means the trash on welfare is breeding like rabbits and the iq is declining every 5 years. Soon or already the "Average national iq of UK" is approaching subsaharn or curryland levels. Its not a joke this is for real.

Average iq is highly correlated with the wealth of nation. Today we see UK struggling and are already 20% poorer than EU citizens, well the working class is poorer and the rich well still rich. But still for the working men they are much poorer now

Reminds of niggers in South Africa "decolonising" the white mans maths because it was too hard and now the pass rate is just 30% for South Africans. But with any country iq and wealth, infrastructure, health care all go hand in hand. Look at South Africa with "decolonised" maths, they cant keep electricity running or clean water for people

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2UpenE_oWM
Most brits are Celtic and Celts are blacks in white skin.
maths was easy as fuck. some people really are just retarded
Based school is retarded and boring and should be made as ez as possible
damn i spawned in the wrong area at the wrong time
why you say that? what happened?
bro i had to be a lil cuck and study while dealing with powertripping roastie 'teachers'
britbong zoomzooms dont know how good they have it
They are becoming like American schools
Genocide when?

(in GTA, I mean.)
maths was easy as fuck. some people really are just retarded

i was bad at math but good at reading and literature, i'm guessing the latter is just book smarts from not having friends and spending time at home watching PBS instead of playing football with my peers.
Most brits are Celtic and Celts are blacks in white skin.
lots of British people are white, more white than French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Eastern europeans, Greek etc
It doesn't matter. All intellectual work will be done by AI in 2-3 years (AI agents). Then shortly thereafter all manual labor will be done by 3d printed robots in 5 or so years.

The fate of humanity is uncertain. It really doesn't matter what happens anymore. Elites have access to hyper-intelligent artificial intelligences that can manufacture a virus to wipe us all out; change the chemistry of our brains to make us permanent slaves... etc. etc.
The world will be unrecognizable in a few years. We will all be dead or altered. The best-case scenario is being trapped in a convenient virtual butterfly dream where our greatest fantasies are livable. That's only if the elites decide that humans are worth anything. Otherwise we are just cattle and the intelligence of cattle hardly means anything, in fact it's better if we are all dumbasses.
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It doesn't matter. All intellectual work will be done by AI in 2-3 years (AI agents). Then shortly thereafter all manual labor will be done by 3d printed robots in 5 or so years.

The fate of humanity is uncertain. It really doesn't matter what happens anymore. Elites have access to hyper-intelligent artificial intelligences that can manufacture a virus to wipe us all out; change the chemistry of our brains to make us permanent slaves... etc. etc.
The world will be unrecognizable in a few years. We will all be dead or altered. The best-case scenario is being trapped in a convenient virtual butterfly dream where our greatest fantasies are livable. That's only if the elites decide that humans are worth anything. Otherwise we are just cattle and the intelligence of cattle hardly means anything, in fact it's better if we are all dumbasses.
AI may be smart but its not creative nor innovative nor imaginative.
White people should just go to africa at this point and rebuild civilization there
Neither are 99% of humans.
AI just needs to copy the innovation of the 1%
well as of now AI aint capable, and nobody has a crystal ball
well as of now AI aint capable, and nobody has a crystal ball

Over for humancels by 2030.
I wish they would have done that in Germany when i was still in school. I was one of the worst students in math and didnt understand shit
White people should just go to africa at this point and rebuild civilization there
hell no never Africa . They are already there and niggers fucked Rhodesia, Mozambique, South Africa and ran them to the ground. Never ever Africa again unless its to genocide them completely . Better some unpopulated islands and wait till the darkies in EU together with their jew masters tear each apart and run the place completely into the ground

Over for humancels by 2030.
could have, would have, will be, could be, maybe.

As of now AI cannot be creative. When it can then we will all agree but for now AI cant get off its ass and repair the electric grid that niggers fucked up in South Africa, it cant stop refugees in Germany and Sweden behaving like wild beasts and making the skilled labour run away, it cant replace the missing doctors in the NHS. So for now fuck the AI shit its a bubble just the internet thingy in the 2000's or the bubbles that caused the 2008 financial crisis, all just marketing
black british score better in their GCSE's than white british do
black british score better in their GCSE's than white TRASH british do
Fixed it for ya. Black British are not scoring higher than middle class whites or managerial class or upper class whites. No way ever. Even other whites have trouble competing with them except Germans, French, Dutch but otherwise even the others cannot compete or even rice in Asia cant compete and you think niggers can compete with them?
Fixed it for ya. Black British are not scoring higher than middle class whites or managerial class or upper class whites. No way ever. Even other whites have trouble competing with them except Germans, French, Dutch but otherwise even the others cannot compete or even rice in Asia cant compete and you think niggers can compete with them?
so it's a socioeconomic problem
so it's a socioeconomic problem
Lol you coping. Its a dna problem,. Rich blacks went to USA, the working and poor went to UK, its that simple unless they went there as doctors or scientists which some did but the majority went to USA or South Africa not UK
I think UK already has a 2 tier maths system in schools i.e smart children do the real matsh like it was in the 50's 60's i.e the real deal maths. Then they created a new shithole tier 2 system for low iq immigrants and white trash.

High iq whites are not having babies this means the trash on welfare is breeding like rabbits and the iq is declining every 5 years. Soon or already the "Average national iq of UK" is approaching subsaharn or curryland levels. Its not a joke this is for real.

Average iq is highly correlated with the wealth of nation. Today we see UK struggling and are already 20% poorer than EU citizens, well the working class is poorer and the rich well still rich. But still for the working men they are much poorer now

Reminds of niggers in South Africa "decolonising" the white mans maths because it was too hard and now the pass rate is just 30% for South Africans. But with any country iq and wealth, infrastructure, health care all go hand in hand. Look at South Africa with "decolonised" maths, they cant keep electricity running or clean water for people

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2UpenE_oWM

It's the right thing to do if the country is white only in minority
I barely passed the retarded version of the math test
the brits are eating their own shit now. how pathetic
The tiktok generation never fail to surprise me :lul:
:lul: :lul: :lul: Fucking hilarious and lifefuel

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