5'3 KHHV Mentalcel
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- Aug 26, 2021
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Beyond brutal. Do you mind sharing what website you use for your genome sequencing?
I wish I could help you, Intellau. You didn't deserve this. I feel truly sad knowing I can relate (somewhat) with your story.
There are 3 to choose from; this one included.![]()
Thank you.
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #152232417Tuesday, December 23, 2014 12:18 AM CST It's a "Filovirus" with the capabilities to cause lethal infectious illness in humans characterized by excessive hemorrhaging and eventual system organ failure. |
Re: Guy's What Is Ebola????
Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332#152232417Tuesday, December 23, 2014 12:18 AM CST
It's a "Filovirus" with the capabilities to cause lethal infectious illness in humans characterized by excessive hemorrhaging and eventual system organ failure.
UnsourcedAnon Join Date: 2016-01-12 Post Count: 563 | #184078127Sunday, February 21, 2016 10:21 AM CST The range and capabilities of EBOV are easily restrained by its own genetic components. Virology in itself is greatly inferior to bacteriology in terms of development. Nonetheless, we have plenty of "viable" mechanisms to reduce the propagation of lethal pathogens. It is merely a matter of revising them accordingly. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #158325975Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:11 AM CDT "EBOV" is not something that should be joked about carelessly. |
When I became mute, I also lost my ability to perform mathematical calculations. This is because math skills rely on Verbal Working Memory, which is why I was able to grasp math somewhat well years ago.
The relative importance of visual-spatial and verbal working memory for mathematics performance and learning seems to vary with age, the novelty of the material, and the specific math domain that is investigated. In this study, the relations between verbal and visual-spatial working memory and performance in four math domains (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) at different ages during primary school are investigated. Children (N = 4337) from grades 2 through 6 participated. Visual-spatial and verbal working memory were assessed using online computerized tasks. Math performance was assessed at the start, middle, and end of the school year using a speeded arithmetic test. Multilevel Multigroup Latent Growth Modeling was used to model individual differences in level and growth in math performance, and examine the predictive value of working memory per grade, while controlling for effects of classroom membership. The results showed that as grade level progressed, the predictive value of visual-spatial working memory for individual differences in level of mathematics performance waned, while the predictive value of verbal working memory increased.
I don't think so. Since mathematical ability is linked with verbal working memory, I only need to restore one to restore the other.
lthough individual differences in intelligence (general cognitive ability) are highly heritable, molecular genetic analyses to date have had limited success in identifying specific loci responsible for its heritability. This study is the first to investigate exome variation in individuals of extremely high intelligence. Under the quantitative genetic model, sampling from the high extreme of the distribution should provide increased power to detect associations. We therefore performed a case–control association analysis with 1409 individuals drawn from the top 0.0003 (IQ >170) of the population distribution of intelligence and 3253 unselected population-based controls. Our analysis focused on putative functional exonic variants assayed on the Illumina HumanExome BeadChip. We did not observe any individual protein-altering variants that are reproducibly associated with extremely high intelligence and within the entire distribution of intelligence. Moreover, no significant associations were found for multiple rare alleles within individual genes. However, analyses using genome-wide similarity between unrelated individuals (genome-wide complex trait analysis) indicate that the genotyped functional protein-altering variation yields a heritability estimate of 17.4% (s.e. 1.7%) based on a liability model. In addition, investigation of nominally significant associations revealed fewer rare alleles associated with extremely high intelligence than would be expected under the null hypothesis. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that rare functional alleles are more frequently detrimental than beneficial to intelligence.
Click to expand...
Yes. A creature like Shannon would rope under our circumstances.
Re: This is really powerful
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#182940309Wednesday, February 03, 2016 1:11 PM CST
Indeed, Lua tables are quite powerful. I am certain that your mouth is salivating heavily at the prospect of constructing advanced, static environments using only the "fenv" functions and "metatables."Re: number value to string and vice versa
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#182940482Wednesday, February 03, 2016 1:16 PM CST
"electro tonumber does not work like that" It likely would have been better to explain that "tonumber()" will return "nil" for numerically-invalid characters.
Re: I want to learn to code lua
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#182940882Wednesday, February 03, 2016 1:27 PM CST
"i dont think scratch counts as coding, no offence. It gets u used to the system kinda but coding is a stretch imo" While I would have to agree with such a statement, I suppose that it is excellent for introducing an individual to the logical-flow of an algorithm.Re: Disabling the default controller support
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#182941035Wednesday, February 03, 2016 1:31 PM CST
Alright then, perhaps this may assist you within the process: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Movement_and_camera_controls#Default_Control_scriptsRe: @mods
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#182941575Wednesday, February 03, 2016 1:45 PM CST
Given that the moderators are such imbeciles, they would likely hit themselves repeatedly while attempting to exhibit their "prowess."Re: Can anybody help with morphing
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#182942784Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:13 PM CST
"Morphing" can be accomplished by devising an algorithm that determines when a certain event occurs, and inserts a "Mesh" object inside of the Player object's limbs as a result, assuming that the object is a valid Player. Here is a sample algorithm that I devised for you(Note that this is not accurate in its depiction of API functions or properties, it was merely created to provide an example for implementing the algorithm suggested above): Obj = game.ObjectTable["Object1"]; function Mesh_Event(Ply) if(game.Players:FindFirstChild(Ply))then Mesh = Instance.new("ShapeMesh", Ply.Character["LimbName"]; end end Obj.Event:connect(Mesh_Event); The conditional statement is utilized to determine whether the parameter of the "Mesh_Event" function, Ply, is an actual Player object. The FindFirstChild() method will return a "nil" value if the object is not found within the "Players" table. Instance.new() will simply create a new object of the specified type, assuming that the type of object is existent within the game. I will provide you with beneficial links, as shown below: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=API:Class_reference http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=AllTutorials#ScriptingRe: Can anybody help with morphing
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#182943068Wednesday, February 03, 2016 2:18 PM CST
"Thx for the info but one more thing when i do Add Instance.new("") i can add more and anything right ?" "Instance.new()" accepts two "arguments" within the parentheses, a string containing the name of an object, and the Parent of the object within the game. If you do not provide a valid object string name as the first argument, you will receive an error. Here is the format: Instance.new("Argument1",Argument2);
Re: Can anybody help with morphing
| ||
Re: when roblox disables the numpad enter button
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#183008290Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:49 PM CST
"Thats not fair to say Black People have no history" It is not a matter of being "fair." The "history" of African American individuals should not triumph over other ethnic groups.Re: when roblox disables the numpad enter button
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#183008440Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:51 PM CST
"I needed the number pad enabled on Roblox so badly!" Here you go, assuming that you still need it: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=API:Enum/KeyCodeRe: math help!!!! !!! help!!
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#183008674Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:55 PM CST
Ah, here you go: http://math.stackexchange.com/ LaTeX formatting is also included.Re: How would one increase programming "skill"?
Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182#183009729Thursday, February 04, 2016 6:10 PM CST
Although whether an individual can be considered "skilled" is rather subjective, I will attempt to answer your question using my perception. You should certainly focus on the "quality" of the material rather than the "quantity." It is not necessarily a matter of having unusually-heightened intellectual capabilities; it is a matter of using your baseline logical capabilities to devise algorithms that can efficiently instruct the computer on how to perform operations. This can only be gradually-revised. Perhaps the issue is that you are comparing yourself to highly-qualified individuals with various years of experience? Doing such a thing is neither reasonable nor accurate. Learn only what you consider necessary to develop solutions to significant problems that you may encounter. Then, utilize the knowledge to develop sufficient algorithms.
Credit - (When someone has credit, he or she can delay having to immediately provide his or her own financial resources or assets. This then becomes credit debt.)
Loan - (An amount of financial resources provided, typically with financial interest, along with the expectation that the amount will be compensated later. Very closely related to the concept of credit.)
Debtor/Creditor - (Both "Debtors" and "Creditors" share inverse roles in the situation. The creditor provides credit(Or, absence of immediate financial responsibility), and the debtor then receives credit debt, which eventually must be compensated.)
Financial resources - (Physical objects with perceived financial value, such as money, edibles, fossil fuels, et cetera.)
Commodities - (Products produced or obtained through the use of financial resources.)
Principle - (The initial, unaltered financial value of something. This can be both in the form of financial debt, or in the form of financial income; both are inverses.)
Simple Interest - (A numerical percentage of specified financial value; if financial value is 'v', then interest is a percentage of v, example being that (v * 1) = (v) = (100% of v).)
Compound Interest - (The only difference between both interest types is that the altered value of 'v' and its percentage is used as the principle for further calculations until a maximum time is reached.)
Equity - (Ownership of some financially-valuable entity; Apparently, "equity" can be quantified, since having more equity equals greater profit, assuming the company is a profitable one.)
Dividends - (if company 'A' is a business with specified profit, a percentage of that profit is given to those with partial ownership of 'A'; the overall profit is split between the owners, so those with more equity receive greater profits.)
Credit History - (Documentation of exchanges in which you invoked your credit. This can provide a nice time-line of how well you compensated your credit. Wellness having two variables: Time, and amount. Not paying the proper cost is "defaulting.")
Risk - (The probability that a negative event will occur. Example being that "high" risk indicates that it is probable that a negative event will occur. "low" risk indicates that it is probable that a negative event will not occur. Note that the event itself may also be known as a "risk.")
Pure Risk - (This is a risk that has no potential for positive benefit. It is 100% negative, meaning 0% probability of good outcome.)
Speculative Risk - (Risk that have mixed probability. That is, that there is greater-than-zero probability of both positive and negative events occurring. For example, a 70% probability of a man being killed if he speeds in a certain area, and a 30% probability of the man living. Let's call it probability admixture - Composite Probability.)
Insurance - (Insurance is a service that provides a certain amount of financial compensation should negative risks occur due to accidents or mistakes. This includes coverage, which is the amount of financial compensation the company will provide, and the actual plan, which is documentation of the agreements regarding how the insurance company will service you.)
Premiums - (The amount of money that you pay the insurance company in order to receive their services. Risk correlates with the price of premiums. individuals must pay higher premiums if there is greater risk, and lower premiums if there is lower risk.)
Deductible - (The amount paid before the insurance company will service the consumer. This precedes the premium, as the deductible is practically a "down payment" in the circumstances.)
Insurable/Uninsurable - (Whether or not certain risks are eligible(According to the company's criteria) to be compensated, should they occur.)
Claim - (Documentation given to an insurance company showing that a particular risk occurred. The company must then review the claim, and determine how the recipient should be compensated(If at all).)
Adjustor - (The person who must review the claim and the circumstances surrounding it objectively, then the adjustor will document his analysis and present it to the insurance company. The final determinations are made from there.)
Beneficiary - (The individual who receives the benefits of an insurance policy.)
Term Insurance - (Insurance that is only valid within a specific range of time. Thus, if the time begins at one and ends at two, all time past two is considered invalid for insurance coverage.)
Liability - (It's just the role of the person in the situstion where insurance use is invoked. You are "liable" if the risk that activates is due to your own personal decisions. This varies, of course, on the type of insurance you acquire.)
Life Insurace - (Insurance intended to provide financial compensation to one's family in the event of one's death.)
Worker's Compensation - (A service used to compensate workers who attain injuries from their professions. For example, if person 'A' falls and hits his head operating store machinery, totaling (1000) in medical bills, Worker's Compensation will provide financial compensation for that.)
Disability Insurance - (Insurance provided to someone who is disabled or injured. By "Disabled," I of course am including health inabilities.)
Social Security - (This form of insurance has two segments, I must inform you, as it's a community service: First, the common citizen supplies a mandatory portion of his or her income to the fund through taxation, then SSI recipients receive a percentage of the overall fund to compensate for their disabilities.)
Identity Theft - (Mimicking an individual's identity to receive the benefits of having that person's identity, such as financial progress, et cetera.)
Skimming - (A technique used by an employed miscreant to obtain financial card information.)
Federal Trade Commission(FTC) - (A government agency intended to monitor and limit business fraud and consumer victimization.)
Debt Collectors - (Proxy creditors; they are responsible for contacting a debtor and collecting financial compensation when instructed by the actual creditor.)
Unemployment Insurance - (A form of insurance used when one is temporarily unemployed; a percentage of the the fund(Collected by taxing employers) is, like all other insurance types, provided to qualifying unemployed individuals.)
Property Insurance - (Insurance coverage for property, evidently. This is particularly useful for worrying about property damage and what not. Homeowner's insurance is a variant that refers specifically to the actual home.)
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act - (Summarized more easily for comprehension, this act requires debtors to behave civily during the process of collecting owed debt.)
Fair Credit Reporting Act - (This gives you the legal right to receive one free, issued credit report from a financial agency per year.)
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Told by Ralph Nader:\n\n\"Some of the most poignant passages in Jamail\u2019s book are the informed cries and worries of the onsite specialists he interviewed. People you have never heard of, but who should be heard all the time. One of them, Dr. Rita Mesquita, a biologist with the largest research institute in Brazil for the Amazon forest says, \u201cWe are not telling the general public what is really going on.\u201d While the general public is spending more time in virtual reality and, with growing urbanization, becoming estranged from nature, this ominous disconnect is widening.\n\nThe new president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has openly vowed to bolster more commercial development in the Amazon and on indigenous tribal land.\n\nHow will India\u2019s billion plus people get their water if its rivers dry up because the glaciers in the Himalayas have melted? How do you relocate 30 million people from Mumbai from rising sea levels? How do you head off spreading diseases due to habitat destruction? Meanwhile, 100 corporations (e.g. ExxonMobil, Shell, and state entities) continue to be the source of 71% of total global carbon dioxide emissions.\"",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 18:00:00 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "https://ralphnaderradiohour.com/bad-climate-change-strategy-no-shame-on-iraq-tired-truckers/ https://ralphnaderradiohour.com/bad-climate-change-strategy-no-shame-on-iraq-tired-truckers/",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:56:42 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Open your eyes, Republicans. Nader has been speaking about it for years.\n\nYou'll launch personal attacks because you are too afraid to accept the possibility of being wrong.",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:49:55 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "As said by Ralph Nader:\n\n\"Children can and do communicate with each other often and freely around their community, country, and globe. The faster trivial text messages are replaced by texts calling for a relentless call to action, the better. Students taking to the streets and taking on legislators will advance the fight for a safer planet and a more just society.\n\nStay tuned! This is only the beginning of the world\u2019s children raising adults to a maturity that faces the awful, onrushing realities.\"",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:43:30 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Not surprisingly, climate deniers took to social media to falsely declare that environmental groups were using the students. In fact, this outburst was quite commendably a result of students taking what they\u2019ve learned seriously.\n\nIn England, students are insisting their government declare a state of emergency to highlight the severity of the threat. They want more material on global warming in their national school curriculum.\n\nSome teachers and principals in the U.K. don\u2019t like students missing classes and are trying to block or penalize those who do. But many school leaders are approving such brief intermissions to help save the planet. Sixteen year old Bonnie Morely decried the politicians for being \u201casleep at the wheel. We have to wake them up and I think thousands of kids on the streets will do just that.\u201d\n\nHow about millions of them! Their numbers are growing, with some demonstrations reaching tens of thousands. In France, over 2 million students signed petitions. Some politicians are chiding them about the costs of their demands, as if energy pollution and toxic waste are not costly to people, as if the costs of violent weather patterns aren\u2019t costing huge sums of money and lives already.\n\nIn Brussels, Belgium, 18 year old Liam pointed to \u201ca growing momentum,\u201d but he told a Times reporter maybe it should become more disruptive to attain more attention. \u201cMaybe we should change the timing of the protests to rush hour.\u201d\n\nThe youngsters understand the problem and want solutions now to counter the current omnicidal lethargy. Although some companies get it\u2014such as the sterling Patagonia and Interface corporations in the U.S.\u2014most large companies either are resisting, engaging in \u201cgreenwashing\u201d lip service, or taking the smallest of steps for public relations purposes.\"\n\nRalph, N.",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:41:35 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"In India, demonstrations were about the suffocating air pollution. In South Africa, protestors spoke about the worsening droughts.\n\nAt a rally in Washington, DC, eight year old Havana Chapman-Edwards told protestors at the U.S. Capitol: \u201cToday we are telling the truth and we do not take no for an answer,\u201d according to the New York Times.\n\nProtestors already see the truth in the South Pacific\u2019s rising sea levels and the Arctic Circle\u2019s melting ice.\n\nThese youngsters can argue their case with facts and figures, with stories of record-setting fires, floods, tornados, and hurricanes and species extinctions. But they are viscerally feeling the impact of climate crisis and fearing for their lives before reaching middle age.\n\nAs University of Maryland Professor Dana Fisher told the Times, children are afraid of the tumultuous world they will inherit. Their elders are not protecting them.\n\nGreta, the emerging spokesperson for this escalating youth agitation put it wisely: \u201cThere is a crisis in front of us that we will have to live with for all our lives, our children, our grandchildren, and all future generations.\u201d The movement has much more room to grow, but we are depending on them developing a strong, organized voice, while retaining their individual spontaneity.\"\n\n- R. Nader",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:38:45 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ralph Nader:\n\n\"Last year the Global Youth Climate Strike manifested itself in Sweden, where it was started by a then fifteen year old teenager, Greta Thunberg. Every Friday she stood in silent protest outside the historic Swedish Parliament in Stockholm.\n\nOn March 15, an estimated 150,000 European students left school to protest. In Sweden, Germany, France, Britain, and other countries, these youngsters admonished adults, who have the power to urgently diminish greenhouse gases by cutting the use of coal, oil, and gas, and expanding the use of renewables and energy conservation.\"",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:34:01 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"The famous anthropologist, Margaret Mead, once said to me that children have a distinct moral authority to change some of their parents\u2019 habits or opinions. She gave use of seat belts and smoking cigarettes as examples.\n\nIndeed, most of us know instances when sons and daughters have looked into the eyes of their fathers and mothers and urged them to wear their seatbelts or stop smoking. They say in their own plaintive way that they want mommy and daddy around for them. Many mothers and fathers have had such experiences.\n\nMany parents and corporate executives are doing slow motion dances round global climate disruptions, despite the brutally visual and scientific evidence of our climate crisis. The rising tide of worldwide protests in recent months by young students cutting classes to shake up their elders should be a wakeup call and a sign of more activism on the horizon. Earth Day on April 22nd should give them another visible platform.\"\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/04/16/childrens-moral-power-can-challenge-corporate-power-on-climate-crisis/ https://nader.org/2019/04/16/childrens-moral-power-can-challenge-corporate-power-on-climate-crisis/",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:31:23 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Would you join us in replacing the use of the all-together benign phrase \u201cclimate change\u201d with variations of more grave language? Consider the following alternatives: climate crisis, climate catastrophe, climate disruption, climate upheaval, or even global warming. Whatever choice of words, we should stop using \u201cclimate change.\u201d\n\nSincerely,\n\nRalph Nader\"",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/newsroom/vibe...dadae9_a-e307939f-0dda-3550-8bac-476996dd166b",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:24:25 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ralph Nader has been warning people of the dangers of climate violence for years.\n\nIt's good that youth are finally taking notice.",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:23:40 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Like it or not, Frank Luntz had a point. When I was growing up in New England, \u201cclimate change\u201d meant the changing of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.\n\nToday, in the midst of increasingly alarming scientific studies and giant storms, the necessary response has been diminished by this widely-accepted softening of the words we use to describe the dangerous reality that stands before us. Language matters!\n\nI recently reached out to two leading and widely respected ecologists, Paul Hawken and Bill McKibben, to get their input on the mainstream usage of the benign phrase \u201cclimate change.\u201d McKibben now uses the far more potent phrase \u201cclimate chaos.\u201d Hawken believes the proper term is \u201cclimate volatility.\u201d\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/05/03/an-open-letter-to-the-environmental-community/ https://nader.org/2019/05/03/an-open-letter-to-the-environmental-community/",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:21:37 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Exactly. A child has to educate right-wing swamp members on climate issues.",
"headline": "'This is science': Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies before Congress",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/greta-thunberg-climate-teen-capitol-hill-testimony-science-154045651.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 17:17:29 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Doesn't matter. Ammoricans are too addicted to guns to do anything about it.",
"headline": "Sandy Hook Promise releases jarring back-to-school PSA depicting anxiety around school shootings",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/san...to-school-psa-school-shootings-144543932.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 16:22:47 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Insignificant elections, really. North Carolina is nothing special.",
"headline": "The Latest: Pelosi swears in 2 North Carolina congressmen",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/latest-pelosi-swears-2-north-230621915.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 02:31:30 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "She was sent home for being Black.",
"headline": "Woman gives birth in her bathtub after she says hospital sent her home",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/wom...he-says-hospital-sent-her-home-210109584.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Sep 18 00:25:19 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "He is already in such a role. Take a closer look at the situation.",
"headline": "Trump Administration Asks Top Court to Curb CFPB\u2019s Independence",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-administration-asks-top-court-201319060.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 21:33:31 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Well, we already know. His supporters don't care. They've invested too much of their egos into the Trump presidency.",
"headline": "Trump Administration Asks Top Court to Curb CFPB\u2019s Independence",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-administration-asks-top-court-201319060.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 21:32:21 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Let's not attack him for his English skills. Let's criticize him for his political skills.\n\nDonald is an incompetent criminal and should be impeached.",
"headline": "Donald Trump Says The Late Cokie Roberts \u201cNever Treated Me Nice\u201d; Presidents Express Respect",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/donald-trump-says-cokie-roberts-193434584.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 21:18:21 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You people are like sheep being led by a shepherd. Unable to think for yourselves and slaves to Trump's false words. Political idolatry, if you will.\n\n\"That leaves the Congress with which he toys. The Republicans are frightened chickens in a coop, peering out at the insatiable Fox. When they look back at their place in history, they\u2019ll have to squint. Sycophants all, except for the late Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. Justin Amash.\n\nAs for the Democrats, Trump is blocking subpoenas and orders for witnesses to testify. Trump is also turning down major demands for documents from several House Congressional Committees. Exercising their constitutional authority to oversee the executive branch, the Committee Chairs are filing one law suit after another. Trump laughs and tells his attorneys to keep stonewalling and appealing\u2014which can mean years. That\u2019s how he operated during his sordid failed business career.\"",
"headline": "Ayanna Pressley introduces impeachment resolution against Brett Kavanaugh",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ayanna-pressley-introduce-impeachment-resolution-133302697.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 20:55:30 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "It's really shameful that Republicans are such sheep. I mean no intention to insult when I reply with this.\n\nIf only you people realized that you are being played like puppets on a string.",
"headline": "Ayanna Pressley introduces impeachment resolution against Brett Kavanaugh",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ayanna-pressley-introduce-impeachment-resolution-133302697.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 20:43:27 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Manipulating the mass media is child\u2019s play for Trump. He taunts them about how they have to give him top billing because of the profitable ratings his performances brings them. Some in the mass media, nonetheless, expose his wrongdoing with thorough features. Trump, though irritated, ignores these exposés and repels them like water off a duck\u2019s back. It\u2019s all \u201cfake news,\u201d he shouts. His approval polls, though lower than previous presidents, stay firm. So far Trump has faced no real consequences from the revelations of his misdeeds.\n\nThe courts, meanwhile, are Donald\u2019s Trump card for endless delays. Who has been sued as president more than Trump? Over two and a half years into his term, litigation against Trump grinds on. Nobody knows how long these court actions will take, what with Trump\u2019s delay tactics and appeals. The top appeal is to the Supreme Court which he believes is 5 to 4 for him on just about everything relating to runaway presidential power and immunities. Trump has appointed 146 judges while in office, including two Supreme Court justices. Trump\u2019s chosen Supreme Court justices are partisan actors who will suit his purposes nicely\u2014it is as if they came from \u201ccentral casting\u201d for him. Trump has declared unlimited presidential pardon powers, musing that he could even pardon himself.\n\nLabor unions are another big joke to Trump. As they decline, Trump reminds the pro-Democratic Party union leaders that many of their rank and file members voted for him. A troublingly large minority of union workers\u2014over a third\u2014 defected to Trump\u2019s camp in 2016, enough to make the union leaders skittish about seriously confronting him.\"",
"headline": "Corey Lewandowski\u2019s House Testimony Quickly Devolves Into a Total Mess",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/corey-lewandowski-house-testimony-quickly-181844452.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 20:35:24 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Don't worry, I've got what you want right here:\n\n\"Donald J. Trump\u2019s 2020 election strategy is to connect his potential Democratic opponents with \u201csocialism.\u201d Trump plans to use this attack on the Democrats even if Senator Bernie Sanders, who proudly calls himself a \u201cdemocratic socialist,\u201d doesn\u2019t become the presidential nominee (Sanders has been decisively re-elected in Vermont).\n\nSenator Elizabeth Warren is distancing herself from the socialist \u201clabel.\u201d She went so far as to tell the New England Council \u201cI am a capitalist to my bones.\u201d\n\nSanders and Warren are not what they claim to be. They are both updating Roosevelt\u2019s New Deal and more closely resemble the Social Democrats that have governed western European democracies for years, delivering higher standards of living than that experienced by Americans.\n\nThe original doctrine of socialism meant government ownership of the means of production \u2013 heavy industries, railroads, banks, and the like. Nobody in national politics today is suggesting such a takeover. As one quipster put it, \u201cHow can Washington take ownership of the banks when the banks own Washington?\u201d\n\nConfronting Trump on the \u201csocialism\u201d taboo can open up a great debate about the value of government intervention for the good of the public. Sanders can effectively argue that people must choose either democratic socialism or the current failing system of corporate socialism. That choice is not difficult. Such an American democratic socialism could provide almost all of the long overdue solutions this country needs: full more efficient Medicare for all; tuition-free education; living wages; stronger unions; a tax system that works for the people; investments in infrastructure and public works; reforms for a massive, runaway military budget; the end of most corporate welfare; government promotion of renewable energies; and the end of subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear power.\"\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/06/27/trump-invites-debates-over-omnivorous-crony-capitalism/ https://nader.org/2019/06/27/trump-invites-debates-over-omnivorous-crony-capitalism/",
"headline": "2020 Vision Tuesday: What a race between Trump and Warren would look like",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/2020-vision-...ump-and-warren-would-look-like-150550690.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 20:28:12 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "We already know: Trump would toss out more propaganda about the \"evils\" of socialism to his sheeple supporters. And then they would cheer him on and bash Warren for anything they can find.\n\nNo different than now, really.",
"headline": "2020 Vision Tuesday: What a race between Trump and Warren would look like",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/2020-vision-...ump-and-warren-would-look-like-150550690.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 20:21:22 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Donald Trump is \u201cdumb as a rock\u201d (to use his phrase) when it comes to the programs and the policies of the federal government agencies over which he is allegedly presiding. However, when it comes to defending and expanding his own political power, Trump is shameless and profoundly cunning.\n\nTrump turns accurate appraisals of himself into accusations that he levies at others. Earlier this month, he questioned whether Joe Biden \u201cis mentally fit to be president.\u201d (Read more here)\n\nBut Trump has found way to spread his toxicity beyond his lying tweets. He has carefully developed formidable barricades to shield himself from the gathering storm regarding his countless impeachable offenses and other serious misbehaviors.\n\nTrump\u2019s remarks, decisions, and asides reveal his plans to stay in office. Trump heaps praise and extra funding on the military. In his travels, Trump likewise incessantly praises the police regardless of the local situations. Trump has openly said these constituencies are the core foundation against his adversaries that will keep him in office. His White House will keep the military and the police very well endowed.\n\nHe also makes sure that big business is happy with him. Some of the bosses are getting anxious about the uncertainty associated with Trump\u2019s use of tariffs and his caustic remarks about leaders of the countries where U.S. companies do business. However, Trump knows that as long as he cuts corporate taxes; deregulates health, safety, and economic requirements on Wall Street; and continues the crony capitalism of subsidies, handouts, and bailouts; the corporate bosses will continue to pay obeisance to Trump.\n\nManipulating the mass media is child\u2019s play for Trump. He taunts them about how they have to give him top billing because of the profitable ratings his performances brings them. Some in the mass media, nonetheless, expose his wrongdoing with thorough features. Trump, though irritated, ignores these exposés and repels them like water off a duck\u2019s back. It\u2019s all \u201cfake news,\u201d he shouts. His approval polls, though lower than previous presidents, stay firm. So far Trump has faced no real consequences from the revelations of his misdeeds.\n\nThe courts, meanwhile, are Donald\u2019s Trump card for endless delays. Who has been sued as president more than Trump? Over two and a half years into his term, litigation against Trump grinds on. Nobody knows how long these court actions will take, what with Trump\u2019s delay tactics and appeals. The top appeal is to the Supreme Court which he believes is 5 to 4 for him on just about everything relating to runaway presidential power and immunities. Trump has appointed 146 judges while in office, including two Supreme Court justices. Trump\u2019s chosen Supreme Court justices are partisan actors who will suit his purposes nicely\u2014it is as if they came from \u201ccentral casting\u201d for him. Trump has declared unlimited presidential pardon powers, musing that he could even pardon himself.\"\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/08/30/from-trump-tower-to-dictatorial-trump-power-over-law/ https://nader.org/2019/08/30/from-trump-tower-to-dictatorial-trump-power-over-law/",
"headline": "Corey Lewandowski\u2019s House Testimony Quickly Devolves Into a Total Mess",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/corey-lewandowski-house-testimony-quickly-181844452.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 19:10:31 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "It's not surprising. You've been brainwashed. The Democrats are making things worse by refusing to confront the true extent of Donald Trump's corruption.\n\n\"\nLook How the Real Trump is Endangering America\nBy Ralph Nader\nMarch 27, 2019\n\nSpecial Counsel Robert Mueller spent almost two years to produce a $25 million report that is a flat tire. Still unreleased in full to the American people, Trump\u2019s acolyte, Attorney General William Barr, a longtime friend of Republican Mueller, gave us what Trump long craved\u2014by stating that \u201cthe investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities\u201d during the 2016 election. As for obstruction of justice by Trump, Attorney General Barr cryptically burped, that \u201cThe Special Counsel states that \u2018while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him\u201d\u2014whatever that means. Give people the whole report now, as the House of Representatives voted 420 to 0 to do.\n\nWhat a farce and distraction this whole exercise turned out to be! Mueller\u2019s assigned subject was Trump. So, does this prosecutor demand to interview Trump, to subpoena Trump? No. Does this special investigator conclude with any legal recommendations at all? No. He just wants to be forgotten as he slinks away into deliberate silence (unless he is made to testify before the House Judiciary Committee).\n\nReally, what should we have expected from someone who, as FBI Director, testified before Congress as part of the Bush/Cheney regime, pushing for the criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003?\n\nThe assignment to Mueller was doomed from the start. Its charge was far too narrow and proof in such matters is very difficult to find. Intent to collude requires direct examination of the President himself. But why would Trump have to collude at all? The Russians interfered in his favor in various ways to the detriment of Hillary Clinton and all he had to do was accept such foreign largess.\n\nAn inquiry into Trump and all his business deals and business proposals with various governments point to Trump\u2019s disregard for the law. By the way, whatever happened to the IRS audit that Tricky Donald kept using as an excuse in 2016 for not releasing these voluminous tax records depicting suspicious relations that Pulitzer Prize winner David Cay Johnston has written about for years (see his book The Making of Donald Trump)?\n\nThe endless speculation and successful prosecutions of Trump\u2019s associates largely focused on ancillary lies and thefts not leading directly to the White House.\n\nTrump couldn\u2019t have distracted the mass dittohead media any better from his true crimes. Those include unlawful war-making, corruption, wasting public funds, and unlawfully handcuffing or firing the federal \u201ccops\u201d whose job is to save the lives, health, safety, and economic assets of all the American people from big corporate predators across the land.\n\nConsider all the print, TV, and radio time the mass media used on the Mueller Russian probe compared to Trump\u2019s cruelty and viciousness from his brazen \u201cderegulation,\u201d or open flouting of statutorily mandated government missions.\n\nThese policies have directly harmed innocent children, the elderly, patients, consumers, and workers and have wreaked environmental ruin, polluting the air, water, and soil with lethal toxins. He proudly took away protections leaving defenseless humans to suffer more deadly coal dust, coal ash, and coal pollution.\n\nHe has blocked our government\u2019s responses to the climate crisis looming everywhere.\n\nHe has gotten away with massive federal deficits caused by his tax holidays for corporations and the rich, including the Trump family. Take that, next generation of Americans!\n\nHe backs for-profit colleges who have committed serial crimes against their impoverished students while heavily subsidizing these corporations with your tax dollars.\n\nHe is pushing to weaken or eliminate modest controls over imperial Wall Street, upsetting even Wall Streeters like Timothy Geithner, setting the stage for another Wall Street collapse on the economy, causing workers to lose their pensions and savings, before they, as taxpayers, are required to again bailout the Wall Street speculators and crooks.\"\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/03/27/look-how-the-real-trump-is-endangering-america/ https://nader.org/2019/03/27/look-how-the-real-trump-is-endangering-america/",
"headline": "Corey Lewandowski\u2019s House Testimony Quickly Devolves Into a Total Mess",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/corey-lewandowski-house-testimony-quickly-181844452.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 19:04:01 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Are you a Christian? Let me quote something from the Bible:\n\n\"He makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, \u201cSave me! You are my god!\". They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand.\n\nSuch a person feeds on ashes; a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, \u201cIs not this thing in my right hand a lie?\u201d - Isaiah 44\n\nFor everyone else:\n\nhttps://ralphnaderradiohour.com/inside-the-mind-of-a-trump-voter/ https://ralphnaderradiohour.com/inside-the-mind-of-a-trump-voter/",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 18:22:42 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Allow me to erase the cognitive dissonance and open the eyes of Republicans:\n\n\"That leaves the Congress with which he toys. The Republicans are frightened chickens in a coop, peering out at the insatiable Fox. When they look back at their place in history, they\u2019ll have to squint. Sycophants all, except for the late Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. Justin Amash.\n\nAs for the Democrats, Trump is blocking subpoenas and orders for witnesses to testify. Trump is also turning down major demands for documents from several House Congressional Committees. Exercising their constitutional authority to oversee the executive branch, the Committee Chairs are filing one law suit after another. Trump laughs and tells his attorneys to keep stonewalling and appealing\u2014which can mean years. That\u2019s how he operated during his sordid failed business career.\n\nTrump has neutralized our country\u2019s checks and balances and separation of powers, including judicial accountability. He adds to his monarchal presidency by unleashing the Republican Party\u2019s suppression of the vote and other electoral shenanigans.\n\nIf the law ever catches up to Trump, he has many toadies who are willing to engage in \u201cwag the dog\u201d distractions. They are his war-hawk on steroids, national security advisor lawless John Bolton and the militaristic Secretary of State Michael Pompeo who travels the world threatening half of it. The new Secretary of Defense, from the Raytheon Corporation, presents no restraint in contrast to his predecessor Jim Mattis, cashiered by Trump.\n\nIf Trump wins, America loses. The outcome is up to you in November 2020. Be alert and prepared for tumultuous upheavals should Trump lose by a narrow margin.\"",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 18:10:18 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ralph Nader:\n\n\n\"Donald J. Trump\u2019s 2020 election strategy is to connect his potential Democratic opponents with \u201csocialism.\u201d Trump plans to use this attack on the Democrats even if Senator Bernie Sanders, who proudly calls himself a \u201cdemocratic socialist,\u201d doesn\u2019t become the presidential nominee (Sanders has been decisively re-elected in Vermont).\n\nSenator Elizabeth Warren is distancing herself from the socialist \u201clabel.\u201d She went so far as to tell the New England Council \u201cI am a capitalist to my bones.\u201d\n\nSanders and Warren are not what they claim to be. They are both updating Roosevelt\u2019s New Deal and more closely resemble the Social Democrats that have governed western European democracies for years, delivering higher standards of living than that experienced by Americans.\n\nThe original doctrine of socialism meant government ownership of the means of production \u2013 heavy industries, railroads, banks, and the like. Nobody in national politics today is suggesting such a takeover. As one quipster put it, \u201cHow can Washington take ownership of the banks when the banks own Washington?\u201d\n\nConfronting Trump on the \u201csocialism\u201d taboo can open up a great debate about the value of government intervention for the good of the public. Sanders can effectively argue that people must choose either democratic socialism or the current failing system of corporate socialism. That choice is not difficult. Such an American democratic socialism could provide almost all of the long overdue solutions this country needs: full more efficient Medicare for all; tuition-free education; living wages; stronger unions; a tax system that works for the people; investments in infrastructure and public works; reforms for a massive, runaway military budget; the end of most corporate welfare; government promotion of renewable energies; and the end of subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear power.\"",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:25:49 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Dear President Trump:\n\nLast month, you demanded that the Israeli government exclude the entrance of two members of Congress, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, to Israel and the West Bank. These two legislators were performing their constitutional responsibilities for oversight of the Executive branch, its foreign policy and expenditure of funds. Thousands of members of Congress have traveled to foreign countries unimpeded by any previous president. You are the only president who has ever delegitimized a branch of government in this manner. No president has even contemplated such a serious transgression, regardless of partisanship.\n\nThese two members of Congress may yet choose to visit Israel or other countries. You must publically apologize to them and all members of our legislative branch, admit your error, and pledge it will never happen again in your term. You must erase your egregious, impulsive act from turning into a precedent thwarting Congressional visits to countries that do not meet with your approval\u2014such as examining any potential violations of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution regarding your personal or family business interests in other countries. Your response is invited forthwith.\"\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/09/13/letter-to-president-trump-9-11-19/ https://nader.org/2019/09/13/letter-to-president-trump-9-11-19/",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:23:09 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Only Civic Driven Voter Turnout can Defeat Tweeter Trump\":\n\n\"Does the Democratic Party know how to defeat the foul-mouthed, bigoted, self-enriching crony capitalist Donald Trump? Trump pretends to be a populist. In reality he does the bidding of Wall Street instead of Main Street and weakens or repeals governmental health and safety programs.\n\nDefeating corrupt, disgraceful, disastrous Donald should be easy. He is, on many documented fronts, the worst and most indictable president in U.S. history. Moreover, Trump is personally obscene and is a walking tortfeasor against women. He is a politician who doesn\u2019t read and doesn\u2019t think. He doesn\u2019t know anything about government and doesn\u2019t care about the rule of law. All he seems to know how to do is stoke the war machine with taxpayer dollars and shut down law enforcement agencies designed to protect the health, safety, and economic well-being of citizens from today\u2019s Big Business robber barons.\n\nDumb as he is on the matters of public policies, Trump is a cunning schemer and a master of deflection. For Trump, every day is a reality show, in which he must dominate the news cycle with his destructive, personal politics of distraction. The mass media, looking for ratings and readers, can\u2019t get off its Trump high. He even taunts them with this conceit.\n\nIn our autocratic two-party duopoly, the country is left with the anemic, corporatized Democratic Party establishment to save the country. Every day the Democratic National Committee (DNC) feverishly calls big donors. Most candidates are addicted to the narcotic of campaign money and think their pathetic political consultants will solve their electoral problems.\n\nNone of the presidential candidates are taking on Trump directly. A few glancing ripostes, sure, but most Democratic candidates think attacking Trump is a distraction from their proposals for America. They don\u2019t seem to be listening to viewpoints such as those stated by Ana Maria Archila, of the Center for Popular Democracy: \u201cDon\u2019t just condemn the racism and the language but use it as an opportunity to argue for a vision of the country in which we can all be included.\u201d In reality, the Democratic candidates all fear taking Trump on daily in this way, because of his intimidating personal smear tactics supinely reported by the mass media, which rarely allows rebuttals to Trump\u2019s trash talking.\"\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/07/26/only-civic-driven-voter-turnout-can-defeat-tweeter-trump/ https://nader.org/2019/07/26/only-civic-driven-voter-turnout-can-defeat-tweeter-trump/",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Ralph Nader:\n\n\"Trump is thumbing his nose at Democrats daily, blocking oversight, allocating appropriated funds by executive dictate, brazenly freezing enforcement the laws or revoking regulations that protect the health, safety, and economic wellbeing of the American people, enriching himself through emoluments, and also casting aside the Constitution and the rule of law regarding his military and foreign policy aggressions.\n\nTrump has neutralized our country\u2019s checks and balances and separation of powers, including judicial accountability. He adds to his monarchal presidency by unleashing the Republican Party\u2019s suppression of the vote and other electoral shenanigans.\n\nIf the law ever catches up to Trump, he has many toadies who are willing to engage in \u201cwag the dog\u201d distractions. They are his war-hawk on steroids, national security advisor lawless John Bolton and the militaristic Secretary of State Michael Pompeo who travels the world threatening half of it. The new Secretary of Defense, from the Raytheon Corporation, presents no restraint in contrast to his predecessor Jim Mattis, cashiered by Trump.\n\nIf Trump wins, America loses. The outcome is up to you in November 2020. Be alert and prepared for tumultuous upheavals should Trump lose by a narrow margin.\"",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:13:42 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Republicans are brainwashed sheep.....truly disgraceful to the image of America.",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:11:52 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"As for the Democrats, Trump is blocking subpoenas and orders for witnesses to testify. Trump is also turning down major demands for documents from several House Congressional Committees. Exercising their constitutional authority to oversee the executive branch, the Committee Chairs are filing one law suit after another. Trump laughs and tells his attorneys to keep stonewalling and appealing\u2014which can mean years. That\u2019s how he operated during his sordid failed business career.\n\nDonald Trump, selected by the Electoral College, is daring the Democrats to impeach him. He knows Democrats are divided and can use the Republican dominated Senate as an excuse for inaction. Of course impeachment is a constitutional duty for the House, not a simple political calculation. It is certainly warranted for the most impeachable president in American history.\"\n\n- Ralph Nader",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:06:10 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Labor unions are another big joke to Trump. As they decline, Trump reminds the pro-Democratic Party union leaders that many of their rank and file members voted for him. A troublingly large minority of union workers\u2014over a third\u2014 defected to Trump\u2019s camp in 2016, enough to make the union leaders skittish about seriously confronting him.\n\nThat leaves the Congress with which he toys. The Republicans are frightened chickens in a coop, peering out at the insatiable Fox. When they look back at their place in history, they\u2019ll have to squint. Sycophants all, except for the late Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. Justin Amash.\"\n\n- R.N, Trump Tower to Dictator",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:03:31 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Manipulating the mass media is child\u2019s play for Trump. He taunts them about how they have to give him top billing because of the profitable ratings his performances brings them. Some in the mass media, nonetheless, expose his wrongdoing with thorough features. Trump, though irritated, ignores these exposés and repels them like water off a duck\u2019s back. It\u2019s all \u201cfake news,\u201d he shouts. His approval polls, though lower than previous presidents, stay firm. So far Trump has faced no real consequences from the revelations of his misdeeds.\n\nThe courts, meanwhile, are Donald\u2019s Trump card for endless delays. Who has been sued as president more than Trump? Over two and a half years into his term, litigation against Trump grinds on. Nobody knows how long these court actions will take, what with Trump\u2019s delay tactics and appeals. The top appeal is to the Supreme Court which he believes is 5 to 4 for him on just about everything relating to runaway presidential power and immunities. Trump has appointed 146 judges while in office, including two Supreme Court justices. Trump\u2019s chosen Supreme Court justices are partisan actors who will suit his purposes nicely\u2014it is as if they came from \u201ccentral casting\u201d for him. Trump has declared unlimited presidential pardon powers, musing that he could even pardon himself.\"\n\n- Ralph Nader, Dictatorial Trump",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 17:01:36 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Donald Trump is \u201cdumb as a rock\u201d (to use his phrase) when it comes to the programs and the policies of the federal government agencies over which he is allegedly presiding. However, when it comes to defending and expanding his own political power, Trump is shameless and profoundly cunning.\n\nTrump turns accurate appraisals of himself into accusations that he levies at others. Earlier this month, he questioned whether Joe Biden \u201cis mentally fit to be president.\u201d (Read more here)\n\nBut Trump has found way to spread his toxicity beyond his lying tweets. He has carefully developed formidable barricades to shield himself from the gathering storm regarding his countless impeachable offenses and other serious misbehaviors.\n\nTrump\u2019s remarks, decisions, and asides reveal his plans to stay in office. Trump heaps praise and extra funding on the military. In his travels, Trump likewise incessantly praises the police regardless of the local situations. Trump has openly said these constituencies are the core foundation against his adversaries that will keep him in office. His White House will keep the military and the police very well endowed.\"\n\nhttps://nader.org/2019/08/30/from-trump-tower-to-dictatorial-trump-power-over-law/ https://nader.org/2019/08/30/from-trump-tower-to-dictatorial-trump-power-over-law/",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 16:59:27 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"We talk to social psychologist, Arlie Russell Hochschild, who helps us get inside the head, and more importantly, the heart of the typical Trump voter. Also, Bill Curry gives us his take on the way forward for the Democratic Party. And, Ralph responds to your questions about last week\u2019s show on the Electoral College.\"\n\nhttps://ralphnaderradiohour.com/inside-the-mind-of-a-trump-voter/ https://ralphnaderradiohour.com/inside-the-mind-of-a-trump-voter/",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 16:56:19 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "That man is a billionaire. If you refuse to share such a small portion of your wealth, you are greedy.",
"headline": "Carl Icahn is leaving New York for Florida over taxes",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/video/carl-icahn-leaving-york-florida-173617504.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 16 17:57:16 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "And? What is your point? Willie recognized her skills and appointed her. Simple.",
"headline": "Democratic presidential candidates want Kavanaugh impeached after newly surfaced sexual misconduct accusation",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/kamala-harris-wants-kavanaugh-impeached-154047843.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Sep 16 06:23:52 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "You know, when articles about crimes from \"blacks\" appear on the website, I always tend to see comments like this.\n\nIt's almost like there's no suppression agenda at all. Nonsense, right?",
"headline": "Former NFL player accused of faking hate crime by spray-painting racist slurs and MAGA graffiti at his business",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/for...ate-crime-racist-graffiti-maga-182227077.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 15 22:31:54 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"This man committed a hate crime\"\n\nHow did he commit a hate crime? Please explain the logic you used to come to this ridiculous conclusion.",
"headline": "Former NFL player accused of faking hate crime by spray-painting racist slurs and MAGA graffiti at his business",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/for...ate-crime-racist-graffiti-maga-182227077.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 15 22:26:36 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Pathetic personal attack.",
"headline": "T.I. Destroys Candace Owens Over MAGA & Slavery Talk During Revolt Summit",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/t-destroys-candace-owens-over-194620467.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 15 21:20:33 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Doesn't matter, really. Non-supremacists will still vote for him.\n\nAnd the bigots? No real loss there.",
"headline": "Biden on racism: Whites 'can never fully understand'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/alabama-biden-heads-key-civil-135321271.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 15 19:34:37 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "@Michael\n\nRubbish. If disparities, which are the result of systematic racism, are not being corrected, then there is no \"equal\" treatment.\n\nActually, we should be aiming for equitable treatment, not \"equal\" treatment. That's how we will get similar outcomes between the groups.",
"headline": "67,000 black men could go unaccounted for in Georgia in 2020",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/67-000-black-men-could-090000179.html",
"timestamp": "Sun Sep 15 17:03:31 UTC 2019"