5'3 KHHV Mentalcel
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Minor Update:
(Shortly before...)
(Shortly before...)
This is an interesting thread. It reminds me of my pre-teen years.
I look forward to your future stories.
What's a CARVE program?
What's a CARVE program?![]()
How do you cope?
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #150854133Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:34 PM CST "problem is I've cut off contacts with everyone outside my family except for a select group of people once a month at a club meeting so yeah" I would suggest attempting to retrieve an assessment from a qualified psychologist. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #182817833Monday, February 01, 2016 1:07 AM CST Well TheMagentaDelight, your evident naivety is rather astounding, and repulsive. The concept of "living for family" is certainly existent. It is the product of the natural hedonistic-inclinations shared mutually between all human individuals. Relatives provide many individuals with a mechanism to receive self-pleasure via reassurance/assistance from external people. That is why they are so heavily celebrated. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #151522842Thursday, December 11, 2014 7:17 PM CST Although you may not currently agree with the remaining segments of my statement, there's much better ways to handle a problem than to commit suicide. The effects of depression can often become severe and the affected individual can transcend into a state of pure hopelessness yet "Depression" requires a system of management. It may be difficult, however you'll have to change your perspective of the situation and attempt to take the initiative to handle your various problems, I would suggest communicating with a relative and a professional psychology as it may help you significantly. |
Re: i didn't even know my cousin is getting married tomorrow
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Re: I hope none of my family members pass before their time.
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #158661030Thursday, March 26, 2015 1:27 AM CDT Biologically, fertilization occurred, and that certainly wasn't a mistake. It would seem that your father is using you as a target for his own issues, likely out of internal psychological conflict for his abandonment of his offspring. Personally, I would suggest communicating with a trained professional in psychology about this as the situation is apparently causing you distress due to your lack of parental acceptance. |
Why Are Pokemon And Dragon Ball Z Such Nostalgic Shows?
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Re: My counselor thinks I have sensory processing disorder
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Re: Why Are Pokemon And Dragon Ball Z Such Nostalgic Shows?
Moronism Join Date: 2010-02-08 Post Count: 451 | #181391787Saturday, January 09, 2016 8:27 PM CST "please do they killed my sister" No, it is the fault of your family for disregarding medical advice. |
MoronicAnon Join Date: 2016-01-24 Post Count: 8 | #182375885Monday, January 25, 2016 4:45 AM CST "Can you feel anything during astral projection?" Yes. You can feel the molecules surrounding you dissipating in a gradual manner. "Does your astral body get out of your physical body automatically?" Not quite, it is a process of gradual ascension. You can only reach complete ascension if you envision an abstract realm separate from reality. |
AgnosticAnon Join Date: 2016-01-09 Post Count: 45 | #181487278Monday, January 11, 2016 3:08 AM CST "Describe one of these interactions with your creator" Yes. Various years ago, I was a homeless 19 year old man seeking guidance after being verbally-abused. After prayer to the Lord, I was picked up by a stranger and taken to a Protestant church. Now, three years later, I am in a financially-stable position and able to depend exclusively on the hands of Jesus. I evangelize regularly about the mercy and righteousness of Jesus. I do not want to see you eliminated from society because of a simple judgement error. Repent and annex yourself to the Christ. He will redeem your worth. |
ParadigmaticAnon Join Date: 2016-01-25 Post Count: 182 | #182869557Monday, February 01, 2016 9:49 PM CST "Sociopaths" None of the users claiming to be "sorry" for the death of your relative truly care. They are merely attempting to make themselves appear as "respectable" and "sympathetic" individuals over the Internet. Your grandmother was insignificant and valueless to anyone outside of her social/relative clique. It is the mere truth of the situation. |
Is this person you're talking to Grossbier?
Is this person you're talking to Grossbier?![]()
I see; are you still religious?No. That was Shannon Rose's ex-boyfriend - She slept with him several times which led to his girlfriend being hospitalized for suicide.
I see; are you still religious?![]()
Re: is this really punishable?
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Re: i wish i didnt grow up in a religious household
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Re: [ Content Deleted ]
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #149376977Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:16 AM CST Hopefully you enjoy the events surrounding your relatives then. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #151140918Friday, December 05, 2014 3:45 PM CST Perhaps you simply have a significant degree of loneliness that has resulted in your extensive emotional attachment to your relatives? Although it's certainly understandable, It's important to have a durable realization that any sudden occurrences could result in unexpected and potentially life-altering effects and thus I would suggest that you attempt to maintain a positive relationship with them while making sure to prevent yourself from becoming too psychologically dependent on them. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #182817833Monday, February 01, 2016 1:07 AM CST Well TheMagentaDelight, your evident naivety is rather astounding, and repulsive. The concept of "living for family" is certainly existent. It is the product of the natural hedonistic-inclinations shared mutually between all human individuals. Relatives provide many individuals with a mechanism to receive self-pleasure via reassurance/assistance from external people. That is why they are so heavily celebrated. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #146390337Friday, September 19, 2014 7:16 PM CDT Both genders are humans either way. Perhaps the problem is that you need to change your perspective on the situation? Each person has their own individual personality and simply because one female doesn't necessarily enjoy your presence doesn't mean someone else won't; I would suggest that perhaps you examine your own behavior and personality rather then categorizing everyone of a specific gender group together simply because different people react differently. Additionally, you'll benefit much more from "Academic" knowledge rather then unnecessarily obsessing over the opposite gender. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #153814730Monday, January 12, 2015 3:43 PM CST "We have clicks in the sense that people generally only post on threads made by certain people and only acknowledge people they like." Favoritism is generally abundant throughout civilization due to the simple fact that individuals generally become accustomed to the presence of another person once they've analyzed their characteristics. Hence the formation of cliques, especially on a significantly "Anonymous" medium such as the Internet. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #181236357Thursday, January 07, 2016 2:10 PM CST Yes, I do indeed have a "social life." Although, my preferred method of social interaction is to provoke impulsive users over the Internet for personal pleasure. It is not worth maintaining "friendship" when you can enjoy the presence of enemies. |
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #181239000Thursday, January 07, 2016 3:04 PM CST You do not need the presence of psychological-slavery via "Friendship"; there is greater pleasure derived from provoking vulnerable users over the Internet. |
When I was a four-year-old, my parents and I lived in a duplex, where my father would hit Mother and damage the walls, resulting in holes near a wooden desk she used for sewing. I recall pouring soap in my eyes at this age to stop them from arguing.
When we moved, my father would regularly come home and argue with Mother over anything he disliked. He broke the windows in our living room as well as the windows in our kitchen, he broke a "Leopard Statue", he broke our kitchen table, he broke plates, he threw Mother's computer and clothes into the garbage bin. He'd regularly pound on Mother's room door(Used for crafts). He'd yell at Mother as he was driving her to work.
One day, Mother was asked by my father to write a check, which she did. However, he was angry because she was drying off after a shower. This led him to shove her onto the floor(She was naked) and kick her legs repeatedly, which I was present for and saw. He also broke her fingers and cut her knuckles, injured her knees and kicked her abdomen.
I was told to chat with my maternal grandmother - Someone who criticized me for my (at the time) inability to speak to her comfortably, which later became stuttering.
"Talk? Can't you talk?"
"Stop speaking in such a high-pitched voice"
"Speak up!"
"Speak louder"
"I don't know why he can't talk" (To Mother; Post-Stuttering)
"You can speak to your mother, can't you? Then you can speak to me normally"
No. Holes are not deities.
My grandmother told me to travel with my half-relatives. I knew they were feigning respect and I disliked them greatly.
Yes...if only I was fortunate enough to lay back like Alexandria and Neisha in the home of their grandmother, enjoying SNAP, TANF and constant trips to Pick-N-Save.
Sadly, I was not...I was born into the home of two quarreling parents, who preferred violent acts over peaceful words.
I'd always cringe when Mother would become upset in public. My maternal grandmother taught her well.
With Larry's presence, she may have had more success.
Young Child:
She was dozing off...I tried to grab her glasses to help her. She thought I hit her and pinned me to the floor until my grandparents arrived, telling them I tried to harm her. That was the only occasion in which I made willful eye contact with my maternal grandmother.
I was sixteen, and had recently left group therapy. I was anxious and depressed...I decided to see how I would feel about harming Mother, and decided to take scissors and start lightly poking her. I wrapped my legs and arms around her neck and shoulders. I tried to destroy my photo collection, but she took them away.
Mother and I lived with my grandmother and step-grandfather for several years.
My grandmother would often denigrate me for being anxious. Once, she was choking, and I disregarded it, so she referred to me as "Brain Damaged".
My lifelong condition of constipation meant that I had to use the downstairs bathroom of my grandmother's apartment for relief. The television noise from the open door prevented me from defecating properly.
My half-cousin was taught to count change by her grandmother.
Mother often spoke of "DNA", as did my father. I met my great-grandmother(Mother's father) and knew her better than my maternal grandmother, someone I met when I was around 10. She told me her name.
Mother's relatives are deceptive and envious.
UnsourcedAnon Join Date: 2016-01-12 Post Count: 563 | #181702705Friday, January 15, 2016 2:22 AM CST "man i remember being 13" As do I. Constant and redundant criticism/physical-abuse from narcissistic relatives. I am very joyful at the fact that the majority of the pitiful scum has been cleansed via death during the succeeding nine years. |
ParadigmaticAnon Join Date: 2016-01-25 Post Count: 182 | #182869557Monday, February 01, 2016 9:49 PM CST "Sociopaths" None of the users claiming to be "sorry" for the death of your relative truly care. They are merely attempting to make themselves appear as "respectable" and "sympathetic" individuals over the Internet. Your grandmother was insignificant and valueless to anyone outside of her social/relative clique. It is the mere truth of the situation. |
My maternal half-cousins and half-aunt would chat with my step-grandfather about myself and Mother living elsewhere. (I heard their conversations often)
"She never does any housework" (Objectively false. I have other problems with her, however...)
"They're leeching from us" (I never asked them for food or even clothing. I very rarely spoke to them.)
He would get upset when Mother would ask him to pick up our prescriptions from stores. He'd also get upset when Mother asked to visit grocery stores. This is despite taking my half-relatives to stores/fast food restaurants multiple times weekly. Medical appointments as well(When medical transportation wasn't an option).
My half-aunt's lovely statements:
"[Mother] sits around all day"
"I thought [Mother] said they had no food" (Me and Mother relied on food pantry boxes/SNAP)
"[Intellau] will tell his mother if we bully him" (Maternal half-cousins; they abused my younger half-cousin somewhat since she was reluctant to do so.)
As a child, my half-aunt would patronize me for my autistic behavior. She would criticize my sluggish movements and depressed demeanor. "Hurry up [Intellau]!" - I also had social cue problems and misunderstood instructions from her.
They are kleptomaniacs; they would take portions of our food home after "visiting".
"(I never asked them for food or even clothing. I very rarely spoke to them.)"
Indeed. I was very grateful when my grandmother stopped giving me meals at the age of seventeen due to her view of me as an ingrate. She often said "[Intellau] was born with a silver spoon in his mouth" because I was anxious and struggling to help her with house tasks due to my NLD(I would help them with laundry, unpacking groceries, washing dishes, fetching items they needed, ...).
No, though I recall my half-aunt once remarking things about myself and my half-cousin.
And, of-course, those trips to Indiana with "Aunt Pebbles" and their many half-siblings, since their mother was much too stupid to use contraception, or simply practice abstinence.
My half-aunt dated a male that Mother tossed aside.
A Portuguese joke.
Anyway: Half-cousin Azaria is embarrassed by her black traits. She believed that her gutter-feces half-aunt's lighter-skin made her intelligent.
Yes. This is how my half-aunt/uncles/cousins were produced...a hideous Cumskin hole reproduced with a hideous Black male.
Well...my half-aunt often made remarks like:
"Intellau's mother wonders why she's so sick all the time...maybe she should stop visiting Wendy's"
"She's a cow...she sits around speaking about menstruation" (Half-Cousin)
Her half-siblings would wait for their father to return home - Mother would sit in the back, saying nothing.
When I was a young child, Mother moved into an apartment downtown. She also stayed with my half-aunt(Told me she was unwanted), we moved into an apartment when I was seventeen. It was...very nice.
Sadly, TANF abuse is only for Aunt Cherrita.
I'd spring up quickly when Mother would call before arriving.
When I was a young child, I was grateful to see them. Except, of-course, for the time my half-aunt said "Well, you told your parents about a problem we had, so we won't do anything today".
Yes. My half-aunt used to patronize me for walking slowly and misunderstanding social cues when I was a young child.
My maternal half-aunt has lived on TANF and SNAP for decades. Her younger brother was in prison several times for selling drugs.
My paternal cousins have college degrees, vehicle, employment.
My half-cousin threw a bucket at her great-aunt once.
Yes - My mother was the firstborn child of my grandmother. She has a different father from my half-uncles/aunt.
My half-aunt conceived her son to best her full-niece.
My half-aunt used to hide me whenever my half-uncle visited. I'd sit alone while relatives were enjoying themselves.
As an adolescent, I chose to sit alone at a table.
My half-aunt has rare and dangerous ethnic strains of HPV.
My half-cousin "hugged" me. She also would criticize me with my half-aunt and denigrate me for my autistic traits when I was a young child.
Yes, certainly influenced. I was influenced unexpectedly when my half-aunt would regularly speak about my family problems with her daughters in front of me. I was there since Mother had appointments.
I suppose that, somehow, having two children with Tyrone made her clan more valuable than myself and Mother, given that I merely witnessed daily domestic violence and slept in a spare room of my paternal grandparents' house as my half-cousins slept peacefully in their room, which was adjacent to their grandmother's.
Robert's, as well as my half-aunt's. She had dyslexia as a child and struggled with basic knowledge.
Ya. Cunt in the photo resembles my half-aunt, who had a young son so she could enjoy praise and attention from relatives(One-upping my younger half-cousin).
Kid is an autistic little ape:
View attachment 618894
My half-aunt gave birth to three children(Youngest is half-sibling). Her brother conceived three children with three different women, plus an aborted child.
Her half-sister had only one child and stopped immediately.
Ya...when I visited my half-aunt and her progeny, I chose to sit isolated in a kitchen chair for several hours each time.
(Late Notice)
Mother and her mother denigrated me because I was always extremely anxious.
I returned from group therapy once. My grandmother denigrated me while my half-aunt was present because I was too anxious to eat.
"Look. Intellau doesn't want to eat!"
Yes, certainly influenced. I was influenced unexpectedly when my half-aunt would regularly speak about my family problems with her daughters in front of me. I was there since Mother had appointments.
I suppose that, somehow, having two children with Tyrone made her clan more valuable than myself and Mother, given that I merely witnessed daily domestic violence and slept in a spare room of my paternal grandparents' house as my half-cousins slept peacefully in their room, which was adjacent to their grandmother's.
I need to start coalescing the story in such a way that it mirrors my group therapy experiences...
(I am a rare outlier with higher intelligence. My Mulatto half-cousins, however, are defective trash)
You are welcome to remain here. When I was seventeen/eighteen, my lovely half-cousins(Mother instructed me to be kind to them) would frown if they ever encountered me under any circumstance.
I remember an occasion where we returned to their home after visiting my half-uncle.
I was sitting on the floor. My cousin denigrated me, I said something negative in return...her mother then denigrated me also.
Insatiable Cumskin hole ancestry...they are also perceived by most as the superior race of hole.
Mulattas have the same problem. My younger half-cousin whined because she realized that she couldn't act vain and entitled like her older cousins because of her dark skin.
Nice. I once played an innocuous game with my much younger half-cousin:
It was hide-and-seek. I hid under a blanket with her, expecting us to be found. My half-cousins laughed at me and said, "Take a child as your bride".
Interestingly, my half-cousins would denigrate her and hit her when she stayed at their home.
Relative - A whore who offers "respect" in exchange for favors.
My half-cousins would accept the snacks I offered them and then disregard me.
My half-cousin was disfigured by a feeding tube. This didn't stop her hypergamous thoughts.
I'll give him more value since he is male.
Very lovely.
I recall an occasion in which my half-cousins stayed over my grandparents' house.
My half-cousin disliked something I did, so she simply threw one of my precious objects out the window and then sat with her sister, apathetically.
My half-cousin "hugged" me. She also would criticize me with my half-aunt and denigrate me for my autistic traits when I was a young child.
(Hahaha...I probably resumed my C++ guide, afterwards.)
No. My elder half-cousin learned to count simple change at seventeen. Her sister was too incompetent to graduate from high school.
Robert's, as well as my half-aunt's. She had dyslexia as a child and struggled with basic knowledge.
Yes. As it turns out, opening her legs for a light-skinned Tyrone didn't help her mother much. Mother told me her half-sister had Dyslexia as a young child, which is not shocking.
The individuals on my maternal side(Mother and half-aunt) were dyslexic and unable to learn driving concepts. My maternal half-cousins are high school dropouts with clinically-diagnosed low intelligence.
Yes, certainly influenced. I was influenced unexpectedly when my half-aunt would regularly speak about my family problems with her daughters in front of me. I was there since Mother had appointments.
I suppose that, somehow, having two children with Tyrone made her clan more valuable than myself and Mother, given that I merely witnessed daily domestic violence and slept in a spare room of my paternal grandparents' house as my half-cousins slept peacefully in their room, which was adjacent to their grandmother's.
Her half-siblings would wait for their father to return home - Mother would sit in the back, saying nothing.
My much-younger female half-cousin, however, was always respectful to me. This girl was often bullied by her older full-cousins.
My half-aunt was carried like a deity by Mother's "lovely" step-father. She has spent her life manipulating relatives and denigrating them with her equally-vile children(Barring the youngest, as he is much kinder).
I love my origin thread very much. It's truly beautiful.
Re: ITT: programming stuff
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Re: Our algebra test was stupid
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Re: So I was asked to skip a grade today
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Re: so we have to write our own math test
AnonyAnonymous Join Date: 2013-06-23 Post Count: 6332 | #180859651Friday, January 01, 2016 4:44 PM CST Perhaps the essential "issue" is not the quantity of mathematical-knowledge, it is the quality of such knowledge. My usage of the term "quality" refers to the type of mathematical knowledge utilized. Typically, disregarding geometrical/physical manipulation, the primary sort of mathematical-knowledge commonly utilized would be a combination of basic-arithmetic and logical-symbolism, in conjunction with concepts often found within algebra. Thus, rather than focusing on whether it is existent in the systematic flow of computer-programming, we should simply focus on which aspect is necessary to utilize to accomplish a given task. |
UnsourcedAnon Join Date: 2016-01-12 Post Count: 563 | #184100772Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:48 PM CST Please provide us with more details regarding your "advanced math" library. Which branch are you referring to? |
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