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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

Saudis to trade oil and gasoline for petroyuan, called this months ago. It's over for the dollar. :feelsjuice:

And for all the cheap money whores, learn to sit on your knees and suck a lot of dick for your everyday survival needs, it's over for western feminism also. You have it coming in stroves for all the decades of bullshit, enjoy your future cunts, you've earned it. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Nigga stop posting porn
Nigga stop posting porn
:feelsjuice: No.

DirectPleasantAlbacoretuna size restricted
Inflation is as market fags are calling "going to the moon"
Inflation is as market fags are calling "going to the moon"
Hyperinflation soon, then currency collapse, and then internal collapse of nation state or civilization. Afterward political insurrection followed by massive civil war, at least this next decade won't be boring. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

[Also add in vaccine deaths.✓] :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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Yo wtf why are posting straight pornography without a NSFW warning? Give yourself a 10% warning, now.
Bye-bye petrodollar, bye-bye global reserve world currency under the Federal Reserve, and bye-bye obnoxious hypocritical cunts of western feminism worldwide. Suck deez nutz bitches! To all the disgusting filthy whores of IT you can literally eat my ass and toss my salad you dirty skank hoes! :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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No Santa Rally last month, who could of predicted that? Oh, wait, I fucking did a month before December. [In November actually.]

Everybody here is broke, unemployed, layed off, or barely scratching by, the economic soft landing that couldn't deliver. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsclown:

Prepare your anuses and assholes. Pucker up buttercups, much more to come. :feelsjuice:
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you still think the US is collapsing?
Yes, just 24months or less left to go, my blackheart is filled with tremendous joy and schadenfreude. I literally have a giant impending doom-boner as we speak. :feelsjuice:
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Anybody remember this shit from 2019? I remember seeing that knewing it was the beginning of the end. [Actually I've known since 2006 but I digress.]

As one of the oldest incels of incels.is let me take a stab at this here.

The United States has been a fake ass nation and fake ass financialized economy since 2007 with GFC shortly after 9-11, a fake ass nation with fake ass money with fake ass jobs and fake ass working class incomes extending all the way to that single year. A majority of younger men have been heavily impoverished living in absolute penury since 2007 [Millennials, now Generation Z] and then in this fake ass nation creating fake ass jobs primarily catering solely to women with radical woke feminism they have the audacity of asking, "Why can't a majority of men financially afford to date and marry me?"

[And of course the subsequent male awakening is that a majority of men began to finally understand the true nature of these filthy whores with their for rent or for profit $$$vaginal capitalism$$$, the only thing these cunts value above all else. The facade of romance, love, or chivalry with female sexual companionship evaporating very quickly for the illusion it always was. It's just at that period we pierced the veil of that illusion coming to understand the lie sold to countless generations of men throughout human history. We finally came to understand the sad twisted truth of it all which we then referred to as the blackpill.]

In was then in the mid 2000s the incel movement was born with that economic malaise and then of course you had guys just violently lose it like Elliot Rodgers for instance which gained much publicity to our internetsphere thereafter, but I would argue that the real true introduction of inceldom into reality becoming a thing came out of the last twenty years of this fake ass boomer controlled national economy that is the entire U.S. now. [And people wonder why I can't wait for this bitch to burn nationwide.] :feelsjuice:

I don't know, I'm not an (((expert))) but this fake ass nation of the last twenty years is why inceldom exists and why involuntary sexually celibate men is a thing which is only increasing every single year in terms of numbers. In this fucking fake ass fascist totalitarian police state nation we incels for the last twenty years did what we could only do in retaliation, we took to the internet developing our own campaigns of rebellion watching this giant shit show clown fucking world unfold everywhere. We've been watching for the last two decades in utter disgust and general discontent, especially us oldcels who have been around for a very long time witnessing it all in observation.

Now this fake ass nation with its fake ass money with its fake ass jobs and its fake ass incomes along with a fake ass federal government is about to go tits up into total collapse everywhere to which it's fucking glorious. :feelsYall::feelsclown::hax:

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*Checks clock and time*

DOW - 250.00

Just a matter of time, it's inevitable, and I can do this everyday. I will be in this thread until DOW 5,000.00 :feelsjuice: [Until this nation collapses completely, right until the very end. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:]
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Are these motherfuckers serious, trying to massage the financial losses today? Plug up them holes in that financial economic damn with all fingers boys! Utterly futile. :feelsjuice:

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Come on man, drop that bitch over -300.00 today pussies! We all know this only ends one way and just one singular way only, do it cunts! :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

What are you afraid assholes waiting for? You want civilization collapse? Guess what, so do I. Just do it already motherfuckers, stop playing games. :feelsYall::feelsclown::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Last twenty minutes until close. :feelsEhh:
Come on man, drop that bitch over -300.00 today pussies! We all know this only ends one way and just one singular way only, do it cunts! :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

What are you afraid assholes waiting for? You want civilization collapse? Guess what, so do I. Just do it already motherfuckers, stop playing games. :feelsYall::feelsclown::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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That facepie must feel so good
That facepie must feel so good
Plenty of bitches will be doing the only thing they're good at once the gates of hell are opened up in this nation devouring the entire land. Divine poetry. As usual, I'm just waiting for the final seal to become broken. :feelsjuice:
Plenty of bitches will be doing the only thing they're good at once the gates of hell are opened in this nation devouring the entire land. Divine poetry. :feelsjuice:
Wise words friend fully agreed
IF...$31 trillion USA debt is not solved with yet another debt ceiling raise by the swamp, combined with Saudi's decision to ditch USD in favor of petroyuan, severe recession could happen that extrapolate into the great depression to ruin USA.

Here is a look at some of the possible consequences, if the debt ceiling unraised government is no longer able to meet its financial obligations.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_TjBNjc9Bo

Damn, nig, you are crazy
IF...$31 trillion USA debt is not solved with yet another debt ceiling raise by the swamp, combined with Saudi's decision to ditch USD in favor of petroyuan, severe recession could happen that extrapolate into the great depression to ruin USA.

Here is a look at some of the possible consequences, if the debt ceiling unraised government is no longer able to meet its financial obligations.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_TjBNjc9Bo


All sorts of people prophecied that US is dying... and where is death?
IF...$31 trillion USA debt is not solved with yet another debt ceiling raise by the swamp, combined with Saudi's decision to ditch USD in favor of petroyuan, severe recession could happen that extrapolate into the great depression to ruin USA.

Here is a look at some of the possible consequences, if the debt ceiling unraised government is no longer able to meet its financial obligations.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_TjBNjc9Bo


They'll keep raising the debt ceiling for the federal government right until the entire nation is financially broke, most jobs in the U.S. are state or government employee jobs. The moment they cease raising the debt ceiling for the federal government this nation economically collapses overnight. :feelsjuice:
All gains for this year [2023] on the DOW have essentially been wiped out the last two weeks, so desperate for a +100.00-150.00 relief rally today, will they get it? :feelsjuice:

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The stock market and financial system is the life line or pulse of a nation, once it goes comatose and flat lines a nation dies with it. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
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Stocks are up and yet 12, 000 layed off from Google more recently. But hey, at least we got Netflix!


This is what we call coordinated intervention via buying more time for the weekend. One of these days you assholes aren't going to be able to buy any more time. There is no delaying the inevitable, pull the trigger now pussies, what are you waiting for? Don't you want your Great Global Reset? Be very careful what you wish for, once you unleash the mythical Djinn there is no putting that eternal darkness back inside the bottle again, it is all consuming, it will consume the entire world everywhere. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Your conflict in Ukraine entirely sour, Taiwan essentially a no go, and more to the point the woke modern American military a fucking disastrous joke. Smelling your own farts pontificating in Davos, Switzerland where the entire collapse of the west on full public display for all to see. Saudis are telling you there's coming a point they'll no longer accept worthless dollars for oil. Your time is running out you little bitches, chaos, death, social upheaval, insurrection, revolution, civil war, and the gates of hell are your future waiting with open arms. Tick, tock motherfuckers, your time is running out where the end finale draws near. I for one am looking forward to what's on the other side of the Event Horizon. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
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Uh-oh, quick, somebody save the green hockey stick upward into the weekend, it's currently faltering! Not the heckin weekend-rino! Oh, no! :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Uh-oh, quick, somebody save the green hockey stick upward into the weekend, it's currently faltering! Not the heckin weekend-rino! Oh, no! :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
Somebody got a call on speed dial at the front desk, now let's see if they can sustain it for the next two hours. :feelsjuice:
What's sustaining the U.S. economy today? It's Netflix! Economy is strong as hell don't you know.
[It's actually not Netflix, it is JPM with the Federal Reserve trading desk, but hey, we're not allowed to discuss such matters publicly, are we?] :lul::lul::lul::blackpill:

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A visual allegory of where the U.S. stock market, financial system, and dollar currency exchange finds itself currently. :feelsjuice:

Warp speed into the weekend it seems, nothing left to say here today except that Monday morning will be interesting after weekend close. Red Friday? No, they're currently changing all the goal posts for the entire weekend, they're not going to allow red for the weekend concerning perception management. :feelsjuice:
[Enjoy the world's greatest magic show on earth as everything levitates upward, for now.]

Money printer go brr the fed
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Hidden back door bailouts for crypto exchange banks, that's so cute for the so called digital currency of the future. How exactly does that make crypto any different from fiat currency again? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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Hidden back door bailouts for crypto exchange banks, that's so cute for the so called digital currency of the future. How exactly does that make crypto any different from fiat currency again? :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
It isn't that much different from fiat currencies. It's just an overhyped ponzi scheme that keeps on giving. It's magic Internet money people gamble on but eventually, it will go to zero.

The owner of the Bitzlato exchange just got arrested.

Tether is supposed to be the digital dollar in this market but it isn't backed by real dollars.
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It isn't that much different from fiat currencies. It's just an overhyped ponzi scheme that keeps on giving. It's magic Internet money people gamble on but eventually, it will go to zero.

The owner of the Bitzlato exchange just got arrested.

Tether is supposed to be the digital dollar in this market but it isn't backed by real dollars.
Exactly, since day one Bitcoin and crypto has always been about money laundering, tax evasion, or fraud behind the facade of being an alternative currency. :feelsjuice::blackpill::yes:
Gulf oil nation states making backroom deals with India, Russia, and China now presently, beyond fucking over for the U.S. dollar or economy. Things are going to get interesting very quickly. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
Stagnant stock market opening? I certainly hope so. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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Today's stock market opening looks pretty ugly. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Digital printer goes brrr.... :feelsjuice:

Money printer goes brrr brrrr 1
Ah, Chinese New Year, that explains today's moves. :feelsjuice:

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