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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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He's not wrong below. I personally call it pussy hyperinflation with their hyper inflated egos of self worth or value, but I must say hoeflation has a nice ring to it. Now let me add my own conjecture, what is the true price discovery of $pussy$ in a collapsed society, civilization, or nation? It's about time the means of $reproduction$ is lowered in price being made readily available for a majority of men by being seized through the masses of sexual proletarians that are males. For too long we have suffered under the exploitation of $pussy$ and the monopoly it holds or sways over men everywhere. I demand nothing less than the redistribution and socialization of $pussy$ for men everywhere, instead of a promised chicken in every bowl, it should be a single vagina made available for every single cock. Imposed and enforced sexual socialism bitches, the only single way of destroying neoliberal vaginal capitalism everywhere. :feelsEhh:

"You will suck, fuck, and reproduce with men or be thrown into a female gulag citizen where the male prison guards regardless will have their way with you even yet behind the bar wire fences. Resistance is futile neoliberal cunts, you will have your sexual capital redistributed to men everywhere. Your physical assets will be seized in the name of the newly created fatherland, the greater national community project will be realized. Fuck harder, sexual intercourse and submission to men will set you free."
- Sexual Stalinism 101:feelsdevil:

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Women in cages

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"Stock Futures Edge Up As Jobless Claims Rise." - Wallstreet Journal

If there was ever any doubt of the completely rigged system we live in, look no further. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

It is a completely rigged system run by computers, data process centers, algorithms, and high speed internet within a command control environment absent of a free market or even negative consequences as they paper completely over them. It's sole organized purpose is minimal losses for themselves while pushing tremendous loss on the rest of the population, a system where they can never lose but where everybody else does. :feelsjuice:
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"Economic stimulus is being carried out inside China, United States stocks rally up." :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Free markets my ass, there is absolutely nothing to rally behind domestically inside the United States, absolutely nothing at all[UWSL]. [/UWSL]:feelswhat:
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At this point it just looks like they're going to Brrrr and print money the next couple of months papering over everything where I am going to have to leave this thread temporarily for awhile until the stock market begins crashing again. For now the DOW will precipitously rise as they use all levels of deception, manipulation, and fuckery to prop it up even more. I was wrong about 31,000.00 being the ceiling, looking more like 32,000.00. Can they melt it up past 32,000.00? Only time will tell, I'll be surprised if it does. :feelswhat:

My only peace of mind in regards to all of that is at the end of the year we should see more violent swings down. My guess is sometime around late August to the third week of November, somewhere between that time period. The American political (((elite))) are some the worst rotten bastards in the entire world. My utter hatred of them cannot be emphasized enough. Washington D.C. is without a doubt a stain and metastasizing cancer upon this earth. :feelsUgh:
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I am not a fan of either political parties in the U.S. Republicans or democrats matter not to me as they're equally absurd, corrupt, and rotten to their political cores within some minor trivial differences. Isn't it interesting our current president has now been found out selling our national strategic oil reserves to China directly? Things like that use to be called high treason no matter what political party was holding office in an official capacity. It seems the western neo liberal (((elite))) are selling themselves to China in wholesale to save their own skin along with their ill begotten gains or profits they have made for themselves. Selling out the entirety of the United States to China will not go unnoticed publicly and they're fools thinking that they can get away with it. :feelsjuice:
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Shinzo Abe the former prime minister of Japan assassinated by shotgun at the back of his head. I heard somebody disguised or camouflaged a shotgun as a t.v. camera pulling it off, very sneaky. Interestingly enough his rule ruined many Japanese lives destroying their savings and the overall Japanese national economy, I heard there are many Japanese who are secretly celebrating his death in private. I wonder if killing politicians at this rate is going to become a global phenomena, wouldn't that be neat? :feelsEhh:

Japan shinzo abe death fumio kishida security news 1657284814678 1657284814813
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"Full time, part time workers are dropping across the entire board, individuals working multiple jobs soar. Why is this happening?"

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In the Soviet Union right before it collapsed economically there was a point where workers quit in mass and just stopped working altogether. The reason for this is because the cost of living became so expensive where costs, prices, and inflation became too much where wages couldn't keep up to the point a majority of people came to the realization that working was no longer worth the trouble. This happens in every nation collapsing economically by the way throughout history. The same thing is happening in the modern United States currently where nobody wants to work for the fake counterfeit slave clownbux known as the dollar, history sometimes repeat under similar circumstances. Somewhere down the line after being homeless kicked onto the streets eight times within twenty years or after being fired, layed off, and dismissed after going through fifty jobs besides the costs of living one comes to the realization that this whole participation thing within society is no longer worth the trouble where there is no reward, this is what happens when you destroy incentive, the social contract, people's dreams, and the many lives of people. If you're wondering what the Great Resignation is the explanation can't get any more simpler. Having to work two to three jobs to afford monthly rents, what the fuck else did you expect bitches? There's this thing called the rule of consequence, look it up. The government can of course paper over these problems and outright lie about statistics trying to deceive the general public to paint a pretty picture, but that won't solve the inherent structural problems, it didn't work for the Soviet Union, it won't work for the modern United States. Also, quality of jobs matter. Who wants to retire working from McDonalds for forty years? Nobody, suicide is preferable, but then again the modern United States is nothing more than a glorified corporate managed slave plantation anyways. As for the male incel phenomena under this American economic format, what happens after you destroy the majority of male lives in a collapsed nation where females refuse to acknowledge reality until it's too late with that completely inequal sexual selection of theirs? Anybody want to guess? Nothing good that I can assure you of, going to be a bad time being female soon enough. Just as people in general feel like participating in society is no longer worth it, it's the same for men interacting with women where it also no longer becomes worth it. As societies or nations collapse things become very violent, more than likely the same with the break down of relationships between men and women as societies crumble from within, many parallels to be found together there. :feelsEhh:

As for individuals still working multiple jobs currently, these are what I call the Yes men and women, the obedient portion of the population who naively still have faith in the government or state as they have spent their entire lives benefiting its social perks through conformity. The portion of the population that desperately want to believe we're going back to normal, that the government will save the day, and that there is a good future we're travelling toward where present time is merely a temporary inconvenience. Yes men and women are extremely stupid mentally, obedience or conformity doesn't exactly breed intelligence over several generations of breeding stock. If however you're trying to breed a generation of mindless obedient drones who question absolutely nothing in subservience to the state, Yes men and women are the perfect mental slaves. Eventually however even for these Yes men and women their hopes will fade, crumble, break, or die. Inflationary pressures especially hyperinflationary forces will devour them too. Won't that be interesting to observe? For me I've already figured out for myself there is no future for the United States other than ruin, desolation, and tragedy. Going to be very really interesting when all the Yes men and women of this nation being the delusional drones that they are figure out eventually the same exact thing, it's only a matter of time. :feelsdevil:

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i could listen to this high iq bro all day...ever think about making a podcast or there are other similar doomer podcasts covering a similar topic worth listening to?? :society::society::society::society::society:
i could listen to this high iq bro all day...ever think about making a podcast or there are other similar doomer podcasts covering a similar topic worth listening to?? :society::society::society::society::society:
I've thought about it, even entertained it once or twice, but for now at least I prefer my anonymity. :feelsjuice:
"60% of credit cards are already maxxed out."

Looking into my orb I am going to predict the future here, I foresee massive individual defaults into bankruptcy or financial insolvency everywhere. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rD6wpV815vI

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It's another day of trying to stay around DOW 30,000.00, same old, same old. One might get the inclination everything is fixed, rigged, or predetermined on a random electronic screen somewhere. :feelsEhh:
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The entire world hangs on the edges of a CPI print that has already been distorted or manipulated to deceive before it is even released to the general public, god damn these Wallstreet types with their pre-staged melodramas. :feelskek::feelsEhh:

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All these explosions at natural gas production plants, food production facilities, and food warehouses really makes you think, doesn't it? Another cohencidence of course, these random things just happen I guess. :feelsYall:
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It's cute that everybody still thinks there is going to be 2024 elections inside the U.S. :feelsEhh:

Fucking gullible fools. :feelskek::feelskek:

[They intentionally picked Biden to be the last president, he's the fall guy, the proverbial bag holder of a nation in decline headed towards collapse. But yeah, keep on dreaming of Trump or DeSantis in 2024. :feelshaha::feelsthink:]

"It's going to be different in 2024, you'll see!" There probably won't be a nation left by then. :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

You know, I remember the year 2000 and they were talking about differences back then too, things do get different of course but always for the worse. Voting is utterly useless when they control all the candidates, the illusion of choice in a world where there is none. :blackpill:
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Looks like one of those schizophrenic trading days, won't know anything until upon close. :feelsjuice:
Oh no, should the Europeans concede to the Russians for energy needs we could be looking at a euro/ruble parity against the dollar in the economic marketplace. Better not let that happen by the end of this month, or else. Would reduce value of dollar overnight as it succumbs to irrelevance altogether, we're going to need a much bigger international crisis or false flag as far as dying $currencies$ are concerned. All the $dollars$ floating around the world depends entirely on that not happening.

What comes next in just a few weeks? I wonder... :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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By the way, while everybody was distracted with Roe Versus Wade nationwide conceal and carry was basically given a free pass by the Supreme Court in between. :feelsEhh:

Want to know why? Because this is a nation where everybody hates each other and is also inherently afraid of each other as well. A nation of strangers who are afraid of each other united by divisive hatred, I think we're going to find out what a nation packing heat everywhere where everybody has a personal vendetta against each other looks like. Should be fun for an entire nation on the verge of societal collapse and internal implosion. :feelsdevil::feelsYall:

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Saigon Execution
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Can you feel it my American brocels? The United States is finally on the edge of collapse, hyperinflation is coming to town and soon we'll even have a good old-fashioned stock market crash along with the death of an entire currency [USD]. And of course, we'll eventually have 75% national unemployment where people will be pissed off, penniless, angry, homeless, and starving in the streets everywhere [millions upon millions of them] along with the global famine that is also being engineered inside the United States or elsewhere. Of course, that assumes our insane government run by psychopaths with a senile dementia-ridden old bastard at the helm doesn't start a war with Russia and China simultaneously which will have an equal or even worse outcome. Can you feel it my American brocels like I can? :feelsdevil: For years they called us crazy or conspiracy theorists and yet we've been right about 75% of all the issues going as far back as 9/11/2001 where the normies will never take that away from us. :feelsclown::feelsEhh:

Now for the foids reading this thread, I want you to sit back and be amazed, I want you to sit there in your chairs for much anticipation of what I am going to write down right now because you will never get another opportunity to hear a message from me directed largely at yourselves after this thread. This is my final warning to you all, but mostly, it's just me sticking my finger in your eyes because I view all of you as lesser inferior beings. :lul::lul::lul:

I have watched all of your so-called progressive western foids, especially inside the United States since 1999 now. I have watched you, studied your behaviors, and have done everything I can to understand your psychology, but more interesting will be your fate upon the collapse of the United States or the collapse of random nation-states in general.

In the late 1990s when farmers were losing their farms and male workers lost their jobs in manufacturing due to job outsourcing or automation I watched as you collectively snubbed your noses at working-class men. As those same displaced working-class men became much poorer forced to exist on lower incomes I watched as you called them losers, peons, nobodies, servants, beasts of burden, and useless wage-slaves.

Then at the height of all this in the mid-2000s [2007-2015], I watched you women have the audacity to proclaim yourselves the most oppressed under male patriarchy as largely male homelessness and joblessness rose exponentially. And even when women started becoming the majority in college campuses or higher learning outnumbering men who were enjoying the street life of being homeless you still had the crazed audacity to call yourselves oppressed. :feelsseriously:

Then with the Covid1984 lockdowns[2021-22], did any of you bitches sympathize with the men that lost their jobs or vulnerable men in the population generally? Fuck no you didn't, you were too busy chasing after wealthy Chads on dating websites or shaking your asses for extra cash on webcam along with the government stimulus money you were receiving. :feelsclown:

It has been an interesting twenty-two to twenty-three years observing you bitches of your awful so-called progressive transformation from women into whatever grotesque things you call yourselves today, but guess what bitches? It's game-over time now, for you see the nation, government, and the entire world is on the verge of total collapse now. You cunts had your twenty-five years of partying, destroying the lives of a majority of men, and sucking the lifeforce out of society by contributing absolutely nothing with your insistence of being responsible for nothing at all. Now the tides are turning, let us explore your future together, shall we?

1. That 55% of men you reduced to inceldom in the last twenty-five years are going to fucking haunt you cunts when the United States finally collapses, imagine 55% of the male population absolutely despising your dumb asses upon total societal collapse, you cunts are in store for some very bad times. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

2. When the economy collapses and the dollar finally dies leaving the entire United States in civil war, smoldering ash, or just violent chaos everywhere we're going to learn the extent of the Potemkin Village that is the United States economy, meaning, it was all a lie, deception, and mirage from the very start.

All those men which is basically the majority of men you have called losers, peons, useless wageslaves, lesser men, not real men, and so on are going to haunt you upon the collapse of the United States because those same very men are going to outnumber you everywhere. We will never forget one-liners like, "I refuse to date a man who doesn't make at least $30,000.00-$40,000.00 a year."

"I refuse to date a man who isn't college educated or doesn't have a degree." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't have a car or vehicle." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't own his own house." And so on..........

Money is going to be useless, you might even say worthless, and as far as the majority of your worthless degrees you have accomplished at the female majority attended college campuses they won't mean shit in societal collapse, over for you it is. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

"But my boyfriend, husband, or their male friends will protect me against you lesser inferior men!" :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Except the disenfranchised, downtrodden, chronically single, and poor men outnumber all your boyfriends, husbands, or their male friends added all together. We outnumber you 15>6.

"We know the country is on the verge of collapse, that's why there are historic sales of guns and ammunition nationwide, we got a bullet with your name on it you filthy incels." :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Incels have guns and bullets everywhere, fact. Hell, the entire nation has guns and bullets everywhere, fact. In all honesty, I hope everybody violently kills each other in this bullshit nation in a blood-soaked orgy because that's how much I fucking despise this place. :feelsdevil::feelsaww:

3. When the global famine arrives I'll finally be able to answer the age-old question, how many lost meals will it take for women to suck dick just to survive? :feelsjuice::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

4. When cities are burning everywhere, when the national capital is on fire, when people are dying in the streets, when people start killing each other everywhere, when people start starving to death everywhere, and when misery fills the air so bad you can't go anywhere without smelling its aroma I want all of you cunts to think about all the men you have written off in the last twenty-five years. Every single guy you've cast out in your lives. Enjoy you fucking cunts, you deserve everything that is coming your way. I hope all you cunts lose everything, we're going to find out what happens in a collapsed society, nation, or country where the majority of men are pissed off impoverished with nothing to lose in life, enjoy you fucking sick bitches. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
Giga cope… Americans are fat retarded cattle who won’t ever rebel. And small hats have too good of a racket to ever let it fully collapse.

Just look at Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Have they had huge paradigm changing revolutions lately? They are far shittier than the USA.

Here’s a black pill: Normies don’t give a fuck about living conditions.
Giga cope… Americans are fat retarded cattle who won’t ever rebel. And small hats have too good of a racket to ever let it fully collapse.

Just look at Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Have they had huge paradigm changing revolutions lately? They are far shittier than the USA.

Here’s a black pill: Normies don’t give a fuck about living conditions.
Small hats are getting their asses handed to them by Chinese and Russians. A good number of American retards especially American foids are entirely unprepared for what is coming which is the very nature of this thread greycel. :feelsjuice:
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Small hats are getting their asses handed to them by Chinese and Russians. A good number of American retards especially American foids are entirely unprepared for what is coming which is the very nature of this thread greycel. :feelsjuice:
He doesn’t know… :feelskek:

Look into Jewish ties with the Communist Party when they were gaining power in China. Hmm why would (((Kissinger))) sell out the US to China?

Look into the religion of those (((oligarchs))) in “based” Russia. Google Putin wailing wall.

There won’t be an outright collapse in the US, it will just turn into a gayer Brazil where foids still chase Chad. Look at JBW in Brazil hahahaha LMAO.

JFL if you think you will get some in Mad Max world. Globohomo is too powerful at this point, it will bitchslap you back into your pod.
I know why you choose to kind of talk to yourself here.. people on even this forum still believe in "paranoia", just answer long posts with: lul, :feelskek:, haha, you´re dumb, it cant be that complicated, and shout such overexcessive moronic stuff like: CIRCUMSIZE ALL THE WOMEN, KILL ALL THE KIKES! NAZIS WERE RIGHT!..... What´s the IQ here, 83? some more:...

lack of gf leads to schizoposting

the only thing breaking is your oneitis hymen (and not being broken by you)

he is fucking jewish kike who claims that he is aryan swedisz wonder boy do not listen to him.


me now: Well, i can safely say that its not merely the looks that drag these wonderful....specimen down.

Its sad, how people here grow some balls simply because of gaining post-count on a forum. You can tell by their comments that they arent mentalcels. Mentalcels dont just laugh things off and ridicule others arguments without a counterargument. These people are normies. They would be buxers if they were better looking.
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To claim that suspicion, what they call paranoia is unfounded and something to be laughed at is just, sry for my french:insane for real. Like if at D-Day, a gunner in the beach-gunnery towers saw the coming fleet and says to another guy: Look, an invasion!, meh, dont be paranoid. It´s just a bunch of ships, it can be many things, so why then just an invasion?
is just a difference of degree of a "conspiracy"/attack.
He doesn’t know… :feelskek:

Look into Jewish ties with the Communist Party when they were gaining power in China. Hmm why would (((Kissinger))) sell out the US to China?

Look into the religion of those (((oligarchs))) in “based” Russia. Google Putin wailing wall.

There won’t be an outright collapse in the US, it will just turn into a gayer Brazil where foids still chase Chad. Look at JBW in Brazil hahahaha LMAO.

JFL if you think you will get some in Mad Max world. Globohomo is too powerful at this point, it will bitchslap you back into your pod.
There's very few things in this world that I'm not already acquainted with, most people these days lack creative imagination being able to grasp the bigger picture of things beyond themselves along with all the finer details of the many intricacies that surround us daily. Most people can't ponder, grasp, or even understand the advanced complex systems around us that are so entirely fragile to which one giant loose thread can unravel it all completely in just a matter of days. I have spent a small lifetime studying this ongoing phenomena. :feelsjuice:
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I noticed that DOW -469.00 earlier this morning, unfortunately I was preoccupied in real life offline to gloat about it. :feelsYall::feelsdevil:
So, was the leaked CPI report yesterday an actual released forgery, or was it the real numbers they released to which the general public became so scared of them in skiddish behavior that forced them to release another further revised number in the last 24 hours to soothe and calm market nerves? There's definitely some fuckery a foot here, somebody has dusted off the old Soviet economic playbook it appears. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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As a general rule concerning government or institutional established data and statistical metrics always assume what they release to the general public is actually far worse than the official numbers, such individuals are never a bastion of truth concerning moral integrity. Believe what they say at your own peril. :feelsjuice:
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They're currently trying to talk and walk today's original losses down, will it last until Friday's close? We will see.

The fact however they're forced to dance almost weekly in regular occurrence now spinning multiple plates in the air for the mentally astute observer tells me the end game is here very close at hand. The end game of course is the death of the dollar itself and the nation that calls itself the United States that I unfortunately reside in. Of course, if they can walk or talk negative five hundred losses on a single trading day that which calls itself a free market system isn't one at all, might as well rename it the Federal Reserve Market since everything revolves around that now. There is no more independent true market price discovery and the natural market forces have been destroyed entirely, there is now only a completely rigged institutional market system that currently is doing everything it can to keep itself alive as it is dying. :feelsjuice:
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What props up the modern west is the dollar, euro, and yen. In a way through international market dealings or transactions these currencies prop each other up in trading and in the dealings of all their individual central banks together.

The question is, which one of these currencies will die first? Whichever currency dies first will have negative reactions for the remaining two. The other two will shortly die after the first one kicks the bucket for they exist now in a very symbiotic nature. Also, should one or two of these currencies decide to go rogue outside their current symbiotic relationship setting like joining the Eurasian economic coalitions in place for instance it would be a major blow to western economic structures everywhere. :feelsjuice:
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DOW- 105.84

Can they talk and walk it back into green by 2:30pm eastern standard time? They're trying to very hard. We're too close to the 30,000.00 range for their liking, it's a psychological arbitrary line don't you know. :feelsEhh:


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r5RiN84MkxA
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DOW -68.98 and fluctuating badly. Time is almost up, we so desperately need a green by 2:30pm eastern standard time. I hear it's festive this time of year sacrificing a golden calf. :feelsEhh:

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Jeroboams Idolatry
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Just need -900.00 more to dip below the invincible fortress DOW 30,000.00 :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

If my dreams are destroyed in this life I shall look forward to the absolute destruction of all your dreams, hopes, desires, and aspirations of this world. We now have a thread theme here. :feelshehe::blackpill:
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