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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

You have the likes of former president Operation Warp Speed Donald Trump and now Jordan Peterstein [Peterson] saying that the U.S. is going to utilize nuclear weapons on Russia. This is absolutely fucking absurd and I'm ashamed or embarrassed to call myself an American. I'm a firm believer that the U.S. started this aggression with Russia in 2014 along with our E.U. puppet vassal political states, we're not the good guys here in this conflict, we're the extreme violent aggressors. But you'll notice that a hot war started with Russia by the U.S. as soon as they lifted the covid lockdowns of 2021, this was no coincidence, that was completely intentional all along. This is all about propping up our failed national state here in the U.S. along with our failing floundering national economy and dying dollar as a national currency. Now, everybody has their own views, and here is mine which of course is conspiracy hearsay, but here it goes anyways. The covid lockdowns was all about shutting down the economic supply chains of the entire world to slow the pace of inflation on the dollar based economic system, of course when the global western elites seen how easy it was with everybody bending the knee the lethal vaccines were then devised next because they've been looking for any excuse to depopulate the entire planet anyways, it brought them an opportunity that only the covid lockdowns could give them so they took it. There's only a few ways to stop inflation, stop the economic supply chains completely or just kill off a bunch of people through means of depopulation. Covid and now the brink of World War III is all about saving the global world reserve currency that is the dollar and ensuring that the global economic empire of the United States remains intact. It's also why if Russia becomes destroyed [which I hope they aren't, I hope they win the Ukraine conflict] the United States and its allies will attack China next shortly afterward. This is about preserving the global United States empire by getting rid of our international competition, both Russia and China along with anybody else that opposes us worldwide. As an underground American political dissident I want this nation to collapse, half our population lives in tremendous poverty, the dignity of even earning a working class livelihood impossible now, our out of control western feminism that has created this anti male environment that young men suffer under everyday, and not to mention the huge economic inequality that is everywhere now that our totalitarian government which calls itself democratic or republican in name only but really in reality is quite fascist in all actuality with a crony capitalist mindset. There's lots of reasons for wanting our government and nation to collapse because what they have done to the common man or common people here is totally unforgivable. It is a crime against humanity. So, there is my perception of what has been going on here the last five years in case anybody is interested especially for foreign viewers. You might think to yourselves as foreigners that there must be some rational or sane voice inside the U.S. surely, and I will tell you very quickly there really isn't. You foreigners might tell yourselves that maybe the next president in a national election around 2024 will alter this crazy violent path my nation is on and I'm here to tell you that isn't going to happen. Both democrats and republicans in this nation are completely beholden to WallStreet or global financial interests by non-American actors, the calvary isn't coming to save the day, there are no heroes, this nation is simply damned. You foreigners might tell yourselves surely there might be some national awakening amongst the American population, and I will say no, because the majority of people here are very ignorant dumb like a bag of rocks completely indoctrinated by television, political propaganda, or whatever latest popular news punditry. Once again, these are my shared thoughts. I find myself here as I grow older as one of the few survivors of an earlier time that was much better, but to be honest, I no longer recognize this place anymore. I feel like a foreigner living in my own nation because that is how bad this place has gotten in terms of corruption, decadence, and in your face tyranny. Let this message be a warning to all who read it. :feelsjuice:
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You're gonna drive yourself nuts waiting for a collapse to happen. The jews have the system so rigged. They aren't gonna crash their own casino, they're just gonna keep pushing wages down and inflation up. Might take another 10 years or more until people wake up and execute all the kikes who rule us.
You're gonna drive yourself nuts waiting for a collapse to happen. The jews have the system so rigged. They aren't gonna crash their own casino, they're just gonna keep pushing wages down and inflation up. Might take another 10 years or more until people wake up and execute all the kikes who rule us.
They're not invincible, they're prone to error just like anybody else, and their short sightedness along with their ruthless greed is their undoing constantly throughout history. My mind and sentiment is 100% resolute. :feelsjuice:
Sewers thread tbh too many porn gifs too many spam posts

Too much shit going on I cant handle it ahhhhhhhhh
It's just me trolling females or foids who come by this thread. It is my way of constantly shoving their noses into shit every time they visit here. On stock market down days I never grow tired of my cum shot facial gifs, it's my big "fuck you" to western and American feminists everywhere. I've downloaded several hundred well in advance just for this thread. I want them to cope and seethe upon every visit.:feelsjuice:

Salty bitches going to cry upon the total collapse of the United States, yes you are. :feelsEhh:
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The neoliberal bourgeois are some of the most tone deaf motherfuckers out there, they are exactly the reason why the political extremism that they constantly complain about exists to begin with. These people don't know what real poverty, pain, misery, suffering, despair, survival, or struggle even is. These are the same bitches and bastards that never leave their own bourgeois neighborhoods or cities where they're insufferably hypocritical that everybody else doesn't think like them. They speak about privilege when their own decadent spoiled lives has been nothing but privilege, they are the ultimate hypocrites in every conceivable fashion.

Moreover, they're unable to think for themselves without a television set, authority figure, or liberal professor to tell them what they should think. They always appeal to institutional authority because ultimately they're idiots and mental slaves themselves. :feelsjuice:

The entire economy is dropping off a cliff, the homeless are piling up in the streets, and unemployment is going up everywhere where these bourgeois idiots are like, "Why don't they think like us, why are they complaining about everything?"

Our entire nation has been gutted of good paying manufacturing and factory jobs where the economy has been transformed into a service wageslave economy where economic inequality is at the highest it has ever been previously and these tone-deaf bourgeois assholes have the audacity to say, "They're just threatened by change or progress, why can't they conform like us? Why are they such extremists?"

Death to the American neoliberal bourgeois, class economic warfare bitches and that includes feminism another incarnation of western capitalism. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Now we have generals talking about war with China in 2025, let's see here, looks like we're going to war with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China. [A four front war? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:]

The stupid just keeps on coming out of this nation, would love to know where they're expecting to get all this manpower and weapons from. Just fucking dumb.

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Who bombed Iran recently, Israel or Azerbaijan proxy? Imagine being China right now where your nearest oil producing ally has got bombed over the weekend. I doubt the Chinese will stand for it. :feelsjuice:
Looks like a hot war against Iran by Israel [more than likely U.S. backed] is on the horizon, as the world turns. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
Wonderful news as said by a chink who said the doom for America is coming due to de-dollarization. Once US Dollar goes kaput, America collapses to turn into the black hole that will destroy the entire world, save for, maybe, a few like Cuba, North Korea and Iran that don't even depend on USD in trade to survive, as typically self-isolated that force self-reliance.

When US Dollar hegemony dies, of course it simply means USA is totally bankrupt as the point of no return. Riots and violence will reign, so better organize your affairs in order to bug out.

Also, it looks like Israel is currently attacking Iran with drones, so Iran should retaliate to counterstike anytime soon. I support Iran's attack on Israel with the endless volley of hypersonic missiles because Israel is responsible for 9/11 and USS Liberty as well as the reason for invasion of Iraq in 2003. May the evil rogue state of Israel responsible for treachery, horrors and plagues infecting this world perish as wiped out, until when it decides to usher in The Samson Option to nuke this world as the last gasp of insane vengeance because "muh persecution".

And, of course, insanely depraved (kike-led using Senile Blackmailed Corrupt Ol' Joe Biden as a puppet) USA and stupid Germany & NATO saber-rattling against Russia. May Russia invade Germany (since the cunt foreign minister declared war on Russia) to take over, end European Union tyranny and blow NATO the fuck out.

Fuck Judiacized (new Weimar Republic) USA...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq94K8e0yBc


Above image context: "Liberators", a Nazi anti-American propaganda poster, showing negative images of US culture, 1944.

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Wonderful news as said by a chink who said the doom for America is coming due to de-dollarization. Once US Dollar goes kaput, America collapses to turn into the black hole that will destroy the entire world, save for, maybe, a few like Cuba, North Korea and Iran that don't even depend on USD in trade to survive, as typically self-isolated that force self-reliance.

When US Dollar hegemony dies, of course it simply means USA is totally bankrupt as the point of no return. Riots and violence will reign, so better organize your affairs in order to bug out.

Also, it looks like Israel is currently attacking Iran with drones, so Iran should retaliate to counterstike anytime soon. I support Iran's attack on Israel with the endless volley of hypersonic missiles because Israel is responsible for 9/11 and USS Liberty as well as the reason for invasion of Iraq in 2003. May the evil rogue state of Israel responsible for treachery, horrors and plagues infecting this world perish as wiped out, until when it decides to usher in The Samson Option to nuke this world as the last gasp of insane vengeance because "muh persecution".

And, of course, insanely depraved (kike-led using Senile Blackmailed Corrupt Ol' Joe Biden as a puppet) USA and stupid Germany & NATO saber-rattling against Russia. May Russia invade Germany (since the cunt foreign minister declared war on Russia) to take over, end European Union tyranny and blow NATO the fuck out.

Fuck Judiacized (new Weimar Republic) USA...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq94K8e0yBc


Above image context: "Liberators", a Nazi anti-American propaganda poster, showing negative images of US culture, 1944.

Looks like Israel is on the plan to support the dollar at all costs because we primarily financially fund them and they're a Rothschilds puppet state anyways. NATO/E.U. is also. :feelsjuice:
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He's actually wrong in one way on the video, without the world reserve currency hegemony the United States absolutely would collapse in thirty days or less, most people have no idea outside the U.S. how financially or economically corrupt this nation truly is domestically here, we would fold up like a cheap lawn chair very easily without the world reserve currency status. This is why covid and our current path to World War III exists to begin with, the last lashing out against the entire world to protect a fragile financial global empire system that cannot save itself. :feelsjuice:
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Federal Reserve Pivot Bullshit ™ is still in play I see. :feelsjuice:
Currently testing some resistance on the DOW, looks like some reluctance, I could be wrong with these bullshit rigged markets, however... :feelsjuice:
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Nothing but stock market crash good vibes over here. :feelsjuice::yes:

The American Dream. :feelsjuice::blackpill:

And you thought to yourselves below, this was your biggest problems? No, your problems are about to get a whole lot worse and then afterward you'll only wish that you learned some more humility being humble towards men. Too late now bitches, going to be over for you all soon enough. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Employment numbers are down retards, I imagine if 50% of the nation became unemployed living in tent cities or shanty towns the Federal Reserve would still come out saying we have high employment. Such is the case of our bullshit completely dishonest statistical metrics, it's all about raising business sentiments for profits instead of actually telling the truth. Good luck selling people that employment is up when factory production has been down for months. [The very few factories we still have left that haven't been outsourced yet.] :feelsjuice:
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That's just one city, it's like that in all major cities now, and the smaller towns or suburbs are reaching the same level slowly. :feelsjuice:
:feelshehe: Less than fifteen minutes left.

DOW - 237.72
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The whole argument against minimum wage in the U.S. is completely absurd, I think the official government minimum wage is still $7.25 or $7.50 a hour which of course is a joke. Even a lot of businesses that have raised their wages to $15.00 a hour is a joke because with inflation that barely covers anything at all. It's virtually impossible to survive on a low wage single income anymore which of course is just another discrimination against both single and incel men. If the dollar wasn't so completely devalued experiencing high inflation raising the minimum wage would work better, but of course the dollar is near worthless where aims of raising the minimum wage achieves very little because of it. If only we had a stable currency that would work with raising wages. Another problem is landlords [property owners] and land owners, they are the largest group of wealthy people in the U.S. where every time wages are raised they increase the price of rents or purchasing land every single time which of course is where raised wages go to for the most part. Everybody in this nation loves mocking the poor or even insulting them, but if 50% of the population cannot afford a place to live at or can't even afford to live at all this will negatively affect the other 50% eventually who think so high and mighty of themselves. Of course the entire national economy is collapsing and the dollar is quickly becoming trash where they constantly insult the poor and make their lives the most miserable all the same regardless of that fact. Also, if we abolished the minimum wage it would only encourage business owners to pay their workers even less money which seems to be the case, where they might as well bring more obvious forms of human slavery back because there are times I wonder if that is the goal all along. We'll just go back from wageslavery to actual physical slavery [of all races of people because insatiable greed has no ethnic loyalties] with rifle ends pointed at people's heads upon work refusal. Modern America folks, the so called land of the free right here, pretty sure they meant fee. None of this is at all surprising, our entire culture now is one of ruthless cutthroat competition where everybody is out to compete and destroy each other. There is no uniting togetherness anymore here, no sense of a national collective. The whole, "Fuck you, I got mine." brigade practically runs this entire nation where it is hilarious they're left scratching their heads wondering how we got to this place where we find ourselves now. :feelsjuice:
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We'll just go back from wageslavery to actual physical slavery
That's the reason why I don't believe the whole "The U.S is gonna collapse guis!!!!" thing. Our quality of life will just continue to gradually decrease and there will be nobody there to help us escape from our serfdom.
That's the reason why I don't believe the whole "The U.S is gonna collapse guis!!!!" thing. Our quality of life will just continue to gradually decrease and there will be nobody there to help us escape from our serfdom.
There will be revolution, uprising, and civil war before that ever happens, the fools that run this nation have an arrogance about them that nobody can seem to understand. They can certainly try it, but there will be a shit load of dead people as a direct result of implementation. :feelsjuice:
There will be revolution, uprising, and civil war before that ever happens, the fools that run this nation have an arrogance about them that nobody can seem to understand. :feelsjuice:
Even if that does happen, it will probably be just another faction of the elites who ultimately wins.
Not if they're dead they won't. :feelsjuice:
But virtually all revolutions are like that. It's just one part of the elite scapegoating the other to seize power for themselves.
But virtually all revolutions are like that. It's just one part of the elite scapegoating the other to seize power for themselves.
Not if they're all executed first. :feelsEhh:
Query: What happens to a nation when half the population lives in poverty and the other does not where it totally economically implodes overnight? I for one am looking forward to the end of libertarian and crony capitalist economics because its entire thinking can can be surmised as favoring a few over the large miserable expense of the majority of people. How did you motherfuckers think this was going to end? Seriously. There's only one way late stage economic capitalism ends which we're currently living in, total destruction. And yes, Karl Marx did predict this no matter how much crying, screaming, kvetching, or whining you do with that fact. You had a post World War II national economy which was terrific for this nation and then it took you less than fifty years to destroy it all, simple historical facts. :feelsjuice:

"But, but, China!" It was crony capitalist financial corporate mafiosos who sold out the nation to China since Nixon and that fat Jew Kissinger. Communist China wouldn't be in its current position if it wasn't western capitalist bankers who made a ton of money and capitalized on American domestic job outsourcing. Fuck your feelings, facts matter.

And of course, who bailed out floundering banks and corporations in 2008 with the GFC event where if they didn't this nation would of collapsed back then instead of collapsing like it is now? Communist China did. That's right, communist China in 2008 bailed out western banks, corporations, and financial institutions, that's also the year western capitalism officially died where we've had a dysfunctional economic system ever since. Once again, fuck your feelings, historical facts matter.

And of course, what has transpired since 2008 with the GFC event? In seventeen years you have created a wage slave service economy for younger generations especially younger men impoverishing a once great nation of manufacturing, factory production, and over all industrialization where now with high inflation soon to be hyperinflation you now kvetch or cry that a majority of younger generations of men no longer want to work for slave wages where not only can they not afford a home but now can't even also afford a shitty apartment rental. Once again, what the fuck did you short sighted cretans think was going to fucking happen with these disasterous domestic economic policies? I don't feel sorry for any of you motherfuckers when this nation collapses into utter chaos, you deserve everything that is coming to you, especially the American ruling class. :feelsclown::society:

For the radical feminist cunts of our audience in my personal echo chamber watching my brilliance with curiosity and watching me savagely destroy everybody in this thread including yourselves, won't you be shocked at the lower quality or standard of life you're going to receive, daddy government welfare or those state paid abortions are going bye-bye very soon. I would tell you all to learn some humility for yourselves with the coming new Global Dark Ages vastly approaching us, but I'm also smart enough to know you have none. In this current time you judge a man's self worth on income, fancy education backgrounds, or career, but under the new paradigm that is quickly coming you're going to be judging a man based upon his ability to feed your dumb ass on a daily basis and how well he can protect you from other men. Good luck cunts, and remember, what's coming around the corner in terms of horrific events you bought it all, you've made your fucking beds and now you get to fucking lie in them. Sweet dreams bitches, being on your hands and knees will protect you from many future conflicts, learn to love sucking a lot of dick in the coming future. Enjoy that which you have brought largely on yourselves. :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:
AdolescentSlimyClownanemonefish size restricted
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In this current time you judge a man's self worth on income, fancy education backgrounds, or career
This is nonsense. Women judge a man's self worth based on his facial attractiveness and to a far lesser extent height. Women don't care about a guy's income and in the rare case she does, it's because she has no sexual attractiveness to him. Women would rather give anal to a homeless HTN+ than date and sleep with a rich millionaire who's a sub4 incel.
This is nonsense. Women judge a man's self worth based on his facial attractiveness and to a far lesser extent height. Women don't care about a guy's income and in the rare case she does, it's because she has no sexual attractiveness to him. Women would rather give anal to a homeless HTN+ than date and sleep with a rich millionaire who's a sub4 incel.
Vaginal capitalism is all encompassing, physical appearance is just another form of sexual capital. There are a variety of many forms concerning sexual capital and female discriminatory sexual prejudice. :feelsjuice:
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"What do you mean there will be no pause in rate hikes? What do you mean there will be no rate reductions? Pivot right now! I'm losing money over here!" :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

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First thirty minutes not looking so good. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
What's the matter? I thought the FED was going to pause and reduce rates, what's happening here?
Okay, so Caterpillar, Pfizer, and Exxon are falling because of corporate earnings but we're going to magically levitate up due to the Pontifex Maximus at the Federal Reserve, the pressure intensifies. Let's see how this plays out today. :feelsjuice:

Motherfuckers, no NYSE shenanigans today, I can't have you pissing on my parade. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

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