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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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DOW -253.88
S&P500 - 33.45
NASDAQ - 149.16

Happy 4th of July assholes, make sure you eat and guzzle down those hamburgers at $15.00 a lb of beef with the beer that costs even more than that as you fill up your tank of gasoline at $6.00 or more a gallon as like moths attracted to a flame you stare at the light shows in the sky because this time next year I doubt the dollar will have any value whatsoever. By all means enjoy your last American summer bitches. :feelskek:

You know, it's fitting even somewhat poetic that a nation that worships money or even Mammon ends up being destroyed from the inside out by the very thing it idolizes above all else. Perhaps there is some sort of cosmic divine irony or humor at play here, I know I'm enjoying every bit of it. An entire nation of gluttonous, selfish, narcissistic, and materialistic whores eventually destroyed by the very thing they $worship$, pure poetry. I don't claim to have all the answers, verdict is still out if there will be nuclear hellfire, however, I find it deeply amusing when an entire nation of whores soon find themselves unable to financially afford their sexual proclivities for hypergamy, will be very amusing to witness along with indulging in later. :feelsEhh:
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Rage red stocks

Chow yun fat a better tomorrow
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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EU4L6THYAbM

Daddy s spanking gif
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Was really hoping for a DOW -900.00 or higher today. One wonders if the Federal Reserve spent a couple billion or 2.3 trillion dollars to bring today's losses down a bit from their highs. I'm so looking forward to next week, the true price discovery of course for the DOW is an absolute zero. Which interestingly enough is the same exact value for the dollar where the rest of the world will catch up with very soon. :feelsdevil:
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What is your projection on the incoming crisis?
That the U.S. will collapse even worse than the Soviet Union, I feel like a broken record over here and you've seen enough of my posts where you should already know this by now. :feelsjuice:
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You know, if I didn't know any better, I would say that they're now reduced to ramping up the DOW every Friday as the Asian markets kicks the Federal Reserve in the nuts over every weekend. The goal is to create a sort of stasis field every weekend to deflect against Asian market fallout on Mondays. One word, desperation. :feelsdevil:
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Now it is time for show and tell, is everybody comfortable ready to hear our story here? It goes on the lines something like this.....

For everybody waiting for Powell/Yellen Co. at the Federal Reserve to cut rates again by the end of this year, prepare to be severely disappointed. Bye, bye corporate profits, hello massive layoffs along with massive bankruptcies as we go through the liquidization phase. I honestly don't feel pity for the wealthy whatsoever, fuck them all. Prepare your anuses, oh, and you better decide right now to either run for the exit doors or get taken to the slaughterhouse.

Your choice, time is however severely limited. Place your bets! :feelsdevil:

Jonathan Franks explains about the Federal Reserve cutting rates going back to QE by the end of this year. :feelsEhh:
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Today's market be like...:feelsEhh:

Biden Negotiates The Surrender Of The U.S. To China

Biden: "What if we just stop the trade war and tariffs on you? Would you be willing to trade with us again?"

Chairman Xi: "Of course, but naturally there will be many stipulations in any future relationships. It was really stupid of your nation trying to wage a renewed cold war against us and Russia simultaneously at the same time."

Biden: "We had no choice, we're in a bad situation here domestically. What's it going to take in order to make things work?"

Chairman Xi: "Well for one, we're going to charge you double in price for everything in that your worthless paper dollars just aren't worth what they use to be."

Biden: "You can't do that! All of the stuff we need is made over there!"

Chairman Xi: "And, who's fault is that?"

Biden: "You'll ruin us!"

Chairman Xi: "Technically you're already ruined, I'm merely being merciful. If I wanted to I could halt all trade with you overnight, and then, how worse off would you be?"

Biden: "I got a re-election coming up, you can't do this to me!"

Chairman Xi: "Don't make this any worse on yourself, the Russians and Saudis are about to cut you off from imported gasoline entirely. Soon the Saudis will be accepting payments in yuan directly."

Biden: "Damn you!"

Chairman Xi: "No, it is you who have damned your own selves. Tariffs or no tariffs it simply doesn't matter, your fate will end the same no matter what."

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The Loose Bowels Within Federal Reserve Conference Rooms.

Jerome: "Yeah, what are we going to do Janet? By raising rates of quantitative tightening we risk bankrupting large numbers of corporations, banks, and the federal government itself with all those it employs."

Janet: "Our sole mandate here at the Federal Reserve is to protect the wealthy and very powerful within the American sphere of influence. We will have to cut rates with quantitative easing, we simply have no choice."

Jerome: "If we do that we'll create a hyper inflationary event which basically will impoverish the entire American population itself. Only God, a miracle, and a prayer can save us now."

Janet: "No, what we need is a world war to bail all of us out."

22economy briefing powellyellen articleLarge
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DOW -129.44

Well, it looks like that intervening hockey stick level up just isn't used for weekends or 4th of July holidays either as it is used as an emergency power on beginning of the trading week disasters also. How much money did the Federal Reserve use today to prop up a failing stock market? The more they print and intervene the bigger the market loss becomes much later when they can't do it anymore. Print, baby, print. Keep on printing you motherfuckers!

A friendly reminder, three more days left for this current trading week.

[Just how long on the DJIA can they defend the 30,000.00- 31,000.00 Maginot Line? Tick tock, motherfuckers, tick tock.]
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Interesting :feelshehe:

How will the victor be decided? Through brutality, economic disparity, diplomacy... we already know the Russians are willingly to incite a nuclear war in order to preserve their volition.
Military might or very deadly exotic weapons, currently Russia and China has the economic edge over the United States. :feelsjuice:
The Dying Geriatric Neo-Liberal World Order.

Husband: "Finally my dear, we are now both retired in our elder years sitting on this beachfront property."

Wife: "Yes, our dream has been finally accomplished and all it took was completely sacrificing the younger millennial and zoomer generations to achieve it."

Husband: "Sure, we live under global communism now with China as the new superpower with the world denominated in Chinese yuan or reminbi, but it was worth it, our retirement remains intact along with our pensions. Yes, we had to destroy western civilization, the younger generations that came after us, and usher in a global Chinese communist order, but it's better this way as we're still alive comfortable."

Wife: "Yes, just look at that sunset over the sea, it's simply beautiful and divine. Tell me, should we worry about the younger generations at all destroying their inheritance and future? By now they probably want to hang us by our own entrails or kill us by smothering a pillow in our faces while we sleep at night."

Husband: "No, they're right where they belong, who else is going to make me a deli sandwich at lunch time or trim my yard with a mower for cheap? They're completely sacrificial and worthless my dear, we are owed this existence as we came before them. I have a simple dream my dear and that is in our retirement we buy a new vehicle every five years, rent hotels every month, gamble at the casino lounge, and have the younger generations wipe our asses when we become too old to ourselves until our very last breath unto death. This was the way it was all meant to be."

Wife: "We had to destroy the very foundations of western civilization and all the younger generations that came after us to save ourselves, didn't we?"

Husband: "We sure did honey, we sure did. Now we can rest comfortably and slowly die of old age together."

Wife: "It's not like we'll be alive much longer to really care about future generations. Not our problem of course."

Husband: "Not at all."


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DE667roq2mM
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An Ode And Farewell To America Pt. 4

Somewhere in a middle class suburban neighborhood is a man cleaning his AK-47 and polishing it with ambitions of being a warlord in a five block radius where he lives as everybody daydreams of slaughtering, raping, or stealing from one another as the nation collapses. By now everybody knows the nation is on the verge of collapse as slowly we drift into an environment where 50% of the national population becomes emptied into the streets unable to afford rent or just a couple months late on a house mortgage payment. A young woman puts a snub nose revolver in her purse for that morning commute, a banker hides a pistol under his driver's side car seat in a Mercedes, and a poor gas attendant hides a sawed off shotgun in his old rusty battered pick up truck. As time goes on by we shall learn what happens to a nation as it collapses under self hatred with a gun behind every blade of grass.

In the downtown district of a city the local boys driving pickup trucks have made a new sport of shooting pellet guns or throwing eggs on the local homeless people living out of tent cities for fun yelling out the words, "Failed living abortions!", but unbeknownst to the good old local boys doing the terrorizing the homeless are very quietly sharpening knives, machetes, and axes with thoughts of revenge some even carrying guns on themselves with nooses in hand for they know that the pellets being shot at them every night will eventually be real bullets someday soon.

Of course the government still pretends everything is fine where economic recovery is just right around the corner where it is all rather just an inconvenient hiccup as a random widow loses her home of thirty years in remission dying of cancer onto the streets without anything. The woman sucking a dick under a bridge for her next high of a methamphetamines pipe letting three men gangbang her up the ass for a hundred dollar bill. Somewhere else a man toying with his brand new truck daydreaming about driving down the street mowing down homeless people everywhere and their tents leaving tire tracks on their dead bodies afterward.

And yet even still we find ourselves a high ranking homeland security officer going through the numbers of empty coffins in national inventory for global food famine is all the rage or popular discussion these days in the upper halls of government, controlling food scarcity in order to control a population along with starving out political opposition a favorite historical tradition and practice by despots everywhere. Even the Bill Gates and Warren Buffets of the world are in a gold rush fever to buy and secure as much agricultural land as possible for where there is scarcity or starvation into famine there is still always a way to profit off of human misery even unto death. Covid couldn't kill the right number of people of course, so perhaps mass starvation will do the trick and then there is that pesky logistical issue of very large body disposal, mass graves or just plain incineration? But yes, America is back in business where a lovely future is on the horizon of this freedom loving nation, that is to say soon on millions of dead corpses.

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22@@@@ MORE WEEKS!!!!!!!
Gasoline prices are going down in the U.S. temporarily, but probably within less than two months they'll go straight back upward in price trajectory. Looking forward to $200.00 a barrel of oil or higher which will become common prices soon enough. It's a double tap really, prices of gasoline become too high which shuts down an economy as more and more people can't afford putting gasoline in their vehicles, however, if prices become too low we also have corporate oil bankruptcies who can't afford remaining in active production. Win, win. Let's see how this all plays out overtime. :feelsEhh:
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Rumors circulating that with the second largest LNG plant in the United States shuttered added with a heavy mix of global famine all of western Europe is caught between a rock and a hard place, cut off from Russian natural gas with economic sanctions and now burdened on relying with a promise for the United States to deliver natural gas over the Atlantic which it cannot keep by the end of the year. For all the western Europeans out there try not to starve or freeze to death this coming winter, stack up on those canned goods along with enough firewood for the season. Talk about cutting off your own nose to spite your own face, be careful of those rolling electrical winter blackouts Europe. :feelsEhh:

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Today's market activity looks very flat and stagnant, still too early to call it just yet. I wonder if we'll see some DOW -800.00 swings like we did yesterday morning. :feelsEhh:
Hmm, if I didn't know any better I would say on the DJIA that 31,000.00 seems to be the ceiling, they keep trying to push past it but it never lasts for very long. Today's morning session seems to be struggling, like a fish out of water in a very shallow creek unable to move baking under the hot sun. :feelsEhh:
Riddle me this, if half the population becomes unemployed being layed off and the United States government for all intents or purposes is financially bankrupted fiscally, how will this affect state unemployment insurance claims? Is this a boon for inflationary pressures? :feelsEhh:

Now let us imagine what 50-75% of the entire national population being unemployed looks like. Can you just imagine the fallout?[UWSL] I know that I can. [/UWSL]:feelsdevil:

[Also, might as well throw SSI, public social welfare, section 8 housing, Medicare, Medicaid, and retirement pensions out the window.]

This national calamity or crisis of ours should be very fun.
[All we would need next is $15.00-$25.00 a gallon of gasoline or maybe a national gasoline shortage with one hundred car lines blocking whole entire street intersections everywhere around gas stations. ] :feelshehe:

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I didn't think about that yeah that's a good point on unemployment. It will be a catastrophe for sure :feelsgah: I can't wait for it
I didn't think about that yeah that's a good point on unemployment. It will be a catastrophe for sure :feelsgah: I can't wait for it
Like millions of voices shrieking especially that of foids crying out in terror all at once. :feelsEhh:
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Can you feel it my American brocels? The United States is finally on the edge of collapse, hyperinflation is coming to town and soon we'll even have a good old-fashioned stock market crash along with the death of an entire currency [USD]. And of course, we'll eventually have 75% national unemployment where people will be pissed off, penniless, angry, homeless, and starving in the streets everywhere [millions upon millions of them] along with the global famine that is also being engineered inside the United States or elsewhere. Of course, that assumes our insane government run by psychopaths with a senile dementia-ridden old bastard at the helm doesn't start a war with Russia and China simultaneously which will have an equal or even worse outcome. Can you feel it my American brocels like I can? :feelsdevil: For years they called us crazy or conspiracy theorists and yet we've been right about 75% of all the issues going as far back as 9/11/2001 where the normies will never take that away from us. :feelsclown::feelsEhh:

Now for the foids reading this thread, I want you to sit back and be amazed, I want you to sit there in your chairs for much anticipation of what I am going to write down right now because you will never get another opportunity to hear a message from me directed largely at yourselves after this thread. This is my final warning to you all, but mostly, it's just me sticking my finger in your eyes because I view all of you as lesser inferior beings. :lul::lul::lul:

I have watched all of your so-called progressive western foids, especially inside the United States since 1999 now. I have watched you, studied your behaviors, and have done everything I can to understand your psychology, but more interesting will be your fate upon the collapse of the United States or the collapse of random nation-states in general.

In the late 1990s when farmers were losing their farms and male workers lost their jobs in manufacturing due to job outsourcing or automation I watched as you collectively snubbed your noses at working-class men. As those same displaced working-class men became much poorer forced to exist on lower incomes I watched as you called them losers, peons, nobodies, servants, beasts of burden, and useless wage-slaves.

Then at the height of all this in the mid-2000s [2007-2015], I watched you women have the audacity to proclaim yourselves the most oppressed under male patriarchy as largely male homelessness and joblessness rose exponentially. And even when women started becoming the majority in college campuses or higher learning outnumbering men who were enjoying the street life of being homeless you still had the crazed audacity to call yourselves oppressed. :feelsseriously:

Then with the Covid1984 lockdowns[2021-22], did any of you bitches sympathize with the men that lost their jobs or vulnerable men in the population generally? Fuck no you didn't, you were too busy chasing after wealthy Chads on dating websites or shaking your asses for extra cash on webcam along with the government stimulus money you were receiving. :feelsclown:

It has been an interesting twenty-two to twenty-three years observing you bitches of your awful so-called progressive transformation from women into whatever grotesque things you call yourselves today, but guess what bitches? It's game-over time now, for you see the nation, government, and the entire world is on the verge of total collapse now. You cunts had your twenty-five years of partying, destroying the lives of a majority of men, and sucking the lifeforce out of society by contributing absolutely nothing with your insistence of being responsible for nothing at all. Now the tides are turning, let us explore your future together, shall we?

1. That 55% of men you reduced to inceldom in the last twenty-five years are going to fucking haunt you cunts when the United States finally collapses, imagine 55% of the male population absolutely despising your dumb asses upon total societal collapse, you cunts are in store for some very bad times. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

2. When the economy collapses and the dollar finally dies leaving the entire United States in civil war, smoldering ash, or just violent chaos everywhere we're going to learn the extent of the Potemkin Village that is the United States economy, meaning, it was all a lie, deception, and mirage from the very start.

All those men which is basically the majority of men you have called losers, peons, useless wageslaves, lesser men, not real men, and so on are going to haunt you upon the collapse of the United States because those same very men are going to outnumber you everywhere. We will never forget one-liners like, "I refuse to date a man who doesn't make at least $30,000.00-$40,000.00 a year."

"I refuse to date a man who isn't college educated or doesn't have a degree." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't have a car or vehicle." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't own his own house." And so on..........

Money is going to be useless, you might even say worthless, and as far as the majority of your worthless degrees you have accomplished at the female majority attended college campuses they won't mean shit in societal collapse, over for you it is. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

"But my boyfriend, husband, or their male friends will protect me against you lesser inferior men!" :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Except the disenfranchised, downtrodden, chronically single, and poor men outnumber all your boyfriends, husbands, or their male friends added all together. We outnumber you 15>6.

"We know the country is on the verge of collapse, that's why there are historic sales of guns and ammunition nationwide, we got a bullet with your name on it you filthy incels." :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Incels have guns and bullets everywhere, fact. Hell, the entire nation has guns and bullets everywhere, fact. In all honesty, I hope everybody violently kills each other in this bullshit nation in a blood-soaked orgy because that's how much I fucking despise this place. :feelsdevil::feelsaww:

3. When the global famine arrives I'll finally be able to answer the age-old question, how many lost meals will it take for women to suck dick just to survive? :feelsjuice::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

4. When cities are burning everywhere, when the national capital is on fire, when people are dying in the streets, when people start killing each other everywhere, when people start starving to death everywhere, and when misery fills the air so bad you can't go anywhere without smelling its aroma I want all of you cunts to think about all the men you have written off in the last twenty-five years. Every single guy you've cast out in your lives. Enjoy you fucking cunts, you deserve everything that is coming your way. I hope all you cunts lose everything, we're going to find out what happens in a collapsed society, nation, or country where the majority of men are pissed off impoverished with nothing to lose in life, enjoy you fucking sick bitches. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
Honestly i want it to collapse, being redpilled and blackpilled just makes me realize this ain't a life worth living. Anything you do will be to the benefit of jews and their pet minorities. I can't even find a gf my age so i will have to betabux to some roastie if i want a family at all. I am just not excited for the future at all and i feel like the country really cant go on.
Honestly i want it to collapse, being redpilled and blackpilled just makes me realize this ain't a life worth living. Anything you do will be to the benefit of jews and their pet minorities. I can't even find a gf my age so i will have to betabux to some roastie if i want a family at all. I am just not excited for the future at all and i feel like the country really cant go on.
I understand your sentiment completely, this has been me for the last 23years. :feelsjuice:
Possible future of $400.00 a barrel for oil? Now we're talking. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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I wish that USA becomes a Wasteland like in Fallout.
I wish that USA becomes a Wasteland like in Fallout.
I would like to have my own raider gang in a Fallout reality, strip women down naked and throwing them in iron bar cages for later usage within the nuclear radiated wasteland. Would make a great game play, Bethesda would never allow it though. :feelshehe:

Giphy downsized large
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I would like to have my own raider gang in a Fallout reality, strip women down naked and throwing them in iron bar cages for later usage within the nuclear radiated wasteland. Would make a great game play. :feelshehe:

View attachment 636544
Ever since i started playing Fallout 1 i was dreaming of such scenario where i would finally watch the new world rising from the dust of the old one.
Always the last two hours the Federal Reserve comes in to ramp up the markets upon close like clockwork to the point it is almost a daily occurrence, however, the more they do this in the end only adds inflationary pressures. Not exactly a winning strategy long term, but it still works unfortunately for now. Print motherfuckers, print. :feelsjuice:

Regardless how today ends it has been a wild rollercoaster for just a daily session which only speaks volumes of the current fragility on display everywhere. Something so fragile will break eventually, just a matter of time.

[And, we won't have to wait much longer which is why I'm in this thread every single day.] :feelsEhh:
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Ever since i started playing Fallout 1 i was dreaming of such scenario where i would finally watch the new world rising from the dust of the old one.
I've always had a thing for dystopian apocalyptic fictions since I was a young boy ever since reading Milton's book, Paradise Lost. It is my belief that ultimately humanity will destroy itself because there is an incurable sickness in our souls, hearts, and minds. :feelsjuice:
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Jerome Powell: "We're trying to engineer a soft landing, fight inflationary forces, and restructure the entire economy."

Federal Reserve buys 587 billion dollars worth of United States treasuries last week alone. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsahh:

[How much will it be by the end of this week? Is that how much it costs weekly to prop up a ponzi rigged economy?]

Money printing

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G7: "We're going to CAP the price of Russian oil with economic sanctions and embargos."

Russians: "We really don't care what you do, we own and produce the oil where we'll settle the price to sell as we see it in rubles."

G7: "You can't do that!"

Russians: "Иди на хуй, до свидания!" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
BoldFarflungGemsbok max 1mb
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