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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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Envisioning millions of unemployed, homeless, starving, and suffering American bitches who get to feel the life experiences of all the men they've belittled, insulted, ignored, trivialized, and have called losers in the past amongst the back drop of there being no government once it craters under its own weight. Imagining the horror of millions of gold diggers once money is worthless with them kicked out onto to streets forced to fend for themselves, fucking beautiful man, I have a dream or vision for the future of this nation. I'm on a pro campaign for maximum pain. And you know what, I hope every single one of them suffer immensely because only then will they know what it is like to be the lost abandoned generations of men that they've been so keen on sacrificing leaving for dead in the dirt for countless several decades. And bitches, once it is all over, once all of this eventually transpires just remember we men will remember everything in living memory, we will remember everything you've done to us for all these decades and there will be retributive measures of the likes you can't even imagine quite yet. In the backdrop of society immersed in fire and flames from the burning ruins your woke feminist bullshit will mean absolutely nothing at all, I suggest you all get a good dose of humility very quickly but I won't hold my breath on a bunch of dumb stupid cunts. Sweet dreams twats, guess what girly girls, you deserve it all in spades what's coming. You get to find out yourselves what it really is like being dethroned, we're not going back to the 1800s, no you're not that lucky, we're going back to medieval dark ages ways of doing things. You fucked yourselves really, it was to be expected all these years. :feelsjuice:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eRhg7qPLeN8
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"But you see, with the economic trade war blockades with Russia and China we'll have to you know, move our outsourced overseas industrial production to nations like Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Cuba, and South America, you know, to protect our corporate stock portfolios [nationally domestic reduced wages policy] and reduce the former domestic American workers to outright slaves who live out of cardboard boxes working at Costco, Applebees, Starbucks, The Dollar Tree, Amazon, and the likes."

"Look, it's all very complicated, but eventually we'll move away from our current wage slavery model to outright slavery because this was the way American capitalism was always meant to work, and besides, who the fuck cares about the domestic American working class anyways?"

"Will this diminish the male working class even further from its already current erosion? Like, who even cares if they can't afford individual marriages or families of their own? Those losers at life deserve nothing and should be just thankful for a warm box to live out of along with something to eat daily. In time they'll eventually come to love their slavery, we'll throw some portable video games, widgets, or drugs at them for their distraction of their own pathetic individual lives. Got to keep those profits humming you know. Look, this is America and our nation is run like a business model here instead of an actual society full of people, money is God, and the whole notion of social dignity within the lives of people with things like social economic mobility for a majority of the population, why that's just socialism, it's simply Un-American!"

Ah yes, the new revised American Dream where you too can live under a bridge, go to the nearby gas station bathroom every morning putting on your uniform getting ready to work at Applebees for dining foreign imported workers meant to entirely replace you, what's not to like here? Is this a great country, or what? You think the recent labor strikes with low wages and inflation is bad now, I triple dare you to implement something like that.

:lul: :lul: :lul:

No, I like this outcome below for the American ruling class and their enablers instead. Read my lips, more have nots than haves will eventually destroy you fools, the business as usual ways of doing things is over and if you're thinking you're going to remake the U.S. under this new hellish vision of yours boy do I got news for you. Wrap your heads around that, a majority of the population especially the American male working class will never go for this. You guys are going to keep on pushing people into a corner like you have done for several decades until you get the mother of all pushbacks. Here's a novel idea, a strengthened reinvigorated American working class with living wages to which the majority of American workers can live happy fulfilling lives full of opportunities along with the individual dignity that they deserve, I know this might seem novel, but wow, why can't you do just that? And if you can't do something fair and simple like that I pray for never-ending revolutionary insurrection on the domestic front until you finally learn your lessons. If you keep on pushing you're going to get an entire generation of men who idolize apocalyptic visions of destruction everywhere until their demands are met, go ahead thinking you know better but if we keep going in this direction as a nation you reap the consequences of your implemented actions, it's inevitable really. :feelsjuice:

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Nor does Western Europe. One of the few things to look forward to in the upcoming years.
North America or Western Europe. I wonder which one will kick the bucket first :feelshehe::feelsjuice:
North America or Western Europe. I wonder which one will kick the bucket first :feelshehe::feelsjuice:
It will be between nations of Western Europe, United States, and Japan because all three central banks essentially prop each other up. [Might as well throw South Korea in there too, essentially the old World War II western syndicate falls.]

Other places affected would be Canada and Australia which essentially makes up all of western financial banking, money goes boom. [The western feminist cucked nations collapse forever, incels rejoice.] :feelsjuice:
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Nor does Western Europe. One of the few things to look forward to in the upcoming years.
I have waited for this moment for a long, long, long time. I deserve the Olympic medal of extreme patience for myself. *sighs* :feelsjuice:
Hmm, an international order created to monopolize rare earth metals concerning everything made electronically of part components in today's digital world, that ought to be fun. Sure, why not! :feelsjuice:
DOW - 146.51
S&P500 - 39.80
NASDAQ - 181.86

Query: What happens when a nation internally economically collapses where a majority of the population has been reduced to impoverished starving masses and where a majority of men are filled with venomous hatred because of this simple fact? It would seem actions have consequences overtime after all. You motherfuckers have really screwed the pooch, do you guys understand yet just how really fucked you are? Well, do you? :feelsaww:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1twtrkhdNbI
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I was expecting much larger losses today, but I'll settle for a Black Friday either way going into the weekend. Tomorrow, tomorrow, around this merry go round of this thing we call life. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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Netanyahu again leader of Israel, looks like a military invasion of Iran is practically guaranteed. Should disrupt oil markets worldwide if that happens and of course the biggest buyer of Iranian oil is China, but hey, World War III is all the rage these days. [As I've said numerous times however, a majority of men view there being nothing worth fighting for or defending in the U.S. after thirty plus years of economically ruining men's lives. So, on the one hand they want World War III, but on the other hand don't have the loyalty of a majority of us American men domestically. Tough sell this future World War III will be, I'm hoping for a national military draft with ensuing domestic civil war afterward. Still haven't figured out yet that there is nowhere for them to run to quite yet, we'll continue watching their pathetic directionless scrambling into exhaustion nonetheless until the very end.] :feelsjuice:

"I want you to fight for your minimum wage lowered standard of living, I want you to fight for your sexless unmarried lifestyle, I want you to fight for your social economic mobility completely outsourced overseas essentially working a dead end job leading to nowhere, I want you to fight for your childless life, I want you to fight for a completely rigged political system where you have virtually no say in anything, I want you to fight for record poverty or homelessness everywhere domestically, and I want you to fight for a bunch of rich corporate cocksuckers who have stolen from you through economic theft or grift all these years [several decades now] where you can't even afford a house to live out of."

Yeah, the recruitment or volunteer numbers you had in previous world wars isn't there, get fucking real dumbasses. Get it in your thick heads, we're not dying or fighting for you, we would rather see Washington D.C nuked from orbit instead. The political status quo and business as usual is essentially over now, you got too cocky assholes, we're now moving to calling your bluff completely on the domestic home front. Prepare to have your own assholes reamed in very soon. :feelsclown:

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I've played hearts of iron games more realistic than that guy's bullshit :feelshaha:
These older geriatric boomers still have the cold war mindset of the 1980s and are utter senile imbeciles because the entire world has changed quite a lot since that time period. I've played RISK games on easy mode more strategic in thinking than they have actual working brain cells. This is what happens when our political system doesn't have age limits, these people belong in elderly nursing homes. :feelsjuice:
These older geriatric boomers still have the cold war mindset of the 1980s and are utter senile imbeciles because the entire world has changed quite a lot since that time period. I've played RISK games on easy mode more strategic in thinking than they have actual working brain cells. This is what happens when our political system doesn't have age limits, these people belong in elderly nursing homes. :feelsjuice:
My prediction for the year 2100: China and India will be the world's leading powers, in some sort of a cold war, with India influencing Africa/middle east and China controlling everything along the Pacific. While both countries have their problems, India is still growing in population/economy, and China's government would take aggressive action to limit its issues. Meanwhile, the West will just deteriorate into shit because its citizens just don't care anymore. I can't blame them, considering how economically and socially shitty life is becoming there. Western governments just don't have the political ability, or even desire to fix their countries' problems.

America, if it's lucky, will be a 2nd world stagnant shithole barely held together, very much the "junior" partner in an alliance with India, while China effectively controls the West coast. Worst case, America would become a mad max-style shithole embroiled in permanent civil war, like a white version of Africa jfl
Netanyahu again leader of Israel, looks like a military invasion of Iran is practically guaranteed. Should disrupt oil markets worldwide if that happens and of course the biggest buyer of Iranian oil is China, but hey, World War III is all the rage these days. [As I've said numerous times however, a majority of men view there being nothing worth fighting for or defending in the U.S. after thirty plus years of economically ruining men's lives. So, on the one hand they want World War III, but on the other hand don't have the loyalty of a majority of us American men domestically. Tough sell this future World War III will be, I'm hoping for a national military draft with ensuing domestic civil war afterward. Still haven't figured out yet that there is nowhere for them to run to quite yet, we'll continue watching their pathetic directionless scrambling into exhaustion nonetheless until the very end.] :feelsjuice:

"I want you to fight for your minimum wage lowered standard of living, I want you to fight for your sexless unmarried lifestyle, I want you to fight for your social economic mobility completely outsourced overseas essentially working a dead end job leading to nowhere, I want you to fight for your childless life, I want you to fight for a completely rigged political system where you have virtually no say in anything, I want you to fight for record poverty or homelessness everywhere domestically, and I want you to fight for a bunch of rich corporate cocksuckers who have stolen from you through economic theft or grift all these years [several decades now] where you can't even afford a house to live out of."

Yeah, the recruitment or volunteer numbers you had in previous world wars isn't there, get fucking real dumbasses. Get it in your thick heads, we're not dying or fighting for you, we would rather see Washington D.C nuked from orbit instead. The political status quo and business as usual is essentially over now, you got too cocky assholes, we're now moving to calling your bluff completely on the domestic home front. Prepare to have your own assholes reamed in very soon. :feelsclown:

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If they try and draft me imma sit on my ass :feelshaha:
My prediction for the year 2100: China and India will be the world's leading powers, in some sort of a cold war, with India influencing Africa/middle east and China controlling everything along the Pacific. While both countries have their problems, India is still growing in population/economy, and China's government would take aggressive action to limit its issues. Meanwhile, the West will just deteriorate into shit because its citizens just don't care anymore. I can't blame them, considering how economically and socially shitty life is becoming there. Western governments just don't have the political ability, or even desire to fix their countries' problems.

America, if it's lucky, will be a 2nd world stagnant shithole barely held together, very much the "junior" partner in an alliance with India, while China effectively controls the West coast. Worst case, America would become a mad max-style shithole embroiled in permanent civil war, like a white version of Africa jfl
I predict internal economic collapse and massive civil war inside the U.S. either before or after 2025. People overestimate the U.S. especially foreigners overseas not understanding the intricate many problems that plague this nation domestically. It really is over for this nation and government. :feelsjuice:
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If they try and draft me imma sit on my ass :feelshaha:
There is absolutely no way they'll ever be successful with a national military draft in this nation at this current time, when you have 7 out of every 10 men who hate this nation they have practically damned themselves. They're going to find out very soon what happens when you fuck a majority of male strangers in the ass for far too long, next up is full-scale retribution and insurrection. :feelsjuice:
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I predict internal economic collapse and massive civil war inside the U.S. either before or after 2025. People overestimate the U.S. especially foreigners overseas not understanding the intricate domestic problems that plague this nation domestically.
Maybe a bit aggressive of a timeline, but I do see that happening sooner or later. No empire lasts forever. Problems in USA/europe just keep getting worse, such as:

-Inceldom/male sexlessness/general loneliness
-Less marriage/no one having kids/population decline (no one to pay for all the old people's social security/medicare. This has already doomed Japan)
-Price of houses/rent
-Price of healthcare
-Price of college
-Price of energy (increases costs for everything else)
-Drug addiction (people have to cope with all this shit somehow)

Political solutions are either doing too little to fix anything, or are counterproductive. Shit will hit the fan sooner or later
Maybe a bit aggressive of a timeline, but I do see that happening sooner or later. No empire lasts forever. Problems in USA/europe just keep getting worse, such as:

-Inceldom/male sexlessness/general loneliness
-Less marriage/no one having kids/population decline (no one to pay for all the old people's social security/medicare. This has already doomed Japan)
-Price of houses/rent
-Price of healthcare
-Price of college
-Price of energy (increases costs for everything else)
-Drug addiction (people have to cope with all this shit somehow)

Political solutions are either doing too little to fix anything, or are counterproductive. Shit will hit the fan sooner or later
Currently the United States C.I.A. military industrial complex heavily controlled by WallStreet is making a gambit to sacrifice all of western Europe along with Japan to prop up the collapsing American economy and dollar a little longer, which tells me they're extremely desperate sacrificing other nations to pull that off. Usually with huge desperate gambles like this war is in the air, but without the allegiance of a majority of American men domestically I can't fathom where they think they're going to get their numbers of active soldiers from. It simply makes no sense logistically, and the combined militaries of China and Russia are extremely massive together, at this point they're suicidal clenching at straws which makes this current environment of ours all the more dangerously volatile. :feelsjuice:
And as incels we want just that as well, but for different reasons of our own than the global elites because in the end we want them all to hang from lamp posts, turn your enemy's advantage into their disadvantage. We will take their hard global reset turning it into our own hard global reset of worldwide insurrection, rebellion, and unrest. We will corner them in the very end and send them all to hell where they belong. :feelsjuice:
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Stocks are up today, what is the Federal Reserve and their international banking consortium up to today?

Is it up because more euros and yens are being sacrificed on the altar of the dollar?

And of course, if the PPT is pumping today, well, that's only on the hopes of a democratic party win politically inside U.S. elections currently taking place where should the republicans win look for a disastrous market crash next weekend. It will of course crash even still should the democrats even win, but with politics everything revolves around the facade of order or stability where currently they need to maintain that thin veneer of political progress to fool the masses into voting. [But where voting in all reality doesn't matter as they always control the end results.] :feelsjuice:

HarmfulSharpHorsechestnutleafminer size restricted
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You know it's very interesting, covid is supposedly over and yet I see here that they're still pushing the vaccines on the poor or homeless. Now, why exactly is that happening?

Any serious investigative journalist would be looking into this, but of course we no longer have any serious news journalists anymore because they're all cheerleading whores of pure political propaganda by those that pay them their paychecks. :feelsjuice:

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Personal log:

Living on the streets as a penniless vagrant was wonderful last night, let me tell you. I experienced the first snow blizzard last night and I am basically going through all my survival tricks or skills just to survive right now every single night. Was camped out in the wilderness for several months but my gear was destroyed entirely by the weather to which now I've been forced into urban civilization once more. Trying to go south for the winter but I have a bunch of frustrating obstacles currently keeping me in my present location.

This below is my current mood for the weather here. :feelsjuice:

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Hmm, I'm sensing a great disturbance in the epic farce, what could it be? I wonder, my spidey senses are tingling. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
Hmm, I'm sensing a great disturbance in the epic farce, what could it be? I wonder, my spidey senses are tingling. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
Somebody fudged the nationwide payrolls report card, well now, that is something to be fearful of. They'll probably attempt a quick last minute revision, right? Wonderful thing about statistical manipulations, you can make statistics say anything really. We just can't have stocks crashing into Friday afternoon, this is America. :feelsclown:
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Was up almost +500.00 earlier and now is in the negative shitter. Something going to break I think. :feelsdevil: :feelsEhh: :feelshehe:
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What, are you trying to tell me we can't have +500.00 on NIKE and TESLA alone today? You're kidding, right?
:lul: :lul: :lul:
Not even +75.00 DOW today? Come on man, Joe Biden told me this was the strongest economy ever. Just hit the print button on the computer keypad like you always do.

:lul: :lul: :lul:
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Just under a hour and a half upon closing bell. Tick, tock motherfuckers! :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
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It may not be inner canada or siberia, but i bet most people in the world wouldnt be able to stand an average swedish winter psychologically and/or physically. Negative 10-15-20 celsius maybe for some weeks when its at the coldest. And now we´re talking south sweden where most people live. Around lake vättern and mälaren. But the darkness is the worst. I predict many new immigrants to scandinavia especially wont be having the time of their lives this winter. Thats one of the reasons i like the winter more than summer. But autumn is the best. Especially September. Perfect 15-20 degree weather, not too dark.

We dont hink about it too much we natives, but scandinavia, especially norway and sweden, and then finland, iceland and the baltics ofc, is probably HELL for like 90% of the worlds population. In an episode of top gear, they went with boat up to oslo to see who could go from london to oslo fastest, boat or by super fast racing car, and i remember the guys in the show shivering and complaining alot when the boat came up to the oslo fjord. Is the economic situation rly that bad in greece, italy etc that middle easterners choose what to them is hell like weather conditions over nice weather?

Especially Finland, with its combination of darkness and cold is probably the safest place to be in terms of foreign invasions, given the fact that sure, there are no water barricades like the baltic sea that sweden has, but no other people other than the finns WANT TO /CAN live there. Its not as cold as mongolia, or many places in canada and russia, but its so far north. Relative to where most people live in canada, russia etc compared to finland, finland is prob the harshest country in the world to live in for anyone other than finns. People usually call ireland the poorest most backward place in western europe historically, but when there was huge commerce and culture in the middle eages, finland was basically still stone age with cave men.
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The reverse bear market trap in case anybody is wondering.

It goes something like this:

They make you think on the intraday the market is crashing in the very beginning and then after everybody sells they scoop in buying everything. PPT very busy this Friday, sneaky bastards. [Market manipulation at its finest.] :feelswhat::feelssus:
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It may not be inner canada or siberia, but i bet most people in the world wouldnt be able to stand an average swedish winter psychologically and/or physically. Negative 10-15-20 celsius maybe for some weeks when its at the coldest. And now we´re talking south sweden where most people live. Around lake vättern and mälaren. But the darkness is the worst. I predict many new immigrants to scandinavia especially wont be having the time of their lives this winter. Thats one of the reasons i like the winter more than summer. But autumn is the best. Especially September. Perfect 15-20 degree weather, not too dark.

We dont hink about it too much we natives, but scandinavia, especially norway and sweden, and then finland, iceland and the baltics ofc, is probably HELL for like 90% of the worlds population. In an episode of top gear, they went with boat up to oslo to see who could go from london to oslo fastest, boat or by super fast racing car, and i remember the guys in the show shivering and complaining alot when the boat came up to the oslo fjord. Is the economic situation rly that bad in greece, italy etc that middle easterners choose what to them is hell like weather conditions over nice weather?

Especially Finland, with its combination of darkness and cold is probably the safest place to be in terms of foreign invasions, given the fact that sure, there are no water barricades like the baltic sea that sweden has, but no other people other than the finns WANT TO /CAN live there. Its not as cold as mongolia, or many places in canada and russia, but its so far north. Relative to where most people live in canada, russia etc compared to finland, finland is prob the harshest country in the world to live in for anyone other than finns. People usually call ireland the poorest most backward place in western europe historically, but when there was huge commerce and culture in the middle eages, finland was basically still stone age with cave men.
I've been to the some of the coldest weather throughout North America, I can survive through it alright if I have to, but I prefer hot climates. I would like Mediterranean climates personally, don't blame them at all on that. :feelsjuice:
Today's market up tick is brought to you by Federal Reserve Reverse Repo.

"It's an election year, we need some room for political maneuvering, I'll gladly take a cheeseburger from you today for an IOU to pay you back later." :feelsjuice:

Popeye eating
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Being that the United States is a nation based upon Roman ideals as in many ways the original founders were obsessed over Roman ideals especially the much later period of the empire even to call Washington D.C. the shining city on the hilltop or all of North America as the new Atlantis we find the Latin Roman word plebeian and in many cases that is what the American modern workforce has become. Other writers in more recent past have called this new modern class the precariat, but I feel this new word is wholly unnecessary as plebeian gets to the heart of the matter since it is nothing but a reoccurring ancient social phenomena in current modern technological times.

It's interesting, for all intents or purposes the modern wage slave [plebeian] is really no different than slaves of the historical past, in many ways the modern wage slave is worse in his state of chatell because he must pay rent whereas the ancient slave of the past room and board was provided for him to no additional cost separate of his labors. In our ancient past the slave was encouraged to reproduce in creating new slave offspring for sale and auction, but the modern male slave seen as an inferior of general society instead is encouraged to being sexually celibate as an additional public gesture of his social inferiority status which he carries everywhere with him for he is seen as a seed or genetic line to be eradicated, a living disease and mental defect to be cut out of proper more progressive society as a whole.

As in ancient times the pleb or slave would change masters from time to time but always wholly owned by somebody for his living, survival, and very existence. In modern times the pleb is still wholly owned by others, but instead either by a business owner, franchise, corporation, or the very state itself.

The ancient slave's life completely determined either by birth, heredity, or captivity, in the modern west we have illusions of freedom, free will, or economic opportunity where the modern plebeian is meant to believe that his slavery is freedom chosen by his own free will, and that if he is a slave to society he is made to believe it is because he chose it from his own self inflicted consequences in life which of course is complete utter ridiculous bullshit.

In ancient times the disobedient slave was sentenced to death either by execution, gladiatorial games, or by harsh physical labor meant to work himself to death, in modern times concerning our inverted totalitarian system he is reduced either to prison, a slow suicide of lethal narcotics in the hopes his addictions kills himself overtime by narcotic self inflicted suicide, or a slow death of working a meaningless job that pays extremely very little to which the mix of extreme isolation, loneliness, misery, stress, and despair will do the work of an execution via an early grave in life for our inverted totalitarian pyramid system is all about a completely sanitary way of doing things with minimal public spotlight for things which are very obvious everyday in broad daylight. The condemned plebeian is meant to be an ongoing public lesson as far as disfigured outcast social leper men are concerned should they not accept the enforced conditions of their servitude under boot if they rebel against the obvious unequal hallmarks of modern society, rebel like them you too shall suffer the same cruel fate of exclusion. Freedom is in slavery, submission, and subservience only, the other alternatives being a life of prolonged isolated misery with eventual death. Accept the terms of your subservience and slavery to society by your betters or become the homeless vagabond refuse living on the streets in the gutter of squalor.

I write this because such has become the plight of a majority of lower working class men and for me at least inceldom is really a side effect of being the modern plebeian or precariat male in an era where all male issues are trivialized to the point of being ignored entirely. I also think the majority of incels come from the lower ranks of men which unfortunately modernity has reduced a majority of men to in designation. Have nots>Haves.

Understanding all of this one wonders just how long the illusions of western egalitarianism, social political freedom, or liberalism will last because it's very clear the ideals publicly maintained are not real whatsoever where the public facades are diminishing entirely in rapid manner.

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E_deBN6AHfY&list=PLk-IgAEKYl2yMm2-O57J7SKLz3mA1ykGb&index=4

When the male slave have nots out number the patrician male haves the internal collapse of your nation is at hand, eventually a have not army is raised that eventually mercilessly slaughters the entire patrician class, spoils redistributed. :feelsjuice:

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I remember the good old days when there was only one bad corporation that was called Enron, today virtually all corporations, business models, or companies run exactly just like Enron. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

We've got hate mail to respond with from IT, let's take a look inside. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil: :forcedsmile:
ImmaterialNewHamadryad size restricted

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H9K8-3PHZOU

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/ym6doc/comment/iv2b02j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Clearly not familiar what happens to women in collapsed African nations when their economy goes boom or when they enjoy a nice round of civil war.

"But that could never happen in America!"

We shall see princess.

Clearly ignores my posts where I outline my beliefs about all human sexual psychological behavior being sexually economic in nature. Everybody give this dumb bitch a round of applause. *claps hands*

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/ym6doc/comment/iv2g6vj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

And where would those dumb nurse bitches be without male labor that upholds the very functioning of society as a whole every single day? Forgot that one didn't you dumb twat. When the wheels of society stops turning darling you can kiss your own ass goodbye.

Oh, and by the way, if global famine becomes the norm hope you like long pig. :feelsjuice:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/ym6doc/comment/iv2jmb9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

"It could never happen in America! That's just crazy delusional conspiracy drivel by a bunch of hateful malcontents!"

Never say never with that oh so delicate normalcy peripheral bias perception of yours. :feelsdevil:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/ym6doc/comment/iv29rnm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Now do age demographics. Oh, and for shits or giggles, remind me again what 38% of all American men is concerning total number. :feelsjuice:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/ym6doc/comment/iv2boer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Sure, there is the basic function of survival, that is a no brainer. Historically however upon collapse or civil war of a nation we also have this dynamic where the oppressed do take their revenge against their captors or enablers of their oppression. I like to call this bit, read a fucking global history book. :forcedsmile:

The rest of their posts addressed to me was just too retarded for me to even respond. :lul: :lul: :lul:
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I don't know if this was mentioned, but America recently grew out of the recession with 2.3% to 2.6%. I think it's temporary since their still running on their strategic gas reserves, there are still much more worse things to come.
I haven't posted in this thread, but I'll give some crypto advice. When the weekly RSI on BTC is below 30 get in. This will happen in mid-to-late 2023. We could get 100-150k BTC in the next bull run. So save $1000 in fiat and the reward could be close to 10k. However, if BTC tapers off at 35-40k, for a few days, sell immediately.

I could be right about the second prediction. If I am right then follow this dude. See what he said at the Dec 2018 lows:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH3qrIhs0cw

Lastly, never invest what you can't afford to lose. Only invest $1000 at first and sell if BTC starts to show any weakness.

I haven't posted in this thread, but I'll give some crypto advice. When the weekly RSI on BTC is below 30 get in. This will happen in mid-to-late 2023. We could get 100-150k BTC in the next bull run. So save $1000 in fiat and the reward could be close to 10k. However, if BTC tapers off at 35-40k, for a few days, sell immediately.

I could be right about the second prediction. If I am right then follow this dude. See what he said at the Dec 2018 lows:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH3qrIhs0cw

Lastly, never invest what you can't afford to lose. Only invest $1000 at first and sell if BTC starts to show any weakness.


Bitcoin is utter garbage. :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile:
Under my own ideals national communism under an incel format is where all nations are their own independent distinct national communes as societies, I oppose internationalism as I also oppose globalism and a single one world government. All prior ethnic, racial, and cultural hostilities of divisions should be set aside or ceased immediately because the reality is no matter if you're brown, black, yellow, or white as the lower ranking proletarian male they seek to transform us all into a bunch of working field niggers under an international global corporate economic model replacing us with technological industrial transhumanism under some sort of automated artificial intelligence design, we're all the niggers now, and therefore we must all from every racial or ethnic category across the board unite together against a much greater common international global foe. We are abandoned, disposable, recyclable,and casted out proletarian males of all races or ethnicities where we're stronger fighting together. :feelsjuice:

Predator handshake

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_NNYI8VbFyY
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