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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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I highly recommend you guys watch this video. The USD will no longer become the world reserve currency because countries are losing trust in the US government. When Putin invaded Ukraine, the US froze Russian USD assets. And other countries were like wtf. What could that mean for us if we upset America in some way.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFKqSKwCaik
I highly recommend you guys watch this video. The USD will no longer become the world reserve currency because countries are losing trust in the US government. When Putin invaded Ukraine, the US froze Russian USD assets. And other countries were like wtf. What could that mean for us if we upset America in some way.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFKqSKwCaik

I hope this country ends in a violent civil war bloodbath nationwide with the collapse of the entire government, but more importantly, I want American Foids to suffer in extreme ways. It's over for American bitches and most are too stupid to grasp what comes next. :feelsdevil:
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I imagine other nations in our historical past met similar fates before they finally collapsed, it means nothing, they're too stupid to realize just how fucked they really are. Their tears, screams of agony, and dead eyes when it's all over will be very enjoyable. The die has been cast and there's not a god damn thing they can do about it, let them shake their stupid asses one last time before the darkness comes. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
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If you normie bluepillers watching this video don't think to yourself that America is in it's final days, then you must be smokin. America is done for. There is a foid holding a small child watching them twerk for fucks sake rofl.
If you normie bluepillers watching this video don't think to yourself that America is in it's final days, then you must be smokin. America is done for. There is a foid holding a small child watching them twerk for fucks sake rofl.
American foids belong in cages for men's pleasure, simple as. :feelsjuice:
What happens when the traditional pump and dump falters and fails where even the BTFD crowd firmly exits? Let's find out. :feelsdevil:
DOW -81.78
Giphy 41

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2etTmdNVm0
The OP for this thread is such a cope. There's no collapse or low value male uprising coming. The majority of men are not incels. There are winners and losers in all things, and we are the losers when it comes to dating and romance.
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The OP for this thread is such a cope. There's no collapse or low value male uprising coming. The majority of men are not incels. There are winners and losers in all things, and we are the losers when it comes to dating and romance.
:bluepill:Cuck. :feelswhat:
The OP for this thread is such a cope. There's no collapse or low value male uprising coming. The majority of men are not incels. There are winners and losers in all things, and we are the losers when it comes to dating and romance.
True , even if there was an uprising it would be quickly crushed , republicans can easly win a civil war
True , even if there was an uprising it would be quickly crushed , republicans can easly win a civil war
Some of us has been looking forward to the collapse of the modern United States for decades, we refuse to give up in defeat or fatalism so easily where what motivates us daily just to get up in the morning is vengeance. Blue pilled cucks:bluepill: can face the collapse of this nation however they wish, but don't pretend to speak for all of us. :feelsjuice:
Federal Reserve/ Yellen Powell Co: "This is your captain speaking, the engines have completely fallen off the wings, we're beginning our descent into a nosedive here, we're experiencing lots of turbulence currently, there's a good chance we're going to crash this plane where we're all going to die, however, we're going on blind faith alone that we'll somehow make it. Please strap on your oxygen masks with the letters 'QT' written on them. Thank you for boarding Air-Fed, have a pleasant trip."

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uniw83UTIYs
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Trying to hold on that 31,000.00-30,000.00 DOW Maginot Line with the skin of their finger nails.

"We at least need to give the illusion that everything is fine going into the 4th of July weekend."

Not going to happen bitches, in fact, I think the Maginot Line will be breached downward before the end of July. :feelsdevil:
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"DOW rises Wednesday as Wallstreet tries to regain its footing."

Translation: "Federal Reserve goes Brrr quietly hoping that nobody else notices."

The DOW currently with all its circulating contradictions, deceits, jawboning, and what is now being called the Whiplash Effect, which in reality is more like the rule of consequences now setting the tone. :feelsdevil:

Fight tug

"Why isn't our talking the markets up no longer working?"

Do all of you PhD grads really have to ask such an asinine question? Even gods must eventually die facing the music just like the rest of us, annihilation waits for them as well. :feelsEhh:
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An Ode And Farewell To America Pt. 2

All these men around the country have spoken about revolution and insurrection for several decades now with their guns along with their thousands of rounds in ammunition, but they do nothing at all, they are the spineless cowards making up of the Yes Men that makes up the bulk majority of men. They are spineless cowards mostly of the bourgeois and upper classes that while they give lip service that they care about the rest of the nation, in reality all they care about is themselves protecting their own selfish individual interests while the rest of the nation simply dies. In the end with all the accumulated weapons, bullets, and resources they never confronted the government or tyrannical economic forces directly because of being the spineless gutless cowards they really are where their gun collections for all intents or purposes might as well be a god damn hobby collection that sits in a rack collecting dust. These same spineless cowards of men with all the guns, resources, and wealth will be the first to utilize them on the poor or those with less power than them because while they'll never dare challenge the government they claim to hate directly they'll have no problem taking out their rage on the most vulnerable of society because that is what sniveling cowards do. Upon the collapse of society in our Great Post-Apocalyptic Americana such men will make sport of the homeless, poor, and vulnerable of society even to the point of pouring gasoline on individuals setting them on fire burning them alive. As they make sport of other human beings in endless slaughter no doubt their wives, girlfriends, and extended family members will cheer them on for apples do not fall far from the apple tree, might even get a fist full of hair pulling up the head of the dead individual for a group family photo event. In the end all these SHTF Preppers will be seen as the spineless cowards that they are who never confronted the government when they had ample amounts of opportunity along with time to do so and since they never did will be the direct reason the nation collapsed anyways. Afterward, being in a better situation than most they will undoubtedly try to control, exploit, and kill others with the resources they've accumulated overtime setting up their own private fiefdoms as the aftermath of a collapsed nation is those with resources versus those without. Since those without resources far outnumber those with resources it is only a matter of time that a war of attrition is waged on those with resources because such is fate of existence when chaos meets the vacuum of power in an absence of a government entity. Those without resources slowly and eventually will win because they're larger in numbers, but also because in war or any conflict those with nothing to lose are the best most ruthless of fighters where on the opposite angle comfortability along with sentiments of relative safety breeds weakness.

Ezgifcom gif maker 3
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DOW+82.32 [Such a struggle just to get a small paltry sum all day, the little engine that couldn't.] :feelsaww::feelsEhh::feelskek:

The old pump and dump with the last half hour hockey puck save up at the end of the day by closing bell just doesn't work the way it used to. Two more trading days left for this week. :feelsLSD:

[I wonder if we'll wipe out or erase all of last week's gains, we're about -1200.00 points from finding out between now and Friday afternoon. Please watch your step, hehehe.]:feelsdevil:

Giphy 44
Chow yun fat a better tomorrow

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gy8A0jY10
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Rumors of $200.00 a barrel of oil soon, you don't say? Why, that would be disastrous, wouldn't it? Damn shame.
[We could even say that would be civilization ending for the dollar and U.S.]

Is Joe Biden the last acting president? Be honest with me, give it to me straight. :feelsdevil:

Evil laugh icegif 6

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kVWERU_xY6I
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Upon the collapse of western economic crony capitalism, that is to say the end of western (((kleptocracy))) it will be said that western capitalism failed to produce enough productivity because a majority of men couldn't get their dicks wet and of course the subsequent violent chaotic destruction we'll end up seeing after the collapse will also be a direct result of that as well. It would appear western feminism destroyed western capitalism as it basically has made a situation where a majority of men no longer want to participate in society, talk about shooting yourself in your own foot fucking up so badly where things backfire so horribly. You know, any logical person could look back on past history citing how pissing off a majority of men throwing them into misery is generally not a good idea and definitely not sustainable for any nation, but alas, I guess these poor fools are going to have to learn the hard way all over again. Oh, well....:feelsdevil:

6ae08086 cafc 4cfe b8d8 c3849c4136db
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An Ode And Farewell To America Pt. 3

As you go through the city you can see the old retirees thrown out of their homes because their pensions or social security checks can no longer afford the rent, individuals in their 60s, 70s, and 80s. Going to the local Wal-Mart you can see the vehicle parked homeless in the parking lots as an old woman lights up a meth pipe about to pass out on the steering wheel of her Subaru SUV having lived out of her car since the end of the covid lockdowns always fearful the police will chase her out. Down the street a man in a wheelchair and another with crutches where even the physically disabled are not spared the brutality of street poverty life.

The downtowns becoming filled with young men unemployed, homeless, and without any hope for the future. A government social service worker pulls up in the parking lot in an expensive fancy sports car to the young men telling them that Amazon is hiring at $15.00 an hour and the young men start to laugh at her hysterically out of the parking lot telling her to go fuck herself. As you go down the road you see the still working class men and women cussing out the local transients from their expensive vehicles throwing debris at them as they drive by as a symbol of their own superiority over the lower refuse of society because they still have money along with the good life as fortune has allowed them, but it's ironic because the same men they throw debris at today in vile anger while spitting on them will probably be the same men that will be lynching them in trees by nooses within the near future. You walk further and see all different kinds of women, some young, middle aged, and even older, something is not quite right about females this year, something seems off, a sort of stressed out fearful anxiety perhaps knowing what the current environment has become where it is going. I think it is them knowing that they will be stripped down naked thrown into the world of fire where they too shall eventually be fed to wolves, and on a mentally subconscious level know that all those men they called losers for all those past multiple several years will be the same men that will feast upon them to their own horror, but of course simultaneously to the delight of the men. And while they complained endlessly in previous years about male tyranny they'll come to know what real male oppression is which perhaps explains their fearful stressed out public demeanors as of late.

As you're walking down the street it's hard to miss the used heroin needles on the ground or the man urinating in the alleyway and the old woman in the street defecating in the middle of the intersection pants down.

Walking down the road you see a woman yelling and cussing at her husband, presumably both unemployed and homeless living out of their $150,000.00 brand new truck where now unable to afford payments will eventually be repoed away with or without them in it. As you go into a grocery store you see a package of beef at $20.00 lb which essentially is almost two hours worth of a person's wages. One wonders what happens when that same person will have to pay $10.00 a gallon driving to that same grocery store in the future. Everywhere you go you see the paper thin veneer of normality, law, social order, and civility massively deteriorating everyday which leaves one to wonder just how long it will take until everything snaps overnight into instant chaos for any serious student of history knows exactly where all this ends. Everywhere you go the fear inherent behind everybody's eyes are transparent, the lack of confidence in themselves known, and the uncertainty of the future permeates the entire air.

Narcissus tiresias
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And of course they're closed tomorrow for the fourth of July on WallStreet, lazy bastards.
[The actual holiday isn't until Monday, not that there is anything worth celebrating anymore.] :feelsseriously:
Not going to completely wipe out or erase last week's gains but we're going to come very close to that, will be very interesting between the end of the day and Tuesday morning next week. One wonders if an avalanche is on the horizon, hehehe. :feelsdevil:
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By now everybody should be figuring out that Bitcoin and other cryptos have been a ponzi scam from day one [2003], if you think they'll ever let you get rich off any of it you're fucking delusional. Basically you gave a bunch of money to the owners of Bitcoin for a bunch of digital electronic coins making them very rich where in return you get nothing.

I imagine those that spent thousands of dollars or more on Bitcoin right about now are kicking themselves in their own asses. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

"But, it's the currency of the future bro, if there is a new world order I'm going to be rich in it with my crypto bro."

There is no future retards, that will become self evident soon enough. :feelsdevil:
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Top trending job openings in the U.S.A. [They all pay minimum wages or slightly above minimum wage.] :feelsdevil:

Line Cook
Park Garbage Cleaner
Grocery Store Stocker
Warehouse Worker
Dishwasher Attendant
Door Greeter
Fast Food Employee
Gas Station Attendant

"Why doesn't anybody want to work anymore?" Geez, I wonder why, what could it be? :feelsEhh:

In all reality you're better off not working in the long run. :feelsjuice:
they should give those jobs to homeless people if they really wanted them to no longer be homeless
they should give those jobs to homeless people if they really wanted them to no longer be homeless
Homeless people won't take those jobs either and even if the homeless did with skyrocketing rents they would still be homeless only instead be working homeless as wages aren't even enough to pay a single month's rent anymore. :feelsdevil:

There's a reason why nobody is returning back to the workforce in large numbers, incentive and the social contract is virtually dead in this nation. Society will soon collapse as a direct result as the American establishment is going to learn the hard way that there are limits to how much you can squeeze people before they give up running on their hamster wheels entirely. :feelsjuice:
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Homeless people won't take those jobs either and even if the homeless did with skyrocketing rents they would still be homeless only instead be working homeless as wages aren't even enough to pay a single month's rent anymore. :feelsdevil:

There's a reason why nobody is returning back to the workforce in large numbers, incentive and the social contract is virtually dead. Society will soon collapse as a direct result. :feelsjuice:
It’s by design ngl they’ll create their own problems :feelsseriously:
It’s by design ngl they’ll create their own problems :feelsseriously:
They always create their own problems and then cry like little bitches afterwards. Political elites and foids alike. :feelsjuice:
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Headlines: "GDP is now forecast to be at a -1% as we're officially in an economic recession."

Reality: "GDP is actually at -100.00% and we're officially a collapsing nation to which there is no returning from, we call it a recession publicly for reasons of bullshit deceptive sugar coating and hoping nobody else around the world notices our collective national Tom Fuckery." :feelsdevil:
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This thread is dumb. Why are you having a 20 page conversation with yourself?
This thread is dumb. Why are you having a 20 page conversation with yourself?
Because I can and because it is my big fuck you to the United States government, (((global elites))), and all the dumb cunts of the entire world greycel. That and because eventually I'll be right about my predictions where it will make this forum infamous. If you don't like that you can always feel free to fuck off. :feelsjuice:
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