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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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Time is running out.
DOW -12.39

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l4nOHdUntyM
there is no way you've been sitting in some bush in the wilderness for the past 4 months jerking off while looking at DOW chemicals or whatever chart for 14 hours a day LMAO. funny how your little "collapse" keeps getting postponed by stocks randomly jumping back up by 5%
Nine more minutes left upon close, print you bitches.
there is no way you've been sitting in some bush in the wilderness for the past 4 months jerking off while looking at DOW chemicals or whatever chart for 14 hours a day LMAO. funny how your little "collapse" keeps getting postponed by stocks randomly jumping back up by 5%
Look at today's stock market close and eat that shit sandwich. Also, if you're going to live in the desert wilderness where the average summer temperature is 110 degrees you're going to spend a day inside the city only venturing back out at sunset. Thou protests too much me thinks. :feelsEhh:
Reflections on today's stock market moves. :feelsdevil:

You know, it opened up at -400.00 and then the voice of God [Jerome Powell] spoke where I thought we would have another suckers rally today for sure where the opening salvo was nothing more than a bear trap. Jerome Powell came out saying, "Step right up, step right up, the water here is fine to jump into." Yet at the very end the bulls became panicked for it wasn't a bear trap at all, it was a bull slaughterhouse where everybody was eating filet mignon. We should call today's movement a bull trap disguised and reversed from a bear trap. In other words, a reversed bear trap to a whole field of dead bulls everywhere looking for the exit doors at the end of the day. If the voice of God from the Federal Reserve fails, what else can go wrong? Just two more trading days left. :feelsEhh:
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Youre all giga coping if you believe that a societal collapse will do anything good to us, its going to be dog eat dog where normies will eat themselves up at the behest of those still in power and incels and other outsiders will still be lowest on the totem pole. If you honestly think that there will be a day of the rope where youre all suddenly uber charismatic warlords youre delusional to the extreme, best we can hope for is having an inconspicious place in the horde and survive this shit.
Youre all giga coping if you believe that a societal collapse will do anything good to us, its going to be dog eat dog where normies will eat themselves up at the behest of those still in power and incels and other outsiders will still be lowest on the totem pole. If you honestly think that there will be a day of the rope where youre all suddenly uber charismatic warlords youre delusional to the extreme, best we can hope for is having an inconspicious place in the horde and survive this shit.
You can be as fatalistic, pessimistic, and self loathing all you want, but for me, that is for myself, such a world where the gates of hell are opened up everywhere is my living paradise or utopia. I get off on that shit, I'm as happy as a clam over here. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Investor's Businesses Daily.

"Stocks are up as Tesla gets ready to build new plants in China." :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsclown:
You can be as fatalistic, pessimistic, and self loathing all you want, but for me, that is for myself, such a world where the gates of hell are opened up everywhere is my living paradise or utopia. I get off on that shit, I'm as happy as a clam over here. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
Okay boyo, enjoy your cringy edgelord fantasy as long as you like, its fine going through this phase and you´ll grow out of it soon enough.
Okay boyo, enjoy your cringy edgelord fantasy as long as you like, its fine going through this phase and you´ll grow out of it soon enough.
No fantasy, I'm the monster in the darkness and shadows where I'm just waiting for when the entire world descends into chaos where it too is covered under darkness. I'm hungry where I want some souls to eat, bon appetite. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
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"The big winners of Wednesday's stock market gains is Heinz Ketchup and KRAFT macaroni cheese, because when you're ass is hanging out living under a bridge somewhere as you've lost everything, both make a nice hearty warm meal on top of that fire you have burning out of a tin can. America is back in business baby!"

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The greatest United States economic question is this, what will collapse and lay waste to the United States first? If we keep raising rates [QT] all these indebted over leveraged corporations will bankrupt into financial insolvency thus crashing the entire stock market, if however we keep printing money [QE] we shall print ourselves into hyperinflation having the same exact very outcome. Well, what shall it be? What poison pill of death would you like?

And as for hard global resets, be careful what you wish for, you're not going to be able to control any outcome of it. Now we just sit here idly and wait for everybody to get their just deserts.
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Its June 2022 and I'm still waiting for a collapse.
@Marquis de Sade


Not really. Im not a high earner but I could still withdraw some cash and wipe my ass with it and still have enough to buy 10 meals a day. Right now the decline is crabbing/lagging/stalling so Im hoping it accelerates so what that foid was saying is actually let them eat cake tier and I get to use my left over money to buy toilet paper and canned food while we all lose our jobs. But right now Im just drinking bourbon and rotting as usual on inkels while normies are spending more than usual to party and Chad will have slightly less money in his bank account after partying and cumming inside one to many holes.
Not really. Im not a high earner but I could still withdraw some cash and wipe my ass with it and still have enough to buy 10 meals a day. Right now the decline is crabbing/lagging/stalling so Im hoping it accelerates so what that foid was saying is actually let them eat cake tier and I get to use my left over money to buy toilet paper and canned food while we all lose our jobs. But right now Im just drinking bourbon and rotting as usual on inkels while normies are spending more than usual to party and Chad will have slightly less money in his bank account after partying and cumming inside one to many holes.
I'm basically predicting a variety of have nots [Incels, very poor, ect] versus the haves [Chads, Stacies, Beckies, the rich, ect] once this nation finally does collapse. The individual me, myself, and I rules this nation culturally where there is no way this nation unites behind anything other than extreme hatred of each other. I believe this hatred will be extremely violent and drawn out once it begins, this nation will consume itself in a spectacular violent orgy.

A reasonable, rational, and logical populace of a nation would unite under a national crisis to help out one another, the United States is not such a nation. In fact, I believe everybody here would just rather kill each other because that's what American culture is all about, competitive apathetic greed and the love of money combined with extreme hatred. This is my bet, hedge, and wager concerning the fallout of a collapsed United States and I of course have a front row seat to the party. I of course utterly hate this nation and generally most people in it where I just want to be in attendance to watch it burn, so be it. My entire life I've been miserable, looking forward to everybody else being equally miserable as I am. Everybody will be in attendance at the grand inferno when it gets swallowed up in fire and ash, the population ripping, shredding, or tearing away at itself from limb to limb. :feelsjuice:
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An unfortunate small gains green today, with any luck we'll see a DOW-850.00-900.00 tomorrow which would basically wipe out all of this weeks gains causing additional market chaos, havoc, and volatility. Burn baby, burn. Here's to a Red Friday tomorrow.

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Four minutes away, today is unpredictable, lots of things could happen but of course is entirely up in the air. It's all just a matter of rolling the...:feelsjuice:

Dice 169064
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Looks like a Federal Reserve distortion pump and dump day, go figure. They might as well just make the entire U.S. stock market a revolving Federal Reserve casino, oh wait, they already have. Everything is Federal Reserve dependent now, free open markets my ass. To the moon Alice, to the inevitable hyperinflationary moon. :feelsseriously:
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Going for a thousand point controlled ramp up today I see, free, fair and open markets indeed. There's nothing artificial or inorganic about today's market moves whatsoever. Buy the dips muppets, the entire nation is massively deteriorating in all segments of society into the ground, but the FED will always have your back ready to bail you out in our wonderful capitalist system. Step right in, the water is just fine. :feelsEhh:
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Roe Versus Wade overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, distraction politics over the deteriorating and collapsing economy utilizing the easily controllable female voting block. As much as I hate abortion whores myself I recognize organized political theater when I see it. Joe Biden will go into Congress and essentially reimplement it and then a majority of women will be voting democrat by the end of the year as a form of gratifying appeasement. Women are generally stupid, they don't pay attention into anything beyond themselves as they're narcissists especially the modern western female, easily swayed or manipulated without any kind of serious understanding of the world around them and the general forces constantly at play. The political mindset of women always selfish personal indulgence or consumption only, completely unable to see anything beyond that. The psychological mental component of women always self centered or driven, it's all that matters to them. We'll probably see some more George Floyd style riots and cities burning in the name of abortion rights for the added effect of public theatrics, anything to keep our collective focus off a collapsing nation who's borrowed time is about to expire near future. :feelsjuice:
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An Executive Banking Meeting at Goldman Sachs

Executive 1: "How long will this Federal Reserve central intervention and jawboning this market up last? It can't last indefinitely, that's very obvious."

Executive 2: "Long enough hopefully for them to lower rates since we're over leveraged up to our eyeballs in debt along with unfunded liabilities. Turn those computers back on!"

Executive 1: "Yeah, but doesn't this completely destroy the illusion of free, fair, and open markets? Won't this eventually create a national hyperinflationary stock market crash?"

Executive 2: "Nobody really gives a shit, even the bum on the street knows this nation is on the verge of collapse. There's no hiding it anymore with everything in plain sight. What we need however is that free flow of money coming to us just a little more longer so we can rush to the exit doors in a foreign nation like Singapore for instance. Now, place that rose on that shit pile to make it look pretty, and get back to work!"

Executive 1: "But, what will happen to this nation after a hyper inflationary stock market crash? The devastation nationwide will be excruciating and horrifying."

Executive 2: "Fuck them, fuck every single god damn one of them. We'll be in a new foreign nation with a new citizenship before this bitch tanks completely."
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A Weekend At The Bidens

Joe: "God damn it Hunter, I have everything to do keeping it silent with the execs at CNN, MSNBC, and Fox just to keep your cocaine addict, hotel fucking rent-a-pussy, and general stupid ass out of the public spotlight."

Hunter: "But dad, it wasn't my fault..."

Joe: "You lost the god damn laptop too, didn't you! I hope that cheap prostitute sucking your wang in the hotel room was worth it you little shit!"

Hunter: "Well, she was such a great piece of tail, let me tell you. She was a brunette with big titties and she could do this trick with a tattoo on her ass that was simply amazing. I never give you any shit when you're fucking cunts in the Philippines dad."

Joe: "It had all the important data on it Hunter! Our money laundering operations, our front companies, names, addresses, and whose palms we have to oil occasionally. Do you know how many people want to do harm to you right now? I have everything I can do to protect you. What if the god damn Russians were to acquire all that data?"

Hunter: "Well yeah, what about that? What would we do?"

Joe: "Why the hell do you think we started our confrontation with the Russians to begin with you idiot. In all honesty, I don't care what happens to Ukraine or the people there, I just want all the evidence wiped away clean. Carpet bombing cities during wartime is the best way to destroy material evidence, let me tell you son. Even Nancy and Schumer were nervous with your constant fuck ups. Do you know how many people you could of ruined this for?"

Hunter: "But, wouldn't that cause a thermonuclear war dad?"

Joe: "Better that than the general American public knowing what we've been doing over there in Ukraine all these years. If they only knew they would come after us hard."

Hunter: "But, wouldn't we die here in Washington D.C. under a mushroom cloud instigating the Russians?"

Joe: "Fuck no, that's what Airforce One and Guam is for."
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The American middle class is rapidly shrinking. When this happens usually, riots and revolutions follow.

If you own real estate, congratulations, you're not a peasant. Just a modern day slave master as your tenants fork over 20-30k a year for you.

Just slightly above one.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o7brYwns0E
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The American middle class is rapidly shrinking. When this happens usually, riots and revolutions follow.

If you own real estate, congratulations, you're not a peasant. Just a modern day slave master as your tenants fork over 20-30k a year for you.

Just slightly above one.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o7brYwns0E

Middle class has shrunk down to 50%? More like it has shrunk down to 17% and only more further as time goes by.

Never believe government revised statistics, all lies. It's all circling down the drain with the nation on the verge of collapse, the very reason I've chose to go off grid and not work anymore. There's no reason or incentive anymore to work as the social contract is dead, currently enjoying the longest vacation I've ever had in the desert surrounded by cactus. I'm still giving it two years or less until this nation is completely finished. Since we've chosen to hyperinflate our nation away basically it means we'll only collapse even further [faster] from here on out. I like to refer to it as a dollar supernova event, it is going to ever burn so very brightly. :feelsjuice:
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Top trending job openings in the U.S.A. [They all pay minimum wages or slightly above minimum wage.] :feelsdevil:

Line Cook
Park Garbage Cleaner
Grocery Store Stocker
Warehouse Worker
Dishwasher Attendant
Door Greeter
Fast Food Employee
Gas Station Attendant

"Why doesn't anybody want to work anymore?" Geez, I wonder why, what could it be? :feelsEhh:

In all reality you're better off not working in the long run. :feelsjuice:
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Top trending jobs in the U.S.A. :feelsdevil:

Line Cook
Park Garbage Cleaner
Grocery Store Stocker
Warehouse Worker
Dishwasher Attendant
Door Greeter
Fast Food Employee

"Why doesn't anybody want to work anymore?" Geez, I wonder why, what could it be? :feelsEhh:
all real jobs have moved to china and the chinese are themselves moving them to africa to dump wages
Have we arrived yet to the point where polish shoe shiners are exchanging Bitcoin buying tips with WallStreet Execs yet? :feelsEhh:
An Ode And Farewell To America

The $100,000.00 in value or higher pickup trucks driving around filled with wooden pallets in the back of their trailers are on the way back to their twenty acre private plot of land to build their third chicken coop. What is so trendy amongst the political neoconservatives is now Prepper Culture where after buying their twentieth firearm and accumulating one thousand rounds of ammunition they're finally prepared for Post-Apocalyptic Americana with either their bunker under the basement of their house or under a rock with the hidden trap door underneath. And look at the rich McMansions surrounding the outer city, they just installed their bullet proof windows in the front of their houses also with the same mindset. In the inner city the drug addicts are starting to gather and their corpses litter the streets with yet another ambulance picking up a dead body on a gurny which is basically so frequent becoming commonplace. The soup kitchen lines are becoming much larger along with the food pantry warehouses with ranks of people waiting to collect. The single young women still looking for their sugar daddies in becoming the next prized $trophy wife$ to birth some man's litter, but of course the sugar daddies are running out in that there isn't enough of them where the money or currency itself is about to become entirely worthless, their pussies not worth as much as they were the previous year. The young female college coeds protesting the latest Roe VS. Wade Supreme Court decision threatening violence or rioting in the streets to the latest decision and final verdict too stupid to realize that the entire nation will collapse within two years into total lawlessness that the court of law is the least of their worries.

Go into any street intersection you can hear the mechanical ramblings of vehicles needing repairs but where the owners of the cars are unable to afford the repairs with the price of gasoline rising where the mindset is to just drive them until the motors either burn out or fall out under the hood. In the street intersections you will see increased police activity as no particular individual police car will drive by itself anymore, they always travel in squads of fours or fives now with the emblematic writing on the side of their vehicles, "To Protect And Serve The Very Wealthy Of Our Community."

As you're walking down the street you come across all the businesses with help wanted signs paying minimum wage or slightly above with a disgruntled attitude as to why they can't find anybody especially any men to work them, but unbeknownst to them what they haven't figured out quite yet is that a majority of men have already resigned from society altogether checking out giving up on the whole entire prospect of it never to return. The majority of dreams, ambitions, or aspirations for a majority of men already shattered and destroyed.

On the side of the road you'll come across huge swathes of unemployed homeless men and many of them choose not to work because everybody knows the nation is on the verge of collapse, the discussion amongst them when society collapses which house to burglarize or invade first. As you're walking down the geriatric way of the old people retirement communities you'll still see old couples wearing face diapers because in their minds the pandemic isn't over where everybody is going to die from a virus which unfortunately they haven't gotten the news flash of what a giant hoax all of that really was, they probably never will either. As you're walking you'll come across a bunch of older gentlemen still wearing their red MAGA hats, you sympathize with their hatred of the current puppet figurehead but you don't think the previous puppet figurehead would of been any better, they exclaim their hopes of 2024 elections and you just don't have the heart to tell them that there won't be any more future elections.

As you're headed to the grocery store parking lot you still see those $100,000.00 diesel trucks with the prepper types behind the steering wheel, in the back of their trailers you see huge stockpiles of food and toiletries. With discussions of global famine and food shortages presumably these good people plan to eat well smiling inside their windows while everybody else starves to death outside without any issues whatsoever, but to which massive human cannibalism making a huge comeback comes to thought. One of them lights a cigarette outside the driver's side door bragging about the sniper assault rifle with mounted scope for any would be invaders of his property or land on the city outskirts to which they boast that all trespassers will be shot dead.

At the pawnshop across the street an old lady buys a snub nose revolver for her purse as the feeling of inevitable doom permeates all the land. A wife thinks about murdering her husband, a husband murdering his wife. A man with a crush on his female co-worker thinks about abducting her in the newly installed sound proof room at his house. Another man thinks about cutting up his female boss into several pieces wondering if she'll fit inside a duffle bag or suitcase for laying him off getting fired. Another man tucks his children into bed at night wondering if he'll have to rob and kill to feed his starving wife or children by next year if a global food famine becomes a reality.

CyM5KovM 400x400
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[UWSL]Greater Fools Theory [/UWSL]

Big Corporations And Banks: "Shit, do you think they're going buy all these junk stocks we're unloading?

Federal Reserve: "That's the plan, isn't it? You better hope they do so we got our get rich escape route planned upon exiting. Shh....be quiet as here comes one of those idiots right now."

Retailers: "Yeah, I was told this is a great buying opportunity to get rich and that now is the time to invest acquiring stocks."

Federal Reserve: "Yes, it sure is!"

Big Corporations And Banks: "Undoubtedly, let me pull up a manifest now to fleece you.....I mean to please you."
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It will take a long time to collapse yet until then there will be a total weakening of men, complete moral destruction and worship of women
It will take a long time to collapse yet until then there will be a total weakening of men, complete moral destruction and worship of women
Not very much longer, that I can assure you of. We're already halfway there, the last bit to our final destination will be the most fun. :feelsEhh:
I'm basically predicting a variety of have nots [Incels, very poor, ect] versus the haves [Chads, Stacies, Beckies, the rich, ect] once this nation finally does collapse.
I personally think it's gonna be more like the ends of the bell curve versus the middle.

Neoliberal Leftists tend to be the bottom of the barrel socio-politically, or tend to be in the upper-echelons. It's the middle of the bell curve that's disgusted at both extremes; the bottom of the barrel for being useless genetic pieces of filth, the top who are using Neoliberal ideology for ego satiation and the pulverization of those below them.
I personally think it's gonna be more like the ends of the bell curve versus the middle.

Neoliberal Leftists tend to be the bottom of the barrel socio-politically, or tend to be in the upper-echelons. It's the middle of the bell curve that's disgusted at both extremes; the bottom of the barrel for being useless genetic pieces of filth, the top who are using Neoliberal ideology for ego satiation and the pulverization of those below them.
Perhaps, either way I'm expecting the entire nation to be a bloodbath by the summer of 2025. Who knows, we might even get a 175 million population loss thrown into the mix due to violent infighting as the entire nation collapses completely. You'd hate to see it happen, oh, who am I kidding? Looking forward to it happening. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

AjmP8gw 460s
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