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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

I doubt Europe's far behind, if at all. The West's thoroughly fucked, that's for sure.
I've heard Europe has become more Americanized the last fifteen years, but you don't nearly have all the crony capitalistic economic implementations we already have here in the mainland United States. Consider yourself lucky to that regard. :feelsjuice:
I've heard Europe has become more Americanized the last fifteen years, but you don't nearly have all the crony capitalistic economic implementations we already have here in the mainland United States. Consider yourself lucky to that regard. :feelsjuice:
Huzzah for the slow and painful death it is then
Huzzah for the slow and painful death it is then
Believe me, there is only constant pain, misery, and torment over here. There is nothing else. :feelsjuice:
Believe me, there is only constant pain, misery, and torment over here. There is nothing else. :feelsjuice:
Your existence does sound terrible. I wouldn't wanna trade. How are you holding up btw? Winter can't be easy as a vagabond.
Your existence does sound terrible. I wouldn't wanna trade. How are you holding up btw? Winter can't be easy as a vagabond.
It's always cold here but thankfully I got a warm place to sleep at with -15-20 degree nights. I'm holding up the best way I can. Hatred, rage, and spiritual meditation keeps me alive. An intelligent smart man however understands the value of strategic calculating patience, a hard lesson I've learned over the many years. :feelsjuice:
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It's always cold here but thankfully I got a warm place to sleep at with -15-20 degree nights.
glad to hear it
I'm holding up the best way I can. Hatred, rage, and spiritual meditation keeps me alive. An intelligent smart man however understands the value of strategic calculating patience, a hard lesson I've learned over the many years. :feelsjuice:
Living just to watch the world burn does have a nice poetic ring to it. Here's to hoping Gehenna comes sooner rather than later.
glad to hear it

Living just to watch the world burn does have a nice poetic ring to it. Here's to hoping Gehenna comes sooner rather than later.
I have nothing left at this point and probably never will, I will enact revenge some future day for a lifetime robbed from me, but I think I'll do it in the fog of war when the entire nation becomes chaotically lawless. I've already been through 22 years of hell, so really, what's another five years waiting in this open air prison penal colony? Yes, I will enjoy the demise of this place very nicely, nothing but idle time with nothing to do but just wait, and time is on my side very favorably for once. They should be very careful of those they throw into the bowels of hell, sometimes we don't die, sometimes we come back. :feelsjuice:
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Geez, I hope there isn't another NYSE glitch today. :feelsEhh:

DOW - 254.45
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I really like how these automatic stop gaps on our electronic algorithm computer market system trades go.

"The DOW almost nearly sheds 400 points in a single day."

So, what happens next? They pump up the market through intervention bringing it down to a -150.00-200.00 range, you know, because we can't have true price discovery or actual free markets here. They always cushion the financial losses every single day on intraday trading.

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So basically, tech earnings are losing tremendously and then there is the thousands of tech workers being laid off everywhere. Buy hey, we're going to massage those financial losses from -400.00 on the intraday to -100.00 on the DOW. Free markets gentlemen. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Damn, it's like 10,000 different dollar denominated digital computer printers all working simultaneously at once on the open market, amazing. :feelsEhh:

Money drop
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I simply amazed at the level of today's market manipulations going from -400.00 on the DOW to what looks like an oncoming green close today. Sometimes you have to be astonished at the diabolical deceptive nature of it all. :feelsjuice:

Deal with it binoculars
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Germany essentially declared war on Russia in the last 48hours and the DOW rises. There's a sort of underground joke around here that the entire world will experience thermonuclear World War III where New York City will sink into the ocean. Below under the sea at the complete bottom WallStreet market computer algorithms will still be turned on to which even with the wipeout of human civilization globally where all human beings are then dead the DOW will even still be +5000.00 every single trading day thereafter.

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As I suspected, a miraculous green close, we could call it an intervening Federal Reserve Hail Mary. Because that's all it really is, nothing more. :feelsjuice:

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Gasoline shortages and high inflated prices going to be making a huge comeback but in a much worse environment than previously or more recently. Excellent, market manipulations don't do so well with energy, you can print dollars or financial debt, but you cannot print energy. Should be good for gasoline protests and riots everywhere. :feelsjuice::yes:
Russian oil markets will be interesting by February 1st, of course that is assuming World War III isn't initiated before then. :feelsjuice:
What would it take to convince you the US isn't going to collapse?
:feelsdevil: Absolutely nothing will change my mind, there is nothing you can say, and all of you doubters are going to be swallowing your pride or egos thinking about me afterwards.:feelsEhh:
The Canadian central bank this week did a .25 bps rate hike along with hinting a rate hike pause. Will the Federal Reserve do the same next week, or just shock the markets with a .50-.75 rate hike? Should be very interesting. :feelsjuice:
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So, let's do a quick recap for today's market events or moves. Somebody was tampering with the NYSE [glitches] on Tuesday morning and today the Federal Reserve threw the entire kitchen sink at the stock market only to get a laughable pitiful pathetic gain. Desperation time, two more trading days left of this week. :feelsjuice:

DOW + 9.88 [ 00.29%]
S&P500 -0.78
NASDAQ - 20.98

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4hO6P24hz30
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A reminder that in the 2023 tax season all Bitcoin or crypto holders will have to report their holdings to the IRS where if they don't it is a felony while also being an additional taxable offense. I wonder how long the current Bitcoin price valuations in the stock market will hold between now and tax season.:feelsEhh:

Call it a hunch, but I imagine there is going to be a lot of people wanting to unload their Bitcoin or crypto holdings very soon. Just need some idiot buyers to sell them to, but who is going to exactly be the buyers?[bagholders]. :feelsdevil:
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Corporate earnings and profits not looking so good for 2023, but once again the market is miraculously up today. It won't last long. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Pump or dump Friday weekend? That is the question for today. :feelsjuice:
Somebody sure looks like they shot their entire wad for the entire week, let's find out. :feelsjuice:
"Comeback Rally."

Uh-huh, sure. :feelsjuice:
Wild swings on the daily intraday trading, no way they can keep this charade going on for much longer. :feelsjuice:
Wild swings today, like somebody is pumping the market up but also facing heavy resistance at key technical levels. :feelsjuice:
Having a hard time breaching that 100.00 percentage range, the goal is if they can't breach it today they'll go for a positive flat over the weekend, if however it remains under the 50.00 range we could get a red close by the end of the day. Lots of geopolitical and economic events next week which tells me more volatility if they're struggling this week just to break out even for the weekend. :feelsjuice::feelsthink:
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Failed to breach the 100.00 percentage range once more. :feelsjuice:
Failed to breach the 100.00 percentage range once more. :feelsjuice:
Trying for 150.00 percentage range currently, what an utter shit show, nobody has forgotten the NYSE on Tuesday morons, all of this is very blatantly obvious to see. Crony capitalists going to keep doing cronyism. :feelsjuice:
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Got to love plans of robotics and automation, the capitalist wet dream, it's a world where they reduce everybody to planned obsolescence or to being obsolete where finally when everybody is replaced not having to worry about paying wages anymore they can keep all the profits to themselves with a robotic workforce. Of course, they don't care about consequences of automating entire societies, nations, or civilizations, their answer of course will always be more depopulation and the human lives destroyed in the whole process they have no care for. It's all about them setting up their own technological corporate fiefdoms everywhere so they can be gods on top of the remnants or remains of previous human beings they have entirely destroyed all in the name of some warped perception of progress. Anybody that supports that over a greater quality of life for everyone is a god damn fool. As if things are not bad enough already, they're always finding a way to make things far worse. :feelsjuice:
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Ah, so they did go for a pump up Friday weekend after all, which means a huge dump is not too far away. I imagine next week then. Pump, and dump, pump and dump. That is all this stock market amounts to, but in the bigger scheme of things we call this merely desperate buying of time. Still stand by my own bet that untold horrors await sometime between now and the end of this year. To be continued next week then.......:feelsjuice:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JXHxo9b9jEMJoker burn
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"Visa, MasterCard, American Express profits! It's rebound rally time!"

I call bullshit, sales are down all across the board with unemployment rising and people getting laid off everywhere from their jobs. Of course they control the narrative completely and can basically say whatever they like because after all the ultra rich control the entire stockmarket to begin with. The fact however they're outright lying about everything tells me there is a hidden piece to this entire puzzle they're reluctant to divulge publicly which is why we have all this masquerading deception to begin with. Looking forward to more down times in the coming weeks, when your entire economy is fake as fuck along with the valuations of your own national currency the end isn't too far away. That is what this whole exercise of this thread is all about, well that, and imagining what a bunch of spoiled penniless feminist twats is going to look like thrown onto the streets once all this transpires. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

[Drink cum and have nut facials cunts, that is your future soon enough.] :feelsjuice:

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Fucking fake ass economy, fucking fake jobs, fucking fake money, fucking fake news media, fucking fake illegitimate government, fucking fake stock market, and fucking fake ass everything!

Fuck your nigger plantation economy that makes everybody of all races or ethnicities especially men into a bunch of working field niggers! Fucking fake ass nation! At this rate I will never work in this nation ever again!

:lul::lul::lul: :feelsjuice::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Laughing drinking
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Oh look, after pumping that bitch up all day long to the 275.00 percentage level all they could get over the weekend was this laughable shit below. Where's your rally at now motherfuckers? :feelsEhh::lul::lul::lul:

DOW +28.67 [0.084%]
S&P500 +10.13
NASDAQ + 109.30

Get Fucked bitches! That includes all you cheap money whores and swindlers on WallStreet also. :feelsjuice:
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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tdrLE8NOlvcEzgif 2 95e166c48b
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Rumors of an end of February market surprise which makes sense given the surprise oil markets for next month upon the first week of March. :feelsjuice: No spoilers, not yet at least. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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In another thread somewhere around this forum I have previously stated, "You can either have feminism or civilization, but you will never be able to have and keep both." Well, this is just one of my theories I've crafted and I can't wait as time goes by to find out the true nature of this axiom of mine. :feelsjuice:

Hey, you assholes at the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. watching in attendance, bet your so called top college educated behavioral psychological analysts never thought of that, did they? I would really love to know what you're all thinking right now as the entire fabric of reality is collapsing all around you. You're probably thinking to yourselves that you fucked up, and of course my retort to you would be, yes, you absolutely did. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Want to know why you can never destroy incels? Because inceldom is male discontent and it stems from all the male lives this government has permanently destroyed in the last several decades, it's why we keep growing or expanding everywhere as male discontent keeps growing yearly where you assholes are just baffled from your own bullshit stupidity fiddling away your fingers. Did you really think all of this was going to end any other way? And now, the chickens are quickly coming home to roost. Guess what, I know behavioral game theory better than all of you combined. Good luck cucks! :feelsaww::blackpill:
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Sage tea makes you feel so good

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