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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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2 (going on 3rd) generations of ~1,7-1,8 kids/woman will do this to an economy. I think historians will talk about the boomers for hundreds of years to come as a lesson what not to do.

My dad will sit in his (his? - ours, you borrow from ur kids, u dont inherit from ur parents) house now while the economy plummets.. instead of selling it so me and my brother can have somewhat of a life.

Cronos indeed. No parent earned their wealth, they inherited it from an infinite line of ancestors. Its not just the raw numbers/money, its all the labour that went into getting to this point, meaning, even if 3 generations back your grandfathers father didnt inherit and had to "restart", he still laboured. Meaning, any inheritance, has come down from infinity. Parents who hold on to their kids future for their own comfort are a-holes.

All of my relatives are doing the same to their kids, my cousins and cousins twice removed. the parents are around 60-70, their kids are in their mid 20s-30s, in childbearing years (well, they shouldnt have kids today as alrdy stated), so at least they deserve to live in the same comfort that was handed down to their parents, but nope. They will sit in their houses until they are 70+ while their kids rot in apartments, or saddle themselves with unnecessary house loans a few years after starting to work so they too can live in a house. A loan they (one of them at least) wouldnt have had to take if their parents just handed over the house to one of them f.ex and they themselves moved out to prioritize their kids future over their own. But nope.

the average age in my town is 45, which means the average age of house dwellers (owners) is prob around 52-55, as their kids get pushed out when theyre around 20 to "learn to be adults", a fance name to call what is essentially stealing from ur own kids.

Time. The millennials and zoomers now too are losing time. they are becoming 28,30,31,32 and they cant rly start families because the boomers and xers arents handing over the inheritance.
What we're witnessing currently has played out in every tribe, empire, and nation state historically, what happens when you have a majority of have nots versus haves. What's different in our current era compared to those past is that with modern western feminism the majority of have nots also happen to be sexually involuntary celibate. The end result within all of this will be very explosive to that which I have no doubt in my mind.

This is all merely human history constantly repeating itself as it generally does, there are natural consequences when you condemn the entire lives for a majority of men. As usual I am a big proponent of sexual economics as I always have been, for me that is the dominant factor constantly playing out in human sexual behavior explicitly. :feelsjuice:
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2 (going on 3rd) generations of ~1,7-1,8 kids/woman will do this to an economy. I think historians will talk about the boomers for hundreds of years to come as a lesson what not to do.

My dad will sit in his (his? - ours, you borrow from ur kids, u dont inherit from ur parents) house now while the economy plummets.. instead of selling it so me and my brother can have somewhat of a life.

Cronos indeed. No parent earned their wealth, they inherited it from an infinite line of ancestors. Its not just the raw numbers/money, its all the labour that went into getting to this point, meaning, even if 3 generations back your grandfathers father didnt inherit and had to "restart", he still laboured. Meaning, any inheritance, has come down from infinity. Parents who hold on to their kids future for their own comfort are a-holes.

All of my relatives are doing the same to their kids, my cousins and cousins twice removed. the parents are around 60-70, their kids are in their mid 20s-30s, in childbearing years (well, they shouldnt have kids today as alrdy stated), so at least they deserve to live in the same comfort that was handed down to their parents, but nope. They will sit in their houses until they are 70+ while their kids rot in apartments, or saddle themselves with unnecessary house loans a few years after starting to work so they too can live in a house. A loan they (one of them at least) wouldnt have had to take if their parents just handed over the house to one of them f.ex and they themselves moved out to prioritize their kids future over their own. But nope.

the average age in my town is 45, which means the average age of house dwellers (owners) is prob around 52-55, as their kids get pushed out when theyre around 20 to "learn to be adults", a fance name to call what is essentially stealing from ur own kids.

Time. The millennials and zoomers now too are losing time. they are becoming 28,30,31,32 and they cant rly start families because the boomers and xers arents handing over the inheritance.
I have no doubt that when this generation of boomers pass by dying off they will eventually be known as the worst generation of human beings who have ever existed. Their entire existence will be a warning to future generations of what not to do or become. :feelsjuice:
New bike-lane in a swedish city. We´ll see more of this nowdays. Bad infrastructure Lagos style. Sure, could have been an intentional prank/staged, but even if it was just someone having a bad day at work, he had one for a reason - state of modern society. In my experience also, the ones making the decisions in society, the politicians and company bosses dont want to fix things, and why should they? Cant fix whats broken, u can only build new after the fall.

Every place all over the world except for israel probably, will only get worse by the day from here on out. More litter, graffiti, slower workers, mishaps with documents etc, crimes. They dont even want good and smart workers. They bully them OUT of working places because they make the other workers think, and they cant have that. An employees silence is worth 1000x more than his/her output. Its true for every profession. From the "lowest" street litter picker up to brain surgeons. Instead of picking the best brain surgeon, they pick a good one with a slightly better personality instead of a better one with a slightly "worse" personality. This fucking world man.. People who push down those smarter than themselves in a professional setting deserve.. to be shot (ofc not rly).. banished idk.

The hatred you can feel when you are near NTs toward logical autists is a bridge that can never be crossed. To be fair, NTs need to know their place and shut the fuck up. Excuse my language but ive grown to hate them and their ways. Autists are the brain-bugs of the starship troopers movie and NTs the spider like warriors. Thats how much of a difference relatively speaking there is between autists and nts
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New bike-lane in a swedish city. We´ll see more of this nowdays. Bad infrastructure Lagos style. Sure, could have been an intentional prank/staged, but even if it was just someone having a bad day at work, he had one for a reason - state of modern society. In my experience also, the ones making the decisions in society, the politicians and company bosses dont want to fix things, and why should they? Cant fix whats broken, u can only build new after the fall.

View attachment 660803
Worst street design I have ever seen. :feelsjuice:
We start off this morning on WallStreet with the good old fashioned and traditional Federal Reserve financial sorcery intervening pump up. Will it last the entire duration of today? :feelsjuice:
A friendly reminder, the DOW Jones or DJIA is down 20% for the entire year of 2022. This is the magical month of October which historically is when things economically crash inside the U.S. :feelsjuice:
So desperate for a green start of the day, but let's see what happens today when the entirety of the European markets open. :feelsjuice:
Today's Federal Reserve [PPT] pump up reminds me of Thursday last week, stupid bulls never learn. If we do expand today it will all be undone by tomorrow's close. :feelsjuice:
Chevron and Caterpillar, eh?

So, in effect we're only up today because of raised gasoline prices for oil mega Corps. [Because they're anticipating a higher exponential raise of gasoline prices by the end of this year more likely.]

Caterpillar? The entire infrastructure of the United States remains stagnant, declining, and in constant disrepair. Where exactly is construction expanding currently inside the United States domestically?

Calling Bullshit! Tesla? Who really gives a fuck about that meme stock anyways?

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Emergency Federal Reserve closed meeting today, dumbasses are all in because they're still hoping for the Great Fed Pivot, the hopium is strong in these fools. Prepare your anuses without any lubricants as Jerome Powell is going to sodomize every single one of you. Behold the all powerful United States stock market and dollar hanging on every word or lip of a geriatric corrupt academic. There are no free markets, just a corrupt oligarchy centrally planned one instead revolving around the usual dynamic of crony state capitalism. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Gettyimages 1242155037
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U.S. government marching towards war with Russia, there's not enough men inside the United States willing to die for this nation against Russia, in fact, most of us are against our own government domestically. I dare you to do a national military draft for your bullshit war against Russia, you'll get instantaneous civil war instead in the very end. Fucking retards! Who the fuck wants to die for this nation? A majority of men have no prospects for a wife, children, marriage, living in their own homes, or even a lifetime career, and you think we're going to die for this faggot loving nation? Looks like the C.I.A. is drinking from their own spiked Koolaid once again as clearly they're dangerously delusional. No majority of middle aged or younger men will fight for this nation and you have nobody to blame but yourselves, there are heavy consequences when you ruin the lives for a majority of men overtime where you assholes are going to learn that the hard way eventually. Of course, they're still fiddling away in delusional fantasyland, these dumbasses never learn ever. :feelsjuice:

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How do you know your nation is on the verge of financial economic collapse? Your bond and treasury markets start trading like wild speculative stocks. :feelsjuice:
Credit Suisse the next Lehman Brothers debacle, its chairman is also named Axel Lehmann which is just fitting for this divine poetry at play. Of course the markets are currently ignoring all of this as we're still in that living denial stage of societal collapse. In the five stages of grief what comes next is acceptance [death] concerning this rollercoaster of societal collapse, but for now at least, it is delusional plausible deniability all the way down. :feelsjuice:

This is

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_PcDBxwNS2g
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DOW 30,000.00 as I've said for almost a year now is their invincible fortress or Maginot Line they like retreating to, for whatever reason it is their most defended numerical base line, if it goes under they try raising it back up in retracing, if it goes too much over that decimal percentage it slowly drops back to it in retracing. I suspect somewhere between DOW 27,000.00-25,000.00 will be the hump that breaks the camel's entire back permanently. :feelsjuice::yes:

Ezgifcom gif maker 24
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Almost 800.00 today, let's see how much of that is lost between now and Friday. :lul::lul::lul:

Booty jiggle 6787
"United States more than likely sabotaged Russian NordStream to isolate Germany and all of western Europe under its influence." No shit Sherlock, water is also fucking wet when it rains, thank you Captain Obvious. :feelsjuice:

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I paper handed my spy calls and missed a gigantic win today :feelsbadman:
I paper handed my spy calls and missed a gigantic win today :feelsbadman:
I'm betting this is another temporary pump up day where the rest of the week will be down once again. :feelsjuice:
"United States more than likely sabotaged Russian NordStream to isolate Germany and all of western Europe under its influence." No shit Sherlock, water is also fucking wet when it rains, thank you Captain Obvious. :feelsjuice:

View attachment 661420
Probably by something that looked like this more likely. :feelsjuice:

Submarine periscope
Chevron and Caterpillar, eh?

So, in effect we're only up today because of raised gasoline prices for oil mega Corps. [Because they're anticipating a higher exponential raise of gasoline prices by the end of this year more likely.]

Caterpillar? The entire infrastructure of the United States remains stagnant, declining, and in constant disrepair. Where exactly is construction expanding currently inside the United States domestically?

Calling Bullshit! Tesla? Who really gives a fuck about that meme stock anyways?

Oil markets pricing in economic turmoil [more people unemployed unable to afford driving or gasoline] , so why then Chevron up ticking today's intraday trading? Easy, although demand is halving cratering, gasoline prices are about to shoot up to the moon at the end of the year towards the beginning of next year. One mystery solved. :feelsjuice:

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"The bank of England walked back QT and went straight back to QE, surely this must be a good sign for the Great Fed Pivot in the coming weeks. This has never been a more opportune time to buy and invest!"

Maybe, maybe not, but this is what will happen if it does. If the Federal Reserve follows England's footsteps everybody will celebrate for about one month until reality sets in dawning on everybody. The reality is that with QE reinstated hyperinflation will pop up its ugly head inside the U.S. all the more quickly. Keep in mind that there are riots all throughout England currently where people are burning their electric or heating bills they can no longer afford for themselves. So yeah, if you're waiting to price in on all of that you're a god damn fool to begin with. Party on motherfuckers! :feelsjuice:

Matt Furie artist Pepe  7311678
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@Fat Link

I'm the creator and original head of Homeland Security! Mission accomplished, right Dubya? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Hmm, with all the capital flight from Europe into the United States [dollars] perhaps we should just destroy the euro altogether having the new political power base of Europe inside the United States. I mean all the moronic European nation states have proven themselves to be willing lap dogs of the U.S. anyways against Russia, might as well relocate the capital of the E.U. Brussels to Washington D.C.

I got it, we will call it the United States of North America and Europe. Europeans have shown themselves uncaring of their own national independence as willing puppet states, might as well make it official. It's time for all of western Europe to come under the financial political hegemony of the American dollar! :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

As for tomorrow my predictions is a punch to a face and a nose bleed metaphorically speaking. :feelsjuice:

Giphy   2022 10 03T183730249

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9_DSE3FSalM
Casino gambling
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Absolutely no good reason the markets should be up right now and the only reason it is simply is because of international currency trading [swapping] from euros into dollars. Apple, Tesla? Get the fuck out of here!

We're currently experiencing the highest joblessness statistical ratio inside the United States since the bullshit covid hoax lock downs and the markets are up, I absolutely fucking hate WallStreet where I wish all of Jew York City was bombed out from orbit. It is simply disgusting what is being carried out in this nation today. :feelsjuice:

RealisticPlayfulIrishdraughthorse max 1mb
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Inflation is transitory. :feelsclown:

We will destroy economic and monetary inflation by other means, get the bloodclot shot today. :feelsclown:

Fuck it, we'll finally destroy economic or monetary inflation for good this time, but everybody will be unemployed and penniless. If you die out in the streets, progress. :feelsclown:

Sad clown paint by number
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"U.N. demands all western nations stop financial rate hikes and go for full blown price controls instead."

The WEF organization puppet finally speaks and of course price controls is just another method of corporate socialism, that is to say socialism for corporations only and fuck everybody else. That was the plan all along, wasn't it? A global governing body like the U.N. in place to transition to a global government, but of course all of this will fail where these puppet string masters don't know when to quit, their arrogance or hubris will not allow them. Crash the global financial markets, initiate a new global currency model, and then you have the coveted global governance afterward controlled by scoundrels or devils in disguise. :feelsjuice:
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eu running low on energy :feelskek::feelskek:
I hope every fucking asshole on WallStreet enjoyed the last two days of up ticks because it looks like such was very temporary, market crash still on the menus boys and girls.

1.) Next week's CPI mother fuckers!
2.) No Great Fed Pivot either bitches, no fucking soup for you!

Choke on it cunts! :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

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Will somebody please investigate the national SPR? Audit that bitch right now! Rumor has it that in two to four months it will be completely depleted. I know this is an election year politically, but good fucking grief! Will somebody think of the children?! :feelsjuice:

Com razoroil

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=55_9o8LoWiw
Confused john travolta
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Still kinda kicking myself in the ass here, last two days has caught me by surprise in my usual market predictions.

It's okay, we roll with the punches, right? Now to make some bold predictions and proclamations which I'm hoping that I am correct on. :feelsjuice:

First off, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank, are you okay? Haven't forgotten about you guys and I'm sure there are many others who haven't either.

Secondly, are you currently enjoying cheaper gasoline prices relatively in the state you're living or residing in? Not for very much longer you won't.

Thirdly, just how long will this international currency swapping from euros into dollars last giving the DOW Jones its latest expansion? Not for very much longer I think.

Two possibilities:

1.) It will last until tomorrow's close for a surprise Thursday and Friday down.

2.) It won't last until tomorrow's close as Wednesdays lately are kinda sporadic for those unpredictable chaotic volatility days.

Either way this a dead cat bounce and bull slaughterhouse where I believe all expansionary gains of this week will simply be undone by this week's close on Friday.

Finally, CPI print next week, Federal Reserve national unemployment numbers, and the cherry on top of this seven layer cake to hell will of course be by the end of this month known as the annual Q3 GDP report.

Alright boys and girls, who's all in invested within this lovely national clusterfuck? Have fun and remember this, it's never been a more opportune time than to buy right now! Also, you assholes hoping for the Great Fed Pivot for a return back to QE, get fucked! Eat shit and die! :feelsthink::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4NY5RslBKao

Tumblr makj9myhuh1qdoxp5o1 500
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Sysco systems went on strike.
Boston areas largest food distributor
Apparently started in Syracuse then spread to other facilities.
Fighting over hours and wages and the pats on the head they received during the plandemic.
Health benefits as well.
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My body is ready for the crash and new riots within USA following the astronomical oil (usually means gasoline) price thanks to OPEC+'s move that could precipitate demented prez Biden's desperate attack that could trigger the accelerated collapse of the dying USA and WWIII.

If you don't want to starve to death because of wide famine attributed to sky-high oil price that affect everything, emergency preparedness (long term non perishable food and clean water storage, and gas-based or renewable energy-harvested electric generator) as a shut-in may be strategically necessary.

View: https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1577648939137994754
Based. The money hungry landlord I have has been increasing my monthly rent by 5% on annual basis while my breadcrumb shit salary stays stagnant.
Landlords are the absolute worst, if all the slum landlords of the U.S. were to die tomorrow I wouldn't shed a single tear for them. :feelsjuice:
Sysco systems went on strike.
Boston areas largest food distributor
Apparently started in Syracuse then spread to other facilities.
Fighting over hours and wages and the pats on the head they received during the plandemic.
Health benefits as well.
I suspect to see even more labor strikes overtime as wages and costs will not be able to meet inflation properly, then when hyperinflation finally arrives it's going to be a total circus shitshow everywhere. :feelsclown::society:
My body is ready for the crash and new riots within USA following the astronomical oil (usually means gasoline) price thanks to OPEC+'s move that could precipitate demented prez Biden's desperate attack that could trigger the accelerated collapse of the dying USA and WWIII.

If you don't want to starve to death because of wide famine attributed to sky-high oil price that affect everything, emergency preparedness (long term non perishable food and clean water storage, and gas-based or renewable energy-harvested electric generator) as a shut-in may be strategically necessary.

View: https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1577648939137994754

Soon everybody with a $150,000.00 truck will not be able to afford gasoline just to drive a single mile block radius, zero fucks given about them and their overpriced vehicles. I will laugh at them when they're walking or biking everywhere, already being homeless I walk fifteen miles every single day. Zero fucks given. :feelsjuice:

OPEC+ 2 million-barrel production cut

Soon everybody with a $150,000.00 truck will not be able to afford gasoline just to drive a single mile block radius, zero fucks given about them and their overpriced vehicles. I will laugh at them when they're walking or biking everywhere, already being homeless I walk fifteen miles every single day. Zero fucks given. :feelsjuice:
Supposedly we have a free market system which by now everybody knows is complete utter bullshit, here in the U.S. and elsewhere. Yet again today they're so desperate for that protected baseline of DOW 30,000.00

What do we call a financial system that neither expands or contracts where it just sits at a constant fixed rate and point?

We would call that a rigged system by the controllers and enablers. They've decided for themselves that they're never allowed to experience loss or losing in this rigged system of theirs, but of course they have no problem enforcing loss onto everybody else. :feelsjuice:
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And just like that the price of oil per barrel will now exceed well beyond $100.00 :feelsjuice:

Looking forward to eventual prices of $10-15.00 a gallon of gasoline. Whether it is financial stocks or energy this motherfucker is going down like a rock thrown over the edge of Mount Everest. :feelsthink::feelsEhh::hax:

Mount Everest Young Mountain
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And just like that the price of oil per barrel will now exceed well beyond $100.00 :feelsjuice:

Looking forward to eventual prices of $10-15.00 a gallon of gasoline. Whether it is financial stocks or energy this motherfucker is going down like a rock thrown over the edge of Mount Everest. :feelsthink::feelsEhh::hax:

Given that you said in the prior post above you're homeless, I'm curious how you maintain regular access to the Internet. Hanging out at the library, Obamaphone or leeching free wi-fi by McDonald's or Starbucks?

I understand misanthropic sentiment, given the dire and misfortune circumstances we the incels suffer.

Perhaps USA's future attack on Saudi Arabia or Russia to retaliate for exorbitant oil price will finally ignite USA's death quickly, with China's (regardless of its economic standing on the precipice of economic collapse amid yuan devaluation and eyeing Taiwan to invade sooner or later) offloading US Dollar (de-dollarization) to demolish the 5 decades long petrodollar domination.

Following Weimar Republic-like Zionist slave USA's pathetic grasp-for-the-straw attack (US may have sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines with assistance by British and/or Israel forces -- if US's complicity in demolishing Nord Stream is true, Russia could declare war), the world's nations could dump US Dollar en masse in types of holdings like T-bonds that will essentially bankrupt USA to doom to suffer internal strife and unprecedented chaos.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J0H--wE4ME
Given that you said in the prior post above you're homeless, I'm curious how you maintain regular access to the Internet. Hanging out at the library, Obamaphone or leeching free wi-fi by McDonald's or Starbucks?

I understand misanthropic sentiment, given the dire and misfortune circumstances we the incels suffer.

Perhaps USA's future attack on Saudi Arabia or Russia to retaliate for exorbitant oil price will finally ignite USA's death quickly, with China's (regardless of its economic standing on the precipice of economic collapse amid yuan devaluation and eyeing Taiwan to invade sooner or later) offloading US Dollar (de-dollarization) to demolish the 5 decades long petrodollar domination.

Following Weimar Republic-like Zionist slave USA's pathetic grasp-for-the-straw attack (US may have sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines with assistance by British and/or Israel forces -- if US's complicity in demolishing Nord Stream is true, Russia could declare war), the world's nations could dump US Dollar en masse in types of holdings like T-bonds that will essentially bankrupt USA to doom to suffer internal strife and unprecedented chaos.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J0H--wE4ME

Russia and China won't make any war declaration, all they have to do is wait for the inevitable internal collapse of this nation. It's sad really, I don't hate the United States, I like what it use to be, but I very much hate what it has become now. I think if there is any formal war declaration it will be us against Russia and China, if that happens it will be very interesting, by interesting I mean disastrous in a horrific way.

There is public WiFi everywhere so it's not hard tapping into a random internet source where I reside. :feelsjuice:
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Russia and China won't make any war declaration, all they have to do is wait for the inevitable internal collapse of this nation. It's sad really, I don't hate the United States, I like what it use to be, but I very much hate what it has become now. I think if there is any formal war declaration it will be us against Russia and China, if that happens it will be very interesting, by interesting I mean disastrous in a horrific way. [...]

A few reasons I hate USA is because I suffered years long wageslave exploitation by corrupt ex-bosses and supervisors without so much as promotion at past shit jobs, therefore limiting and hampering my upward economic mobility, and attractive women refuse to see the value in me as a hard worker, and being rejected on the basis of my disabilities (not a cripple) due to the typical shallow femoid attitude that if a man doesn't have a college degree, he's useless and can't afford to own the house and nicer car.

Here's the old post "Hell Awaits, America" that reflect my misanthropic sentiment toward USA.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaJ3otm1NXM
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