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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

Notice how there was no governmental collapse in 1929?
They didn't have 40% of men as sexless, or increasing amount of non-whites migrating as well retarded foids in key government positions
They didn't have 40% of men as sexless, or increasing amount of non-whites migrating as well retarded foids in key government positions
DOW - 425.01


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yWws_UU8kss
"Thousands of boomers are retiring every year now and the younger generations in the west are not skilled enough to replace them."

Wow, how fucking surprising, right? You know, perhaps mentally retarding the younger generations especially the younger generation of men with economic poverty, debt, and dead end jobs all these decades has natural consequences, who could of seen that coming? Mental development in terms of developing long term skills to be productive in society requires a level of security in living, skills are not going to be acquired in a constant state of economic insecurity which basically can surmise the last thirty plus years. Of course, when one understands this was all quite intentional or deliberate concerning planned obsolescence then it all begins to make sense. Mystery solved, and what has been done to the younger generations of people especially younger generations of men is the greatest crime of humanity perpetuated by the older generations everywhere. :feelsjuice:
A few things more to add onto this:

Companies and businesses, a majority of them, no longer do employee or occupational on the job training. In our era of perpetual money and profit seeking by the business owner class it's all about pushing all the costs on the employee or worker which is why we now have a culture where any semblance of a good career and job always revolves around college in certification. College of course is a timely process especially since here a minimum of schooling for certification is three to four years and in some of the more advanced trades or professions eight to ten years. Biggest problem of higher education for younger men is that if your entire life is one of constant economic insecurity you do not have the time, money, resources, or living security for attending higher education whatsoever. This is the reason for a huge influx of unskilled younger men and it has nothing to do with the usual ridiculous posturing of endemic laziness or lack of ambition which is a popular scapegoat these days. Nobody willingly chooses to live in economic penury, this goes for the majority of struggling unskilled younger men. :feelsjuice:
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Upon the collapse of the United States people will marvel at the event for many years in the future. It outsourced all of its infrastructure, production facilities, and manufacturing companies just to make a few rich people even more richer. It then in its absurd hyper neoliberal idealizations decided to elevate women over men as a sort of fetish of egalitarian social values trying to show the triumph of a liberal free society, by doing so however as a matter of consequences destroyed the majority of male livelihoods in the process harnessing a culture of general male sacrificial expendability. It then in order to offset labor costs even more making rich people even more richer did everything it could for several decades importing foreign labor in finding a cheap suitable alternative for a servile slave class of workers as the previous already domestic workers protested lost stagnant wages spanning decades protesting of no desire of wanting to be on the corporate slave plantation system. [And of course the wealthy of this nation through organized theft have essentially stolen fifty trillion dollars of wages from the American working class over a period of time.]

That same majority of men in an empty hollowed out nation in terms of wages, jobs, and a heavily devalued monetary currency forced to survive in a consumer economy of minimum wage service jobs that neither provides enough money for home ownership or now even renting a place to merely live at all. We are nonetheless told to be shocked upon more and more men not wanting to work anymore for nothing or actively choosing to no longer participate within society.

Finally, as this nation gets ready to politically and economically collapse it will be that same majority of poor sexually frustrated younger men left to die in nothingness along with complete economic squalor that will be the most active soldiers in the front ranks of its future national civil war. It will be an extremely violent and savage national civil war as a majority of men have been reduced to absolutely nothing at all and future historians will ask why the former United States sacrificed the majority of its male inhabitants lives for the allure of highlighting the free liberal western feminist female that fed the violent ferocity of sexless dispossessed young men everywhere living in economic squalor which caused the national civil war to be even that much more violent compared to all other previous historical ones. The future collapse of the United States as a nation will be something to behold, and future historians will say the United States got a lot more than what it originally bargained for concerning western feminism as its consequences will be so entirely grave or too costly that it couldn't afford right up to the very end until it ceased to no longer be a nation anymore. :feelsjuice:
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FWIW/FYI to bluepilled normie Idiocracy: the subject of Atomized Society tied to feminism (this also relates to Mice Utopia experiments by Calhoun)

1. QRD (acronym for quick rundown): What is an atomised society?

2. Commentary Magazine essay The Atomized Society

3. Wikipedia on Atomism (social) (keep in mind the eras of feminism parlaying to third, fourth, and fifth wave cause men to drop out of society and brainwashed women become sluttier [preferring chad and betabux of course], lonelier and crazier with more rights and accommodations granted to the foids than the men, i.e. preferential hiring for "diversity, inclusion and equity" bullshit, biased anti-men family court system on child custody, no-fault divorce for divorce rape to commit asset theft, etc)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XBD8kNEUXM

From the foids' cockholster mouth:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xWJf8cERoM

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q8rxQWyeEOQ

Soycuck beta provider simps for the divorced half-breed socialist-feminism roastie nigress that alienated him from the royal family :feelskek:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tswV0COUKR4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TjOX9clhwM

I'm a self-described "beautiful one", a class of self-isolated and sexless male mice behavior.

Analytic article: John B. Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia Experiment and Reflections on the Welfare State


Redpill on the "useless and worthless" nature of women


Redpill on the cuntery specimen

Hierarchy - I am an omega+ male now. Demoted from beta- and became omega+ after entering 30 years old mark.


The Effect of the Sexual Revolution on Dating (with diagrams)


TL;DR: Fuck (as in, forget and disregard with brutal indifference) foidcunts.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ7RicfseRU
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FWIW/FYI to bluepilled normie Idiocracy: the subject of Atomized Society tied to feminism (this also relates to Mice Utopia experiments by Calhoun)

1. QRD (acronym for quick rundown): What is an atomised society?

2. Commentary Magazine essay The Atomized Society

3. Wikipedia on Atomism (social) (keep in mind the eras of feminism parlaying to third, fourth, and fifth wave cause men to drop out of society and brainwashed women become sluttier [preferring chad and betabux of course], lonelier and crazier with more rights and accommodations granted to the foids than the men, i.e. preferential hiring for "diversity, inclusion and equity" bullshit, biased anti-men family court system on child custody, no-fault divorce for divorce rape to commit asset theft, etc)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XBD8kNEUXM

From the foids' cockholster mouth:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xWJf8cERoM

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q8rxQWyeEOQ

Soycuck beta provider simps for the divorced half-breed socialist-feminism roastie nigress that alienated him from the royal family :feelskek:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tswV0COUKR4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TjOX9clhwM

I'm a self-described "beautiful one", a class of self-isolated and sexless male mice behavior.

Analytic article: John B. Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia Experiment and Reflections on the Welfare State


Redpill on the "useless and worthless" nature of women


Redpill on the cuntery specimen

Hierarchy - I am an omega+ male now. Demoted from beta- and became omega+ after entering 30 years old mark.


The Effect of the Sexual Revolution on Dating (with diagrams)


TL;DR: Fuck (as in, forget and disregard with brutal indifference) foidcunts.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ7RicfseRU

Yes, atomized society is one way to say it. Of course this radical individualism we see destroying societies from within is purely neoliberal and it all originates from the classical liberal movement. The so called philosophical era of enlightenment in the west was a mistake and error in more ways than just one. Too much individualism will disrupt any society especially if it is one where all individuals are pitted against each other. :feelsjuice:
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Today's irrational market gains are brought to you by corporations capitalizing on stagnant lower wages for the American working class. You grow poorer and are pushed out into poverty right onto the streets while they capitalize on this fact making enormous profits for themselves. Of course this temporary daily swing up is quite meaningless as we'll eventually see huge swings downward before the year 2023 is over. There's a reason I'm an economic socialist as clearly this capitalistic system serves noone other than the ruling classes, it's time for a male led dominated socialist revolution and as we get closer to total economic collapse, that's exactly what we'll have. :feelsjuice:
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There's nothing naturally organic about these weekly swings upward and downward going back and forth repetitively, it's a sign of a market system under huge amounts of duress on the verge of total collapse and a sign of a monetary system on the verge of dying completely. 2023 will only exemplify this as time goes by. :feelsjuice:
As time goes on I like to envision inceldom as a male led socialist revolution, uprising, rebellion, and insurrection, that is my ambitious dream for us where that is the very reason I keep this thread constantly alive. A completely organized incel socialist revolution, we're always stronger together on a united front, never forget this. We will transcend collectively together becoming an organized movement giving a voice for the voiceless lost generations of men everywhere.

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Another day and another false stock market rally based upon absurd pivot rumors or WallStreet in general fucking the ass of main street. ["Inflation, and unemployment is up, let's rally!" "Nobody can even afford rent anymore, let's fucking rally!"]

Of course, as we progress through this year none of this will last for very long where huge egos along with all illusions will be utterly destroyed. Still, it is fun to watch and observe nonetheless. I'm very curious what the stock market moves will be between March-July of this year, until then just another day at the casino where the very thing that is gambled away is the lives of people. :feelsjuice:

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Everybody here sees me throw down the term vaginal sexual capitalist, gold diggers, sexual commodities, and such. That is because I believe female hypergamic sexuality is ruthlessly and primarily economic. Came across this study which I think others might enjoy, at some point the more closely we look into female sexuality we shall see it is purely economic being nothing else at all, it is something that purely revolves around money, dominance, power, and influence only on the part of men where women are incapable of seeing anything else. Women are simply incapable of valuing anything else in their usual primitive minds concerning sexual reproductive activity.

The lies that men have been spoonfed all these historical centuries of chivalry, love, romance, and fidelity in conjunction to women is just that exactly, bullshit lies. Nothing more than a bunch of glorified and overrated walking talking hookers, every single one of them. This article below tells you all that you need to know about women and what they value most above men, for me they are soulless hypergamic vaginal capitalists where their sexual interactions might as well be an ATM box, wad of cash, or the number pin of a credit card. With this knowledge women are easily predictable in everything they do behaviorally and disgustingly so. They are material con artists who only care about individual self gain, there is no love to be found in a woman anywhere. The capitalistic sexual marketplace is the real ruler of women, not love, not personality, not romance, not chivalry, and certainly not virtue. :feelsjuice:

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What I have experienced in twenty years goes as the following.

You're a single man, you're unskilled, but basically you have big dreams, aspirations, and ambitions at the age of eighteen so you get a job in the workforce even if it doesn't pay much. You dream of paying your own way for college to someday be successful in the future so that one day you too can live the good life.

Job security of course is slim to none, all good jobs either outsourced or completely destroyed in the slave economic system known as the American Service Economy. You're always one paycheck away from being on the streets and of course try as you may to avoid that fate you're pushed out onto those streets regardless.

The cost of living goes up tremendously along with inflation, you're now twenty five and told that you must work two to three jobs just to afford to live on a single man's income.

You're now twenty eight and you reach the lowest of lows working the absolutely shittiest low tier job just to go to college but of course the entire world is shutdown in lockdowns ruining your educational prospects altogether to get the skill set you need to be successful in the work marketplace.

Finally, at the age of thirty two your nation is on the verge of World War III, full on monetary currency crisis, and total economic collapse where now renting a place to live is seen as a privilege which basically takes two incomes now than it did a few years ago. You've seen what a sad sadistic joke your nation has become overtime having lived through all of it where you refuse to participate in the twisted ruse any longer. Women call you a pathetic loser because they're too stupid to see how everything is collapsing around them as long term thinking isn't their strong suit and the older generations who largely destroyed the nation before you came to age spit in your face constantly. Eventually you realize it simply doesn't matter what you do any longer, everything is a lose-lose situation where you're eating a giant shit sandwich no matter what direction you take. Finally, as a last rebellious gesture of your own cynical and pessimistic mindset having lived through all of this you come to the utter realization that you look forward to the collapse and downfall of your own nation because they have robbed you of everything else in life. This unequivocally explains my mindset, when you have nothing and everything has been stripped away from you there is only the ending to look forward with. I do know this, all the men American women were quick to abandon, ridicule, shame, and insult all these years will come back to haunt them upon the collapse of this nation, having experienced it myself all these decades from them there is very little to nothing I can sympathize with them on once this destructive transformation takes place. American women deserve everything that is coming to them for their vile shameless behavior, never has there been a nation where so many lives of younger men have been entirely sacrificed or ruthlessly snuffed out completely like the modern United States. Truly hell on earth here as a man if you're not one of the few wealthy or successful men. The fact that women or anybody else can't see that is infuriating. Even worse, a majority of the population here are in complete denial of the events that led us here in our present where they live in delusional fantasy la-la-land, but because these delusionals make up the majority of the population you're supposed to constantly indulge their mental illness, I absolutely look forward to the end of this nation. There is nothing to be saved or salvaged here, it's fucking over, stick a fork in it. This nation is simply an abomination that deserves to die, I hope it does very soon. :feelsjuice:
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Another day in the collapsing United States and yet another anti poor or anti homeless media montage.

I have heard since the day I was born of this so called uprising, insurrection, and rebellion coming from conservatards against the United States government where I am in my late 30s now, but you know what, it never comes because for all these gun toting conservative militants that are supposedly antigovernment who they rightfully blame all their problems on are in the end spineless cowards. They've been talking about insurrection against the federal government since the 1960s, well before my time, but if there is one thing they all can agree on in this nation is how they hate the poor or homeless, even though both groups of people are natural consequences of the same government they claim to hate. These spineless cowards wouldn't dare go into a military conflict with the government here, but what really gets their rocks off is the idea of having the authority to utilize their guns on the defenseless poor or homeless here as undesirables within society because that's what cowards do, go after those that cannot defend themselves. In a sane nation the huge population of poor and homeless would be addressed out of emergency political humanitarianism, that would be real national patriotism exhibited, but here in the U.S. that has the largest population of homeless or poor compared to any other western industrial nation human life is pathetically cheap or expendable. Let us all give a round of applause to the so called patriots who act no differently from any other barbaric sect of miscreants in past history where human life is so very sacrificial. In this nation rather than challenge the people who have created this environment they would rather target the very powerless of society instead, truly disgusting and just another reason why this nation is completely lost. This is not how a serious nation acts towards its own citizens or neighbors, but it is exactly how a nation collapsing spiraling out of control into chaos would act towards each other in times of crisis. To say this nation hates the poor or underclasses is an understatement, it's more than just hatred alone. What does it say of a nation who wants its own most vulnerable citizens and neighbors dead? We stopped being a serious nation a long time ago, there is only the fall to look forward to now. :feelsjuice:
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How many unemployment games, inflation aberrations, statistical fraud revisions, and outright lying do we have left until it all comes crashing down? Tick, tock motherfuckers. Oh, and by the way, you're running out of time very quickly. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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Trying to make sense of today's stock market moves, the Federal Reserve is still positioning itself for a soft economic landing [manageable economic recession where the dollar retains some value, a complete fucking joke.] versus a hard economic landing. [Essentially the end of the United States global financial economic order, death of the dollar itself, and the internal collapse of everything within the continental United States. More realistic at this point because the American elites are delusional fuckwads with their heads so far up their own asses that they cannot see daylight.]

Meanwhile, the cheap credit money changing whores of WallStreet are betting against the Federal Reserve hilariously because fools never know when to quit essentially biting the very hand that feeds them. [Which sooner or later will bite them in their own asses in a big way where they will lose everything.]

The real fun begins when all the other central banks of the entire world are forced to bet against both the Federal Reserve and WallStreet itself. That my friends is what we call a civilization ending event, for now as watchers we keep observing as usual in this thread. :feelsjuice:


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For the foids in audience attendance wondering what this ongoing thread is all about, it is very simple our message here.

We'll support anything to get what we want as the abandoned majority population of lost generations of men, we will see this entire society and world burn to the ground along with you losing everything in life so you're finally on our level. Payback is a real bitch sweetie, right? :forcedsmile: We look forward to revolution, we look forward to global uprising, and we look forward to the end of civilization if that is what it takes for the voices of a majority of men to be collectively heard. By the looks of it that's exactly what it will take, guess what, it's the end of a world order and we feel absolutely fine. There are limits to hypergamic vaginal capitalism as you all shall find out soon. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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Nothing ever happens, would you rather eat pizza while browsing the site or sit in a cold wet trench for weeks?
People want to work... for fair wages and free healthcare and affordable housing. Can't blame people for refusing to wageslave :feelsjuice:
Wageslavery plus a high inflation environment is total nonexistence. You can't even exist at all reduced to wageslavery surviving in today's economically collapsing environment. :feelsjuice:
No pussy, no girlfriend, no wife?

No taxes.
No work or labor.
No contribution or participation within society.

Men opting out of society going on strike everywhere. [The ongoing silent revolution of mass male resignation.] :feelsjuice:

Let the whole rotten system come crashing down and burn. Starve out the beast. :society:
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Mr. Japanese bond market, are you okay? I can hear the drip of the Federal Reserve pissing its pants from way over here. :feelsjuice:

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If the Japanese can no longer financially bail out the United States with blank checks for bad financial debts, who else will?

Game over, boom. Sayonara motherfuckers! :feelsjuice:
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The entire United States economy has been rigged from the top down since the Dot Com Bubble of 2000 and probably even earlier than that. You'll get these motherfuckers who were lucky who did well for themselves the last twenty five years who think of themselves as superior and of course they'll condemn their neighbors who they had no problem selling into economic wage slavery as inferior losers of that whole time development. That is until all their loser neighbors that they turned a blind eye towards selling them into the worst kind of penury or poverty the last twenty years band together crucifying them on a road side somewhere execution style with nine inch nails seen through their hands. So many smug selfish dumbasses in this nation that are going to learn things the hard way. You don't survive in the most rigged and corrupt economic environment calling everybody else losers just because you were good at gaming the rigged system for yourself. I hope those kinds of people die first, they're going to learn just how pathetic they really are once the entire system they benefitted from all these years is completely gone. :feelsjuice:

"It's not my fault the dumb minimum wage monkeys in uniforms that are poor couldn't develop successful skills in life to survive within our modern environment, they're not fit for civilization or our modern society. They're nothing really."

These fools have no idea the kind of built up rage that is coming their way, the giant wrecking ball cometh. They're all about to get steamrolled over. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Still homeless, wilderness camp after almost twelve months camping got destroyed by winter snow and I'm currently squatting someplace illegally until I can find my way south for the winter. [Way south.]

Running into obstacles with my travel arrangements unfortunately. :feelsjuice:
Shit man, everything okay? What's your situation now?
Shit man, everything okay? What's your situation now?
The same, I'm living the American Dream from a curbside. It's alright, I plan on enjoying the last final laugh all for myself which I reserve well in advance. :feelsjuice:
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