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Theory Slavs cannot be compared to chinks or curries from a blackpill perspective

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Real-life Uruk-hai. FORUM ADMlNISTRATOR
Feb 17, 2024
There has been phenom for several decades of men of all kinds geomaxxing in EE, including chinks and curries.
EE has historically always been considered the most low-class area of Europe, and for many of their countries it is an objective fact, there is more poverty conflict and shittier living conditions than West

Because men are expected to be providers, perceived class and status matter more in marriage so Slav men are shunned from the LTR dating market in Europe while Slav foids are considered exotic all around the world.
However, this does not mean slavs are subhuman.

First of all I know there is high competition and hypergamy in EE so there are many slavcels.

But this post is about all three of these groups: slavs chinks and curries OUTSIDE of their home countries from a BP perspective.

So Western Europeans all know the negative stereotypes about slavs. A woman from Germany is less likely to marry a man from Serbia than a man from Germany is to marry a woman from Serbia.
However, once you go to the West, wealth matters mostly for LTR/betabux situations.

In reality most slavs could probably easily get slays in the West.

What is she going to do, ask your ethnicity exact nationality in the middle of the club while drunk and possibly high? Come on now

This is because most Slavs are tall, and they are white, and it is not so easy to distinguish between them as the stereotypes say. Because Slavs at the end of the day are still Indo-European. They are not asian or anything like that. And they often mog Western Euroepean soy men.

Slavs biggest failo is their perceived socioeconomic status. Not their phenotype or anything remotely blackpill related.

Chinks and curries on the other hand are at the bottom of the hierarchy everywhere they go, from USA to Australia to South Africa. This is because they have many recessed features, low testosterone, collectivist culture, and whatever the fuck else you want to associate with them. I don't think I need to explain why chinks and curries are at a disadvantage here, I think everyone on this forum already knows EXACTLY WHY.

The only reason why any Slavic foid would be willing to marry western european, chink and curry men is because socioeconomic status is what many of them aspire to. They are huge gold diggers. And even then those men would be more like betabuxx.

And many Slavic foids aren't gold diggers either.

Meanwhile noodlewhores actually intrinsically hate men of their own race, from a eugenics perspective.

The vast majority of noodlewhores will gladly admit that they prefer the appearances and genetics of white men over their own race of men.

And no women in the world would rather date a south asian or indian man than literally any other type of man.

At the end of the day, to drag Slavs down to the same league as chinks or curries is very low IQ or flat-out coping.

Slavs mog chinks and curries to oblivion, BEYOND oblivion. Yet I still constantly see trolls or self-haters here claiming that they are at the same level or below curries. I don't know what is wrong with your heads, but this forum would be a lot better place if people simply think before posting retarded shit.

That is all.

Tags: @DarkStarDown @WorthlessSlavicShit @asurakahao @comradespiderman29 @Made in Heaven @andinocel @NorthernWind @To koniec @slavcel11 @AsiaCel @Lv99_BixNood @pyromancer1234
@AsakuraHao @Cayden Zhang
@Squatting Slavcel
Slavs biggest failo is their perceived socioeconomic status. Not their phenotype
Yeah not an argument. I could take picture from protest with anglos with equally ugly crowd. And how is this in any way comparable to the plight of chinks curries
All races have moggers and mogged.

Welcome to statistical variance. The scientific blackpill is just a statistical covariance.
Cope vast majority of slavs are sub5 in looks plus we have balding gene unlike chink or curries.
Yeah not an argument. I could take picture from protest with anglos with equally ugly crowd. And how is this in any way comparable to the plight of chinks curries
Still slavs are short and inbred looking compared to Nordics and Germanics. Yeah it's not as bad as chink and curry pheno BUT:

- curries marry out more than their women. They really don't have comparable problems to ricecels or slavs

- chinks can nichemaxx but slavs are just an uglier version of whites

- slavs probably have a similarly disastrous outmarriage ratio to whites as Asians do, even chinks marry more slavs than the reverse

- slavwhores are known as prostitutes all around the world, there's even slav hookers in Asia. Same with noodlewhores
Slavs biggest failo is their perceived socioeconomic status. Not their phenotype or anything remotely blackpill related.
No,slavs genuinely are ugly compared to other whites.

Still slavs are short and inbred looking compared to Nordics and Germanics. Yeah it's not as bad as chink and curry pheno BUT:

- curries marry out more than their women. They really don't have comparable problems to ricecels or slavs

- chinks can nichemaxx but slavs are just an uglier version of whites

- slavs probably have a similarly disastrous outmarriage ratio to whites as Asians do, even chinks marry more slavs than the reverse

- slavwhores are known as prostitutes all around the world, there's even slav hookers in Asia. Same with noodlewhores
Don't forget how many slav women marry turkish and Gulf arabs
- slavwhores are known as prostitutes all around the world, there's even slav hookers in Asia. Same with noodlewhores
I looked at escorts in Tokyo and found prostitutes from USA, Netherlands and New Zealand apart from Russian escort.
- curries marry out more than their women. They really don't have comparable problems to ricecels or slavs
- slavs probably have a similarly disastrous outmarriage ratio to whites as Asians do, even chinks marry more slavs than the reverse
How can that even happen? :lul::lul::lul: How are curries and chinks the least desirable races able to have success with Slavs a white race?
Of course we mog them, nobody likes shitskins except race traitorous whores. I heard that hookers in Thailand love customers from my country. And the only chinks in my country are vietnamese street peddlers, cheap shop owners or restaurant owners. I see them like once a year.
slavs are alcoholic scammers
- slavwhores are known as prostitutes all around the world, there's even slav hookers in Asia. Same with noodlewhores

So true, you will see Polish and Taiwanese whores in the Netherlands, even though those places are wealthy.
Of course we mog them, nobody likes shitskins except race traitorous whores. I heard that hookers in Thailand love customers from my country. And the only chinks in my country are vietnamese street peddlers, cheap shop owners or restaurant owners. I see them like once a year.

I looked at escorts in Tokyo and found prostitutes from USA, Netherlands and New Zealand apart from Russian escort.

Yes, and the last prostitute I fucked was Irish. Exceptions exist.
No,slavs genuinely are ugly compared to other whites.
I know. But it's not anywhere near the level of chinks and curries, and some trolls on here like to claim it or drag everyone down to curries level
There has been phenom for several decades of men of all kinds geomaxxing in EE, including chinks and curries.
EE has historically always been considered the most low-class area of Europe, and for many of their countries it is an objective fact, there is more poverty conflict and shittier living conditions than West

Because men are expected to be providers, perceived class and status matter more in marriage so Slav men are shunned from the LTR dating market in Europe while Slav foids are considered exotic all around the world.
However, this does not mean slavs are subhuman.

First of all I know there is high competition and hypergamy in EE so there are many slavcels.

But this post is about all three of these groups: slavs chinks and curries OUTSIDE of their home countries from a BP perspective.

So Western Europeans all know the negative stereotypes about slavs. A woman from Germany is less likely to marry a man from Serbia than a man from Germany is to marry a woman from Serbia.
However, once you go to the West, wealth matters mostly for LTR/betabux situations.

In reality most slavs could probably easily get slays in the West.

What is she going to do, ask your ethnicity exact nationality in the middle of the club while drunk and possibly high? Come on now

This is because most Slavs are tall, and they are white, and it is not so easy to distinguish between them as the stereotypes say. Because Slavs at the end of the day are still Indo-European. They are not asian or anything like that. And they often mog Western Euroepean soy men.

Slavs biggest failo is their perceived socioeconomic status. Not their phenotype or anything remotely blackpill related.

Chinks and curries on the other hand are at the bottom of the hierarchy everywhere they go, from USA to Australia to South Africa. This is because they have many recessed features, low testosterone, collectivist culture, and whatever the fuck else you want to associate with them. I don't think I need to explain why chinks and curries are at a disadvantage here, I think everyone on this forum already knows EXACTLY WHY.

The only reason why any Slavic foid would be willing to marry western european, chink and curry men is because socioeconomic status is what many of them aspire to. They are huge gold diggers. And even then those men would be more like betabuxx.

And many Slavic foids aren't gold diggers either.

Meanwhile noodlewhores actually intrinsically hate men of their own race, from a eugenics perspective.

The vast majority of noodlewhores will gladly admit that they prefer the appearances and genetics of white men over their own race of men.

And no women in the world would rather date a south asian or indian man than literally any other type of man.

At the end of the day, to drag Slavs down to the same league as chinks or curries is very low IQ or flat-out coping.

Slavs mog chinks and curries to oblivion, BEYOND oblivion. Yet I still constantly see trolls or self-haters here claiming that they are at the same level or below curries. I don't know what is wrong with your heads, but this forum would be a lot better place if people simply think before posting retarded shit.

That is all.

Tags: @DarkStarDown @WorthlessSlavicShit @asurakahao @comradespiderman29 @Made in Heaven @andinocel @NorthernWind @To koniec @slavcel11 @AsiaCel @Lv99_BixNood @pyromancer1234
I've stated this a number of time on thi forum - Slavic men are nowhere near on the dating totem pole as chink or curry men. There are far more Slavic foids living in the US than Slavic men, but that;s due to demographics (EE has a skewed gender ratio), so it therefore appears that Slavic foids avoid their men, but that's far from the truth ---- Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, and Balkan Slavs slay. They're tall and (Germanics here will hate me) not very different from North Europeans, and are actually low inhib.
Good post. People here vastly overstate the average phenotypical differences between Western and Eastern Europeans. Heck, Alpinids (left), who make up a large chunk of the Western European population, are worse-looking than East Europids (right).

You hit the nail on the head about phenotypical failo being the be all and end all as opposed to wealth failo. Not much to add to that besides that anyone who disagrees with you there is retarded and not even blackpilled
Even men from Africa marry slav foids whether in Eastern Europe or UK.
Slavs are bottom of the barrel of the white race.

So western europeans mog them in looks and money.

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