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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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"Chinese yuan index is down because of Xi cracking down on China's foreign trading policies."

So, basically they're preparing a go for Taiwan and taking all initiatives to cut all trading relations with the United States at some point, got it. Then there's that thing with North Korea over the entire weekend, strikes me as somebody shooting over the board to send a clear message. Saudis wouldn't be toying around selling U.S. treasury bonds unless everybody is on board abandoning the United States in simultaneous fashion. :feelsjuice:
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"Is the Bank Of England, Bank Of Japan, European Central Bank, and Federal Reserve colluding together to manipulate international markets?"

If you're asking this question now you're already behind the curve of current events. :feelsjuice:

[Of course they are, they've been doing it for almost two decades.]
I watched mainstream news for the first time last night in over a year of not doing so.

Between sad pathetic stories of high school students addicted to fentanyl and January 6th insurrection propaganda exhibits for the need of arresting Donald Trump along with his republican supporters I'd say we're reaching Yugoslavian levels of political propaganda just before it broke out in civil war. I really hope that happens, and guess what, I won't be aligning myself with either democrats or republicans, but I'll gladly take an opportunistic advantage concerning both of their stupidity while they kill each other should that ever happen. :feelsjuice:
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Fourth week of a DOW market melt up which very much so mirrors movements of the stock market during the 1929 crash, the question is, if our current reality is similar mirroring to the 1929 crash, what part of 1929 do we find ourselves in today? Are we in the early portion of 1929 where there will be no huge market breaks or disruptions until 2023 the earliest? Or, are we just weeks away from huge market breaks and disruptions?

I'm not even sure myself, but I do know one thing, I really do miss posting dirty images with music for intrinsic shock value in this thread.


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=56MOXhSzQcg
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Lol. The US just have trouble in retaining the interests of their allies. When or if the dollar gets dumped, it's gonna be really messy. American elites will be seething and will call up Biden for nuclear annihilation whilst they run off to their little pedo islands and hide in their bunkers.
Lol. The US just have trouble in retaining the interests of their allies. When or if the dollar gets dumped, it's gonna be really messy. American elites will be seething and will call up Biden for nuclear annihilation whilst they run off to their little pedo islands and hide in their bunkers.
Would be nice. :feelsjuice:
Typical political election year manipulation nonsense and a suckers rally almost five weeks in the making.

FED Pivot equals hyperinflation. [$End of the USD as we know it$]

Also, this is what I think of your revised very deceptive fantasy GDP numbers:
2.6% GDP - 20% inflation = -17.4%

[By the looks of it, they're trying to drag everything out into 2023.]
Money burning 1

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CnTW6zGk-vM
Ezgifcom gif maker 18
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Domestic political suckers rally until November 8th and afterward hyperinflation territory. :feelsjuice:

FOMO/ PPT buy everything hands over fist until November 8th, it's an election year.

FOMO/PPT sell everything and pull it after November 8th, all systems are a go for pulling the rug from under people's feet.

Going to take a wild guess here, DOW -5000.00 or -10,000.00 after November 8th sometime. :feelsstudy::feelsclown::society:
[November, December 2022, or, January, February, March 2023???]

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6I2y_UbVz4U
Sexy dance strip tease

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Laughable farce of the United States stock market within the last five weeks explained in simple images accompanied with music. Head fake bitches, we know it's a political election year already. :feelsjuice:

One trick strategy gaming strategies

Gilliam part 21

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QhgThq8_Iy4
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Go to hell you Pivot Zero Interest Rates motherfuckers. :feelsjuice: :yes:

DOW - 159.63

Happy Halloween! :feelshehe::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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Just as capitalism employs a variety of tactics in dividing people against each other especially the proletariat to make people more submissive, docile, and manageable, capitalism also employs feminism as a way of subduing or assaulting the male proletariat sexually by reducing his reproductive opportunities to an absolute zero. Females are sexual or vaginal capitalists, so it is no surprise females are the most ardent supporters of today's political status quo concerning our own era of crony capitalism being psycho sexual capitalists themselves. :feelsjuice:

Frog eaten
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In the past, communism defined itself as a material dialectic where rampant atheism intellectually reigned supreme, I instead call for a natural or biological dialectic in communism where higher forms of spiritual consciousness is the guiding principle within intellectual thought. A society where all biological, natural, social, and spiritual needs are fulfilled where if necessary also rigorously enforced. The needs of the many or multitude will always outweigh the needs of the few. :feelsjuice:

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Today's western capitalist elites are all about erasing, censoring, or rewriting history to suit their political agendas and needs of acquiring power, dominance, and profit. They seek to destroy all forms of cultural, national, individual, sexual, traditional, religious, racial, and ethnic identity in order to achieve this as a part of consolidating their power of influence. They say that they support diversity, but really they are instead destroyers of human biological diversity along with being destroyers of the human spirit itself. They do not seek to uplift humanity whatsoever nor do they seek any sense of higher spiritual collectivized transcendence, their agenda is to replace human beings with machines creating a very dark fear driven sterile world. I believe it is possible to create a spiritual and more natural proned national communism where all forms of human biological diversity is supported, celebrated, and respected. One where the African black man, Asiatic man, native man, Arabic man, Indian man, and yes, even the White European man is respected as well. Concerning all the different races and ethnicities of men we all seek dignity in our own individual lives where all men of the entire world deserve such. All forms or strands of human biological diversity should be supported with dignity, but as one strand by itself is very weak, we are all stronger together collectively as all different strands standing together within unity under solidarity. Human differences, prejudices, and tribalism will always exist, in the past with tremendous failure the goal was to eradicate them all completely, by trying to do it has caused even more problems, I'm a firm believer that our differences is not detrimental at all, but instead a distinguishing trait of merely what humanity is, the goal should never be to eradicate our differences, rather we must respect our differences creating a new system to which while we may be different from each other we can all work together regardless under one single cohesive direction benefiting us. The only way forward for all the oppressed or disenfranchised proletariat men of the entire world is for us to work together under one single revolutionary platform organized. We should never seek to erase or rewrite human history, we should respect each other's history along with all the differences that comprise it as that which defines humanity's own uniqueness, all forms of different tribal history across the planet equally respected in celebration. It is also my belief that every tribal identity or racial ethnicity should have its own separate independent cultural enclave, but where it is set up that despite these different enclaves people of all ethnicities and races work together for mutual collective gain. I will have to write more on this later at some future point.

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National communism is exactly as it sounds, nationalism plus communism for every nation state is its own independent national commune and the word itself means community. I seek to rebuild a sense of community everywhere to which everyone feels like they belong to something.

My ideals for national communism is very simple, our current world is full of multiple inequities and to make it right those inequities must be corrected for order, stability, and the greater prosperity or happiness of the general population.

Sex/ reproduction will be redistributed.
The means of industrial production redistributed.
Economic prosperity redistributed.
Happiness redistributed.
Health, general well being, and security redistributed.
Education redistributed.
Economic social mobility redistributed, ect.

Those counter revolutionaries who refuse the redistribution process will have their assets and lives seized until they comply with the revolutionary pogrom implemented, or else. :feelsjuice:

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Imminent Iranian attack on Saudi Arabia? They really are Arabian Jews always playing all sides for their own advantage. More likely they're back pedaling with the C.I.A. where certain deals or promises have been made behind private doors, I don't think the Chinese will like that very much. [Neither will the Russians.]

A war against Iran only serves the interests of the corrupt west and Israel.
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I shall now proceed to predict the future of the next fourteen days, is everybody here ready? :feelshehe:

Looking into my orb I predict horrible things, so very horrible they will be that it will look something a lot like this!
Memed io output

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hFjoOOPU6Xo
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Do a 175 Bps tomorrow you giant pussy! Just do it already you flaming faggot! :feelsdevil:

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Hmm, will no longer hold nuclear talks with Iran, the option of military force against Iran is on the table.
[Netanyahu to return back into the scene within Israel, seems ominous.] :feelswhere:

For everybody's scoreboard checklist of World War III: :feelsjuice:

1. Warfront: Ukraine
2. Warfront: Taiwan
3. Warfront: North Korea
4. Warfront: Iran

Other possible warfronts to be included going forth overtime:

5. Turkey
6. Azerbaijan/ Armenia
7. Venezuela
8. Saudi Arabia
9. Hungary [They'll try a coup or civil war there first more than likely.]

Either way that's a shitload of multiple warfronts, which one will strike the match first? More importantly, who the fuck is going to fight their wars for them? Don't know if they know it quite yet, but the world is terribly short supply of patriotic young fighting men willing to die for others currently. What happens when they start World War III and a majority of young or middle aged men refuse to show up for it? You would think that might be a bit concerning for them, but hey, no pressure, right? :feelsclown:

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Here in the local city I inhabit in the so called land of the free, brave, and democratic for the last several months I've been watching a war on the local poor or homeless unfold by the mayor along with the local police. Every night is like a game of whack-a-mole where the homeless have everything to do just to find a safe place to sleep at night without being ticketed, harassed, or arrested by the police. Home of the slave and fee indeed as entire segments of the population are dumped into the streets every single day. Our current propaganda of our time is that this is the best economy ever, but virtually everybody knows that is bullshit.:feelsjuice:
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I love the fact how everybody in this nation complains that nobody wants to work anymore despite having outsourced all good paying jobs domestically overseas raising corporate profits while reducing all wages virtually to zero. "You're looking at it all wrong, it's having a income versus having no income, if you don't work you're simply just lazy!"

No, it's called we're undergoing a nationwide worker strike as nobody wants to work for crumbs anymore that virtually pays nothing at all as being working homeless living in total penury is appealing to noone, you privileged pompous asses are too ignorant to see what is really transpiring. I hope you lose everything just like the same people you condemn daily. If you cannot treat your fellow man with respect, dignity, and honor you deserve nothing at all yourselves, do not expect your neighbors to accommodate you being slaves for your dying unsustainable standard of living. I hope this nationwide worker strike continues and collapses this corrupt society even faster.:feelsjuice:
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Markets up on a rate pause? :lul: :lul: :lul:

Ah yes, inflation soon to be hyperinflation can be paused much like a movie with a television remote, it's so very simple, said no serious economist ever. Pretty assinine, should be amusing to see the response of the treasury and bond markets after this. :feelsjuice:


"The most aggressive rate hike in forty years!"

My ass! :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsclown:
Could it be the markets are pricing on a rate pause very delusionally today? So far our Pontifex Maximus hasn't spoke quite yet. Could this be the day which hope finally fades and dies? If so, watch out below! :feelsjuice:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NkHSavkRfVs
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Two hours and fifteen minutes to go until closing bell and its only just a Wednesday. :feelsjuice:
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Concerning foids feminism makes perfect sense for our totally inverted totalitarian society that describes itself as being free, transparent, liberating, and democratic but it is anything but that where in reality it is the direct opposite. The entire apparatus of the female vaginal or sexual capitalist mindset is one completely dependent on constant male inequality and the inequity of human social hierarchy as there is nothing egalitarian, fair, or even equal about female sexuality itself. It discusses a male patriarchal system that is virtually non-existent anywhere in the west as it distracts from an inequal economic system that is imposed on a majority of men to which female sexual nature thrives on, for female sexuality is attracted to male inequality which it describes itself as natural selection. In reality, female sexual nature is very competitive where it is completely dependent on the inequity of male competition within a completely unequal economic system that female sexual reproduction itself capitalizes on through men. The mythos that females are somehow oppressed, innocent, and absolved of all wrongdoing compared to that of men is just that, a myth, the only difference between females versus males general wickedness is that females are very passive by nature thus being more silently cleverly covert in their sexual behaviors versus the more overt obvious sexual nature of men. If we were ever to create a world where all men were equal to each other females would be miserable everywhere for they are creatures that thrive upon human inequity as they are controlled by the most primal based instincts of their minds to which they never seem able to mentally evolve away from, it is from female sexual nature of constant inequity that some of the most violent manifestatioms of human competition stems from especially exhibited in male behaviors along with all the usual semblances of human apathy that destroys entire societies overtime internally. The only way to tame, domesticate, or control female sexuality itself is by rigorous male direct control over it. If not controlled, human sexuality will become such a disruptive force within society overtime until it finally just internally implodes because since female sexuality is capitalistic, what happens when you reduce a majority of men to a constant state of involuntary celibate economic poverty? A majority of men will inevitably violently rebel with prospects of nothingness becoming a hallmark of their entire lives, and without the loyalty of a majority of men your society is fundamentally already lost. Within any point of history, once violent internal rebellion is embraced by a majority of men within your population it is never a pleasant experience for anyone, not for men, not for women either. :feelsjuice:

Bounce 08 best butt shaking gifs
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Extended five minutes? Won't help you today suckers, eat them losses. :feelsjuice:
Hmm, decisions, decisions.

On the one hand, if they pause [ :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: ] or stop rate hikes now dollar goes into instant hyperinflation just in time for Christmas 2022 going into the following new year.

But on the other hand, if they keep raising rates all the American wealthy and corporations goes bust into bankruptcy where all the rich snobs, assholes, and general unsavory motherfuckers will find themselves homeless in tent cities with those they have condemned for several decades destitute. [Pure fucking poetry if you were to ask me.]

Oh, and by the way, we're now one bomb away in Tehran, Kiev, Moscow, Beijing, or Taipei from World War III as well. :feelsjuice:

Such exciting times we live in, don't you all agree? :feelsdevil::feelsEhh::feelshehe:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=urglg3WimHA
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As for the DJIA, watch out for the rest of this week here. Hope you guys who are frens have already cashed out, because if not, prepare to have your asses handed to you into the following weekend. :feelsjuice: :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile:

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In a public area currently, love watching all the dweebs wearing the covid masks still not realize that their entire world is crumbling around them completely oblivious to the fact. Life is pretty funny that way, pure pottery. :feelsjuice:
The euro and yen dies, force Europe and Japan to adopt dollars propping up a dying system a little longer? Hmm, I thought the new world order was a conspiracy man, seems kinda nuts, right? Two problems: Russia and China, must be what all those nuclear war threats are all about now coming out from the Pentagon.

"By golly, the world better accept U.S. dollars forever otherwise we'll threaten to nuke the entire planet into oblivion, you will comply!"

At least Ted Bundy didn't want to destroy the entire planet, makes these international miscreants look like a singing choir boy by comparison. :feelsjuice:

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Dude is going to reply to this thread until it's the most viewed one on this forum jfl
American society is comical these days, you have all these assholes who have thrived in a rigged economic system for decades calling others who can't do the same like them losers, fools, or lessers despite having the entire system rigged against them their entire lives, and while this rigged system is collapsing all around us even when this society collapses all around us to the point of nuclear annihilation, those same assholes will still think of themselves as superior from their old positions of the very rigged system toppled over. You know, it kinda reminds me of an old Soviet flick where in the recent collapsed Soviet Union a former nuclear engineer couldn't even get a job at McDonalds because his doctorate came from a former Soviet Union university to which nobody would accept it afterward. Yeah, so many poor people being emptied into the streets right now emotionally and physically harassed by their so called better neighbors, but the irony is their so called better neighbors will eventually be pushed onto the streets as well. Amazing what people will do to survive to protect themselves and their own at others expense. I have certainly learned a lot about the absence of morality, virtues, and ethics within humanity this past year alone. :feelsjuice:
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Dude is going to reply to this thread until it's the most viewed one on this forum jfl
Well technically, it already is. This is my end of the world celebration thread where I like to urinate and piss in the eyes of the random foids who are a visiting observing guest. I like to imagine myself here mentally sodomizing them where afterwards upon visiting this thread I have done the deed of mentally scarring them for life, one of my goals here. I hope bitches weep after reading each of my pages here, if I accomplish this endeavor I'm extremely happy. Other intended goals is to make FEDS realize just how powerless they really are in stopping something which is much greater than they are, I really like sticking my fingers in their eyes, and I do it in a perfectly legal manner that they can't do anything about it. I like to think that they curse my name every night upon sleeping, my wet dream come true. Then of course there is all the C.I.A. spooks, I like making them look ridiculous every chance I can get. Bunch of overpaid and overrated dumb monkeys if you were to ask me. The best of the best? Fucking amateurs. *waves*

Finally, I like to think of this thread as pure artistic philosophical expression and I hope someday in the future it will be revered as such. It really is my own personal "fuck you" to the entire world here. I want it to be the biggest "fuck you" that the entire world has ever seen. Mission accomplished, this is my fucking parade exhibit. :feelsjuice:

Giphy   2022 11 02T174848403
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The United States elections isn't the only thing to be concerned about November 8th, there is also the Japanese economy and yen markets on that day to watch. :feelsjuice:
Silicon Valley in the month of December the last month of this year, will you be okay? Well, will you? :feelsEhh:
"Alright, the Federal Reserve won't pivot this year it seems, but surely in 2023 going into the new year they surely will be forced to! It's mathematically infeasible they keep raising rates into the new year, they just can't do that!"

:forcedsmile: :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile:

Going to be whole lot of unemployed federal and state employees everywhere, how's those reverse mortgages doing mother fuckers? How's those expensive soccer teams for your daughters doing for you Sally Sue with the minivan? Oh, and all of you boomer assholes with the pensions, get fucked! See you on streets real soon motherfuckers!

For the FEDS in our thread attendance here *waves* I suggest for you old faggots an early retirement while you're retirement is still worth something not that you actually deserve one, for the young faggots a part of the younger woke FED brigade pretty sure you're fucked, you'll need a new career choice very soon once they can't afford your standard of living fees. Fucking sucks to be you. I would advise the unemployment lines but at this rate concerning the sad history of our nation applying for unemployment in mass will just bankrupt this nation that much faster, so cruel when the shoe is on the other foot, isn't it? Enjoy. :lul: :lul: :lul:

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