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- Feb 11, 2021
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The soy is strong in this one. That's what I call a very soylent face. 
One of these days the 2 more weeks mantra will be, "Oh shit, it's finally happening, oh fug!"2 more weeks
Judging by ways things are going here it looks like Denial City pretending everything is alright with their sick deranged normalcy bias in total complacency until they get ready to pull the plug on everyone at the last minute. What will ensue afterwards will be the most chaotic fallout of society overnight. I'm getting ready for the winter months here, I calculate my own survival odds at just 55% currently. As usual I find myself ahead of the curve when it concerns the majority of the non thinking general public.Ive had to cut off my entire "family". Plus, i have no friends. I´m literally one of the loneliest persons in the world.. They all drank the kool aid so to speak. Physically and mentally impossible to be around. Walking robots who dont want to know anything. Cattle. They energy leached off me my entire life. No more. Although much irreparable damage has alrdy been done.. wish i had come to my senses earlier. I almost died of a heartattack from that energy theft a few months back. Was rly my fault for being dumb enough to be around dumb people (perma dumb ones) for prolonged period of time.. i was temporarily dumb.
Trauma sustained from morons makes u hurt urself in many ways.. all you can do is cut them off 100%. Karma will take care of them. Im not joking when i say i had prob one of the top 0,1% worst parents, relatives etc in the world. It feels like my entire life´s been a lie, it hasnt been a life, but just sheer torture in various degrees on and off, never truly off. They literally tried to kill me. Like i was born a cow and my so called family were the farmers.
Sucks, because although we dont need bad ppl, we all need a few friends, very few. The only real friend i ever had doesnt even live in my landskap/state in sweden anymore. The world is truly becoming insane. Its mad max any day now.
Erasmus wrote a book about how geniuses are rly dumb when it comes to practical and instinctual thinking.. i guess thats why it took until 28 years old until i cut the bastards off. Had i been DUMBER"?", i wouldve done it sooner. On one end, the theorethical ~0,1 IQ-89,9, u have the instinctual "dumb" people, and on the 25% right end on the IQ scale, u have the 110-199,9 Logical/mathematical, but lacking in instinct people. This really makes the middle people, the middle class cattle, the truly dumb ones, lacking both true strong instinct or logic. Plus they follow the herd, being themselves smack in it. They dont call it dumb blonde without a reason. I saw a clip of (from the looks of it) some typical dumb northwest euro/new england young guy backpacking in africa and in one clip he was in Juba South sudan, and the locals said:China.. they are a fake country. (its obvious), and the moron blondeish guy ofc said: huh??
But i guess all species have to have their middle morons.
Society (in general) doesnt value smarts of any kind. ONLY good 100 IQ (correllated) looks and the inherited contacts and unearned automatic success that goes with it. Just had to laugh when i heard one of my relatives call her son wise >< One of the most beautiful guys in my town. Hence in truth, one of the dumbest. People mistake what they dont understand as stupidity.
Its not true what weininger came up with (cant blame his mistake, dying only at 21 or whatever), that the most beautiful are the smartest. Its also not true what i though a while back, that they are the most average. They truly are the dumbest. The lower ur IQ, the more of an animal u are, the higher ur IQ, the more of a robotic (relatively speaking, to the average) alien kind of being you are.
It has happened in every historical epoch, era, and generation of human history transcending tribe, ethnicity, nationality, race, and culture, when you have more have nots than haves your society becomes doomed to death. I suspect they're currently geared towards an organized massive die off event of various populations across the globe, but of course it will fail because by and large a majority of the have nots are already aware of their plans with a distrust in these illegitimate authorities that makes up the bulk of the global elite power structure. These grandiose plans of theirs only work when a majority of people are unsuspecting, they basically screwed the pooch with the covid lockdowns and vaccines, at this point they're just bat shit crazy where in the end it won't end well for them at all. We're going to get some spontaneous chaotic civil strife concerning mass entertainment soon enough.Even plato said that every society, regardless of size, consists of two halves (distinct ones), the rich and the poor. As ive said, its in actuality the rich-dumb-beautiful vs the poor-smart-ugly. Its a coin toss which side ur born in. Its all relative. A rich man in timbuktu isnt poor, because hes rich in his city. I dont listen to him anymore, but owen benjamin said that Downs syndrome people are actually some of the smartest people in the world in their OWN way. They dont fall for bullshit because they cant be fooled since they dont think too much and twist their minds. Its such an unfair world. In games, u all start equal (most games), irl, u cant rly suffer if ur born as the middle.
Very well said. They just did an anniversary event for 50 years of SSI. And these government people are so out of touch with the people living on it. They can't grasp that changes are direly needed now and just keep kicking the can down and avoiding fixes to the program even after they've federally neglected it for 50 YEARSTrying to get basic services inside the United States as an American citizen one has to jump through many hoops of bureaucracy and it is the worst kind especially if you're down in out homeless. It's intentionally difficult because they don't give a flying fuck about you or anyone really where they actively want you to die. That is why the system is designed the way it is, they pretend to care about you just enough to give off the appearance that they're doing something, but of course the assistance is nowhere adequate to make much of a difference at all in a person's life because they actively want you dead. The entire landscape of the U.S. is inverted totalitarianism, tyranny with a happy face and a dysfunctional non working nanny state to boot. Public welfare in this nation is a joke. If you're poor, destitute, or handicap in this nation you might as well pray for death as a release of your suffering.![]()
Very well said. They just did an anniversary event for 50 years of SSI. And these government people are so out of touch with the people living on it. They can't grasp changes are direly needed now and just keep kicking the can down and avoiding fixes to the program
View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aZ_RTnYRMwY
I'm so sick of the bullshit that it is unreal brocel.SO hyped for the downfall of this dictatorship.
Based PFPI'm so sick of the bullshit that it is unreal brocel.![]()
I want to seek asylum on either the moon, Jupiter, or Mars.Based PFP
I wanna go seek asylum in Russia
Based but unfortunately we were born to early to be able to live on other planetsI want to see asylum on either the moon, Jupiter, or Mars.![]()
I want to believe there is a planet out there with intelligent life, but I'm starting to think to myself that there really isn't.Based but unfortunately we were born to early to be able to live on other planets
The United States is doomed, it is beyond economic, social, cultural, or even political reform. This nation doesn't have two years left to it, something of which I'm willing to bet on where I believe things will really kick off starting next year.Inflation is everywhere, no collapse of the US is happening yet. China has their own problems economically right now and Russia is getting its cheeks clapped by the Ukraine.
The US will implode. I think it'll be a period of 8 years when they elect in some hyper progressive and get the house and senate. It might take till the second term. They'll
1. Pack the court so they have a supermajority to get everything they want - everything below they'll push through via executive action and the court will greenlight it
2. Bring in Puerto Rico and DC as states which means 4 guaranteed democratic senators.
3. Abolish the electoral college
4. Start taxing productive people/wealth (capital gains, corporations)
5. Print, print, print money for their mostly worthless programs.
6. Force blacks and women into positions of power
7. Legally enable thought police to project their agenda
8. Continue to push kids through college that shouldn't be there. I would guess no more than 10-15% should get a bachelor's degree but they'll want 50% and 100% of blacks. This wastes 4 important productive years of these kids lives when they could be making money, producing, and learning skillsets with wasting time pretending to have done the reading for their English courses.
9. Force 'Green Energy'
10. Huge amounts of ballot harvesting and doing absolutely anything they can to get every last black vote. If 100 black people vote, 90 vote democrat, so that's an 80 point swing. If white vote 45-55 dem-rep that means you need 800 whites to vote to wipe out the margin created by 100 black voters. This is why we see commercials with blacks telling us 'we' all need to vote every election cycle
11. The huge influx of Latinos and slightly higher birth rate of blacks means democratic gains will continue. I anticipate asians will shift republican but not enough to offset
12. Illegals will be given the right to vote
13. They'll probably make it harder for rural areas to vote somehow.
14. Need to 'save the planet' from global warming. A real issue that destroying our economy isn't going to fix, particularly when China produces 2X the emissions.
And then when their policies start ravaging the economy what they're going to do is double down. The economy spiraling will be the fault of capitalists and the wealthy and not enough representation. They'll double down on everything. Dissent will be illegal (or Reddit Mod like people will remove it all), a lot of the wealthy will bail and move everything to safe havens, etc.
It'll be impossible for Democrats to lose the Presidency and the SC will be packed to give them a blank check to push all the shit they want through with executive action.
This won't be 2024 though. 2028 is likely, 2032 a guarantee I think. So 2028-2040 and then another 20 years to stop being retarded and another 100 to undue the damage.
But, the premise of OP is wrong. America would be OK for much longer and not have a drastic downturn, might even self correct if left as is. Nothing 'going on currently' spells doom, but everything I just laid out above are cards the Dems have left to play, want to play, feel morally obligated to play
I imagine those will be coming out sometime between now and November if they haven't already been released.Have any harvest numbers come out yet?
I imagine those will be come out sometime between now and November if they haven't already been released.
Just waiting over here for $10-15.00 a gallon for unleaded regular gasoline nationwide.Diesel’s starting to suck.
$811 this morning.
The fact that the U.S. is trying to start a world war with both Russia and China simultaneously is quite telling of the current level of desperation. That kind of lashing out is text book collapsing nation material.It would probably take a lot for America to collapse (since it's still a "superpower"), but who knows a lot of things can happen pretty fast...
America is already willing to fight off against two nuclear superpowers (very delusional on America's part, but they got their NATO and Anglo friends)... It was in America's interest to keep Russia and China separate, but seems like America dun goof. Probably because of the two parties trying to point the finger and scapegoat which led to this mess. Henry Kissinger (or was it Zbigniew Brzezinski) spoke about keeping the two separate and this enabled America to exploit from the Sino-Soviet split very well.
They're certainly getting desperate.The fact that the U.S. is trying to start a world war with both Russia and China simultaneously is quite telling of the current level of desperation. That kind of lashing out is text book collapsing nation material.![]()
It's all about protecting the dying dollar and economically collapsing international United States empire of the petrodollar, question is, how much of the world are they willing to destroy first to salvage a sinking ship into the abyss? A question that is on my mind every single waking day.They're certainly getting desperate.
You have the Democrats that were mainly targeting Russia and then you have the Republicans that were mainly targeting China. Now they're both in a rough spot of having to carry each others foreign policies (obviously to continue advancing America's hegemony and unipolarity). They mainly did the fingerpointing/scapegoating to collect more political brownie points from their voters. There are consequences to everything and now they're just realizing it.
This probably always existed. Weak, powerless, sick, poor, mentally I'll, ugly need to be constantly reminded of their inferiority compared to strong, powerful, beautiful, healthy.I sometimes think to myself that they intentionally like making the very vulnerable or powerless of society miserable, they get off on that shit. They make everybody less than them play by a set of rules, laws, and codes that they would never play or abide by themselves in the same position. It's always about maintaining an unfair advantage over others for them, always.![]()
To some degree it always has but we now live in the era of perfection and narcissism where anything less than perfect is immediately discarded. In many ways it is worse now than it has ever been prior.This probably always existed. Weak, powerless, sick, poor, mentally I'll, ugly need to be constantly reminded of their inferiority compared to strong, powerful, beautiful, healthy.
Something like 'invisible hand of life'.
Americans are little spoiled gay niggers
The US is the worst thing the human being ever created and I want to see it collapse though![]()